complexTypes = array(); $this->messages = array(); $this->currentMessage; $this->portOperations = array(); $this->currentOperation; $this->portTypes = array(); $this->currentPortType; $this->bindings = array(); $this->currentBinding; // debug switch $this->debug_flag = false; // parser vars $this->parser; $this->position; $this->depth; $this->depth_array = array(); if($wsdl == "-1") { $wsdl=false; } // Check whether content has been read. if($wsdl) { $wsdl_string = join("",file($wsdl)); // Create an XML parser. $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); // Set the options for parsing the XML data. //xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); // Set the object for the parser. xml_set_object($this->parser, &$this); // Set the element handlers for the parser. xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, "start_element","end_element"); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser,"character_data"); //xml_set_default_handler($this->parser, "default_handler"); // Parse the XML file. if(!xml_parse($this->parser,$wsdl_string,true)) { // Display an error message. $this->debug(sprintf("XML error on line %d: %s", xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser), xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser)))); $this->fault = true; } xml_parser_free($this->parser); } } // start-element handler function start_element($parser, $name, $attrs) { // position in the total number of elements, starting from 0 $pos = $this->position++; $depth = $this->depth++; // set self as current value for this depth $this->depth_array[$depth] = $pos; // find status, register data switch($this->status) { case "types": switch($name) { case "schema": $this->schema = true; break; case "complexType": $this->currentElement = $attrs["name"]; $this->schemaStatus = "complexType"; break; case "element": $this->complexTypes[$this->currentElement]["elements"][$attrs["name"]] = $attrs; break; case "complexContent": break; case "restriction": $this->complexTypes[$this->currentElement]["restrictionBase"] = $attrs["base"]; break; case "sequence": $this->complexTypes[$this->currentElement]["order"] = "sequence"; break; case "all": $this->complexTypes[$this->currentElement]["order"] = "all"; break; case "attribute": if($attrs["ref"]){ $this->complexTypes[$this->currentElement]["attrs"][$attrs["ref"]] = $attrs; } elseif($attrs["name"]){ $this->complexTypes[$this->currentElement]["attrs"][$attrs["name"]] = $attrs; } break; } break; case "message": if($name == "part") { $this->messages[$this->currentMessage][$attrs["name"]] = $attrs["type"]; } break; case "portType": switch($name) { case "operation": $this->currentOperation = $attrs["name"]; $this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$attrs["name"]] = $attrs["parameterOrder"]; break; default: $this->portOperations[$this->currentOperation][$name]= $attrs; break; } break; case "binding": switch($name) { case "soap:binding": $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding] = array_merge($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding],$attrs); break; case "operation": $this->currentOperation = $attrs["name"]; $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]["operations"][$attrs["name"]] = array(); break; case "soap:operation": $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]["operations"][$this->currentOperation]["soapAction"] = $attrs["soapAction"]; break; case "input": $this->opStatus = "input"; case "soap:body": $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]["operations"][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus] = $attrs; break; case "output": $this->opStatus = "output"; break; } break; case "service": switch($name) { case "port": $this->currentPort = $attrs["name"]; $this->ports[$attrs["name"]] = $attrs; break; case "soap:address": $this->ports[$this->currentPort]["location"] = $attrs["location"]; break; } break; } // set status switch($name) { case "types": $this->status = "types"; break; case "message": $this->status = "message"; $this->messages[$attrs["name"]] = array(); $this->currentMessage = $attrs["name"]; break; case "portType": $this->status = "portType"; $this->portTypes[$attrs["name"]] = array(); $this->currentPortType = $attrs["name"]; break; case "binding": $this->status = "binding"; $this->currentBinding = $attrs["name"]; $this->bindings[$attrs["name"]]["type"] = $attrs["type"]; break; case "service": $this->status = "service"; break; } // get element prefix if(ereg(":",$name)) { $prefix = substr($name,0,strpos($name,":")); } } function getEndpoint($portName) { if($endpoint = $this->ports[$portName]["location"]) { return $endpoint; } return false; } function getPortName($operation) { foreach($this->ports as $port => $portAttrs) { $binding = substr($portAttrs["binding"],4); foreach($this->bindings[$binding]["operations"] as $op => $opAttrs) { if($op == $operation) { return $port; } } } } function getSoapAction($portName,$operation) { if($binding = substr($this->ports[$portName]["binding"],4)) { if($soapAction = $this->bindings[$binding]["operations"][$operation]["soapAction"]) { return $soapAction; } return false; } return false; } function getNamespace($portName,$operation) { if($binding = substr($this->ports[$portName]["binding"],4)) { //$this->debug("looking for namespace using binding '$binding', port '$portName', operation '$operation'"); if($namespace = $this->bindings[$binding]["operations"][$operation]["input"]["namespace"]) { return $namespace; } return false; } return false; } // end-element handler function end_element($parser, $name) { // position of current element is equal to the last value left in depth_array for my depth $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth]; // bring depth down a notch $this->depth--; } // element content handler function character_data($parser, $data) { $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth]; $this->message[$pos]["cdata"] .= $data; } function debug($string) { if($this->debug_flag) { $this->debug_str .= "$string\n"; } } } ?>