%1 added	addressbook	zh	%1已添加
%1 contact(s) %2	addressbook	zh	%1个联系人%2
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!!	addressbook	zh	%1个联系人%2, %3个错误,因没有足够权限!
%1 fields in %2 other organisation member(s) changed	addressbook	zh	在%2的其他组织成员中有%1个字段被更改
%1 records imported	addressbook	zh	已导入%1条记录
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import)	addressbook	zh	已读取%1条记录(但尚未导入,您可以去%2返回%3,并且取消"测试导入"复选框)
%1 starts with '%2'	addressbook	zh	%1以'%2'开始
%s please calculate the result	addressbook	zh	%s 请计算结果
(e.g. 1969)	addressbook	zh	(例如:1969)
<b>no conversion type &lt;none&gt; could be located.</b>  please choose a conversion type from the list	addressbook	zh	<b>操作失败!必须选择转换类型。</b>请从列表中选择一种转换类型
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!!	addressbook	zh	只有管理员可调用@-eval()!
account repository	admin	zh	帐户储存库
accounts	addressbook	zh	帐户
actions	addressbook	zh	操作
add %1	addressbook	zh	添加%1
add a contact to this organisation	addressbook	zh	添加联系人到这个组织
add a new contact	addressbook	zh	添加联系人
add a new list	addressbook	zh	添加新列表
add a single entry by passing the fields.	addressbook	zh	通过传递字段来添加条目。
add business email of whole distribution list?	addressbook	zh	添加完整分布名单的商务邮箱?
add custom field	addressbook	zh	添加自定义字段
add emails of whole distribution list?	addressbook	zh	添加电子邮件整体分发列表?
add to distribution list:	addressbook	zh	添加到分发列表:
added	addressbook	zh	已添加
added by synchronisation	addressbook	zh	同步并加入
added to distribution list	addressbook	zh	已加入分发列表
additional information about using ldap as contact repository	admin	zh	额外信息使用 LDAP 联系人库
address book	common	zh	通讯簿
address book - vcard in	addressbook	zh	通讯簿 - 从 vCard 导入
address book - view	addressbook	zh	通讯簿 - 查看联系人
address line 2	addressbook	zh	地址 2
address type	addressbook	zh	地址类型
addressbook	common	zh	通讯簿
addressbook csv export	addressbook	zh	导出通讯簿 CSV 文件
addressbook menu	addressbook	zh	通讯簿菜单
addressbook preferences	addressbook	zh	首选项
addressbook the contact should be saved to	addressbook	zh	通讯簿联系人应该保存到
addressbook-fieldname	addressbook	zh	通讯簿 - 字段名
addvcard	addressbook	zh	从 vCard 导入
advanced search	addressbook	zh	高级搜索
all contacts	addressbook	zh	所有联系人
allow users to maintain their own account-data	admin	zh	允许用户维护他们自己的帐户数据
alt. csv import	addressbook	zh	从 CSV 文件导入
always	addressbook	zh	永远
apply changes to all members, whose fields have the same previous content	addressbook	zh	应用更改到所有成员,他们的字段域有着相同的先前内容的成员
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown contacts!!!	addressbook	zh	不仅显示联系人,在所有的查询中应用此操作!
are you shure you want to delete this contact?	addressbook	zh	您确定你要删除这个联系人吗?
are you sure you want to delete this field?	addressbook	zh	确定要删除该字段吗?
assistent	addressbook	zh	辅助
assistent phone	addressbook	zh	辅助电话
birthday	common	zh	出生日期
birthdays	common	zh	出生日期
blank	addressbook	zh	空白
business	common	zh	商务电话
business address	addressbook	zh	商务地址
business city	addressbook	zh	商务城市
business country	addressbook	zh	商务国家/地区
business email	addressbook	zh	商务邮箱
business fax	addressbook	zh	商务传真
business phone	addressbook	zh	商务电话
business state	addressbook	zh	商务省/自治区
business street	addressbook	zh	商务街道
business zip code	addressbook	zh	商务邮编
calendar fields:	addressbook	zh	日历字段:
calendar uri	addressbook	zh	日历网址
can be changed via setup >> configuration	admin	zh	可以通过 安装 >> 配置进行更改
car phone	addressbook	zh	车载电话
categories, notes, ...	addressbook	zh	分类、备注...
category tree	admin	zh	分类树
cell phone	addressbook	zh	移动电话
change all organisation members	addressbook	zh	修改所有组织成员
charset for the csv export	addressbook	zh	CSV 输出所用字符集
charset of file	addressbook	zh	文件的字符集
check all	addressbook	zh	全选
choose an icon for this contact type	admin	zh	选择该联系人类型图标
choose owner of imported data	addressbook	zh	选择导入数据的拥有者
chosse an etemplate for this contact type	admin	zh	为联系人类型选择一个模板
city	common	zh	城市
company	common	zh	公司
company name	addressbook	zh	公司名称
configuration	common	zh	站点配置
contact	common	zh	联系人
contact application	admin	zh	联系人应用程序
contact copied	addressbook	zh	联系人已复制
contact deleted	addressbook	zh	联系人已删除
contact fields to show	addressbook	zh	要显示的联系人字段
contact fields:	addressbook	zh	联系人字段:
contact id	addressbook	zh	联系人ID
contact modified by %1 at %2	addressbook	zh	联系人由%1在%2修改
contact not found!	addressbook	zh	联系人未找到!
contact repository	admin	zh	联系人储存库
contact saved	addressbook	zh	联系人已保存
contact settings	admin	zh	联系人设置
contactform	addressbook	zh	联系人表单
contacts and account contact-data to ldap	admin	zh	联系人和帐户联系数据到 LDAP
contacts to ldap	admin	zh	联系人到 LDAP
contacts to ldap, account contact-data to sql	admin	zh	联系人到 LDAP,账户联系数据到 SQL
contains	addressbook	zh	包含
copied	addressbook	zh	已复制
copied by %1, from record #%2.	addressbook	zh	由%1从纪录 #%2复制。
copy a contact and edit the copy	addressbook	zh	复制联系人并编辑副本
copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them.	addressbook	zh	复制您的改变到剪贴板,%1重新载入条目%2并合并它们。
country	common	zh	国家
create new links	addressbook	zh	创建新链接
created	addressbook	zh	创建
credit	addressbook	zh	信用
csv-fieldname	addressbook	zh	CSV - 字段名
csv-filename	addressbook	zh	CSV - 文件名
custom	addressbook	zh	自定义
custom etemplate for the contactform	addressbook	zh	为联系人表单自定义模板
custom fields	addressbook	zh	自定义字段
debug output in browser	addressbook	zh	在浏览器调试输出
default	addressbook	zh	默认
default address format	addressbook	zh	默认地址格式
default addressbook for adding contacts	addressbook	zh	添加联系人的默认通讯簿
default document to insert contacts	addressbook	zh	添加联系人的默认文件
default filter	addressbook	zh	默认过滤器
defines which email address (business or home) to use as the preferred one for distribution lists in mail.	addressbook	zh	为分发列表定义了一个作为首选使用的电子邮件地址(商务或家庭)。
delete a single entry by passing the id.	addressbook	zh	通过ID删除单一条目。
delete selected distribution list!	addressbook	zh	删除选择的分发列表!
delete this contact	addressbook	zh	删除这个联系人
delete this organisation including all its contacts	addressbook	zh	删除这个组织以及所有相关联系人
deleted	addressbook	zh	已删除
deletes the photo	addressbook	zh	删除照片
department	common	zh	部门
departments	addressbook	zh	部门
directory with documents to insert contacts	addressbook	zh	插入联系人的文件目录
displays a remider for birthdays on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon).	addressbook	zh	在首页显示生日提醒(也就是当您登录 EGroupware 或是点击首页图示时显示的页面)。
distribution list deleted	addressbook	zh	分发列表已删除
distribution lists	addressbook	zh	分发列表
do you want a private addressbook, which can not be viewed by users, you grant access to your personal addressbook?	addressbook	zh	您是否需要私有通讯簿,其他用户无法查看,只有您能够访问的个人通讯簿?
do your really want to delete this contact?	addressbook	zh	您确定要删除这个联系人?
doesn't matter	addressbook	zh	没关系
domestic	addressbook	zh	国内
don't hide empty columns	addressbook	zh	不隐藏空白栏
download	addressbook	zh	下载
download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser)	addressbook	zh	下载导出的文件(要在浏览器中显示导出结果,请勿选中该项)
download this contact as vcard file	addressbook	zh	以 vCard 格式下载这个联系人资料
duration	addressbook	zh	期间
edit custom field	addressbook	zh	编辑自定义字段
edit custom fields	admin	zh	编辑自定义字段
edit extra account-data in the addressbook	admin	zh	编辑通讯簿的其他帐户数据
edit phonenumbers -	addressbook	zh	编辑电话号码 -
either the configured email addesses are wrong or the mail configuration.	addressbook	zh	邮箱地址或是邮件设置有错误。
email & internet	addressbook	zh	电子邮件 & 英特网
email addresses (comma separated) to send the contact data	addressbook	zh	发送联系人数据的信箱(以逗号分隔)
empty	admin	zh	清空
empty for all	addressbook	zh	全部清空
enable an extra private addressbook	addressbook	zh	启用私人通讯簿
end	addressbook	zh	结束
enter the path to the exported file here	addressbook	zh	输入导出档桉的路径
error deleting the contact !!!	addressbook	zh	删除联系人时发生错误!
error saving the contact !!!	addressbook	zh	保存联系人时发生错误!
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing!	addressbook	zh	错误:条目自从您打开编辑以来已经更新!
existing links	addressbook	zh	存在的链接
export as csv	addressbook	zh	导出成 CSV
export as vcard	addressbook	zh	导出成 vCard
export contacts	addressbook	zh	导出联系人
export file name	addressbook	zh	导出文件名
export from addressbook	addressbook	zh	从通讯簿导出
export selection	addressbook	zh	导出选项
exported	addressbook	zh	已导出
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators.	addressbook	zh	从通讯簿导出联系人到 CSV 文件,CSV 是'逗号分隔'方法,不过您也可以在选项标签中选择不同的分隔符。
extra	addressbook	zh	额外
failed to change %1 organisation member(s) (insufficent rights) !!!	addressbook	zh	更改 %1 组织成员时发生错误(没有权限)!
fax	addressbook	zh	传真
fax number	common	zh	传真号码
field %1 has been added !	addressbook	zh	字段%1已添加!
field %1 has been updated !	addressbook	zh	字段%1已更新!
field name	addressbook	zh	字段名
fields for the csv export	addressbook	zh	导出到 CSV 格式的字段
fields the user is allowed to edit himself	admin	zh	允许用户自行编辑的字段
fields to show in address list	addressbook	zh	请选择联系人列表中的可见字段
fieldseparator	addressbook	zh	字段分隔符
for read only ldap	admin	zh	只读的 LDAP
freebusy uri	addressbook	zh	闲忙状态网址
full name	addressbook	zh	姓名
general	admin	zh	通用
general fields:	addressbook	zh	通用字段:
geo	addressbook	zh	GEO
global categories	addressbook	zh	全局分类
grant addressbook access	common	zh	授权访问通讯簿
group %1	addressbook	zh	群组%1
h	addressbook	zh	时
hide accounts from addressbook	addressbook	zh	从通讯簿中隐藏帐号
hides accounts completly from the adressbook.	addressbook	zh	从通讯簿中完整隐藏帐号。
home address	addressbook	zh	家庭地址
home address, birthday, ...	addressbook	zh	家庭地址、生日、...
home city	addressbook	zh	居住城市
home country	addressbook	zh	居住国家/地区
home email	addressbook	zh	家庭邮箱
home email if given, else work email	addressbook	zh	如果给定家庭邮箱,否则工作邮箱
home phone	addressbook	zh	家庭电话
home state	addressbook	zh	省/自治区
home street	addressbook	zh	居住街道
home zip code	addressbook	zh	住地邮编
icon	addressbook	zh	图标
if accounts are already in ldap	admin	zh	如果帐号已经存在于 LDAP
import	addressbook	zh	导入
import contacts	addressbook	zh	导入联系人
import csv-file into addressbook	addressbook	zh	从 CSV 文件导入
import file	addressbook	zh	导入文件
import from	addressbook	zh	导入自
import from ldif, csv, or vcard	addressbook	zh	从 Ldif、CSV 或 vCard 导入通讯簿
import from outlook	addressbook	zh	从 Outlook 导入
import multiple vcard	addressbook	zh	导入多重 vCard
import next set	addressbook	zh	导入下一个集合
import_instructions	addressbook	zh	请按照下列方法从其他应用程序导出通讯簿, 以便导入 EGroupware 中:<p>在 Netscape 中,打开通讯簿,选定<b>文件</b>菜单的<b>导出</b>项,导出的文件将以 LDIF 格式存放。<p>在 Outlook 中,选定将要导出的联系人文件夹,选定<b>文件菜单</b>的<b>导入和导出</b>项,导出的文件将以 CSV 格式存放。<p>在 Palm  Desktop 4.0 或更高版本中,打开通讯簿,选定<b>文件</b>菜单的<b>导出</b>项,导出的文件将以 VCard 格式存放。<p>Palm Desktop 4.0 或是更新的版本,在浏览通讯簿资料时在<b>文件</b>功能选择<b>导出</b>,导出的资料是 vCard 格式。
imports contacts into your addressbook from a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators.	addressbook	zh	从 CSV 文件导入联系人资料到通讯簿,CSV 是'逗号分隔'方式,不过您可以在选项标签指定其他的分隔符。
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday.	addressbook	zh	在%1 天 (%2) 就是%3的生日。
income	addressbook	zh	收入
infolog	addressbook	zh	记事薄
insufficent rights to delete this list!	addressbook	zh	没有删除这个列表的权限!
international	addressbook	zh	国际
label	addressbook	zh	标签
last date	addressbook	zh	最后日期
last modified	addressbook	zh	最近修改
last modified by	addressbook	zh	最近修改
ldap context for contacts	admin	zh	联系人的 LDAP 上下文
ldap host for contacts	admin	zh	联系人的 LDAP 主机
ldap settings for contacts	admin	zh	联系人的 LDAP 设定
ldif	addressbook	zh	LDIF
line 2	addressbook	zh	第2行
link title for contacts show	addressbook	zh	显示联系人的链接标题
links	addressbook	zh	链接
list all categories	addressbook	zh	列出所有类别
list all customfields	addressbook	zh	列出所有自定义字段
list already exists!	addressbook	zh	列表已经存在!
list created	addressbook	zh	列表已建立
list creation failed, no rights!	addressbook	zh	创建列表失败,没有权限!
load vcard	addressbook	zh	载入 vCard
location	addressbook	zh	位置
locations	addressbook	zh	位置
manage mapping	addressbook	zh	管理匹配
mark records as private	addressbook	zh	标记为私人记录
merge into first or account, deletes all other!	addressbook	zh	合并到第一个或帐户,删除所有其他的!
merged	addressbook	zh	已合并
message after submitting the form	addressbook	zh	提交表单后的讯息
message phone	addressbook	zh	电话留言
middle name	addressbook	zh	中间名
migration finished	addressbook	zh	转换完成
migration to ldap	admin	zh	迁移到 LDAP
mobile	addressbook	zh	移动电话
mobile phone	addressbook	zh	移动电话
modem phone	addressbook	zh	调制解调器电话
more ...	addressbook	zh	更多...
moved	addressbook	zh	已移动
multiple vcard	addressbook	zh	多种 vCard
name for the distribution list	addressbook	zh	分发列表的名称
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too	addressbook	zh	目前用户的名称,所有其他联系人字段也是正确的
name, address	addressbook	zh	名称、住址
new contact submitted by %1 at %2	addressbook	zh	由%1在%2新建并提交了联系人
next date	addressbook	zh	下一日期
no vcard	addressbook	zh	没有 vCard
number	addressbook	zh	号码
number of records to read (%1)	addressbook	zh	读取记录编号(%1)
options for type	admin	zh	类型选项
organisation	addressbook	zh	组织
organisations	addressbook	zh	组织
organisations by departments	addressbook	zh	组织部门
organisations by location	addressbook	zh	组织所在地
other number	addressbook	zh	其他号码
other phone	addressbook	zh	其他电话
own sorting	addressbook	zh	自定排序
pager	common	zh	寻呼机
parcel	addressbook	zh	Parcel
participants	addressbook	zh	参与者
permission denied !!!	addressbook	zh	没有权限!
phone number	common	zh	电话号码
phone numbers	common	zh	电话号码
photo	addressbook	zh	照片
please enter a name for that field !	addressbook	zh	请输入字段名称!
please select only one category	addressbook	zh	请选择唯一的类别
postal	common	zh	邮政信箱
pref	addressbook	zh	设为首选
preferred email address to use in distribution lists	addressbook	zh	分发列表使用的首选电子邮件地址
preferred phone	addressbook	zh	首选电话
preferred type of email address to add for distribution lists	addressbook	zh	为分布列表添加的电子邮件的首选类型
prefix	addressbook	zh	前缀
public key	addressbook	zh	公钥
publish into groups:	addressbook	zh	在群组中发布:
read a list / search for entries.	addressbook	zh	读取列表/搜索条目
read a list of entries.	addressbook	zh	读取条目列表。
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist.	addressbook	zh	通过 id 及字段读取一条资料。
read only	addressbook	zh	只读
record access	addressbook	zh	记录访问
record owner	addressbook	zh	记录所有者
remove selected contacts from distribution list	addressbook	zh	从分发列表移除选择的联系人
removed from distribution list	addressbook	zh	已从分发列表移除
repetition	addressbook	zh	重复
replacements for inserting contacts into documents	addressbook	zh	替换插入文件的联系人
required fields *	addressbook	zh	必要字段*
role	addressbook	zh	职务
room	addressbook	zh	房间
select a portrait format jpeg photo. it will be resized to 60 pixel width.	addressbook	zh	选择一个 jpeg 格式的照片,它将被重新调整宽度为60px。
select a view	addressbook	zh	选择一个查看
select addressbook type	addressbook	zh	选择通讯簿类型
select all	addressbook	zh	全选
select an action or addressbook to move to	addressbook	zh	选择一个操作或通讯簿以移动到
select migration type	admin	zh	选择迁移方式
select multiple contacts for a further action	addressbook	zh	为下一步操作选择多个联系人
select phone number as prefered way of contact	addressbook	zh	选择联系人的首选电话号码
select the type of conversion	addressbook	zh	请选择转换类型
select the type of conversion:	addressbook	zh	请选择转换类型:
select where you want to store / retrieve contacts	admin	zh	选择你想要在什么位置储存/找回联系人
selected contacts	addressbook	zh	选择的联系人
should the columns photo and home address always be displayed, even if they are empty.	addressbook	zh	照片与家庭地址列将会始终显示,即使它们是空的。
show	addressbook	zh	显示
show infolog entries for this organisation	addressbook	zh	显示这个组织的相关记事
show the contacts of this organisation	addressbook	zh	显示这个组织的联系人
size of popup (wxh, eg.400x300, if a popup should be used)	admin	zh	弹出视窗大小 (宽X高,例如:400x300,如果选择了使用弹出窗口)
start	admin	zh	开始
startrecord	addressbook	zh	起始记录
state	common	zh	省/自治区
street	common	zh	街道
subject for email	addressbook	zh	邮件主题
successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook.	addressbook	zh	已成功地将%1条记录导入您的通讯簿。
suffix	addressbook	zh	后缀
tel home	addressbook	zh	家庭电话
telephony integration	admin	zh	电话功能整合
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser)	addressbook	zh	导入测试 (<u>仅</u> 仅显示可导入记录)
thank you for contacting us.	addressbook	zh	感谢您的联系。
that field name has been used already !	addressbook	zh	该字段名已被使用!
the anonymous user has probably no add rights for this addressbook.	addressbook	zh	匿名用户也许没有为该通讯簿的添加权限。
the anonymous user needs add rights for it!	addressbook	zh	匿名用户需要为它增加权限!
there was an error saving your data :-(	addressbook	zh	保存您的数据时发生一个错误:-(
this module displays a contactform, that stores direct into the addressbook.	addressbook	zh	该模块显示一个联系人表单,其储存直接输入通讯簿中。
this person's first name was not in the address book.	addressbook	zh	这个人的名字不在通讯簿中。
this person's last name was not in the address book.	addressbook	zh	这个人的姓不在通讯簿中。
timezone	addressbook	zh	时区
title	addressbook	zh	职称
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit	addressbook	zh	许多可能超过你的执行时间限制
today is %1's birthday!	common	zh	今天是%1的生日!
tomorrow is %1's birthday.	common	zh	明天是%1的生日。
translation	addressbook	zh	翻译
type	addressbook	zh	类型
update a single entry by passing the fields.	addressbook	zh	通过字段来更新单个条目。
updated	addressbook	zh	更新
upload or delete the photo	addressbook	zh	上传或删除照片
url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 = number to call, %u = account name, %t = account phone)	admin	zh	连接电话号码的网址 (使用 %1 = 拨打号码,%u = 帐户名,%t = 电话帐户)
use an extra category tab?	addressbook	zh	使用一个额外类别标签?
use country list	addressbook	zh	使用“国家/地区”列表
use setup for a full account-migration	admin	zh	使用安装程序来完整帐户迁移
used for links and for the own sorting of the list	addressbook	zh	使用链接为列表拥有者排序
vcard	common	zh	保存为vCard
vcards require a first name entry.	addressbook	zh	vCards 需要名字词条。
vcards require a last name entry.	addressbook	zh	Vcards 需要一个姓词条。
verification	addressbook	zh	认证
view linked infolog entries	addressbook	zh	查看链接的记事条目
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage!	admin	zh	警告!只有当您不为联系人账户存储时,LDAP才是有效的!
warning: all contacts found will be deleted!	addressbook	zh	警告:找到的所有联系人都会被删除!
weekday	addressbook	zh	星期几
what should links to the addressbook display in other applications. empty values will be left out. you need to log in anew, if you change this setting!	addressbook	zh	如何在其他应用程序中显示链接的通讯簿,空的数值数据将被省略。如果您要修改此设置,您需要重新登录!
where to add the email address	addressbook	zh	在哪里添加邮件地址
which address format should the addressbook use for countries it does not know the address format. if the address format of a country is known, it uses it independent of this setting.	addressbook	zh	通讯簿在不清楚地址格式的国家要使用的地址格式,如果已经知道,它会使用独立的设定。
which addressbook should be selected when adding a contact and you have no add rights to the current addressbook.	addressbook	zh	添加联系人时要选择哪个通讯簿,您没有添加到当前通讯簿的权限。
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation.	addressbook	zh	CSV 格式文件输出使用的字符集,系统缺省为 EGroupware 安装的字符集。
which fields should be exported. all means every field stored in the addressbook incl. the custom fields. the business or home address only contains name, company and the selected address.	addressbook	zh	哪些字段将被导出,一切各种方式储存在通讯簿里的每个字段及包含的自定义字段。商务或家庭地址只包含名称、公司和选择的地址。
whole query	addressbook	zh	完整查询
work email if given, else home email	addressbook	zh	如果给定工作邮箱,否则家庭邮箱
work phone	addressbook	zh	工作电话
write (update or add) a single entry by passing the fields.	addressbook	zh	通过字段字段写入(更新或添加)单一条目。
wrong - try again ...	addressbook	zh	错误,请重试...
yes, for the next three days	addressbook	zh	是,在接下来三天
yes, for the next two weeks	addressbook	zh	是,在接下来两周
yes, for the next week	addressbook	zh	是,在接下来一周
yes, for today and tomorrow	addressbook	zh	是,在今天与明天
you are not permitted to delete contact %1	addressbook	zh	您没有权限删除联系人%1
you are not permittet to delete this contact	addressbook	zh	您没有权限删除这个联系人
you are not permittet to edit this contact	addressbook	zh	您没有权限编辑这个联系人
you are not permittet to view this contact	addressbook	zh	您没有权限查看这个联系人
you can only use ldap as contact repository if the accounts are stored in ldap too!	admin	zh	如果帐户也储存在 LDAP,您只能够使用 LDAP 作为联系人储存库!
you can respond by visiting:	addressbook	zh	查看访问:
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf)	addressbook	zh	必须选择一个 vCard。(*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display	addressbook	zh	至少必须选择一列以显示
you need to select a distribution list	addressbook	zh	您必须选择一个分发列表
you need to select some contacts first	addressbook	zh	您必须首先选择某些联系人
zip code	common	zh	邮政编码
zip_note	addressbook	zh	<p><b>注意:</b> 该文件可以是.csv 文件、.vcf 文件或.ldif 文件的压缩包,但每一导入能只能是一种类型。