A | |
activeTheme, $.jqplot. | |
alpha, $.jqplot. | |
angle | |
autoscale, Axis | |
autoscaleBubbles, $.jqplot. | |
autoscaleMultiplier, $.jqplot. | |
autoscalePointsFactor, $.jqplot. | |
axes, jqPlot | |
axesDefaults, jqPlot | |
axisDefaults, $.jqplot. | |
B | |
background | |
barDirection, $.jqplot. | |
barLabelOptions, $.jqplot. | |
barLabelRenderer, $.jqplot. | |
barLabels, $.jqplot. | |
barMargin, $.jqplot. | |
barPadding, $.jqplot. | |
barWidth, $.jqplot. | |
bodyWidth, $.jqplot. | |
border, Legend | |
borderColor | |
borderWidth | |
breakOnNull, Series | |
breakPoints, $.jqplot. | |
breakTickLabel, $.jqplot. | |
bringSeriesToFront, $.jqplot. | |
bubbleAlpha, $.jqplot. | |
bubbleGradients, $.jqplot. | |
C | |
candleStick, $.jqplot. | |
clearRect, $.jqplot. | |
clickReset, $.jqplot. | |
closeColor, $.jqplot. | |
color | |
constrainOutsideZoom, $.jqplot. | |
constrainTo, $.jqplot. | |
constrainZoomTo, $.jqplot. | |
css, $.jqplot. | |
cursorLegendFormatString, $.jqplot. | |
D | |
dashPattern | |
data, jqPlot | |
dataLabelCenterOn, $.jqplot. | |
dataLabelFormatString | |
dataLabelNudge | |
dataLabelPositionFactor | |
dataLabels | |
dataLabelThreshold | |
dblClickReset, $.jqplot. | |
defaultAxisStart, jqPlot | |
depth, $.jqplot. | |
diameter | |
disableIEFading | |
disableStack, Series | |
downBodyColor, $.jqplot. | |
drawBorder, Grid | |
drawGridlines, Grid | |
E | |
edgeTolerance, $.jqplot. | |
enableFontSupport | |
escapeHtml | |
escapeHTML |
Pointer to currently active theme
alpha transparency of shadow stroke.
this.alpha = 0.07
angle of text, measured clockwise from x axis.
this.angle = 0
angle of text, measured clockwise from x axis.
this.angle = 0
Angle of the shadow in degrees.
this.angle = 45
Autoscale the axis min and max values to provide sensible tick spacing.
this.autoscale = false
True to scale the bubble radius based on plot size.
this.autoscaleBubbles = true
Multiplier the bubble size if autoscaleBubbles is true.
this.autoscaleMultiplier = 1.0
Factor which decreases bubble size based on how many bubbles on on the chart.
this.autoscalePointsFactor = -0.07
up to 4 axes are supported, each with it’s own options, See Axis for axis specific options.
this.axes = {xaxis: new Axis('xaxis'), yaxis: new Axis('yaxis'), x2axis: new Axis('x2axis'), y2axis: new Axis('y2axis'), y3axis: new Axis('y3axis'), y4axis: new Axis('y4axis'), y5axis: new Axis('y5axis'), y6axis: new Axis('y6axis'), y7axis: new Axis('y7axis'), y8axis: new Axis('y8axis'), y9axis: new Axis('y9axis')}
background color of the inside of the gauge.
this.background = "#efefef"
css spec for the background color.
this.background = '#fffdf6'
css spec for the background of the legend box.
‘vertical’ = up and down bars, ‘horizontal’ = side to side bars
this.barDirection = 'vertical'
options object to pass to the bar label renderer.
this.barLabelOptions = {}
renderer to use to draw labels under each bar.
this.barLabelRenderer = $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer
array of labels to put under each bar.
this.barLabels = this.barLabels || []
Number of pixels between groups of bars at adjacent axis values.
this.barMargin = 10
Number of pixels between adjacent bars at the same axis value.
this.barPadding = 8
Width of the bar in pixels (auto by devaul).
this.barWidth = null
width of the candlestick body in pixels.
this.bodyWidth = 'auto'
css spec for the border around the legend box.
color of the borders between areas on the chart
this.borderColor = null
color of the border adjacent to the axis.
this.borderColor = null
css spec for the color of the grid border.
this.borderColor = '#999999'
width of line stroked at the border of the axis.
this.borderWidth = null
width of the border in pixels.
this.borderWidth = 2.0
Wether line segments should be be broken at null value.
this.breakOnNull = false
this.breakPoints = null
Label to use at the axis break if breakPoints are specified.
this.breakTickLabel = "&asymp
This option requires jQuery 1.4+ True to bring the series of the highlighted point to the front of other series.
this.bringSeriesToFront = false
Alpha transparency to apply to all bubbles in this series.
this.bubbleAlpha = 1.0
True to color the bubbles with gradient fills instead of flat colors.
this.bubbleGradients = false
true to render chart as candleStick.
this.candleStick = false
true to cear a rectangle.
this.clearRect = false
Will reset plot zoom if single click on plot without drag.
this.clickReset = false
color of the close price tick mark.
this.closeColor = null
CSS color spec for the dragged point (and adjacent line segment or bar).
color of marker.
this.color = '#666666'
CSS color spec for the trend line.
this.color = '#666666'
css color spec for the series
True to limit actual zoom area to edges of grid, even when zooming outside of plot area.
this.constrainOutsideZoom = true
Constrain dragging motion to an axis or to none.
this.constrainTo = 'none'
‘none’, ‘x’ or ‘y’
this.constrainZoomTo = 'none'
default css styles that will be applied to all data blocks.
this.css = {padding:'2px', border:'1px solid #999', textAlign:'center'}
Format string used in the cursor legend.
this.cursorLegendFormatString = $.jqplot.Cursor.cursorLegendFormatString
Array of line, space settings in pixels.
dashPattern: [8,8] }
Array of line, space settings in pixels.
dashPattern: [8,8] }
user’s data.
this.data = []
True to center the data label at its position.
this.dataLabelCenterOn = true
Format string for data labels.
this.dataLabelFormatString = null
Format string for data labels.
this.dataLabelFormatString = null
Format string for data labels.
this.dataLabelFormatString = null
Number of pixels to slide the label away from (+) or toward (-) the center of the pie.
this.dataLabelNudge = 0
Number of pixels to slide the label away from (+) or toward (-) the center of the pie.
this.dataLabelNudge = 2
A Multiplier (0-1) of the pie radius which controls position of label on slice.
this.dataLabelPositionFactor = 0.4
A Multiplier (0-1) of the pie radius which controls position of label on slice.
this.dataLabelPositionFactor = 0.52
Either ‘label’, ‘value’, ‘percent’ or an array of labels to place on the pie slices.
this.dataLabels = 'percent'
Either ‘label’, ‘value’, ‘percent’ or an array of labels to place on the pie slices.
this.dataLabels = 'percent'
Either ‘label’, ‘value’, ‘percent’ or an array of labels to place on the pie slices.
this.dataLabels = 'percent'
this.dataLabelThreshold = 3
this.dataLabelThreshold = 3
Threshhold in percentage (0-100) of pie area, below which no label will be displayed.
this.dataLabelThreshold = 3
Will reset plot zoom if double click on plot without drag.
this.dblClickReset = true
1-D data series are internally converted into 2-D [x,y] data point arrays by jqPlot.
this.defaultAxisStart = 1
how many times the shadow is stroked.
this.depth = 3
Outer diameter of the donut, auto computed by default
this.diameter = null
Outer diameter of the meterGauge, auto computed by default
this.diameter = null
Outer diameter of the pie, auto computed by default
this.diameter = null
true to toggle series with a show/hide method only and not allow fading in/out.
this.disableIEFading = true
true to not stack this series with other series in the plot.
this.disableStack = false
Color of candlestick body on a “down” day.
this.downBodyColor = null
True to draw border around grid.
this.drawBorder = true
wether to draw the gridlines on the plot.
this.drawGridlines = true
Number of pixels that the label must be away from an axis boundary in order to be drawn.
this.edgeTolerance = -5
true to turn on native canvas font support in Mozilla 3.5+ and Safari 4+.
this.enableFontSupport = true
true to turn on native canvas font support in Mozilla 3.5+ and Safari 4+.
this.enableFontSupport = true
true to escape html in the box label.
this.escapeHtml = false
True to escape html in bubble label text.
this.escapeHtml = true
true to escape HTML entities in the label.
this.escapeHTML = false
true to escape HTML entities in the label.
this.escapeHTML = false
true to escape html entities in the labels.
this.escapeHTML = true