common	zt	歡迎光臨
(for weekly)	common	zt	(每週的)
1 match found common	 zt	 找到一個符合的資料
1 message has been deleted common zt 訊息已被刪除
a	common	zt	一個
accept	 common	 zt	 接受
accepted	 common	 zt	 接受
access common zt 請選擇讀取群組
access not permitted	common	zt	未經同意不得讀取
access type common zt 存取形態
account active common zt 帳號狀態 (有效/無效)
account has been created common	zt	新增帳號
account has been deleted common	zt	刪除帳號
account has been updated common	zt	修改帳號
account permissions	common	zt	同意帳號存取
account preferences	common	zt	帳號設定
acl	common	zt	目錄
action	common	zt	正在使用的應用程式
active	common	zt	狀態
add	common	zt	新增
add a note for	common	zt	新增記事到
add a note for x	common	zt	新增記事到%1
add a single phrase	common	zt	在資料庫新增欄位
add category	common	zt	新增目錄
add global category	common	zt	新增群組目錄
add new account	common	zt	新增帳號
add new application	common	zt	新增應用程式
add new phrase	common	zt	新增字串
add new ticket	common	zt	新增投票
add note	common	zt	新增記事
add ok	common	zt	新增完成
add sub	common	zt	新增子項目
add ticket	common	zt	新增投票
add to addressbook	common	zt	新增至通訊錄
add x category for	common	zt	新增一個資料夾到%1
additional	common	zt	附註
address	common	zt	連絡地址
address book	common	zt	通訊錄
address book - view	common	zt	瀏覽通訊錄
address line 2	common	zt	地址2
address line 3	common	zt	地址3
address type	common	zt	地址的型態
addressbook	common	zt	通訊錄
addressbook preferences	common	zt	通訊錄設定
addressbook_group	common	zt	通訊簿
addresses	common	zt	通訊錄
address_book	common	zt	通訊簿
addsub	common	zt	新增子項
admin	common	zt	控制台
administration	common	zt	管理員
adres	common	zt	通訊夾
common	common	zt	所有
common day	common	zt	整天
common records and account information will be lost!	common	zt	所有的帳號和記錄將清除!
commonow anonymous access to this app	common	zt	同意Guess讀取這個應用程式
common_group	common	zt	所有群組
amount	common	zt	數量
anonymous user	common	zt	匿名使用者
any	common	zt	任何的
application	common	zt	應用程式
application name	common	zt	應用程式名稱
application title	common	zt	應用程式標題
applications	common	zt	應用程式
april	common	zt	四月
are you sure you want to delete this account ?	common	zt	你確定要刪除這個帳號嗎?
are you sure you want to delete this application ?	common	zt	你確定要刪除這個應用程式嗎?
are you sure you want to delete this category ?	common	zt	您確定要刪除嗎?
are you sure you want to delete this entry	common	zt	確定要刪除這一筆資料?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ?	common	zt	確定要刪除這一筆資料?
are you sure you want to delete this group ?	common	zt	你確定要刪除這個群組嗎?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ?	common	zt	你確定要刪除這個新聞標題嗎?
are you sure you want to delete this note ?	common	zt	您確定要刪除個筆資料嗎?
are you sure you want to kill this session ?	common	zt	 你確定要刪除這個線上使用者嗎? 
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?	common	zt	確定要刪除這筆資料?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for common users.	common	zt	確定要刪除這筆資料?這樣會使所有使用者都看不到!
assign to	common	zt	分配
attach:	common	zt	夾檔: 
august	common	zt	八月
author	common	zt	編輯者
autosave default category	common	zt	自動儲存到預設的資料夾
available groups	common	zt	群組可使用
back	common	zt	上一頁
back to projectlist	common	zt	回到工作進度
bad login or password	common	zt	密碼或帳號錯誤
base url	common	zt	網址
bcc:	common	zt	密件副本: 
birthday	common	zt	生日
black	common	zt	黑精靈
blue	common	zt	紫水晶
book marks	common	zt	電子書籤
bookkeeping	common	zt	記事本
bookmarks	common	zt	電子書籤
brief description	common	zt	待辦事項
brown	common	zt	銅棕色
business	common	zt	公司
business city	common	zt	街名
business country	common	zt	工作的國家
business email	common	zt	Email
business fax	common	zt	FAX
business phone	common	zt	公司電話
business state	common	zt	鄉/鎮/市/區
business street	common	zt	辦公室地址
business zip code	common	zt	縣市
calendar	common	zt	行事曆
calendar - add	common	zt	新增
calendar - edit	common	zt	編輯
calendar preferences	common	zt	行事曆設定
cancel	common	zt	取消
cannot display the requested article from the requested newsgroup	common	zt	不能顯示所要求的項目
categories	common	zt	資料夾
categories for	common	zt	資料夾
category	common	zt	選擇使用的資料夾
category description	common	zt	資料夾的描述
category name	common	zt	資料夾名稱
category x has been added !	common	zt	新增%1資料夾
category x has been updated !	common	zt	更新%1資料夾
cc	common	zt	副本
cc:	common	zt	附本: 
cell phone	common	zt	行動電話
center	common	zt	中心
change	common	zt	確定
change main screen message	common	zt	首頁的訊息
change your password	common	zt	更改密碼
change your profile	common	zt	更改profile
change your settings	common	zt	更改設定
charset	common	zt	字元設定
chat	common	zt	聊天室
check lang	common	zt	zt
checklang	common	zt	zt
chinese manual	common	zt	使用手冊
choice	common	zt	選擇
choose a category	common	zt	選擇資料夾
choose a font	common	zt	選擇字型
choose the category	common	zt	選擇資料夾
choose the font size	common	zt	選擇字型大小
city	common	zt	城市
classifieds addressbook	common	zt	通訊群組
clear	common	zt	清除
clear form	common	zt	清除表格
click here to return to inbox	common	zt	回上一頁
clipboard_contents	common	zt	附加文件
company	common	zt	公司
company name	common	zt	公司名稱
completed	common	zt	完成進度
compose	common	zt	新增電子郵件
contact	common	zt	接觸
copy	common	zt	複製
copy_as	common	zt	複製到
correct	common	zt	修改
country	common	zt	國家
courier new	common	zt	Courier New
create	common	zt	建立時間
create group	common	zt	確定
create lang.sql file	common	zt	匯出語系檔案
create new language set	common	zt	新語言的設定
created by	common	zt	編輯者
currency	common	zt	目前正在使用
current folder	common	zt	正在使用的資料夾
current users	common	zt	線上使用者
current_file	common	zt	使用資料夾
custom	common	zt	客戶
custom email settings	common	zt	客戶的Email設定
custom fields	common	zt	新增欄位
daily	common	zt	每日的
daily matrix view	common	zt	預覽每日
darkblue	common	zt	憂鬱藍
darkgreen	common	zt	青蔥綠
date	common	zt	日期
date due	common	zt	截止日期
date format	common	zt	日期顯示方式
days datedue	common	zt	截止日期
days repeated	common	zt	重複天數
dd	common	zt	日
december	common	zt	十二月
default	common	zt	預設
default application	common	zt	預設首頁的應用程式
default calendar filter	common	zt	預設使用的資料夾
default calendar view	common	zt	預設預覽行事曆
default sorting order	common	zt	預設值
delete	common	zt	刪除
delete addressbook?	common	zt	刪除
delete ok!	common	zt	刪除完成
department	common	zt	部門
description	common	zt	描述
detail	common	zt	詳細
disabled	common	zt	關閉
display	common	zt	列出
display missing phrases in lang set	common	zt	顯示刪除的欄位
display note for	common	zt	顯示記事到
display preferences	common	zt	顯示設定 
display status of events	common	zt	顯示事件狀態
displaying subprojects of following project	common	zt	工作進度
do you want delete this group?	common	zt	您確定要刪除這筆資料?
domestic	common	zt	本國
done	common	zt	完成
download	common	zt	下載
download output as a lang file	common	zt	匯出檔案
do_delete	common	zt	刪除
duration	common	zt	持續
e-mail	common	zt	電子郵件
e-mail preferences	common	zt	電子郵件設定
edit	common	zt	編輯
edit application	common	zt	編輯應用程式
edit categories	common	zt	編輯資料夾
edit custom fields	common	zt	新增欄位
edit global category	common	zt	編輯全組的資料夾
edit group	common	zt	編輯群組
edit login screen message	common	zt	編輯登錄主畫面的訊息
edit main screen message	common	zt	編輯首頁訊息
edit note for	common	zt	編輯記事到
edit ok	common	zt	修改完成
edit user account	common	zt	編輯使用者帳號
edit x category for	common	zt	編輯%1資料夾到
editer	common	zt	編輯者
email	common	zt	電子郵件
email account name	common	zt	帳號
email address	common	zt	Email的帳號
email is error	common	zt	Email格式錯誤
email password	common	zt	密碼
email signature	common	zt	簽名檔
email type	common	zt	Email的型態
enabled	common	zt	權限
enabled - hidden from navbar	common	zt	開啟但隱藏圖示
end date	common	zt	事件結束日
end date/time	common	zt	結束日期/時間
end time	common	zt	事件結束時間
ending date can not be before start date	common	zt	結束的時間比開始的時間早
ends	common	zt	結束
enter your new password	common	zt	輸入新密碼
entries	common	zt	進入
entry has been deleted sucessfully	common	zt	刪除完成
entry updated sucessfully	common	zt	修改完成
error	common	zt	錯誤訊息
error creating x x directory	common	zt	新增發生錯誤 %1%2
error deleting x x directory	common	zt	刪除錯誤 %1%2
error renaming x x directory	common	zt	重新命名發生錯誤 %1%2
err_saving_file	common	zt	儲存格式錯誤
exit	common	zt	離開
extra	common	zt	額外
fancy	common	zt	幻想殿
fax	common	zt	傳真
february	common	zt	二月
fields to show in address list	common	zt	請選擇要顯示在通訊錄上的項目
file manager	common	zt	檔案管理
files	common	zt	檔案
file_upload	common	zt	檔案上傳
filter	common	zt	選擇群組
first name	common	zt	名字
first page	common	zt	第一頁
firstname	common	zt	名字
folder	common	zt	文件夾
folder preferences	common	zt	信件夾設定
folders	common	zt	信件夾
forecast	common	zt	預測
forecast zone	common	zt	預測地區
forecasts	common	zt	預測
forum	common	zt	討論區
forward	common	zt	轉寄
fr	common	zt	F
free/busy	common	zt	空閒的/忙碌的
frequency	common	zt	每隔幾天出現一次
fri	common	zt	五
friday	common	zt	星期五
from	common	zt	寄件者
ftp	common	zt	檔案傳輸
full description	common	zt	內容
full name	common	zt	全名
generate new lang.sql file	common	zt	匯出檔案
generate printer-friendly version	common	zt	列印
global	common	zt	全部
global categories	common	zt	編輯資料匣(全部)
global public	common	zt	顯示整個群組
global public and group public	common	zt	顯示整個群組和自己所屬的群組
global public only	common	zt	只顯示整個群組
go!	common	zt	GO!
grant addressbook access	common	zt	使用者權限
grant calendar access	common	zt	使用者權限
grant todo access	common	zt	使用者權限
greys	common	zt	灰的世界
group	common	zt	群組
group access	common	zt	群組存取
group has been added	common	zt	新增群組
group has been deleted	common	zt	刪除群組
group has been updated	common	zt	修改群組
group name	common	zt	群組名稱
group public	common	zt	顯示自己所屬的群組
group public only	common	zt	只顯示自己所屬的群組
groupname	common	zt	群組名稱
groups	common	zt	群組
groups	common	zt	所屬的群組
groupsfile_perm_error	common	zt	錯誤:請至群組資料夾做適當的設定
group_files	common	zt	群組檔案夾
headline preferences	common	zt	設定頭條新聞
headline sites	common	zt	新聞頭條位址
headlines	common	zt	新聞頭條
heaven	common	zt	天空藍
help	common	zt	說明
hide php information	common	zt	隱藏PHP的資訊
high	common	zt	高
home	common	zt	首頁
home city	common	zt	鄉/鎮/市/區
home country	common	zt	國家/地區
home email	common	zt	住家電子郵件
home phone	common	zt	住家電話
home state	common	zt	縣/市
home street	common	zt	街名
home zip code	common	zt	郵遞區號
human resources	common	zt	人力資源
i participate	common	zt	參與
icons and text	common	zt	圖示與文字
icons only	common	zt	顯示圖示
id	common	zt	ID
idle	common	zt	連線時間
idsociety	common	zt	專業型
if applicable	common	zt	可應用的
ignore conflict	common	zt	略過衝突
image	common	zt	圖片
imap server type	common	zt	電子郵件的型態
import contacts	common	zt	匯入
import file	common	zt	匯入資料夾
import from outlook	common	zt	從Outlook匯入
import lang set	common	zt	匯入語系設定
index order	common	zt	郵件清單設定 
instcommoned applications	common	zt	應用程式
interface/template selection	common	zt	選擇使用介面
international	common	zt	國際化
invalid entry id.	common	zt	錯誤的使用選擇群組
inventory	common	zt	庫存管理
ip	common	zt	位址
it has been more then x days since you changed your password	common	zt	更改密碼後幾天
january	common	zt	一月
july	common	zt	七月
june	common	zt	六月
justweb	common	zt	標準型
kill	common	zt	刪除
language	common	zt	選擇使用語系
lang_up	common	zt	上一頁
large	common	zt	大
last login	common	zt	登入時間
last login from	common	zt	登入位址
last name	common	zt	 姓氏 
last page	common	zt	最後一頁
last time read	common	zt	最後讀取時間
last updated	common	zt	最近修改記錄
last x logins	common	zt	最近登入記錄
lastname	common	zt	姓氏
lightblue	common	zt	鐵灰藍
lightbrown	common	zt	棕櫚泉
line 2	common	zt	line 2
links	common	zt	連結
list add	common	zt	編輯個人通訊簿
list of current users	common	zt	顯示使用者列表
listings displayed	common	zt	顯示列表
login	common	zt	登入
login screen	common	zt	登入主畫面
login time	common	zt	登入時間
loginid	common	zt	帳號
loginscreen_message	loginscreen	zt	test*
loginscreen_message	mainscreen	zt	請輸入您初始密碼為:<font color=red>1234</font>,進
入後<font color=red>請變更你的密碼</font>*
loginscreen_message	common	zt	請輸入您初始密碼為:<font color=red>1234</font>,進入後<font color=red>請變更你的密碼</font>
logout	common	zt	登出
low	common	zt	低
mail folder(uw-maildir)	common	zt	Email的資料夾
mail server	common	zt	郵件伺服器
mail server type	common	zt	郵件伺服器種類
main screen	common	zt	首頁
main screen message	common	zt	首頁訊息
mainscreen_message	mainscreen	zt	歡迎光臨
manager	common	zt	系統管理者
manual	common	zt	使用手冊
march	common	zt	三月
max matchs per page	common	zt	每頁最多要顯示幾筆資料
may	common	zt	五月
medium	common	zt	中
message	common	zt	訊息
message has been updated	common	zt	訊息已更新
message highlighting	common	zt	郵件規則
message x	common	zt	訊息
messages	common	zt	訊息
metar	common	zt	變化
minutes	common	zt	分鐘
minutes between reloads	common	zt	登入時間
mm	common	zt	月
mo	common	zt	M
mobile	common	zt	大哥大
mobile phone	common	zt	行動電話
modem phone	common	zt	電話
mojo	common	zt	黑暗地域
mon	common	zt	一
monday	common	zt	星期一
monitor	common	zt	螢幕
monitor newsgroups	common	zt	群組新聞
month	common	zt	月
monthly	common	zt	每月
monthly (by date)	common	zt	每月(當日)
monthly (by day)	common	zt	每月(位置)
move selected messages into	common	zt	移動郵件至其他信夾
name	common	zt	名稱
network news	common	zt	網路新聞
never	common	zt	從未登入
new entry	common	zt	新增資料
new entry added sucessfully	common	zt	新增記事完成
new group name	common	zt	新群組名稱
new message	common	zt	新訊息
new password [ leave blank for no change	common	zt	新密碼
new phrase has been added	common	zt	字串已新增
new ticket	common	zt	新增投票
news file	common	zt	新檔案
news headlines	common	zt	頭條新聞
news reader	common	zt	新的讀者
news type	common	zt	新群組名稱
newsgroups	common	zt	新群組
new_file	common	zt	新檔案
next	common	zt	下一頁
next page	common	zt	下一頁
nickname	common	zt	暱稱
nntp	common	zt	網路新聞
no	common	zt	否
no matches found.	common	zt	找不到符合的項目
no matchs found	common	zt	找不到符合的項目
no response	common	zt	沒有回應
no subject	common	zt	沒有標題
non-standard	common	zt	Non-Standard
none	common	zt	無
normal	common	zt	一般
not applicable	common	zt	不能應用
not available yet	common	zt	未能使用
note has been added for x !	common	zt	新增%1記事
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manucommony.	common	zt	注意:若email的密碼更改失敗,請詢問網管人員。
notes	common	zt	備註
notes categories	common	zt	編輯資料匣
notes list	common	zt	目錄
notes preferences	common	zt	設定
november	common	zt	十一月
no_file_name	common	zt	找不到此資料夾
october	common	zt	十月
ok	common	zt	確定
on *nix systems please type: x	common	zt	On *nix systems please type: %1
only yours	common	zt	私人的
options	common	zt	選項
or: days from startdate:	common	zt	或者選擇工作天數
or: select for today:	common	zt	或者選擇預設今天
original	common	zt	原始的
other	common	zt	其他
other number	common	zt	其它
other phone	common	zt	其他電話
overview	common	zt	預覽
owner	common	zt	編輯者
pager	common	zt	呼叫器
parent category	common	zt	主要目錄
parent project	common	zt	工作進度敘述
participant	common	zt	參與人員
participates	common	zt	參與
password	common	zt	輸入密碼
password could not be changed	common	zt	密碼修改未完成
password has been updated	common	zt	密碼已經更改
percent of users that logged out	common	zt	使用者登出比率
permissions	common	zt	新檔案
permissions this group has	common	zt	請選擇應用程式
permissions to the files/users directory	common	zt	同意此資料夾供使用者讀取
personal	common	zt	個人
personal information	common	zt	個人資訊
personalized notes for	common	zt	個人記事
pharse in english	transy	zt	英語的pharse
pharse in new langague	transy	zt	新語言的pharse
phone numbers	common	zt	電話號碼
php information	common	zt	PHP相關資訊
phpgroupware login	common	zt	登入
phpgroupware-version	common	zt	phpgroupware 中文版
phrase in english	common	zt	輸入英文字串
phrase in new language	common	zt	確認輸入字串
please enter a name for that category !	common	zt	請輸入資料夾的名稱
please enter a~z and 0~9 compose	common	zt	請輸入英文字和數字組成的ID最多8位字元
please select a message first	common	zt	請選擇訊息
please set your preferences for this app	common	zt	若須更改通訊錄請至設定區更改
please x by hand	common	zt	請由傳遞
please, select a new theme	common	zt	請選擇一個新的
powered by phpgroupware version x	common	zt	此版本由www.phpgroupware.org提供
preferences	common	zt	喜好設定
prefix	common	zt	稱謂
previous	common	zt	預覽
previous page	common	zt	前一頁
print	common	zt	列印
printer friendly	common	zt	列印
priority	common	zt	事件優先順序
private	common	zt	個人
private and global public	common	zt	顯示個人的和整個群組
private and group public	common	zt	顯示個人的和自己所屬群組
private only	common	zt	個人的行事曆
private_files	common	zt	個人的資料夾
proceed	common	zt	繼續進行
project description	common	zt	工作敘述
projectname	common	zt	專案名稱
public	common	zt	公開
public key	common	zt	公開值
purple	common	zt	紫蘿蘭
re-edit event	calendar	zt	增加事項
re-edit event	common	zt	重新編輯
re-enter password	common	zt	確認新密碼
re-enter your password	common	zt	確認新密碼
read	common	zt	可讀
recent	common	zt	最近
record access	common	zt	是否公開使用記錄
record owner	common	zt	使用者
red	common	zt	火焰紅
refresh	common	zt	更新
region	common	zt	地帶
regions	common	zt	地帶
reject	common	zt	拒絕
rejected	common	zt	拒絕
remove common users from this group	common	zt	自群組移除所有使用者
rename	common	zt	重新命名
rename_to	common	zt	重新命名為
repeat day	common	zt	顯示重複的事件
repeat end date	common	zt	結束重複事件的日期
repeat type	common	zt	重複型態
repeating event information	common	zt	重複事件訊息
repetition	common	zt	重複事件
reply	common	zt	回覆
reply common	common	zt	回覆全部
replyto	common	zt	回復給
reports	common	zt	報告
rose	common	zt	玫瑰紅
sa	common	zt	Sa
sat	common	zt	六
saturday	common	zt	星期六
save	common	zt	儲存
scheduling conflict	common	zt	事件衝突
search	common	zt	搜尋
search group address book	common	zt	搜尋群組通訊簿
search personal addressbook group	common	zt	搜尋個人群組通訊錄
search personal address_book	common	zt	搜尋個人通訊簿
search repeating event	common	zt	重複事件
search results	common	zt	搜尋結果
section	common	zt	顯示的位置
select	common	zt	確定
select common	common	zt	選擇全部
select application	common	zt	選擇應用程式
select category	common	zt	選擇資料夾
select different theme	common	zt	選擇不同的主題
select group	common	zt	選擇群組
select headline news sites	common	zt	選擇頭條新聞的網站
select language to generate for	common	zt	選擇語系
select parent category	common	zt	請選擇主要目錄
select parentcategory	common	zt	選擇類別
select permissions this group will have	common	zt	選擇那個群組可使用
select users for inclusion	common	zt	選擇使用者
select which application for this phrase	common	zt	新增字串的應用程式
select which language for this phrase	common	zt	選擇原始的語系
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right)	common	zt	將此應用程式放在工具列的位置
send	common	zt	送出
send deleted messages to the trash	common	zt	刪除
send updates via email	common	zt	由email送出新訊息
september	common	zt	九月
session has been killed	common	zt	刪除線上使用者
show common	common	zt	顯示全部
show common groups	common	zt	顯示全部群組
show birthday reminders on main screen	common	zt	顯示生日在首頁上
show current users on navigation bar	common	zt	顯示線上使用者
show day view on main screen	common	zt	顯示日期在首頁上
show groups containing	common	zt	顯示群組
show high priority events on main screen	common	zt	顯示事情優先順序在首頁上
show navigation bar as	common	zt	工具列的顯示
show new messages on main screen	common	zt	顯示新訊息在主要首頁上
show sender's email address with name	common	zt	顯示寄件人的的姓名和地址
show text on navigation icons	common	zt	顯示文字與按鈕
show x address	common	zt	共 %1 筆
showing # x of x	common	zt	顯示#%1of %2
showing x	common	zt	顯示%1
showing x - x of x	common	zt	顯示 %1 - %2 of %3
site	common	zt	網站
size	common	zt	大小
smcommon	common	zt	小
sorry, that group name has already been taking.	common	zt	抱歉,群組名稱已存在
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x	common	zt	Sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1
sorry, there was a problem processing your request.	common	zt	抱歉,這個問題處理過程發生錯誤
sorry, your login has expired	common	zt	登入終止
source language	common	zt	原本的語言
specify_file_name	common	zt	您必須明確的說明所建立的資料夾
squirrelmail	common	zt	松鼠電子郵件
squirrelmail preferences:	common	zt	松鼠電子郵件設定
squlabook	common	zt	松鼠通訊錄
squlabook add	common	zt	群組通訊簿(全部)
squlabook group	common	zt	群組通訊錄
start date	common	zt	事件開始日
start date/time	common	zt	開始日期/時間
start time	common	zt	事件開始時間
state	common	zt	國家
statistics	common	zt	統計
status	todo	zt	進度
status	common	zt	是否開啟此權限
street	common	zt	街
su	common	zt	Su
sub	common	zt	回覆
sub-project description	common	zt	子項目工作進度敘述
subject	common	zt	主旨
subject:	common	zt	主旨: 
submarine	common	zt	海水藍
submit	common	zt	送出
submit changes	common	zt	送出
subproject description	common	zt	子項目工作進度的敘述
sun	common	zt	日
sunday	common	zt	星期日
switch current folder to	common	zt	移動到其他信夾
table	common	zt	欄位
tables	common	zt	欄位
target language	common	zt	本國語言
tel	common	zt	連絡電話
tentative	common	zt	暫時不回應
text only	common	zt	顯示文字
th	common	zt	T
that category name has been used already !	common	zt	這個資料夾已經存在了!
that loginid has already been taken	common	zt	已經登入了
that phrase already exists	common	zt	新增的字串已存在
that site has already been entered	common	zt	狀態
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul>	common	zt	發生抵觸<ul>%1</ul>
the login and password can not be the same	common	zt	登入帳號和密碼不能為同樣地
the two passwords are not the same	common	zt	密碼不相同
theme (colors/fonts) selection	common	zt	選擇背景顏色
there was an error trying to connect to your mail server.<br>please, check your username and password, or contact your admin.	common	zt	信箱伺服器連接錯誤,請檢查你的使用者帳號和密碼。
they must be removed before you can continue	common	zt	您必須先移除才能繼續!
this email have been exist	common	zt	這個Email已存在
this event is not exist!	common	zt	這筆資料不存在!
this folder is empty	common	zt	文件夾是空的
this month	common	zt	本月
this name have been exist	common	zt	這個名稱已經存在
this person's first name was not in the address book.	common	zt	這個人名不存在通訊錄裡
this server is located in the x timezone	preferences	zt	時差
this server is located in the x timezone	common	zt	 時間區域
this week	common	zt	本週
this x have been exist	common	zt	這 %1 筆資料已經存在
this year	common	zt	今年
threads	common	zt	threads
thu	common	zt	四
thursday	common	zt	星期四
time	common	zt	時間
time format	common	zt	時間的轉換
time zone	common	zt	時差
time zone offset	common	zt	時差
times new roman	common	zt	Times New Roman
title	admin	zt	應用程式名稱
title	addressbook	zt	職稱
title	calendar	zt	描述
title	common	zt	描述
title1	common	zt	描述
to	common	zt	收件者
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the	common	zt	To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the
to:	common	zt	收信人: 
to: can't empty	common	zt	請填寫收信人
today	common	zt	今天
today is x's birthday!	common	zt	今天是%1的生日
todo	common	zt	工作進度管理
todo categories	common	zt	編輯資料匣
todo list	common	zt	工作進度管理
todo list	todo	zt	工作進度管理
todo list - add	common	zt	新增工作進度
todo list - add sub-project	common	zt	新增子項目工作進度
todo list - edit	common	zt	編輯
todo preferences	common	zt	工作進度管理設定
tomorrow is x's birthday.	common	zt	明天是%1的生日
total	common	zt	全部
total records	common	zt	所有記錄
translation	common	zt	翻譯
translation management	common	zt	語系轉換
trouble ticket system	common	zt	投票區
tu	common	zt	T
tue	common	zt	二
tuesday	common	zt	星期二
undisclosed recipients	common	zt	Undisclosed Recipients
undisclosed sender	common	zt	未知寄件者
unselect common	common	zt	取消全選
up pages	common	zt	上一頁
update	common	zt	更新
update ok	common	zt	更新完成
updated	common	zt	編輯時間
upload	common	zt	上傳
urgency	common	zt	重要性
url	common	zt	個人網址
use cookies	common	zt	use cookies
use custom settings	common	zt	使用者帳號
use end date	common	zt	事件結束日期
user	common	zt	使用者
user accounts	common	zt	使用者帳號
user groups	common	zt	使用者群組
username	common	zt	使用者名稱
users	common	zt	使用者
usersfile_perm_error	common	zt	To correct this error you will need to properly set the permissions to the files/users directory.<BR> On *nix systems please type: chmod 707
vcard	common	zt	匯入Outlook
verdilak	common	zt	混合型
very large	common	zt	最大
very smcommon	common	zt	最小
view	common	zt	預覽
view access log	common	zt	使用記錄
view addressbook	common	zt	預覽
view common tickets	common	zt	觀看投票記錄
view group addressbook	common	zt	預覽群組通訊錄
view group address_book	common	zt	檢視群組通訊簿
view matrix of actual month	todo	zt	預覽工作進度
view only open tickets	common	zt	開票區
view personal addressbook	common	zt	預覽個人通訊錄
view personal addressbook group	common	zt	預覽個人群組通訊錄
view personal address_book	common	zt	檢視個人通訊簿
view sessions	common	zt	線上使用者
view this entry	common	zt	預覽記事
view user account	common	zt	預覽使用者帳號
view/edit/delete common phrases	common	zt	編輯欄位
viewsub	common	zt	預覽工作進度
we	common	zt	W
weather	common	zt	氣象
weather center	common	zt	氣象中心
wed	common	zt	三
wednesday	common	zt	星期三
week	common	zt	星期
weekday starts on	common	zt	工作日開始
weekly	common	zt	每週的
when creating new events default set to private	common	zt	新增新事件時預設值為私人
which groups	common	zt	請選擇群組
who would you like to transfer common records owned by the deleted user to?	common	zt	您確定要刪除這個使用者嗎?
work day ends on	common	zt	工作結束時間
work day starts on	common	zt	工作開始時間
work phone	common	zt	公司電話
ww	common	zt	星期
x matches found	common	zt	%1 找到符合的資料
x messages have been deleted	common	zt	%1 訊息刪除
year	common	zt	年
yearly	common	zt	每年的
yellows	common	zt	鵝毛黃
yes	common	zt	是
you are required to change your password durring your first login	common	zt	首次登入,請變更您的密碼
you do not have permission to read this record!	common	zt	您沒有讀取資料的權限
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today.	common	zt	您有重要訊息!
you have 1 new message!	common	zt	您有一封新郵件!
you have been add	common	zt	新增一筆資料
you have been successfully logged out	common	zt	您已登出完成
you have entered an ending invalid date	common	zt	請輸入工作的結束日
you have entered an invailed date	common	zt	您上次進入的日期
you have entered groupname	common	zt	請輸入群組名稱
you have messages!	common	zt	您有新訊息
you have no new messages	common	zt	沒有新郵件
you have not entered a brief description	common	zt	請輸入事件描述
you have not entered a valid date.	common	zt	輸入的日期不正確
you have not entered a\nbrief description	common	zt	請輸入主題
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day.	common	zt	請輸入時間
you have not entered nickname and email	common	zt	請輸入暱稱和Email
you have x high priority events on your calendar today.	common	zt	您有重要訊息!
you have x new messages!	common	zt	您有 %1 訊息!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account	common	zt	您至少要選擇一個群組
you must add at least 1 permission to this account common	zt	您最少必須加入一個群組
you must enter a base url	common	zt	請輸入網址
you must enter a description	common	zt	請輸入工作敘述
you must enter a display	common	zt	請按顯示
you must enter a group name.	common	zt	請輸入群組名稱
you must enter a loginid	common	zt	您必須入使用者帳號
you must enter a news url	common	zt	請輸入新聞網址
you must enter a password	common	zt	請輸入密碼
you must enter an application name and title.	common	zt	請輸入應用程式和標題
you must enter an application name.	common	zt	您必須輸入應用程式名稱
you must enter an application title.	common	zt	您必須輸入應用程式標題
you must enter one or more search keywords	common	zt	請輸入搜尋的key word
you must enter the number of listings display	common	zt	請輸入顯示列表
you must enter the number of minutes between reload	common	zt	從新reload,須等幾分鐘
you must select a file type	common	zt	請選擇檔案形態
your current theme is: x	common	zt	您所使用的:x </b>
your message has been sent	common	zt	你的訊息已送出
your search returned 1 match	common	zt	找到一個符合的
your search returned x matchs	common	zt	符合您所要的資料%1
your session could not be verified.	common	zt	找不到這個使用者帳號
your settings have been updated	common	zt	設定更新
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries:	common	zt	您所輸入的事件<B>%1-%2</B>和原有存在行事曆的事件有衝突!
yy	common	zt	年
zip code	common	zt	郵遞區號