True, 'add_user' => True, 'delete_group' => True, 'delete_user' => True, 'edit_group' => True, 'edit_user' => True ); var $xml_functions = array(); var $soap_functions = array( 'add_user' => array( 'in' => array('int', 'struct'), 'out' => array() ) ); function delete_group($account_id='') { if(!$account_id || $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('group_access',32,'admin')) { return False; } $account_id = (int)$account_id; // delete all acl (and memberships) of group $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->delete_account($account_id); // make this information also available in the hook $lid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($account_id); $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process($GLOBALS['hook_values'] = array( 'account_id' => $account_id, 'account_name' => $lid, 'location' => 'deletegroup' ),False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones) $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->delete($account_id); return True; } function delete_user($account_id='',$new_owner='') { if(!$account_id || $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('account_access',32,'admin')) { return False; } $accountid = (int)$account_id; $account_id = get_account_id($accountid); // make this information also available in the hook $lid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($account_id); $GLOBALS['hook_values'] = array( 'account_id' => $account_id, 'account_lid' => $lid, 'new_owner' => (int)$new_owner, 'location' => 'deleteaccount' ); // first all other apps, then preferences and admin foreach(array_merge(array_diff(array_keys($GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']),array('preferences','admin')),array('preferences','admin')) as $app) { $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->single($GLOBALS['hook_values'],$app); } return True; } function add_group($group_info) { if($GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('group_access',4,'admin')) { return False; } $errors = $this->validate_group($group_info); if(count($errors)) { return $errors; } $group =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',$group_info['account_id'],'g'); $group->acct_type = 'g'; $account_info = array( 'account_type' => 'g', 'account_lid' => $group_info['account_name'], 'account_passwd' => '', 'account_firstname' => $group_info['account_name'], 'account_lastname' => 'Group', 'account_status' => 'A', 'account_expires' => -1, // 'account_file_space' => $account_file_space_number . "-" . $account_file_space_type, 'account_email' => $group_info['account_email'], 'account_members' => $group_info['account_user'] ); $group_info['account_id'] = $group->create($account_info); // do the following only if we got an id - the create succeeded if($group_info['account_id']) { $group->set_members($group_info['account_user'],$group_info['account_id']); $apps =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.applications',$group_info['account_id']); $apps->update_data(Array()); reset($group_info['account_apps']); while(list($app,$value) = each($group_info['account_apps'])) { $apps->add($app); $new_apps[] = $app; } $apps->save_repository(); $GLOBALS['hook_values'] = $group_info; $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process($GLOBALS['hook_values']+array( 'location' => 'addgroup' ),False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones) return True; } return False; } function edit_group($group_info) { if($GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('group_access',16,'admin')) { return False; } $errors = $this->validate_group($group_info); if(count($errors)) { return $errors; } $group =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',$group_info['account_id'],'g'); $old_group_info = $group->read_repository(); // Set group apps $apps =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.applications',$group_info['account_id']); $apps_before = $apps->read_account_specific(); $apps->update_data(Array()); $new_apps = Array(); if(count($group_info['account_apps'])) { reset($group_info['account_apps']); while(list($app,$value) = each($group_info['account_apps'])) { $apps->add($app); if(!@$apps_before[$app] || @$apps_before == False) { $new_apps[] = $app; } } } $apps->save_repository(); $group->set_members($group_info['account_user'],$group_info['account_id']); $GLOBALS['hook_values'] = $group_info; $GLOBALS['hook_values']['old_name'] = $group->id2name($group_info['account_id']); // This is down here so we are sure to catch the acl changes // for LDAP to update the memberuid attribute $group->data['account_email'] = $group_info['account_email']; $group->data['account_lid'] = $group_info['account_name']; $group->save_repository(); $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process($GLOBALS['hook_values']+array( 'location' => 'editgroup' ),False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones) return True; } /** * Process a user edit * * @param array $userData * @param int $required_account_access=16 can be set to 4 for add user * @return boolean|array with errors or true on success, false on acl failure */ function edit_user(&$userData, $required_account_access=16) { if($GLOBALS['egw']->acl->check('account_access',$required_account_access,'admin')) { return False; } //error_log(array2string($userData)); $accountPrefix = ''; if(isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_prefix'])) { $accountPrefix = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_prefix']; } if($accountPrefix && strpos($userData['account_lid'], $accountPrefix) !== 0) { $userData['account_lid'] = $accountPrefix . $userData['account_lid']; } $errors = $this->validate_user($userData); if(!$errors) { $new_user = !$userData['account_id']; $passwd = $userData['account_passwd']; $errors = $this->save_user($userData); $GLOBALS['hook_values'] = $userData + ($new_user ? array( 'new_password' => $passwd, ) : array()); $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process($GLOBALS['hook_values']+array( 'location' => $new_user ? 'addaccount' : 'editaccount', ),False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones) } //error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($userData).") returning ".array2string($errors ? $errors : true)); return $errors ? $errors : true; } function validate_group($group_info) { $errors = Array(); $group =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',$group_info['account_id'],'g'); $group->read_repository(); if(!$group_info['account_name']) { $errors[] = lang('You must enter a group name.'); } /* For LDAP */ if(!$group_info['account_user']) { $errors[] = lang('You must select at least one group member.'); } if($group_info['account_name'] != $group->id2name($group_info['account_id'])) { if($group->exists($group_info['account_name'])) { $errors[] = lang('Sorry, that group name has already been taken.'); } } /* if(preg_match("/\D/", $account_file_space_number)) { $errors[] = lang('File space must be an integer'); } */ if(count($errors)) { return $errors; } } /** * checks if the userdata are valid * * @return array with errors or empty array if there are none */ function validate_user(&$_userData) { $errors = array(); if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository'] == 'ldap' && (!$_userData['account_lastname'] && !$_userData['lastname'])) { $errors[] = lang('You must enter a lastname'); } if(!$_userData['account_lid']) { $errors[] = lang('You must enter a loginid'); } if(!in_array($_userData['account_primary_group'],$_userData['account_groups'])) { $errors[] = lang('The groups must include the primary group'); } // Check if an account already exists as system user, and if it does deny creation // (increase the totalerrors counter and the message thereof) if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository'] == 'ldap' && !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['ldap_allow_systemusernames'] && !$_userData['account_id'] && function_exists('posix_getpwnam') && posix_getpwnam($_userData['account_lid'])) { $errors[] = lang('There already is a system-user with this name. User\'s should not have the same name as a systemuser'); } if($_userData['old_loginid'] != $_userData['account_lid']) { if($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->exists($_userData['account_lid'])) { if($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->exists($_userData['account_lid']) && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($_userData['account_lid'])=='g') { $errors[] = lang('There already is a group with this name. Userid\'s can not have the same name as a groupid'); } else { $errors[] = lang('That loginid has already been taken'); } } } if($_userData['account_passwd'] || $_userData['account_passwd_2']) { if($_userData['account_passwd'] != $_userData['account_passwd_2']) { $errors[] = lang('The two passwords are not the same'); } } if(!count($_userData['account_permissions']) && !count($_userData['account_groups'])) { $errors[] = lang('You must add at least 1 permission or group to this account'); } if($_userData['account_expires_month'] || $_userData['account_expires_day'] || $_userData['account_expires_year'] || $_userData['account_expires_never']) { if($_userData['account_expires_never']) { $_userData['expires'] = -1; $_userData['account_expires'] = $_userData['expires']; } else { if(! checkdate($_userData['account_expires_month'],$_userData['account_expires_day'],$_userData['account_expires_year'])) { $errors[] = lang('You have entered an invalid expiration date'); } else { $_userData['expires'] = mktime(2,0,0,$_userData['account_expires_month'],$_userData['account_expires_day'],$_userData['account_expires_year']); $_userData['account_expires'] = $_userData['expires']; } } } else { $_userData['expires'] = -1; $_userData['account_expires'] = $_userData['expires']; } /* $check_account_file_space = explode('-', $_userData['file_space']); if(preg_match("/\D/", $check_account_file_space[0])) { $errors[] = lang('File space must be an integer'); } */ return $errors; } /** * stores the userdata * * @param array &$_userData "account_id" got set for new accounts * @return array with error-messages */ function save_user(array &$_userData) { //error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($_userData).")"); $errors = array(); // do NOT save password via accounts::save, as pw policy violation can happen and we cant/dont report that way $passwd = $_userData['account_passwd']; $new_account = !$_userData['account_id']; unset($_userData['account_passwd']); unset($_userData['account_passwd_2']); if ($new_account && !$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->save($_userData)) { $errors[] = lang('Failed to save user!'); return $errors; } if ($passwd) { $_userData['account_passwd'] = $passwd; try { $auth = new auth(); if ($auth->change_password('', $passwd, $_userData['account_id'])) { $GLOBALS['hook_values']['account_id'] = $_userData['account_id']; $GLOBALS['hook_values']['old_passwd'] = ''; $GLOBALS['hook_values']['new_passwd'] = $passwd; $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process($GLOBALS['hook_values']+array( 'location' => 'changepassword' ),False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones) if ($_userData['account_lastpwd_change']==0 || // AD requires to activate account AFTER setting pw $new_account && $_userData['account_status'] == 'A' && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->require_password_for_enable()) { // change password sets the shadow_timestamp/account_lastpwd_change timestamp // so we need to reset that to 0 as Admin required the change of password upon next login $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->save($_userData); } } else { $errors[] = lang('Failed to change password.'); } } catch(Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } } $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->set_memberships($_userData['account_groups'],$_userData['account_id']); if (!$new_account && !$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->save($_userData)) { $errors[] = lang('Failed to save user!'); return $errors; } if ($_userData['account_lastpwd_change']==0) { if (!isset($auth)) $auth =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.auth'); // we call that with NULL for 2nd Parameter as we are doing an admin action. $auth->setLastPwdChange($_userData['account_id'],NULL, $_userData['account_lastpwd_change']); } $apps = new applications((int)$_userData['account_id']); if($_userData['account_permissions']) { foreach($_userData['account_permissions'] as $app => $enabled) { if($enabled) { $apps->add($app); } } } $apps->save_repository(); $acl = new acl($_userData['account_id']); if($_userData['anonymous']) { $acl->add_repository('phpgwapi','anonymous',$_userData['account_id'],1); } else { $acl->delete_repository('phpgwapi','anonymous',$_userData['account_id']); } if(!$_userData['changepassword']) { $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->add_repository('preferences','nopasswordchange',$_userData['account_id'],1); } else { $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->delete_repository('preferences','nopasswordchange',$_userData['account_id']); } $GLOBALS['egw']->session->delete_cache((int)$_userData['account_id']); //error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($_userData).") returning ".array2string($errors)); return $errors; } function load_group_managers($account_id) { $temp_user = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_ids_for_location($account_id,EGW_ACL_GROUP_MANAGERS,'phpgw_group'); if(!$temp_user) { return Array(); } else { $group_user = $temp_user; } $account_user = Array(); while(list($key,$user) = each($group_user)) { $account_user[$user] = ' selected'; } @reset($account_user); return $account_user; } function load_group_apps($account_id) { $apps =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.applications',(int)$account_id); $app_list = $apps->read_account_specific(); $account_apps = Array(); while(list($key,$app) = each($app_list)) { $account_apps[$app['name']] = True; } @reset($account_apps); return $account_apps; } }