/** * EGroupware - Calendar - Javascript UI * * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @package calendar * @author Hadi Nategh * @author Nathan Gray * @copyright (c) 2008-13 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ /*egw:uses /etemplate/js/etemplate2.js; /calendar/js/et2_widget_timegrid.js; /calendar/js/et2_widget_planner.js; */ /** * UI for calendar * * Calendar has multiple different views of the same data. All the templates * for the different view are loaded at the start, then the view objects * in app.classes.calendar.views are used to manage the different views. * update_state() is used to change the state between the different views, as * well as adjust only a single part of the state while keeping the rest unchanged. * * The event widgets (and the nextmatch) get the data from egw.data, and they * register update callbacks to automatically update when the data changes. This * means that when we update something on the server, to update the UI we just need * to send back the new data and if the event widget still exists it will update * itself. See calendar_uiforms->ajax_status(). * * To reduce server calls, we also keep a map of day => event IDs. This allows * us to quickly change views (week to day, for example) without requesting additional * data from the server. We keep that map as long as only the date (and a few * others - see update_state()) changes. If user or any of the other filters are * changed, we discard the daywise cache and ask the server for the filtered events. * * @augments AppJS */ app.classes.calendar = AppJS.extend( { /** * application name */ appname: 'calendar', /** * etemplate for the sidebox filters */ sidebox_et2: null, /** * Current internal state * * If you need to change state, you can pass just the fields to change to * update_state(). */ state: { date: new Date(), view: egw.preference('defaultcalendar','calendar') || 'day', owner: egw.user('account_id') }, states_to_save: ['owner','filter','cat_id','view','sortby','planner_days','weekend'], // If you are in one of these views and select a date in the sidebox, the view // will change as needed to show the date. Other views will only change the // date in the current view. sidebox_changes_views: ['day','week','month'], /** * Constructor * * @memberOf app.calendar */ init: function() { // make calendar object available, even if not running in top window, as sidebox does if (window.top !== window && !egw(window).is_popup() && window.top.app.calendar) { window.app.calendar = window.top.app.calendar; return; } // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); // Scroll jQuery(jQuery.proxy(this._scroll,this)); jQuery.extend(this.state, this.egw.preference('saved_states','calendar')); }, /** * Destructor */ destroy: function() { // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); // remove top window reference if (window.top !== window && window.top.app.calendar === this) { delete window.top.app.calendar; } jQuery('body').off('.calendar'); if(this.sidebox_et2) { var date = this.sidebox_et2.getWidgetById('date'); $j(window).off('resize.calendar'+date.dom_id); } egw_unregisterGlobalShortcut(jQuery.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP, false, false, false); egw_unregisterGlobalShortcut(jQuery.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN, false, false, false); }, /** * This function is called when the etemplate2 object is loaded * and ready. If you must store a reference to the et2 object, * make sure to clean it up in destroy(). * * @param {etemplate2} _et2 newly ready et2 object * @param {string} _name name of template */ et2_ready: function(_et2, _name) { // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); // Avoid many problems with home if(_et2.app !== 'calendar') return; // Re-init sidebox, since it was probably initialized too soon var sidebox = jQuery('#favorite_sidebox_'+this.appname); if(sidebox.length == 0 && egw_getFramework() != null) { var egw_fw = egw_getFramework(); sidebox= $j('#favorite_sidebox_'+this.appname,egw_fw.sidemenuDiv); } var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content'); switch (_name) { case 'calendar.sidebox': this.sidebox_et2 = _et2.widgetContainer; $j(_et2.DOMContainer).hide(); this._setup_sidebox_filters(); break; case 'calendar.edit': if (typeof content.data['conflicts'] == 'undefined') { //Check if it's fallback from conflict window or it's from edit window if (content.data['button_was'] != 'freetime') { this.set_enddate_visibility(); this.check_recur_type(); this.et2.getWidgetById('recur_exception').set_disabled(!content.data.recur_exception || typeof content.data.recur_exception[0] == 'undefined'); } else { this.freetime_search(); } //send Syncronus ajax request to the server to unlock the on close entry //set onbeforeunload with json request to send request when the window gets close by X button if (content.data.lock_token) { window.onbeforeunload = function () { this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_unlock', [content.data.id, content.data.lock_token],null,true,null,null).sendRequest(true); }; } } this.alarm_custom_date(); break; case 'calendar.freetimesearch': this.set_enddate_visibility(); break; case 'calendar.list': // Wait until _et2_view_init is done window.setTimeout(jQuery.proxy(function() { this.filter_change(); },this),0); break; } // Record the templates for the views so we can switch between them this._et2_view_init(_et2,_name); }, /** * Observer method receives update notifications from all applications * * App is responsible for only reacting to "messages" it is interested in! * * Calendar binds listeners to the data cache, so if the data is updated, the widget * will automatically update itself. * * @param {string} _msg message (already translated) to show, eg. 'Entry deleted' * @param {string} _app application name * @param {(string|number)} _id id of entry to refresh or null * @param {string} _type either 'update', 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or null * - update: request just modified data from given rows. Sorting is not considered, * so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved. * - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected. Requires full reload. * - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary) * - add: requires full reload for proper sorting * @param {string} _msg_type 'error', 'warning' or 'success' (default) * @param {object|null} _links app => array of ids of linked entries * or null, if not triggered on server-side, which adds that info * @return {false|*} false to stop regular refresh, thought all observers are run */ observer: function(_msg, _app, _id, _type, _msg_type, _links) { var do_refresh = false; switch(_app) { case 'infolog': jQuery('.calendar_calDayTodos') .find('a') .each(function(i,a){ var match = a.href.split(/&info_id=/); if (match && typeof match[1] !="undefined") { if (match[1]== _id) do_refresh = true; } }); if (jQuery('div [data-app="infolog"][data-id="'+_id+'"]').length > 0) do_refresh = true; switch (_type) { case 'add': do_refresh = true; break; } if (do_refresh) { // Discard cache, reload return this.observer('','calendar',_id ? 'infolog'+_id : false, _type); } break; case 'calendar': // Categories if(this.state.view == '') { var iframe = this.sidebox_et2.getWidgetById('iframe'); if(!iframe) return; iframe.set_src(iframe.node.src); return false; } // Regular refresh var event = false; if(_id) { event = egw.dataGetUIDdata('calendar::'+_id); } if(_type != 'edit' && event && event.data && event.data.date && // Cannot handle adding recurring events easily !(_type == 'add' && event.data.recur_type) ) { var multiple_owner = typeof this.state.owner != 'string' && this.state.owner.length > 1 && this.state.owner.length < parseInt(this.egw.config('calview_no_consolidate','phpgwapi') || 5); for(var i = 0; i < this.state.owner.length; i++) { var owner = multiple_owner ? this.state.owner[i] : this.state.owner var new_cache_id = app.classes.calendar._daywise_cache_id(event.data.date, owner) var daywise = egw.dataGetUIDdata(new_cache_id); daywise = daywise && daywise.data != null ? daywise.data : []; if(daywise.indexOf(_id) >= 0 && (_type === 'delete' || // Make sure we only update the calendars of those actually in the event multiple_owner && typeof event.data.participants[owner] == 'undefined')) { daywise.splice(daywise.indexOf(_id),1); } else if (daywise.indexOf(_id) < 0 && ( !multiple_owner || typeof event.data.participants[owner] !== 'undefined')) { daywise.push(_id); } if(_type === 'delete') { egw.dataStoreUID('calendar::'+_id, null); } egw.dataStoreUID(new_cache_id,daywise); if(!multiple_owner) break; } return false; } else { // Full refresh, clear the caches var events = egw.dataKnownUIDs(_app); for(var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { egw.dataDeleteUID(_app + '::' + events[i]); } var daywise = egw.dataKnownUIDs(app.classes.calendar.DAYWISE_CACHE_ID); for(var i = 0; i < daywise.length; i++) { // Empty to clear existing widgets egw.dataStoreUID(app.classes.calendar.DAYWISE_CACHE_ID + '::' + daywise[i], null); } // Force redraw to current state this.setState({state: this.state}); } break; } }, /** * Link hander for jDots template to just reload our iframe, instead of reloading whole admin app * * @param {String} _url * @return {boolean|string} true, if linkHandler took care of link, false for default processing or url to navigate to */ linkHandler: function(_url) { if (_url == 'about:blank') { return false; } if (_url.match('menuaction=calendar\.calendar_uiviews\.')) { var view = _url.match(/calendar_uiviews\.([^&?]+)/); view = view && view.length > 1 ? view[1] : null; // Get query var q = {}; _url.split('?')[1].split('&').forEach(function(i){ q[i.split('=')[0]]=unescape(i.split('=')[1]); }); delete q.ajax; delete q.menuaction; if(!view && q.view || q.view != view && view == 'index') view = q.view; if (this.sidebox_et2 && typeof app.classes.calendar.views[view] == 'undefined' && view != 'index') { if(q.owner) { q.owner = q.owner.split(','); q.owner = q.owner.reduce(function(p,c) {if(p.indexOf(c)<0) p.push(c);return p;},[]); q.owner = q.owner.join(','); } q.menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index'; this.sidebox_et2.getWidgetById('iframe').set_src(egw.link('/index.php',q)); $j(this.sidebox_et2.parentNode).show(); return true; } // Known AJAX view else if(app.classes.calendar.views[view]) { // Reload of known view? if(view == 'index') { var pref = this.egw.preference('saved_states','calendar'); view = pref.view || 'day'; } // View etemplate not loaded if(typeof app.classes.calendar.views[view].etemplates[0] == 'string') { return _url + '&ajax=true'; } // Already loaded, we'll just apply any variables to our current state var set = jQuery.extend({view: view},q); this.update_state(set); return true; } } else if (this.sidebox_et2) { var iframe = this.sidebox_et2.getWidgetById('iframe'); if(!iframe) return false; iframe.set_src(_url); $j(this.sidebox_et2.parentNode).show(); // Hide other views for(var _view in app.classes.calendar.views) { for(var i = 0; i < app.classes.calendar.views[_view].etemplates.length; i++) { $j(app.classes.calendar.views[_view].etemplates[i].DOMContainer).hide(); } } this.state.view = ''; return true; } // can not load our own index page, has to be done by framework return false; }, /** * Setup and handle sortable calendars. * * You can only sort calendars if there is more than one owner, and the calendars * are not combined (many owners, multi-week or month views) * @returns {undefined} */ _sortable: function() { // Calender current state var state = this.getState(); var sortable = jQuery('#calendar-view_view tbody'); if(!sortable.sortable('instance')) { jQuery('#calendar-view_view tbody').sortable({ cancel: "#divAppboxHeader, .calendar_calWeekNavHeader, .calendar_plannerHeader", handle: '.calendar_calGridHeader', //placeholder: "srotable_cal_wk_ph", axis:"y", revert: true, helper:"clone", create: function () { var $sortItem = jQuery(this); }, start: function (event, ui) { $j('.calendar_calTimeGrid',ui.helper).css('position', 'absolute'); // Put owners into row IDs app.classes.calendar.views[app.calendar.state.view].etemplates[0].widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(widget) { widget.div.parents('tr').attr('data-owner',widget.options.owner); },this,et2_calendar_timegrid); }, stop: function () { }, update: function () { var state = app.calendar.getState(); if (state && typeof state.owner !== 'undefined') { var sortedArr = sortable.sortable('toArray', {attribute:"data-owner"}); // Directly update, since there is no other changes needed, // and we don't want the current sort order applied app.calendar.state.owner = sortedArr; } } }); } // Enable or disable if((state.view == 'day' || state.view == 'week') && state.owner.length > 1 && state.owner.length < egw.config('calview_no_consolidate','phpgwapi')) { sortable.sortable('enable') .sortable("refresh") .disableSelection(); var options = {}; switch (state.view) { case "day": options = { placeholder:"srotable_cal_day_ph", axis:"x" }; sortable.sortable('option', options); break; case "week": options = { placeholder:"srotable_cal_wk_ph", axis:"y" }; sortable.sortable('option', options); break; } } else { sortable.sortable('disable'); } }, /** * Bind scroll event * When the user scrolls, we'll move enddate - startdate days */ _scroll: function() { /** * Function we can pass all this off to * * @param {String} direction up, down, left or right * @param {number} delta Integer for how many we're moving, should be +/- 1 */ var scroll_animate = function(direction, delta) { // Scrolling too fast? if(app.calendar._scroll_disabled) return; // Find the template var id = $j(this).closest('.et2_container').attr('id'); if(id) { var template = etemplate2.getById(id); } else { template = app.classes.calendar.views[app.calendar.state.view].etemplates[0]; } if(!template) return; // Prevent scrolling too fast app.calendar._scroll_disabled = true; // Animate the transition, if possible var widget = null template.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(w) { if (w.getDOMNode() == this) widget = w; },this,et2_widget); if(widget == null) { template.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(w) { widget = w; },this, et2_calendar_timegrid); if(widget == null) return; } // We clone the nodes so we can animate the transition var original = $j(widget.getDOMNode()).closest('.et2_grid'); var cloned = original.clone(true).attr("id","CLONE"); // Moving this stuff around scrolls things around too // We need this later var scrollTop = $j('.calendar_calTimeGridScroll',original).scrollTop(); // This is to hide the scrollbar var wrapper = original.parent(); if(direction == "right" || direction == "left") { original.css({"display":"inline-block","width":original.width()+"px"}); cloned.css({"display":"inline-block","width":original.width()+"px"}); } else { original.css("height",original.height() + "px"); cloned.css("height",original.height() + "px"); } var original_size = {height: wrapper.parent().css('height'), width: wrapper.parent().css('width')}; wrapper.parent().css({overflow:'hidden', height:original.outerHeight()+"px", width:original.outerWidth() + "px"}); wrapper.height(direction == "up" || direction == "down" ? 2 * original.outerHeight() : original.outerHeight()); wrapper.width(direction == "left" || direction == "right" ? 2 * original.outerWidth() : original.outerWidth()); // Re-scroll to previous to avoid "jumping" $j('.calendar_calTimeGridScroll',original).scrollTop(scrollTop); switch(direction) { case "up": case "left": // Scrolling up // Apply the reverse quickly, then let it animate as the changes are // removed, leaving things where they should be. original.parent().append(cloned); // Makes it jump to destination wrapper.css({ "transition-duration": "0s", "transition-delay": "0s", "transform": direction == "up" ? "translateY(-50%)" : "translateX(-50%)" }); // Stop browser from caching style by forcing reflow wrapper[0].offsetHeight; wrapper.css({ "transition-duration": "", "transition-delay": "" }); break; case "down": case "right": // Scrolling down original.parent().prepend(cloned); break; } // Scroll clone to match to avoid "jumping" $j('.calendar_calTimeGridScroll',cloned).scrollTop(scrollTop); // Remove var remove = function() { // Starting animation wrapper.addClass("calendar_slide"); var translate = direction == "down" ? "translateY(-50%)" : (direction == "right" ? "translateX(-50%)" : ""); wrapper.css({"transform": translate}); window.setTimeout(function() { cloned.remove(); // Makes it jump to destination wrapper.css({ "transition-duration": "0s", "transition-delay": "0s" }); // Clean up from animation wrapper .removeClass("calendar_slide") .css({"transform": '',height: '', width:'',overflow:''}); wrapper.parent().css({overflow: '', width: original_size.width, height: original_size.height}); original.css("display",""); wrapper[0].offsetHeight; wrapper.css({ "transition-duration": "", "transition-delay": "" }); // Re-scroll to start of day template.widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(w) { w._resizeTimes(); },this, et2_calendar_timegrid); window.setTimeout(function() { if(app.calendar) { app.calendar._scroll_disabled = false; } }, 100); },2000); } // If detecting the transition end worked, we wouldn't need to use a timeout. window.setTimeout(remove,100); // Get the view to calculate - this actually loads the new data // Using a timeout make it a little faster (in Chrome) window.setTimeout(function() { var view = app.classes.calendar.views[app.calendar.state.view] || false; var start = new Date(app.calendar.state.date); if (view && view.etemplates.indexOf(template) !== -1) { start = view.scroll(delta); app.calendar.update_state({date:app.calendar.date.toString(start)}); } else { // Home - always 1 week // TODO return false; } },0); }; // Bind only once, to the whole thing jQuery('body').off('.calendar') //.on('wheel','.et2_container:#calendar-list,#calendar-sidebox)', .on('wheel.calendar','.et2_container .calendar_calTimeGrid, .et2_container .calendar_plannerWidget', function(e) { // Consume scroll if in the middle of something if(app.calendar._scroll_disabled) return false; // Ignore if they're going the other way var direction = e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0 ? 1 : -1; var at_bottom = direction !== -1; var at_top = direction !== 1; $j(this).children(":not(.calendar_calGridHeader)").each(function() { // Check for less than 2px from edge, as sometimes we can't scroll anymore, but still have // 2px left to go at_bottom = at_bottom && Math.abs(this.scrollTop - (this.scrollHeight - this.offsetHeight)) <= 2; }).each(function() { at_top = at_top && this.scrollTop === 0; }); if(!at_bottom && !at_top) return; e.preventDefault(); scroll_animate.call(this, direction > 0 ? "down" : "up", direction); return false; } ); jQuery(framework.applications.calendar.tab.contentDiv).swipe('destroy') .swipe({ //Generic swipe handler for all directions swipe:function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount) { if(direction == "up" || direction == "down") { var at_bottom = direction !== -1; var at_top = direction !== 1; $j(this).children(":not(.calendar_calGridHeader)").each(function() { // Check for less than 2px from edge, as sometimes we can't scroll anymore, but still have // 2px left to go at_bottom = at_bottom && Math.abs(this.scrollTop - (this.scrollHeight - this.offsetHeight)) <= 2; }).each(function() { at_top = at_top && this.scrollTop === 0; }); if(!at_bottom && !at_top && fingerCount == 1) return; } var delta = direction == "down" || direction == "right" ? -1 : 1; // But we animate in the opposite direction to the swipe var opposite = {"down": "up", "up": "down", "left": "right", "right": "left"}; direction = opposite[direction]; scroll_animate.call($j(event.target).closest('.calendar_calTimeGrid, .calendar_plannerWidget')[0], direction, delta) return false; }, allowPageScroll: jQuery.fn.swipe.pageScroll.VERTICAL, threshold: 100, fallbackToMouseEvents: false, triggerOnTouchEnd: false }); // Page up & page down egw_registerGlobalShortcut(jQuery.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP, false, false, false, function() { if(app.calendar.state.view == 'listview') { return false } scroll_animate.call(this,"up", -1); return true; }); egw_registerGlobalShortcut(jQuery.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN, false, false, false, function() { if(app.calendar.state.view == 'listview') { return false } scroll_animate.call(this,"down", 1); return true; }); }, /** * Function to help calendar resizable event, to fetch the right droppable cell * * @param {int} _X position left of draggable element * @param {int} _Y position top of draggable element * * @return {jquery object|boolean} return selected jquery if not return false */ resizeHelper: function(_X,_Y) { var $drops = jQuery("div[id^='drop_']"); var top = Math.round(_Y); var left = Math.round(_X); for (var i=0;i < $drops.length;i++) { if (top >= Math.round($drops[i].getBoundingClientRect().top) && top <= Math.round($drops[i].getBoundingClientRect().bottom) && left >= Math.round($drops[i].getBoundingClientRect().left) && left <= Math.round($drops[i].getBoundingClientRect().right)) return $drops[i]; } return false; }, /** * Convert AM/PM dateTime format to 24h * * @param {string} _date dnd date format: dateTtime{am|pm}, eg. 121214T1205 am * * @return {string} 24h format date */ cal_dnd_tZone_converter : function (_date) { var date = _date; if (_date !='undefined') { var tZone = _date.split('T')[1]; if (tZone.search('am') > 0) { tZone = tZone.replace(' am',''); var tAm = tZone.substr(0,2); if (tAm == '12') { tZone = tZone.replace('12','00'); } date = _date.split('T')[0] + 'T' + tZone; } if (tZone.search('pm') > 0) { var pmTime = tZone.replace(' pm',''); var H = parseInt(pmTime.substring(0,2)) + 12; pmTime = H.toString() + pmTime.substr(2,2); date = _date.split('T')[0] + 'T' + pmTime; } } return date; }, /** * Handler for changes generated by internal user interactions, like * drag & drop inside calendar and resize. * * @param {Event} event * @param {et2_calendar_event} widget Widget for the event * @param {string} dialog_button - 'single', 'series', or 'exception', based on the user's answer * in the popup * @returns {undefined} */ event_change: function(event, widget, dialog_button) { // Add loading spinner - not visible if the body / gradient is there though widget.div.addClass('loading'); // Integrated infolog event //Get infologID if in case if it's an integrated infolog event var infolog_id = widget.options.value.id.split('infolog')[1]; if (infolog_id) { // If it is an integrated infolog event we need to edit infolog entry egw().json( 'stylite_infolog_calendar_integration::ajax_moveInfologEvent', [infolog_id, widget.options.value.start, widget.options.value.duration], // Remove loading spinner function() {if(widget.div) widget.div.removeClass('loading');} ).sendRequest(); } else { egw().json( 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_moveEvent', [widget.options.value.id, widget.options.value.owner, widget.options.value.start, widget.options.value.owner, widget.options.value.duration], // Remove loading spinner function() {if(widget && widget.div) widget.div.removeClass('loading');} ).sendRequest(true); } }, /** * This function tries to recognise the type of dropped event, and sends relative request to server accordingly * -ATM we have three different requests: * -1. Event part of series * -2. Single Event (Normall Cal Event) * -3. Integrated Infolog Event * * @param {string} _id dragged event id * @param {array} _date array of date,hour, and minute of dropped cell * @param {string} _duration description * @param {string} _eventFlag Flag to distinguish whether the event is Whole Day, Series, or Single * - S represents Series * - WD represents Whole Day * - WDS represents Whole Day Series (recurrent whole day event) * - '' represents Single */ dropEvent : function(_id, _date, _duration, _eventFlag) { var eventId = _id.substring(_id.lastIndexOf("drag_")+5,_id.lastIndexOf("_O")); var calOwner = _id.substring(_id.lastIndexOf("_O")+2,_id.lastIndexOf("_C")); var eventOwner = _id.substring(_id.lastIndexOf("_C")+2,_id.lastIndexOf("")); var date = this.cal_dnd_tZone_converter(_date); if (_eventFlag == 'S') { et2_dialog.show_dialog(function(_button_id) { if (_button_id == et2_dialog.OK_BUTTON) { egw().json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_moveEvent', [eventId, calOwner, date, eventOwner, _duration]).sendRequest(); } },this.egw.lang("Do you really want to change the start of this series? If you do, the original series will be terminated as of today and a new series for the future reflecting your changes will be created."), this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, et2_dialog.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL , et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE); } else { //Get infologID if in case if it's an integrated infolog event var infolog_id = eventId.split('infolog')[1]; if (infolog_id) { // If it is an integrated infolog event we need to edit infolog entry egw().json('stylite_infolog_calendar_integration::ajax_moveInfologEvent', [infolog_id, date,_duration]).sendRequest(); } else { //Edit calendar event egw().json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_moveEvent',[eventId, calOwner, date, eventOwner, _duration]).sendRequest(); } } }, /** * open the freetime search popup * * @param {string} _link */ freetime_search_popup: function(_link) { this.egw.open_link(_link,'ft_search','700x500') ; }, /** * send an ajax request to server to set the freetimesearch window content * */ freetime_search: function() { var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; content['start'] = this.et2.getWidgetById('start').get_value(); content['end'] = this.et2.getWidgetById('end').get_value(); content['duration'] = this.et2.getWidgetById('duration').get_value(); var request = this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_freetimesearch', [content],null,null,null,null); request.sendRequest(); }, /** * Function for disabling the recur_data multiselect box * */ check_recur_type: function() { var recurType = this.et2.getWidgetById('recur_type'); var recurData = this.et2.getWidgetById('recur_data'); if(recurType && recurData) { recurData.set_disabled(recurType.get_value() != 2); } }, /** * Show/Hide end date, for both edit and freetimesearch popups, * based on if "use end date" selected or not. * */ set_enddate_visibility: function() { var duration = this.et2.getWidgetById('duration'); var start = this.et2.getWidgetById('start'); var end = this.et2.getWidgetById('end'); var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; if (typeof duration != 'undefined' && typeof end != 'undefined') { end.set_disabled(duration.get_value()!==''); // Only set end date if not provided, adding seconds fails with DST if (!end.disabled && !content.end) { end.set_value(start.get_value()); if (typeof content.duration != 'undefined') end.set_value("+"+content.duration); } } }, /** * handles actions selectbox in calendar edit popup * * @param {mixed} _event * @param {et2_base_widget} widget "actions selectBox" in edit popup window */ actions_change: function(_event, widget) { var event = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; if (widget) { var id = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data['id']; switch (widget.get_value()) { case 'print': this.egw.open_link('calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit&cal_id='+id+'&print=1','_blank','700x700'); break; case 'mail': this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_custom_mail', [event, !event['id'], false],null,null,null,null).sendRequest(); this.et2._inst.submit(); break; case 'sendrequest': this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_custom_mail', [event, !event['id'], true],null,null,null,null).sendRequest(); this.et2._inst.submit(); break; case 'infolog': this.egw.open_link('infolog.infolog_ui.edit&action=calendar&action_id='+($j.isPlainObject(event)?event['id']:event),'_blank','700x600','infolog'); this.et2._inst.submit(); break; case 'ical': this.et2._inst.postSubmit(); break; default: this.et2._inst.submit(); } } }, /** * open mail compose popup window * * @param {Array} vars * @todo need to provide right mail compose from server to custom_mail function */ custom_mail: function (vars) { this.egw.open_link(this.egw.link("/index.php",vars),'_blank','700x700'); }, /** * control delete_series popup visibility * * @param {et2_widget} widget * @param {Array} exceptions an array contains number of exception entries * */ delete_btn: function(widget,exceptions) { var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; if (exceptions) { var buttons = [ { button_id: 'keep', title: this.egw.lang('All exceptions are converted into single events.'), text: this.egw.lang('Keep exceptions'), id: 'button[delete_keep_exceptions]', image: 'keep', "default":true }, { button_id: 'delete', title: this.egw.lang('The exceptions are deleted together with the series.'), text: this.egw.lang('Delete exceptions'), id: 'button[delete_exceptions]', image: 'delete' }, { button_id: 'cancel', text: this.egw.lang('Cancel'), id: 'dialog[cancel]', image: 'cancel' } ]; var self = this; et2_dialog.show_dialog ( function(_button_id) { if (_button_id != 'dialog[cancel]') { widget.getRoot().getWidgetById('delete_exceptions').set_value(_button_id == 'button[delete_exceptions]'); widget.getInstanceManager().submit('button[delete]'); return true; } else { return false; } }, this.egw.lang("Do you want to keep the series exceptions in your calendar?"), this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, buttons , et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE ); } else if (content['recur_type'] !== 0) { et2_dialog.confirm(widget,'Delete this series of recuring events','Delete Series'); } else { et2_dialog.confirm(widget,'Delete this event','Delete'); } }, /** * print_participants_status(egw,widget) * Handle to apply changes from status in print popup * * @param {mixed} _event * @param {et2_base_widget} widget widget "status" in print popup window * */ print_participants_status: function(_event, widget) { if (widget && window.opener) { //Parent popup window var editPopWindow = window.opener; if (editPopWindow) { //Update paretn popup window editPopWindow.etemplate2.getByApplication('calendar')[0].widgetContainer.getWidgetById(widget.id).set_value(widget.get_value()); } this.et2._inst.submit(); editPopWindow.opener.egw_refresh('status changed','calendar'); } else if (widget) { window.egw_refresh(this.egw.lang('The original popup edit window is closed! You need to close the print window and reopen the entry again.'),'calendar'); } }, /** * In edit popup, search for calendar participants. * Resources need to have the start & duration (etc.) * passed along in the query. * * @param {Object} request * @param {et2_link_entry} widget * * @returns {boolean} True to continue with the search */ edit_participant_search: function(request, widget) { if(widget.app_select.val() == 'resources') { // Resources search is expecting exec var values = widget.getInstanceManager().getValues(widget.getRoot()); if(typeof request.options != 'object' || request.options == null) { request.options = {}; } request.options.exec = { start: values.start, end: values.end, duration: values.duration, participants: values.participants, recur_type: values.recur_type, event_id: values.link_to.to_id, // cal_id, if available show_conflict: (egw.preference('defaultresource_sel','calendar') == 'resources_without_conflict') ? '0' : '1' }; if(values.whole_day) { request.options.exec.whole_date = true; } } return true; }, /** * Handles to select freetime, and replace the selected one on Start, * and End date&time in edit calendar entry popup. * * @param {mixed} _event * @param {et2_base_widget} _widget widget "select button" in freetime search popup window * */ freetime_select: function(_event, _widget) { if (_widget) { var content = this.et2._inst.widgetContainer.getArrayMgr('content').data; // Make the Id from selected button by checking the index var selectedId = _widget.id.match(/^select\[([0-9])\]$/i)[1]; var sTime = this.et2.getWidgetById(selectedId+'start'); //check the parent window is still open before to try to access it if (window.opener && sTime) { var editWindowObj = window.opener.etemplate2.getByApplication('calendar')[0]; if (typeof editWindowObj != "undefined") { var startTime = editWindowObj.widgetContainer.getWidgetById('start'); var endTime = editWindowObj.widgetContainer.getWidgetById('end'); if (startTime && endTime) { startTime.set_value(sTime.get_value()); endTime.set_value(sTime.get_value()); endTime.set_value('+'+content['duration']); } } } else { alert(this.egw.lang('The original calendar edit popup is closed!')); } } egw(window).close(); }, /** * show/hide the filter of nm list in calendar listview * */ filter_change: function() { var view = app.classes.calendar.views['listview'].etemplates[0].widgetContainer || false; var filter = view ? view.getWidgetById('filter') : null; var dates = view ? view.getWidgetById('calendar.list.dates') : null; if (filter && dates) { dates.set_disabled(filter.value !== "custom"); } }, /** * Application links from non-list events * * @param {egwAction} _action * @param {egwActionObject[]} _events */ action_open: function(_action, _events) { var id = _events[0].id.split('::'); if(_action.data.open) { var open = JSON.parse(_action.data.open) || {}; var extra = open.extra || ''; extra = extra.replace(/(\$|%24)app/,id[0]).replace(/(\$|%24)id/,id[1]); this.egw.open(open.id_data||'',open.app,open.type,extra); } else if (_action.data.url) { var url = _action.data.url; url = url.replace(/(\$|%24)app/,id[0]).replace(/(\$|%24)id/,id[1]); this.egw.open_link(url); } }, /** * Change status (via AJAX) * * @param {egwAction} _action * @param {egwActionObject} _events */ status: function(_action, _events) { // Should be a single event, but we'll do it for all for(var i = 0; i < _events.length; i++) { var event_widget = _events[i].iface.getWidget() || false; if(!event_widget) continue; event_widget.recur_prompt(jQuery.proxy(function(button_id,event_data) { switch(button_id) { case 'exception': egw().json( 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_status', [event_data.app_id, egw.user('account_id'), _action.data.id] ).sendRequest(true); break; case 'series': case 'single': egw().json( 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_status', [event_data.id, egw.user('account_id'), _action.data.id] ).sendRequest(true); break; case 'cancel': default: break; } },this)); } }, /** * this function try to fix ids which are from integrated apps * * @param {egwAction} _action * @param {egwActionObject[]} _senders */ cal_fix_app_id: function(_action, _senders) { var app = 'calendar'; var id = _senders[0].id; var matches = id.match(/^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+)(:([0-9]+))?$/); if (matches) { id = matches[1]; } else { matches = id.match(/^([a-z_-]+)([0-9]+)/i); if (matches) { app = matches[1]; id = matches[2]; } } var backup_url = _action.data.url; _action.data.url = _action.data.url.replace(/(\$|%24)id/,id); _action.data.url = _action.data.url.replace(/(\$|%24)app/,app); nm_action(_action, _senders,false,{ids:[id]}); _action.data.url = backup_url; // restore url }, /** * Open calendar entry, taking into accout the calendar integration of other apps * * calendar_uilist::get_rows sets var js_calendar_integration object * * @param _action * @param _senders * */ cal_open: function(_action, _senders) { // Check for series var id = _senders[0].id; var matches = id.match(/^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/); if (matches) { this.edit_series(matches[1],matches[2]); return; } // Check for other app integration data sent from server var backup = _action.data; if(_action.parent.data && _action.parent.data.nextmatch) { var js_integration_data = _action.parent.data.nextmatch.options.settings.js_integration_data || this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data.nm.js_integration_data; if(typeof js_integration_data == 'string') { js_integration_data = JSON.parse(js_integration_data); } } matches = id.match(/^calendar::([a-z_-]+)([0-9]+)/i); if (matches && js_integration_data && js_integration_data[matches[1]]) { var app = matches[1]; _action.data.url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?'; var get_params = js_integration_data[app].edit; get_params[js_integration_data[app].edit_id] = matches[2]; for(var name in get_params) _action.data.url += name+"="+encodeURIComponent(get_params[name])+"&"; if (js_integration_data[app].edit_popup) { egw.open_link(_action.data.url,'_blank',js_integration_data[app].edit_popup,app); _action.data = backup; // restore url, width, height, nm_action return; } } else { // Other app integration using link registry var data = egw.dataGetUIDdata(_senders[0].id); if(data && data.data) { return egw.open(data.data.app_id, data.data.app, 'edit'); } } // Regular, single event egw.open(id.replace(/^calendar::/g,''),'calendar','edit'); }, /** * Delete (a single) calendar entry over ajax. * * Used for the non-list views * * @param {egwAction} _action * @param {egwActionObject} _events */ delete: function(_action, _events) { // Should be a single event, but we'll do it for all for(var i = 0; i < _events.length; i++) { var event_widget = _events[i].iface.getWidget() || false; if(!event_widget) continue; event_widget.recur_prompt(jQuery.proxy(function(button_id,event_data) { switch(button_id) { case 'exception': egw().json( 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_delete', [event_data.app_id] ).sendRequest(true); break; case 'series': case 'single': egw().json( 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_delete', [event_data.id] ).sendRequest(true); break; case 'cancel': default: break; } },this)); } }, /** * Delete calendar entry, asking if you want to delete series or exception * * Used for nextmatch * * @param _action * @param _senders */ cal_delete: function(_action, _senders) { var backup = _action.data; var matches = false; // Loop so we ask if any of the selected entries is part of a series for(var i = 0; i < _senders.length; i++) { var id = _senders[i].id; if(!matches) { matches = id.match(/^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/); } } if (matches) { var popup = jQuery('#calendar-list_delete_popup').get(0); if (typeof popup != 'undefined') { // nm action - show popup nm_open_popup(_action,_senders); } return; } nm_action(_action, _senders); }, /** * Confirmation dialog for moving a series entry * * @param {object} _DOM * @param {et2_widget} _button button Save | Apply */ move_edit_series: function(_DOM,_button) { var content = _button.getRoot().getArrayMgr('content').data; var start_date = _button.getRoot().getWidgetById('start').get_value(); var whole_day = _button.getRoot().getWidgetById('whole_day'); var is_whole_day = whole_day && whole_day.get_value() == whole_day.options.selected_value; var button = _button; var that = this; var tempDate = new Date(); var today = new Date(tempDate.getFullYear(), tempDate.getMonth(), tempDate.getDate(),0,-tempDate.getTimezoneOffset(),0); if (typeof content != 'undefined' && content.id != null && typeof content.recur_type != 'undefined' && content.recur_type != null && content.recur_type != 0 ) { if (content.start != start_date && today >= new Date(content.start) || content.whole_day != is_whole_day) { et2_dialog.show_dialog(function(_button_id) { if (_button_id == et2_dialog.OK_BUTTON) { that.et2._inst.submit(button); } else { return false; } }, this.egw.lang("Do you really want to change the start of this series? If you do, the original series will be terminated as of today and a new series for the future reflecting your changes will be created."), this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, et2_dialog.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL , et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE); } else { return true; } } else { return true; } }, /** * Create edit exception dialog for recurrence entries * * @param {object} event * @param {string} id cal_id * @param {integer} date timestamp */ edit_series: function(event,id,date) { // Coming from list, there is no event if(arguments.length == 2) { date = id; id = event; event = null; } var edit_id = id; var edit_date = date; var that = this; var buttons = [ {text: this.egw.lang("Edit exception"), id: "exception", class: "ui-priority-primary", "default": true}, {text: this.egw.lang("Edit series"), id:"series"}, {text: this.egw.lang("Cancel"), id:"cancel"} ]; et2_dialog.show_dialog(function(_button_id) { switch(_button_id) { case 'exception': that.egw.open(edit_id, 'calendar', 'edit', '&date='+edit_date+'&exception=1'); break; case 'series': that.egw.open(edit_id, 'calendar', 'edit', '&date='+edit_date); break; case 'cancel': default: break; } },this.egw.lang("Do you want to edit this event as an exception or the whole series?"), this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, buttons, et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE); }, /** * Method to set state for JSON requests (jdots ajax_exec or et2 submits can NOT use egw.js script tag) * * @param {object} _state */ set_state: function(_state) { if (typeof _state == 'object') { // If everything is loaded, handle the changes if(this.sidebox_et2 !== null) { this.update_state(_state); } else { // Things aren't loaded yet, just set it this.state = _state; } } }, /** * Change only part of the current state. * * The passed state options (filters) are merged with the current state, so * this is the one that should be used for most calls, as setState() requires * the complete state. * * @param {Object} _set New settings */ update_state: function(_set) { // Make sure we're running in top window if(window !== window.top) { return window.top.app.calendar.update_state(_set); } if(this.state_update_in_progress) return; var changed = []; var new_state = jQuery.extend({}, this.state); if (typeof _set === 'object') { for(var s in _set) { if (new_state[s] !== _set[s]) { changed.push(s + ': ' + new_state[s] + ' -> ' + _set[s]); new_state[s] = _set[s]; } } } if(changed.length && !this.state_update_in_progress) { console.log('Calendar state changed',changed.join("\n")); // Log this.egw.debug('navigation','Calendar state changed', changed.join("\n")); this.setState({state: new_state}); } }, /** * Return state object defining current view * * Called by favorites to query current state. * * @return {object} description */ getState: function() { var state = jQuery.extend({},this.state); if (!state) { var egw_script_tag = document.getElementById('egw_script_id'); state = egw_script_tag.getAttribute('data-calendar-state'); state = state ? JSON.parse(state) : {}; } // Don't store current user in state to allow admins to create favourites for all // Should make no difference for normal users. if(state.owner == egw.user('account_id')) { // 0 is always the current user, so if an admin creates a default favorite, // it will work for other users too. state.owner = 0; } // Don't store date or first and last delete state.date; delete state.first; delete state.last; delete state.startdate; delete state.enddate; delete state.start_date; delete state.end_date; return state; }, /** * Set a state previously returned by getState * * Called by favorites to set a state saved as favorite. * * @param {object} state containing "name" attribute to be used as "favorite" GET parameter to a nextmatch */ setState: function(state) { // State should be an object, not a string, but we'll parse if(typeof state == "string") { if(state.indexOf('{') != -1 || state =='null') { state = JSON.parse(state); } } if(typeof state.state !== 'object' || !state.state.view) { state.state = {view: 'week'}; } if(!state.state.date) { state.state.date = new Date(); } if(typeof state.state.weekend == 'undefined') { state.state.weekend = true; } // Hide other views var view = app.classes.calendar.views[state.state.view]; for(var _view in app.classes.calendar.views) { if(state.state.view != _view && app.classes.calendar.views[_view]) { for(var i = 0; i < app.classes.calendar.views[_view].etemplates.length; i++) { if(typeof app.classes.calendar.views[_view].etemplates[i] !== 'string' && view.etemplates.indexOf(app.classes.calendar.views[_view].etemplates[i]) == -1) { $j(app.classes.calendar.views[_view].etemplates[i].DOMContainer).hide(); } } } } if(this.sidebox_et2) { $j(this.sidebox_et2.getInstanceManager().DOMContainer).hide(); } // Check for valid cache var cachable_changes = ['date','view','days','planner_days','sortby']; var keys = jQuery.unique(Object.keys(this.state).concat(Object.keys(state.state))); for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var s = keys[i]; if (this.state[s] !== state.state[s]) { if(cachable_changes.indexOf(s) === -1) { // Expire daywise cache var daywise = egw.dataKnownUIDs(app.classes.calendar.DAYWISE_CACHE_ID); // Can't delete from here, as that would disconnect the existing widgets listening for(var i = 0; i < daywise.length; i++) { egw.dataStoreUID(app.classes.calendar.DAYWISE_CACHE_ID + '::' + daywise[i],null); } break; } } } // Check for a supported client-side view if(app.classes.calendar.views[state.state.view] && // Check that the view is instanciated typeof app.classes.calendar.views[state.state.view].etemplates[0] !== 'string' && app.classes.calendar.views[state.state.view].etemplates[0].widgetContainer ) { // Doing an update - this includes the selected view, and the sidebox // We set a flag to ignore changes from the sidebox which would // cause infinite loops. this.state_update_in_progress = true; // Sanitize owner so it's always an array if(state.state.owner === null) { state.state.owner = undefined; } switch(typeof state.state.owner) { case 'undefined': state.state.owner = [this.egw.user('account_id')]; break; case 'string': state.state.owner = state.state.owner.split(','); break; case 'number': state.state.owner = [state.state.owner]; break; case 'object': // An array-like Object or an Array? if(!state.state.owner.filter) { state.state.owner = jQuery.map(state.state.owner, function(owner) {return owner;}); } } // Keep sort order if(typeof this.state.owner === 'object') { var owner = []; this.state.owner.forEach(function(key) { var found = false; state.state.owner = state.state.owner.filter(function(item) { if(!found && item == key) { owner.push(item); found = true; return false; } else return true; }); }); // Add in any new owners state.state.owner = owner.concat(state.state.owner); } if (state.state.owner.indexOf(0) >= 0) { state.state.owner[state.state.owner.indexOf(0)] = this.egw.user('account_id'); } if(state.state.owner.length === 1 && this.sidebox_et2) { // If only one owner selected, go back to single select var owner = this.sidebox_et2.getWidgetById('owner'); owner.set_multiple(false); } // Show the correct number of grids var grid_count = state.state.view === 'weekN' ? parseInt(this.egw.preference('multiple_weeks','calendar')) || 3 : state.state.view === 'month' ? 0 : // Calculate based on weeks in the month state.state.owner.length > (this.egw.config('calview_no_consolidate','phpgwapi') || 5) ? 1 : state.state.owner.length; var grid = view.etemplates[0].widgetContainer.getWidgetById('view'); /* If the count is different, we need to have the correct number (just remove all & re-create) If the count is > 1, it's either because there are multiple date spans (weekN, month) and we need the correct span per row, or there are multiple owners and we need the correct owner per row. */ if(grid && (grid_count !== grid._children.length || grid_count > 1)) { // Need to redo the number of grids var value = []; state.state.first = view.start_date(state.state).toJSON(); // We'll modify this one, so it needs to be a new object var date = new Date(state.state.first); // Determine the different end date switch(state.state.view) { case 'month': var end = state.state.last = view.end_date(state.state); grid_count = Math.ceil((end - date) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) / 7); // fall through case 'weekN': for(var week = 0; week < grid_count; week++) { var val = { id: ""+date.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCMonth()) + sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCDate()), start_date: date.toJSON(), end_date: new Date(date.toJSON()), owner: state.state.owner }; val.end_date.setUTCHours(24*7-1); val.end_date = val.end_date.toJSON(); value.push(val); date.setUTCHours(24*7); } state.state.last=val.end_date; break; default: var end = state.state.last = view.end_date(state.state).toJSON(); for(var owner = 0; owner < grid_count && owner < state.state.owner.length; owner++) { value.push({ id: ""+date.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCMonth()) + sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCDate()), start_date: date, end_date: end, owner: grid_count > 1 ? state.state.owner[owner] || 0 : state.state.owner }); } break; } // If we have cached data for the timespan, pass it along this._need_data(value,state.state); if(grid) { grid.set_value( {content: value} ); // Weekend needs to be done seperately grid.iterateOver(function(widget) { if(widget.set_show_weekend) { widget.set_show_weekend(view.show_weekend(state.state)); } },this, et2_valueWidget); // Granularity needs to be done seperately grid.iterateOver(function(widget) { if(widget.set_granularity) { widget.set_granularity(view.granularity(state.state)); } },this, et2_valueWidget); } } else { // Simple, easy case - just one widget for the selected time span. // Update existing view's special attribute filters, defined in the view list for(var updater in view) { if(typeof view[updater] === 'function') { var value = view[updater].call(this,state.state); if(updater === 'start_date') state.state.first = this.date.toString(value); if(updater === 'end_date') state.state.last = this.date.toString(value); // Set value for(var i = 0; i < view.etemplates.length; i++) { view.etemplates[i].widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(widget) { if(typeof widget['set_'+updater] === 'function') { widget['set_'+updater](value); } }, this, et2_valueWidget); } } } var value = [{start_date: state.state.first, end_date: state.state.last}]; this._need_data(value,state.state); } // Include first & last dates in state, mostly for server side processing if(state.state.first && state.state.first.toJSON) state.state.first = state.state.first.toJSON(); if(state.state.last && state.state.last.toJSON) state.state.last = state.state.last.toJSON(); // Show the templates for the current view for(var i = 0; i < view.etemplates.length; i++) { $j(view.etemplates[i].DOMContainer).show(); view.etemplates[i].resize(); } // Toggle todos if(state.state.view == 'day' || this.state.view == 'day') { if(state.state.view == 'day' && state.state.owner.length === 1 && !isNaN(state.state.owner) && state.state.owner[0] >= 0) { if(this.state.view !== 'day') { view.etemplates[0].widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(w) { w.set_width(w.div.width() * 0.7); },this,et2_calendar_timegrid); } $j(view.etemplates[1].DOMContainer).css("left","69%"); // TODO: Maybe some caching here this.egw.jsonq('calendar_uiviews::ajax_get_todos', [state.state.date, state.state.owner[0]], function(data) { this.getWidgetById('label').set_value(data.label||''); this.getWidgetById('todos').set_value({content:data.todos||''}); },view.etemplates[1].widgetContainer); view.etemplates[0].resize(); } else { $j(app.classes.calendar.views.day.etemplates[1].DOMContainer).show(); $j(app.classes.calendar.views.day.etemplates[1].DOMContainer).css("left","100%"); window.setTimeout(jQuery.proxy(function() { $j(this).hide(); },app.classes.calendar.views.day.etemplates[1].DOMContainer),1000); $j(app.classes.calendar.views.day.etemplates[0].DOMContainer).css("width","100%"); view.etemplates[0].widgetContainer.iterateOver(function(w) { w.set_width('100%'); },this,et2_calendar_timegrid); } } else { $j(view.etemplates[0].DOMContainer).css("width","100%"); } // Trigger resize to get correct sizes, as they may have sized while // hidden for(var i = 0; i < view.etemplates.length; i++) { view.etemplates[i].resize(); } this.state = jQuery.extend({},state.state); // List view (nextmatch) has slightly different fields if(state.state.view === 'listview') { state.state.startdate = state.state.date; if(state.state.startdate.toJSON) { state.state.startdate = state.state.startdate.toJSON(); } if(state.state.end_date) { state.state.enddate = state.state.end_date; } if(state.state.enddate && state.state.enddate.toJSON) { state.state.enddate = state.state.enddate.toJSON(); } state.state.col_filter = {participant: state.state.owner}; state.state.search = state.state.keywords; // Pass status filter in as status filter, avoids conflicts with nm filter state.state.status_filter = state.state.filter; delete state.state.filter; var nm = view.etemplates[0].widgetContainer.getWidgetById('nm'); // 'Custom' filter needs an end date if(nm.activeFilters.filter === 'custom' && !state.state.end_date) { state.state.enddate = state.state.last; } if(state.state.enddate && state.state.startdate && state.state.startdate > state.state.enddate) { state.state.enddate = state.state.startdate; } nm.applyFilters(state.state); if(!state.state.end_date && nm.activeFilters.enddate) { this.state.last = nm.activeFilters.enddate; } // Updates the display of start & end date this.filter_change(); } else { // Turn off nextmatch's automatic stuff - it won't work while it // is hidden, and can cause an infinite loop as it tries to layout. // (It will automatically re-start when shown) try { var nm = app.classes.calendar.views.listview.etemplates[0].widgetContainer.getWidgetById('nm'); nm.controller._grid.doInvalidate = false; } catch (e) {} } /* Update re-orderable calendars */ this._sortable(); /* Update sidebox widgets to show current value*/ if(this.sidebox_et2) { this.sidebox_et2.iterateOver(function(widget) { if(widget.id == 'view') { // View widget has a list of state settings, which require special handling for(var i = 0; i < widget.options.select_options.length; i++) { var option_state = JSON.parse(widget.options.select_options[i].value) || []; var match = true; for(var os_key in option_state) { // Sometimes an optional state variable is not yet defined (sortby, days, etc) match = match && (option_state[os_key] == this.state[os_key] || typeof this.state[os_key] == 'undefined'); } if(match) { widget.set_value(widget.options.select_options[i].value); return; } } } else if(typeof state.state[widget.id] !== 'undefined' && state.state[widget.id] != widget.getValue()) { // Update widget. This may trigger an infinite loop of // updates, so we do it after changing this.state and set a flag try { widget.set_value(state.state[widget.id]); } catch(e) { widget.set_value(''); } } else if (widget.instanceOf(et2_inputWidget) && typeof state.state[widget.id] == 'undefined') { // No value, clear it widget.set_value(''); } },this,et2_valueWidget); } // If current state matches a favorite, hightlight it this.highlight_favorite(); // Update app header egw_app_header(view.header(state.state),'calendar'); // Sidebox is updated, we can clear the flag this.state_update_in_progress = false; // Update saved state in preferences var save = {}; for(var i = 0; i < this.states_to_save.length; i++) { save[this.states_to_save[i]] = this.state[this.states_to_save[i]]; } egw.set_preference('calendar','saved_states', save); return; } // old calendar state handling on server-side (incl. switching to and from listview) var menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index'; if (typeof state.state != 'undefined' && (typeof state.state.view == 'undefined' || state.state.view == 'listview')) { if (state.name) { // 'blank' is the special name for no filters, send that instead of the nice translated name state.state.favorite = jQuery.isEmptyObject(state) || jQuery.isEmptyObject(state.state||state.filter) ? 'blank' : state.name.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/g, '_'); // set date for "No Filter" (blank) favorite to todays date if (state.state.favorite == 'blank') state.state.date = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('yymmdd', new Date); } menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uilist.listview'; state.state.ajax = 'true'; // check if we already use et2 / are in listview if (this.et2 || etemplate2 && etemplate2.getByApplication('calendar')) { // current calendar-code can set regular calendar states only via a server-request :( // --> check if we only need to set something which can be handeled by nm internally // or we need a redirect // ToDo: pass them via nm's get_rows call to server (eg. by passing state), so we dont need a redirect var current_state = this.getState(); var need_redirect = false; for(var attr in current_state) { switch(attr) { case 'cat_id': case 'owner': case 'filter': if (state.state[attr] != current_state[attr]) { need_redirect = true; // reset of attributes managed on server-side if (state.state.favorite === 'blank') { switch(attr) { case 'cat_id': state.state.cat_id = 0; break; case 'owner': state.state.owner = egw.user('account_id'); break; case 'filter': state.state.filter = 'default'; break; } } break; } break; case 'view': // "No filter" (blank) favorite: if not in listview --> stay in that view if (state.state.favorite === 'blank' && current_state.view != 'listview') { menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index'; delete state.state.ajax; need_redirect = true; } } } if (!need_redirect) { return this._super.apply(this, [state]); } } } // setting internal state now, that linkHandler does not intercept switching from listview to any old view this.state = jQuery.extend({},state.state); if(this.sidebox_et2) { $j(this.sidebox_et2.getInstanceManager().DOMContainer).show(); } var query = jQuery.extend({menuaction: menuaction},state.state||{}); // prepend an owner 0, to reset all owners and not just set given resource type if(typeof query.owner != 'undefined') { query.owner = '0,'+ (typeof query.owner == 'object' ? query.owner.join(',') : (''+query.owner).replace('0,','')); } this.egw.open_link(this.egw.link('/index.php',query), 'calendar'); // Stop the normal bubbling if this is called on click return false; }, /** * Check to see if any of the selected is an event widget * Used to separate grid actions from event actions * * @param {egwAction} _action * @param {egwActioObject[]} _selected * @returns {boolean} Is any of the selected an event widget */ is_event: function(_action, _selected) { var is_widget = false; for(var i = 0; i < _selected.length; i++) { if(_selected[i].iface.getWidget() && _selected[i].iface.getWidget().instanceOf(et2_calendar_event)) { is_widget = true; } // Also check classes, usually indicating permission if(_action.data && _action.data.enableClass) { is_widget = is_widget && ($j( _selected[i].iface.getDOMNode()).hasClass(_action.data.enableClass)); } if(_action.data && _action.data.disableClass) { is_widget = is_widget && !($j( _selected[i].iface.getDOMNode()).hasClass(_action.data.disableClass)); } } return is_widget; }, /** * Enable/Disable custom Date-time for set Alarm * * @param {egw object} _egw * @param {widget object} _widget new_alarm[options] selectbox */ alarm_custom_date: function (_egw,_widget) { var alarm_date = this.et2.getWidgetById('new_alarm[date]'); var alarm_options = _widget || this.et2.getWidgetById('new_alarm[options]'); var start = this.et2.getWidgetById('start'); if (alarm_date && alarm_options && start) { if (alarm_options.get_value() != '0') { alarm_date.set_class('calendar_alarm_date_display'); } else { alarm_date.set_class(''); } var startDate = typeof start.get_value != 'undefined'?start.get_value():start.value; if (startDate) { var date = new Date(startDate); date.setTime(date.getTime() - 1000 * parseInt(alarm_options.get_value())); alarm_date.set_value(date); } } }, /** * Set alarm options based on WD/Regular event user preferences * Gets fired by wholeday checkbox * * @param {egw object} _egw * @param {widget object} _widget whole_day checkbox */ set_alarmOptions_WD: function (_egw,_widget) { var alarm = this.et2.getWidgetById('alarm'); if (!alarm) return; // no default alarm var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; var start = this.et2.getWidgetById('start'); var self= this; var time = alarm.cells[1][0].widget; var event = alarm.cells[1][1].widget; // Convert a seconds of time to a translated label var _secs_to_label = function (_secs) { var label=''; if (_secs <= 3600) { label = self.egw.lang('%1 minutes', _secs/60); } else if(_secs <= 86400) { label = self.egw.lang('%1 hours', _secs/3600); } return label; }; if (typeof content['alarm'][1]['default'] == 'undefined') { // user deleted alarm --> nothing to do } else { var def_alarm = this.egw.preference(_widget.get_value() === "true" ? 'default-alarm-wholeday' : 'default-alarm', 'calendar'); if (!def_alarm && def_alarm !== 0) // no alarm { jQuery('#calendar-edit_alarm > tbody :nth-child(1)').hide(); } else { jQuery('#calendar-edit_alarm > tbody :nth-child(1)').show(); start.set_hours(0); start.set_minutes(0); time.set_value(start.get_value()); time.set_value('-'+(60 * def_alarm)); event.set_value(_secs_to_label(60 * def_alarm)); } } }, /** * Take the date range(s) in the value and decide if we need to fetch data * for the date ranges, or if they're already cached fill them in. * * @param { */ _need_data: function(value, state) { var need_data = false; // Determine if we're showing multiple owners seperate or consolidated var seperate_owners = false; var last_owner = value.length ? value[0].owner || 0 : 0; for(var i = 0; i < value.length && !seperate_owners; i++) { seperate_owners = seperate_owners || (last_owner !== value[i].owner) } for(var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { var t = new Date(value[i].start_date); var end = new Date(value[i].end_date); do { // Cache is by date (and owner, if seperate) var date = t.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf('%02d',t.getUTCMonth()+1) + sprintf('%02d',t.getUTCDate()); var cache_id = app.classes.calendar._daywise_cache_id(date, seperate_owners && value[i].owner ? value[i].owner : state.owner||false); if(egw.dataHasUID(cache_id)) { var c = egw.dataGetUIDdata(cache_id); if(c.data && c.data !== null) { // There is data, pass it along now value[i][date] = []; for(var j = 0; j < c.data.length; j++) { if(egw.dataHasUID('calendar::'+c.data[j])) { value[i][date].push(egw.dataGetUIDdata('calendar::'+c.data[j]).data); } else { need_data = true; } } } else { need_data = true; // Assume it's empty, if there is data it will be filled later egw.dataStoreUID(cache_id, []); } } else { need_data = true; // Assume it's empty, if there is data it will be filled later egw.dataStoreUID(cache_id, []); } t.setUTCDate(t.getUTCDate() + 1); } while(t < end); // Some data is missing for the current owner, go get it if(need_data && seperate_owners) { this._fetch_data(jQuery.extend({}, state, {owner: value[i].owner})); } } // Some data was missing, go get it if(need_data && !seperate_owners) { this._fetch_data(state); } }, /** * Use the egw.data system to get data from the calendar list for the * selected time span. * * As long as the other filters are the same (category, owner, status) we * cache the data. * * @param {Object} state * @param {etemplate2} [instance] If the full calendar app isn't loaded * (home app), pass a different instance to use it to get the data * @param {number} [start] Result offset. Internal use only */ _fetch_data: function(state, instance, start) { if(!this.sidebox_et2 && !instance) return; if(typeof start === 'undefined') { start = 0; } // Category needs to be false if empty, not an empty array or string var cat_id = state.cat_id ? state.cat_id : false; if(cat_id && typeof cat_id.join != 'undefined') { if(cat_id.join('') == '') cat_id = false; } var query = jQuery.extend({}, { get_rows: 'calendar.calendar_uilist.get_rows', row_id:'row_id', startdate:state.first || state.date, enddate:state.last, // Participant must be an array or it won't work col_filter: {participant: (typeof state.owner == 'string' || typeof state.owner == 'number' ? [state.owner] : state.owner)}, filter:'custom', // Must be custom to get start & end dates status_filter: state.filter, cat_id: cat_id, search: state.keywords, csv_export: false }); // Show ajax loader framework.applications.calendar.sidemenuEntry.showAjaxLoader() this.egw.dataFetch( instance ? instance.etemplate_exec_id : this.sidebox_et2.getInstanceManager().etemplate_exec_id, {start: start, num_rows:200}, query, this.id, function(data) { console.log(data); // Look for any updated select options if(data.rows && data.rows.sel_options && this.sidebox_et2) { for(var field in data.rows.sel_options) { var widget = this.sidebox_et2.getWidgetById(field); if(widget && widget.set_select_options) { // Merge in new, update label of existing for(var i in data.rows.sel_options[field]) { var option = data.rows.sel_options[field][i]; for(var j in widget.options.select_options) { if(option.value == widget.options.select_options[j].value) { widget.options.select_options[j].label = option.label; break; } } } widget.set_select_options(widget.options.select_options); widget.set_value(widget.getValue()); } } } var updated_days = {}; var first = new Date(state.first); var last = new Date(state.last); var bounds = { first: ''+first.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf('%02d',first.getUTCMonth()+1) + sprintf('%02d',first.getUTCDate()), last: ''+last.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf('%02d',last.getUTCMonth()+1) + sprintf('%02d',last.getUTCDate()) }; for(var i = 0; i < data.order.length && data.total; i++) { var record = this.egw.dataGetUIDdata(data.order[i]); if(record && record.data) { if(typeof updated_days[record.data.date] === 'undefined') { // Check to make sure it's in range first, record.data.date is start date // and could be before our start if(record.data.date >= bounds.first && record.data.date <= bounds.last) { updated_days[record.data.date] = []; } } if(typeof updated_days[record.data.date] != 'undefined') { // Copy, to avoid unwanted changes by reference updated_days[record.data.date].push(record.data.row_id); } // Check for multi-day events listed once // Date must stay a string or we might cause problems with nextmatch var dates = { start: typeof record.data.start === 'string' ? record.data.start : record.data.start.toJSON(), end: typeof record.data.end === 'string' ? record.data.end : record.data.end.toJSON(), }; if(dates.start.substr(0,10) !== dates.end.substr(0,10)) { var end = new Date(Math.min(new Date(record.data.end), new Date(state.last))); end.setUTCHours(23); end.setUTCMinutes(59); end.setUTCSeconds(59); var t = new Date(Math.max(new Date(record.data.start), new Date(state.first))); do { var expanded_date = ''+t.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf('%02d',t.getUTCMonth()+1) + sprintf('%02d',t.getUTCDate()); if(typeof(updated_days[expanded_date]) === 'undefined') { // Check to make sure it's in range first, expanded_date could be after our end if(expanded_date >= bounds.first && expanded_date <= bounds.last) { updated_days[expanded_date] = []; } } if(record.data.date !== expanded_date && typeof updated_days[expanded_date] !== 'undefined') { // Copy, to avoid unwanted changes by reference updated_days[expanded_date].push(record.data.row_id); } t.setUTCDate(t.getUTCDate() + 1); } while(end >= t) } } } for(var day in updated_days) { this.egw.dataStoreUID(app.classes.calendar._daywise_cache_id(day, state.owner), updated_days[day]); } // More rows? if(data.order.length + start < data.total) { // Wait a bit, let UI do something. window.setTimeout( function() { app.calendar._fetch_data(state, instance, start + data.order.length); }, 100); } // Hide AJAX loader framework.applications.calendar.sidemenuEntry.hideAjaxLoader(); }, this,null ); }, /** * Some handy date calculations * All take either a Date object or full date with timestamp (Z) */ date: { toString: function(date) { // Ensure consistent formatting using UTC, avoids problems with comparison // and timezones if(typeof date === 'string') date = new Date(date); return date.getUTCFullYear() +'-'+ sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCMonth()+1) + '-'+ sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCDate()) + 'T'+ sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCHours()) + ':'+ sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCMinutes()) + ':'+ sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z'; }, /** * Formats one or two dates (range) as long date (full monthname), optionaly with a time * * Take care of any timezone issues before you pass the dates in. * * @param {Date} first first date * @param {Date} last=0 last date for range, or false for a single date * @param {boolean} display_time=false should a time be displayed too * @param {boolean} display_day=false should a day-name prefix the date, eg. monday June 20, 2006 * @return string with formatted date */ long_date: function(first, last, display_time, display_day) { if(!first) return ''; if(typeof first === 'string') { first = new Date(first); } if(typeof last == 'string' && last) { last = new Date(last); } if(!last || typeof last !== 'object') { last = false; } if(!display_time) display_time = false; if(!display_day) display_day = false; var range = ''; var datefmt = egw.preference('dateformat'); var timefmt = egw.preference('timeformat') === '12' ? 'h:i a' : 'H:i'; var month_before_day = datefmt[0].toLowerCase() == 'm' || datefmt[2].toLowerCase() == 'm' && datefmt[4] == 'd'; if (display_day) { range = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('DD',first)+(datefmt[0] != 'd' ? ' ' : ', '); } for (var i = 0; i < 5; i += 2) { switch(datefmt[i]) { case 'd': range += first.getUTCDate()+ (datefmt[1] == '.' ? '.' : ''); if (last && (first.getUTCMonth() != last.getUTCMonth() || first.getFullYear() != last.getFullYear())) { if (!month_before_day) { range += jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('MM',first); } if (first.getFullYear() != last.getFullYear() && datefmt[0] != 'Y') { range += (datefmt[0] != 'd' ? ', ' : ' ') + first.getFullYear(); } if (display_time) { range += ' '+jQuery.datepicker.formatDate(dateTimeFormat(timefmt),first); } if (!last) { return range; } range += ' - '; if (first.getFullYear() != last.getFullYear() && datefmt[0] == 'Y') { range += last.getFullYear() + ', '; } if (month_before_day) { range += jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('MM',last); } } else { if (display_time) { range += ' '+jQuery.datepicker.formatDate(dateTimeFormat(timefmt),last); } if(last) { range += ' - '; } } if(last) { range += ' ' + last.getUTCDate() + (datefmt[1] == '.' ? '.' : ''); } break; case 'm': case 'M': range += ' '+jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('MM',month_before_day ? first : last) + ' '; break; case 'Y': if (datefmt[0] != 'm') { range += ' ' + (datefmt[0] == 'Y' ? first.getFullYear()+(datefmt[2] == 'd' ? ', ' : ' ') : last.getFullYear()+' '); } break; } } if (display_time && last) { range += ' '+jQuery.datepicker.formatDate(dateTimeFormat(timefmt),last); } if (datefmt[4] == 'Y' && datefmt[0] == 'm') { range += ', ' + last.getFullYear(); } return range; }, /** * Calculate iso8601 week-number, which is defined for Monday as first day of week only * * We adjust the day, if user prefs want a different week-start-day * * @param string|Date date * @return string */ week_number: function(_date) { var d = new Date(_date); var day = d.getUTCDay(); // if week does not start Monday and date is Sunday --> add one day if (egw.preference('weekdaystarts','calendar') != 'Monday' && !day) { d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + 1); } // if week does start Saturday and $time is Saturday --> add two days else if (egw.preference('weekdaystarts','calendar') == 'Saturday' && day == 6) { d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + 2); } return jQuery.datepicker.iso8601Week(new Date(d.valueOf() + d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000)); }, start_of_week: function(date) { var d = new Date(date); var day = d.getUTCDay(); var diff = 0; switch(egw.preference('weekdaystarts','calendar')) { case 'Saturday': diff = day === 6 ? 0 : day === 0 ? -1 : -(day + 1); break; case 'Monday': diff = day === 0 ? 1 : 1-day; break; case 'Sunday': default: diff = -day; } d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + diff); return d; }, end_of_week: function(date) { var d = app.calendar.date.start_of_week(date); d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + 6); return d; } }, /** * Initializes actions and handlers on sidebox (delete) * Extended from parent to automatically add change handlers for resource * menu items. * * @param {jQuery} sidebox jQuery of DOM node */ _init_sidebox: function(sidebox) { if( this._super.apply(this, arguments) ) { sidebox.parentsUntil('#calendar_sidebox_content') .find('.egw_fw_ui_category_content').not(sidebox.parent()) .on('change.sidebox', 'select:not(.et2_selectbox),input[type!="checkbox"]', this, function(event) { var state = {}; var name = this.name.replace('[]',''); var value = $j(this).val(); // Handle special value like r0, which removes all r if(typeof value == 'string' && parseInt(value.substring(1)==0) || value[0] && typeof value[0] == 'string' && parseInt(value[0].substring(1))==0) { value = typeof value == 'string' ? value : value[0]; var type = value.substring(0,1); state[name] = []; for(var key in app.calendar.state[name]) { var cur_item = app.calendar.state[name][key]; if(cur_item && (cur_item+'').substring(0,1) != type) { state[name].push(cur_item); } } $j('option', this).removeAttr('selected'); return app.calendar.update_state(state); } // Here we look for things like owner: ['r1,r2'] and change them // to owner: ['r1','r2'] state[name] = value; for(var key in state) { if(state[key] && typeof state[key].length !== 'undefined') { for(var sub_key in state[key]) { if(typeof state[key][sub_key] == 'string' && state[key][sub_key].indexOf(',') !== -1) { var explode_me = state[key][sub_key]; delete state[key][sub_key]; jQuery.extend(state[key], explode_me.split(',')); } } // Add to, not replace, current value if(typeof state[key] == 'object' && typeof app.calendar.state[key] == 'object') { jQuery.merge(state[key],app.calendar.state[key]); } } } app.calendar.update_state(state); }); } }, /** * The sidebox filters use some non-standard and not-exposed options. They * are set up here. * */ _setup_sidebox_filters: function() { // Further date customizations var date = this.sidebox_et2.getWidgetById('date'); if(date) { var datepicker = date.input_date.datepicker("option", { showButtonPanel: false, onChangeMonthYear: function(year, month, inst) { // Switch to month view for that month var date = new Date(app.calendar.state.date); date.setUTCDate(1); date.setFullYear(year); date.setUTCMonth(month-1); // Use toJSON() to get UTC, not browser timezone var state = {date: date.toJSON()}; if(app.calendar.sidebox_changes_views.indexOf(app.calendar.state.view) >= 0) { state.view = 'month'; } else if (app.calendar.state.view == 'planner') { state.planner_days = 0; state.last = false; } else if (app.calendar.state.view == 'listview') { var d = app.calendar.View.end_date.call(this,state); d = new Date(d.getFullYear(),d.getUTCMonth() + 1, 0); state.end_date = d; } app.calendar.update_state(state); }, // Mark holidays beforeShowDay: function (date) { var tempDate = new Date(); var today = new Date(tempDate.getFullYear(), tempDate.getUTCMonth(), tempDate.getUTCDate()); var holidays = et2_calendar_daycol.get_holidays({day_class_holiday: function() {}}, date.getFullYear()); var day_holidays = holidays[''+date.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCMonth()+1) + sprintf("%02d",date.getUTCDate())]; var css_class = ''; var tooltip = ''; if(date.getTime() == today.getTime()) { css_class += 'calendar_calToday '; } if(typeof day_holidays !== 'undefined' && day_holidays.length) { for(var i = 0; i < day_holidays.length; i++) { if (typeof day_holidays[i]['birthyear'] !== 'undefined') { css_class +='calendar_calBirthday '; } else { css_class += 'calendar_calHoliday '; } tooltip += day_holidays[i]['name'] + "\n"; } } return [true, css_class, tooltip]; } }); // Clickable week numbers date.input_date.on('mouseenter','.ui-datepicker-week-col', function() { $j(this).siblings().find('a').addClass('ui-state-hover'); }) .on('mouseleave','.ui-datepicker-week-col', function() { $j(this).siblings().find('a').removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }) .on('click', '.ui-datepicker-week-col', function() { var view = app.calendar.state.view; var days = app.calendar.state.days; // Fake a click event on the first day to get the updated date $j(this).next().click(); // Set to week view, if in one of the views where we change view if(app.calendar.sidebox_changes_views.indexOf(view) >= 0) { app.calendar.update_state({view: 'week', date: date.getValue(), days: days}); } else if (view == 'planner') { // Clicked a week, show just a week app.calendar.update_state({planner_days: 7}); } else if (view == 'listview') { app.calendar.update_state({ end_date: app.classes.calendar.views.week.end_date({date:date.getValue()}) }); } }); // Today var today = et2_createWidget('buttononly', {image: 'calendar/today', label: 'Today', id: 'today'},date); today.set_image('calendar/today'); today.set_label(egw.lang('Today')); var today_button = $j(today.getDOMNode()); today_button .prependTo(date.getDOMNode()) .addClass('et2_clickable') .on('click', function() { var tempDate = new Date(); var today = new Date(tempDate.getFullYear(), tempDate.getMonth(), tempDate.getDate(),0,-tempDate.getTimezoneOffset(),0); app.calendar.update_state({date: today.toJSON()}); }); var position_today = function() { var week_col = $j('#calendar-sidebox_date th.ui-datepicker-week-col'); today_button.position({my: 'left top', at: 'left top', of: week_col,collision:'none'}) .outerHeight(week_col.outerHeight()); }; // Dynamic resize to fill sidebox var preferred_width = $j('#calendar-sidebox_date .ui-datepicker-inline').outerWidth(); var temp = $j('
').appendTo(today_button); var font_ratio = parseFloat(temp.css('font-size')) / parseFloat($j('#calendar-sidebox_date .ui-datepicker-inline').css('font-size')); temp.remove(); $j(window).on('resize.calendar'+date.dom_id, function() { var percent = 1+(($j(date.getDOMNode()).width() - preferred_width) / preferred_width); percent *= font_ratio; $j('#calendar-sidebox_date .ui-datepicker-inline').css('font-size',(percent*100)+'%'); position_today(); }).trigger('resize'); } // Avoid wrapping owner icons if user has group + search var button = $j('#calendar-sidebox_owner ~ span.et2_clickable'); if(button.length == 1) { button.parent().css('margin-right',button.outerWidth(true)+2); button.parent().parent().css('white-space','nowrap'); } }, /** * Record view templates so we can quickly switch between them. * * @param {etemplate2} _et2 etemplate2 template that was just loaded * @param {String} _name Name of the template */ _et2_view_init: function(_et2, _name) { var hidden = typeof this.state.view !== 'undefined'; var all_loaded = true; // Avoid home portlets using our templates, and get them right if(_et2.uniqueId.indexOf('portlet') === 0) return; // Flag to make sure we don't hide non-view templates var view_et2 = false; for(var view in app.classes.calendar.views) { var index = app.classes.calendar.views[view].etemplates.indexOf(_name); if(index > -1) { view_et2 = true; app.classes.calendar.views[view].etemplates[index] = _et2; // If a template disappears, we want to release it $j(_et2.DOMContainer).one('clear',jQuery.proxy(function() { this.view.etemplates[this.index] = _name; },jQuery.extend({},{view: app.classes.calendar.views[view], index: ""+index, name: _name}))); if(this.state.view === view) { hidden = false; } } app.classes.calendar.views[view].etemplates.forEach(function(et) {all_loaded = all_loaded && typeof et !== 'string';}); } // Start hidden, except for current view if(view_et2) { if(hidden) { $j(_et2.DOMContainer).hide(); } if(all_loaded) { this.setState({state:this.state}); } } }, /** * Super class for the different views. * * Each separate view overrides what it needs */ View: { // List of etemplates to show for this view etemplates: ['calendar.view'], /** * Translated label for header * @param {Object} state * @returns {string} */ header: function(state) { var formatDate = new Date(state.date); formatDate = new Date(formatDate.valueOf() + formatDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000); return app.calendar.View._owner(state) + date(egw.preference('dateformat'),formatDate); }, /** * If one owner, get the owner text */ _owner: function(state) { var owner = ''; if(state.owner.length && state.owner.length == 1 && app.calendar.sidebox_et2) { var own = app.calendar.sidebox_et2.getWidgetById('owner').getDOMNode(); if(own.selectedIndex >= 0) { owner = own.options[own.selectedIndex].innerHTML + ": "; } } return owner; }, /** * Get the start date for this view * @param {Object} state * @returns {Date} */ start_date: function(state) { var d = state.date ? new Date(state.date) : new Date(); d.setUTCHours(0); d.setUTCMinutes(0); d.setUTCSeconds(0); d.setUTCMilliseconds(0); return d; }, /** * Get the end date for this view * @param {Object} state * @returns {Date} */ end_date: function(state) { var d = state.date ? new Date(state.date) : new Date(); d.setUTCHours(23); d.setUTCMinutes(59); d.setUTCSeconds(59); d.setUTCMilliseconds(0); return d; }, /** * Get the owner for this view * * This is always the owner from the given state, we use a function * to trigger setting the widget value. * * @param {number[]|String} state.owner List of owner IDs, or a comma seperated list * @returns {number[]|String} */ owner: function(state) { return state.owner || 0; }, /** * Should the view show the weekends * * @returns {boolean} Current preference to show 5 or 7 days in weekview */ show_weekend: function(state) { return state.weekend; }, /** * How big or small are the displayed time chunks? * We automatically scale the user's preference based on how many rows / calendars are shown. */ granularity: function(state) { return Math.min(240,(state.owner.length <= (egw.config('calview_no_consolidate','phpgwapi') || 5) ? state.owner.length : 1) * (parseInt(egw.preference('interval','calendar')) || 30)); }, extend: function(sub) { return jQuery.extend({},this,{_super:this},sub); }, /** * Determines the new date after scrolling. The default is 1 week. * * @param {number} delta Integer for how many 'ticks' to move, positive for * forward, negative for backward * @returns {Date} */ scroll: function(delta) { var d = new Date(app.calendar.state.date); d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + (7 * delta)); return d; } } }); jQuery.extend(app.classes.calendar,{ /** * This is the data cache prefix for the daywise event index cache * Daywise cache IDs look like: calendar_daywise::20150101 and * contain a list of event IDs for that day (or empty array) */ DAYWISE_CACHE_ID: 'calendar_daywise', /** * Create a cache ID for the daywise cache * * @param {String|Date} date * @param {String|integer|String[]} owner * @returns {String} Cache ID */ _daywise_cache_id: function(date, owner) { if(typeof date === 'object') { date = date.getUTCFullYear() + sprintf('%02d',date.getUTCMonth()+1) + sprintf('%02d',date.getUTCDate()); } // If the owner is not set, 0, or the current user, don't bother adding it var state_owner = app.calendar ? app.calendar.state.owner.toString() || '' : ''; var _owner = (owner && owner.toString() != '0' && owner !== state_owner) ? owner.toString() : ''; if(_owner == egw.user('account_id')) { _owner = ''; } return app.classes.calendar.DAYWISE_CACHE_ID+'::'+date+(_owner ? '-' + _owner : ''); }, /** * Etemplates and settings for the different views. Some (day view) * use more than one template, some use the same template as others, * most need different handling for their various attributes. * * Not using the standard Class.extend here because it hides the members, * and we want to be able to look inside them. This is done seperately instead * of inside the normal object to allow access to the View object. */ views: { day: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({ header: function(state) { return app.calendar.egw.lang('Dayview') + ': ' + app.calendar.View.header.call(this, state); }, etemplates: ['calendar.view','calendar.todo'], start_date: function(state) { var d = app.calendar.View.start_date.call(this, state); state.date = app.calendar.date.toString(d); return d; }, show_weekend: function(state) { state.days = '1'; state.weekend = 'true'; return app.calendar.View.show_weekend.call(this,state); }, scroll: function(delta) { var d = new Date(app.calendar.state.date); d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + (delta)); return d; } }), day4: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({ header: function(state) { return app.calendar.egw.lang('Four days view') + ': ' + app.calendar.View.header.call(this, state); }, end_date: function(state) { var d = app.calendar.View.end_date.call(this,state); state.days = '4'; d.setUTCHours(24*4-1); d.setUTCMinutes(59); d.setUTCSeconds(59); d.setUTCMilliseconds(0); return d; }, show_weekend: function(state) { state.weekend = 'true'; return true; }, scroll: function(delta) { var d = new Date(app.calendar.state.date); d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + (4 * delta)); return d; } }), week: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({ header: function(state) { var end_date = state.last; if(!app.classes.calendar.views.week.show_weekend(state)) { end_date = new Date(state.last); end_date.setUTCDate(end_date.getUTCDate() - 2); } return app.calendar.egw.lang('Weekview') + ': ' + app.calendar.View._owner(state) + app.calendar.egw.lang('Week') + ' ' + app.calendar.date.week_number(state.first) + ': ' + app.calendar.date.long_date(state.first, end_date) }, start_date: function(state) { return app.calendar.date.start_of_week(app.calendar.View.start_date.call(this,state)); }, end_date: function(state) { var d = app.calendar.date.start_of_week(state.date || new Date()); // Always 7 days, we just turn weekends on or off d.setUTCHours(24*7-1); d.setUTCMinutes(59); d.setUTCSeconds(59); d.setUTCMilliseconds(0); return d; } }), weekN: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({ header: function(state) { return app.calendar.egw.lang('Multiple week view') + ': ' + app.calendar.View._owner(state) + app.calendar.egw.lang('Week') + ' ' + app.calendar.date.week_number(state.first) + ' - ' + app.calendar.date.week_number(state.last) + ': ' + app.calendar.date.long_date(state.first, state.last) }, start_date: function(state) { return app.calendar.date.start_of_week(state.date || new Date()); }, end_date: function(state) { state.days = '' + (state.days >= 5 ? state.days : egw.preference('days_in_weekview','calendar') || 7); var d = app.calendar.date.start_of_week(state.date || new Date()); // Always 7 days, we just turn weekends on or off d.setUTCHours(24*7-1); return d; }, granularity: function(state) { // Does not care how many users you select return parseInt(egw.preference('interval','calendar')) || 30; } }), month: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({ header: function(state) { var formatDate = new Date(state.date); formatDate = new Date(formatDate.valueOf() + formatDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000); return app.calendar.egw.lang('Monthview') + ': ' +app.calendar.View._owner(state) + app.calendar.egw.lang(date('F',formatDate)) + ' ' + date('Y',formatDate); }, start_date: function(state) { var d = app.calendar.View.start_date.call(this,state); d.setUTCDate(1); return app.calendar.date.start_of_week(d); }, end_date: function(state) { var d = app.calendar.View.end_date.call(this,state); d = new Date(d.getFullYear(),d.getUTCMonth() + 1, 0); var week_start = app.calendar.date.start_of_week(d); if(week_start < d) week_start.setUTCHours(24*7); week_start.setUTCHours(week_start.getUTCHours()-1); return week_start; }, granularity: function(state) { return 120; }, scroll: function(delta) { var d = new Date(app.calendar.state.date); d.setUTCMonth(d.getUTCMonth() + delta); return d; } }), planner: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({ header: function(state) { var startDate = new Date(state.first); startDate = new Date(startDate.valueOf() + startDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000); var endDate = new Date(state.last); endDate = new Date(endDate.valueOf() + endDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000); var title = state.sortby == 'user' ? 'planner by user' : state.sortby=='month' ? 'yearly planner' : 'planner by category'; return app.calendar.egw.lang(title) + ': ' + app.calendar.View._owner(state) + date(egw.preference('dateformat'),startDate) + (startDate == endDate ? '' : ' - ' + date(egw.preference('dateformat'),endDate)); }, etemplates: ['calendar.planner'], group_by: function(state) { return state.sortby ? state.sortby : 0; }, start_date: function(state) { var d = app.calendar.View.start_date.call(this, state); if(state.sortby && state.sortby === 'month') { d.setUTCDate(1); } else if (!state.planner_days) { if(d.getUTCDate() < 15) { d.setUTCDate(1); return app.calendar.date.start_of_week(d); } else { return app.calendar.date.start_of_week(d); } } return d; }, end_date: function(state) { var d = app.calendar.View.end_date.call(this, state); if(state.planner_days) { state.planner_days = parseInt(state.planner_days); } if(state.sortby && state.sortby === 'month') { d.setUTCDate(0); d.setUTCFullYear(d.getUTCFullYear() + 1); } else if (state.planner_days) { d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + parseInt(state.planner_days)-1); } else if (state.last) { d = new Date(state.last); } else if (!state.planner_days) { if (d.getUTCDate() < 15) { d.setUTCDate(0); d.setUTCMonth(d.getUTCMonth()+1); d = app.calendar.date.end_of_week(d); } else { d.setUTCMonth(d.getUTCMonth()+1); d = app.calendar.date.end_of_week(d); } } return d; }, scroll: function(delta) { var d = new Date(app.calendar.state.date); // Yearly view, grouped by month - scroll 1 month if(app.calendar.state.sortby === 'month') { d.setUTCMonth(d.getUTCMonth() + delta) d.setUTCDate(1); d.setUTCHours(0); d.setUTCMinutes(0); return d; } // Need to set the day count, or auto date ranging takes over and // makes things buggy if(app.calendar.state.first && app.calendar.state.last) { var diff = new Date(app.calendar.state.last) - new Date(app.calendar.state.first); app.calendar.state.planner_days = Math.round(diff / (1000*3600*24)); } d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() + (app.calendar.state.planner_days*delta)); if(app.calendar.state.planner_days > 8) { d = app.calendar.date.start_of_week(d); } return d; } }), listview: app.classes.calendar.prototype.View.extend({ header: function(state) { var startDate = new Date(state.first); startDate = new Date(startDate.valueOf() + startDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000); var start_check = ''+startDate.getFullYear() + startDate.getMonth() + startDate.getDate(); var endDate = new Date(state.last); endDate = new Date(endDate.valueOf() + endDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000); var end_check = ''+endDate.getFullYear() + endDate.getMonth() + endDate.getDate(); return app.calendar.egw.lang('Listview') + ': ' + app.calendar.View._owner(state) + date(egw.preference('dateformat'),startDate) + (start_check == end_check ? '' : ' - ' + date(egw.preference('dateformat'),endDate)); }, etemplates: ['calendar.list'] }) }} );