/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 widget browser * View & play with et2 widgets - javascript * * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray * @author Hadi Nategh * @copyright 2013 Nathan Gray * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage tools * @version $Id$ */ /** * widget_browser shows a list of widgets, and allows you to view them one at a time. * You can view and edit defined properties to see the effect. */ function widget_browser(list_div, widget_div) { // Initialize etemplate2 this.et2 = new etemplate2(widget_div, "etemplate::ajax_process_content"); // Normally this would be passed from app var _data = {}; // Create the basic widget container and attach it to the DOM // Not really needed, but let's be consitent with et2 this.et2.widgetContainer = new et2_container(null); this.et2.widgetContainer.setApiInstance(egw('etemplate', egw.elemWindow(this.et2.DOMContainer))); this.et2.widgetContainer.setInstanceManager(this.et2); this.et2.widgetContainer.setParentDOMNode(this.et2.DOMContainer); this.et2.widgetContainer.setArrayMgrs(this.et2._createArrayManagers(_data)); // Set up UI this.list_div = $j(list_div); this.widget_div = $j(widget_div); this.attribute_list = null; // Create and popuplate the widget list this._init_list(); // Build DTD this._init_dtd(); } /** * Read the widget registry and create a list. * The user can pick a widget, and we'll instanciate it. */ widget_browser.prototype._init_list = function() { var self = this; // Create list var list = $j(document.createElement('ul')) .attr('id', 'widgets') .click(function(e) {self.select_widget(e);}) .appendTo(this.list_div); // Sort the registry var types = []; for(var type in et2_registry) { types.push(type); } types.sort(); for(var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { list.append('
  • '+types[i]+'
  • '); this.dump_attributes(types[i]); } // Build attribute table attribute_table = $j(document.createElement('table')); attribute_table.append(''+egw().lang('Name')+""+egw().lang("Data type") + ""+egw().lang("Value") + ""); this.attribute_list = $j(document.createElement('tbody')) .appendTo(attribute_table); this.list_div.append( $j(document.createElement('div')) .attr('id', 'widget_attributes') .append(attribute_table) ); }; widget_browser.prototype.dump_attributes = function(_type) { console.log(_type); try { var attrs = {}; window.wb_widget = this.widget = et2_createWidget(_type, attrs, this.et2.widgetContainer); this.widget.loadingFinished(); if(this.widget !== null && this.widget.attributes) { for(var attr in this.widget.attributes) { console.log(attr, this.widget.attributes[attr]); } } } catch(e) { console.log('*** '+_type+' error '+(typeof e.message != 'undefined' ? e.message : e)); } try { if (this.widget) { this.widget.destroy(); delete this.widget; } } catch(e) { } }; /** * User selected a widget from the list * * Create an instance of the widget, get its attributes, and display it. */ widget_browser.prototype.select_widget = function(e,f) { // UI prettyness - clear selected $j(e.target).parent().children().removeClass("ui-state-active"); // Clear previous widget if(this.widget) { this.et2.widgetContainer.removeChild(this.widget); this.widget.free(); this.widget = null; } // Get the type of widget var type = $j(e.target).text(); if(!type || e.target.nodeName != 'LI') { return; } // UI prettyness - show item as selected $j(e.target).addClass('ui-state-active'); // Widget attributes var attrs = {}; window.wb_widget = this.widget = et2_createWidget(type, attrs, this.et2.widgetContainer); this.widget.loadingFinished(); // Attribute list this.attribute_list.empty(); if(this.widget !== null && this.widget.attributes) { for(var attr in this.widget.attributes) { if(this.widget.attributes[attr].ignore) continue; this.create_attribute(attr, this.widget.attributes[attr]) .appendTo(this.attribute_list); } } }; /** * Create the UI (DOM) elements for a single widget attribute * * @param name Name of the attribute * @param settings attribute attributes (Human name, description, etc) */ widget_browser.prototype.create_attribute = function(name, settings) { var set_function_name = "set_"+name; var row = $j(document.createElement("tr")) .addClass(typeof this.widget[set_function_name] == 'function' ? 'ui-state-default':'ui-state-disabled') // Human Name .append($j(document.createElement('td')) .text(settings.name) ) // Data type .append($j(document.createElement('td')) .text(settings.type) ); // Add attribute name & description as a tooltip if(settings.description) { egw().tooltipBind(row,settings.description); } // Value var value = $j(document.createElement('td')).appendTo(row); if(row.hasClass('ui-state-disabled')) { // No setter - just use text value.text(this.widget.options[name]); return row; } // Setter function - maybe editable? var self = this; var input = null; switch(settings.type) { case 'string': input = $j('') .change(function(e) { self.widget[set_function_name].apply(self.widget, [$j(e.target).val()]); }); input.val(this.widget.options[name]); break; case 'boolean': input = $j('') .attr("checked", this.widget.options[name]) .change(function(e) { self.widget[set_function_name].apply(self.widget, [e.target.checked]); }); break; default: value.text(this.widget.options[name]); return row; } input.appendTo(value); return row; }; /** * Initialise the DTD generator */ widget_browser.prototype._init_dtd = function () { //Contains all widgets this.widgets = []; //Contains not readonly widgets this.dtd_widgets = []; //Contians readonly widgets this.dtd_widgets_ro = []; // Contains the whole DTD string this.dtd = ""; var self = this; // Create DTD Generator button and bind click handler on it var dtd_btn = $j(document.createElement('button')) .attr({id:'dtd_btn', title:'Generates Document Type Definition (DTD) for all widgets'}) .click(function(){ self._dtd_builder(); }) .addClass('dtd_btn') .appendTo('body'); dtd_btn.text('DTD Generator'); } /** * Iterates over all et2_widget to build DTD tags * and display them as string * */ widget_browser.prototype._dtd_builder = function() { var dtdContentW = ""; var i = 0; for (var widget_type in et2_registry) { var attrs = {}; // creating a dialog popups an empty dialog, // which we don't want therefore // we eliminate dialog tag from dtd ATM. if (widget_type.match(/dialog/,'i')) continue; if (!widget_type.match(/nextmatch/,'i')) { this.widgets[i] = et2_createWidget(widget_type ,attrs, this.et2.widgetContainer) if (widget_type.match(/_ro/,'i')) { this.dtd_widgets_ro.push( widget_type.replace('_ro','')); } else { this.dtd_widgets.push(widget_type); dtdContentW += this._dtd_widgets(widget_type, this.widgets[i]) } i++; } } // DTD Final Content this.dtd = this._dtd_header() + dtdContentW; //Display DTD resault and UI to copy/download them et2_createWidget("dialog", { callback: function() {}, title: egw.lang('DTD Result'), buttons:et2_dialog.BUTTONS_OK, value: { content: { value: this.dtd, message: egw.lang('DTD Content') } }, template: egw.webserverUrl+'/etemplate/templates/default/dtd.xet', modal:true, resizable:false }); } /** * Builds some specific header DTD tags (e.g. ENTITY) * * @returns {String} returns dtd header tags as string */ widget_browser.prototype._dtd_header = function () { var dtd = ''; dtd = '\r\n'; dtd += '\r\n'; return dtd; } /** * Builds DTD ELEMENTS and teir ATTRLIST for given widget * * @param {string} _type widget type * @param {object} _widget widget object * @returns {String} returns generated dtd tags in string */ widget_browser.prototype._dtd_widgets = function (_type, _widget) { var dtd = ''; switch (_type) { // Special handling for menulist widget as it has a complicated structure case 'menulist': dtd = '\r\n'; break; // Special handling for grid widget as it has a complicated structure case 'grid': dtd += '\r\n'; dtd += '\r\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \r\n'; break; // Special handling for tabbox widget as it has a complicated structure case 'tabbox': dtd += '\r\n'; dtd += '\r\n'; dtd += '\r\n'; break; // Widget which can be a parent case 'vbox': case 'hbox': case 'box': case 'groupbox': case 'template': dtd = '\r\n'; break; // Other widgets which only can be used as child default: dtd = '\r\n'; } dtd +='\r\n'; return dtd; } egw_LAB.wait(function() { var wb = new widget_browser( document.getElementById("widget_list"), document.getElementById("widget_container") ); });