import_var($name,$data,True,True); } class xmltool { /* for root nodes */ var $xmlversion = '1.0'; var $doctype = Array(); /* shared */ var $node_type = ''; var $name = ''; var $data_type; var $data; /* for nodes */ var $attributes = Array(); var $comments = Array(); var $indentstring = " "; /* start the class as either a root or a node */ function xmltool ($node_type = 'root', $name='') { $this->node_type = $node_type; if ($this->node_type == 'node') { if($name != '') { $this->name = $name; } else { echo 'You must name node type objects
'; exit; } } } function set_version ($version = '1.0') { $this->xmlversion = $version; return True; } function set_doctype ($name, $uri = '') { if ($this->node_type == 'root') { $this->doctype[$name] = $uri; return True; } else { return False; } } function add_node ($node_object, $name = '') { switch ($this->node_type) { case 'root': if (is_object($node_object)) { $this->data = $node_object; } else { $this->data = $this->import_var($name, $node_object); } break; case 'node': if(!is_array($this->data)) { $this->data = Array(); $this->data_type = 'node'; } if (is_object($node_object)) { if ($name != '') { $this->data[$name] = $node_object; } else { $this->data[] = $node_object; } } else { $this->data[$name] = $this->import_var($name, $node_object); } return True; break; } } function get_node ($name = '') // what is that function doing: NOTHING !!! { switch ($this->data_type) { case 'root': break; case 'node': break; case 'object': break; } } function set_value ($string) { $this->data = $string; $this->data_type = 'value'; return True; } function get_value () { if($this->data_type == 'value') { return $this->data; } else { return False; } } function set_attribute ($name, $value = '') { $this->attributes[$name] = $value; return True; } function get_attribute ($name) { return $this->attributes[$name]; } function get_attributes () { return $this->attributes; } function add_comment ($comment) { $this->comments[] = $comment; return True; } function import_var($name, $value,$is_root=False,$export_xml=False) { $node = new xmltool('node',$name); switch (gettype($value)) { case 'string': case 'integer': case 'double': case 'NULL': $node->set_value($value); break; case 'boolean': if($value == True) { $node->set_value('1'); } else { $node->set_value('0'); } break; case 'array': $new_index = False; while (list ($idxkey, $idxval) = each ($value)) { if(is_array($idxval)) { while (list ($k, $i) = each ($idxval)) { if (is_int($k)) { $new_index = True; } } } } reset($value); while (list ($key, $val) = each ($value)) { if($new_index) { $keyname = $name; $nextkey = $key; } else { $keyname = $key; $nextkey = $key; } switch (gettype($val)) { case 'string': case 'integer': case 'double': case 'NULL': $subnode = new xmltool('node', $nextkey); $subnode->set_value($val); $node->add_node($subnode); break; case 'boolean': $subnode = new xmltool('node', $nextkey); if($val == True) { $subnode->set_value('1'); } else { $subnode->set_value('0'); } $node->add_node($subnode); break; case 'array': if($new_index) { while (list ($subkey, $subval) = each ($val)) { $node->add_node($this->import_var($nextkey, $subval)); } } else { $subnode = $this->import_var($nextkey, $val); $node->add_node($subnode); } break; case 'object': $subnode = new xmltool('node', $nextkey); $subnode->set_value('PHP_SERIALIZED_OBJECT&:'.serialize($val)); $node->add_node($subnode); break; case 'resource': echo 'Halt: Cannot package PHP resource pointers into XML
'; exit; default: echo 'Halt: Invalid or unknown data type
'; exit; } } break; case 'object': $node->set_value('PHP_SERIALIZED_OBJECT&:'.serialize($value)); break; case 'resource': echo 'Halt: Cannot package PHP resource pointers into XML
'; exit; default: echo 'Halt: Invalid or unknown data type
'; exit; } if($is_root) { $this->add_node($node); if($export_xml) { $xml = $this->export_xml(); return $xml; } else { return True; } } else { $this->add_node($node); return $node; } } function export_var() { if($this->node_type == 'root') { return $this->data->export_var(); } if($this->data_type != 'node') { $found_at = strstr($this->data,'PHP_SERIALIZED_OBJECT&:'); if($found_at != False) { return unserialize(str_replace ('PHP_SERIALIZED_OBJECT&:', '', $this->data)); } return $this->data; } else { $new_index = False; reset($this->data); while(list($key,$val) = each($this->data)) { if(!isset($found_keys[$val->name])) { $found_keys[$val->name] = True; } else { $new_index = True; } } if($new_index) { reset($this->data); while(list($key,$val) = each($this->data)) { $return_array[$val->name][] = $val->export_var(); } } else { reset($this->data); while(list($key,$val) = each($this->data)) { $return_array[$val->name] = $val->export_var(); } } return $return_array; } } function export_struct() { if($this->node_type == 'root') { return $this->data->export_struct(); } $retval['tag'] = $this->name; $retval['attributes'] = $this->attributes; if($this->data_type != 'node') { $found_at = strstr($this->data,'PHP_SERIALIZED_OBJECT&:'); if($found_at != False) { $retval['value'] = unserialize(str_replace ('PHP_SERIALIZED_OBJECT&:', '', $this->data)); } else { $retval['value'] = $this->data; } return $retval; } else { reset($this->data); while(list($key,$val) = each($this->data)) { $retval['children'][] = $val->export_struct(); } return $retval; } } function import_xml_children($data, &$i, $parent_node) { while (++$i < count($data)) { switch ($data[$i]['type']) { case 'cdata': case 'complete': $node = new xmltool('node',$data[$i]['tag']); if(is_array($data[$i]['attributes']) && count($data[$i]['attributes']) > 0) { while(list($k,$v)=each($data[$i]['attributes'])) { $node->set_attribute($k,$v); } } $node->set_value($data[$i]['value']); $parent_node->add_node($node); break; case 'open': $node = new xmltool('node',$data[$i]['tag']); if(is_array($data[$i]['attributes']) && count($data[$i]['attributes']) > 0) { while(list($k,$v)=each($data[$i]['attributes'])) { $node->set_attribute($k,$v); } } $node = $this->import_xml_children($data, $i, $node); $parent_node->add_node($node); break; case 'close': return $parent_node; } } } function import_xml($xmldata) { $parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $xmldata, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($parser); unset($index); $node = new xmltool('node',$vals[0]['tag']); if(isset($vals[0]['attributes'])) { while(list($key,$value) = each($vals[0]['attributes'])) { $node->set_attribute($key, $value); } } switch ($vals[0]['type']) { case 'complete': $node->set_value($vals[0]['value']); break; case 'cdata': $node->set_value($vals[0]['value']); break; case 'open': $node = $this->import_xml_children($vals, $i = 0, $node); break; case 'closed': exit; } $this->add_node($node); } function export_xml($indent = 1) { if ($this->node_type == 'root') { $result = 'xmlversion.'"?>'."\n"; if(count($this->doctype) == 1) { list($doctype_name,$doctype_uri) = each($this->doctype); $result .= ''."\n"; } if(count($this->comments) > 0 ) { //reset($this->comments); while(list($key,$val) = each ($this->comments)) { $result .= "\n"; } } if(is_object($this->data)) { $indent = 0; $result .= $this->data->export_xml($indent); } return $result; } else /* For node objects */ { for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; $i++) { $indentstring .= $this->indentstring; } $result = $indentstring.'<'.$this->name; if(count($this->attributes) > 0 ) { reset($this->attributes); while(list($key,$val) = each ($this->attributes)) { $result .= ' '.$key.'="'.htmlspecialchars($val).'"'; } } $endtag_indent = $indentstring; if (empty($this->data_type)) { $result .= '/>'."\n"; } else { $result .= '>'; switch ($this->data_type) { case 'value': if(is_array($this->data)) { $type_error = True; break; } if(preg_match("(&|<)", $this->data)) // this is unnecessary with htmlspecialchars($this->data) { $result .= 'data.']]>'; $endtag_indent = ''; } elseif(strlen($this->data) > 30) { $result .= "\n".$indentstring.$this->indentstring.htmlspecialchars($this->data)."\n"; $endtag_indent = $indentstring; } else { $result .= htmlspecialchars($this->data); $endtag_indent = ''; } break; case 'node': $result .= "\n"; if(!is_array($this->data)) { $type_error = True; break; } $subindent = $indent+1; reset($this->data); while(list($key,$val) = each ($this->data)) { if(is_object($val)) { $result .= $val->export_xml($subindent); } } break; default: if($this->data != '') { echo 'Invalid or unset data type ('.$this->data_type.'). This should not be possible if using the class as intended
'; } } if ($type_error) { echo 'Invalid data type. Tagged as '.$this->data_type.' but data is '.gettype($this->data).'
'; } $result .= $endtag_indent.'name.'>'; if($indent != 0) { $result .= "\n"; } } if(count($this->comments) > 0 ) { reset($this->comments); while(list($key,$val) = each ($this->comments)) { $result .= $endtag_indent."\n"; } } return $result; } } } class xmlnode extends xmltool { function xmlnode($name) { $this->xmltool('node',$name); } } class xmldoc extends xmltool { function xmldoc($version = '1.0') { $this->xmltool('root'); $this->set_version($version); } function add_root($root_node) { return $this->add_node($root_node); } } ?>