* @version $Id$ */ /** * Class handling JSON requests to the server */ class egw_json_request { /** * Parses the raw input data supplied with the input_data parameter and calls the menuaction * passing all parameters supplied in the request to it. * * @param string menuaction to call * @param string $input_data is the RAW input data as it was received from the client * @returns NULL if parsing the request failed, or the result of the callback function if the request has been successfully decoded. */ public function parseRequest($menuaction, $input_data) { if (empty($input_data)) { $this->handleRequest($menuaction, array()); } else { //Decode the JSON input data into associative arrays if (($json = json_decode(stripslashes($input_data[0]), true))) { //Get the request array if (isset($json['request'])) { $request = $json['request']; //Check whether any parameters were supplied along with the request $parameters = array(); if (isset($request['parameters'])) $parameters = array_stripslashes($request['parameters']); //Call the supplied callback function along with the menuaction and the passed parameters $this->handleRequest($menuaction, $parameters); } } } return NULL; } /** * Request handler * * @param string $menuaction * @param array $parameters */ public function handleRequest($menuaction, array $parameters) { if (strpos($menuaction,'::') !== false && strpos($menuaction,'.') === false) // static method name app_something::method { @list($className,$functionName,$handler) = explode('::',$menuaction); list($appName) = explode('_',$className); } else { @list($appName, $className, $functionName, $handler) = explode('.',$menuaction); } error_log("xajax.php: appName=$appName, className=$className, functionName=$functionName, handler=$handler"); switch($handler) { /* case '/etemplate/process_exec': $menuaction = $appName.'.'.$className.'.'.$functionName; $appName = $className = 'etemplate'; $functionName = 'process_exec'; $menuaction = 'etemplate.etemplate.process_exec'; $argList = array( $argList[0]['etemplate_exec_id'], $argList[0]['submit_button'], $argList[0], 'xajaxResponse', ); //error_log("xajax_doXMLHTTP() /etemplate/process_exec handler: arg0='$menuaction', menuaction='$_GET[menuaction]'"); break;*/ case 'etemplate': // eg. ajax code in an eTemplate widget $menuaction = ($appName = 'etemplate').'.'.$className.'.'.$functionName; break; case 'template': $menuaction = $appName.'.'.$className.'.'.$functionName; list($template) = explode('_', $className); break; } if(substr($className,0,4) != 'ajax' && substr($className,-4) != 'ajax' && $menuaction != 'etemplate.etemplate.process_exec' && substr($functionName,0,4) != 'ajax' || !preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9_]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.|::)[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/',$menuaction)) { // stopped for security reasons error_log($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. ' stopped for security reason. '.$menuaction.' is not valid. class- or function-name must start with ajax!!!'); // send message also to the user throw new Exception($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. ' stopped for security reason. '.$menuaction.' is not valid. class- or function-name must start with ajax!!!'); exit; } if (isset($template)) { require_once(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/phpgwapi/templates/'.$template.'/class.'.$className.'.inc.php'); $ajaxClass = new $className; } else { $ajaxClass = CreateObject($appName.'.'.$className); } $parameters = translation::convert($parameters, 'utf-8'); call_user_func_array(array($ajaxClass, $functionName), $parameters); } } /** * Class used to send ajax responses */ class egw_json_response { /** * A response can only contain one generic data part. * This variable is used to store, whether a data part had already been added to the response. * * @var boolean */ private $hasData = false; /** * Holds the actual response data which is then encoded to JSON * once the "getJSON" function is called * * @var array */ protected $responseArray = array(); /** * Holding instance of class for singelton egw_json_response::get() * * @var egw_json_response */ private static $response = null; /** * Singelton for class * * @return egw_json_response */ public static function get() { if (!isset(self::$response)) { self::$response = new egw_json_response(); } return self::$response; } /** * Private function used to send the HTTP header of the JSON response */ private function sendHeader() { //Send the character encoding header header('content-type: application/json; charset='.translation::charset()); } /** * Private function which is used to send the result via HTTP */ public function sendResult() { $this->sendHeader(); echo $this->getJSON(); } /** * xAjax compatibility function */ public function printOutput() { // do nothing, as output is triggered by destructor } /** * Adds any type of data to the response array */ protected function addGeneric($key, $data) { $this->responseArray[] = array( 'type' => $key, 'data' => $data, ); } /** * Adds a "data" response to the json response. * * This function may only be called once for a single JSON response object. * * @param object|array|string $data can be of any data type and will be added JSON Encoded to your response. */ public function data($data) { /* Only allow adding the data response once */ if (!$this->hasData) { $this->addGeneric('data', $data); $this->hasData = true; } else { throw new Exception("Adding more than one data response to a JSON response is not allowed."); } } /** * Adds an "alert" to the response which can be handeled on the client side. * * The default implementation simply displays the text supplied here with the JavaScript function "alert". * * @param string $message contains the actual message being sent to the client. * @param string $details (optional) can be used to inform the user on the client side about additional details about the error. This might be information how the error can be resolved/why it was raised or simply some debug data. */ public function alert($message, $details = '') { if (is_string($message) && is_string($details)) { $this->addGeneric('alert', array( "message" => $message, "details" => $details)); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid parameters supplied."); } } /** * Allows to add a generic java script to the response which will be executed upon the request gets received. * * @deprecated * @param string $script the script code which should be executed upon receiving */ public function script($script) { if (is_string($script)) { $this->addGeneric('script', $script); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid parameters supplied."); } } /** * Adds an html assign to the response, which is excecuted upon the request is received. * * @deprecated just for compatibility with XAJAX * @param string $id id of dom element to modify * @param string $key attribute name of dom element which should be modified * @param string $value the value which should be assigned to the given attribute */ public function assign($id, $key, $value) { if (is_string($id) && is_string($key) && (is_string($value) || is_numeric($value))) { $this->addGeneric('assign', array( 'id' => $id, 'key' => $key, 'value' => $value, )); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid parameters supplied"); } } /** * Redirect to given url * * @param string $url */ public function redirect($url) { self::script("location.href = '$url';"); } /** * Returns the actual JSON code generated by calling the above "add" function. * * @return string */ public function getJSON() { /* Wrap the result array into a parent "response" Object */ $res = array('response' => $this->responseArray); return json_encode($res, JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_AMP); } /** * Destructor */ public function __destruct() { $this->sendResult(); } }