import {html, LitElement, nothing} from "lit"; import {Et2Tree, TreeItemData} from "./Et2Tree"; import {Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin} from "../Et2Select/Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin"; import {property} from "lit/decorators/property.js"; import {classMap} from "lit/directives/class-map.js"; import {HasSlotController} from "../Et2Widget/slot"; import {keyed} from "lit/directives/keyed.js"; import {map} from "lit/directives/map.js"; import {SlDropdown, SlRemoveEvent} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace"; import shoelace from "../Styles/shoelace"; import styles from "./Et2TreeDropdown.styles"; import {literal, StaticValue} from "lit/static-html.js"; /** * @summary A tree that is hidden in a dropdown * * @dependency sl-dropdown * @dependency et2-tree * @dependency et2-tag * * @slot label - The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the `label` attribute. * @slot help-text - Text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the `help-text` attribute. * * @event change - Emitted when the control's value changes. * @event sl-show - Emitted when the suggestion menu opens. * @event sl-after-show - Emitted after the suggestion menu opens and all animations are complete. * @event sl-hide - Emitted when the suggestion menu closes. * @event sl-after-hide - Emitted after the suggestion menu closes and all animations are complete. * * @csspart form-control - The form control that wraps the label, input, and help text. */ export class Et2TreeDropdown extends Et2WidgetWithSelectMixin(LitElement) { static get styles() { return [ shoelace, ...super.styles, styles ]; } /** Placeholder text to show as a hint when the select is empty. */ @property() placeholder = ""; @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) multiple = false; /** The component's help text. If you need to display HTML, use the `help-text` slot instead. */ @property({attribute: 'help-text'}) helpText = ""; /** * Indicates whether the dropdown is open. You can toggle this attribute to show and hide the tree, or you can * use the `show()` and `hide()` methods and this attribute will reflect the open state. */ @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) open = false; private get _popup() : SlDropdown { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("sl-popup")} private get _tree() : Et2Tree { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("et2-tree")} protected readonly hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "help-text", "label"); private __value : string[]; constructor() { super(); this.multiple = false; this.__value = []; } /** Selected tree leaves */ @property() set value(new_value : string | string[]) { if(typeof new_value === "string") { new_value = new_value.split(",") } const oldValue = this.__value; this.__value = new_value; this.requestUpdate("value", oldValue); } get value() : string | string[] { return this.multiple ? this.__value : ( this.__value?.length ? this.__value[0] : "" ); } handleTagRemove(event : SlRemoveEvent, value : string) { // Find the tag value and remove it from current value const index = this.value.indexOf(value); this.value.splice(index, 1); this.requestUpdate("value"); this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", {bubbles: true})); } handleTreeChange(event) { const oldValue = this.value; this.value = this._tree.value; this.requestUpdate("value", oldValue); } handleTriggerClick() { if( { = false; } else { = true; } =; } /** * Tag used for rendering tags when multiple=true * Used for creating, finding & filtering options. * @see createTagNode() * @returns {string} */ public get tagTag() : StaticValue { return literal`et2-tag`; } /** * Get the icon for the select option * * @param option * @protected */ protected iconTemplate(option) { if(!option.icon) { return html``; } return html` ` } inputTemplate() { return html` `; } tagsTemplate() { const value = this.getValueAsArray(); return html`${keyed(this._valueUID, map(value, (value, index) => this.tagTemplate(this.optionSearch(value, this.select_options))))}`; } tagTemplate(option : TreeItemData) { const readonly = (this.readonly || option && typeof (option.disabled) != "undefined" && option.disabled); const isEditable = false && !readonly; const image = this.iconTemplate(option.option ?? option); return html` this.handleTagRemove(e,} @change=${this.handleTagEdit} @dblclick=${this._handleDoubleClick} @click=${typeof this.onTagClick == "function" ? (e) => this.onTagClick(e, : nothing} > ${image ?? nothing} ${option.text.trim()} `; } public render() { const hasLabelSlot = this.hasSlotController.test('label'); const hasHelpTextSlot = this.hasSlotController.test('help-text'); const hasLabel = this.label ? true : !!hasLabelSlot; const hasHelpText = this.helpText ? true : !!hasHelpTextSlot; const isPlaceholderVisible = this.placeholder && this.value.length === 0 && !this.disabled && !this.readonly; return html`
${this.tagsTemplate()} ${this.inputTemplate()} ${this.searching ? html` ` : nothing }
` } } customElements.define("et2-tree-dropdown", Et2TreeDropdown);