import sl_css from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/themes/light.styles.js';
import {css} from "lit";

import {registerIconLibrary} from '@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/utilities/icon-library.js';
import {egw} from "../../jsapi/egw_global";

 * Here is the common overrides and customisations for Shoelace

 * Make shoelace icons available
registerIconLibrary('default', {
	resolver: name =>
		return typeof egw !== "undefined" ? `${egw.webserverUrl}/node_modules/@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/assets/icons/${name}.svg` : ''

 * Register egw images as an icon library
 * @example <sl-icon library="egw" name="infolog/navbar"/>
 * @example <sl-icon library="egw" name="5_day_view"/>
registerIconLibrary('egw', {
	resolver: name =>
		return typeof egw !== "undefined" ? (egw.image(name) || '') : ''

 * Customise shoelace styles to match our stuff
 * External CSS & widget styles will override this
export default [sl_css, css`
  .sl-theme-light {
  	  --sl-font-size-medium: ${egw.preference('textsize', 'common') != '12' ? parseInt(egw.preference('textsize', 'common')) : 12}px;
      --sl-input-height-small: 24px;
      --sl-input-height-medium: 32px;
      --sl-button-font-size-medium: ${egw.preference('textsize', 'common') != '12' ? parseInt(egw.preference('textsize', 'common')) : 12}px;
      --sl-spacing-small: 0.1rem;
      --sl-spacing-medium: 0.5rem;
      --sl-input-border-radius-small: 2px;
      --sl-input-border-radius-medium: 3px;
      --sl-input-border-color-focus: #E6E6E6;
      --indicator-color: #696969;
      --sl-input-focus-ring-color: #26537C;
      --sl-focus-ring-width: 2px;
      --sl-color-gray-150: #f0f0f0;
  .tab-group--top .tab-group__tabs {
      --track-width: 3px;