/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Button object * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Andreas Stöckel */ /*egw:uses /vendor/bower-asset/jquery/dist/jquery.js; et2_core_interfaces; et2_core_baseWidget; */ import {et2_no_init} from "./et2_core_common"; import {ClassWithAttributes} from "./et2_core_inheritance"; import {et2_createWidget, et2_register_widget, WidgetConfig} from "./et2_core_widget"; import {et2_baseWidget} from './et2_core_baseWidget' import {et2_IDetachedDOM, et2_IInput} from "./et2_core_interfaces"; /** * Class which implements the "button" XET-Tag */ export class et2_button extends et2_baseWidget implements et2_IInput, et2_IDetachedDOM { static readonly _attributes : any = { "label": { "name": "caption", "type": "string", "description": "Label of the button", "translate": true }, "image": { "name": "Icon", "type": "string", "description": "Use an icon instead of label (when available)" }, "ro_image": { "name": "Read-only Icon", "type": "string", "description": "Use this icon instead of hiding for read-only" }, "onclick": { "description": "JS code which gets executed when the button is clicked", "type": "js" }, "accesskey": { "name": "Access Key", "type": "string", "default": et2_no_init, "description": "Alt + activates widget" }, "tabindex": { "name": "Tab index", "type": "integer", "default": et2_no_init, "description": "Specifies the tab order of a widget when the 'tab' button is used for navigating." }, background_image: { name: "Add image in front of text", type: "boolean", description: "Adds image in front of text instead of just using an image with text as tooltip", default: et2_no_init // to leave it undefined, if not defined, so background-image is assigned by default }, novalidate: { name: "Do NOT validate form", type: "boolean", description: "Do NOT validate form before submitting it", default: false }, // No such thing as a required button "needed": { "ignore": true } }; public static readonly legacyOptions: string[] = ["image", "ro_image"]; /** * images to be used as background-image, if none is explicitly applied and id matches given regular expression */ static readonly default_background_images: object = { save: /save(&|\]|$)/, apply: /apply(&|\]|$)/, cancel: /cancel(&|\]|$)/, delete: /delete(&|\]|$)/, discard: /discard(&|\]|$)/, edit: /edit(&|\[\]|$)/, next: /(next|continue)(&|\]|$)/, finish: /finish(&|\]|$)/, back: /(back|previous)(&|\]|$)/, copy: /copy(&|\]|$)/, more: /more(&|\]|$)/, check: /(yes|check)(&|\]|$)/, cancelled: /no(&|\]|$)/, ok: /ok(&|\]|$)/, close: /close(&|\]|$)/, add: /(add(&|\]|$)|create)/ // customfields use create* }; /** * Classnames added automatic to buttons to set certain hover background colors */ static readonly default_classes: object = { et2_button_cancel: /cancel(&|\]|$)/, // yellow et2_button_question: /(yes|no)(&|\]|$)/, // yellow et2_button_delete: /delete(&|\]|$)/ // red }; label: string = ""; clicked: boolean = false; btn: JQuery = null; image: JQuery = null; /** * Constructor */ constructor(_parent, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object) { // Call the inherited constructor super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_button._attributes, _child || {})); if (!this.options.background_image && (this.options.image || this.options.ro_image)) { this.image = jQuery(document.createElement("img")) .addClass("et2_button et2_button_icon"); if (!this.options.readonly) this.image.addClass("et2_clickable"); this.setDOMNode(this.image[0]); return; } if (!this.options.readonly || this.options.ro_image) { this.btn = jQuery(document.createElement("button")) .addClass("et2_button") .attr({type:"button"}); this.setDOMNode(this.btn[0]); } if (this.options.image) this.set_image(this.options.image); } /** * Apply the "modifications" to the element and translate attributes marked * with "translate: true" * * Reimplemented here to assign default background-images to buttons * * @param {object} _attrs */ transformAttributes(_attrs) { if (this.id && typeof _attrs.background_image == 'undefined' && !_attrs.image) { for(var image in et2_button.default_background_images) { if (this.id.match(et2_button.default_background_images[image])) { _attrs.image = image; _attrs.background_image = true; break; } } } for(var name in et2_button.default_classes) { if (this.id.match(et2_button.default_classes[name])) { _attrs.class = (typeof _attrs.class == 'undefined' ? '' : _attrs.class+' ')+name; break; } } super.transformAttributes(_attrs); } set_accesskey(key) { jQuery(this.node).attr("accesskey", key); } /** * Set image and update current image * * @param _image */ set_image(_image) { this.options.image = _image; this.update_image(); } /** * Set readonly image and update current image * * @param _image */ set_ro_image(_image) { this.options.ro_image = _image; this.update_image(); } /** * Set current image (dont update options.image) * * @param _image */ update_image(_image?) { if(!this.isInTree() || !this.options.background_image && this.image == null) return; if (typeof _image == 'undefined') _image = this.options.readonly ? (this.options.ro_image || this.options.image) : this.options.image; // Silently blank for percentages instead of warning about missing image - use a progress widget if(_image.match(/^[0-9]+\%$/)) { _image = ""; //this.egw().debug("warn", "Use a progress widget instead of percentage images", this); } var found_image = false; if(_image != "") { var src = this.egw().image(_image); if(src) { found_image = true; } else if (_image[0] == '/' || _image.substr(0,4) == 'http') { src = _image; found_image = true; } if(found_image) { if(this.image != null) { this.image.attr("src", src); } else if (this.options.background_image && this.btn) { this.btn.css("background-image","url("+src+")"); this.btn.addClass('et2_button_with_image'); } } } if(!found_image) { this.set_label(this.label); if(this.btn) { this.btn.css("background-image",""); this.btn.removeClass('et2_button_with_image'); } } } /** * Set options.readonly and update image * * @param {boolean} _ro */ set_readonly(_ro) { if (_ro != this.options.readonly) { this.options.readonly = _ro; if (this.options.image || this.options.ro_image) { this.update_image(); } // dont show readonly buttons as clickable if (this.btn || this.image) { (this.btn || this.image) .toggleClass('et2_clickable', !_ro) .toggleClass('et2_button_ro', _ro) .css('cursor', _ro ? 'default' : 'pointer'); // temp. 'til it is removed from et2_button } } } attachToDOM() { let ret = super.attachToDOM(); if (this.options.readonly && (this.btn || this.image)) { (this.btn || this.image) .removeClass('et2_clickable') .addClass('et2_button_ro') .css('cursor', 'default'); // temp. 'til it is removed from et2_button } return ret; } getDOMNode() { return this.btn ? this.btn[0] : (this.image ? this.image[0] : null); } /** * Overwritten to maintain an internal clicked attribute * * @param _ev * @returns {Boolean} */ click(_ev) { // ignore click on readonly button if (this.options.readonly) return false; this.clicked = true; // Cancel buttons don't trigger the close confirmation prompt if(this.btn?.hasClass("et2_button_cancel")) { this.getInstanceManager().skip_close_prompt(); } if (!super.click.apply(this, arguments)) { this.clicked = false; return false; } // Submit the form if (this.getType() != "buttononly") { this.getInstanceManager().submit(this, false, this.options.novalidate); //TODO: this only needs to be passed if it's in a datagrid } this.clicked = false; this.getInstanceManager()?.skip_close_prompt(false); return true; } set_label(_value) { if (this.btn) { this.label = _value; this.btn.text(_value); if (_value && !this.image) this.btn.addClass('et2_button_text'); else this.btn.removeClass('et2_button_text'); } if(this.image) { this.image.attr("alt", _value); // Don't set title if there's a tooltip, browser may show both if(!this.options.statustext) { this.image.attr("title",_value); } } } /** * Set tab index * * @param {number} index */ set_tabindex(index) { jQuery(this.btn).attr("tabindex", index); } /** * Implementation of the et2_IInput interface */ /** * Always return false as a button is never dirty */ isDirty() { return false; } resetDirty() { } getValue() { if (this.clicked) { return true; } // If "null" is returned, the result is not added to the submitted // array. return null; } isValid() { return true; } /** * et2_IDetachedDOM * * @param {array} _attrs */ getDetachedAttributes(_attrs) { _attrs.push("label", "value", "class", "image", "ro_image", "onclick", "background_image" ); } getDetachedNodes() { return [ this.btn != null ? this.btn[0] : null, this.image != null ? this.image[0] : null ]; } setDetachedAttributes(_nodes, _values) { // Datagrid puts in the row for null this.btn = _nodes[0].nodeName[0] != '#' ? jQuery(_nodes[0]) : null; this.image = jQuery(_nodes[1]); if (typeof _values["id"] != "undefined") { this.set_id(_values["id"]); } if (typeof _values["label"] != "undefined") { this.set_label(_values["label"]); } if (typeof _values["value"] != "undefined") { } if (typeof _values["image"] != "undefined") { this.set_image(_values["image"]); } if (typeof _values["ro_image"] != "undefined") { this.set_ro_image(_values["ro_image"]); } if (typeof _values["class"] != "undefined") { this.set_class(_values["class"]); } if (typeof _values["onclick"] != "undefined") { this.options.onclick = _values["onclick"]; } var type = this.getType(); var attrs = jQuery.extend(_values, this.options); var parent = this.getParent(); jQuery(this.getDOMNode()).bind("click.et2_baseWidget", this, function(e) { var widget = et2_createWidget(type,attrs,parent); e.data = widget; e.data.set_id(_values["id"]); return e.data.click.call(e.data,e); }); } } et2_register_widget(et2_button, ["button", "buttononly"]);