jscalendar-0.9.3 release notes

This release compiled at Wednesday, 9 Jul 2003 (00:39).

New stuff

Bug status

This covers only those bugs that have been reported at SourceForge.

  1. #703,238 — fixed
  2. #703,814 — fixed
  3. #716,777 — closed (was fixed already in 0.9.2-1)
  4. #723,335 — fixed
  5. #715,122 — feature request; implemented.
  6. #721,206 — fixed (added "refresh()" function)
  7. #721,833 — fixed (bug concerning the "yy" format parsing)
  8. #721,833 — won't fix (we won't set the time to midnight; time might actually be useful when we implement support for time selection).

Mihai Bazon
Last modified on Tue Jul 8 21:52:23 2003