* * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ require_once EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/calendar/inc/class.bocalupdate.inc.php'; require_once EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/inc/horde/Horde/iCalendar.php'; /** * iCal import and export via Horde iCalendar classes * * @package calendar * @author Lars Kneschke * @author Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License */ class boical extends bocalupdate { /** * @var array $supportedFields array containing the supported fields of the importing device */ var $supportedFields; /** * @var array $status_egw2ical conversation of the participant status egw => ical */ var $status_egw2ical = array( 'U' => 'NEEDS-ACTION', 'A' => 'ACCEPTED', 'R' => 'DECLINED', 'T' => 'TENTATIVE', ); /** * @var array conversation of the participant status ical => egw */ var $status_ical2egw = array( 'NEEDS-ACTION' => 'U', 'ACCEPTED' => 'A', 'DECLINED' => 'R', 'TENTATIVE' => 'T', ); /** * @var array $status_ical2egw conversation of the priority egw => ical */ var $priority_egw2ical = array( 0 => 0, // undefined 1 => 9, // low 2 => 5, // normal 3 => 1, // high ); /** * @var array $status_ical2egw conversation of the priority ical => egw */ var $priority_ical2egw = array( 0 => 0, // undefined 9 => 1, 8 => 1, 7 => 1, 6 => 1, // low 5 => 2, // normal 4 => 3, 3 => 3, 2 => 3, 1 => 3, // high ); /** * @var array $recur_egw2ical converstaion of egw recur-type => ical FREQ */ var $recur_egw2ical = array( MCAL_RECUR_DAILY => 'DAILY', MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY => 'WEEKLY', MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_MDAY => 'MONTHLY', // BYMONHTDAY={1..31} MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_WDAY => 'MONTHLY', // BYDAY={1..5}{MO..SO} MCAL_RECUR_YEARLY => 'YEARLY', ); /** * Exports one calendar event to an iCalendar item * * @param int/array $events (array of) cal_id or array of the events * @param string $method='PUBLISH' * @return string/boolean string with vCal or false on error (eg. no permission to read the event) */ function &exportVCal($events,$version='1.0', $method='PUBLISH') { $egwSupportedFields = array( 'CLASS' => array('dbName' => 'public'), 'SUMMARY' => array('dbName' => 'title'), 'DESCRIPTION' => array('dbName' => 'description'), 'LOCATION' => array('dbName' => 'location'), 'DTSTART' => array('dbName' => 'start'), 'DTEND' => array('dbName' => 'end'), 'ORGANIZER' => array('dbName' => 'owner'), 'ATTENDEE' => array('dbName' => 'participants'), 'RRULE' => array('dbName' => 'recur_type'), 'EXDATE' => array('dbName' => 'recur_exception'), 'PRIORITY' => array('dbName' => 'priority'), 'TRANSP' => array('dbName' => 'non_blocking'), 'CATEGORIES'=> array('dbName' => 'category'), ); if(!is_array($this->supportedFields)) { $this->setSupportedFields(); } $vcal = &new Horde_iCalendar; $vcal->setAttribute('PRODID','-//eGroupWare//NONSGML eGroupWare Calendar '.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['calendar']['version'].'//'. strtoupper($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'])); $vcal->setAttribute('VERSION',$version); $vcal->setAttribute('METHOD',$method); if (!is_array($events)) $events = array($events); foreach($events as $event) { if (!is_array($event) && !($event = $this->read($event,null,false,'server'))) // server = timestamp in server-time(!) { return false; // no permission to read $cal_id } //_debug_array($event); $eventGUID = $GLOBALS['egw']->common->generate_uid('calendar',$event['id']); $vevent = Horde_iCalendar::newComponent('VEVENT',$vcal); $parameters = $attributes = array(); foreach($egwSupportedFields as $icalFieldName => $egwFieldInfo) { if($this->supportedFields[$egwFieldInfo['dbName']]) { switch($icalFieldName) { case 'ATTENDEE': foreach((array)$event['participants'] as $uid => $status) { // ToDo, this needs to deal with resources too!!! if (!is_numeric($uid)) continue; $mailto = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($uid,'account_email'); $cn = trim($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($uid,'account_firstname'). ' ' . $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($uid,'account_lastname')); $attributes['ATTENDEE'][] = $mailto ? 'MAILTO:'.$mailto : ''; // ROLE={CHAIR|REQ-PARTICIPANT|OPT-PARTICIPANT|NON-PARTICIPANT} NOT used by eGW atm. $role = $uid == $event['owner'] ? 'CHAIR' : 'REQ-PARTICIPANT'; // RSVP={TRUE|FALSE} // resonse expected, not set in eGW => status=U $rsvp = $status == 'U' ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; // PARTSTAT={NEEDS-ACTION|ACCEPTED|DECLINED|TENTATIVE|DELEGATED|COMPLETED|IN-PROGRESS} everything from delegated is NOT used by eGW atm. $status = $this->status_egw2ical[$status]; // CUTYPE={INDIVIDUAL|GROUP|RESOURCE|ROOM|UNKNOWN} $cutype = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($uid) == 'g' ? 'GROUP' : 'INDIVIDUAL'; $parameters['ATTENDEE'][] = array( 'CN' => $cn, 'ROLE' => $role, 'PARTSTAT' => $status, 'CUTYPE' => $cutype, 'RSVP' => $rsvp, ); } break; case 'CLASS': $attributes['CLASS'] = $event['public'] ? 'PUBLIC' : 'PRIVATE'; break; case 'ORGANIZER': // according to iCalendar standard, ORGANIZER not used for events in the own calendar if (!isset($event['participants'][$event['owner']]) || count($event['participants']) > 1) { $mailtoOrganizer = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($event['owner'],'account_email'); $attributes['ORGANIZER'] = $mailtoOrganizer ? 'MAILTO:'.$mailtoOrganizer : ''; $parameters['ORGANIZER']['CN'] = trim($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($event['owner'],'account_firstname').' '. $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($event['owner'],'account_lastname')); } break; case 'DTEND': if(date('H:i:s',$event['end']) == '23:59:59') $event['end']++; $attributes[$icalFieldName] = $event['end']; break; case 'RRULE': if ($event['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE) break; // no recuring event $rrule = array('FREQ' => $this->recur_egw2ical[$event['recur_type']]); switch ($event['recur_type']) { case MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY: $days = array(); foreach($this->recur_days as $id => $day) { if ($event['recur_data'] & $id) $days[] = strtoupper(substr($day,0,2)); } $rrule['BYDAY'] = implode(',',$days); break; case MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_MDAY: // date of the month: BYMONTDAY={1..31} $rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] = (int) date('d',$event['start']); break; case MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_WDAY: // weekday of the month: BDAY={1..5}{MO..SO} $rrule['BYDAY'] = (1 + (int) ((date('d',$event['start'])-1) / 7)). strtoupper(substr(date('l',$event['start']),0,2)); break; } if ($event['recur_interval'] > 1) $rrule['INTERVAL'] = $event['recur_interval']; if ($event['recur_enddate']) $rrule['UNTIL'] = date('Ymd',$event['recur_enddate']); // only day is set in eGW // no idea how to get the Horde parser to produce a standard conformant // RRULE:FREQ=... (note the double colon after RRULE, we cant use the $parameter array) // so we create one value manual ;-) foreach($rrule as $name => $value) { $attributes['RRULE'][] = $name . '=' . $value; } $attributes['RRULE'] = implode(';',$attributes['RRULE']); break; case 'EXDATE': if ($event['recur_exception']) { $days = array(); foreach($event['recur_exception'] as $day) { $days[] = date('Ymd',$day); } $attributes['EXDATE'] = implode(',',$days); $parameters['EXDATE']['VALUE'] = 'DATE'; } break; case 'PRIORITY': $attributes['PRIORITY'] = (int) $this->priority_egw2ical[$event['priority']]; break; case 'TRANSP': $attributes['TRANSP'] = $event['non_blocking'] ? 'TRANSPARENT' : 'OPAQUE'; break; case 'CATEGORIES': if ($event['category']) { $attributes['CATEGORIES'] = implode(',',$this->categories($event['category'],$nul)); } break; default: if ($event[$egwFieldInfo['dbName']]) // dont write empty fields { $attributes[$icalFieldName] = $event[$egwFieldInfo['dbName']]; } break; } } } $modified = $GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->getTSforAction($eventGUID,'modify'); $created = $GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->getTSforAction($eventGUID,'add'); if (!$created && !$modified) $created = $event['modified']; if ($created) $attributes['CREATED'] = $created; if (!$modified) $modified = $event['modified']; if ($modified) $attributes['LAST-MODIFIED'] = $modified; foreach($event['alarm'] as $alarmID => $alarmData) { $attributes['DALARM'] = $vcal->_exportDateTime($alarmData['time']); $attributes['AALARM'] = $vcal->_exportDateTime($alarmData['time']); // lets take only the first alarm break; } $attributes['UID'] = $eventGUID; foreach($attributes as $key => $value) { foreach(is_array($value) ? $value : array($value) as $valueID => $valueData) { $valueData = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($valueData,$GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset(),'UTF-8'); $paramData = (array) $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert(is_array($value) ? $parameters[$key][$valueID] : $parameters[$key], $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset(),'UTF-8'); //echo "$key:$valueID: value=$valueData, param=".print_r($paramDate,true)."\n"; $vevent->setAttribute($key, $valueData, $paramData); $options = array(); if($key != 'RRULE' && preg_match('/([\000-\012\015\016\020-\037\075])/',$valueData)) { $options['ENCODING'] = 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE'; } if(preg_match('/([\177-\377])/',$valueData)) { $options['CHARSET'] = 'UTF-8'; } $vevent->setParameter($key, $options); } } $vcal->addComponent($vevent); } //_debug_array($vcal->exportvCalendar()); return $vcal->exportvCalendar(); } function importVCal($_vcalData, $cal_id=-1) { // our (patched) horde classes, do NOT unfold folded lines, which causes a lot trouble in the import $_vcalData = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+ /",'',$_vcalData); $vcal = &new Horde_iCalendar; if(!$vcal->parsevCalendar($_vcalData)) { return FALSE; } if(!is_array($this->supportedFields)) { $this->setSupportedFields(); } //echo "supportedFields="; _debug_array($this->supportedFields); $Ok = false; // returning false, if file contains no components foreach($vcal->getComponents() as $component) { if(is_a($component, 'Horde_iCalendar_vevent')) { $supportedFields = $this->supportedFields; #$event = array('participants' => array()); $event = array(); $alarms = array(); $vcardData = array('recur_type' => 0); // lets see what we can get from the vcard foreach($component->_attributes as $attributes) { $attributes['value'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->convert($attributes['value'],'UTF-8'); //echo "$attributes[name] = '$attributes[value]'
\n"; switch($attributes['name']) { case 'AALARM': case 'DALARM': if (preg_match('/.*Z$/',$attributes['value'],$matches)) { $alarmTime = $vcal->_parseDateTime($attributes['value']); $alarms[$alarmTime] = array( 'time' => $alarmTime ); } break; case 'CLASS': $vcardData['public'] = (int)(strtolower($attributes['value']) == 'public'); break; case 'DESCRIPTION': $vcardData['description'] = $attributes['value']; break; case 'DTEND': if(date('H:i:s',$attributes['value']) == '00:00:00') $attributes['value']--; $vcardData['end'] = $attributes['value']; break; case 'DTSTART': $vcardData['start'] = $attributes['value']; break; case 'LOCATION': $vcardData['location'] = $attributes['value']; break; case 'RRULE': $recurence = $attributes['value']; $type = preg_match('/FREQ=([^;: ]+)/i',$recurence,$matches) ? $matches[1] : $recurence{0}; // vCard 2.0 values for all types if (preg_match('/UNTIL=([0-9T]+)/',$recurence,$matches)) { $vcardData['recur_enddate'] = $vcal->_parseDateTime($matches[1]); } if (preg_match('/INTERVAL=([0-9]+)/',$recurence,$matches)) { $vcardData['recur_interval'] = (int) $matches[1]; } $vcardData['recur_data'] = 0; switch($type) { case 'W': case 'WEEKLY': $days = array(); if(preg_match('/W(\d+) (.*) (.*)/',$recurence, $recurenceMatches)) // 1.0 { $vcardData['recur_interval'] = $recurenceMatches[1]; $days = explode(' ',trim($recurenceMatches[2])); } elseif (preg_match('/BYDAY=([^;: ]+)/',$recurence,$recurenceMatches)) // 2.0 { $days = explode(',',$recurenceMatches[1]); } if ($days) { foreach($this->recur_days as $id => $day) { if (in_array(strtoupper(substr($day,0,2)),$matches)) { $vcardData['recur_data'] |= $id; } } $vcardData['recur_type'] = MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY; } break; case 'D': // 1.0 if(!preg_match('/D(\d+) (.*)/',$recurence, $recurenceMatches)) break; $vcardData['recur_interval'] = $recurenceMatches[1]; $vcardData['recur_enddate'] = $vcal->_parseDateTime($recurenceMatches[2]); // fall-through case 'DAILY': // 2.0 $vcardData['recur_type'] = MCAL_RECUR_DAILY; break; case 'M': if(preg_match('/MD(\d+) (.*)/',$recurence, $recurenceMatches)) { $vcardData['recur_type'] = MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_MDAY; $vcardData['recur_interval'] = $recurenceMatches[1]; } elseif(preg_match('/MP(\d+) (.*) (.*) (.*)/',$recurence, $recurenceMatches)) { $vcardData['recur_type'] = MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_WDAY; $vcardData['recur_interval'] = $recurenceMatches[1]; } break; case 'MONTHLY': $vcardData['recur_type'] = strstr($recurence,'BYDAY') ? MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_WDAY : MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_MDAY; break; case 'Y': // 1.0 if(!preg_match('/YM(\d+) (.*)/',$recurence, $recurenceMatches)) break; $vcardData['recur_interval'] = $recurenceMatches[1]; // fall-through case 'YEARLY': // 2.0 $vcardData['recur_type'] = MCAL_RECUR_YEARLY; break; } break; case 'EXDATE': // ToDo: $vcardData['recur_exception'] = ... break; case 'SUMMARY': $vcardData['title'] = $attributes['value']; break; case 'UID': $event['uid'] = $vcardData['uid'] = $attributes['value']; if ($cal_id <= 0 && !empty($vcardData['uid']) && ($uid_event = $this->read($vcardData['uid']))) { $event['id'] = $uid_event['id']; unset($uid_event); } break; case 'TRANSP': $vcardData['non_blocking'] = $attributes['value'] == 'TRANSPARENT'; break; case 'PRIORITY': $vcardData['priority'] = (int) $this->priority_ical2egw[$attributes['value']]; break; case 'CATEGORIES': $vcardData['category'] = array(); if ($attributes['value']) { if (!is_object($this->cat)) { if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->categories)) { $GLOBALS['egw']->categories =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories',$this->owner,'calendar'); } $this->cat =& $GLOBALS['egw']->categories; } foreach(explode(',',$attributes['value']) as $cat_name) { if (!($cat_id = $this->cat->name2id($cat_name))) { $cat_id = $this->cat->add( array('name' => $cat_name,'descr' => $cat_name )); } $vcardData['category'][] = $cat_id; } } break; case 'ATTENDEE': if (preg_match('/MAILTO:([@.a-z0-9_-]+)/i',$attributes['value'],$matches) && ($uid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($matches[1],'account_email'))) { $event['participants'][$uid] = isset($attributes['params']['PARTSTAT']) ? $this->status_ical2egw[strtoupper($attributes['params']['PARTSTAT'])] : ($uid == $event['owner'] ? 'A' : 'U'); } break; case 'ORGANIZER': // will be written direct to the event if (preg_match('/MAILTO:([@.a-z0-9_-]+)/i',$attributes['value'],$matches) && ($uid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($matches[1],'account_email'))) { $event['owner'] = $uid; } break; case 'CREATED': // will be written direct to the event if ($event['modified']) break; // fall through case 'LAST-MODIFIED': // will be written direct to the event $event['modified'] = $attributes['value']; break; } } if(isset($vcardData['recur_enddate'])) { // reset recure_enddate to 00:00:00 on the last day $vcardData['recur_enddate'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m',$vcardData['recur_enddate']), date('d',$vcardData['recur_enddate']), date('Y',$vcardData['recur_enddate']) ); } //echo "event=";_debug_array($vcardData); // now that we know what the vard provides, we merge that data with the information we have about the device $event['priority'] = 2; if($cal_id > 0) { $event['id'] = $cal_id; } while(($fieldName = array_shift($supportedFields))) { switch($fieldName) { case 'alarms': // not handled here break; case 'recur_type': $event['recur_type'] = $vcardData['recur_type']; if ($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE) { foreach(array('recur_interval','recur_enddate','recur_data','recur_exception') as $r) { if(isset($vcardData[$r])) { $event[$r] = $vcardData[$r]; } } } unset($supportedFields['recur_type']); unset($supportedFields['recur_interval']); unset($supportedFields['recur_enddate']); unset($supportedFields['recur_data']); break; default: if (isset($vcardData[$fieldName])) { $event[$fieldName] = $vcardData[$fieldName]; } unset($supportedFields[$fieldName]); break; } } // add ourself to new events as participant if($cal_id == -1 && !isset($this->supportedFields['participants'])) { $event['participants'] = array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] => 'A'); } #foreach($event as $key => $value) #{ # error_log("KEY: $key VALUE: $value"); #} #echo "event=";_debug_array($event);exit; if (!($Ok = $this->update($event, TRUE))) { break; // stop with the first error } else { $eventID =& $Ok; // handle the alarms if(count($alarms) > 0 || (isset($this->supportedFields['alarms']) && count($alarms) == 0)) { // delete the old alarms $updatedEvent = $this->read($eventID); foreach($updatedEvent['alarm'] as $alarmID => $alarmData) { $this->delete_alarm($alarmID); } } foreach($alarms as $alarm) { $alarm['offset'] = $event['start'] - $alarm['time']; $alarm['owner'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']; $this->save_alarm($eventID, $alarm); } } } } return $Ok; } function setSupportedFields($_productManufacturer='file', $_productName='') { $defaultFields = array('public' => 'public', 'description' => 'description', 'end' => 'end', 'start' => 'start', 'location' => 'location', 'recur_type' => 'recur_type', 'recur_interval' => 'recur_interval', 'recur_data' => 'recur_data', 'recur_enddate' => 'recur_enddate', 'title' => 'title', 'priority' => 'priority', 'alarms' => 'alarms', ); switch(strtolower($_productManufacturer)) { case 'nexthaus corporation': switch(strtolower($_productName)) { default: # participants disabled until working correctly #$this->supportedFields = $defaultFields + array('participants' => 'participants'); $this->supportedFields = $defaultFields; break; } break; // multisync does not provide anymore information then the manufacturer // we suppose multisync with evolution case 'the multisync project': switch(strtolower($_productName)) { default: $this->supportedFields = $defaultFields; break; } break; case 'sonyericsson': switch(strtolower($_productName)) { case 'd750i': default: $this->supportedFields = $defaultFields; break; } break; case 'synthesis ag': switch(strtolower($_productName)) { default: $this->supportedFields = $defaultFields; break; } break; case 'file': // used outside of SyncML, eg. by the calendar itself ==> all possible fields $this->supportedFields = $defaultFields + array( 'participants' => 'participants', 'owner' => 'owner', 'non_blocking' => 'non_blocking', 'category' => 'category', ); break; // the fallback for SyncML default: error_log("Client not found: $_productManufacturer $_productName"); $this->supportedFields = $defaultFields; break; } } } ?>