 * EGroupware - resources
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package resources
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
 * @author Lukas Weiss <wnz_gh05t@users.sourceforge.net>
 * @version $Id$

use EGroupware\Api;
use EGroupware\Api\Link;
use EGroupware\Api\Egw;
use EGroupware\Api\Acl;
use EGroupware\Api\Vfs;

 * General business object for resources
 * @package resources
class resources_bo
	 * Path where the icons are stored (relative to webserver_url)
	const ICON_PATH = '/api/images';

	const DELETED = 'deleted';
	const PICTURE_NAME = '.picture.jpg';
	var $resource_icons = '/resources/templates/default/images/resource_icons/';
	var $debug = 0;
	 * Instance of resources so object
	 * @var resources_so
	var $so;
	 * Instance of resources Acl class
	 * @var resources_acl_bo
	var $acl;
	 * Instance of Api\Categories class for resources
	var $cats;

	 * List of filter options
	public static $filter_options = array(
		-1 => 'resources',
		-2 => 'accessories',
		-3 => 'resources and accessories'
		// Accessories of a resource added when resource selected

	public static $field2label = array(
		'res_id'	=> 'Resource ID',
		'name'		=> 'name',
		'short_description'	=> 'short description',
		'cat_id'	=> 'Category',
		'quantity'	=> 'Quantity',
		'useable'	=> 'Useable',
		'location'	=> 'Location',
		'storage_info'	=> 'Storage',
		'bookable'	=> 'Bookable',
		'buyable'	=> 'Buyable',
		'prize'		=> 'Prize',
		'long_description'	=> 'Long description',
		'inventory_number'	=> 'inventory number',
		'accessory_of'	=> 'Accessory of'

	 * Constructor
	 * @param int $user=null account_id of user to use for Acl, default current user
	function __construct($user=null)
		$this->so = new resources_so();
		$this->acl = new resources_acl_bo($user);
		$this->cats = $this->acl->egw_cats;

		$this->cal_right_transform = array(
			resources_acl_bo::CAL_READ	=> Acl::READ,
			resources_acl_bo::DIRECT_BOOKING 	=> Acl::READ | Acl::ADD | Acl::EDIT | Acl::DELETE,
			resources_acl_bo::CAT_ADMIN 	=> Acl::READ | Acl::ADD | Acl::EDIT | Acl::DELETE,

	 * get rows for resources list
	 * Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
	function get_rows($query,&$rows,&$readonlys)
			Api\Cache::setSession('resources', 'index_nm', $query);
		if ($query['store_state'])	// request to store state in session and filter in prefs?
			//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."() query[filter]=$query[filter], prefs[resources][filter]={$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['resources']['filter']}</p>\n";
			if ($query['filter'] != $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['resources']['filter'])
		if ($this->debug) _debug_array($query);
		$read_onlys = 'res_id,name,short_description,quantity,useable,bookable,buyable,cat_id,location,storage_info';

		$filter = array();
		$join = '';
		$extra_cols = array();

		// Sub-query to get the count of accessories
		$acc_join = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT accessory_of AS accessory_id, count(res_id) as acc_count FROM {$this->so->table_name} GROUP BY accessory_of) AS acc ON acc.accessory_id = {$this->so->table_name}.res_id ";

			case -1:
				// Resources only
				$filter['accessory_of'] = -1;
				$join = $acc_join;
				$extra_cols[] = 'acc_count';
			case -2:
				// Accessories only
				$filter[] = 'accessory_of != -1';
			case -3:
				// All
				$join = $acc_join;
				$extra_cols[] = 'acc_count';
			case self::DELETED:
				$join = $acc_join;
				$extra_cols[] = 'acc_count';
				$filter[] = 'deleted IS NOT NULL';
				$filter['accessory_of'] = $query['filter2'];
		if($query['filter2'] != self::DELETED)
			$filter['deleted'] = null;

		if ($query['filter'])
			if (($children = $this->acl->get_cats(Acl::READ,$query['filter'])))
				$filter['cat_id'] = array_keys($children);
				$filter['cat_id'][] = $query['filter'];
				$filter['cat_id'] = $query['filter'];
		elseif (($readcats = $this->acl->get_cats(Acl::READ)))
			$filter['cat_id'] = array_keys($readcats);
		// if there is no catfilter -> this means you have no rights, so set the cat filter to null
		if (!isset($filter['cat_id']) || empty($filter['cat_id'])) {
			$filter['cat_id'] = NUll;

		if ($query['show_bookable'])
			$filter['bookable'] = true;
		$order_by = $query['order'] ? $query['order'].' '. $query['sort'] : '';
		$start = (int)$query['start'];

		foreach ($filter as $k => $v) $query['col_filter'][$k] = $v;
		$this->so->get_rows($query, $rows, $readonlys, $join, false, false, $extra_cols);
		$nr = $this->so->total;

		// we are called to serve bookable resources (e.g. calendar-dialog)
			// This is somehow ugly, i know...
			foreach((array)$rows as $num => $resource)
				$rows[$num]['default_qty'] = 1;
			// we don't need all the following testing
			return $nr;

		$config = Api\Config::read('resources');
		foreach($rows as $num => &$resource)
			if (!$this->acl->is_permitted($resource['cat_id'],Acl::EDIT))
				$readonlys["edit[$resource[res_id]]"] = true;
				$resource['class'] .= 'deleted ';
			if (!$this->acl->is_permitted($resource['cat_id'],Acl::DELETE) ||
				($resource['deleted'] && !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'] && $config['history'] == 'history')
				$readonlys["delete[$resource[res_id]]"] = true;
				$resource['class'] .= 'no_delete ';
			if ((!$this->acl->is_permitted($resource['cat_id'],Acl::ADD)) ||
				// Allow new accessory action when viewing accessories of a certain resource
				$query['filter2'] <= 0 && $resource['accessory_of'] != -1)
				$readonlys["new_acc[$resource[res_id]]"] = true;
				$resource['class'] .= 'no_new_accessory ';
			if (!$resource['bookable'])
				$readonlys["bookable[$resource[res_id]]"] = true;
				$readonlys["calendar[$resource[res_id]]"] = true;
				$resource['class'] .= 'no_book ';
				$resource['class'] .= 'no_view_calendar ';
				$readonlys["calendar[$resource[res_id]]"] = true;
				$resource['class'] .= 'no_view_calendar ';
			if (!$resource['buyable'])
				$readonlys["buyable[$resource[res_id]]"] = true;
				$resource['class'] .= 'no_buy ';
			$readonlys["view_acc[{$resource['res_id']}]"] = ($resource['acc_count'] == 0);
			$resource['class'] .= ($resource['accessory_of']==-1 ? 'resource ' : 'accessory ');
				$resource['class'] .= 'hasAccessories ';
				$accessories = $this->get_acc_list($resource['res_id'],$query['filter2']==self::DELETED);
				foreach($accessories as $acc_id => $acc_name)
					$resource['accessories'][] = array('acc_id' => $acc_id, 'name' => $this->link_title($acc_id));
			} elseif ($resource['accessory_of'] > 0) {
				$resource['accessory_of_label'] = $this->link_title($resource['accessory_of']);

				$rows[$num]['picture_thumb'] = 'deleted';
				$rows[$num]['picture_thumb'] = $this->get_picture($resource, false);
				if ($rows[$num]['picture_src'] == 'own_src')
					// VFS picture fullsize
					$rows[$num]['picture_original'] = 'webdav.php/apps/resources/'.$rows[$num]['res_id'].'/.picture.jpg';
					// cat or generic icon fullsize
					$rows[$num]['picture_original'] = $this->get_picture($resource, true);
			$rows[$num]['admin'] = $this->acl->get_cat_admin($resource['cat_id']);

			$rows['no_customfields'] = true;
		return $nr;

	 * reads a resource exept binary datas
	 * Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
	 * @param int $res_id resource id
	 * @param bool $_ignore_acl ignores acl check if set to true
	 * @return array with key => value or false if not found or allowed
	function read($res_id, $_ignore_acl=false)
		if (!($data = $this->so->read(array('res_id' => $res_id))))
			return null;	// not found
		if (!$_ignore_acl && !$this->acl->is_permitted($data['cat_id'],Acl::READ))
			return false;	// permission denied
		return $data;

	 * saves a resource. pictures are saved in vfs
	 * Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
	 * @param array $resource array with key => value of all needed datas
	 * @param boolean $ignore_acl ignores acl check if set to true
	 * @return string|boolean msg if somthing went wrong or false in failure; resource id if all right
	function save($resource, $ignore_acl=false)
		if(!$ignore_acl && !$this->acl->is_permitted($resource['cat_id'],Acl::EDIT))
			return lang('You are not permitted to edit this resource!');
		$old = array();
		// we need an id to save pictures and make links...
			$resource['res_creator'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
			$resource['res_created'] = Api\DateTime::server2user(time(),'ts');
			$resource['res_id'] = $this->so->save($resource);
			$resource['res_modifier'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'];
			$resource['res_modified'] = Api\DateTime::server2user(time(),'ts');
			$old = $this->read($resource['res_id'], $ignore_acl);

		switch ($resource['picture_src'])
			case 'own_src':
				if($resource['own_file']['size'] > 0)
					$msg = $this->save_picture($resource['own_file'],$resource['res_id']);
				$resource['picture_src'] = 'cat_src';
			case 'cat_src':
			case 'gen_src':
				$resource['picture_src'] = 'gen_src';
				if($resource['own_file']['size'] > 0)
					$resource['picture_src'] = 'own_src';
					$msg = $this->save_picture($resource['own_file'],$resource['res_id']);
					$resource['picture_src'] = 'cat_src';
		// somthing went wrong on saving own picture
			return $msg;

		// Check for restore of deleted, restore held links
		if($old && $old['deleted'] && !$resource['deleted'])
			Link::restore('resources', $resource['res_id']);

		// delete old pictures
		if($resource['picture_src'] != 'own_src')

		// Update link title
		Link::notify_update('resources',$resource['res_id'], $resource);
		// save links
		if($resource['accessory_of'] != $old['accessory_of'])

			// Check for resource changing to accessory - move its accessories to resource
			if($old['accessory_of'] == -1 && ($accessories = $this->get_acc_list($resource['res_id'])))
				foreach($accessories as $accessory => $name)
					if (($acc = $this->read($accessory, $ignore_acl)))
						$acc['accessory_of'] = -1;
		if($resource['accessory_of'] != -1)

		if(!empty($resource['res_id']) && $this->so->get_value("cat_id",$resource['res_id']) != $resource['cat_id'] && $resource['accessory_of'] == -1)
			$accessories = $this->get_acc_list($resource['res_id']);
			foreach($accessories as $accessory => $name)
				if (($acc = $this->so->read($accessory)))
					$acc['cat_id'] = $resource['cat_id'];

		$res_id = $this->so->save($resource);

		// History & notifications
		if (!is_object($this->tracking))
			$this->tracking = new resources_tracking();
		if ($this->tracking->track($resource,$old,$this->user) === false)
			return implode(', ',$this->tracking->errors);

		return $res_id ? $res_id : lang('Something went wrong by saving resource');

	 * deletes resource including pictures and links
	 * @author Lukas Weiss <wnz_gh05t@users.sourceforge.net>
	 * @param int $res_id id of resource
	 * @return string|false string with error or false on success
	function delete($res_id)
			return lang('You are not permitted to delete this resource!');

		// check if we only mark resources as deleted, or really delete them
		$config = Api\Config::read('resources');
		if (!($old = $this->read($res_id)))
			// error is returned at end of function
		elseif ($config['history'] != '' && $old['deleted'] == null)
			$old['deleted'] = time();
			$accessories = $this->get_acc_list($res_id);
			foreach($accessories as $acc_id => $name)
				// Don't purge already deleted accessories
				if (($acc = $this->read($acc_id)) && !$acc['deleted'])
					$acc['deleted'] = time();
			return false;
		elseif ($this->so->delete(array('res_id'=>$res_id)))
			$accessories = $this->get_acc_list($res_id, true);
			foreach($accessories as $acc_id => $name)
				if($this->delete($acc_id) && ($acc = $this->read($acc_id)))
					$acc['accessory_of'] = -1;
	 		// delete the resource from the calendar
	 		return false;
		return lang('Something went wrong by deleting resource');

	 * gets list of accessories for resource
	 * Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
	 * @param int $res_id id of resource
	 * @param boolean $deleted Include deleted accessories
	 * @return array
	function get_acc_list($res_id,$deleted=false)
		if($res_id < 1){return;}
		$data = $this->so->search('','res_id,name,deleted','','','','','',$start,array('accessory_of' => $res_id),'',$need_full_no_count=true);
		$acc_list = array();
		if($data) {
			foreach($data as $num => $resource)
				if($resource['deleted'] && !$deleted) continue;
				$acc_list[$resource['res_id']] = $resource['name'];
		return $acc_list;

	 * Search for resources for calendar to select as participants
	 * Search and options match Link::query()
	 * Resources return actual resources as well as categories that match
	 * @param String $search - Search string
	 * @param Array $options - search options
	 * @see Link::query()
	 * @return Array List of ID => Title entries matching search string
	public static function calendar_search($search, $options)
		$bo = new resources_bo();

		// Resources - call direct to avoid cache
		$list = $bo->link_query($search, $options);

		// Categories
		$cats = $bo->acl->get_cats(Acl::READ);
		foreach($cats as $cat_id => $cat)
			if($cat && stripos($cat, $search) !== FALSE)
				// Get resources for that category
					$resources = $bo->get_resources_by_category($cat_id);
					$cat_options = $options;
					$cat_options['cat_id'] = $cat_id;
					$resources = $bo->link_query('',$cat_options);

				// Edit dialog sends exec as an option, don't add categories
				if(count($resources) && !$options['exec'])
					$_resources = array_map(
						function($id) { return 'r'.$id;},
					$list['cat-'.$cat_id] = array(
						'label'	=>	$bo->acl->egw_cats->id2name($cat_id),
						'resources'	=>	$_resources,
				else if ($resources && $options['exec'])
						function($id,$name) use (&$list) { if(!$list[''.$id]) $list[''.$id] = $name;},
						array_keys($resources), $resources

		return $list;

	 * Get a list of resources (ID => name) matching a single category ID
	 * @param int $cat_id
	 * @return array()
	public function get_resources_by_category($cat_id)
		$resources = array();
		$filter = array(
			'cat_id' => $cat_id,
			//'accessory_of' => '-1'
			'deleted' => null
		$only_keys = 'res_id,name';
		$data = $this->so->search(array(),$only_keys,$order_by='name',$extra_cols='',$wildcard='%',$empty,$op='OR',false,$filter);
		if(is_array($data) && $data)
			foreach($data as $resource)
				$resources[$resource['res_id']] = $resource['name'];

		return $resources;

	 * returns info about resource for calender
	 * @author Cornelius Weiss<egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
	 * @param int|array|string $res_id single id, array $num => $res_id or
	 *	'cat-<cat_id>' for the whole category
	 * @return array
	function get_calendar_info($res_id)
		//error_log(__METHOD__ . "(".print_r($res_id,true).")");

		// Resource category
		if(is_string($res_id) && strpos($res_id, 'cat-') === 0)
			$cat_id = (int)substr($res_id, 4);
			if(!$this->acl->is_permitted($cat_id, Acl::READ))
				return array();
			return array( array(
				'name' => $this->acl->get_cat_name($cat_id),
				'rights' => $this->acl->get_permissions($cat_id),
				'resources' => array_map(
					function($id) { return 'r'.$id;},

		if(!is_array($res_id) && $res_id < 1) return;

		$data = $this->so->search(array('res_id' => $res_id),self::TITLE_COLS.',useable');
		if (!is_array($data))
			//error_log(__METHOD__." No Calendar Data found for Resource with id $res_id");
			return array();
		foreach($data as $num => &$resource)
			$resource['rights'] = false;
			foreach($this->cal_right_transform as $res_right => $cal_right)
					$resource['rights'] = $cal_right;
			$resource['responsible'] = $this->acl->get_cat_admin($resource['cat_id']);

			// preseed the cache
		return $data;

	 * returns status for a new calendar entry depending on resources ACL
	 * @author Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
	 * @param int $res_id single id
	 * @return string|boolean false if resource not found, no read rights or not bookable, else A if user has direkt booking rights or U if no dirket booking
	function get_calendar_new_status($res_id)
		if (!($data = $this->read($res_id)) || !$data['bookable'])
			return false;
		return $this->acl->is_permitted($data['cat_id'],resources_acl_bo::DIRECT_BOOKING) ? 'A' : 'U';

	 * @author Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
	 * query infolog for entries matching $pattern
	 * @param string|array $pattern if it's a string it is the string we will search for as a criteria, if it's an array we
	 * 	will seach for 'search' key in this array to get the string criteria. others keys handled are actually used
	 *	for calendar disponibility.
	 * @param array $options Array of options for the search
	function link_query( $pattern, Array &$options = array() )
		if (is_array($pattern))
			$criteria =array('name' => $pattern['search']
					,'short_description' => $pattern['search']);
			$criteria = array('name' => $pattern
				, 'short_description' => $pattern);
		$only_keys = 'res_id,name,short_description,bookable,useable,quantity';

		// If no read access to any category, just stop
			$options['total'] = 0;
			return array();
		$filter = array(
			'cat_id' => array_flip((array)$this->acl->get_cats(Acl::READ)),
			//'accessory_of' => '-1'
			'deleted' => null
		$limit = false;
		if($options['start'] || $options['num_rows']) {
			$limit = array($options['start'], $options['num_rows']);
		if($options['cat_id'] && in_array($options['cat_id'], $filter['cat_id']))
			$filter['cat_id'] = $options['cat_id'];
			$filter['accessory_of'] = $options['accessory_of'];
		$list = array();
		$data = $this->so->search($criteria,$only_keys,$order_by='name',$extra_cols='',$wildcard='%',$empty,$op='OR',$limit,$filter);
		// we need to check availability of the searched resources in the calendar if $pattern ['exec'] contains some extra args
		if ($data && $options['exec'])
			// we'll use a cache for resources info taken from database
			static $res_info_cache = array();
			if ( isset($cal_info['start']) && isset($cal_info['duration']))
				//get a calendar objet for reservations
				if ( (!isset($this->bocal)) || !(is_object($this->bocal)))
					$this->bocal = new calendar_bo();
				$start = new Api\DateTime($cal_info['start']);
				$startarr= getdate($start->format('ts'));
				if (isset($cal_info['whole_day']) && $cal_info['whole_day']) {
					$startarr['hour'] = $startarr['minute'] = 0;
					$start = new Api\DateTime($startarr);
					$end = $start->format('ts') + 86399;
				} else {
					$start = $start->format('ts');
					$end = $start + (int)$cal_info['duration'];

				// search events matching our timestamps
				foreach($data as $num => $resource)
					// we only need resources id for the search, but with a 'r' prefix
					// now we take this loop to store a new resource array indexed with resource id
					// and as we work for calendar we use only bookable resources
					if ((isset($resource['bookable'])) && ($resource['bookable'])){
				$overlapping_events =& $this->bocal->search(array(
					'start' => $start,
					'end'   => $end,
					'users' => $resource_list,
					'ignore_acl' => true,   // otherwise we get only events readable by the user
					'enum_groups' => false,  // otherwise group-events would not block time

				// parse theses overlapping events
				foreach($overlapping_events as $event)
					if ($event['non_blocking']) continue; // ignore non_blocking events
					if (isset($cal_info['event_id']) && $event['id']==$cal_info['event_id']) {
						continue; //ignore this event, it's the current edited event, no conflict by def
					// now we are interested only on resources booked by theses events
					if (isset($event['participants']) && is_array($event['participants'])){
						foreach($event['participants'] as $part_key => $part_detail){
							if ($part_key[0] === 'r')
							{ //now we gatta resource here
								//need to check the quantity of this resource
								// if we do not find this resource in our indexed array it's certainly
								// because it was unset, non bookable maybe
								if (!isset($res_info_cache[$resource_id])) continue;
								// to detect ressources with default to 1 quantity
								if (!isset($res_info_cache[$resource_id]['useable'])) {
									$res_info_cache[$resource_id]['useable'] = 1;
								// now decrement this quantity useable
								$quantity = 1;

		if (isset($res_info_cache)) {
			$show_conflict= $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['defaultresource_sel'] !== 'resources_without_conflict';
			// if we have this array indexed on resource id it means non-bookable resource are removed and we are working for calendar
			// so we'll loop on this one and not $data
			foreach($res_info_cache as $id => $resource) {
				//maybe this resource is reserved
				if ( ($resource['useable'] < 1) )
						$list[$id] = ' ('.lang('conflict').') '.$resource['name']. ($resource['short_description'] ? ', ['.$resource['short_description'].']':'');
					$list[$id] = $resource['name']. ($resource['short_description'] ? ', ['.$resource['short_description'].']':'') .
							($resource['useable'] > 1 ? " ( {$resource['useable']} / {$resource['quantity']} )" : '');
		} else {
			// we are not working for the calendar, we loop on the initial $data
			if (is_array($data)) {
				foreach($data as $num => $resource)
					$list[$id] = $resource['name']. ($resource['short_description'] ? ', ['.$resource['short_description'].']':'');
			} else {
				error_log(__METHOD__." No Data found for Resource with id ".$resource['res_id']);
		$options['total'] = $this->so->total;
		return $list;

	 * @param $_res_id
	 * @param $_starttime
	 * @param $_endtime
	 * @param bool $_ignore_acl ignores acl check if set to true
	 * @return array|null returns array of resource data with calculated useable quantity
	function checkUseable($_res_id, $_starttime, $_endtime, $_ignore_acl=false)
		$resource = $this->read($_res_id, $_ignore_acl);
		if ($resource && $resource['bookable'])
			//get a calendar objet for reservations
			if ( (!isset($this->bocal)) || !(is_object($this->bocal)))
				$this->bocal = new calendar_bo();
			$overlapping_events =& $this->bocal->search(array(
				'start' => $_starttime,
				'end'   => $_endtime,
				'users' => ['r'.$_res_id],
				'ignore_acl' => true,   // otherwise we get only events readable by the user
				'enum_groups' => false,  // otherwise group-events would not block time

			foreach($overlapping_events as $event)
				if ($event['non_blocking']) continue; // ignore non_blocking events
				// now we are interested only on resources booked by theses events
				if (isset($event['participants']) && is_array($event['participants'])){
					foreach($event['participants'] as $part_key => $part_detail){
						if ($part_key[0] === 'r')
							if ($resource_id != $_res_id) continue;
							$quantity = 1;

		return $resource;

	 * get title for an infolog entry identified by $res_id
	 * @author Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
	 * @param int|array $resource
	 * @return string|boolean string with title, null if resource does not exist or false if no perms to view it
	function link_title( $resource )
		if (!is_array($resource))
			if (!($resource  = $this->read(array('res_id' => $resource)))) return $resource;
		elseif (!$this->acl->is_permitted($resource['cat_id'],Acl::READ))
			return false;
		return $resource['name']. ($resource['short_description'] ? ', ['.$resource['short_description'].']':'');

	 * Columns displayed in title (or required for ACL)
	const TITLE_COLS = 'res_id,name,short_description,cat_id';

	 * get title for multiple contacts identified by $ids
	 * Is called as hook to participate in the linking.
	 * @param array $ids array with resource-id's
	 * @return array with titles, see link_title
	function link_titles(array $ids)
		$titles = array();
		if (($resources =& $this->so->search(array('res_id' => $ids),self::TITLE_COLS)))
			foreach($resources as $resource)
				$titles[$resource['res_id']] = $this->link_title($resource);
		// we assume all not returned contacts are not readable for the user (as we report all deleted contacts to Link)
		foreach($ids as $id)
			if (!isset($titles[$id]))
				$titles[$id] = false;
		return $titles;

	 * saves a pictures in vfs
	 * Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
	 * @param array $file array with key => value
	 * @param int $resource_id
	 * @return mixed string with msg if somthing went wrong; nothing if all right
	function save_picture($file,$resource_id)
		if ($file['type'] == 'application/octet-stream')
			$file['type'] = Api\MimeMagic::filename2mime($file['name']);
			case 'image/gif':
				$src_img = imagecreatefromgif($file['tmp_name']);
			case 'image/jpeg':
			case 'image/pjpeg':
				$src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file['tmp_name']);
			case 'image/png':
			case 'image/x-png':
				$src_img = imagecreatefrompng($file['tmp_name']);
				return $file['type'].': '.lang('Picture type is not supported, sorry!');

		$tmp_name = tempnam($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'],'resources-picture');

			'tmp_name' => $tmp_name,
			'name'     => self::PICTURE_NAME,
			'type'     => 'image/jpeg',

	 * get resource picture either from vfs or from symlink
	 * Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
	 * @param int|array $resource res-id or whole resource array
	 * @param bool $fullsize false = thumb, true = full pic
	 * @return string url of picture
	function get_picture($resource,$fullsize=false)
		if ($resource && !is_array($resource)) $resource = $this->read($resource);

			case 'own_src':
				$picture = Link::vfs_path('resources',$resource['res_id'],self::PICTURE_NAME,true);	// vfs path
				if ($fullsize)
					$picture = Egw::link(Vfs::download_url($picture));
					$picture = Egw::link('/api/thumbnail.php', array(
						'path' => $picture

			case 'cat_src':
				$picture = Api\Categories::id2name($resource['cat_id'], 'data');
					$picture = Api\Image::find('vfs',$picture['icon']) ?: $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].self::ICON_PATH.'/'.$picture['icon'];
				// fall through
			case 'gen_src':
			default :
				$src = $resource['picture_src'];
				$picture = !$fullsize?$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].$this->resource_icons:$this->resource_icons;
				$picture .= strpos($src,'.') !== false ? $src : 'generic.png';
		return $picture;

	 * removes picture from vfs
	 * Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
	 * @param int $res_id id of resource
	 * @return bool succsess or not
	function remove_picture($res_id)
		if (($arr = Link::delete_attached('resources',$res_id,self::PICTURE_NAME)) && is_array($arr))
			return array_shift($arr);	// $arr = array($path => (bool)$ok);
		return false;

	 * get_genpicturelist
	 * gets all pictures from 'generic picutres dir' in selectbox style for eTemplate
	 * Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
	 * @return array directory contens in eTemplates selectbox style
	function get_genpicturelist()
		$icons['generic.png'] = lang('gernal resource');
		$dir = dir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$this->resource_icons);
		while($file = $dir->read())
			if (preg_match('/\\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$/i',$file) && $file != 'generic.png')
				$icons[$file] = substr($file,0,strpos($file,'.'));
		return $icons;