function read($start,$offset,$fields,$query="",$sort="",$order="") $start = start of list, e.g. 1,16,31 $offset = numrows, e.g. 15,30,etc. $fields = simple array of fields to return $query = simple string to search for $sort = ASC, DESC, or "" $order = sort on this field, e.g. N_Given returns an array of name/values, e.g.: $fields[0]["email"] => "" ... $fields[1]["email"] => "" ... function read_single_entry($id,$fields) $id = id of entry you want to return $fields = simple array of fields to return returns a single array of name/value, e.g.: $fields[0]["email"] => "" $fields[0]["n_given"] => "Bob" function add($owner,$fields) $owner = lid of user adding this data $fields = assoc array of fields to write into the new record function update($id,$owner,$fields) $id = id of entry you want to update $owner = lid of user modifying this data $fields = assoc array of fields to update in the record function delete_($id) $id = id of entry you want to delete $this->stock_contact_fields = array( "fn" => "fn", // 'prefix given middle family suffix' "n_given" => "n_given", // firstname "n_family" => "n_family", // lastname "n_middle" => "n_middle", "n_prefix" => "n_prefix", "n_suffix" => "n_suffix", "sound" => "sound", "bday" => "bday", "note" => "note", "tz" => "tz", "geo" => "geo", "url" => "url", "pubkey" => "pubkey", "org_name" => "org_name", // company "org_unit" => "org_unit", // division "title" => "title", "adr_one_street" => "adr_one_street", "adr_one_locality" => "adr_one_locality", "adr_one_region" => "adr_one_region", "adr_one_postalcode" => "adr_one_postalcode", "adr_one_countryname" => "adr_one_countryname", "adr_one_type" => "adr_one_type", // address is domestic/intl/postal/parcel/work/home "label" => "label", // address label "adr_two_street" => "adr_two_street", "adr_two_locality" => "adr_two_locality", "adr_two_region" => "adr_two_region", "adr_two_postalcode" => "adr_two_postalcode", "adr_two_countryname" => "adr_two_countryname", "adr_two_type" => "adr_two_type", // address is domestic/intl/postal/parcel/work/home "tel_work" => "tel_work", "tel_home" => "tel_home", "tel_voice" => "tel_voice", "tel_fax" => "tel_fax", "tel_msg" => "tel_msg", "tel_cell" => "tel_cell", "tel_pager" => "tel_pager", "tel_bbs" => "tel_bbs", "tel_modem" => "tel_modem", "tel_car" => "tel_car", "tel_isdn" => "tel_isdn", "tel_video" => "tel_video", "tel_prefer" => "tel_prefer", // home, work, voice, etc "email" => "email", "email_type" => "email_type", //'INTERNET','CompuServe',etc... "email_home" => "email_home", "email_home_type" => "email_home_type" //'INTERNET','CompuServe',etc... ); $this->adr_types = array( "dom" => lang("Domestic"), "intl" => lang("International"), "parcel" => lang("Parcel"), "postal" => lang("Postal") ); // Used to set preferred number field $this->tel_types = array( "work" => "work", "home" => "home", "voice" => "voice", "fax" => "fax", "msg" => "msg", "cell" => "cell", "pager" => "pager", "bbs" => "bbs", "modem" => "modem", "car" => "car", "isdn" => "isdn", "video" => "video" ); $this->email_types = array( "INTERNET" => "INTERNET", "CompuServe" => "CompuServe", "AOL" => "AOL", "Prodigy" => "Prodigy", "eWorld" => "eWorld", "AppleLink" => "AppleLink", "AppleTalk" => "AppleTalk", "PowerShare" => "PowerShare", "IBMMail" => "IBMMail", "ATTMail" => "ATTMail", "MCIMail" => "MCIMail", "X.400" => "X.400", "TLX" => "TLX" );