/** * EGroupware addressbook static javascript code * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package addressbook * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Ralf Becker * @version $Id$ */ /** * Add appointment or show calendar for selected contacts, call default nm_action after some checks * * @param _action * @param _senders */ function add_cal(_action, _senders) { if (!_senders[0].id.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { // send org-view requests to server _action.data.nm_action = "submit"; } else { // call nm_action's popup, but already replace id's in url, because they need to be prefix with a "c" if (_action.data.popup) _action.data.nm_action = "popup"; var ids = ""; for (var i = 0; i < _senders.length; i++) { ids += "c" + _senders[i].id + ((i < _senders.length - 1) ? "," : ""); } // we cant just replace $id, as under jdots this can get called multiple times (with already replaced url)! _action.data.url = _action.data.url.replace(/(owner|participants)=(0%2C)?[^&]+/,"$1=$2"+ids); } nm_action(_action, _senders); } /** * Add task for selected contacts, call default nm_action after some checks * * @param _action * @param _senders */ function add_task(_action, _senders) { if (!_senders[0].id.match(/^(addressbook::)?[0-9]+$/)) { // send org-view requests to server _action.data.nm_action = "submit"; } else { // call nm_action's popup _action.data.nm_action = "popup"; } nm_action(_action, _senders); } function showphones(form) { if (form) { copyvalues(form,"tel_home","tel_home2"); copyvalues(form,"tel_work","tel_work2"); copyvalues(form,"tel_cell","tel_cell2"); copyvalues(form,"tel_fax","tel_fax2"); } } function hidephones(form) { if (form) { copyvalues(form,"tel_home2","tel_home"); copyvalues(form,"tel_work2","tel_work"); copyvalues(form,"tel_cell2","tel_cell"); copyvalues(form,"tel_fax2","tel_fax"); } } function copyvalues(form,src,dst) { var srcelement = getElement(form,src); //ById("exec["+src+"]"); var dstelement = getElement(form,dst); //ById("exec["+dst+"]"); if (srcelement && dstelement) { dstelement.value = srcelement.value; } } function getElement(form,pattern) { for (i = 0; i < form.length; i++){ if(form.elements[i].name){ var found = form.elements[i].name.search("\\["+pattern+"\\]"); if (found != -1){ return form.elements[i]; } } } } function check_value(input, own_id) { var values = egw_json_getFormValues(input.form).exec; // todo use eT2 method, if running under et2 if (input.name.match(/n_/)) { var name = document.getElementById("exec[n_fn]"); name.value = ""; if (values.n_prefix) name.value += values.n_prefix+" "; if (values.n_given) name.value += values.n_given+" "; if (values.n_middle) name.value += values.n_middle+" "; if (values.n_family) name.value += values.n_family+" "; if (values.n_suffix) name.value += values.n_suffix; } var req = new egw_json_request('addressbook.addressbook_ui.ajax_check_values', [values, input.name, own_id]); req.sendRequest(true, function(data) { if (data.msg && confirm(data.msg)) { for(var id in data.doublicates) { egw.open(id, 'addressbook'); //opener.egw_openWindowCentered2(egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?menuaction=addressbook.addressbook_ui.edit&contact_id='+id, '_blank', 870, 480, 'yes', 'addressbook'); } } if (typeof data.fileas_options == 'object') { var selbox = document.getElementById("exec[fileas_type]"); if (selbox) { for (var i=0; i < data.fileas_options.length; i++) { selbox.options[i].text = data.fileas_options[i]; } } } }); } function add_whole_list(list) { if (document.getElementById("exec[nm][email_type][email_home]").checked == true) { email_type = "email_home"; } else { email_type = "email"; } xajax_doXMLHTTP("addressbook.addressbook_ui.ajax_add_whole_list",list,email_type); } function show_custom_country(selectbox) { if(!selectbox) return; var custom_field_name = selectbox.name.replace("countrycode", "countryname"); var custom_field = document.getElementById(custom_field_name); if(custom_field && selectbox.value == "-custom-") { custom_field.style.display = "inline"; } else if (custom_field) { if((selectbox.value == "" || selectbox.value == null) && custom_field.value != "") { selectbox.value = "-custom-"; // Chosen needs this to update $j(selectbox).trigger("liszt:updated"); custom_field.style.display = "inline"; } else { custom_field.style.display = "none"; } } } function add_new_list() { var name = window.prompt(egw.lang('Name for the distribution list')); if (name) { egw.open('','addressbook', 'list', { 'add_list': name, 'owner': egw.user('account_id') },'_self'); } } /** * et2 specific initialization - can be moved to init() when addressbook gets converted to et2 */ $j('.et2_container').on('load',function() { $j('select[id*="adr_one_countrycode"]').each(function() {show_custom_country(this);}); $j('select[id*="adr_two_countrycode"]').each(function() {show_custom_country(this);}); });