* @copyright Cornelius Weiss * @version $Id: $ */ require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/class.export_csv.inc.php'); require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/importexport/inc/class.iface_export_plugin.inc.php'); require_once(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT. '/addressbook/importexport/class.egw_addressbook_record.inc.php'); /** * export plugin of addressbook */ class export_contacts_csv implements iface_export_plugin { /** * Exports records as defined in $_definition * * @param egw_record $_definition */ public function export( $_stream, definition $_definition) { $options = $_definition->plugin_options; $uicontacts = new addressbook_ui(); $selection = array(); if ($options['selection'] == 'use_all') { // uicontacts selection with checkbox 'use_all' $query = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('index','addressbook'); $query['num_rows'] = -1; // all $uicontacts->get_rows($query,$selection,$readonlys,true); // true = only return the id's } elseif ( $options['selection'] == 'all_contacts' ) { $selection = ExecMethod('addressbook.addressbook_bo.search',array()); //$uicontacts->get_rows($query,$selection,$readonlys,true); } else { $selection = explode(',',$options['selection']); } $export_object = new export_csv($_stream, (array)$options); $export_object->set_mapping($options['mapping']); // $options['selection'] is array of identifiers as this plugin doesn't // support other selectors atm. foreach ($selection as $identifier) { $contact = new egw_addressbook_record($identifier); $export_object->export_record($contact); unset($contact); } } /** * returns translated name of plugin * * @return string name */ public static function get_name() { return lang('Addressbook CSV export'); } /** * returns translated (user) description of plugin * * @return string descriprion */ public static function get_description() { return lang("Exports contacts from your Addressbook into a CSV File. CSV means 'Comma Seperated Values'. However in the options Tab you can also choose other seperators."); } /** * retruns file suffix for exported file * * @return string suffix */ public static function get_filesuffix() { return 'csv'; } /** * return html for options. * this way the plugin has all opertunities for options tab * * @return string html */ public function get_options_etpl() { return 'addressbook.export_csv_options'; } /** * returns slectors of this plugin via xajax * */ public function get_selectors_etpl() { return 'Selectors:'; } }