__etemplate_widget */ class calendar_owner_etemplate_widget extends Etemplate\Widget\Taglist { /** * Make sure all the needed select options are there * * @param string $cname * @param array $expand values for keys 'c', 'row', 'c_', 'row_', 'cont' */ public function beforeSendToClient($cname, array $expand=null) { Framework::includeCSS('calendar','calendar'); $bo = new calendar_bo(); $form_name = self::form_name($cname, $this->id, $expand); $value =& self::get_array(self::$request->content, $form_name); if (!is_array(self::$request->sel_options[$form_name])) { self::$request->sel_options[$form_name] = array(); } $sel_options =& self::$request->sel_options[$form_name]; if($value && !is_array($value)) { // set value with an empty string only if sel options are not // loaded, for example: setting calendar owner via URL when // calendar app is not yet loaded. $value = !empty($sel_options) ? array(): explode(',', $value); } // Add external owners that a select account widget will not find foreach((array)$value as $owner) { $label = self::get_owner_label($owner); $info = array(); if(!is_numeric($owner)) { $resource = $bo->resources[substr($owner, 0,1)]; if($resource['info'] && !($info = $bo->resource_info($owner))) { continue; // ignore that resource, we would get a PHP Fatal: Unsupported operand types } } else { $resource = array('app'=> 'api-accounts'); } if ($resource && is_numeric ($owner) && (int)$owner < 0) { // Add in group memberships as strings $info['resources'] = array_map(function($a) { return ''.$a;},$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->members($owner, true)); } $option = array('value' => $owner, 'label' => $label, 'app' => lang($resource['app'])) + $info; $sel_option_index = $this->get_index($sel_options, 'value', $owner); if($sel_option_index === false) { $sel_options[] = $option; } else { $sel_options[$sel_option_index] = array_merge($sel_options[$sel_option_index], $option); } } } /** * Get the index of an array (sel_options) containing the given value * * @param Array $array * @param string $key key we're checking to match value * @param string $value Value we're looking for * @return boolean|int Returns index */ private function get_index(&$array, $key, $value) { foreach($array as $_key => $_value) { if($_value[$key] === $value) return $_key; } return false; } /** * Validate input * * @param string $cname current namespace * @param array $expand values for keys 'c', 'row', 'c_', 'row_', 'cont' * @param array $content * @param array &$validated=array() validated content */ public function validate($cname, array $expand, array $content, &$validated=array()) { $form_name = self::form_name($cname, $this->id, $expand); if (!$this->is_readonly($cname, $form_name)) { $value = $value_in =& self::get_array($content, $form_name); if(!is_array($value)) { $value = Array($value); } $valid =& self::get_array($validated, $form_name, true); if (true) $valid = $value; } } /** * Handle ajax searches for owner across all supported resources * * @return Array List of matching results */ public static function ajax_owner($id = null) { // close session now, to not block other user actions $GLOBALS['egw']->session->commit_session(); // Handle a request for a single ID if($id && !is_array($id)) { $label = self::get_owner_label($id); Api\Json\Response::get()->data($label); return $label; } else if($id && is_array($id)) { $labels = Array(); foreach($id as $index => $_id) { $labels[$_id] = self::format_owner($_id, self::get_owner_label($_id)); } Api\Json\Response::get()->data($labels); return $labels; } $bo = new calendar_bo(); $query = $_REQUEST['query']; // Arbitrarily limited to 50 / resource $options = array('start' => 0, 'num_rows' => 50, // Filter accounts out of addressbook 'filter' => array('account_id' => null)) + array_diff_key($_REQUEST, array_flip(array('menuaction','query'))); $results = array(); // Contacts matching accounts the user does not have permission for cause // confusion as user selects the contact and there's nothing there, so // we remove those contacts $remove_contacts = array(); $resources = array_merge(array('' => $bo->resources['']),$bo->resources); $contacts_obj = new Api\Contacts(); foreach($resources as $type => $data) { $mapped = array(); $_results = array(); // Handle Api\Accounts seperately if($type == '') { $owngroup_options = $options+array('account_type'=>'owngroups'); $own_groups = Api\Accounts::link_query('',$owngroup_options); $account_options = $options + array('account_type' => 'both'); $_results += $remove_contacts = Api\Accounts::link_query($query, $account_options); if (!empty($_REQUEST['checkgrants'])) { $grants = (array)$GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_grants('calendar') + $own_groups; $_results = array_intersect_key($_results, $grants); } } // App provides a custom search function else if ($data['app'] && $data['search']) { $_results = call_user_func_array($data['search'], array($query, $options)); } // Use standard link registry else if ($data['app'] && Link::get_registry($data['app'], 'query')) { $_results = Link::query($data['app'], $query,$options); } // There are always special cases switch ($type) { case 'l': // Include mailing lists, but not account groups $lists = array_filter( $contacts_obj->get_lists(Api\Acl::READ), function($element, $index) use($query) { return $index > 0 && (stripos($element, $query) !== false); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH ); foreach($lists as $list_id => $list) { $_results[(string)$list_id] = array( 'label' => $list, 'resources' => $bo->enum_mailing_list($type.$list_id) ); } break; } if(!$_results) { continue; } foreach(array_unique($_results, SORT_REGULAR) as $id => $title) { if($id && $title) { $mapped[] = static::format_owner($id, $title, $data); } } if(count($mapped)) { $results = array_merge($results, $mapped); } } // switch regular JSON response handling off Api\Json\Request::isJSONRequest(false); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo json_encode($results); exit(); } /** * Given an ID & title, format the result into data the client side wants * * @param $id * @param $title * @param $type */ protected static function format_owner($id, $title, $data = array()) { static $contacts_obj = null; if(is_null($contacts_obj)) { $contacts_obj = new Api\Contacts(); } if(!$data) { $bo = new calendar_bo(); if(!is_numeric($id)) { $data = $bo->resources[substr($id, 0, 1)]; } else { $data = $bo->resources['']; } } $type = $data['type']; // Magicsuggest uses id, not value. $value = array( 'id' => $type.$id, 'value'=> $type.$id, 'label' => $title, 'app' => lang($data['app']) ); if(is_array($value['label'])) { $value = array_merge($value, $value['label']); } switch($type) { case 'r': // TODO: fetch resources photo break; case 'c': case '': $contact = $contacts_obj->read($type === '' ? 'account:'.$id : $id, true); if (is_array($contact)) $value['icon'] = Api\Framework::link('/api/avatar.php', array( 'contact_id' => $contact['id'], 'etag' => $contact['etag'] ? $contact['etag'] : 1 )); if($id < 0) { $value['resources'] = array_map('strval',$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->members($id, true)); } break; default : // do nothing } return $value; } /** * Get just the label for a single owner * @param string $id */ public static function get_owner_label($id) { static $bo=null; if(!$bo) $bo = new calendar_bo(); $id = ''.$id; if(!is_numeric($id)) { $resource = $bo->resources[substr($id, 0,1)]; $label = Link::title($resource['app'], substr($id,1)); // Could not get via link, try via resources info if($label === false) { $info = ExecMethod($resource['info'], substr($id,1)); $label = $info[0]['name']; } } else { $label = Link::title('api-accounts',$id) ?: Api\Accounts::username($id); } return $label; } }