* * and Dan Kuykendall * * View and manipulate account records using SQL * * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Joseph Engo * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * This library is part of the phpGroupWare API * * http://www.phpgroupware.org/api * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, * * or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ class accounts_ { var $groups; var $group_names; var $apps; function phpgw_fillarray() { global $phpgw_info, $phpgw; $db2 = $phpgw->db; $db2->query("select * from accounts where account_lid='" . $phpgw_info["user"]["userid"] . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->next_record(); /* Now dump it into the array */ $phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"] = $db2->f("account_id"); $phpgw_info["user"]["firstname"] = $db2->f("account_firstname"); $phpgw_info["user"]["lastname"] = $db2->f("account_lastname"); $phpgw_info["user"]["fullname"] = $db2->f("account_firstname") . " " . $db2->f("account_lastname"); $phpgw_info["user"]["groups"] = explode (",", $db2->f("account_groups")); $phpgw_info["user"]["app_perms"] = explode (":", $db2->f("account_permissions")); $phpgw_info["user"]["lastlogin"] = $db2->f("account_lastlogin"); $phpgw_info["user"]["lastloginfrom"] = $db2->f("account_lastloginfrom"); $phpgw_info["user"]["lastpasswd_change"] = $db2->f("account_lastpwd_change"); $phpgw_info["user"]["status"] = $db2->f("account_status"); } function read_userData($id) { global $phpgw_info, $phpgw; $db2 = $phpgw->db; $db2->query("select * from accounts where account_id='$id'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->next_record(); /* Now dump it into the array */ $userData["account_id"] = $db2->f("account_id"); $userData["account_lid"] = $db2->f("account_lid"); $userData["firstname"] = $db2->f("account_firstname"); $userData["lastname"] = $db2->f("account_lastname"); $userData["fullname"] = $db2->f("account_firstname") . " " . $db2->f("account_lastname"); $userData["groups"] = explode(",", $db2->f("account_groups")); $userData["app_perms"] = explode(":", $db2->f("account_permissions")); $userData["lastlogin"] = $db2->f("account_lastlogin"); $userData["lastloginfrom"] = $db2->f("account_lastloginfrom"); $userData["lastpasswd_change"] = $db2->f("account_lastpwd_change"); $userData["status"] = $db2->f("account_status"); return $userData; } function read_groups($lid) { global $phpgw_info, $phpgw; $db2 = $phpgw->db; if ($phpgw_info["user"]["userid"] != $lid) { $db2->query("select account_groups from accounts where account_lid='$lid'",__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->next_record(); $gl = explode(",",$db2->f("account_groups")); } else { $gl = $phpgw_info["user"]["groups"]; } for ($i=1; $i<(count($gl)-1); $i++) { $ga = explode(":",$gl[$i]); $groups[$ga[0]] = $ga[1]; } return $groups; } function read_group_names($lid = "") { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $db2 = $phpgw->db; if (! $lid) { $lid = $phpgw_info["user"]["userid"]; } $groups = $this->read_groups($lid); $i = 0; while ($groups && $group = each($groups)) { $db2->query("select group_name from groups where group_id=".$group[0],__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->next_record(); $group_names[$i][0] = $group[0]; $group_names[$i][1] = $db2->f("group_name"); $group_names[$i++][2] = $group[1]; } if (! $lid) { $this->group_names = $group_names; } return $group_names; } // This works a little odd, but it is required for apps to be listed in the correct order. // We first take an array of apps in the correct order and give it a value of 1. Which local means false. // After the app is verified, it is giving the value of 2, meaning true. function read_apps($lid) { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; $db2 = $phpgw->db; $db2->query("select * from applications where app_enabled != '0'",__LINE__,__FILE__); while ($db2->next_record()) { $name = $db2->f("app_name"); $title = $db2->f("app_title"); $status = $db2->f("app_enabled"); $phpgw_info["apps"][$name] = array("title" => $title, "enabled" => True, "status" => $status); $enabled_apps[$db2->f("app_name")] = 1; $app_status[$db2->f("app_name")] = $db2->f("app_status"); } if (gettype($lid) == "integer") { $db2->query("select account_permissions from accounts where account_id=$lid",__LINE__,__FILE__); } else { $db2->query("select account_permissions from accounts where account_lid='$lid'",__LINE__,__FILE__); } $db2->next_record(); $pl = explode(":",$db2->f("account_permissions")); for ($i=0; $iread_groups($lid); while ($group_list && $group = each($group_list)) { $db2->query("select group_apps from groups where group_id=".$group[0],__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->next_record(); $gp = explode(":",$db2->f("group_apps")); for ($i=1,$j=0;$idb; $db2->query("select group_apps from groups where group_id=".$group_id,__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->next_record(); $gp = explode(":",$db2->f("group_apps")); for ($i=1,$j=0;$idb; if ($groups) { $db2->query("select account_lid,account_firstname,account_lastname from accounts where account_groups" . "like '%,$groups,%'",__LINE__,__FILE__); } else { $db2->query("select account_lid,account_firstname,account_lastname from accounts",__LINE__,__FILE__); } $i = 0; while ($db2->next_record()) { $accounts["account_lid"][$i] = $db2->f("account_lid"); $accounts["account_firstname"][$i] = $db2->f("account_firstname"); $accounts["account_lastname"][$i] = $db2->f("account_lastname"); $i++; } return $accounts; } }