  * eGroupWare - Setup                                                       *
  * http://www.egroupware.org                                                *
  * --------------------------------------------                             *
  * This file written by Joseph Engo<jengo@phpgroupware.org>                 *
  *  and Dan Kuykendall<seek3r@phpgroupware.org>                             *
  *  and Mark Peters<skeeter@phpgroupware.org>                               *
  *  and Miles Lott<milosch@groupwhere.org>                                  *
  * --------------------------------------------                             *
  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
  *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
  *  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
  *  option) any later version.                                              *

  /* $Id$ */

	class egw_dummy {
		var $db;
		var $common;
		var $accounts;
		function invalidate_session_cache() { }

	class setup
		var $db;
		var $config_table       = 'egw_config';
		var $applications_table = 'egw_applications';
		var $acl_table          = 'egw_acl';
		var $accounts_table     = 'egw_accounts';
		var $prefs_table        = 'egw_preferences';
		var $lang_table         = 'egw_lang';
		var $languages_table    = 'egw_languages';
		var $hooks_table        = 'egw_hooks';
		var $cats_table         = 'egw_categories';
		var $oProc;

		var $detection;
		var $process;
		var $lang;
		var $html;
		var $system_charset;

		/* table name vars */
		var $tbl_apps;
		var $tbl_config;
		var $tbl_hooks;

		function setup($html=False, $translation=False)
			// setup us as $GLOBALS['egw_setup'], as this gets used in our sub-objects
			$GLOBALS['egw_setup'] =& $this;

			$this->detection =& CreateObject('setup.setup_detection');
			$this->process   =& CreateObject('setup.setup_process');

			if ($_REQUEST['system_charset']) $this->system_charset = $_REQUEST['system_charset'];

			/* The setup application needs these */
			if ($html) $this->html =& CreateObject('setup.setup_html');
			if ($translation) $this->translation =& CreateObject('setup.setup_translation');

		 * include api db class for the ConfigDomain and connect to the db
		function loaddb($connect_and_setcharset=true)
			if(!isset($this->ConfigDomain) || empty($this->ConfigDomain))
				$this->ConfigDomain = get_var('ConfigDomain',array('COOKIE','POST'),$_POST['FormDomain']);

			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_type'] = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->ConfigDomain]['db_type'];

			if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_type'] == 'pgsql')
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_persistent'] = False;
			$this->db           =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.egw_db');
			$this->db->Host     = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->ConfigDomain]['db_host'];
			$this->db->Port     = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->ConfigDomain]['db_port'];
			$this->db->Type     = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->ConfigDomain]['db_type'];
			$this->db->Database = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->ConfigDomain]['db_name'];
			$this->db->User     = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->ConfigDomain]['db_user'];
			$this->db->Password = $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->ConfigDomain]['db_pass'];
			if ($connect_and_setcharset)
				$this->db->Halt_On_Error = 'no';	// table might not be created at that stage
				$this->set_table_names();		// sets/checks config- and applications-table-name

				// Set the DB's client charset if a system-charset is set
					'config_app'  => 'phpgwapi',
					'config_name' => 'system_charset',
				if ($this->db->next_record() && $this->db->f(0))
					$this->system_charset = $this->db->f(0);
					$this->db_charset_was = $this->db->Link_ID->GetCharSet();	// needed for the update

					// we can NOT set the DB charset for mysql, if the api version <, as it would mess up the DB content!!!
					if (substr($this->db->Type,0,5) == 'mysql')	// we need to check the api version
							'app_name'  => 'phpgwapi',
						$api_version = $this->db->next_record() ? $this->db->f(0) : false;
					if (!$api_version || !$this->alessthanb($api_version,''))
				$this->db->Halt_On_Error = 'yes';	// setting the default again

		* Set the domain used for cookies
		* @return string domain
		function set_cookiedomain()
			$this->cookie_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];

			// remove port from HTTP_HOST
			if (preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/",$this->cookie_domain,$arr))
				$this->cookie_domain = $arr[1];
			if (count(explode('.',$this->cookie_domain)) <= 1)
				// setcookie dont likes domains without dots, leaving it empty, gets setcookie to fill the domain in
				$this->cookie_domain = '';

		* Set a cookie
		* @param string $cookiename name of cookie to be set
		* @param string $cookievalue value to be used, if unset cookie is cleared (optional)
		* @param int $cookietime when cookie should expire, 0 for session only (optional)
		function set_cookie($cookiename,$cookievalue='',$cookietime=0)
			if(!isset($this->cookie_domain) || !$this->cookie_domain)

		 * authenticate the setup user
		 * @param	$auth_type	???
		function auth($auth_type='Config')
			$FormLogout = get_var('FormLogout',  array('GET','POST'));
				$ConfigLogin  = get_var('ConfigLogin', array('POST'));
				$HeaderLogin  = get_var('HeaderLogin', array('POST'));
				$FormDomain   = get_var('FormDomain',  array('POST'));
				$FormUser     = get_var('FormUser',    array('POST'));
				$FormPW       = get_var('FormPW',      array('POST'));

				$this->ConfigDomain = get_var('ConfigDomain',array('POST','COOKIE'));
				$ConfigUser   = get_var('ConfigUser',  array('POST','COOKIE'));
				$ConfigPW     = get_var('ConfigPW',    array('POST','COOKIE'));
				$HeaderUser   = get_var('HeaderUser',  array('POST','COOKIE'));
				$HeaderPW     = get_var('HeaderPW',    array('POST','COOKIE'));
				$ConfigLang   = get_var('ConfigLang',  array('POST','COOKIE'));

				/* Setup defaults to aid in header upgrade to version 1.26.
				 * This was the first version to include the following values.
				if(!@isset($GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$FormDomain]['config_user']) && isset($GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$FormDomain]))
					@$GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$FormDomain]['config_user'] = 'admin';
					@$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_user'] = 'admin';

			$remoteip   = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
			if(!empty($remoteip) && !$this->checkip($remoteip)) { return False; }

			/* If FormLogout is set, simply invalidate the cookies (LOGOUT) */
				case 'config':
					/* config logout */
					$expire = time() - 86400;
					$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['LastDomain'] = $_COOKIE['ConfigDomain'];
					$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = lang('You have successfully logged out');
					$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = '';
					return False;
				case 'header':
					/* header admin logout */
					$expire = time() - 86400;
					$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = lang('You have successfully logged out');
					$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = '';
					return False;

			/* We get here if FormLogout is not set (LOGIN or subsequent pages) */
			/* Expire login if idle for 20 minutes.  The cookies are updated on every page load. */
			$expire = (int)(time() + (1200*9));

				case 'header':
						/* header admin login */
						/* New test is md5, cleartext version is for header < 1.26 */
						if ($this->check_auth($FormUser,$FormPW,$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_user'],
							return True;
							$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = lang('Invalid password');
							$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = '';
							return False;
					elseif(!empty($HeaderPW) && $auth_type == 'Header')
						// Returning after login to header admin
						/* New test is md5, cleartext version is for header < 1.26 */
						if ($this->check_auth($HeaderUser,$HeaderPW,$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_user'],
							return True;
							$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = lang('Invalid password');
							$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = '';
							return False;
				case 'config':
						/* config login */
						/* New test is md5, cleartext version is for header < 1.26 */
						if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$FormDomain]) &&
							/* Set this now since the cookie will not be available until the next page load */
							$this->ConfigDomain = $FormDomain;
							return True;
							$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = lang('Invalid password');
							$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = '';
							return False;
						// Returning after login to config
						/* New test is md5, cleartext version is for header < 1.26 */
						if ($this->check_auth($ConfigUser,$ConfigPW,@$GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$this->ConfigDomain]['config_user'],
							return True;
							$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = lang('Invalid password');
							$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = '';
							return False;

			return False;

        * check if username and password is valid
        * this function compares the supplied and stored username and password
		* as any of the passwords can be clear text or md5 we convert them to md5 
		* internal and compare always the md5 hashs
        * @param string $user the user supplied username
        * @param string $pw the user supplied password
        * @param string $conf_user the configured username
        * @param string $conf_pw the configured password
        * @returns bool
		function check_auth($user,$pw,$conf_user,$conf_pw)
			#echo "<p>setup::check_auth('$user','$pw','$conf_user','$conf_pw')</p>\n";exit;
			if ($user != $conf_user)
				return False; // wrong username

			// Verify that $pw is not already encoded as md5
				$conf_pw = md5($conf_pw);

			// Verify that $pw is not already encoded as md5
				$pw = md5($pw);
			return $pw == $conf_pw;

		function checkip($remoteip='')
			//echo "<p>setup::checkip($remoteip) against setup_acl='".$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['setup_acl']."'</p>\n";
			$allowed_ips = explode(',',@$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['setup_acl']);
			if(empty($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['setup_acl']) || !is_array($allowed_ips))
				return True;	// no test
			$remotes = explode('.',$remoteip);
			foreach($allowed_ips as $value)
				if (!preg_match('/^[0-9.]+$/',$value))
					$value = gethostbyname($was=$value);		// resolve domain-name, eg. a dyndns account
					//echo "resolving '$was' to '$value'<br>\n";
				$values = explode('.',$value);
				for($i = 0; $i < count($values); ++$i)
					if ((int) $values[$i] != (int) $remotes[$i])
				if ($i == count($values))
					return True;	// match
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['HeaderLoginMSG'] = '';
			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['ConfigLoginMSG'] = lang('Invalid IP address');

			return False;

		 * Return X.X.X major version from X.X.X.X versionstring
		 * @param	$
		function get_major($versionstring)
				return False;

			$version = str_replace('pre','.',$versionstring);
			$varray  = explode('.',$version);
			$major   = implode('.',array($varray[0],$varray[1],$varray[2]));

			return $major;

		 * Clear system/user level cache so as to have it rebuilt with the next access
		 * @deprecated AFAIK this code is not used anymore -- RalfBecker 2005/11/04
		function clear_session_cache()

		 * Add an application to the phpgw_applications table
		 * @param	$appname	Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice
		 * @param	$enable		 * optional, set to True/False to override setup.inc.php setting
		function register_app($appname,$enable=99)
			$setup_info = $GLOBALS['setup_info'];

				return False;

				$enable = $setup_info[$appname]['enable'];
			$enable = (int)$enable;

				echo '<br>register_app(): ' . $appname . ', version: ' . $setup_info[$appname]['version'] . ', table: ' . $appstbl . '<br>';
				// _debug_array($setup_info[$appname]);

					$tables = implode(',',$setup_info[$appname]['tables']);
				if ($setup_info[$appname]['tables_use_prefix'] == True)
						echo "<br>$appname uses tables_use_prefix, storing ". $setup_info[$appname]['tables_prefix']." as prefix for tables\n";
							'config_app'	=> $appname,
							'config_name'	=> $appname.'_tables_prefix',
							'config_value'	=> $setup_info[$appname]['tables_prefix'],
						'app_name'		=> $appname,
						'app_enabled'	=> $enable,
						'app_order'		=> $setup_info[$appname]['app_order'],
						'app_tables'	=> $tables,
						'app_version'	=> $setup_info[$appname]['version'],


		 * Check if an application has info in the db
		 * @param	$appname	Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice
		 * @param	$enabled	optional, set to False to not enable this app
		function app_registered($appname)
			$setup_info = $GLOBALS['setup_info'];

				return False;

				echo '<br>app_registered(): checking ' . $appname . ', table: ' . $this->applications_table;
				// _debug_array($setup_info[$appname]);

			$this->db->select($this->applications_table,'COUNT(*)',array('app_name' => $appname),__LINE__,__FILE__);
			if($this->db->next_record() && $this->db->f(0))
					echo '... app previously registered.';
				return True;
				echo '... app not registered';
			return False;

		 * Update application info in the db
		 * @param	$appname	Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice
		 * @param	$enabled	optional, set to False to not enable this app
		function update_app($appname)
			$setup_info = $GLOBALS['setup_info'];

				return False;

				echo '<br>update_app(): ' . $appname . ', version: ' . $setup_info[$appname]['currentver'] . ', table: ' . $this->applications_table . '<br>';
				// _debug_array($setup_info[$appname]);

				return False;

				//echo '<br>' . $setup_info[$appname]['version'];
					$tables = implode(',',$setup_info[$appname]['tables']);
						'app_enabled'	=> $setup_info[$appname]['enable'],
						'app_order'		=> $setup_info[$appname]['app_order'],
						'app_tables'	=> $tables,
						'app_version'	=> $setup_info[$appname]['version'],

		 * Update application version in applications table, post upgrade
		 * @param	$setup_info		 * Array of application information (multiple apps or single)
		 * @param	$appname		 * Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice
		 * @param	$tableschanged	???
		function update_app_version($setup_info, $appname, $tableschanged = True)
				return False;

			if($tableschanged == True)
				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['setup']['tableschanged'] = True;
						'app_version'	=> $setup_info[$appname]['currentver'],
			return $setup_info;

		 * de-Register an application
		 * @param	$appname	Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice
		function deregister_app($appname)
				return False;
			$setup_info = $GLOBALS['setup_info'];

			//echo 'DELETING application: ' . $appname;

		 * Register an application's hooks
		 * @param	$appname	Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice
		function register_hooks($appname)
			$setup_info = $GLOBALS['setup_info'];

				return False;

			if(!$this->hooks_table)	// No hooks table yet
				return False;

			if (!is_object($this->hooks))
				$this->hooks =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.hooks',$this->db,$this->hooks_table);

		 * Update an application's hooks
		 * @param	$appname	Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice
		function update_hooks($appname)

		 * de-Register an application's hooks
		 * @param	$appname	Application 'name' with a matching $setup_info[$appname] array slice
		function deregister_hooks($appname)
			if(!$this->hooks_table)	// No hooks table yet
				return False;

				return False;
			//echo "DELETING hooks for: " . $setup_info[$appname]['name'];
			if (!is_object($this->hooks))
				$this->hooks =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.hooks',$this->db,$this->hooks_table);

		  * call the hooks for a single application
		  * @param $location hook location - required
		  * @param $appname application name - optional
		function hook($location, $appname='')
			if (!is_object($this->hooks))
				$this->hooks =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.hooks',$this->db,$this->hooks_table);
			return $this->hooks->single($location,$appname,True,True);

		 * egw version checking, is param 1 < param 2 in phpgw versionspeak?
		 * @param	$a	phpgw version number to check if less than $b
		 * @param	$b	phpgw version number to check $a against
		 * @return	True if $a < $b
		function alessthanb($a,$b,$DEBUG=False)
			$num = array('1st','2nd','3rd','4th');

				echo'<br>Input values: '
					. 'A="'.$a.'", B="'.$b.'"';
			$newa = str_replace('pre','.',$a);
			$newb = str_replace('pre','.',$b);
			$testa = explode('.',$newa);
			if(@$testa[1] == '')
				$testa[1] = 0;

			$testb = explode('.',$newb);
			if(@$testb[1] == '')
				$testb[1] = 0;
			if(@$testb[3] == '')
				$testb[3] = 0;
			$less = 0;

				if($DEBUG) { echo'<br>Checking if '. (int)$testa[$i] . ' is less than ' . (int)$testb[$i] . ' ...'; }
				if((int)$testa[$i] < (int)$testb[$i])
					if ($DEBUG) { echo ' yes.'; }
						/* Ensure that this is definitely smaller */
						if($DEBUG) { echo"  This is the $num[$i] octet, so A is definitely less than B."; }
						$less = 5;
				elseif((int)$testa[$i] > (int)$testb[$i])
					if($DEBUG) { echo ' no.'; }
						/* Ensure that this is definitely greater */
						if($DEBUG) { echo"  This is the $num[$i] octet, so A is definitely greater than B."; }
						$less = -5;
					if($DEBUG) { echo ' no, they are equal or of different length.'; }
					// makes sure eg. '1.0.0' is counted less the '1.0.0.xxx' !
					$less = count($testa) < count($testb) ? 1 : 0;
			if($DEBUG) { echo '<br>Check value is: "'.$less.'"'; }
				if($DEBUG) { echo '<br>A is less than B'; }
				return True;
				if($DEBUG) { echo '<br>A is greater than B'; }
				return False;
				if($DEBUG) { echo '<br>A is equal to B'; }
				return False;

		 * egw version checking, is param 1 > param 2 in phpgw versionspeak?
		 * @param	$a	phpgw version number to check if more than $b
		 * @param	$b	phpgw version number to check $a against
		 * @return	True if $a < $b
		function amorethanb($a,$b,$DEBUG=False)
			$num = array('1st','2nd','3rd','4th');

				echo'<br>Input values: '
					. 'A="'.$a.'", B="'.$b.'"';
			$newa = str_replace('pre','.',$a);
			$newb = str_replace('pre','.',$b);
			$testa = explode('.',$newa);
			if($testa[3] == '')
				$testa[3] = 0;
			$testb = explode('.',$newb);
			if($testb[3] == '')
				$testb[3] = 0;
			$less = 0;

				if($DEBUG) { echo'<br>Checking if '. (int)$testa[$i] . ' is more than ' . (int)$testb[$i] . ' ...'; }
				if((int)$testa[$i] > (int)$testb[$i])
					if($DEBUG) { echo ' yes.'; }
						/* Ensure that this is definitely greater */
						if($DEBUG) { echo"  This is the $num[$i] octet, so A is definitely greater than B."; }
						$less = 5;
				elseif((int)$testa[$i] < (int)$testb[$i])
					if($DEBUG) { echo ' no.'; }
						/* Ensure that this is definitely smaller */
						if($DEBUG) { echo"  This is the $num[$i] octet, so A is definitely less than B."; }
						$less = -5;
					if($DEBUG) { echo ' no, they are equal.'; }
					$less = 0;
			if($DEBUG) { echo '<br>Check value is: "'.$less.'"'; }
				if($DEBUG) { echo '<br>A is greater than B'; }
				return True;
				if($DEBUG) { echo '<br>A is less than B'; }
				return False;
				if($DEBUG) { echo '<br>A is equal to B'; }
				return False;

		function setup_account_object()
			if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts))
				if (!is_object($this->db))
				/* Load up some configured values */
				$this->db->query("SELECT config_name,config_value FROM $this->config_table "
					. "WHERE config_name LIKE 'ldap%' OR config_name LIKE 'account_%' OR config_name LIKE '%encryption%'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
					$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'][$this->db->f('config_name')] = $this->db->f('config_value');
				//if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw']))
					$GLOBALS['egw'] =& new egw_dummy();
					$GLOBALS['phpgw'] =& $GLOBALS['egw'];
				$GLOBALS['egw']->db          = clone($this->db);
				$GLOBALS['egw']->common      =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.common');
				$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts    =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts');

				if(($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['account_repository'] == 'ldap') &&
					printf("<b>Error: Error connecting to LDAP server %s!</b><br>",$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['ldap_host']);

		 * add an user account or a user group
		 * if the $username already exists, only the id is returned, no new user / group gets created
		 * @param username string alphanumerical username or groupname (account_lid)
		 * @param first, last string first / last name
		 * @param $passwd string cleartext pw
		 * @param $group string/boolean Groupname for users primary group or False for a group, default 'Default'
		 * @param $changepw boolean user has right to change pw, default False
		 * @return the numerical user-id
		function add_account($username,$first,$last,$passwd,$group='default',$changepw=False)

			$groupid = $group ? $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($group) : False;

			if(!($accountid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($username)))
				$accountid = $accountid ? $accountid : $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->create(array(
					'account_type'      => $group ? 'u' : 'g',
					'account_lid'       => $username,
					'account_passwd'    => $passwd,
					'account_firstname' => $first,
					'account_lastname'  => $last,
					'account_status'    => 'A',
					'account_primary_group' => $groupid,
					'account_expires'   => -1
			$accountid = (int)$accountid;

			return $accountid;
		 * Check if accounts other then the automatically installed anonymous account exist
		 * We check via the account object, to deal with different account-storages
		 * @return boolean
		function accounts_exist()

			$accounts = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->search(array(
				'type'   => 'accounts',
				'start'  => 0,
				'offset' => 2,	// we only need to check 2 accounts, if we just check for not anonymous
			if (!$accounts || !is_array($accounts) || !count($accounts))
				return false;
			foreach($accounts as $account)
				if ($account['account_lid'] != 'anonymous')
					// we might add further checks, eg. if the account really has admin rights here
					return true;
			return false;

		 * Add ACL rights
		 * @param $app string/array with app-names
		 * @param $locations string eg. run
		 * @param $account int/string accountid or account_lid
		 * @param $rights int rights to set, default 1
		function add_acl($apps,$location,$account,$rights=1)
			if (!is_int($account))
				$account = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($account);

				$apps = array($apps);
			foreach($apps as $app)
					'acl_appname'  => $app,
					'acl_location' => $location,
					'acl_account'  => $account,

				if ((int) $rights)
						'acl_rights' => $rights
						'acl_appname'  => $app,
						'acl_location' => $location,
						'acl_account'  => $account,
		 * checks if one of the given tables exist, returns the first match
		 * @param array $tables array with possible table-names
		 * @return string/boolean tablename or false
		function table_exist($tables,$force_refresh=False)
			static $table_names = False;
			if (!$table_names || $force_refresh) $table_names = $this->db->table_names();
			if (!$table_names) return false;
			foreach($table_names as $data)	
				if (($key = array_search($data['table_name'],$tables)) !== false)
					return $tables[$key];
			return false;
		 * Checks and set the names of the tables, which get accessed before an update: eg. config- and applications-table
		 * Other tables can always use the most up to date name
		function set_table_names($force_refresh=False)
				'config_table'       => array('egw_config','phpgw_config','config'),
				'applications_table' => array('egw_applications','phpgw_applications','applications'),
				'accounts_table'     => array('egw_accounts','phpgw_accounts'),
				'acl_table'          => array('egw_acl','phpgw_acl'),
				'lang_table'         => array('egw_lang','phpgw_lang','lang'),
				'languages_table'    => array('egw_languages','phpgw_languages','languages'),
			) as $name => $tables)
				$table = $this->table_exist($tables,$force_refresh);

				if ($table && $table != $this->$name)	// only overwrite the default name, if we realy got one (important for new installs)
					$this->$name = $table;
				//echo "<p>setup::set_table_names: $name = '{$this->$name}'</p>\n";