/** * eGroupware Framework ui object * @package framework * @author Hadi Nategh * @author Andreas Stoeckel * @copyright Stylite AG 2014 * @description Framework ui object, is implementation of UI class */ /*egw:uses jquery.jquery; /phpgwapi/js/jquery/mousewheel/mousewheel.js; egw_inheritance.js; */ /** * Constants definition */ "use strict"; /** * ui siemenu entry class * Basic sidebar menu implementation * * @type @exp;Class@call;extend */ var fw_ui_sidemenu_entry = Class.extend({ /** * Framework ui sidemenu entry class constructor * * @param {object} _parent specifies the parent egw_fw_ui_sidemenu * @param {object} _baseDiv specifies "div" element the entries should be appended to. * @param {object} _elemDiv * @param {string} _name specifies the title of the entry in the side menu * @param {string} _icon specifies the icon which should be viewd besides the title in the side menu * @param {function}(_sender) _callback specifies the function which should be called when the entry is clicked. The _sender parameter passed is a reference to this egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_entry element. * @param {object} _tag can be used to attach any user data to the object. Inside egw_fw _tag is used to attach an egw_fw_class_application to each sidemenu entry. * @param {string} _app application name */ init: function (_parent, _baseDiv, _elemDiv, _name, _icon, _callback, _tag, _app) { this.baseDiv = _baseDiv; this.elemDiv = _elemDiv; this.entryName = _name; this.icon = _icon; this.tag = _tag; this.parent = _parent; this.atTop = false; this.isDraged = false; //Add a new div for the new entry to the base div this.headerDiv = document.createElement("div"); this.headerDiv.id = _app+'_sidebox_header'; $j(this.headerDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_entry_header"); //Create the icon and set its image var iconDiv = egw.image_element(this.icon, _name); $j(iconDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_entry_icon"); //Create the AJAX loader image (currently NOT used) this.ajaxloader = document.createElement("div"); $j(this.ajaxloader).addClass("egw_fw_ui_ajaxloader"); $j(this.ajaxloader).hide(); //Create the entry name header var entryH1 = document.createElement("h1"); $j(entryH1).text(this.entryName); //Append icon, name, and ajax loader $j(this.headerDiv).append(iconDiv); $j(this.headerDiv).append(entryH1); $j(this.headerDiv).append(this.ajaxloader); this.headerDiv._parent = this; this.headerDiv._callbackObject = new egw_fw_class_callback(this, _callback); $j(this.headerDiv).click(function(){ if (!this._parent.isDraged) { this._callbackObject.call(this); } this._parent.isDraged = false; return true; }); //Create the content div this.contentDiv = document.createElement("div"); this.contentDiv.id = _app+'_sidebox_content'; $j(this.contentDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_entry_content"); $j(this.contentDiv).hide(); //Add in invisible marker to store the original position of this element in the DOM tree this.marker = document.createElement("div"); this.marker._parent = this; this.marker.className = 'egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_marker'; var entryH1_ = document.createElement("h1"); $j(entryH1_).text(this.entryName); $j(this.marker).append(entryH1_); $j(this.marker).hide(); //Create a container which contains all generated elements and is then added //to the baseDiv this.containerDiv = document.createElement("div"); this.containerDiv._parent = this; $j(this.containerDiv).append(this.marker); $j(this.containerDiv).append(this.headerDiv); $j(this.containerDiv).append(this.contentDiv); //Append header and content div to the base div $j(this.elemDiv).append(this.containerDiv); }, /** * setContent replaces the content of the sidemenu entry with the content given by _content. * @param {string} _content HTML/Text which should be displayed. */ setContent: function(_content) { //Set the content of the contentDiv $j(this.contentDiv).empty(); $j(this.contentDiv).append(_content); }, /** * open openes this sidemenu_entry and displays the content. */ open: function() { /* Move this entry to the top of the list */ $j(this.baseDiv).prepend(this.contentDiv); $j(this.baseDiv).prepend(this.headerDiv); this.atTop = true; $j(this.headerDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_entry_header_active"); $j(this.contentDiv).show(); }, /** * close closes this sidemenu_entry and hides the content. */ close: function() { /* Move the content and header div behind the marker again */ if (this.atTop) { $j(this.marker).after(this.contentDiv); $j(this.marker).after(this.headerDiv); this.atTop = false; } $j(this.headerDiv).removeClass("egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_entry_header_active"); $j(this.contentDiv).hide(); }, /** * egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_entry_header_active * showAjaxLoader shows the AjaxLoader animation which should be displayed when * the content of the sidemenu entry is just being loaded. */ showAjaxLoader: function() { $j(this.ajaxloader).show(); }, /** * showAjaxLoader hides the AjaxLoader animation */ hideAjaxLoader: function() { $j(this.ajaxloader).hide(); }, /** * Removes this entry. */ remove: function() { $j(this.headerDiv).remove(); $j(this.contentDiv).remove(); } }); /** * * @type @exp;Class@call;extend */ var fw_ui_sidemenu = Class.extend({ /** * The constructor of the egw_fw_ui_sidemenu. * * @param {object} _baseDiv specifies the "div" in which all entries added by the addEntry function should be displayed. */ init:function(_baseDiv) { this.baseDiv = _baseDiv; this.elemDiv = document.createElement('div'); $j(this.baseDiv).append(this.elemDiv); this.entries = new Array(); this.activeEntry = null; }, /** * Funtion used internally to recursively step through a dom tree and add all appliction * markers in their order of appereance * * @param {array} _resultArray * @param {array} _children */ _searchMarkers: function(_resultArray, _children) { for (var i = 0; i < _children.length; i++) { var child = _children[i]; if (child.className == 'egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_marker' && typeof child._parent != 'undefined') { _resultArray.push(child._parent); } this._searchMarkers(_resultArray, child.childNodes); } }, /** * Adds an entry to the sidemenu. * * @param {string} _name specifies the title of the new sidemenu entry * @param {string} _icon specifies the icon displayed aside the title * @param {function}(_sender) _callback specifies the function which should be called when a callback is clicked * @param {object} _tag extra data * @param {string} _app application name */ addEntry: function(_name, _icon, _callback, _tag, _app) { //Create a new sidemenu entry and add it to the list var entry = new egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_entry(this, this.baseDiv, this.elemDiv, _name, _icon, _callback, _tag, _app); this.entries[this.entries.length] = entry; return entry; }, /** * Openes the specified entry whilst closing all other entries in the list. * * @param {object} _entry specifies the entry which should be opened. */ open: function(_entry) { //Close all other entries for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) { if (this.entries[i] != _entry) { this.entries[i].close(); } } if (_entry != null) { _entry.open(); } this.activeEntry = _entry; }, /** * Deletes all sidemenu entries. */ clean: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) { this.entries[i].remove(); } this.entries = new Array(); } }); /** * Class: egw_fw_ui_tab * The egw_fw_ui_tab represents a single tab "sheet" in the ui */ /** * The constructor of the egw_fw_ui_tab class. * * @param {object} _parent specifies the parent egw_fw_ui_tabs class * @param {object} _contHeaderDiv specifies the container "div" element, which should contain the headers * @param {object} _contDiv specifies the container "div" element, which should contain the contents of the tabs * @param {string} _icon specifies the icon which should be viewed besides the title of the tab * @param {function}(_sender) _callback specifies the function which should be called when the tab title is clicked. The _sender parameter passed is a reference to this egw_fw_ui_tab element. * @param {function}(_sender) _closeCallback specifies the function which should be called when the tab close button is clicked. The _sender parameter passed is a reference to this egw_fw_ui_tab element. * @param {object} _tag can be used to attach any user data to the object. Inside egw_fw _tag is used to attach an egw_fw_class_application to each sidemenu entry. * @param {int} _pos is the position where the tab will be inserted */ function egw_fw_ui_tab(_parent, _contHeaderDiv, _contDiv, _icon, _callback, _closeCallback, _tag, _pos) { this.parent = _parent; this.contHeaderDiv = _contHeaderDiv; this.contDiv = _contDiv; this.title = ''; this.tag = _tag; this.closeable = true; this.callback = _callback; this.closeCallback = _closeCallback; this.position = _pos; //Create the header div and set its "click" function and "hover" event this.headerDiv = document.createElement("span"); this.headerDiv._position = _pos; $j(this.headerDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_tab_header"); //Create a new callback object and attach it to the header div this.headerDiv._callbackObject = new egw_fw_class_callback(this, _callback); $j(this.headerDiv).click( function(){ this._callbackObject.call(this); }); //Attach the hover effect to the header div $j(this.headerDiv).hover( function() { if (!$j(this).hasClass("egw_fw_ui_tab_header_active")) $j(this).addClass("egw_fw_ui_tab_header_hover"); }, function() { $j(this).removeClass("egw_fw_ui_tab_header_hover"); } ); // If dragging something over the tab, activate that app var tab = this.headerDiv; $j(this.headerDiv).droppable({ tolerance:"pointer", over: function() { tab._callbackObject.call(tab); } }); //Create the close button and append it to the header div this.closeButton = document.createElement("span"); this.closeButton._callbackObject = new egw_fw_class_callback(this, _closeCallback); $j(this.closeButton).addClass("egw_fw_ui_tab_close_button"); $j(this.closeButton).click( function(){ //Only call the close callback if the tab is set closeable if (this._callbackObject.context.closeable) { this._callbackObject.call(this); return false; } return true; }); $j(this.headerDiv).append(this.closeButton); //Create the icon and append it to the header div var icon = egw.image_element(_icon); $j(icon).addClass("egw_fw_ui_tab_icon"); $j(this.headerDiv).append(icon); //Create the title h1 and append it to the header div this.headerH1 = document.createElement("h1"); this.setTitle(''); $j(this.headerDiv).append(this.headerH1); $j(this.headerDiv).append(this.closeButton); this.contentDiv = document.createElement("div"); $j(this.contentDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_tab_content"); $j(this.contentDiv).hide(); //Sort the element in at the given position var _this = this; var $_children = $j(this.contHeaderDiv).children(); var _cnt = $_children.size(); if (_cnt > 0 && _pos > -1) { $_children.each(function(i) { if (_pos <= this._position) { $j(this).before(_this.headerDiv); return false; } else if (i == (_cnt - 1)) { $j(this).after(_this.headerDiv); return false; } }); } else { $j(this.contHeaderDiv).append(this.headerDiv); } $j(this.contDiv).append(this.contentDiv); } /** * setTitle sets the title of this tab. An existing title will be removed. * * @param {string} _title HTML/Text which should be displayed. */ egw_fw_ui_tab.prototype.setTitle = function(_title) { this.title = _title; $j(this.headerH1).empty(); $j(this.headerH1).text(_title); }; /** * setTitle sets the content of this tab. Existing content is removed. * * @param {string} _content HTML/Text which should be displayed. */ egw_fw_ui_tab.prototype.setContent = function(_content) { $j(this.contentDiv).empty(); $j(this.contentDiv).append(_content); }; /** * Shows the content of the tab. Only one tab should be displayed at once. By using egw_fw_ui_tabs.showTab * you can assure this. */ egw_fw_ui_tab.prototype.show = function() { $j(this.headerDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_tab_header_active"); var content = $j(this.contentDiv); if(!content.is(':visible')) { content.show(); // Trigger an event on the browser content, so apps & widgets know if(this.tag && this.tag.browser && this.tag.browser.contentDiv) { $j(this.tag.browser.contentDiv).trigger('show'); } else if(content) // if the content is an iframe (eg. Calendar views) { $j(content).find('.egw_fw_content_browser_iframe').trigger('show'); } } }; /** * Hides the content of this tab. */ egw_fw_ui_tab.prototype.hide = function() { $j(this.headerDiv).removeClass("egw_fw_ui_tab_header_active"); var content = $j(this.contentDiv); if(content.is(':visible')) { content.hide(); // Trigger an event on the browser content, so apps & widgets know if(this.tag && this.tag.browser && this.tag.browser.contentDiv) { $j(this.tag.browser.contentDiv).trigger('hide'); } } }; /** * Removes this tab and all its content. */ egw_fw_ui_tab.prototype.remove = function() { this.hide(); $j(this.contentDiv).remove(); $j(this.headerDiv).remove(); }; /** * Sets whether the close button is shown/the close callback ever gets called. * * @param {boolean} _closeable if true, the close button is shown, if false, the close button is hidden. default is true. */ egw_fw_ui_tab.prototype.setCloseable = function(_closeable) { this.closeable = _closeable; if (_closeable) $j(this.closeButton).show(); else $j(this.closeButton).hide(); }; /** * Class: egw_fw_ui_tabs * The egw_fw_ui_tabs class cares about displaying a set of tab sheets. */ /** * The constructor of the egw_fw_ui_sidemenu_tabs class. Two "divs" are created inside the specified container element, one for the tab headers and one for the tab contents. * * @param {object} _contDiv specifies "div" element the tab ui element should be displayed in. */ function egw_fw_ui_tabs(_contDiv) { this.contDiv = _contDiv; //Create a div for the tab headers this.contHeaderDiv = document.createElement("div"); $j(this.contHeaderDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_tabs_header"); $j(this.contDiv).append(this.contHeaderDiv); this.appHeaderContainer = $j(document.createElement("div")); this.appHeaderContainer.addClass("egw_fw_ui_app_header_container"); $j(this.contDiv).append(this.appHeaderContainer); this.appHeader = $j(document.createElement("div")); this.appHeader.addClass("egw_fw_ui_app_header"); this.appHeader.hide(); this.appHeaderContainer.append(this.appHeader); this.tabs = Array(); this.activeTab = null; this.tabHistory = Array(); } /** * Sets the "appHeader" text below the tabs list. * * @param {string} _text is the text which will be seen in the appHeader. * @param {string} _msg_class css class for message */ egw_fw_ui_tabs.prototype.setAppHeader = function(_text, _msg_class) { this.appHeader.text(_text); this.appHeader.prop('class', "egw_fw_ui_app_header"); if (_msg_class) this.appHeader.addClass(_msg_class); this.appHeader.show(); }; /** * Function internally used to remove double entries from the tab history. The tab * history is used to store the order in which the tabs have been opened, to be able * to switch back to the last tab when a tab is closed. Double entries in the tab history * may appear whenever a tab is deleted. */ egw_fw_ui_tabs.prototype.cleanHistory = function() { for (var i = this.tabHistory.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.tabHistory[i] == this.tabHistory[i - 1]) { array_remove(this.tabHistory, i); } } }; /** * Adds a new tab to the tabs ui element. * @param {string} _icon which should be displayed on the tab sheet header * @param {function} _callback (_sender) function which should be called whenever the tab header is clicked. The _sender parameter passed is a reference to this egw_fw_ui_tab element. * @param {function} _closeCallback (_sender) function which should be called whenever the close button of the tab is clicked. The _sender parameter passed is a reference to this egw_fw_ui_tab element. * @param {object} _tag can be used to attach any user data to the object. Inside egw_fw _tag is used to attach an egw_fw_class_application to each sidemenu entry. * @param {int} _pos specifies the position in the tab list. If _pos is -1, the tab will be added to the end of the tab list */ egw_fw_ui_tabs.prototype.addTab = function(_icon, _callback, _closeCallback, _tag, _pos) { var pos = -1; if (typeof _pos != 'undefined') pos = _pos; var tab = new egw_fw_ui_tab(this, this.contHeaderDiv, this.contDiv, _icon, _callback, _closeCallback, _tag, pos); //Insert the tab into the tab list. var inserted = false; if (pos > -1) { for (var i in this.tabs) { if (this.tabs[i].position > pos) { this.tabs.splice(i, 0, tab); inserted = true; break; } } } if (pos == -1 || !inserted) { this.tabs[this.tabs.length] = tab; } if (this.activeTab == null) this.showTab(tab); return tab; }; /** * Removes the specified tab from the tab list whilst trying to keep one tab open. * The tab which will be opened is determined throughout the tab open history. * * @param {object} _tab is the object which should be closed. */ egw_fw_ui_tabs.prototype.removeTab = function(_tab) { //Delete the deleted tab from the history for (var i = this.tabHistory.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.tabHistory[i] == _tab) array_remove(this.tabHistory, i); } //Delete entries in the histroy which might be double this.cleanHistory(); //Special treatement if the currently active tab gets deleted if (_tab == this.activeTab) { //Search for the next tab which should be selected if (this.tabs.length > 0) { //Check whether there is another tab in the tab history, //if not, simply show the first tab in the list. var tab = this.tabs[0]; if (typeof this.tabHistory[this.tabHistory.length - 1] != 'undefined') { tab = this.tabHistory[this.tabHistory.length - 1]; } tab.callback.call(tab); } } //Perform the actual deletion of the tab _tab.remove(); for (var i = this.tabs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.tabs[i] == _tab) array_remove(this.tabs, i); } }; /** * Shows the specified _tab whilst closing all others. * * @param {object} _tab is the object which should be opened. */ egw_fw_ui_tabs.prototype.showTab = function(_tab) { if (this.activeTab != _tab) { for (var i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) { if (this.tabs[i] != _tab) { this.tabs[i].hide(); } } _tab.show(); this.activeTab = _tab; if (this.tabHistory[this.tabHistory.length - 1] != _tab) this.tabHistory[this.tabHistory.length] = _tab; //Limit the tabHistory size in order to save memory if (this.tabHistory.length > 50) { array_remove(this.tabHistory, 0); } } }; /** * Calls the setCloseable function of all tabs in the list. * * @param {boolean} _closeable */ egw_fw_ui_tabs.prototype.setCloseable = function(_closeable) { for (var i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) { this.tabs[i].setCloseable(_closeable); } }; /** * Clears all data, removes all tabs, independently from the question, whether they may be closed or * not. */ egw_fw_ui_tabs.prototype.clean = function() { //Remove all tabs, clean the tabs array for (var i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) { array_remove(this.tabs, i); } //Reset all arrays and references this.tabs = new Array(); this.activeTab = null; this.tabHistroy = new Array(); return true; }; /** * Class: egw_fw_ui_category * A class which manages and renderes a simple menu with categories, which can be opened and shown * * @param {object} _contDiv * @param {string} _name * @param {string} _title * @param {object} _content * @param {function} _callback * @param {function} _animationCallback * @param {object} _tag */ function egw_fw_ui_category(_contDiv, _name, _title, _content, _callback, _animationCallback, _tag) { //Copy the parameters this.contDiv = _contDiv; this.catName = _name; this.callback = _callback; this.animationCallback = _animationCallback; this.tag = _tag; //Create the ui divs this.headerDiv = document.createElement('div'); $j(this.headerDiv).addClass('egw_fw_ui_category'); //Add the text var entryH1 = document.createElement('h1'); $j(entryH1).append(_title); $j(this.headerDiv).append(entryH1); //Add the content this.contentDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.contentDiv._parent = this; $j(this.contentDiv).addClass('egw_fw_ui_category_content'); $j(this.contentDiv).append(_content); $j(this.contentDiv).hide(); //Add content and header to the content div, add some magic jQuery code in order to make it foldable this.headerDiv._parent = this; $j(this.headerDiv).click( function() { if (!$j(this).hasClass('egw_fw_ui_category_active')) { this._parent.open(false); } else { this._parent.close(false); } }); $j(this.contDiv).append(this.headerDiv); $j(this.contDiv).append(this.contentDiv); } egw_fw_ui_category.prototype.open = function(_instantly) { this.callback.call(this, true); $j(this.headerDiv).addClass('egw_fw_ui_category_active'); if (_instantly) { $j(this.contentDiv).show(); this.animationCallback(); } else { $j(this.contentDiv).slideDown(200, function() { this._parent.animationCallback.call(this._parent); }); } }; egw_fw_ui_category.prototype.close = function(_instantly) { this.callback.call(this, false); $j(this.headerDiv).removeClass('egw_fw_ui_category_active'); if (_instantly) { $j(this.contentDiv).hide(); this.animationCallback(); } else { $j(this.contentDiv).slideUp(200, function() { this._parent.animationCallback.call(this._parent); }); } }; egw_fw_ui_category.prototype.remove = function() { //Delete the content and header div $j(this.contDiv).remove(); $j(this.headerDiv).remove(); }; /** * egw_fw_ui_scrollarea class * * @param {object} _contDiv */ function egw_fw_ui_scrollarea(_contDiv) { this.startScrollSpeed = 50.0; //in px/sec this.endScrollSpeed = 250.0; //in px/sec this.scrollSpeedAccel = 75.0; //in px/sec^2 this.timerInterval = 0.04; //in seconds //20ms is the timer base timer resolution on windows systems this.contDiv = _contDiv; this.contHeight = 0; this.boxHeight = 0; this.scrollPos = 0; this.buttonScrollOffs = 0; this.maxScrollPos = 0; this.buttonsVisible = true; this.mouseOver = false; this.scrollTime = 0.0; this.btnUpEnabled = true; this.btnDownEnabled = true; //Wrap a new "scroll" div around the content of the content div this.scrollDiv = document.createElement("div"); this.scrollDiv.style.position = "relative"; $j(this.scrollDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea"); //Mousewheel handler var self = this; $j(this.scrollDiv).mousewheel(function(e, delta) { if (delta) { self.scrollDelta(- delta * 30); if (self.contHeight != this.scrollHeight) self.update(); } }); //Create a container which contains the up/down buttons and the scrollDiv this.outerDiv = document.createElement("div"); $j(this.outerDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_outerdiv"); $j(this.outerDiv).append(this.scrollDiv); $j(this.contDiv).children().appendTo(this.scrollDiv); $j(this.contDiv).append(this.outerDiv); this.contentDiv = this.scrollDiv; //Create the "up" and the "down" button this.btnUp = document.createElement("span"); $j(this.btnUp).addClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button"); $j(this.btnUp).addClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button_up"); $j(this.btnUp).hide(); this.btnUp._parent = this; $j(this.btnUp).mouseenter(function(){ this._parent.mouseOverToggle(true, -1); $j(this).addClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button_hover"); }); $j(this.btnUp).click(function(){ this._parent.setScrollPos(0); }); $j(this.btnUp).mouseleave(function(){ this._parent.mouseOverToggle(false, -1); $j(this).removeClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button_hover"); }); $j(this.outerDiv).prepend(this.btnUp); this.btnDown = document.createElement("span"); $j(this.btnDown).addClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button"); $j(this.btnDown).addClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button_down"); $j(this.btnDown).hide(); this.btnDown._parent = this; $j(this.btnDown).mouseenter(function(){ this._parent.mouseOverToggle(true, 1); $j(this).addClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button_hover"); }); $j(this.btnDown).click(function() { this._parent.setScrollPos(this._parent.maxScrollPos); }); $j(this.btnDown).mouseleave(function(){ this._parent.mouseOverToggle(false, 1); $j(this).removeClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button_hover"); }); $j(this.outerDiv).prepend(this.btnDown); //Update - read height of the children elements etc. this.update(); } egw_fw_ui_scrollarea.prototype.setScrollPos = function(_pos) { if (this.buttonsVisible) { if (_pos <= 0) { if (this.btnUpEnabled) $j(this.btnUp).addClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button_disabled"); if (!this.btnDownEnabled) $j(this.btnDown).removeClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button_disabled"); this.btnDownEnabled = true; this.btnUpEnabled = false; _pos = 0; } else if (_pos >= this.maxScrollPos) { if (this.btnDownEnabled) $j(this.btnDown).addClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button_disabled"); if (!this.btnUpEnabled) $j(this.btnUp).removeClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button_disabled"); this.btnDownEnabled = false; this.btnUpEnabled = true; _pos = this.maxScrollPos; } else { if (!this.btnUpEnabled) $j(this.btnUp).removeClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button_disabled"); if (!this.btnDownEnabled) $j(this.btnDown).removeClass("egw_fw_ui_scrollarea_button_disabled"); this.btnUpEnabled = true; this.btnDownEnabled = true; } this.scrollPos = _pos; //Apply the calculated scroll position to the scrollDiv this.scrollDiv.style.top = Math.round(-_pos) + 'px'; } }; egw_fw_ui_scrollarea.prototype.scrollDelta = function(_delta) { this.setScrollPos(this.scrollPos + _delta); }; egw_fw_ui_scrollarea.prototype.toggleButtons = function(_visible) { if (_visible) { $j(this.btnDown).show(); $j(this.btnUp).show(); this.buttonHeight = $j(this.btnDown).outerHeight(); this.maxScrollPos = this.contHeight - this.boxHeight; this.setScrollPos(this.scrollPos); } else { this.scrollDiv.style.top = '0'; $j(this.btnDown).hide(); $j(this.btnUp).hide(); } this.buttonsVisible = _visible; }; egw_fw_ui_scrollarea.prototype.update = function() { //Get the height of the content and the outer box this.contHeight = $j(this.scrollDiv).outerHeight(); this.boxHeight = $j(this.contDiv).height(); this.toggleButtons(this.contHeight > this.boxHeight); this.setScrollPos(this.scrollPos); }; egw_fw_ui_scrollarea.prototype.getScrollDelta = function(_timeGap) { //Calculate the current scroll speed var curScrollSpeed = this.startScrollSpeed + this.scrollSpeedAccel * this.scrollTime; if (curScrollSpeed > this.endScrollSpeed) { curScrollSpeed = this.endScrollSpeed; } //Increment the scroll time counter this.scrollTime = this.scrollTime + _timeGap; //Return the actual delta value return curScrollSpeed * _timeGap; }; egw_fw_ui_scrollarea.prototype.mouseOverCallback = function(_context) { //Do the scrolling _context.scrollDelta(_context.getScrollDelta(_context.timerInterval) * _context.dir); if (_context.mouseOver) { //Set the next timeout setTimeout(function(){_context.mouseOverCallback(_context);}, Math.round(_context.timerInterval * 1000)); } }; egw_fw_ui_scrollarea.prototype.mouseOverToggle = function(_over, _dir) { this.mouseOver = _over; this.dir = _dir; this.update(); if (_over) { var _context = this; setTimeout(function(){_context.mouseOverCallback(_context);}, Math.round(_context.timerInterval * 1000)); } else { this.scrollTime = 0.0; } }; /** * egw_fw_ui_splitter class */ var EGW_SPLITTER_HORIZONTAL = 0; var EGW_SPLITTER_VERTICAL = 1; function egw_fw_ui_splitter(_contDiv, _orientation, _resizeCallback, _constraints, _tag) { //Copy the parameters this.tag = _tag; this.contDiv = _contDiv; this.orientation = _orientation; this.resizeCallback = _resizeCallback; this.startPos = 0; this.constraints = [ { "size": 0, "minsize": 0, "maxsize": 0 }, { "size": 0, "minsize": 0, "maxsize": 0 } ]; //Copy the given constraints parameter, keeping the default values set above if (_constraints.constructor == Array) { for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (typeof _constraints[i] != 'undefined') { if (typeof _constraints[i].size != 'undefined') this.constraints[i].size = _constraints[i].size; if (typeof _constraints[i].minsize != 'undefined') this.constraints[i].minsize = _constraints[i].minsize; if (typeof _constraints[i].maxsize != 'undefined') this.constraints[i].maxsize = _constraints[i].maxsize; } } } //Create the actual splitter div this.splitterDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.splitterDiv._parent = this; $j(this.splitterDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_splitter"); //Setup the options for the dragable object var dragoptions = { opacity: 0.7, helper: 'clone', start: function(event, ui) { return this._parent.dragStartHandler.call(this._parent, event, ui); }, drag: function(event, ui) { return this._parent.dragHandler.call(this._parent, event, ui); }, stop: function(event, ui) { return this._parent.dragStopHandler.call(this._parent, event, ui); }, containment: 'document', appendTo: 'body', axis: 'y', iframeFix: true, zIndex: 10000 }; switch (this.orientation) { case EGW_SPLITTER_HORIZONTAL: dragoptions.axis = 'y'; $j(this.splitterDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_splitter_horizontal"); break; case EGW_SPLITTER_VERTICAL: dragoptions.axis = 'x'; $j(this.splitterDiv).addClass("egw_fw_ui_splitter_vertical"); break; } $j(this.splitterDiv).draggable(dragoptions); //Handle mouse hovering of the splitter div $j(this.splitterDiv).mouseenter(function() { $j(this).addClass("egw_fw_ui_splitter_hover"); }); $j(this.splitterDiv).mouseleave(function() { $j(this).removeClass("egw_fw_ui_splitter_hover"); }); $j(this.contDiv).append(this.splitterDiv); } egw_fw_ui_splitter.prototype.clipDelta = function(_delta) { var result = _delta; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var mul = (i == 0) ? 1 : -1; if (this.constraints[i].maxsize > 0) { var size = this.constraints[i].size + mul * result; if (size > this.constraints[i].maxsize) result += mul * (this.constraints[i].maxsize - size); } if (this.constraints[i].minsize > 0) { var size = this.constraints[i].size + mul * result; if (size < this.constraints[i].minsize) result += mul * (this.constraints[i].minsize - size); } } return result; }; egw_fw_ui_splitter.prototype.dragStartHandler = function(event, ui) { switch (this.orientation) { case EGW_SPLITTER_HORIZONTAL: this.startPos = ui.offset.top; break; case EGW_SPLITTER_VERTICAL: this.startPos = ui.offset.left; break; } }; egw_fw_ui_splitter.prototype.dragHandler = function(event, ui) { /* var delta = 0; switch (this.orientation) { case EGW_SPLITTER_HORIZONTAL: var old = ui.offset.top - this.startPos; clipped = this.clipDelta(old); $j(this.splitterDiv).data('draggable').offset.click.top += (old - clipped); break; case EGW_SPLITTER_VERTICAL: var old = ui.offset.left - this.startPos; clipped = this.clipDelta(old); $j(this.splitterDiv).data('draggable').offset.click.left += (old - clipped); break; }*/ }; egw_fw_ui_splitter.prototype.dragStopHandler = function(event, ui) { var delta = 0; switch (this.orientation) { case EGW_SPLITTER_HORIZONTAL: delta = ui.offset.top - this.startPos; break; case EGW_SPLITTER_VERTICAL: delta = ui.offset.left - this.startPos; break; } //Clip the delta value delta = this.clipDelta(delta); this.constraints[0].size += delta; this.constraints[1].size -= delta; this.resizeCallback(this.constraints[0].size, this.constraints[1].size); };