  * phpGroupWare API - Commononly used functions                             *
  * This file written by Dan Kuykendall <seek3r@phpgroupware.org>            *
  * and Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org>                                 *
  * and Mark Peters <skeeter@phpgroupware.org>                               *
  * Commononly used functions by phpGroupWare developers                     *
  * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Dan Kuykendall                                  *
  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*
  * This library is part of the phpGroupWare API                             *
  * http://www.phpgroupware.org/api                                          * 
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it  *
  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *
  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,         *
  * or any later version.                                                    *
  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of               *
  * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.              *
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
  * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,  *
  * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA            *

  /* $Id$ */

  $d1 = strtolower(substr($phpgw_info['server']['api_inc'],0,3));
  $d2 = strtolower(substr($phpgw_info['server']['server_root'],0,3));
  $d3 = strtolower(substr($phpgw_info['server']['app_inc'],0,3));
  if($d1 == 'htt' || $d1 == 'ftp' || $d2 == 'htt' || $d2 == 'ftp' || $d3 == 'htt' || $d3 == 'ftp') {
    echo 'Failed attempt to break in via an old Security Hole!<br>'."\n";
  } unset($d1);unset($d2);unset($d3);
		@class common
		@abstract common class that contains commonly used functions
	class common
		var $phpgw;
		var $iv = '';
		var $key = '';
		var $crypto;
		var $debug_info;		// An array with debugging info from the API
		// Compares two Version strings
		@functionn cmp_version
		@@abstract Compares two Version strings and return 1 if str2 is newest (bigger version number) than str1
		@@param $str1
		@@param $str2
		function cmp_version($str1,$str2)
			//echo "$regs[0] - $regs2[0]";
			for($i=1;$i<5;$i++) {
				if($regs2[$i] == $regs[$i])
				if($regs2[$i] > $regs[$i])
					return 1;
					if($regs2[$i] < $regs[$i])
				return 0;

		// Convert an array into the format needed for the access column.
		@function array_to_string
		@abstract Convert an array into the format needed for the access column
		@param $access
		@param $array
		function array_to_string($access,$array)
			$this->debug_info[] = 'array_to_string() is a depreciated function - use ACL instead';
			$s = '';
			if ($access == 'group' || $access == 'public' || $access == 'none')
				if (count($array))
					while ($t = each($array)) {
						$s .= ',' . $t[1];
					$s .= ',';
				if (! count($array) && $access == 'none')
					$s = '';
			return $s;

		// This is used for searching the access fields
		@function sql_search
		@abstract this function is used for searching the access fields
		@param $table
		@param $owner 
		function sql_search($table,$owner=0)
			global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;

			$this->debug_info[] = 'sql_search() is a depreciated function - use ACL instead';
			$s = '';
			if (!$owner)
				$owner = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'];
			$groups = $phpgw->accounts->memberships(intval($owner));
			if (gettype($groups) == 'array')
				while ($group = each($groups))
					$s .= " or $table like '%," . $group[2] . ",%'";
			return $s;

    // return a array of installed languages
		@function getInstalledLanguages
		@abstract return an array of installed languages
		@result $installedLanguages; an array containing the installed languages
    function getInstalledLanguages()
    	global $phpgw;
    	$phpgw->db->query('select distinct lang from lang');
    	while (@$phpgw->db->next_record()) 
    		$installedLanguages[$phpgw->db->f('lang')] = $phpgw->db->f('lang');
    	return $installedLanguages;

    // return the preferred language of the users
    // it's using HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE (send from the users browser)
    // and ...(to find out which languages are installed)
		@function getPreferredLanguage
		@abstract return the preferred langugae of the users
		@discussion it uses HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE (from the users browser) <br>
		and .... to find out which languages are installed
    function getPreferredLanguage()
        global $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE;
        // create a array of languages the user is accepting
        $userLanguages = explode(',',$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE);
        $supportedLanguages = $this->getInstalledLanguages();

	// find usersupported language
        while (list($key,$value) = each($userLanguages))
        	// remove everything behind '-' example: de-de
                $value = trim($value);
                $pieces = explode('-', $value);
                $value = $pieces[0];
                # print 'current lang $value<br>';
                if ($supportedLanguages[$value])

	// no usersupported language found -> return english
        if (empty($retValue))
        return $retValue;

    // connect to the ldap server and return a handle
		@function ldapConnect
		@abstract connect to the ldap server and return a handle
		@param $host ldap host
		@param $dn ldap_root_dn
		@param $passwd ldap_root_pw
    function ldapConnect($host = '', $dn = '', $passwd = '')
	   	global $phpgw_info;
	   	if (! $host) {
	   	   $host = $phpgw_info['server']['ldap_host'];

	   	if (! $dn) {
	   	   $dn = $phpgw_info['server']['ldap_root_dn'];

	   	if (! $passwd) {
   		   $passwd = $phpgw_info['server']['ldap_root_pw'];

   		// connect to ldap server
   		if (! $ds = ldap_connect($host)) {
  			printf("<b>Error: Can't connect to LDAP server %s!</b><br>",$host);
			return False;

   		// bind as admin, we not to able to do everything
   		if (! ldap_bind($ds,$dn,$passwd)) {
  			printf("<b>Error: Can't bind to LDAP server: %s!</b><br>",$dn);
			return False;

	   	return $ds;

    // This function is used if the developer wants to stop a running app in the middle of execution
    // We may need to do some clean up before hand
		@function phpgw_exit
		@abstract function to stop running an app
		@discussion used to stop running an app in the middle of execution <br>
		There may need to be some cleanup before hand
		@param $call_footer boolean value to if true then call footer else exit
    function phpgw_exit($call_footer = False)
       global $phpgw;

       if ($call_footer) {
		@function randomstring
		@abstract return a random string of size $size
		@param $size int-size of random string to return
    function randomstring($size)
      $s = '';
      $random_char = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f',

      for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
         $s .= $random_char[rand(1,61)];
      return $s;    

		// Look at the note towards the top of this file (jengo)
		function filesystem_separator()
			return filesystem_separator();

		@function error_list
		@abstract This is used for reporting errors in a nice format.
		@param $error - array of errors
		function error_list($errors)
			if (! is_array($errors))
				return False;

			$html_error = '<table border="0" width="50%"><tr><td align="right"><b>' . lang('error')
							. '</b>: </td><td align="left">' . $errors[0] . '</td></tr>';
			for ($i=1; $i<count($errors); $i++)
				$html_error .= '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align="left">' . $errors[$i] . '</td></tr>';
			return $html_error . '</table>';

		@function check_owner
		@abstract none yet
		@param $record ?
		@param $link ?
		@param $label ?
		@param $extravars
      // This is a depreciated function - use ACL instead (jengo)
		function check_owner($record,$link,$label,$extravars = '')
			global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;

			$this->debug_info[] = 'check_owner() is a depreciated function - use ACL instead';
			$s = '<a href="' . $phpgw->link($link,$extravars) . '"> ' . lang($label) . ' </a>';
			if (ereg('^[0-9]+$',$record))
				if ($record != $phpgw_info['user']['account_id'])
					$s = '&nbsp;';
				if ($record != $phpgw_info['user']['userid'])
					$s = '&nbsp';

			return $s;

		@function display_fullname
		@abstract return the fullname of a user
		@param $lid account loginid
		@param $firstname firstname
		@param $lastname lastname
		function display_fullname($lid = '', $firstname = '', $lastname = '')
			if (! $lid && ! $firstname && ! $lastname)
				global $phpgw_info;
				$lid       = $phpgw_info['user']['account_lid'];
				$firstname = $phpgw_info['user']['firstname'];
				$lastname  = $phpgw_info['user']['lastname'];

			if ($lastname)
				$a[] = $lastname;
			if ($firstname)
				$a[] = $firstname;

					case 0:
						return $lid;
					case 1:
						return '&lt;' . $lid . '&gt; ' . $a[0];
					case 2:
						return '&lt;' . $lid . '&gt; ' . implode(', ',$a);
				return $lid;

		@function grab_owner_name
		@abstract grab the owner name
		@param $id account id
    function grab_owner_name($accountid = '')
      global $phpgw;

		$account_id = get_account_id($accountid);
      $db = $phpgw->db;
      $db->query('select account_lid,account_firstname,account_lastname from phpgw_accounts where account_id='.$account_id,__LINE__,__FILE__);

      return $phpgw->common->display_fullname($db->f('account_lid'),$db->f('account_firstname'),$db->f('account_lastname'));
		@function create_tabs
		@abstract create tabs
		@param $tabs ?
		@param $selected ?
		@param $fontsize optional
    function create_tabs($tabs, $selected, $fontsize = '')
       global $phpgw_info;
       $output_text = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>';
       $ir = $phpgw_info['server']['images_dir'];

       if ($fontsize) {
          $fs  = '<font size="' . $fontsize . '">';
          $fse = '</font>';

       $i = 1;
       while ($tab = each($tabs)) {
         if ($tab[0] == $selected) {
            if ($i == 1) {
               $output_text .= '<td align="right"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-start1.gif"></td>';
            $output_text .= '<td align="left" background="' . $ir . '/tabs-bg1.gif">&nbsp;<b><a href="'
                          . $tab[1]['link'] . '" class="tablink">' . $fs . $tab[1]['label']
                          . $fse . '</a></b>&nbsp;</td>';
            if ($i == count($tabs)) {
               $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-end1.gif"></td>';
            } else {
               $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-sepr.gif"></td>';
         } else {
            if ($i == 1) {
               $output_text .= '<td align="right"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-start0.gif"></td>';
            $output_text .= '<td align="left" background="' . $ir . '/tabs-bg0.gif">&nbsp;<b><a href="'
                          . $tab[1]['link'] . '" class="tablink">' . $fs . $tab[1]['label'] . $fse
                          . '</a></b>&nbsp;</td>';
            if (($i + 1) == $selected) {
               $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-sepl.gif"></td>';
            } else if ($i == $selected || $i != count($tabs)) {
               $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-sepm.gif"></td>';
            } else if ($i == count($tabs)) {
               if ($i == $selected) {
                  $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-end1.gif"></td>';          
               } else {
                  $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-end0.gif"></td>';
            } else {
               if ($i != count($tabs)) {
                  $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-sepr.gif"></td>';
         $output_text .= "\n";
       $output_text .= "</table>\n";
       return $output_text;
		@function get_app_dir
		@abstract get directory of application
		@discussion $appname can either be passed or derived from $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
		@param $appname name of application 
    function get_app_dir($appname = ''){
      global $phpgw_info;
      if ($appname == '') { 
         $appname = $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
      if ($appname == 'home' || $appname == 'logout' || $appname == 'login') {
         $appname = 'phpgwapi';

      $appdir         = PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/'.$appname;
      $appdir_default = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/'.$appname;

      if (is_dir ($appdir)){
        return $appdir;
      }elseif (is_dir ($appdir_default)){
        return $appdir_default;
        return False;
		@function get_inc_dir
		@abstract get inc (include dir) of application
		@discussion $appname can either be passed or derived from $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
		@param $appname name of application 
    function get_inc_dir($appname = '')
       global $phpgw_info;
       if (! $appname){
          $appname = $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
       if ($appname == 'home' || $appname == 'logout' || $appname == 'login') {
          $appname = 'phpgwapi';
       $incdir         = PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/' . $appname . '/inc';
       $incdir_default = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/' . $appname . '/inc';
       if (is_dir ($incdir)) {
          return $incdir;
       } elseif (is_dir ($incdir_default)) {
          return $incdir_default;
       } else {
          return False;
		@function list_themes
		@abstract list themes available
    function list_themes()
       $dh = opendir(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/themes');
       while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
         if (eregi("\.theme$", $file)) {
            $list[] = substr($file,0,strpos($file,'.'));
       reset ($list);
       return $list;
		@function list_templates
		@abstract list available templates
    function list_templates(){
      global $phpgw_info;
      $d = dir(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates');
      while ($entry=$d->read()) {
         if ($entry != 'CVS' && $entry != '.' && $entry != '..'){
            $list[$entry]['name'] = $entry;
            $f = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates/' . $entry . '/details.inc.php';
            if (file_exists ($f)){
               $list[$entry]['title'] = 'Use '.$phpgw_info['template'][$entry]['title'].'interface';
            } else {
               $list[$entry]['title'] = $entry;
      reset ($list);
      return $list;
		@function get_tpl_dir
		@abstract get template dir of an application
		@param $appname appication name optional can be derived from $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
    function get_tpl_dir($appname = '')
       global $phpgw_info;
       if (! $appname) {
          $appname = $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
        if ($appname == 'home' || $appname == 'logout' || $appname == 'login') {
           $appname = 'phpgwapi';

        // Setting this for display of template choices in user preferences
        if ($phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] == 'user_choice') {
           $phpgw_info['server']['usrtplchoice'] = 'user_choice';

        if ($phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] == 'user_choice' && isset($phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['template_set'])) {
           $phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] = $phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['template_set'];
        } elseif ($phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] == 'user_choice' || !isset($phpgw_info['server']['template_set'])) {
           $phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] = 'default';

        $tpldir         = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/' . $appname . '/templates/'
                        . $phpgw_info['server']['template_set'];
        $tpldir_default = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/' . $appname . '/templates/default';

        if (is_dir($tpldir)) {
           return $tpldir;
        } elseif (is_dir($tpldir_default)) {
           return $tpldir_default;
        } else {
           return False;
		@function get_image_dir
		@abstract get image dir of an application
		@param $appname application name optional can be derived from $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
    function get_image_dir($appname = ''){
      global $phpgw_info;
      if ($appname == '') {
         $appname = $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
      if (empty($phpgw_info['server']['template_set'])) {
         $phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] = 'default';

      $imagedir            = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/' . $appname . '/templates/'
                           . $phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] . '/images';
      $imagedir_default    = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/' . $appname . '/templates/default/images';
      $imagedir_olddefault = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/' . $appname . '/images';

      if (is_dir ($imagedir)){
         return $imagedir;
      } elseif (is_dir ($imagedir_default)) {
         return $imagedir_default;
      } elseif (is_dir ($imagedir_olddefault)) {
         return $imagedir_olddefault;
      } else {
         return False;
		@function get_image_path
		@abstract get image path of an application
		@param $appname appication name optional can be derived from $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
		function get_image_path($appname = '')
			global $phpgw_info;

			if ($appname == '')
				$appname = $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];

			if (empty($phpgw_info['server']['template_set']))
				$phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] = 'default';

			$imagedir            = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/'.$appname.'/templates/'.$phpgw_info['server']['template_set'].'/images';
			$imagedir_default    = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/'.$appname.'/templates/default/images';
			$imagedir_olddefault = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/'.$appname.'/images';

			if (is_dir ($imagedir))
				return $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'].'/'.$appname.'/templates/'.$phpgw_info['server']['template_set'].'/images';
			elseif (is_dir ($imagedir_default))
				return $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'].'/'.$appname.'/templates/default/images';
			elseif (is_dir ($imagedir_olddefault))
				return $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'].'/'.$appname.'/images';
				return False;

		function find_image($appname,$image)
			global $phpgw_info;
			$imagedir            = '/'.$appname.'/templates/'.$phpgw_info['server']['template_set'].'/images';
			$imagedir_default    = '/'.$appname.'/templates/default/images';
			$imagedir_olddefault = '/'.$appname.'/images';

				$imgfile = $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'].$imagedir.'/'.$image;
				$imgfile = $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'].$imagedir_default.'/'.$image;
				$imgfile = $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'].$imagedir_olddefault.'/'.$image;
				$imgfile = '';
			return $imgfile;

		function image($appname,$image='')
				$i = 0;
				$image_found = $this->find_image($appname,$image[$i]);
				$c_image = count($image);
				while($image_found == '' && $i<$c_image)
					$image_found = $this->find_image($appname,$image[$i]);
				return $image_found;
			elseif($image != '')
				return $this->find_image($appname,$image);
				return '';
		@function navbar
		@abstract none yet
		@discussion *someone wanna add some detail here*
		function navbar()
			global $phpgw_info, $phpgw;

			$phpgw_info['navbar']['home']['title'] = 'Home';
			$phpgw_info['navbar']['home']['url']   = $phpgw->link('/index.php');
			$phpgw_info['navbar']['home']['icon']  = $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'] . '/phpgwapi/templates/'
				. $phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] . '/images/home.gif';

			while ($permission = each($phpgw_info['user']['apps']))
				if (is_long($permission[0]))

				if ($phpgw_info['apps'][$permission[0]]['status'] != 2)
					$phpgw_info['navbar'][$permission[0]]['title'] = $phpgw_info['apps'][$permission[0]]['title'];
					$phpgw_info['navbar'][$permission[0]]['url']   = $phpgw->link('/' . $permission[0] . '/index.php');
					$phpgw_info['navbar'][$permission[0]]['name']  = $permission[0];

					$icon_file    = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/'.$permission[0] . '/templates/'. $phpgw_info['server']['template_set']. '/images/navbar.gif';
					$icon_default = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/'.$permission[0] . '/templates/default/images/navbar.gif';

					if (file_exists($icon_file))
						$phpgw_info['navbar'][$permission[0]]['icon']  = $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'] . '/'
							. $permission[0] . '/templates/' . $phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] . '/images/navbar.gif';
					elseif (file_exists($icon_default))
						$phpgw_info['navbar'][$permission[0]]['icon']  = $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'] . '/'
							. $permission[0] . '/templates/default/images/navbar.gif';
						$phpgw_info['navbar'][$permission[0]]['icon']  = $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'] . '/'
							. 'phpgwapi/templates/' . $phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] . '/images/nonav.gif';
			$phpgw_info['navbar']['preferences']['title'] = 'preferences';
			$phpgw_info['navbar']['preferences']['url']   = $phpgw->link('/preferences/index.php');
			$phpgw_info['navbar']['preferences']['icon']  = $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'] . '/preferences/templates/'
                                                     . $phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] . '/images/navbar.gif';

			if ($phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'] == 'home' || $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'] == 'preferences' || $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'] == 'about')
				$app = 'phpGroupWare';
				$app = $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];

			// We handle this here becuase its special
			$phpgw_info['navbar']['about']['title'] = lang('About x',$app);

			$phpgw_info['navbar']['about']['url']   = $phpgw->link('/about.php','app='.$app);
			$phpgw_info['navbar']['about']['icon']  = $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'] . '/phpgwapi/templates/'
                                               . $phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] . '/images/about.gif';

			$phpgw_info['navbar']['logout']['title'] = 'Logout';
			$phpgw_info['navbar']['logout']['url']   = $phpgw->link('/logout.php');
			$phpgw_info['navbar']['logout']['icon']  = $phpgw_info['server']['webserver_url'] . '/phpgwapi/templates/'
                                                . $phpgw_info['server']['template_set'] . '/images/logout.gif';

		@function app_header
		@abstract load header.inc.php for an application
		function app_header()
			if (file_exists(PHPGW_APP_INC . '/header.inc.php'))
				include(PHPGW_APP_INC . '/header.inc.php');
		@function phpgw_header
		@abstract load the phpgw header
		function phpgw_header()
			global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;

			include(PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates/' . $phpgw_info['server']['template_set']
                                 . '/head.inc.php');
			include(PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/phpgwapi/templates/' . $phpgw_info['server']['template_set']
                                 . '/navbar.inc.php');
			if ((!isset($phpgw_info['flags']['nonavbar']) || 
			     !$phpgw_info['flags']['nonavbar']) && 
			    (!isset($phpgw_info['flags']['navbar_target']) ||
				echo parse_navbar();

		function phpgw_footer()
			global $phpgw, $phpgw_info, $HTMLCOMPLAINT;

			if (!isset($phpgw_info['flags']['nofooter']) || !$phpgw_info['flags']['nofooter'])
				include(PHPGW_API_INC . '/footer.inc.php');
			// Clean up mcrypt
			if (is_object($this->crypto))

		function hex2bin($data)
			$len = strlen($data);
			return pack('H' . $len, $data);
		@function encrypt
		@abstract encrypt data passed to the function
		@param $data data (string?) to be encrypted
				function encrypt($data)
			global $phpgw_info, $phpgw;

			$data = serialize($data);
			return $phpgw->crypto->encrypt($data);
		@function decrypt
		@abstract decrypt $data
		@param $data data to be decrypted
		function decrypt($data)
			global $phpgw_info, $phpgw;

			$data = $phpgw->crypto->decrypt($data);
			return unserialize($data);
		@function des_cryptpasswd
		@abstract des encrypt a password
		@param $userpass userpassword
		@param $random random seed
		function des_cryptpasswd($userpass, $random)
			$lcrypt = '{crypt}';
			$password = crypt($userpass);
			$ldappassword = sprintf('%s%s', $lcrypt, $password);
			return $ldappassword;
		@function md5_cryptpasswd
		@abstract md5 encrypt password
		@param $userpass user password
		@param $random random seed
		  function md5_cryptpasswd($userpass, $random)
    $bsalt = "$1$";
    $esalt = "$";						// patch
    $lcrypt = "{crypt}";
//    $modsalt = sprintf("%s%s", $bsalt, $random);
    $modsalt = sprintf("%s%s%s", $bsalt, $random, $esalt);	// patch
    $password = crypt($userpass, $modsalt);
    $ldappassword = sprintf("%s%s", $lcrypt, $password);
    return $ldappassword;
		@function encrypt_password
		@abstract encrypt password
		@abstract uses the encryption type set in setup and calls the appropriate encryption functions
		@param $password password to encrypt
  function encrypt_password($password)
     global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;
     if ($phpgw_info['server']['ldap_encryption_type'] == 'DES') {
         $salt       = $this->randomstring(2);
         $e_password = $this->des_cryptpasswd($password, $salt);
      if ($phpgw_info['server']['ldap_encryption_type'] == 'MD5') {
//         $salt       = $this->randomstring(9);
         $salt       = $this->randomstring(8);			// patch
         $e_password = $this->md5_cryptpasswd($password, $salt);
      return $e_password;
		@function hook
		@abstract hooking function which allows applications to "hook" into each other
		@discussion Someone flesh this out please
		function hook($location = '', $order = '')
			global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;
			if ($order == '')
				$order[] = $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];

			/* First include the ordered apps hook file */
			reset ($order);
			while (list (, $appname) = each ($order))
				$f = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/' . $appname . '/inc/hook_'.$phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
				if ($location != '')
					$f .= '_'.$location.'.inc.php';
					$f .= '.inc.php';

				if (file_exists($f) &&
					((isset($phpgw_info['user']['apps'][$appname]) && $phpgw_info['user']['apps'][$appname])
					 || $appname == 'preferences'))
				$completed_hooks[$appname] = True;

			/* Then add the rest */
			reset ($phpgw_info['user']['apps']);
			while ($permission = each($phpgw_info['user']['apps']))
				if (!isset($completed_hooks[$permission[0]]) ||
				    $completed_hooks[$permission[0]] != True)
					$appname = $permission[0];
					$f = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/' . $permission[0] . '/inc/hook_'.$phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
					if ($location != '')
						$f .= '_'.$location.'.inc.php';
						$f .= '.inc.php';

					if (file_exists($f) && ($phpgw_info['user']['apps'][$appname] || $appname == 'preferences'))

		@function hook_single
		@abstract call the hooks for a single application
		@param $location hook location - optional
		@param $appname application name - optional
		  function hook_single($location = '', $appname = '')
     global $phpgw, $phpgw_info, $PHP_VERSION;
     if (! $appname) {
        $appname = $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
     $s = $phpgw->common->filesystem_separator();
     /* First include the ordered apps hook file */
     $f = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . $s . $appname . $s . 'inc' . $s . 'hook_'.$appname;
     if ($location != '') {
        $f .= '_'.$location.'.inc.php';
     } else {
        $f .= '.inc.php';
     if (file_exists($f)) {
        return True;
     } else {
        return False;

		@function hook_count
		@abstract loop through the applications and count the hooks
  function hook_count($location = ''){
    global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;
    $count = 0;
    while ($permission = each($phpgw_info['user']['apps'])) {
      $f = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/' . $permission[0] . '/inc/hook_'.$phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'];
    	if ($location != ''){$f .= '_'.$location.'.inc.php';}else{$f .= '.inc.php'; }
  	  if (file_exists($f)) {++$count;}
    return $count;

  /* Wrapper to the session->appsession() */
  function appsession($data = '##NOTHING##') {
    global $phpgw_info, $phpgw;
    return $phpgw->session->appsession('default','',$data);
		@function show_date
		@abstract show current date
		@param $t time - optional can be pulled from user preferences
		@param $format - optional can be pulled from user prefernces
    function show_date($t = '', $format = '')
      global $phpgw_info;

      if (! $t)
         $t = time();

      $t = $t + ((60*60) * $phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset']);

      if (! $format) {
         $format = $phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'] . ' - ';
         if ($phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'] == '12') {
            $format .= 'h:i:s a';
         } else {
            $format .= 'H:i:s';
      return date($format,$t);
		@function dateformatorder
		@param $yearstr year - string
		@param $monthstr month - string
		@param $day day - string
		@param $add_seperator boolean defaults to false
    function dateformatorder($yearstr,$monthstr,$daystr,$add_seperator = False)
      global $phpgw_info;
      $dateformat = strtolower($phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']);
      $sep = substr($phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'],1,1);

      $dlarr[strpos($dateformat,'y')] = $yearstr;
      $dlarr[strpos($dateformat,'m')] = $monthstr;
      $dlarr[strpos($dateformat,'d')] = $daystr;

      if ($add_seperator) {
         return (implode($sep,$dlarr));
      } else {
         return (implode(' ',$dlarr));      
		@function formattime
		@abstract format the time takes settings from user preferences
		@param $hour hour
		@param $min minutes
		@param $sec defaults to ''
    function formattime($hour,$min,$sec='')
      global $phpgw_info;

      $h12 = $hour;
      if ($phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'] == '12') {
         if ($hour >= 12) 
            $ampm = ' pm';
            $ampm = ' am';
         $h12 %= 12;
         if ($h12 == 0 && $hour)
            $h12 = 12;
         if ($h12 == 0 && ! $hour)
            $h12 = 0;
      } else 
         $h12 = $hour;

       if ($sec)
          $sec = ":$sec";

       return "$h12:$min$sec$ampm";

		// This is not the best place for it, but it needs to be shared bewteen Aeromail and SM
		@function create_emailpreferences
		@abstract create email preferences
		@discussion This is not the best place for it, but it needs to be shared between Aeromail and SM
		@param $prefs
		@param $account_id -optional defaults to : phpgw_info['user']['account_id']	
		function create_emailpreferences($prefs,$accountid='')
			global $phpgw, $phpgw_info;

			$account_id = get_account_id($accountid);
			/* Add default preferences info */
			if (!isset($prefs['email']['userid']))
				if ($phpgw_info['server']['mail_login_type'] == 'vmailmgr')
					$prefs['email']['userid'] = $phpgw->accounts->id2name($account_id)
						. '@' . $phpgw_info['server']['mail_suffix'];
					$prefs['email']['userid'] = $phpgw->accounts->id2name($account_id);
			/* Set Server Mail Type if not defined */
			if (empty($phpgw_info['server']['mail_server_type']))
				$phpgw_info['server']['mail_server_type'] = 'imap';

			if (!isset($prefs['email']['passwd']))
				$prefs['email']['passwd'] = $phpgw_info['user']['passwd'];
				$prefs['email']['passwd'] = $this->decrypt($prefs['email']['passwd']);
			if (!isset($prefs['email']['address']))
				$prefs['email']['address'] = $phpgw->accounts->id2name($account_id)
					. '@' . $phpgw_info['server']['mail_suffix'];
			if (!isset($prefs['email']['mail_server']))
				$prefs['email']['mail_server'] = $phpgw_info['server']['mail_server'];
			if (!isset($prefs['email']['mail_server_type']))
				$prefs['email']['mail_server_type'] = $phpgw_info['server']['mail_server_type'];
			if (!isset($prefs['email']['imap_server_type']))
				$prefs['email']['imap_server_type'] = $phpgw_info['server']['imap_server_type'];

			/* These sets the mail_port server variable */
			if ($prefs['email']['mail_server_type']=='imap')
				$prefs['email']['mail_port'] = '143';
			elseif ($prefs['email']['mail_server_type']=='pop3')
				$prefs['email']['mail_port'] = '110';

			/* This is going to be used to switch to the nntp class */
			if (isset($phpgw_info['flags']['newsmode']) &&
				$prefs['email']['mail_server_type'] = 'nntp';
			return $prefs;

    // This will be moved into the applications area.
		@function check_code
		@abstract ?
		@discussion This will be moved into the applications area
    function check_code($code)
      $s = '<br>';
      switch ($code)
        case 13:	$s .= lang('Your message has been sent');break;
        case 14:	$s .= lang('New entry added sucessfully');break;
        case 15:	$s .= lang('Entry updated sucessfully');	break;
        case 16:	$s .= lang('Entry has been deleted sucessfully'); break;
        case 18:	$s .= lang('Password has been updated');	break;
        case 38:	$s .= lang('Password could not be changed');	break;
        case 19:	$s .= lang('Session has been killed');	break;
        case 27:	$s .= lang('Account has been updated');	break;
        case 28:	$s .= lang('Account has been created');	break;
        case 29:	$s .= lang('Account has been deleted');	break;
        case 30:	$s .= lang('Your settings have been updated'); break;
        case 31:	$s .= lang('Group has been added');	break;
        case 32:	$s .= lang('Group has been deleted');	break;
        case 33:	$s .= lang('Group has been updated');	break;
        case 34:    $s .= lang('Account has been deleted') . '<p>'
		             .  lang('Error deleting x x directory',lang('users'),' '.lang('private').' ') 
 		             .  ',<br>' . lang('Please x by hand',lang('delete')) . '<br><br>'
		             .  lang('To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the')
		             .  '<br>' . lang('permissions to the files/users directory')
	          	   .  '<br>' . lang('On *nix systems please type: x','chmod 770 '
			        . $phpgw_info['server']['files_dir'] . '/users/'); 
      case 35:	$s .= lang('Account has been updated') . '<p>'
		   .  lang('Error renaming x x directory',lang('users'),
		     ' '.lang('private').' ') 
		   .  ',<br>' . lang('Please x by hand',
		      lang('rename')) . '<br><br>'
		   .  lang('To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the')
		   .  '<br>' . lang('permissions to the files/users directory')
		   .  '<br>' . lang('On *nix systems please type: x','chmod 770 '
			. $phpgw_info['server']['files_dir'] . '/users/'); 
      case 36:	$s .= lang('Account has been created') . '<p>'
		   .  lang('Error creating x x directory',lang('users'),
		     ' '.lang('private').' ') 
		   .  ',<br>' . lang('Please x by hand',
		      lang('create')) . '<br><br>'
		   .  lang('To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the')
		   .  '<br>' . lang('permissions to the files/users directory')
		   .  '<br>' . lang('On *nix systems please type: x','chmod 770 '
			. $phpgw_info['server']['files_dir'] . '/users/'); 
      case 37:	$s .= lang('Group has been added') . '<p>'
		   .  lang('Error creating x x directory',lang('groups'),' ')
		   .  ',<br>' . lang('Please x by hand',
		      lang('create')) . '<br><br>'
		   .  lang('To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the')
		   .  '<br>' . lang('permissions to the files/users directory')
		   .  '<br>' . lang('On *nix systems please type: x','chmod 770 '
			. $phpgw_info['server']['files_dir'] . '/groups/'); 
      case 38:	$s .= lang('Group has been deleted') . '<p>'
		   .  lang('Error deleting x x directory',lang('groups'),' ')
		   .  ',<br>' . lang('Please x by hand',
		      lang('delete')) . '<br><br>'
		   .  lang('To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the')
		   .  '<br>' . lang('permissions to the files/users directory')
		   .  '<br>' . lang('On *nix systems please type: x','chmod 770 '
			. $phpgw_info['server']['files_dir'] . '/groups/'); 
      case 39:	$s .= lang('Group has been updated') . '<p>'
		   .  lang('Error renaming x x directory',lang('groups'),' ')
		   .  ',<br>' . lang('Please x by hand',
		      lang('rename')) . '<br><br>'
		   .  lang('To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the')
		   .  '<br>' . lang('permissions to the files/users directory')
		   .  '<br>' . lang('On *nix systems please type: x','chmod 770 '
			. $phpgw_info['server']['files_dir'] . '/groups/'); 
      case 40: $s .= lang("You have not entered a title").'.';
      case 41: $s .= lang("You have not entered a valid time of day").'.';
      case 42: $s .= lang("You have not entered a valid date").'.';
      default:	return '';
    return $s;
		@fucntion phpgw_error
		@abstract process error message
		@param $error error 
		@param $line line
		@param $file file
    function phpgw_error($error,$line = '', $file = '') 
       echo '<p><b>phpGroupWare internal error:</b><p>'.$error;
       if ($line) {
          echo 'Line: '.$line;
       if ($file) {
          echo 'File: '.$file;
       echo '<p>Your session has been halted.';

		@function create_phpcode_from_array
		@abstract create phpcode from array
		@param $array - array
    function create_phpcode_from_array($array)
       while (list($key, $val) = each($array)) {
          if (is_array($val)) {
             while (list($key2, $val2) = each($val)) {
                if (is_array($val2)) {
                   while (list($key3, $val3) = each ($val2)) {
                      if (is_array($val3)) {
                         while (list($key4, $val4) = each ($val3)) {
                            $s .= '$phpgw_info["' . $key . '"]["' . $key2 . '"]["' . $key3 . '"]["' .$key4 . '"]="' . $val4 . '";';
                            $s .= "\n";
                      } else {
                         $s .= '$phpgw_info["' . $key . '"]["' . $key2 . '"]["' . $key3 . '"]="' . $val3 . '";';
                         $s .= "\n";
                } else {
                   $s .= '$phpgw_info["' . $key .'"]["' . $key2 . '"]="' . $val2 . '";';
                   $s .= "\n";
          } else {
             $s .= '$phpgw_info["' . $key . '"]="' . $val . '";';
             $s .= "\n";
       return $s;

    // This will return the full phpgw_info array, used for debugging  
		@function debug_list_array_contents
		@abstract return the full phpgw_info array for debugging
		@param array - array
    function debug_list_array_contents($array)
       while (list($key, $val) = each($array)) {
          if (is_array($val)) {
             while (list($key2, $val2) = each($val)) {
                if (is_array($val2)) {
                   while (list($key3, $val3) = each ($val2)) {
                      if (is_array($val3)) {
                         while (list($key4, $val4) = each ($val3)) {
                            echo $$array . "[$key][$key2][$key3][$key4]=$val4<br>";
                      } else {
                         echo $$array . "[$key][$key2][$key3]=$val3<br>";
                } else {
                  echo $$array . "[$key][$key2]=$val2<br>";
          } else {
             echo $$array . "[$key]=$val<br>";
    // This will return a list of functions in the API
		@function debug_list_core_functions
		@abstract return a list of functionsin the API
    function debug_list_core_functions()
       echo '<br><b>core functions</b><br>';
       echo '<pre>';
       chdir(PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/phpgwapi');
       system("grep -r '^[ \t]*function' *");
       echo '</pre>';

    // This will return a value for the next id an app/class may need to insert values into ldap.
		@function next_id
		@abstract return the next higher value for an integer, and increment it in the db.
	function next_id($appname,$min=0,$max=0)
		global $phpgw;

		if (!$appname) {
			return -1;

		$phpgw->db->query("SELECT id FROM phpgw_nextid WHERE appname='".$appname."'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
		while( $phpgw->db->next_record() ) {
			$id = $phpgw->db->f("id");

		if (empty($id) || !$id) {
			$id = 1;
			$phpgw->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_nextid (appname,id) VALUES ('".$appname."',".$id.")",__LINE__,__FILE__);
		} elseif($id<$min) {
			$id = $min;
			$phpgw->db->query("UPDATE phpgw_nextid SET id=".$id." WHERE appname='".$appname."'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
		} elseif ($max && ($id > $max)) {
			return False;
		} else {
			$id = $id + 1;
			$phpgw->db->query("UPDATE phpgw_nextid SET id=".$id." WHERE appname='".$appname."'",__LINE__,__FILE__);

		return intval($id);

    // This will return a value for the last id entered, which an app may need to check
	// values for ldap.
		@function last_id
		@abstract return the current id in the next_id table for a particular app/class.
	function last_id($appname,$min=0,$max=0)
		global $phpgw;

		if (!$appname) {
			return -1;

		$phpgw->db->query("SELECT id FROM phpgw_nextid WHERE appname='".$appname."'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
		while( $phpgw->db->next_record() ) {
			$id = $phpgw->db->f("id");

		if (empty($id) || !$id) {
			if($min) { $id = $min; }
			else     { $id = 1; }
			$phpgw->db->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_nextid (appname,id) VALUES ('".$appname."',".$id.")",__LINE__,__FILE__);
		} elseif($id<$min) {
			$id = $min;
			$phpgw->db->query("UPDATE phpgw_nextid SET id=".$id." WHERE appname='".$appname."'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
		} elseif ($max && ($id > $max)) {
			return False;
		} else {
			return intval($id);
  }//end common class