/** * eGroupWare egw_action framework - egw action framework * * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Andreas Stöckel * @copyright 2011 by Andreas Stöckel * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package egw_action * @version $Id$ */ /** * Getter functions for the global egwActionManager and egwObjectManager objects */ var egw_globalActionManager = null; var egw_globalObjectManager = null; /** * Returns the action manager for the given application - each application has its * own sub-ActionManager in the global action manager object to prevent collisions * from happening * * @param _id is the name of the sub-actionManager which should be returned. * If the action manager does not exist right now, it is created. If the * parameter is ommited or null, the global action manager is returned. */ function egw_getActionManager(_id, _create) { if (typeof _create == 'undefined') { _create = true; } // Check whether the global action manager had been created, if not do so var res = egw_globalActionManager; if (egw_globalActionManager == null) { res = egw_globalActionManager = new egwActionManager(); } // Check whether the sub-action manager exists, if not, create it if (typeof _id != 'undefined' && _id != null) { res = egw_globalActionManager.getActionById(_id); if (res == null && _create) { res = egw_globalActionManager.addAction("actionManager", _id); } } return res; } /** * Returns the object manager for the given application - each application may * have its own object manager where it can place action objects or containers. * * @param _id is the name of the sub-object manager should be returned. If the * object manager does not exists right now, it is created. If the parameter * is ommited or null, the global object manager is returned. */ function egw_getObjectManager(_id, _create) { if (typeof _create == "undefined") { _create = true; } // Check whether the global object manager exists var res = egw_globalObjectManager; if (res == null) { res = egw_globalObjectManager = new egwActionObjectManager("_egwGlobalObjectManager", egw_getActionManager()); } // Check whether the sub-object manager exists, if not, create it if (typeof _id != 'undefined' && _id != null) { res = egw_globalObjectManager.getObjectById(_id); if (res == null && _create) { res = new egwActionObjectManager(_id, egw_getActionManager(_id)); egw_globalObjectManager.addObject(res); } } return res; } /** * Returns the object manager for the current application */ function egw_getAppObjectManager(_create) { return egw_getObjectManager(egw_getAppName(), _create); } /** * Returns the action manager for the current application */ function egw_getAppActionManager(_create) { return egw_getActionManager(egw_getAppName(), _create); } /** egwActionHandler Interface **/ /** * Constructor for the egwActionHandler interface which (at least) should have the * execute function implemented. */ function egwActionHandler(_executeEvent) { //Copy the executeEvent parameter this.execute = _executeEvent; } /** egwAction Object **/ /** * Associative array where action classes may register themselves */ if (typeof window._egwActionClasses == "undefined") window._egwActionClasses = {} _egwActionClasses["default"] = { "actionConstructor": egwAction, "implementation": null }; _egwActionClasses["actionManager"] = { "actionConstructor": egwActionManager, "implementation": null }; function egwAction(_parent, _id, _caption, _iconUrl, _onExecute, _allowOnMultiple) { //Default and check the values if (_parent && (typeof _id != "string" || !_id) && _parent.type != "actionManager") throw "egwAction _id must be a non-empty string!"; if (typeof _caption == "undefined") _caption = ""; if (typeof _iconUrl == "undefined") _iconUrl = ""; if (typeof _onExecute == "undefined") _onExecute = null; if (typeof _allowOnMultiple == "undefined") _allowOnMultiple = true; this.id = _id; this.caption = _caption; this.iconUrl = _iconUrl; this.allowOnMultiple = _allowOnMultiple; this.enabled = new egwFnct(this, true); this.hideOnDisabled = false; this.data = null; // Data which can be freely assigned to the action this.type = "default"; //All derived classes have to override this! this.canHaveChildren = false; //Has to be overwritten by inherited action classes this.parent = _parent; this.children = []; this.onExecute = new egwFnct(this, null, []); } /** * Searches for a specific action with the given id */ egwAction.prototype.getActionById = function(_id) { // If the current action object has the given id, return this object if (this.id == _id) { return this; } // If this element is capable of having children, search those for the given // action id if (this.canHaveChildren) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var elem = this.children[i].getActionById(_id); if (elem) { return elem; } } } return null; } /** * Searches for actions having an attribute with a certain value * * Example: actionManager.getActionsByAttr("checkbox", true) returns all checkbox actions * * @param string _attr attribute name * @param mixed _val attribute value * @return array */ egwAction.prototype.getActionsByAttr = function(_attr, _val) { var _actions = []; // If the current action object has the given attr AND value, return it if (typeof this[_attr] != "undefined" && this[_attr] === _val) { _actions.push(this); } // If this element is capable of having children, search those too if (this.canHaveChildren) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { _actions = _actions.concat(this.children[i].getActionsByAttr(_attr, _val)); } } return _actions; } /** * Adds a new action to the child elements. */ egwAction.prototype.addAction = function(_type, _id, _caption, _iconUrl, _onExecute, _allowOnMultiple) { //Get the constructor for the given action type if (!_type) { _type = "popup"; } // Only allow adding new actions, if this action class allows it. if (this.canHaveChildren) { var constructor = _egwActionClasses[_type].actionConstructor; if (typeof constructor == "function") { var action = new constructor(this, _id, _caption, _iconUrl, _onExecute, _allowOnMultiple); this.children.push(action); return action; } else { throw "Given action type not registered."; } } else { throw "This action does not allow child elements!" } } /** * Updates the children of this element */ egwAction.prototype.updateActions = function(_actions) { if (this.canHaveChildren) { for (var i = 0 ; i < _actions.length; i++) { //Check whether the given action is already part of this action manager instance var elem = _actions[i]; if (typeof elem == "object" && typeof elem.id == "string" && elem.id) { //Check whether the action already exists, and if no, add it to the //actions list var action = this.getActionById(elem.id); if (!action) { if (typeof elem.type == "undefined") elem.type = "popup"; var constructor = null; // Check whether the given type is inside the "canHaveChildren" // array if (this.canHaveChildren !== true && this.canHaveChildren.indexOf(elem.type) == -1) { throw "This child type '" + elem.type + "' is not allowed!" } if (typeof _egwActionClasses[elem.type] != "undefined") constructor = _egwActionClasses[elem.type].actionConstructor; if (typeof constructor == "function" && constructor) action = new constructor(this, elem.id); else throw "Given action type \"" + elem.type + "\" not registered."; this.children.push(action); } action.updateAction(elem); // Add sub-actions to the action if (elem.children) { action.updateActions(elem.children); } } } } else { console.log(this); throw "This action element cannot have children!"; } } /** * Applys the same onExecute handler to all actions which don't have an execute * handler set. */ egwAction.prototype.setDefaultExecute = function(_value) { // Check whether the onExecute handler of this action should be set if (this.type != "actionManager" && !this.onExecute.hasHandler()) { this.onExecute.setValue(_value); } // Apply the value to all children if (this.canHaveChildren) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].setDefaultExecute(_value); } } } /** * Executes this action by using the method specified in the onExecute setter. * * @param array _senders array with references to the objects which caused the action * @param object _target is an optional parameter which may represent e.g. an drag drop target */ egwAction.prototype.execute = function(_senders, _target) { if (typeof _target == "undefined") { _target == null; } return this.onExecute.exec(this, _senders, _target); } /** * The set_onExecute function is the setter function for the onExecute event of * the egwAction object. There are three possible types the passed "_value" may * take: * 1. _value may be a string with the word "javaScript:" prefixed. The function * which is specified behind the colon and which has to be in the global scope * will be executed. * 2. _value may be a boolean, which specifies whether the external onExecute handler * (passed as "_handler" in the constructor) will be used. * 3. _value may be a JS functino which will then be called. * In all possible situation, the called function will get the following parameters: * 1. A reference to this action * 2. The senders, an array of all objects (JS)/object ids (PHP) which evoked the event */ egwAction.prototype.set_onExecute = function(_value) { this.onExecute.setValue(_value); } egwAction.prototype.set_caption = function(_value) { this.caption = _value; } egwAction.prototype.set_iconUrl = function(_value) { this.iconUrl = _value; } egwAction.prototype.set_enabled = function(_value) { this.enabled.setValue(_value); } /** * The allowOnMultiple property may be true, false or "only" */ egwAction.prototype.set_allowOnMultiple = function(_value) { this.allowOnMultiple = _value; } egwAction.prototype.set_hideOnDisabled = function(_value) { this.hideOnDisabled = _value; } egwAction.prototype.set_data = function(_value) { this.data = _value; } egwAction.prototype.updateAction = function(_data) { egwActionStoreJSON(_data, this, true); } function _egwActionTreeContains(_tree, _elem) { for (var i = 0; i < _tree.length; i++) { if (_tree[i].action == _elem) { return _tree[i]; } if (typeof _tree[i].children != "undefined") { var elem = _egwActionTreeContains(_tree[i].children, _elem); if (elem) { return elem; } } } return null; } /** * The appendToGraph function generates an action tree which automatically contains * all parent elements. If the appendToGraph function is called for a * * @param array _tree contains the tree structure - pass an object containing * the empty array "root" to this function {"root": []}. The result will be stored in * this array. * @param boolean _addChildren is used internally to prevent parent elements from * adding their children automatically to the tree. */ egwAction.prototype.appendToTree = function(_tree, _addChildren) { if (typeof _addChildren == "undefined") { _addChildren = true; } if (typeof _addParent == "undefined") { _addParent = true; } // Preset some variables var root = _tree.root; var parent_cntr = null; var cntr = { "action": this, "children": [] }; if (this.parent && this.type != "actionManager") { // Check whether the parent container has already been added to the tree parent_cntr = _egwActionTreeContains(root, this.parent); if (!parent_cntr) { parent_cntr = this.parent.appendToTree(_tree, false); } // Check whether this element has already been added to the parent container var added = false; for (var i = 0; i < parent_cntr.children.length; i++) { if (parent_cntr.children[i].action == this) { cntr = parent_cntr.children[i]; added = true; break; } } if (!added) { parent_cntr.children.push(cntr); } } else { var added = false; for (var i = 0; i < root.length; i++) { if (root[i].action == this) { cntr = root[i]; added = true; break; } } if (!added) { // Add this element to the root if it has no parent root.push(cntr); } } if (_addChildren) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].appendToTree(_tree, true); } } return cntr; } /** * Returns the parent action manager */ egwAction.prototype.getManager = function() { if (this.type == "actionManager") { return this; } else if (this.parent) { return this.parent.getManager(); } else { return null; } } /** egwActionManager Object **/ /** * egwActionManager manages a list of actions - it overwrites the egwAction class * and allows child actions to be added to it. */ function egwActionManager(_parent, _id) { if (typeof _parent == 'undefined') { _parent = null; } if (typeof _id == 'undefined') { _id = false; } var action = new egwAction(_parent, _id); action.type = "actionManager"; action.canHaveChildren = true; return action; } /** egwActionImplementation Interface **/ /** * Abstract interface for the egwActionImplementation object. The egwActionImplementation * object is responsible for inserting the actual action representation (context menu, * drag-drop code) into the DOM Tree by using the egwActionObjectInterface object * supplied by the object. * To write a "class" which derives from this object, simply write a own constructor, * which replaces "this" with a "new egwActionImplementation" and implement your * code in "doRegisterAction" und "doUnregisterAction". * Register your own implementation within the _egwActionClasses object. */ function egwActionImplementation() { this.doRegisterAction = function() {throw "Abstract function call: registerAction"}; this.doUnregisterAction = function() {throw "Abstract function call: unregisterAction"}; this.doExecuteImplementation = function() {throw "Abstract function call: executeImplementation"}; this.type = ""; } /** * Injects the implementation code into the DOM tree by using the supplied * actionObjectInterface. * * @param object _actionObjectInterface is the AOI in which the implementation * should be registered. * @param function _triggerCallback is the callback function which will be triggered * when the user triggeres this action implementatino (e.g. starts a drag-drop or * right-clicks on an object.) * @param object context in which the triggerCallback should get executed. * @returns true if the Action had been successfully registered, false if it * had not. */ egwActionImplementation.prototype.registerAction = function(_actionObjectInterface, _triggerCallback, _context) { if (typeof _context == "undefined") _context = null; return this.doRegisterAction(_actionObjectInterface, _triggerCallback, _context); } /** * Unregister action will be called before an actionObjectInterface is destroyed, * which gives the egwActionImplementation the opportunity to remove the previously * injected code. * * @returns true if the Action had been successfully unregistered, false if it * had not. */ egwActionImplementation.prototype.unregisterAction = function(_actionObjectInterface) { return this.doUnregisterAction(_actionObjectInterface); } egwActionImplementation.prototype.executeImplementation = function(_context, _selected, _links) { return this.doExecuteImplementation(_context, _selected, _links); } /** egwActionLink Object **/ /** * The egwActionLink is used to interconnect egwActionObjects and egwActions. * This gives each action object the possibility to decide, whether the action * should be active in this context or not. * * @param _manager is a reference to the egwActionManager whic contains the action * the object wants to link to. */ function egwActionLink(_manager) { this.enabled = true; this.visible = true; this.actionId = ""; this.actionObj = null; this.manager = _manager; } egwActionLink.prototype.updateLink = function (_data) { egwActionStoreJSON(_data, this, true); } egwActionLink.prototype.set_enabled = function(_value) { this.enabled = _value; } egwActionLink.prototype.set_visible = function(_value) { this.visible = _value; } egwActionLink.prototype.set_actionId = function(_value) { this.actionId = _value; this.actionObj = this.manager.getActionById(_value); if (!this.actionObj) throw "Action object with id '"+_value+"' does not exist!" } /** egwActionObject Object **/ //State bitmask (only use powers of two for new states!) var EGW_AO_STATE_NORMAL = 0x00; var EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED = 0x01; var EGW_AO_STATE_FOCUSED = 0x02; var EGW_AO_STATE_VISIBLE = 0x04; //< Can only be set by the AOI, means that the object is attached to the DOM-Tree and visible var EGW_AO_EVENT_DRAG_OVER_ENTER = 0x00; var EGW_AO_EVENT_DRAG_OVER_LEAVE = 0x01; // No shift key is pressed var EGW_AO_SHIFT_STATE_NONE = 0x00; // A shift key, which allows multiselection is pressed (usually CTRL on a PC keyboard) var EGW_AO_SHIFT_STATE_MULTI = 0x01; // A shift key is pressed, which forces blockwise selection (SHIFT on a PC keyboard) var EGW_AO_SHIFT_STATE_BLOCK = 0x02; // If this flag is set, this object will not be returned as "focused". If this // flag is not applied to container objects, it may lead to some strange behaviour. var EGW_AO_FLAG_IS_CONTAINER = 0x01; // If this flag is set, the object will gets its focus when no other object is // selected and e.g. a key is pressed. var EGW_AO_FLAG_DEFAULT_FOCUS = 0x02; /** * The egwActionObject represents an abstract object to which actions may be * applied. Communication with the DOM tree is established by using the * egwActionObjectInterface (AOI), which is passed in the constructor. * egwActionObjects are organized in a tree structure. * * @param string _id is the identifier of the object which * @param object _parent is the parent object in the hirachy. This may be set to NULL * @param object _iface is the egwActionObjectInterface which connects the object * to the outer world. * @param object _manager is the action manager this object is connected to * this object to the DOM tree. If the _manager isn't supplied, the parent manager * is taken. * @param int _flags a set of additional flags being applied to the object, * defaults to 0 */ function egwActionObject(_id, _parent, _iface, _manager, _flags) { //Preset some parameters if (typeof _manager == "undefined" && typeof _parent == "object" && _parent) _manager = _parent.manager; if (typeof _flags == "undefined") _flags = 0; this.id = _id; this.parent = _parent; this.children = []; this.actionLinks = []; this.manager = _manager; this.flags = _flags; this.data = null; this.setSelectedCallback = null; this.registeredImpls = []; // Two variables which help fast travelling through the object tree, when // searching for the selected/focused object. this.selectedChildren = []; this.focusedChild = null; this.setAOI(_iface); } /** * Sets the action object interface - if "NULL" is given, the iface is set * to a dummy interface which is used to store the temporary data. */ egwActionObject.prototype.setAOI = function(_aoi) { if (_aoi == null) { _aoi = new egwActionObjectDummyInterface(); } // Copy the state from the old interface if (this.iface) { _aoi.setState(this.iface.getState()); } // Replace the interface object this.iface = _aoi; this.iface.setStateChangeCallback(this._ifaceCallback, this); this.iface.setReconnectActionsCallback(this._reconnectCallback, this); } /** * Returns the object from the tree with the given ID */ //TODO: Add search function to egw_action_commons.js egwActionObject.prototype.getObjectById = function(_id) { if (this.id == _id) { return this; } for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var obj = this.children[i].getObjectById(_id); if (obj) { return obj; } } return null; } /** * Adds an object as child to the actionObject and returns it - if the supplied * parameter is a object, the object will be added directly, otherwise an object * with the given id will be created. * * @param string/object _id Id of the object which will be created or the object * that will be added. * @param object if _id was an string, _interface defines the interface which * will be connected to the newly generated object. * @param int _flags are the flags will which be supplied to the newly generated * object. May be omitted. * @returns object the generated object */ egwActionObject.prototype.addObject = function(_id, _interface, _flags) { return this.insertObject(false, _id, _interface, _flags); } /** * Inserts an object as child to the actionObject and returns it - if the supplied * parameter is a object, the object will be added directly, otherwise an object * with the given id will be created. * * @param int _index Position where the object will be inserted, "false" will add it * to the end of the list. * @param string/object _id Id of the object which will be created or the object * that will be added. * @param object _iface if _id was an string, _iface defines the interface which * will be connected to the newly generated object. * @param int _flags are the flags will which be supplied to the newly generated * object. May be omitted. * @returns object the generated object */ egwActionObject.prototype.insertObject = function(_index, _id, _iface, _flags) { if (_index === false) _index = this.children.length; var obj = null; if (typeof _id == "object") { obj = _id; // Set the parent to null and reset the focus of the object obj.parent = null; obj.setFocused(false); // Set the parent to this object obj.parent = this; } else if (typeof _id == "string") { obj = new egwActionObject(_id, this, _iface, this.manager, _flags) } if (obj) { // Add the element to the children this.children.splice(_index, 0, obj); } else { throw "Error while adding new element to the ActionObjects!" } return obj; } /** * Deletes all children of the egwActionObject */ egwActionObject.prototype.clear = function() { this.children = []; this.selectedChildren = []; this.focusedChild = null; } /** * Deletes this object from the parent container */ egwActionObject.prototype.remove = function() { // Remove focus and selection from this element this.setFocused(false); this.setSelected(false); this.setAllSelected(false); // Clear the child-list this.clear(); // Remove this element from the parent list if (this.parent != null) { var idx = this.parent.children.indexOf(this); this.parent.children.splice(idx, 1); } } /** * Searches for the root object in the action object tree and returns it. */ egwActionObject.prototype.getRootObject = function() { if (this.parent === null) { return this; } else { return this.parent.getRootObject(); } } /** * Returns a list with all parents of this object. */ egwActionObject.prototype.getParentList = function() { if (this.parent === null) { return []; } else { var list = this.parent.getParentList(); list.unshift(this.parent); return list; } } /** * Returns the first parent which has the container flag */ egwActionObject.prototype.getContainerRoot = function() { if (egwBitIsSet(this.flags, EGW_AO_FLAG_IS_CONTAINER) || this.parent === null) { return this; } else { return this.parent.getContainerRoot(); } } /** * Returns all selected objects which are in the current subtree. * * @param function _test is a function, which gets an object and checks whether * it will be added to the list. * @param array _list is internally used to fetch all selected elements, please * omit this parameter when calling the function. */ egwActionObject.prototype.getSelectedObjects = function(_test, _list) { if (typeof _test == "undefined") _test = null; if (typeof _list == "undefined") { _list = {"elements": []} } if ((!_test || _test(this)) && this.getSelected()) _list.elements.push(this); if (this.selectedChildren) { for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedChildren.length; i++) { this.selectedChildren[i].getSelectedObjects(_test, _list) } } return _list.elements; } /** * Returns whether all objects in this tree are selected */ egwActionObject.prototype.getAllSelected = function() { if (this.children.length == this.selectedChildren.length) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { if (!this.children[i].getAllSelected()) return false; } // If this element is an container *and* does not have any children, we // should return false. If this element is not an container we have to // return true has this is the recursion base case return (!egwBitIsSet(this.flags, EGW_AO_FLAG_IS_CONTAINER)) || (this.children.length > 0); } return false; } /** * Toggles the selection of all objects. * * @param _select boolean specifies whether the objects should get selected or not. * If this parameter is not supplied, the selection will be toggled. */ egwActionObject.prototype.toggleAllSelected = function(_select) { if (typeof _select == "undefined") { _select = !this.getAllSelected(); } this.setAllSelected(_select); } /** * Creates a list which contains all items of the element tree. * * @param object _obj is used internally to pass references to the array inside * the object. */ egwActionObject.prototype.flatList = function(_obj) { if (typeof(_obj) == "undefined") { _obj = { "elements": [] } } _obj.elements.push(this); for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].flatList(_obj); } return _obj.elements; } /** * Returns a traversal list with all objects which are in between the given object * and this one. The operation returns an empty list, if a container object is * found on the way. */ //TODO: Remove flatList here! egwActionObject.prototype.traversePath = function(_to) { var contRoot = this.getContainerRoot(); if (contRoot) { // Get a flat list of all the hncp elements and search for this object // and the object supplied in the _to parameter. var flatList = contRoot.flatList(); var thisId = flatList.indexOf(this); var toId = flatList.indexOf(_to); // Check whether both elements have been found in this part of the tree, // return the slice of that list. if (thisId !== -1 && toId !== -1) { var from = Math.min(thisId, toId); var to = Math.max(thisId, toId); return flatList.slice(from, to + 1); } } return []; } /** * Returns the index of this object in the children list of the parent object. */ egwActionObject.prototype.getIndex = function() { if (this.parent === null) { return 0; } else { return this.parent.children.indexOf(this); } } /** * Returns the deepest object which is currently focused. Objects with the * "container"-flag will not be returned. */ egwActionObject.prototype.getFocusedObject = function() { /*var cr = this.getContainerRoot();*/ var cr = this.getRootObject(); return cr ? cr.focusedChild : null; } /** * Internal function which is connected to the ActionObjectInterface associated * with this object in the constructor. It gets called, whenever the object * gets (de)selected. * * @param int _newState is the new state of the object * @param int _shiftState is the status of extra keys being pressed during the * selection process. */ egwActionObject.prototype._ifaceCallback = function(_newState, _changedBit, _shiftState) { if (typeof _shiftState == "undefined") _shiftState = EGW_AO_SHIFT_STATE_NONE; var selected = egwBitIsSet(_newState, EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED); var visible = egwBitIsSet(_newState, EGW_AO_STATE_VISIBLE); // Check whether the visibility of the object changed if (_changedBit == EGW_AO_STATE_VISIBLE && visible != this.getVisible()) { // Deselect the object if (!visible) { this.setSelected(false); this.setFocused(false); return EGW_AO_STATE_NORMAL; } else { // Auto-register the actions attached to this object this.registerActions(); } } // Remove the focus from all children on the same level if (this.parent && visible && _changedBit == EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED) { var selected = egwBitIsSet(_newState, EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED); var objs = []; if (selected) { // Search the index of this object var id = this.parent.children.indexOf(this); // Deselect all other objects inside this container, if the "MULTI" shift- // state is not set if (!egwBitIsSet(_shiftState, EGW_AO_SHIFT_STATE_MULTI)) { var lst = this.getContainerRoot().setAllSelected(false); } // If the LIST state is active, get all objects inbetween this one and the focused one // and set their select state. if (egwBitIsSet(_shiftState, EGW_AO_SHIFT_STATE_BLOCK)) { var focused = this.getFocusedObject(); if (focused) { objs = this.traversePath(focused); for (var i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { objs[i].setSelected(true); } } } } // If the focused element didn't belong to this container, or the "list" // shift-state isn't active, set the focus to this element. if (objs.length == 0 || !egwBitIsSet(_shiftState, EGW_AO_SHIFT_STATE_BLOCK)) { this.setFocused(true); _newState = egwSetBit(EGW_AO_STATE_FOCUSED, _newState, true); } this.setSelected(selected); } return _newState; } /** * Handler for key presses */ egwActionObject.prototype.handleKeyPress = function(_keyCode, _shift, _ctrl, _alt) { switch (_keyCode) { case EGW_KEY_ARROW_UP: case EGW_KEY_ARROW_DOWN: case EGW_KEY_PAGE_UP: case EGW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN: if (!_alt) { var intval = (_keyCode == EGW_KEY_ARROW_UP || _keyCode == EGW_KEY_ARROW_DOWN) ? 1 : 10; if (this.children.length > 0) { // Get the focused object var focused = this.getFocusedObject(); // Determine the object which should get selected var selObj = null; if (!focused) { selObj = this.children[0]; } else { selObj = (_keyCode == EGW_KEY_ARROW_UP || _keyCode == EGW_KEY_PAGE_UP) ? focused.getPrevious(intval) : focused.getNext(intval); } if (selObj != null) { if (!_shift) { this.setAllSelected(false); } else { var objs = focused.traversePath(selObj); for (var i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { objs[i].setSelected(true); } } selObj.setSelected(true); selObj.setFocused(true); // Tell the aoi of the object to make it visible selObj.makeVisible(); } return true; } } break; // Handle CTRL-A to select all elements in the current container case EGW_KEY_A: if (_ctrl && !_shift && !_alt) { this.toggleAllSelected(); return true; } break; } return false; } egwActionObject.prototype.getPrevious = function(_intval) { if (this.parent != null) { if (this.getFocused() && !this.getSelected()) { return this; } var idx = this.parent.children.indexOf(this); if (idx > 0) { idx = Math.max(0, idx - _intval); return this.parent.children[idx]; } else { // TODO: Implement traversal of trees } } return this; } egwActionObject.prototype.getNext = function(_intval) { if (this.parent != null) { if (this.getFocused() && !this.getSelected()) { return this; } var idx = this.parent.children.indexOf(this); if (idx < this.parent.children.length - 1) { idx = Math.min(this.parent.children.length - 1, idx + _intval); return this.parent.children[idx]; } else { // TODO: Implement traversal of trees } } return this; } /** * Returns whether the object is currently selected. */ egwActionObject.prototype.getSelected = function() { return egwBitIsSet(this.getState(), EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED); } /** * Returns whether the object is currently focused. */ egwActionObject.prototype.getFocused = function() { return egwBitIsSet(this.getState(), EGW_AO_STATE_FOCUSED); } /** * Returns whether the object currently is visible - visible means, that the * AOI has a dom node and is visible. */ egwActionObject.prototype.getVisible = function() { return egwBitIsSet(this.getState(), EGW_AO_STATE_VISIBLE); } /** * Returns the complete state of the object. */ egwActionObject.prototype.getState = function() { return this.iface.getState(); } /** * Sets the focus of the element. The formerly focused element in the tree will * be de-focused. * * @param boolean _focused - whether to remove or set the focus. Defaults to true */ egwActionObject.prototype.setFocused = function(_focused) { if (typeof _focused == "undefined") _focused = true; var state = this.iface.getState(); if (egwBitIsSet(state, EGW_AO_STATE_FOCUSED) != _focused) { // Un-focus the currently focused object var currentlyFocused = this.getFocusedObject(); if (currentlyFocused && currentlyFocused != this) { currentlyFocused.setFocused(false); } this.iface.setState(egwSetBit(state, EGW_AO_STATE_FOCUSED, _focused)); if (this.parent) { this.parent.updateFocusedChild(this, _focused); } } if (this.focusedChild != null && _focused == false) { this.focusedChild.setFocused(false); } } /** * Sets the selected state of the element. * TODO: Callback */ egwActionObject.prototype.setSelected = function(_selected) { var state = this.iface.getState(); if ((egwBitIsSet(state, EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED) != _selected) && egwBitIsSet(state, EGW_AO_STATE_VISIBLE)) { this.iface.setState(egwSetBit(state, EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED, _selected)); if (this.parent) { this.parent.updateSelectedChildren(this, _selected || this.selectedChildren.length > 0); } } } /** * Sets the selected state of all elements, including children */ egwActionObject.prototype.setAllSelected = function(_selected, _informParent) { if (typeof _informParent == "undefined") _informParent = true; var state = this.iface.getState(); // Update this element if (egwBitIsSet(state, EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED) != _selected) { this.iface.setState(egwSetBit(state, EGW_AO_STATE_SELECTED, _selected)); if (_informParent && this.parent) { this.parent.updateSelectedChildren(this, _selected); } } // Update the children if the should be selected or if they should be // deselected and there are selected children. if (_selected || this.selectedChildren.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].setAllSelected(_selected, false); } } // Copy the selected children list this.selectedChildren = []; if (_selected) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.selectedChildren.push(this.children[i]); } } // Call the setSelectedCallback egwQueueCallback(this.setSelectedCallback, [], this, "setSelectedCallback"); } /** * Updates the selectedChildren array each actionObject has in order to determine * all selected children in a very fast manner. * TODO: Has also to be updated, if an child is added/removed! */ egwActionObject.prototype.updateSelectedChildren = function(_child, _selected) { var id = this.selectedChildren.indexOf(_child); // TODO Replace by binary search, insert children sorted by index! var wasEmpty = this.selectedChildren.length == 0; // Add or remove the given child from the selectedChildren list if (_selected && id == -1) { this.selectedChildren.push(_child); } else if (!_selected && id != -1) { this.selectedChildren.splice(id, 1); } // If the emptieness of the selectedChildren array has changed, update the // parent selected children array. if (wasEmpty != this.selectedChildren.length == 0 && this.parent) { this.parent.updateSelectedChildren(this, wasEmpty); } // Call the setSelectedCallback egwQueueCallback(this.setSelectedCallback, [], this, "setSelectedCallback"); } /** * Updates the focusedChild up to the container boundary. */ egwActionObject.prototype.updateFocusedChild = function(_child, _focused) { if (_focused) { this.focusedChild = _child; } else { if (this.focusedChild == _child) { this.focusedChild = null; } } if (this.parent /*&& !egwBitIsSet(this.flags, EGW_AO_FLAG_IS_CONTAINER)*/) { this.parent.updateFocusedChild(_child, _focused); } } /** * Updates the actionLinks of the given ActionObject. * * @param array _actionLinks contains the information about the actionLinks which * should be updated as an array of objects. Example * [ * { * "actionId": "file_delete", * "enabled": true * } * ] * If an supplied link doesn't exist yet, it will be created (if _doCreate is true) * and added to the list. Otherwise the information will just be updated. * @param boolean _recursive If true, the settings will be applied to all child * object (default false) * @param boolean _doCreate If true, not yet existing links will be created (default true) */ egwActionObject.prototype.updateActionLinks = function(_actionLinks, _recursive, _doCreate) { if (typeof _recursive == "undefined") _recursive = false; if (typeof _doCreate == "undefined") _doCreate = true; for (var i = 0; i < _actionLinks.length; i++) { var elem = _actionLinks[i]; // Allow single strings for simple action links. if (typeof elem == "string") { elem = {"actionId": elem}; } if (typeof elem.actionId != "undefined" && elem.actionId) { //Get the action link object, if it doesn't exist yet, create it var actionLink = this.getActionLink(elem.actionId); if (!actionLink && _doCreate) { actionLink = new egwActionLink(this.manager); this.actionLinks.push(actionLink); } //Set the supplied data if (actionLink) { actionLink.updateLink(elem); } } } if (_recursive) { for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].updateActionLinks(_actionLinks, true, _doCreate); } } if (this.getVisible() && this.iface != null) { this.registerActions(); } } /** * Reconnects the actions. */ egwActionObject.prototype._reconnectCallback = function() { this.registeredImpls = []; this.registerActions(); } /** * Registers the action implementations inside the DOM-Tree. */ egwActionObject.prototype.registerActions = function() { var groups = this.getActionImplementationGroups(); for (var group in groups) { // Get the action implementation for each group if (typeof _egwActionClasses[group] != "undefined" && _egwActionClasses[group].implementation && this.iface) { var impl = _egwActionClasses[group].implementation(); if (this.registeredImpls.indexOf(impl) == -1) { // Register a handler for that action with the interface of that object, // the callback and this object as context for the callback if (impl.registerAction(this.iface, this.executeActionImplementation, this)) { this.registeredImpls.push(impl); } } } } } /** * Calls the onBeforeTrigger function - if it is set - or returns false. */ egwActionObject.prototype.triggerCallback = function() { if (this.onBeforeTrigger) { return this.onBeforeTrigger(); } return true; } /** * Calls the corresponding function of the AOI which tries to make the object * visible. */ egwActionObject.prototype.makeVisible = function() { this.iface.makeVisible(); } var EGW_AO_EXEC_SELECTED = 0; var EGW_AO_EXEC_THIS = 1; /** * Executes the action implementation which is associated to the given action type. * * @param object _implContext is data which should be delivered to the action implementation. * E.g. in case of the popup action implementation, the x and y coordinates where the * menu should open are transmitted. * @param string _implType is the action type for which the implementation should be * executed. * @param int _execType specifies in which context the execution should take place. * defaults to EGW_AO_EXEC_SELECTED */ egwActionObject.prototype.executeActionImplementation = function(_implContext, _implType, _execType) { if (typeof _execType == "undefined") { _execType = EGW_AO_EXEC_SELECTED; } if (typeof _implType == "string") { _implType = _egwActionClasses[_implType].implementation(); } if (typeof _implType == "object" && _implType) { if (_execType == EGW_AO_EXEC_SELECTED) { if (!(egwBitIsSet(EGW_AO_FLAG_IS_CONTAINER, this.flags))) { this.forceSelection(); } var selectedActions = this.getSelectedLinks(_implType.type); } else if (_execType = EGW_AO_EXEC_THIS) { selectedActions = this._getLinks([this], _implType.type); } if (selectedActions.selected.length > 0 && egwObjectLength(selectedActions.links) > 0) { return _implType.executeImplementation(_implContext, selectedActions.selected, selectedActions.links); } } return false; } /** * Forces the object to be inside the currently selected objects. If this is * not the case, the object will select itself and deselect all other objects. */ egwActionObject.prototype.forceSelection = function() { var selected = this.getContainerRoot().getSelectedObjects(); // Check whether this object is in the list var thisInList = selected.indexOf(this) != -1; // If not, select it if (!thisInList) { this.getContainerRoot().setAllSelected(false); this.setSelected(true); } this.setFocused(true); } /** * Returns all selected objects, and all action links of those objects, which are * of the given implementation type, wheras actionLink properties such as * "enabled" and "visible" are accumulated. * * Objects have the chance to change their action links or to deselect themselves * in the onBeforeTrigger event, which is evaluated by the triggerCallback function. * * @param _actionType is the action type for which the actionLinks should be collected. * @returns object An object which contains a "links" and a "selected" section with * an array of links/selected objects- */ egwActionObject.prototype.getSelectedLinks = function(_actionType) { // Get all objects in this container which are currently selected var selected = this.getContainerRoot().getSelectedObjects(); return this._getLinks(selected, _actionType); } /** * */ egwActionObject.prototype._getLinks = function(_objs, _actionType) { var actionLinks = {}; var testedSelected = []; for (var i = 0; i < _objs.length; i++) { var obj = _objs[i]; if (!egwBitIsSet(obj.flags, EGW_AO_FLAG_IS_CONTAINER) && obj.triggerCallback()) { testedSelected.push(obj); for (var j = 0; j < obj.actionLinks.length; j++) { var olink = obj.actionLinks[j]; //object link // Test whether the action type is of the given implementation type if (olink.actionObj.type == _actionType) { if (typeof actionLinks[olink.actionId] == "undefined") { actionLinks[olink.actionId] = { "actionObj": olink.actionObj, "enabled": (testedSelected.length == 1), "visible": false, "cnt": 0 } } // Accumulate the action link properties var llink = actionLinks[olink.actionId]; llink.enabled = llink.enabled && olink.actionObj.enabled.exec(olink.actionObj, _objs, _objs[i]) && olink.enabled && olink.visible; llink.visible = (llink.visible || olink.visible); llink.cnt++; } } } } // Check whether all objects supported the action for (var k in actionLinks) { actionLinks[k].enabled = actionLinks[k].enabled && (actionLinks[k].cnt >= testedSelected.length) && ( (actionLinks[k].actionObj.allowOnMultiple === true) || (actionLinks[k].actionObj.allowOnMultiple == "only" && actionLinks[k].cnt > 1) || (actionLinks[k].actionObj.allowOnMultiple == false && actionLinks[k].cnt == 1) ); actionLinks[k].visible = actionLinks[k].visible && (actionLinks[k].enabled || !actionLinks[k].actionObj.hideOnDisabled); } // Return an object which contains the accumulated actionLinks and all selected // objects. return { "selected": testedSelected, "links": actionLinks } } /** * Returns the action link, which contains the association to the action with * the given actionId. * * @param string _actionId name of the action associated to the link */ egwActionObject.prototype.getActionLink = function(_actionId) { for (var i = 0; i < this.actionLinks.length; i++) { if (this.actionLinks[i].actionObj.id == _actionId) { return this.actionLinks[i]; } } return null; } /** * Returns all actions associated to the object tree, grouped by type. * * @param function _test gets an egwActionObject and should return, whether the * actions of this object are added to the result. Defaults to a "always true" * function. * @param object _groups is an internally used parameter, may be omitted. */ egwActionObject.prototype.getActionImplementationGroups = function(_test, _groups) { // If the _groups parameter hasn't been given preset it to an empty object // (associative array). if (typeof _groups == "undefined") _groups = {}; if (typeof _test == "undefined") _test = function(_obj) {return true}; for (var i = 0; i < this.actionLinks.length; i++) { var action = this.actionLinks[i].actionObj; if (typeof action != "undefined" && _test(this)) { if (typeof _groups[action.type] == "undefined") { _groups[action.type] = []; } _groups[action.type].push( { "object": this, "link": this.actionLinks[i] } ); } } // Recursively add the actions of the children to the result (as _groups is // an object, only the reference is passed). for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { this.children[i].getActionImplementationGroups(_test, _groups); } return _groups; } /** egwActionObjectInterface Interface **/ /** * The egwActionObjectInterface has to be implemented for each actual object in * the browser. E.g. for the object "DataGridRow", there has to be an * egwActionObjectInterface which is responsible for returning the outer DOMNode * of the object to which JS-Events may be attached by the egwActionImplementation * object, and to do object specific stuff like highlighting the object in the * correct way and to route state changes (like: "object has been selected") * to the egwActionObject object the interface is associated to. */ function egwActionObjectInterface() { //Preset the interface functions this.doGetDOMNode = function() {return null}; // _outerCall may be used to determine, whether the state change has been // evoked from the outside and the stateChangeCallback has to be called // or not. this.doSetState = function(_state, _outerCall) {}; // The doTiggerEvent function may be overritten by the aoi if it wants to // support certain action implementation specific events like EGW_AI_DRAG_OVER // or EGW_AI_DRAG_OUT this.doTriggerEvent = function(_event, _data) {return false;} this.doMakeVisible = function() {}; this._state = EGW_AO_STATE_NORMAL || EGW_AO_STATE_VISIBLE; this.stateChangeCallback = null; this.stateChangeContext = null; this.reconnectActionsCallback = null; this.reconnectActionsContext = null; } /** * Sets the callback function which will be called when a user interaction changes * state of the object. */ egwActionObjectInterface.prototype.setStateChangeCallback = function(_callback, _context) { this.stateChangeCallback = _callback; this.stateChangeContext = _context; } /** * Sets the reconnectActions callback, which will be called by the AOI if its * DOM-Node has been replaced and the actions have to be re-registered. */ egwActionObjectInterface.prototype.setReconnectActionsCallback = function(_callback, _context) { this.reconnectActionsCallback = _callback; this.reconnectActionsContext = _context; } /** * Will be called by the aoi if the actions have to be re-registered due to a * DOM-Node exchange. */ egwActionObjectInterface.prototype.reconnectActions = function() { if (this.reconnectActionsCallback) { this.reconnectActionsCallback.call(this.reconnectActionsContext); } } /** * Internal function which should be used whenever the select status of the object * has been changed by the user. This will automatically calculate the new state of * the object and call the stateChangeCallback (if it has been set) * * @param int _stateBit is the bit in the state bit which should be changed * @param boolean _set specifies whether the state bit should be set or not */ egwActionObjectInterface.prototype.updateState = function(_stateBit, _set, _shiftState) { // Calculate the new state var newState = egwSetBit(this._state, _stateBit, _set); // Call the stateChangeCallback if the state really changed if (this.stateChangeCallback) { this._state = this.stateChangeCallback.call(this.stateChangeContext, newState, _stateBit, _shiftState); } else { this._state = newState; } } /** * Returns the DOM-Node the ActionObject is actually a representation of. * Calls the internal "doGetDOMNode" function, which has to be overwritten * by implementations of this class. */ egwActionObjectInterface.prototype.getDOMNode = function() { return this.doGetDOMNode(); } /** * Sets the state of the object. * Calls the internal "doSetState" function, which has to be overwritten * by implementations of this class. The state-change callback must not be evoked! * * @param _state is the state of the object. */ egwActionObjectInterface.prototype.setState = function(_state) { //Call the doSetState function with the new state (if it has changed at all) if (_state != this._state) { this._state = _state; this.doSetState(_state); } } /** * Returns the current state of the object. The state is maintained by the * egwActionObjectInterface and implementations do not have to overwrite this * function as long as they call the _selectChange function. */ egwActionObjectInterface.prototype.getState = function() { return this._state; } /** * The trigger event function can be called by the action implementation in order * to tell the AOI to performe some action. * In the drag/drop handler this function is e.g. used for telling the droppable * element that there was a drag over/out event. */ egwActionObjectInterface.prototype.triggerEvent = function(_event, _data) { if (typeof _data == "undefined") { _data = null; } return this.doTriggerEvent(_event, _data); } /** * Scrolls the element into a visble area if it is currently hidden */ egwActionObjectInterface.prototype.makeVisible = function() { return this.doMakeVisible(); } /** -- egwActionObjectDummyInterface Class -- **/ var egwActionObjectDummyInterface = egwActionObjectInterface; /** egwActionObjectManager Object **/ /** * The egwActionObjectManager is a dummy class which only contains a dummy * AOI. It may be used as root object or as object containers. */ function egwActionObjectManager(_id, _manager) { var ao = new egwActionObject(_id, null, new egwActionObjectInterface(), _manager, EGW_AO_FLAG_IS_CONTAINER); // The object manager doesn't allow selections and cannot perform actions ao.triggerCallback = function() {return false;}; return ao; }