/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - Avatar widget * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Hadi Nategh */ import {Et2Widget} from "../Et2Widget/Et2Widget"; import {css, SlotMixin} from "@lion/core"; import {SlAvatar} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace"; import {et2_IDetachedDOM} from "../et2_core_interfaces"; import {egw} from "../../jsapi/egw_global"; import shoelace from "../Styles/shoelace"; import {Et2Dialog} from "../Et2Dialog/Et2Dialog"; import "../../../../vendor/bower-asset/cropper/dist/cropper.min.js"; import {cropperStyles} from "./cropperStyles"; export class Et2Avatar extends Et2Widget(SlotMixin(SlAvatar)) implements et2_IDetachedDOM { private _contactId; private _delBtn: HTMLElement; private _editBtn : HTMLElement; static get styles() { return [ ...super.styles, shoelace, cropperStyles, css` :host::part(edit) { visibility: hidden; border-radius: 50%; margin: -4px; z-index: 1; } :host(:hover)::part(edit) { visibility: visible; } ` ]; } static get properties() { return { ...super.properties, /** * The label of the image * Actually not used as label, but we put it as title * Added here as there's no Lion parent */ label: { type: String }, /** * Contact id should be either user account_id {account:number} or contact_id {contact:number or number} */ contactId: {type: String, noAccessor: true}, /** * Image * Displayed image * @deprecated */ src: {type: String}, /** * The shape of the avatar * circle | square | rounded */ shape: { type: String, reflect: true }, /** * Make avatar widget editable to be able to crop profile picture or upload a new photo */ editable: {type: Boolean}, image: { type: String, reflect: true }, crop: {type: Boolean}, size: {type: String} } } constructor() { super(); this.src = ""; this.label = ""; this.contactId = ""; this.editable = false; this.crop = false; this.size = "2.7em"; this.icon = ""; this.shape = "rounded"; } /** * Handle changes that have to happen based on changes to properties * */ updated(changedProperties) { super.updated(changedProperties); if (changedProperties.has("crop")) { if (this.crop && !this.readonly && this._imageNode) { jQuery(this._imageNode).cropper({aspectRatio: 1/1}); } } if (changedProperties.has("size")) { if(this.size) { this.getDOMNode().setAttribute('style', `--size:${this.size}`); } else { this.style.removeProperty("--size") } } } firstUpdated() { let self = this; if (this.contactId && this.editable) { egw(window).json( 'addressbook.addressbook_ui.ajax_noPhotoExists', [this.contactId], function(noPhotoExists) { if (noPhotoExists) self.image=""; self._buildEditableLayer(noPhotoExists); } ).sendRequest(true); } } get contactId() { return this._contactId; } static RFC822EMAIL = /<([^<>]+)>$/; /** * Function to set contactId * contactId could be in one of these formats: * 'number', will be considered as contact_id * 'contact:number', similar to above * 'account:number', will be considered as account id * 'email:<email>', will be considered as email address * @example: contactId = "account:4" * * @param {string} _contactId contact id could be as above-mentioned formats */ set contactId(_contactId : string) { let params = {}; let id = 'contact_id'; let parsedId = ""; if (!_contactId) { parsedId = this.egw().user('account_id'); } else if(_contactId.substr(0, 8) === 'account:') { id = 'account_id'; parsedId = _contactId.substr(8); } else if(_contactId.substr(0, 6) === 'email:') { id = 'email'; const matches = Et2Avatar.RFC822EMAIL.exec(_contactId); parsedId = matches ? matches[1] : _contactId.substr(6); } else { id = 'contact_id'; parsedId = _contactId.replace('contact:', ''); } let oldContactId = this._contactId; this._contactId = _contactId; // if our image (incl. cache-buster) already includes the correct id, use that one if(!this.image || !this.image.match("(&|\\?)" + id + "=" + encodeURIComponent(parsedId) + "(&|$)")) { params[id] = parsedId; this.image = egw.link('/api/avatar.php', params); } this.requestUpdate("contactId", oldContactId); } set value(_value) { this.contactId = _value; } /** * set the image source * @deprecated please use image instead * @param _value */ set src(_value) { this.image = _value; } get _baseNode() { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("[part='base']"); } get _imageNode() { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("[part='image']"); } /** * Build Editable Mask Layer (EML) in order to show edit/delete actions * on top of profile picture. * @param {boolean} _noDelete disable delete button in initialization */ private _buildEditableLayer(_noDelete : boolean) { let self = this; this._editBtn = document.createElement('et2-button-icon'); this._editBtn.setAttribute('name', 'pencil'); this._editBtn.setAttribute('part', 'edit'); this._delBtn = document.createElement('et2-button-icon'); this._delBtn.setAttribute('name', 'trash'); this._delBtn.setAttribute('part', 'edit'); this._baseNode.append(this._editBtn); this._baseNode.append(this._delBtn); // disable the delete button if no delete is set this._delBtn.disabled = _noDelete; // bind click handler to edit button this._editBtn.addEventListener('click', this.editButtonClickHandler.bind(this)); // bind click handler to del button this._delBtn.addEventListener('click', this.delButtonClickHandler.bind(this)); } /** * click handler to handle click on edit button */ editButtonClickHandler() { const buttons = [ {"button_id": 1, label: this.egw().lang('save'), id: 'save', image: 'check', "default": true}, {"button_id": 0, label: this.egw().lang('cancel'), id: 'cancel', image: 'cancelled'} ]; const value = { contactId: this.contactId, src: this.image } this._editDialog(egw.lang('Edit avatar'), value, buttons, null); } /** * Build edit dialog * @param _title * @param _value * @param _buttons * @param _egw_or_appname */ private _editDialog(_title, _value, _buttons, _egw_or_appname) { let dialog = new Et2Dialog(this.egw()); dialog.transformAttributes({ callback: this.__editDialogCallback.bind(this), title: _title || egw.lang('Input required'), buttons: _buttons || Et2Dialog.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL, value: { content: _value }, width: "90%", height: "450", resizable: false, position: "top+10", template: egw.webserverUrl + '/api/templates/default/avatar_edit.xet' }); document.body.appendChild(dialog); return dialog; } /** * Edit dialog callback function * @param _buttons * @param _value */ private __editDialogCallback(_buttons, _value) { let widget = document.getElementById('_cropper_image'); switch(_buttons) { case 0: return true; case 1: let canvas = jQuery(widget._imageNode).cropper('getCroppedCanvas'); this.image = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0) this.egw().json('addressbook.addressbook_ui.ajax_update_photo', [this.getInstanceManager().etemplate_exec_id, canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0)], this.__editAjaxUpdatePhotoCallback.bind(this)).sendRequest(); break; case '_rotate_reset': jQuery(widget._imageNode).cropper('reset'); return false; case '_rotate_l': jQuery(widget._imageNode).cropper('rotate', -90); return false; case '_rotate_r': jQuery(widget._imageNode).cropper('rotate', 90); return false; default: return false; } } /** * Edit ajax update photo response callback * @param response */ private __editAjaxUpdatePhotoCallback(response) { if(response) { this._delBtn.style.visibility = 'visible'; } } /** * click handler to handel click on delete button */ delButtonClickHandler() { //build delete dialog Et2Dialog.show_dialog(this._delBtnDialogCallback.bind(this), egw.lang('Delete this photo?'), egw.lang('Delete'), null, Et2Dialog.BUTTONS_YES_NO); } /** * del dialog callback function * @param _btn */ private _delBtnDialogCallback(_btn) { if(_btn == Et2Dialog.YES_BUTTON) { this.egw().json('addressbook.addressbook_ui.ajax_update_photo', [this.getInstanceManager().etemplate_exec_id, null], this.__delAjaxUpdatePhotoCallback.bind(this)).sendRequest(); } } /** * Del ajax update photo response callback * @param response */ private __delAjaxUpdatePhotoCallback(response) { if(response) { this.image = ''; this._delBtn.style.visibility = 'none'; egw.refresh('Avatar Deleted.', egw.app_name()); } } /** * Function runs after uplaod in avatar dialog is finished and it tries to * update image and cropper container. * @param {type} e */ static uploadAvatar_onFinish(e) { let file = e.data.resumable.files[0].file; let reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { let widget = document.getElementById('_cropper_image'); widget.image = e.target.result; // Wait for everything to complete widget.getUpdateComplete().then(() => { jQuery(widget._imageNode).cropper('replace',e.target.result) }); }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); } /** * */ getDetachedAttributes(_attrs : string[]) { _attrs.push("contactId", "label", "href", "src", "image", "statustext"); } getDetachedNodes() { return [<HTMLElement><unknown>this]; } setDetachedAttributes(_nodes, _values) { for(let attr in _values) { this[attr] = _values[attr]; } } } customElements.define("et2-avatar", Et2Avatar as any); // make et2_avatar publicly available as we need to call it from templates { window['et2_avatar'] = Et2Avatar; window['Et2Avatar'] = Et2Avatar; }