var FCKLang; var OnSpellerControlsLoad; CKEDITOR.dialog.add('aspell', function( editor ) { var number =, iframeId = 'cke_frame_' + number, textareaId = 'cke_data_' + number, interval, errorMsg = 'aspell not available'; var spellHTML = // Input for exchanging data CK<--->spellcheck '' + // Spellcheck iframe ''; function spellTime(dialog, errorMsg) { var i = 0; return function() { if (typeof window.spellChecker == 'function') { // Call from window.setInteval expected at once. if (typeof interval != 'undefined') window.clearInterval(interval); // Create spellcheck object, set options/attributes var oSpeller = new spellChecker(document.getElementById(textareaId)); oSpeller.spellCheckScript = editor.plugins.aspell.path+'spellerpages/server-scripts/spellchecker.php'; oSpeller.OnFinished = function (numChanges) { oSpeller_OnFinished(dialog, numChanges) }; oSpeller.popUpUrl = editor.plugins.aspell.path+'spellerpages/spellchecker.html'; oSpeller.popUpName = iframeId; oSpeller.popUpProps = null; // Place language in global variable; // A bit of a hack, but how does e.g. controls.html know which language to use? FCKLang = {}; // spellChecker.js FCKLang.DlgSpellNoChanges = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.noChanges; FCKLang.DlgSpellNoMispell = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.noMispell; FCKLang.DlgSpellOneChange = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.oneChange; FCKLang.DlgSpellManyChanges = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.manyChanges; // controls.html FCKLang.DlgSpellNotInDic = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.notInDic; FCKLang.DlgSpellChangeTo = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.changeTo; FCKLang.DlgSpellBtnIgnore = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.btnIgnore; FCKLang.DlgSpellBtnIgnoreAll = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.btnIgnoreAll; FCKLang.DlgSpellBtnReplace = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.btnReplace; FCKLang.DlgSpellBtnReplaceAll = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.btnReplaceAll; FCKLang.DlgSpellBtnUndo = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.btnUndo; // controlWindow.js FCKLang.DlgSpellNoSuggestions = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.noSuggestions; // spellchecker.html FCKLang.DlgSpellProgress = CKEDITOR.lang[editor.langCode].wsc.progress; // End language // Start spellcheck! oSpeller.openChecker(); } else if (i++ == 180) // Timeout: 180 * 250ms = 45s. { alert(errorMsg); dialog.hide(); } }; } function oSpeller_OnFinished(dialog, numberOCorrections) { if (numberOCorrections > 0) { editor.focus();'saveSnapshot'); // Best way I could find to trigger undo steps. dialog.getParentEditor().setData(document.getElementById(textareaId).value,function(){'saveSnapshot'); // But there's a blank one between! }); } dialog.hide(); } // Fx and IE don't see the same sizes, it seems. That or Fx is allowing everything to grow. var minW = 485; var minH = 380; if (document.all) { minW = 510; minH = 405; } return { title: 'ASpell', minWidth: minW, minHeight: minH, buttons: [ CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton ], onShow: function() { // Put spellcheck input and iframe in the dialog content var contentArea = this.getContentElement('general', 'content').getElement(); contentArea.setHtml(spellHTML); // Define spellcheck init function OnSpellerControlsLoad = function (controlsWindow) { // Translate the dialog box texts var spans = controlsWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('span'); var inputs = controlsWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('input'); var i, attr; for (i=0; i < spans.length; i++) { attr = spans[i].getAttribute && spans[i].getAttribute('fckLang'); if (attr) spans[i].innerHTML = FCKLang[attr]; } for (i=0; i < inputs.length; i++) { attr = inputs[i].getAttribute && inputs[i].getAttribute('fckLang'); if (attr) inputs[i].value = FCKLang[attr]; } } // Add spellcheck script to head CKEDITOR.document.getHead().append(CKEDITOR.document.createElement('script', { attributes: { type: 'text/javascript', src: editor.plugins.aspell.path+'spellerpages/spellChecker.js' }})); // Get the data to be checked. var sData = editor.getData(); //CKEDITOR.document.getById(textareaId).setValue(sData); <-- doesn't work for some reason document.getElementById(textareaId).value = sData; // Wait for spellcheck script to load, then execute interval = window.setInterval(spellTime(this, errorMsg), 250); }, onHide: function() { = undefined; window.int_framsetLoaded = undefined; window.framesetLoaded = undefined; window.is_window_opened = false; OnSpellerControlsLoad = null; FCKLang = null; }, contents: [ { id: 'general', label: 'ASpell', padding: 0, elements: [ { type: 'html', id: 'content', style: 'width:485;height:380px', html: '
' } ] } ] }; });