* * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ include_once(PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/etemplate/inc/class.soetemplate.inc.php'); /** * Business Object for eTemplates, extending the Storage Object * * Not so much so far, as the most logic is still in the UI-class * * @package etemplate * @author RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de * @license GPL */ class boetemplate extends soetemplate { var $extensions = array(); var $types = array( 'label' => 'Label', // Label $cell['label'] is (to be translated) textual content 'text' => 'Text', // Textfield 1 Line (size = [length][,maxlength]) 'int' => 'Integer', // like text, but only numbers (size = [min][,max]) 'float' => 'Floating Point', // --------------- " -------------------------- 'textarea'=> 'Textarea', // Multiline Text Input (size = [rows][,cols]) 'htmlarea' => 'Formatted Text (HTML)', 'checkbox'=> 'Checkbox', 'radio' => 'Radiobutton', // Radiobutton (size = value if checked) 'button' => 'Submitbutton', 'hrule' => 'Horizontal Rule', 'template'=> 'Template', // $cell['name'] contains template-name, $cell['size'] index into $content,$cname,$readonlys 'image' => 'Image', // label = url, name=link or method, help=alt or title 'date' => '', // Datefield, size='' timestamp or size=format like 'm/d/Y' 'select' => 'Selectbox', // Selectbox ($sel_options[$name] or $content[options-$name] is array with options) // if size > 1 then multiple selections, size lines showed 'html' => 'Html', // Raw html in $content[$cell['name']] 'file' => 'FileUpload', // show an input type='file', set the local name as ${name}_path 'vbox' => 'VBox', // a (vertical) box to contain widgets in rows, size = # of rows 'hbox' => 'HBox', // a (horizontal) box to contain widgets in cols, size = # of cols 'deck' => 'Deck' // a container of elements where only one is visible, size = # of elem. ); /** * constructor of class * * Calls the constructor of soetemplate * * @param $name string/array name of etemplate or array with name and other keys * @param $load_via string/array name or array with keys of other etemplate to load in order to get $name */ function boetemplate($name='',$load_via='') { $this->soetemplate(); $tname = &$name; if (is_array($name)) { $tname = &$name['name']; } $tname = (strstr($tname,'.') === False && !empty($tname) ? (is_array($load_via) ? $load_via['name'] : $load_via).'.':'').$tname; if (empty($tname) || !$this->read($name,'','',0,'',$load_via)) { $this->init($name); } } /** * allows a few variables (eg. row-number) to be used in field-names * * This is mainly used for autorepeat, but other use is possible. * You need to be aware of the rules PHP uses to expand vars in strings, a name * of "Row$row[length]" will expand to 'Row' as $row is scalar, you need to use * "Row${row}[length]" instead. Only one indirection is allowd in a string by php !!! * Out of that reason we have now the variable $row_cont, which is $cont[$row] too. * Attention !!! * Using only number as index in field-names causes a lot trouble, as depending * on the variable type (which php determines itself) you used filling and later * accessing the array it can by the index or the key of an array element. * To make it short and clear, use "Row$row" or "$col$row" not "$row" or "$row$col" !!! * * @param $name sring the name to expand * @param $c int is the column index starting with 0 (if you have row-headers, data-cells start at 1) * @param $row int is the row number starting with 0 (if you have col-headers, data-cells start at 1) * @param $c_, $row_ int are the respective values of the previous template-inclusion, * eg. the column-headers in the eTemplate-editor are templates itself, * to show the column-name in the header you can not use $col as it will * be constant as it is always the same col in the header-template, * what you want is the value of the previous template-inclusion. * @param $cont array content of the template, you might use it to generate button-names with id values in it: * "del[$cont[id]]" expands to "del[123]" if $cont = array('id' => 123) * @return string the expanded name */ function expand_name($name,$c,$row,$c_='',$row_='',$cont='') { $is_index_in_content = $name[0] == '@'; if (strstr($name,'$') !== False) { if (!$cont) { $cont = array(); } $col = $this->num2chrs($c-1); // $c-1 to get: 0:'@', 1:'A', ... $col_ = $this->num2chrs($c_-1); $row_cont = $cont[$row]; $col_row_cont = $cont[$col.$row]; eval('$name = "'.$name.'";'); } if ($is_index_in_content) { $name = $this->get_array($cont,substr($name,1)); } return $name; } /** * Checks if we have an row- or column autorepeat and sets the indexes for $content, etc. * * Autorepeat is important to allow a variable numer of rows or cols, eg. for a list. * The eTemplate has only one (have to be the last) row or column, which gets * automaticaly repeated as long as content is availible. To check this the content * has to be in an sub-array of content. The index / subscript into content is * determined by the content of size for templates or name for regular fields. * An autorepeat is defined by an index which contains variables to expand. * (vor variable expansion in names see expand_names). Usually I use the keys * $row: 0, 1, 2, 3, ... for only rows, $col: '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', ... for only cols or * $col$row: '@0','A0',... '@1','A1','B1',... '@2','A2','B2',... for both rows and cells. * In general everything expand_names can generate is ok - see there. * As you usually have col- and row-headers, data-cells start with '1' or 'A' !!! * * @param $cell array with data of cell: name, type, size, ... * @param $c,$r int col/row index starting from 0 * @param &$idx string returns the index in $content and $readonlys (NOT $sel_options !!!) * @param &$idx_cname string returns the basename for the form-name: is $idx if only one value * @param (no ',') is given in size (name (not template-fields) are always only one value) * @param $check_col boolean to check for col- or row-autorepeat * @return boolean true if cell is autorepeat (has index with vars / '$') or false otherwise */ function autorepeat_idx($cell,$c,$r,&$idx,&$idx_cname,$check_col=False) { $org_idx = $idx = $cell[ $cell['type'] == 'template' ? 'size' : 'name' ]; $idx = $this->expand_name($idx,$c,$r); if (!($komma = strpos($idx,','))) { $idx_cname = $idx; } else { $idx_cname = substr($idx,1+$komma); $idx = substr($idx,0,$komma); } $Ok = False; $pat = $org_idx; while (!$Ok && ($pat = strstr($pat,'$'))) { $pat = substr($pat,$pat[1] == '{' ? 2 : 1); if ($check_col) { $Ok = $pat[0] == 'c' && !(substr($pat,0,4) == 'cont' || substr($pat,0,2) == 'c_' || substr($pat,0,4) == 'col_'); } else { $Ok = $pat[0] == 'r' && !(substr($pat,0,2) == 'r_' || substr($pat,0,4) == 'row_' && substr($pat,0,8) != 'row_cont'); } } if ($this->name && $this->name == $this->debug) { echo "$this->name ".($check_col ? 'col' : 'row')."-check: c=$c, r=$r, idx='$org_idx'='$idx' idx_cname='$idx_cname' ==> ".($Ok?'True':'False')."
\n"; } return $Ok; } /** * creates a new appsession-id via microtime() */ function appsession_id() { list($msec,$sec) = explode(' ',microtime()); $id = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] . (intval(1000000 * $msec) + 1000000 * ($sec % 100000)); //echo "
microtime()=".microtime().", sec=$sec, msec=$msec, id=$id
\n"; return $id; } /** * db-sessions appsession function, not longer used !!! * * It was used to overcome the problem with overflowing php4-sessions, which seems to not exist any more !!! * @depricated */ function appsession($location = 'default', $appname = '', $data = '##NOTHING##') { // use the version from the sessions-class if we use db-sessions // if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['sessions_type'] == 'db') { return $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession($location,$appname,$data); } // if not, we use or own copy of the appsessions function // setting these class vars to be compatible with the session-class // $this->sessionid = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->sessionid; $this->account_id = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->account_id; if (! $appname) { $appname = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp']; } if ($data == '##NOTHING##') { $query = "SELECT content FROM phpgw_app_sessions WHERE" ." sessionid='".$this->sessionid."' AND loginid='".$this->account_id."'" ." AND app = '".$appname."' AND location='".$location."'"; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query($query,__LINE__,__FILE__); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->next_record(); // I added these into seperate steps for easier debugging $data = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->f('content'); // Changed by Skeeter 2001 Mar 04 0400Z // This was not properly decoding structures saved into session data properly // $data = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->decrypt($data); // return stripslashes($data); // Changed by milosch 2001 Dec 20 // do not stripslashes here unless this proves to be a problem. // Changed by milosch 2001 Dec 25 /* do not decrypt and return if no data (decrypt returning garbage) */ if($data) { $data = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->decrypt($data); // echo 'appsession returning: '; _debug_array($data); } } else { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("SELECT content FROM phpgw_app_sessions WHERE " . "sessionid = '".$this->sessionid."' AND loginid = '".$this->account_id."'" . " AND app = '".$appname."' AND location = '".$location."'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $encrypteddata = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->encrypt($data); $encrypteddata = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->db_addslashes($encrypteddata); if ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->num_rows()==0) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_app_sessions (sessionid,loginid,app,location,content,session_dla) " . "VALUES ('".$this->sessionid."','".$this->account_id."','".$appname . "','".$location."','".$encrypteddata."','" . time() . "')",__LINE__,__FILE__); } else { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("UPDATE phpgw_app_sessions SET content='".$encrypteddata."'" . "WHERE sessionid = '".$this->sessionid."'" . "AND loginid = '".$this->account_id."' AND app = '".$appname."'" . "AND location = '".$location."'",__LINE__,__FILE__); } } // we need to clean up not longer used records, else the db gets bigger and bigger // $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM phpgw_app_sessions WHERE session_dla <= '" . (time() - $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['sessions_timeout']) . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__); return $data; } /** * saves content,readonlys,template-keys, ... via the appsession function * * As a user may open several windows with the same content/template wie generate a location-id from microtime * which is used as location for appsession to descriminate between the different windows. This location-id * is then saved as a hidden-var in the form. The above mentions session-id has nothing to do / is different * from the session-id which is constant for all windows opened in one session. * * @param $data array the data to save * @param $id string the id to use or '' to generate a new id * @return string location-id */ function save_appsession($data,$id='') { if (!$id) { $id = $this->appsession_id; } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession($id,'etemplate',$data); return $id; } /** * gets content,readonlys,template-keys, ... back from the appsession function * * @param $id the location-id * @return array with session-data */ function get_appsession($id) { $data = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession($id,'etemplate'); //echo "get_appsession('$id') data="; _debug_array($data); // if we delete the returned value here, we cant get back (back-button), // not even to a non-submitted page //$GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession_delete($id,'etemplate'); return $data; } /** * gets an attribute in a named cell * * @param $name string cell-name * @param $attr string attribute-name * @return mixed the attribute or False if named cell not found */ function get_cell_attribute($name,$attr) { return $this->set_cell_attribute($name,$attr,NULL); } /** * set an attribute in a named cell if val is not NULL else return the attribute * * @param $name sting cell-name * @param $attr attribute-name * @param $val mixed if not NULL sets attribute else returns it * @return mixed number of changed cells or False, if none changed */ function set_cell_attribute($name,$attr,$val) { //echo "
set_cell_attribute(tpl->name=$this->name, name='$name', attr='$attr',val='$val')
\n"; $n = False; foreach($this->data as $row => $cols) { foreach($cols as $col => $cell) { if ($cell['name'] == $name) { if (is_null($val)) { return $cell[$attr]; } $this->data[$row][$col][$attr] = $val; ++$n; } switch($cell['type']) { case 'template': if (is_object($cell['obj']) || $cell['name'][0] != '@') { if (!is_object($cell['obj'])) { $this->data[$row][$col]['obj'] = CreateObject('etemplate.etemplate',$cell['name']); } $ret = $this->data[$row][$col]['obj']->set_cell_attribute($name,$attr,$val); if (is_int($ret)) { $n += $ret; } elseif ($ret !== False && is_null($val)) { return $ret; } } break; case 'vbox': case 'hbox': for ($i = 0; $i < (int)$cell['size']; ++$i) { if ($cell[$i]['name'] == $name) { if (is_null($val)) { return $cell[$attr]; } $this->data[$row][$col][$i][$attr] = $val; ++$n; } } break; } } } return $n; } /** * disables all cells with name == $name * * @param $name sting cell-name * @return mixed number of changed cells or False, if none changed */ function disable_cells($name) { return $this->set_cell_attribute($name,'disabled',True); } /** * set one or more attibutes for row $n * * @param $n int numerical row-number starting with 1 (!) * @param $height string percent or pixel or '' for no height * @param $class string name of css class (without the leading '.') or '' for no class * @param $valign string alignment (top,middle,bottom) or '' for none * @param $disabled boolean True or expression or False to disable or enable the row (Only the number 0 means dont change the attribute !!!) */ function set_row_attributes($n,$height=0,$class=0,$valign=0,$disabled=0) { list($old_height,$old_disabled) = explode(',',$this->data[0]["h$n"]); $disabled = $disabled !== 0 ? $disabled : $old_disabled; $this->data[0]["h$n"] = ($height !== 0 ? $height : $old_height). ($disabled ? ','.$disabled : ''); list($old_class,$old_valign) = explode(',',$this->data[0]["c$n"]); $valign = $valign !== 0 ? $valign : $old_valign; $this->data[0]["c$n"] = ($class !== 0 ? $class : $old_class). ($valign ? ','.$valign : ''); } /** * disables row $n * * @param $n int numerical row-number starting with 1 (!) * @param $enable boolean can be used to re-enable a row if set to True */ function disable_row($n,$enable=False) { $this->set_row_attributes($n,0,0,0,!$enable); } /** * set one or more attibutes for column $c * * @param $c int/string numerical column-number starting with 0 (!), or the char-code starting with 'A' * @param $width string percent or pixel or '' for no height * @param $disabled boolean True or expression or False to disable or enable the column (Only the number 0 means dont change the attribute !!!) */ function set_column_attributes($c,$width=0,$disabled=0) { if (is_numeric($c)) { $c = $this->num2chrs($c); } list($old_width,$old_disabled) = explode(',',$this->data[0][$c]); $disabled = $disabled !== 0 ? $disabled : $old_disabled; $this->data[0][$c] = ($width !== 0 ? $width : $old_width). ($disabled ? ','.$disabled : ''); } /** * disables column $c * @param $c int/string numerical column-number starting with 0 (!), or the char-code starting with 'A' * @param $enable can be used to re-enable a column if set to True */ function disable_column($c,$enable=False) { $this->set_column_attributes($c,0,!$enable); } /** * trys to load the Extension / Widget-class from the app or etemplate * * @param $name string name of the extension, the classname should be class.${name}_widget.inc.php * the $name might be "$name.$app" to give a app-name (default is the current app,or template-name) * @return string/boolean human readable name or false if not found/loadable */ function loadExtension($type) { list($class,$app) = explode('.',$type); $class .= '_widget'; if ($app == '') { $app = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['current_app']; } if (!file_exists(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/inc/class.$class.inc.php")) { list($app) = explode('.',$this->name); } if (!file_exists(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/inc/class.$class.inc.php")) { $app = 'etemplate'; } if (!file_exists(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/$app/inc/class.$class.inc.php")) { return $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type] = False; } $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type] = CreateObject($app.'.'.$class,$ui='html'); return $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type]->human_name; } function haveExtension($type,$function='') /* * checks if extension is loaded and load it if it isnt * * @return boolean */ { return ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type] || $this->loadExtension($type,$ui)) && ($function == '' || $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type]->public_functions[$function]); } function extensionPreProcess($type,$name,&$value,&$cell,&$readonlys) /* * executes the pre_process-function of the extension $cell[]type] * * @param $type string type of the extension * @param $name string form-name of this widget/field (used as a unique index into extension_data) * @param &$cell array table-cell on which the extension operates * @param &$value mixed value of the extensions content(-array) * @param &$readonlys array value of the extensions readonly-setting(-array) * @return mixed the return-value of the extensions preprocess function */ { if (!$this->haveExtension($type)) { return False; } return $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type]->pre_process($name,$value,$cell,$readonlys, $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension_data'][$name],$this); } function extensionPostProcess($type,$name,&$value,$value_in) /* * executes the post_process-function of the extension $cell[type] * * @param $type string name of the extension * @param $name string form-name of this widget/field (used as a unique index into extension_data) * @param &$value mixed value of the extensions content(-array) * @return boolean True if a value should be returned (default for no postprocess fkt.), else False */ { if (!$this->haveExtension($type,'post_process')) { return True; } return $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type]->post_process($name,$value, $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension_data'][$name], $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['loop'],$this,$value_in); } function extensionRender($type,$name,&$value,&$cell,$readonly) /* * executes the render-function of the extension $cell[type] * @return mixed return-value of the render function */ { if (!$this->haveExtension($type,'render')) { return False; } return $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension'][$type]->render($cell,$name,$value,$readonly, $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['extension_data'][$name],$this); } /** * checks if $idx is set in array $arr * * @param $arr array * @param $idx string may contain multiple subindex (eg.'x[y][z]') * @return boolean */ function isset_array($arr,$idx) { $idxs = explode('[',str_replace(']','',$idx)); $last_idx = array_pop($idxs); $pos = &$arr; foreach($idxs as $idx) { if (!is_array($pos)) { return False; } $pos = &$pos[$idx]; } return isset($pos[$last_idx]); } /** * sets $arr[$idx] = $val * * This works for non-trival indexes like 'a[b][c]' too: $arr['a']['b']['c'] = $val; * * @param &$arr array the array to search * @param $idx string the index, may contain sub-indices like a[b], see example below * @param $val mixed */ function set_array(&$arr,$idx,$val) { if (!is_array($arr)) { die('set_array() $arr is no arraystore_in_cache('$this->name','$this->template','$this->lang','$this->version')
\n"; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['cache'][$this->cache_name()] = $this->as_array(1); } /* * returns true if a given eTemplate is in the cache * * @return boolean */ function in_cache($name,$template='default',$lang='default',$group=0,$version='') { $cname = $this->cache_name($name,$template,$lang); if (is_array($name)) { $version = $name['version']; $name = $name['name']; } if (!isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['cache'][$cname]) || !empty($version) && $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['cache'][$cname]['version'] != $version) { //echo " NOT found in cache\n"; return False; } //echo " found in cache\n"; return $cname; } /* * reads the content of an eTemplate from the cache into the current object * * same as read but only via the cache * * @return boolean true if the eTemplate was found in the cache */ function read_from_cache($name,$template='default',$lang='default',$group=0,$version='') { //if (is_array($name)) $version = $name['version']; echo "read_from_cache(,,,version='$version'): "; if ($cname = $this->in_cache($name,$template,$lang,$group)) { $this->init($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['etemplate']['cache'][$cname]); return True; } return False; } /** * reads an eTemplate from the cache or database / filesystem (and updates the cache) * * reimplementation of soetemplate::read to use and/or update the cache * * @param $name string name of the eTemplate or array with the values for all keys * @param $template string template-set, '' loads the prefered template of the user, 'default' loads the default one '' in the db * @param $lang string language, '' loads the pref. lang of the user, 'default' loads the default one '' in the db * @param $group int id of the (primary) group of the user or 0 for none, not used at the moment !!! * @param $version string version of the eTemplate * @param $load_via mixed name/array of keys of etemplate to load in order to get $name (only as second try!) * @return boolean True if a fitting template is found, else False */ function read($name,$template='default',$lang='default',$group=0,$version='',$load_via='') { if (is_array($name)) { $pname = &$name['name']; } else { $pname = &$name; } if (empty($pname)) { return False; } $parent = is_array($load_via) ? $load_via['name'] : $load_via; if (strstr($pname,'.') === False && !empty($parent)) { $pname = $parent . '.' . $pname; } if (!$this->read_from_cache($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version)) { if (!soetemplate::read($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version)) { if ($load_via && (is_string($load_via) || !isset($load_via['tpls_in_file']) || $load_via['tpls_in_file'] > 1)) { soetemplate::read($load_via); return $this->read_from_cache($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version); } return False; } $this->store_in_cache(); } return True; } /** * saves eTemplate-object to db and update the cache * * reimplementation of soetemplate::save to update the cache * * @param $name string name of the eTemplate or array with the values for all keys * @param $template string template-set or '' for the default one * @param $lang string language or '' for the default one * @param $group int id of the (primary) group of the user or 0 for none, not used at the moment !!! * @param $version string version of the eTemplate * @return the number of affected rows, 1 should be ok, 0 somethings wrong */ function save($name='',$template='.',$lang='.',$group=0,$version='.') { if ($result = soetemplate::save($name,$template,$lang,$group,$version)) { $this->store_in_cache(); } return $result; } }