 * Egroupware Calendar timegrid
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @package etemplate
 * @subpackage api
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @author Nathan Gray
 * @version $Id$


 * Class which implements the "calendar-planner" XET-Tag for displaying a longer
 * ( > 10 days) span of time.  Events can be grouped into rows by either user,
 * category, or month.  Their horizontal position and size in the row is determined
 * by their start date and duration relative to the displayed date range.
 * @augments et2_calendar_view
var et2_calendar_planner = (function(){ "use strict"; return et2_calendar_view.extend([et2_IDetachedDOM, et2_IResizeable],
	createNamespace: true,

	attributes: {
		group_by: {
			name: "Group by",
			type: "string", // or category ID
			default: "0",
			description: "Display planner by 'user', 'month', or the given category"
		filter: {
			name: "Filter",
			type: "string",
			default: '',
			description: 'A filter that is used to select events.  It is passed along when events are queried.'
		show_weekend: {
			name: "Weekends",
			type: "boolean",
			default: egw.preference('days_in_weekview','calendar') != 5,
			description: "Display weekends.  The date range should still include them for proper scrolling, but they just won't be shown."
		value: {
			type: "any",
			description: "A list of events, optionally you can set start_date, end_date and group_by as keys and events will be fetched"
		"onchange": {
			"name": "onchange",
			"type": "js",
			"default": et2_no_init,
			"description": "JS code which is executed when the date range changes."
		"onevent_change": {
			"name": "onevent_change",
			"type": "js",
			"default": et2_no_init,
			"description": "JS code which is executed when an event changes."

	 * Constructor
	 * @memberOf et2_calendar_planner
	 * @constructor
	init: function() {
		this._super.apply(this, arguments);

		// Main container
		this.div = $j(document.createElement("div"))

		// Header
		this.gridHeader = $j(document.createElement("div"))
		this.headerTitle = $j(document.createElement("div"))
		this.headers = $j(document.createElement("div"))

		this.rows = $j(document.createElement("div"))
		this.grid = $j(document.createElement("div"))

		this.vertical_bar = $j(document.createElement("div"))

		this.value = [];

		// Update timer, to avoid redrawing twice when changing start & end date
		this.update_timer = null;
		this.doInvalidate = true;


		this.registeredCallbacks = [];

	destroy: function() {
		this._super.apply(this, arguments);

		for(var i = 0; i < this.registeredCallbacks.length; i++)

	doLoadingFinished: function() {
		this._super.apply(this, arguments);

		// Don't bother to draw anything if there's no date yet

		// Actions may be set on a parent, so we need to explicitly get in here
		// and get ours
		this._link_actions(this.options.actions || this._parent.options.actions || []);

		// Automatically bind drag and resize for every event using jQuery directly
		// - no action system -
		var planner = this;

		 * If user puts the mouse over an event, then we'll set up resizing so
		 * they can adjust the length.  Should be a little better on resources
		 * than binding it for every calendar event.
		this.div.on('mouseover', '.calendar_calEvent:not(.ui-resizable):not(.rowNoEdit)', function() {
				// Load the event
				var that = this;

				//Resizable event handler
					distance: 10,
					grid: [5, 10000],
					autoHide: false,
					handles: 'e',

					 *  Triggered when the resizable is created.
					 * @param {event} event
					 * @param {Object} ui
					create:function(event, ui)
						var resizeHelper = event.target.getAttribute('data-resize');
						if (resizeHelper == 'WD' || resizeHelper == 'WDS')

					 * Triggered at the end of resizing the calEvent.
					 * @param {event} event
					 * @param {Object} ui
					stop:function(event, ui)
						var e = new jQuery.Event('change');
						e.originalEvent = event;
						e.data = {duration: 0};
						var event_data = planner._get_event_info(this);
						var event_widget = planner.getWidgetById(event_data.widget_id);
						var sT = event_widget.options.value.start_m;
						if (typeof this.dropEnd != 'undefined')
							var eT = parseInt(this.dropEnd.getUTCHours() * 60) + parseInt(this.dropEnd.getUTCMinutes());
							e.data.duration = ((eT - sT)/60) * 3600;

								event_widget.options.value.end_m = eT;
								event_widget.options.value.duration = e.data.duration;

							// Leave the helper there until the update is done
							var loading = ui.helper.clone().appendTo(ui.helper.parent());

							// and add a loading icon so user knows something is happening
							$j('.calendar_timeDemo',loading).after('<div class="loading"></div>');


							// That cleared the resize handles, so remove for re-creation...

							// Remove loading, done or not
						// Clear the helper, re-draw

					 * Triggered during the resize, on the drag of the resize handler
					 * @param {event} event
					 * @param {Object} ui
					resize:function(event, ui)
							left: ui.position.left + ui.helper.width()
			.on('mousemove', function(event) {
				// Not when over header
				if($j(event.target).closest('.calendar_eventRows').length == 0)
				// Position bar by mouse
					my: 'right-1',
					of: event,
					collision: 'fit'

				// Get time at mouse
				if(planner.options.group_by == 'month')
					var time = planner._get_time_from_position(event.clientX, event.clientY);
					var time = planner._get_time_from_position(event.offsetX, event.offsetY);
				// Passing to formatter, cancel out timezone
					var formatDate = new Date(time.valueOf() + time.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
						.html('<span>'+date(egw.preference('timeformat','calendar') == 12 ? 'h:ia' : 'H:i',formatDate)+'</span>')
					// No (valid) time, just hide

		// Customize and override some draggable settings
		this.div.on('dragcreate','.calendar_calEvent', function(event, ui) {
				// Act like you clicked the header, makes it easier to position
				$j(this).draggable('option','cursorAt', {top: 5, left: 5});
			.on('dragstart', '.calendar_calEvent', function(event,ui) {
					.css('top', '').css('left','')
		return true;

	 * These handle the differences between the different group types.
	 * They provide the different titles, labels and grouping
	groupers: {
		// Group by user has one row for each user
			// Title in top left corner
			title: function() { return this.egw().lang('User');},
			// Column headers
			headers: function() {
				var start = new Date(this.options.start_date);
				var end = new Date(this.options.end_date);
				var start_date = new Date(start.getUTCFullYear(), start.getUTCMonth(),start.getUTCDate());
				var end_date = new Date(end.getUTCFullYear(), end.getUTCMonth(),end.getUTCDate());
				var day_count = Math.round((end_date - start_date) /(1000*3600*24))+1;
				if(day_count >= 6)
					this.headers.append(this._header_months(start, day_count));
				if(day_count < 120)
					var weeks = this._header_weeks(start, day_count);
				if(day_count < 60)
					var days = this._header_days(start, day_count);
				if(day_count <= 7)
					var hours = this._header_hours(start, day_count);
			// Labels for the rows
			row_labels: function() {
				var labels = [];
				var already_added = [];
				for(var i = 0; i < this.options.owner.length; i++)
					var user = this.options.owner[i];
					if (user < 0)	// groups
						egw.accountData(user,'account_fullname',true,function(result) {
							for(var id in result)
								if(already_added.indexOf(''+id) < 0)
									this.push({id: id, label: result[id]||'', data: {participants:id,owner:id}});
					else	// users
						if(already_added.indexOf(user) < 0)
							var label = this._get_owner_name(user)||'';
							labels.push({id: user, label: label, data: {participants:user,owner:''}});

				return labels.sort(function(a,b) {
					return a.label.localeCompare(b.label);
			// Group the events into the rows
			group: function(labels, rows, event) {
				// convert filter to allowed status
				var status_to_show = ['U','A','T','D','G'];
					case 'unknown':
						status_to_show = ['U','G']; break;
					case 'accepted':
						status_to_show = ['A']; break;
					case 'tentative':
						status_to_show = ['T']; break;
					case 'rejected':
						status_to_show = ['R']; break;
					case 'delegated':
						status_to_show = ['D']; break;
					case 'all':
						status_to_show = ['U','A','T','D','G','R']; break;
						status_to_show = ['U','A','T','D','G']; break;
				var participants = event.participants;
				var add_row = function(user, participant) {
					var label_index = false;
					for(var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
						if(labels[i].id == user)
							label_index = i;
					if(participant && label_index !== false && status_to_show.indexOf(participant.substr(0,1)) >= 0 ||
						this.options.filter === 'owner' && event.owner === user)
						if(typeof rows[label_index] === 'undefined')
							rows[label_index] = [];
				for(var user in participants)
					var participant = participants[user];
					if (parseInt(user) < 0)	// groups
						var planner = this;
						egw.accountData(user,'account_fullname',true,function(result) {
							for(var id in result)
								if(!participants[id]) add_row.call(planner,id,participant);
					add_row.call(this, user, participant);
			// Draw a single row
			draw_row: function(sort_key, label, events) {
				if(['user','both'].indexOf(egw.preference('planner_show_empty_rows','calendar')) !== -1 || events.length)
					return this._drawRow(sort_key, label,events,this.options.start_date, this.options.end_date);

		// Group by month has one row for each month
			title: function() { return this.egw().lang('Month');},
			headers: function() {
			row_labels: function() {
				var labels = [];
				var d = new Date(this.options.start_date);
				d = new Date(d.valueOf() + d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
				for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++)
					// Not using UTC because we corrected for timezone offset
					labels.push({id: d.getFullYear() +'-'+d.getMonth(), label:this.egw().lang(date('F',d))+' '+d.getFullYear()});
				return labels;
			group: function(labels, rows,event) {
				// Yearly planner does not show infologs
				if(event && event.app && event.app == 'infolog') return;

				var start = new Date(event.start);
				start = new Date(start.valueOf() + start.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
				var key = start.getFullYear() +'-'+start.getMonth();
				var label_index = false;
				for(var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
					if(labels[i].id == key)
						label_index = i;
				if(typeof rows[label_index] === 'undefined')
					rows[label_index] = [];

				// end in a different month?
				var end = new Date(event.end);
				end = new Date(end.valueOf() + end.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
				var end_key = end.getFullYear() +'-'+end.getMonth();
				var year = start.getFullYear();
				var month = start.getMonth();
				while(key !== end_key)
					if (++month > 11)
						month = 0;
					key = sprintf('%04d-%d',year,month);
					for(var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
						if(labels[i].id == key)
							label_index = i;
							if(typeof rows[label_index] === 'undefined')
								rows[label_index] = [];
			// Draw a single row, but split up the dates
			draw_row: function(sort_key, label, events)
				var key = sort_key.split('-');
					sort_key, label, events,
					new Date(key[0]+"-"+sprintf("%02d",parseInt(key[1])+1)+"-01T00:00:00Z"),
					new Date(key[0],parseInt(key[1])+1,0)
		// Group by category has one row for each [sub]category
			title: function() { return this.egw().lang('Category');},
			headers: function() {
				var start = new Date(this.options.start_date);
				var end = new Date(this.options.end_date);
				var start_date = new Date(start.getUTCFullYear(), start.getUTCMonth(),start.getUTCDate());
				var end_date = new Date(end.getUTCFullYear(), end.getUTCMonth(),end.getUTCDate());
				var day_count = Math.round((end_date - start_date) /(1000*3600*24))+1;

				if(day_count >= 6)
					this.headers.append(this._header_months(start, day_count));
				if(day_count < 120)
					var weeks = this._header_weeks(start, day_count);
				if(day_count < 60)
					var days = this._header_days(start, day_count);
				if(day_count <= 7)
					var hours = this._header_hours(start, day_count);
			row_labels: function() {
				var im = this.getInstanceManager();
				var categories = et2_selectbox.cat_options({
						getInstanceManager: function() {return im;}
					},{application: 'calendar'});

				var labels = [];
				if(!app.calendar.state.cat_id ||
					app.calendar.state.cat_id.toString() === '' ||
					app.calendar.state.cat_id.toString() == '0'
					app.calendar.state.cat_id = '';
					labels.push({id:'',value:'',label: egw.lang('none'), main: '', data: {}});
					labels = labels.concat(categories);
					var cat_id = app.calendar.state.cat_id;
					if(typeof cat_id == 'string')
						cat_id = cat_id.split(',');
					for(var i = 0; i < cat_id.length; i++)
						// Find label for that category
						for(var j = 0; j < categories.length; j++)
							if(categories[j].value == cat_id[i])
								categories[j].id = categories[j].value;

						// Get its children immediately
							function(data) {
								labels = labels.concat(data);

				for(var i = labels.length -1; i >= 0; i--)
					labels[i].id = labels[i].value;
					labels[i].data = {
						cat_id: labels[i].id,
						main: labels[i].value==labels[i].main
					if(labels[i].children && labels[i].children.length)
						labels[i].data.has_children = true;
				return labels;
			group: function(labels, rows, event) {
				var cats = event.category;
				if(typeof event.category === 'string')
					cats = cats.split(',');
				for(var cat = 0; cat < cats.length; cat++)
					var label_index = false;
					var category = cats[cat] ? parseInt(cats[cat],10) : false;
					if(category == 0 || !category) category = '';
					for(var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
						if(labels[i].id == category)
							// If there's no cat filter, only show the top level
								for(var j = 0; j < labels.length; j++)
									if(labels[j].id == labels[i].main)
										label_index = j;
							label_index = i;
					if(typeof rows[label_index] === 'undefined')
						rows[label_index] = [];
					if(rows[label_index].indexOf(event) === -1)
			draw_row: function(sort_key, label, events) {
				if(['cat','both'].indexOf(egw.preference('planner_show_empty_rows','calendar')) !== -1 || events.length)
					return this._drawRow(sort_key, label,events,this.options.start_date, this.options.end_date);

	 * Something changed, and the planner needs to be re-drawn.  We wait a bit to
	 * avoid re-drawing twice if start and end date both changed, then recreate.
	 * @param {boolean} trigger =false Trigger an event once things are done.
	 *	Waiting until invalidate completes prevents 2 updates when changing the date range.
	 * @returns {undefined}
	invalidate: function(trigger) {

		// Busy
		if(!this.doInvalidate) return;

		// Not yet ready
		if(!this.options.start_date || !this.options.end_date) return;

		// Wait a bit to see if anything else changes, then re-draw the days
		if(this.update_timer !== null)
		this.update_timer = window.setTimeout(jQuery.proxy(function() {
			this.widget.doInvalidate = false;

			// Show AJAX loader

			this.widget.value = this.widget._fetch_data();


			// Update actions

			this.widget.update_timer = null;
			this.widget.doInvalidate = true;

			window.setTimeout(jQuery.proxy(function() {if(this.loader) this.loader.hide();},this.widget),100);

	detachFromDOM: function() {
		// Remove the binding to the change handler

		this._super.apply(this, arguments);

	attachToDOM: function() {
		this._super.apply(this, arguments);

		// Add the binding for the event change handler
		$j(this.div).on("change.et2_calendar_timegrid", '.calendar_calEvent', this, function(e) {
			// Make sure function gets a reference to the widget
			var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
			if(args.indexOf(this) == -1) args.push(this);

			return e.data.event_change.apply(e.data, args);

		// Add the binding for the change handler
		$j(this.div).on("change.et2_calendar_timegrid", '*:not(.calendar_calEvent)', this, function(e) {
				return e.data.change.call(e.data, e, this);


	getDOMNode: function(_sender)
		if(_sender === this || !_sender)
			return this.div[0];
		if(_sender._parent === this)
			return this.rows[0];

	 * Creates all the DOM nodes for the planner grid
	 * Any existing nodes (& children) are removed, the headers & labels are
	 * determined according to the current group_by value, and then the rows
	 * are created.
	 * @method
	 * @private
	_drawGrid: function()

		this.div.css('height', this.options.height);

		// Clear old events
		var delete_index = this._children.length - 1;
		while(this._children.length > 0 && delete_index >= 0)

		// Clear old rows

		var grouper = this.groupers[isNaN(this.options.group_by) ? this.options.group_by : 'category'];
		if(!grouper) return;

		// Headers
			return this.nodeType === 3;

		// Get the rows / labels
		var labels = grouper.row_labels.call(this);

		// Group the events
		var events = {};
		for(var i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++)
			grouper.group.call(this, labels, events, this.value[i]);

		// Set height for rows
		this.rows.height(this.div.height() - this.headers.outerHeight());

		// Draw the rows
		for(var key in labels)
			if (!labels.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;

			// Skip sub-categories (events are merged into top level)
			if(this.options.group_by == 'category' &&
				(!app.calendar.state.cat_id || app.calendar.state.cat_id == '') &&
				labels[key].id != labels[key].main
			var row = grouper.draw_row.call(this,labels[key].id, labels[key].label, events[key] || []);

			// Add extra data for clicking on row
				for(var extra in labels[key].data)
					row.getDOMNode().dataset[extra] = labels[key].data[extra];

		// Adjust header if there's a scrollbar
			this.gridHeader.css('margin-right', (this.rows.width() - this.rows.children().last().width()) + 'px');
		this.value = [];

	 * Draw a single row of the planner
	 * @param {string} key Index into the grouped labels & events
	 * @param {string} label
	 * @param {Array} events
	 * @param {Date} start
	 * @param {Date} end
	_drawRow: function(key, label, events, start, end)
		var row = et2_createWidget('calendar-planner_row',{
				id: 'planner_row_'+key,
				label: label,
				start_date: start,
				end_date: end,
				value: events,
				readonly: this.options.readonly


		// Add actual events

		return row;

	_header_day_of_month: function()
		var day_width = 3.23; // 100.0 / 31;

		// month scale with navigation
		var content = '<div class="calendar_plannerScale">';
		var start = new Date(this.options.start_date);
		start = new Date(start.valueOf() + start.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
		var end = new Date(this.options.end_date);
		end = new Date(end.valueOf() + end.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);

		var title = this.egw().lang(date('F',start))+' '+date('Y',start)+' - '+
			this.egw().lang(date('F',end))+' '+date('Y',end);

		content += '<div class="calendar_plannerMonthScale th et2_link" style="left: 0; width: 100%;">'+
		content += "</div>";		// end of plannerScale

		// day of month scale
		content +='<div class="calendar_plannerScale">';

		for(var left = 0, i = 0; i < 31; left += day_width,++i)
			content += '<div class="calendar_plannerDayOfMonthScale " style="left: '+left+'%; width: '+day_width+'%;">'+
		content += "</div>\n";

		return content;

	 * Make a header showing the months
	 * @param {Date} start
	 * @param {number} days
	 * @returns {string} HTML snippet
	_header_months: function(start, days)
		var content = '<div class="calendar_plannerScale">';
		var days_in_month = 0;
		var day_width = 100 / days;
		var end = new Date(start);
		var t = new Date(start.valueOf());
		for(var left = 0,i = 0; i < days;t.setUTCDate(1),t.setUTCMonth(t.getUTCMonth()+1),left += days_in_month*day_width,i += days_in_month)
			var u = new Date(t.getUTCFullYear(),t.getUTCMonth()+1,0,-t.getTimezoneOffset()/60);
			days_in_month =  1+ ((u-t) / (24*3600*1000));

			var first = new Date(t.getUTCFullYear(),t.getUTCMonth(),1,-t.getTimezoneOffset()/60);
			if(days_in_month <= 0) break;

			if (i + days_in_month > days)
				days_in_month = days - i;
			var title = this.egw().lang(date('F',new Date(t.valueOf() + t.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000)));
			if (days_in_month > 10)
				title += ' '+t.getUTCFullYear();
			else if (days_in_month < 5)
				title = '&nbsp;';
			content += '<div class="calendar_plannerMonthScale et2_clickable et2_link" data-date="'+first.toJSON()+ '" data-planner_view="month' +
				'" style="left: '+left+'%; width: '+(day_width*days_in_month)+'%;">'+
		content += "</div>";		// end of plannerScale

		return content;

	 * Make a header showing the week numbers
	 * @param {Date} start
	 * @param {number} days
	 * @returns {string} HTML snippet
	_header_weeks: function(start, days)

		var content = '<div class="calendar_plannerScale" data-planner_view="week">';
		var state = '';

		// we're not using UTC so date() formatting function works
		var t = new Date(start.valueOf());

		// Make sure we're lining up on the week
		var week_end = app.calendar.date.end_of_week(start);
		var days_in_week = Math.floor(((week_end-start ) / (24*3600*1000))+1);
		var week_width = 100 / days * (days <= 7 ? days : days_in_week);
		for(var left = 0,i = 0; i < days; t.setUTCDate(t.getUTCDate() + 7),left += week_width)
			// Avoid overflow at the end
			if(days - i < 7)
				days_in_week = days-i;
			var usertime = new Date(t.valueOf());
			if(start.getTimezoneOffset() < 0)
				// Gets the right week # east of GMT.  West does not need it(?)
				usertime.setUTCMinutes(usertime.getUTCMinutes() - start.getTimezoneOffset());

			week_width = 100 / days * Math.min(days, days_in_week);

			var title = this.egw().lang('Week')+' '+app.calendar.date.week_number(usertime);

			if(start.getTimezoneOffset() > 0)
				// Gets the right week start west of GMT
				usertime.setUTCMinutes(usertime.getUTCMinutes() +start.getTimezoneOffset());
			state = app.calendar.date.start_of_week(usertime);
			state = state.toJSON();

			if(days_in_week > 1 || days == 1)
				content += '<div class="calendar_plannerWeekScale et2_clickable et2_link" data-date=\'' + state + '\' style="left: '+left+'%; width: '+week_width+'%;">'+title+"</div>";
			i+= days_in_week;
			if(days_in_week != 7)
				t.setUTCDate(t.getUTCDate() - (7 - days_in_week));
				days_in_week = 7;
		content += "</div>";		// end of plannerScale

		return content;

	 * Make a header for some days
	 * @param {Date} start
	 * @param {number} days
	 * @returns {string} HTML snippet
	_header_days: function(start, days)
		var day_width = 100 / days;
		var content = '<div class="calendar_plannerScale'+(days > 3 ? 'Day' : '')+'" data-planner_view="day" >';

		// we're not using UTC so date() formatting function works
		var t = new Date(start.valueOf() + start.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
		for(var left = 0,i = 0; i < days; t.setDate(t.getDate()+1),left += day_width,++i)
			if(!this.options.show_weekend && [0,6].indexOf(t.getDay()) !== -1 ) continue;
			var holidays = [];
			var tempDate = new Date(t);
			var day_class = this.day_class_holiday(tempDate,holidays);
			var title = '';
			var state = '';

			if (days <= 3)
				title = this.egw().lang(date('l',t))+', '+date('j',t)+'. '+this.egw().lang(date('F',t));
			else if (days <= 7)
				title = this.egw().lang(date('l',t))+' '+date('j',t);
				title = this.egw().lang(date('D',t)).substr(0,2)+'<br />'+date('j',t);
			state = new Date(t.valueOf() - start.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000).toJSON();

			content += '<div class="calendar_plannerDayScale et2_clickable et2_link '+ day_class+
				'" data-date=\'' + state +'\''+
				(holidays ? ' title="'+holidays.join(',')+'"' : '')+'>'+title+"</div>\n";
		content += "</div>";		// end of plannerScale

		return content;

	 * Create a header with hours
	 * @param {Date} start
	 * @param {number} days
	 * @returns {string} HTML snippet for the header
	_header_hours: function(start,days)
		var divisors = [1,2,3,4,6,8,12];
		var decr = 1;
		for(var i = 0; i < divisors.length; i++)	// numbers dividing 24 without rest
			if (divisors[i] > days) break;
			decr = divisors[i];
		var hours = days * 24;
		if (days === 1)			// for a single day we calculate the hours of a days, to take into account daylight saving changes (23 or 25 hours)
			var t = new Date(start.getUTCFullYear(),start.getUTCMonth(),start.getUTCDate(),-start.getTimezoneOffset()/60);
			var s = new Date(start);
			hours = Math.ceil((s.getTime() - t.getTime()) / 3600000);
		var cell_width = 100 / hours * decr;

		var content = '<div class="calendar_plannerScale" data-planner_view="day">';

		// we're not using UTC so date() formatting function works
		var t = new Date(start.valueOf() + start.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
		for(var left = 0,i = 0; i < hours; left += cell_width,i += decr)
			if(!this.options.show_weekend && [0,6].indexOf(t.getDay()) !== -1 ) continue;
			var title = date(egw.preference('timeformat','calendar') == 12 ? 'ha' : 'H',t);

			content += '<div class="calendar_plannerHourScale et2_link" data-date="' + t.toJSON() +'" style="left: '+left+'%; width: '+(cell_width)+'%;">'+title+"</div>";
		content += "</div>";		// end of plannerScale

		return content;

	 * Applies class for today, and any holidays for current day
	 * @param {Date} date
	 * @param {string[]} holiday_list Filled with a list of holidays for that day
	 * @return {string} CSS Classes for the day.  calendar_calBirthday, calendar_calHoliday, calendar_calToday and calendar_weekend as appropriate
	day_class_holiday: function(date,holiday_list) {

		if(!date) return '';

		var day_class = '';

		// Holidays and birthdays
		var holidays = et2_calendar_view.get_holidays(this,date.getUTCFullYear());

		// Pass a string rather than the date object, to make sure it doesn't get changed
		var date_key = ''+this.date_helper.get_year() + sprintf('%02d',this.date_helper.get_month()) + sprintf('%02d',this.date_helper.get_date());
		if(holidays && holidays[date_key])
			holidays = holidays[date_key];
			for(var i = 0; i < holidays.length; i++)
				if (typeof holidays[i]['birthyear'] !== 'undefined')
					day_class += ' calendar_calBirthday ';

					day_class += 'calendar_calHoliday ';

		holidays = holiday_list.join(',');
		var today = new Date();
		if(date_key === ''+today.getFullYear()+
			day_class += "calendar_calToday ";
		if(date.getUTCDay() == 0 || date.getUTCDay() == 6)
			day_class += "calendar_weekend ";
		return day_class;

	 * Link the actions to the DOM nodes / widget bits.
	 * @todo This currently does nothing
	 * @param {object} actions {ID: {attributes..}+} map of egw action information
	_link_actions: function(actions)
			// Get the parent?  Might be a grid row, might not.  Either way, it is
			// just a container with no valid actions
			var objectManager = egw_getObjectManager(this.getInstanceManager().app,true,1);
			objectManager = objectManager.getObjectById(this.getInstanceManager().uniqueId,2) || objectManager;
			var parent = objectManager.getObjectById(this.id,3) || objectManager.getObjectById(this._parent.id,3) || objectManager;
				egw.debug('error','No parent objectManager found');

			for(var i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++)
				var parent_finder = jQuery('#'+this.div.id, parent.children[i].iface.doGetDOMNode());
				if(parent_finder.length > 0)
					parent = parent.children[i];

		// This binds into the egw action system.  Most user interactions (drag to move, resize)
		// are handled internally using jQuery directly.
		var widget_object = this._actionObject || parent.getObjectById(this.id);

		var aoi = new et2_action_object_impl(this,this.getDOMNode());

		aoi.doTriggerEvent = function(_event, _data) {

			// Determine target node
			var event = _data.event || false;
			if(!event) return;
			if(_data.ui.draggable.hasClass('rowNoEdit')) return;

			We have to handle the drop in the normal event stream instead of waiting
			for the egwAction system so we can get the helper, and destination
			if(event.type === 'drop')
				this.getWidget()._event_drop.call($j('.calendar_d-n-d_timeCounter',_data.ui.helper)[0],this.getWidget(),event, _data.ui);
			var drag_listener = function(event, ui) {
						left: ui.position.left - $j(this).parent().offset().left
			var time = $j('.calendar_d-n-d_timeCounter',_data.ui.helper);
				// Triggered once, when something is dragged into the timegrid's div
				case EGW_AI_DRAG_OVER:
					// Listen to the drag and update the helper with the time
					// This part lets us drag between different timegrids
					_data.ui.draggable.on('drag.et2_timegrid'+widget_object.id, drag_listener);
					_data.ui.draggable.on('dragend.et2_timegrid'+widget_object.id, function() {
						_data.ui.draggable.off('drag.et2_timegrid' + widget_object.id);
						// The out will trigger after the over, so we count
						_data.ui.helper.prepend('<div class="calendar_d-n-d_timeCounter" data-count="1"><span></span></div>');


				// Triggered once, when something is dragged out of the timegrid
				case EGW_AI_DRAG_OUT:
					// Stop listening
					// Remove any highlighted time squares

					// Out triggers after the over, count to not accidentally remove
					if(time.length && time.data('count') <= 0)

		if (widget_object == null) {
			// Add a new container to the object manager which will hold the widget
			// objects
			widget_object = parent.insertObject(false, new egwActionObject(
				this.id, parent, aoi,
				this._actionManager || parent.manager.getActionById(this.id) || parent.manager
		// Go over the widget & add links - this is where we decide which actions are
		// 'allowed' for this widget at this time
		var action_links = this._get_action_links(actions);

		this._init_links_dnd(widget_object.manager, action_links);

		this._actionObject = widget_object;

	 * Automatically add dnd support for linking
	 * @param {type} mgr
	 * @param {type} actionLinks
	_init_links_dnd: function(mgr,actionLinks) {

		if (this.options.readonly) return;
		var self = this;

		var drop_action = mgr.getActionById('egw_link_drop');
		var drag_action = mgr.getActionById('egw_link_drag');

		// Check if this app supports linking
		if(!egw.link_get_registry(this.dataStorePrefix || 'calendar', 'query') ||
			egw.link_get_registry(this.dataStorePrefix || 'calendar', 'title'))
				if(actionLinks.indexOf(drop_action.id) >= 0)
				if(actionLinks.indexOf(drag_action.id) >= 0)

		// Don't re-add
		if(drop_action == null)
			// Create the drop action that links entries
			drop_action = mgr.addAction('drop', 'egw_link_drop', egw.lang('Create link'), egw.image('link'), function(action, source, dropped) {
				// Extract link IDs
				var links = [];
				var id = '';
				for(var i = 0; i < source.length; i++)
					if(!source[i].id) continue;
					id = source[i].id.split('::');
					links.push({app: id[0] == 'filemanager' ? 'link' : id[0], id: id[1]});
				if(links.length && dropped && dropped.iface.getWidget() && dropped.iface.getWidget().instanceOf(et2_calendar_event))
					// Link the entries
						function(result) {
		if(actionLinks.indexOf(drop_action.id) < 0)
		// Accept other links, and files dragged from the filemanager
		// This does not handle files dragged from the desktop.  They are
		// handled by et2_nextmatch, since it needs DOM stuff
		if(drop_action.acceptedTypes.indexOf('link') == -1)

		// Don't re-add
		if(drag_action == null)
			// Create drag action that allows linking
			drag_action = mgr.addAction('drag', 'egw_link_drag', egw.lang('link'), 'link', function(action, selected) {
				// As we wanted to have a general defaul helper interface, we return null here and not using customize helper for links
				// TODO: Need to decide if we need to create a customized helper interface for links anyway
				//return helper;
				return null;
		// The planner itself is not draggable, the action is there for the children
		if(false && actionLinks.indexOf(drag_action.id) < 0)

	 * Get all action-links / id's of 1.-level actions from a given action object
	 * Here we are only interested in drop events.
	 * @param actions
	 * @returns {Array}
	_get_action_links: function(actions)
		var action_links = [];
		// TODO: determine which actions are allowed without an action (empty actions)
		for(var i in actions)
			var action = actions[i];
			if(action.type === 'drop')
				action_links.push(typeof action.id !== 'undefined' ? action.id : i);
		return action_links;

	 * Show the current time while dragging
	 * Used for resizing as well as drag & drop
	 * @param {type} element
	 * @param {type} position
	 * @param {type} height
	_drag_helper: function(element, position ,height)
		var time = this._get_time_from_position(position.left, position.top);
		element.dropEnd = time;
		var formatted_time = jQuery.datepicker.formatTime(
			egw.preference("timeformat") === "12" ? "h:mmtt" : "HH:mm",
				hour: time.getUTCHours(),
				minute: time.getUTCMinutes(),
				seconds: 0,
				timezone: 0
			{"ampm": (egw.preference("timeformat") === "12")}

		element.innerHTML = '<div class="calendar_d-n-d_timeCounter"><span class="calendar_timeDemo" >'+formatted_time+'</span></div>';


	 * Handler for dropping an event on the timegrid
	 * @param {type} planner
	 * @param {type} event
	 * @param {type} ui
	_event_drop: function(planner, event,ui) {
		var e = new jQuery.Event('change');
		e.originalEvent = event;
		e.data = {start: 0};
		if (typeof this.dropEnd != 'undefined')
			var drop_date = this.dropEnd.toJSON() ||false;

			var event_data = planner._get_event_info(ui.draggable);
			var event_widget = planner.getWidgetById(event_data.widget_id);
				event_widget.options.value.start = new Date(event_widget._parent.date_helper.getValue());

				// Leave the helper there until the update is done
				var loading = ui.helper.clone().appendTo(ui.helper.parent());
				// and add a loading icon so user knows something is happening
				$j('.calendar_timeDemo',loading).after('<div class="loading"></div>');

				event_widget.recur_prompt(function(button_id) {
					if(button_id === 'cancel' || !button_id) return;
					//Get infologID if in case if it's an integrated infolog event
					if (event_data.app === 'infolog')
						// If it is an integrated infolog event we need to edit infolog entry
							[event_data.id, event_widget.options.value.start||false],
							function() {loading.remove();}
						//Edit calendar event
						egw().json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_moveEvent', [
								button_id==='series' ? event_data.id : event_data.app_id,event_data.owner,
							function() { loading.remove();}

	 * Use the egw.data system to get data from the calendar list for the
	 * selected time span.
	_fetch_data: function()
		var value = [];
		var fetch = false;
		this.doInvalidate = false;

		for(var i = 0; i < this.registeredCallbacks.length; i++)

		// Remember previous day to avoid multi-days duplicating
		var last_data = [];

		var t = new Date(this.options.start_date);
		var end = new Date(this.options.end_date);
			// Cache is by date (and owner, if seperate)
			var date = t.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf('%02d',t.getUTCMonth()+1) + sprintf('%02d',t.getUTCDate());
			var cache_id = app.classes.calendar._daywise_cache_id(date, this.options.owner);

				var c = egw.dataGetUIDdata(cache_id);
				if(c.data && c.data !== null)
					// There is data, pass it along now
					for(var j = 0; j < c.data.length; j++)
						if(last_data.indexOf(c.data[j]) === -1 && egw.dataHasUID('calendar::'+c.data[j]))
					last_data = c.data;
				fetch = true;
				// Assume it's empty, if there is data it will be filled later
				egw.dataStoreUID(cache_id, []);
			egw.dataRegisterUID(cache_id, function(data) {
				if(data && data.length)
					// If displaying by category, we need the infolog (or other app) categories too
					var im = this.getInstanceManager();
					for(var i = 0; i < data.length && this.options.group_by == 'category'; i++)
						var event = egw.dataGetUIDdata('calendar::'+data[i]);
						if(event && event.data && event.data.app)
							// Fake it to use the cache / call
								getInstanceManager: function() {return im;}
							}, {application:event.data.app||'calendar'});

							// Get CSS too

			}, this, this.getInstanceManager().execId,this.id);

			t.setUTCDate(t.getUTCDate() + 1);
		while(t < end);
		// Need to get some more from the server
		if(fetch && app.calendar)
				first: this.options.start_date,
				last: this.options.end_date,
				owner: this.options.owner,
				filter: this.options.filter
			}, this.getInstanceManager());

		this.doInvalidate = true;
		return value;

	 * Provide specific data to be displayed.
	 * This is a way to set start and end dates, owner and event data in once call.
	 * @param {Object[]} events Array of events, indexed by date in Ymd format:
	 *	{
	 *		20150501: [...],
	 *		20150502: [...]
	 *	}
	 *	Days should be in order.
	set_value: function(events)
		if(typeof events !== 'object') return false;

		this._super.apply(this, arguments);

		// Planner uses an array, not map
		var val = this.value;
		var array = [];
		Object.keys(this.value).forEach(function (key) {
		this.value = array;

	 * Change the start date
	 * Planner view uses a date object internally
	 * @param {string|number|Date} new_date New starting date
	 * @returns {undefined}
	set_start_date: function set_start_date(new_date)
		this._super.apply(this, arguments);
		this.options.start_date = new Date(this.options.start_date);

	 * Change the end date
	 * Planner view uses a date object internally
	 * @param {string|number|Date} new_date New end date
	 * @returns {undefined}
	set_end_date: function set_end_date(new_date)
		this._super.apply(this, arguments);
		this.options.end_date = new Date(this.options.end_date);

	 * Change how the planner is grouped
	 * @param {string|number} group_by 'user', 'month', or an integer category ID
	 * @returns {undefined}
	set_group_by: function(group_by)
		if(isNaN(group_by) && typeof this.groupers[group_by] === 'undefined')
			throw new Error('Invalid group_by "'+group_by+'"');
		var old = this.options.group_by;
		this.options.group_by = ''+group_by;

		if(old !== this.options.group_by && this.isAttached())

	 * Turn on or off the visibility of weekends
	 * @param {boolean} weekends
	set_show_weekend: function(weekends)
		weekends = weekends ? true : false;
		if(this.options.show_weekend !== weekends)
			this.options.show_weekend = weekends;

	 * Call change handler, if set
	 * @param {type} event
	change: function(event) {
		if (this.onchange)
			if(typeof this.onchange == 'function')
				// Make sure function gets a reference to the widget
				var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
				if(args.indexOf(this) == -1) args.push(this);

				return this.onchange.apply(this, args);
			} else {
				return (et2_compileLegacyJS(this.options.onchange, this, _node))();

	 * Call event change handler, if set
	 * @param {type} event
	 * @param {type} dom_node
	event_change: function(event, dom_node) {
		if (this.onevent_change)
			var event_data = this._get_event_info(dom_node);
			var event_widget = this.getWidgetById(event_data.widget_id);
			et2_calendar_event.recur_prompt(event_data, jQuery.proxy(function(button_id, event_data) {
				// No need to continue
				if(button_id === 'cancel') return false;

				if(typeof this.onevent_change == 'function')
					// Make sure function gets a reference to the widget
					var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);

					if(args.indexOf(event_widget) == -1) args.push(event_widget);

					// Put button ID in event
					event.button_id = button_id;

					return this.onevent_change.apply(this, [event, event_widget, button_id]);
				} else {
					return (et2_compileLegacyJS(this.options.onevent_change, event_widget, dom_node))();
		return false;

	 * Click handler calling custom handler set via onclick attribute to this.onclick
	 * This also handles all its own actions, including navigation.  If there is
	 * an event associated with the click, it will be found and passed to the
	 * onclick function.
	 * @param {Event} _ev
	 * @returns {boolean} Continue processing event (true) or stop (false)
	click: function(_ev)
		var result = true;

		// Is this click in the event stuff, or in the header?
		if(!this.options.readonly && this.gridHeader.has(_ev.target).length === 0 && !$j(_ev.target).hasClass('calendar_plannerRowHeader'))
			// Event came from inside, maybe a calendar event
			var event = this._get_event_info(_ev.originalEvent.target);
			if(typeof this.onclick == 'function')
				// Make sure function gets a reference to the widget, splice it in as 2. argument if not
				var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
				if(args.indexOf(this) == -1) args.splice(1, 0, this);

				result = this.onclick.apply(this, args);

			if(event.id && result && !this.options.disabled && !this.options.readonly)

				return false;
			else if (!event.id)
				// Clicked in row, but not on an event
				// Default handler to open a new event at the selected time
				if(this.options.group_by == 'month')
					var date = this._get_time_from_position(_ev.clientX, _ev.clientY);
					var date = this._get_time_from_position(_ev.offsetX, _ev.offsetY);
				var row = $j(_ev.target).closest('.calendar_plannerRowWidget');
				var data = row.length ? row[0].dataset : {};
				this.egw().open(null, 'calendar', 'add', jQuery.extend({
					start: date.toJSON(),
					hour: date.getUTCHours(),
					minute: date.getUTCMinutes()
				},data) , '_blank');
				return false;
			return result;
		else if (this.gridHeader.has(_ev.target).length > 0 && !jQuery.isEmptyObject(_ev.target.dataset))
			// Click on a header, we can go there
			_ev.data = jQuery.extend({},_ev.target.parentNode.dataset, _ev.target.dataset);
			for(var key in _ev.data)
					delete _ev.data[key];
		else if (!this.options.readonly)
			// Default handler to open a new event at the selected time
			// TODO: Determine date / time more accurately from position
			this.egw().open(null, 'calendar', 'add', {
				date: _ev.target.dataset.date || this.options.start_date.toJSON(),
				hour: _ev.target.dataset.hour || this.options.day_start,
				minute: _ev.target.dataset.minute || 0
			} , '_blank');
			return false;

	 * Get time from position
	 * @param {number} x
	 * @param {number} y
	 * @returns {Date|Boolean} A time for the given position, or false if one
	 *	could not be determined.
	_get_time_from_position: function(x,y) {

		x = Math.round(x);
		y = Math.round(y);

		var rel_x = Math.min(x / $j('.calendar_eventRows',this.div).width(),1);
		var rel_time = 0;

		// Simple math, the x is offset from start date
		if(this.options.group_by !== 'month')
			rel_time = (new Date(this.options.end_date) - new Date(this.options.start_date))*rel_x/1000;
			// Find the correct row so we know which month, then get the offset
			var row = $j(document.elementFromPoint(x, y)).closest('.calendar_plannerRowWidget');
			var row_widget = null;
			for(var i = 0; i < this._children.length && row.length > 0; i++)
				if(this._children[i].div[0] == row[0])
					row_widget = this._children[i];
				rel_x = Math.min((x-row_widget.rows.offset().left)/row_widget.rows.width(),1);
				rel_time = (new Date(row_widget.options.end_date) - new Date(row_widget.options.start_date))*rel_x/1000;
				return false;
		if(rel_time < 0) return false;

		var interval = egw.preference('interval','calendar') || 30;
		this.date_helper.set_minutes(Math.round(rel_time / (60 * interval))*interval);

		return new Date(this.date_helper.getValue());

	 * Code for implementing et2_IDetachedDOM
	 * @param {array} _attrs array to add further attributes to
	getDetachedAttributes: function(_attrs) {

	getDetachedNodes: function() {
		return [this.getDOMNode()];

	setDetachedAttributes: function(_nodes, _values) {
		this.div = $j(_nodes[0]);


	// Resizable interface
	resize: function ()
		// Take the whole tab height
		var height = Math.min($j(this.getInstanceManager().DOMContainer).height(),$j(this.getInstanceManager().DOMContainer).parent().innerHeight());

		// Allow for toolbar
		height -= $j('#calendar-toolbar',this.div.parents('.egw_fw_ui_tab_content')).outerHeight(true);

		this.options.height = height;
		this.div.css('height', this.options.height);
		// Set height for rows
		this.rows.height(this.div.height() - this.headers.outerHeight());
et2_register_widget(et2_calendar_planner, ["calendar-planner"]);