* @author Roman Neuhauser * @since Log 1.0 * @package Log * * @example file.php Using the file handler. */ class Log_file extends Log { /** * String containing the name of the log file. * @var string * @access private */ var $_filename = 'php.log'; /** * Handle to the log file. * @var resource * @access private */ var $_fp = false; /** * Should new log entries be append to an existing log file, or should the * a new log file overwrite an existing one? * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_append = true; /** * Should advisory file locking (i.e., flock()) be used? * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_locking = false; /** * Integer (in octal) containing the log file's permissions mode. * @var integer * @access private */ var $_mode = 0644; /** * Integer (in octal) specifying the file permission mode that will be * used when creating directories that do not already exist. * @var integer * @access private */ var $_dirmode = 0755; /** * String containing the format of a log line. * @var string * @access private */ var $_lineFormat = '%1$s %2$s [%3$s] %4$s'; /** * String containing the timestamp format. It will be passed directly to * strftime(). Note that the timestamp string will generated using the * current locale. * @var string * @access private */ var $_timeFormat = '%b %d %H:%M:%S'; /** * String containing the end-on-line character sequence. * @var string * @access private */ var $_eol = "\n"; /** * Constructs a new Log_file object. * * @param string $name Ignored. * @param string $ident The identity string. * @param array $conf The configuration array. * @param int $level Log messages up to and including this level. * @access public */ function Log_file($name, $ident = '', $conf = array(), $level = PEAR_LOG_DEBUG) { $this->_id = md5(microtime()); $this->_filename = $name; $this->_ident = $ident; $this->_mask = Log::UPTO($level); if (isset($conf['append'])) { $this->_append = $conf['append']; } if (isset($conf['locking'])) { $this->_locking = $conf['locking']; } if (!empty($conf['mode'])) { if (is_string($conf['mode'])) { $this->_mode = octdec($conf['mode']); } else { $this->_mode = $conf['mode']; } } if (!empty($conf['dirmode'])) { if (is_string($conf['dirmode'])) { $this->_dirmode = octdec($conf['dirmode']); } else { $this->_dirmode = $conf['dirmode']; } } if (!empty($conf['lineFormat'])) { $this->_lineFormat = str_replace(array_keys($this->_formatMap), array_values($this->_formatMap), $conf['lineFormat']); } if (!empty($conf['timeFormat'])) { $this->_timeFormat = $conf['timeFormat']; } if (!empty($conf['eol'])) { $this->_eol = $conf['eol']; } else { $this->_eol = (strstr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) ? "\r\n" : "\n"; } register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, '_Log_file')); } /** * Destructor */ function _Log_file() { if ($this->_opened) { $this->close(); } } /** * Creates the given directory path. If the parent directories don't * already exist, they will be created, too. * * This implementation is inspired by Python's os.makedirs function. * * @param string $path The full directory path to create. * @param integer $mode The permissions mode with which the * directories will be created. * * @return True if the full path is successfully created or already * exists. * * @access private */ function _mkpath($path, $mode = 0700) { /* Separate the last pathname component from the rest of the path. */ $head = dirname($path); $tail = basename($path); /* Make sure we've split the path into two complete components. */ if (empty($tail)) { $head = dirname($path); $tail = basename($path); } /* Recurse up the path if our current segment does not exist. */ if (!empty($head) && !empty($tail) && !is_dir($head)) { $this->_mkpath($head, $mode); } /* Create this segment of the path. */ return @mkdir($head, $mode); } /** * Opens the log file for output. If the specified log file does not * already exist, it will be created. By default, new log entries are * appended to the end of the log file. * * This is implicitly called by log(), if necessary. * * @access public */ function open() { if (!$this->_opened) { /* If the log file's directory doesn't exist, create it. */ if (!is_dir(dirname($this->_filename))) { $this->_mkpath($this->_filename, $this->_dirmode); } /* Determine whether the log file needs to be created. */ $creating = !file_exists($this->_filename); /* Obtain a handle to the log file. */ $this->_fp = fopen($this->_filename, ($this->_append) ? 'a' : 'w'); /* We consider the file "opened" if we have a valid file pointer. */ $this->_opened = ($this->_fp !== false); /* Attempt to set the file's permissions if we just created it. */ if ($creating && $this->_opened) { chmod($this->_filename, $this->_mode); } } return $this->_opened; } /** * Closes the log file if it is open. * * @access public */ function close() { /* If the log file is open, close it. */ if ($this->_opened && fclose($this->_fp)) { $this->_opened = false; } return ($this->_opened === false); } /** * Flushes all pending data to the file handle. * * @access public * @since Log 1.8.2 */ function flush() { return fflush($this->_fp); } /** * Logs $message to the output window. The message is also passed along * to any Log_observer instances that are observing this Log. * * @param mixed $message String or object containing the message to log. * @param string $priority The priority of the message. Valid * values are: PEAR_LOG_EMERG, PEAR_LOG_ALERT, * PEAR_LOG_CRIT, PEAR_LOG_ERR, PEAR_LOG_WARNING, * PEAR_LOG_NOTICE, PEAR_LOG_INFO, and PEAR_LOG_DEBUG. * @return boolean True on success or false on failure. * @access public */ function log($message, $priority = null) { /* If a priority hasn't been specified, use the default value. */ if ($priority === null) { $priority = $this->_priority; } /* Abort early if the priority is above the maximum logging level. */ if (!$this->_isMasked($priority)) { return false; } /* If the log file isn't already open, open it now. */ if (!$this->_opened && !$this->open()) { return false; } /* Extract the string representation of the message. */ $message = $this->_extractMessage($message); /* Build the string containing the complete log line. */ $line = $this->_format($this->_lineFormat, strftime($this->_timeFormat), $priority, $message) . $this->_eol; /* If locking is enabled, acquire an exclusive lock on the file. */ if ($this->_locking) { flock($this->_fp, LOCK_EX); } /* Write the log line to the log file. */ $success = (fwrite($this->_fp, $line) !== false); /* Unlock the file now that we're finished writing to it. */ if ($this->_locking) { flock($this->_fp, LOCK_UN); } /* Notify observers about this log message. */ $this->_announce(array('priority' => $priority, 'message' => $message)); return $success; } }