#!/usr/bin/php -qC fix_depricated.php must NOT be called as web-page --> exiting !!!'); } /** * Interfaces which methods require return types to avoid deprecated warnings * * As 'mixed' return type is only available since PHP 8.0, we need to add '#[\ReturnTypeWillChange]' annotation instead, * for EGroupware versions not requiring PHP 8.0+ / 21.1. */ $interfaces = [ 'Iterator' => [ 'current' => 'mixed', 'key' => 'mixed', 'next' => 'void', 'rewind' => 'void', 'valid' => 'bool', ], 'IteratorAggregate' => [ 'getIterator' => '\Traversable', ], 'ArrayAccess' => [ 'offsetExists' => 'bool', 'offsetGet' => 'mixed', 'offsetSet' => 'void', 'offsetUnset' => 'void', ], 'Serializable' => [ 'serialize' => '?string', 'unserialize' => 'void', ], 'JsonSerializable' => [ 'jsonSerialize' => 'mixed', ], ]; /** * Fix deprecated stuff in a given file * * @param string $file filename * @param boolean $replace_file =false replace existing file if modifications are necessary, otherwise .php53 file is created * @return boolean false on error */ function fix_depricated($file,$replace_file=false) { global $interfaces; $orig = $lines = file_get_contents($file); if ($lines === false) return false; global $prog; if (basename($file) == $prog) return true; // dont fix ourself ;-) // match "variables" like: $var, $obj->attr, $arr['key'] $variable = '\$[a-z_0-9\[\]\'>-]+'; foreach($interfaces as $interface => $methods) { // class Account implements \ArrayAccess if (!preg_match('/class\\s+([a-z_0-9]+)\s+implements\s+(\\\\?[a-z_0-9]+\s*,\s*)*\\\\?'.preg_quote($interface, '/').'/i', $lines, $matches)) { //error_log("$file does NOT implement $interface: ".json_encode($matches)); continue; } error_log("$file DOES implement $interface: ".json_encode($matches)); //$phpdoc = "(\s*\\/\\*\\*.*\\*\\/\n)?"; $phpdoc = ''; $lines = preg_replace_callback("/^(\\s*((static|public|private|protected)\\s+)*function\\s+([a-z_0-9]+)\\s*)\\(\\s*([^)]*)\\s*\\)(\\s*:\\s*([a-z]+))?/msi", static function(array $matches) use ($methods, $lines) { global $mixed_annotation; if (isset($matches[6]) || !isset($methods[$matches[4]])) { //error_log($matches[0].' already fixed --> nothing to do'); return $matches[0]; } //error_log(json_encode($matches)." --> need fixing"); if ($methods[$matches[4]] !== 'mixed') { return $matches[0].': '.$methods[$matches[4]]; } //$phpdoc = "\s*\\/\\*\\*.*?(@return\s+([a-z]+)).*?\\*\\/\n"; $phpdoc = "\s+\\*\s+@return\s+([a-z]+).*\n\s+\\*\\/\n"; if (preg_match('/^'.$phpdoc.preg_quote($matches[0], '/').'/mi', $lines, $phpdoc_matches) && $phpdoc_matches[1] !== 'mixed') { switch($type = $phpdoc_matches[1]) { case 'boolean': $type = 'bool'; break; case 'integer': $type = 'int'; break; case 'double': $type = 'float'; break; } return $matches[0].': '.$type; } if (!$mixed_annotation) { return $matches[0].': '.$methods[$matches[4]]; } return "\t#[\\ReturnTypeWillChange]\n".$matches[0]; }, $lines); } if ($lines !== $orig) { file_put_contents($file.'.new',$lines); $ret = null; system('/usr/bin/php -l '.$file.'.new',$ret); system('/usr/bin/diff -u '.$file.' '.$file.'.new'); if (!$ret && $replace_file) { unlink($file); rename($file.'.new',$file); } return !$ret; } return true; } /** * Loop recursive through directory and call fix_depricated for each php file * * @param string $dir * @param boolean $replace_file =false replace existing file if modifications are necessary, otherwise .php53 file is created * @return boolean false on error */ function fix_depricated_recursive($dir,$replace_file=false) { if (!is_dir($dir)) return false; foreach(scandir($dir) as $file) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; if (is_dir($dir.'/'.$file)) { fix_depricated_recursive($dir.'/'.$file,$replace_file); } elseif(substr($file,-4) == '.php') { echo "\r".str_repeat(' ',100)."\r".$dir.'/'.$file.': '; fix_depricated($dir.'/'.$file,$replace_file); } } echo "\r".str_repeat(' ',100)."\r"; return true; } /** * Give usage * * @param string $error =null */ function usage($error=null) { global $prog; echo "Usage: $prog [--replace] [--mixed-annotation] [-h|--help] file or dir\n\n"; if ($error) echo $error."\n\n"; exit($error ? 1 : 0); } $args = $_SERVER['argv']; $prog = basename(array_shift($args)); if (!$args) usage(); $replace_file = false; $mixed_annotation = false; while(($arg = array_shift($args))) { switch($arg) { case '-h': case '--help': usage(); break; case '--replace': $replace_file = true; break; case '--mixed-annotation': $mixed_annotation = true; break; default: if ($args) // not last argument { usage("Unknown argument '$arg'!"); } break 2; } } if (!file_exists($arg)) usage("Error: $arg not found!"); if (!is_dir($arg)) { fix_depricated($arg,$replace_file); } else { fix_depricated_recursive($arg,$replace_file); }