/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - Box widget * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray */ import {SlTab, SlTabGroup, SlTabPanel} from "@shoelace-style/shoelace"; import {loadWebComponent} from "../../Et2Widget/Et2Widget"; import {et2_directChildrenByTagName, et2_filteredNodeIterator, et2_readAttrWithDefault} from "../../et2_core_xml"; import {css, PropertyValues} from "@lion/core"; import shoelace from "../../Styles/shoelace"; import {et2_createWidget} from "../../et2_core_widget"; import {colorsDefStyles} from "../../Styles/colorsDefStyles"; import {Et2InputWidget} from "../../Et2InputWidget/Et2InputWidget"; import {et2_IResizeable} from "../../et2_core_interfaces"; export class Et2Tabs extends Et2InputWidget(SlTabGroup) implements et2_IResizeable { static get styles() { return [ ...super.styles, colorsDefStyles, ...shoelace, css` .tab-group--top { height: 100%; min-height: fit-content; } .tab-group__body { flex: 1 1 auto; overflow: hidden auto; } .tab-group__body-fixed-height { flex: 0 0 auto; } ::slotted([hidden]) { display: none; } ::slotted(et2-tab-panel) { flex: 1 1 auto; } ::slotted(et2-tab-panel:not([active])) { display: none; } ` ]; } static get properties() { return { ...super.properties, /** * Array of [extra] tabs. * Each tab needs {label:..., template:...}. * Additional optional keys are prepend, hidden and id, for access into content array */ extraTabs: {type: Object}, /** * Add tabs to template * Set to true if tabs specified in tabs property should be added to tabs read from template, * default false if not which replaces what's in template */ addTabs: {type: Boolean}, /** * Set the height for tabs * Leave unset to size automatically */ tabHeight: {type: String}, /** * @deprecated use "placement" instead * @see https://shoelace.style/components/tab-group */ alignTabs: {type: String}, /** * active tab is the value */ value: {type: String} } } /** * Index of currently selected tab * @type {number} * @private */ protected _selectedIndex = -1; protected tabData = []; protected lazyLoaded = false; constructor() { super(); this.extraTabs = []; this.addTabs = false; if (egwIsMobile()) { this.placement = 'end'; } } get value() { return this.getActiveTab()?.panel; } set value(tab) { if (this.tabs && Array.isArray(this.tabs) && this.tabs.length) { this.show(this.__value = tab); } else { this.__value = tab; } } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this.updateComplete.then(() => { if (this.__value) { this.show(this.__value); } }); } isDirty(): boolean { return false; } loadFromXML(_node) { // Get the tabs and tabpanels tags const tabsElems = et2_directChildrenByTagName(_node, "tabs"); const tabpanelsElems = et2_directChildrenByTagName(_node, "tabpanels"); const tabData = []; // Check for a parent height, we'll apply it to tab panels var height = et2_readAttrWithDefault(_node.parentNode, "height", null); if(height && !this.tabHeight) { this.tabHeight = height; } // if no tabs set or they should be added to tabs from xml if(!this.extraTabs || this.extraTabs.length == 0 || this.addTabs) { if(tabsElems.length == 1 && tabpanelsElems.length == 1) { var tabs = tabsElems[0]; var tabpanels = tabpanelsElems[0]; // Parse the "tabs" tag this._readTabs(tabData, tabs); // Read and create the widgets defined in the "tabpanels" this._readTabPanels(tabData, tabpanels); } else { this.egw().debug("error", "Error while parsing tabbox, none or multiple tabs or tabpanels tags!", this); } } // Add in additional tabs if(this.extraTabs) { let readonly = this.getArrayMgr("readonlys").getEntry(this.id) || {}; for(let i = 0; i < this.extraTabs.length; i++) { let tab = this.extraTabs[i]; let tab_id = tab.id || tab.template; let tab_options = {id: tab_id, template: tab.template, url: tab.url, content: undefined}; if(tab.id) { tab_options.content = tab.id; } tabData[tab.prepend ? 'unshift' : 'push'].call(tabData, { "id": tab_id, "label": this.egw().lang(tab.label), "widget": null, "widget_options": tab_options, "contentDiv": null, "flagDiv": null, "hidden": typeof tab.hidden != "undefined" ? tab.hidden : readonly[tab_id] || false, "XMLNode": null, "promise": null }); } } // Create the tab DOM-Nodes this.createTabs(tabData); } _readTabs(tabData, tabs) { let selected = ""; this._selectedIndex = -1; let hidden = {}; if(this.id) { // Set the value for this element let contentMgr = this.getArrayMgr("content"); if(contentMgr != null) { let val = contentMgr.getEntry(this.id); if(val !== null) { selected = val; } } contentMgr = this.getArrayMgr("readonlys"); if(contentMgr != null) { let val = contentMgr.getEntry(this.id); if(val !== null && typeof val !== 'undefined') { hidden = val; } } } let i = 0; et2_filteredNodeIterator(tabs, function(node, nodeName) { if(nodeName == "tab") { const index_name = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "id", ''); var hide = false; var widget_options = {}; if(index_name) { if(selected == index_name) { this.selected_index = i; } if(hidden[index_name]) { hide = true; } // Get the class attribute and add it as widget_options const classAttr = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "class", ''); if(classAttr) { widget_options = {'class': classAttr}; } } tabData.push({ "id": index_name, "label": this.egw().lang(et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "label", "Tab")), "widget": null, "widget_options": widget_options, "contentDiv": null, "flagDiv": null, "hidden": hide, "XMLNode": null, "promise": null }); } else { throw("Error while parsing: Invalid tag '" + nodeName + "' in tabs tag"); } i++; }, this); // Make sure we don't try to display a hidden tab for(let i = 0; i < tabData.length && this._selectedIndex < 0; i++) { if(!tabData[i].hidden) { this._selectedIndex = i; } } } _readTabPanels(tabData, tabpanels) { var i = 0; et2_filteredNodeIterator(tabpanels, function(node, nodeName) { if(i < tabData.length) { // Store node for later evaluation tabData[i].XMLNode = node; } else { throw("Error while reading tabpanels tag, too many widgets!"); } i++; }, this); } protected update(changedProperties : PropertyValues) { super.update(changedProperties); if(changedProperties.has("tabHeight")) { const body = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".tab-group__body"); body.style.setProperty("height", this.tabHeight == parseInt(this.tabHeight) + "" ? this.tabHeight + "px" : this.tabHeight); body.classList.toggle("tab-group__body-fixed-height", this.tabHeight !== ''); } } /** * Create the nodes for tabs * * @param tabData * @protected */ protected createTabs(tabData) { this.tabData = tabData; tabData.forEach((tab, index) => { // Tab - SlTabGroup looks for sl-tab, so we can't use our own without overriding a lot tab.flagDiv = loadWebComponent("et2-tab", { slot: "nav", panel: tab.id, active: index == this._selectedIndex, hidden: tab.hidden }, this); // Set tab label tab.flagDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tab.label)); }); tabData.forEach((tab, index) => { this.createPanel(tab); }); } protected createPanel(tab, active = false) { // Tab panel tab.contentDiv = loadWebComponent('et2-tab-panel', { id: tab.id, name: tab.id, active: active, hidden: tab.hidden }, this); // Tab content if(tab.XMLNode) { // Just read the XMLNode let tabContent = tab.contentDiv.createElementFromNode(tab.XMLNode); tab.contentDiv.appendChild( typeof window.customElements.get(tab.XMLNode.nodeName) == "undefined" ? tabContent.getDOMNode() : tabContent ); } else { et2_createWidget('template', tab.widget_options, tab.contentDiv); } return tab.contentDiv; } getAllTabs(includeDisabled = false) { const slot = <HTMLSlotElement>this.shadowRoot.querySelector('slot[name="nav"]'); const tabNames = ["sl-tab", "et2-tab"]; return <SlTab[]>[...slot.assignedElements()].filter((el) => { return includeDisabled ? tabNames.indexOf(el.tagName.toLowerCase()) != -1 : tabNames.indexOf(el.tagName.toLowerCase()) !== -1 && !el.disabled; }); } getAllPanels() { const slot = this.body.querySelector('slot')!; return [...slot.assignedElements()].filter(el => ['et2-tab-panel', 'sl-tab-panel'].indexOf(el.tagName.toLowerCase()) != -1) as [SlTabPanel]; } handleClick(event : MouseEvent) { const target = event.target as HTMLElement; const tab = target.closest('et2-tab'); const tabGroup = tab?.closest('sl-tab-group') || tab?.closest('et2-tabbox'); // Ensure the target tab is in this tab group if(tabGroup !== this) { return; } if(tab !== null) { this.setActiveTab(tab, {scrollBehavior: 'smooth'}); } } /** * Set up for printing * * @return {undefined|Deferred} Return a jQuery Deferred object if not done setting up * (waiting for data) */ beforePrint() { // Remove the "active" flag from all tabs-flags this.querySelector("[active]").removeAttribute("active"); // Remove height limit this.style.height = ''; // Show all enabled tabs for(let i = 0; i < this.tabData.length; i++) { let entry = this.tabData[i]; if(entry.hidden) { continue; } entry.flagDiv.insertBefore(entry.contentDiv); entry.contentDiv.show(); } } /** * Reset after printing */ afterPrint() { this.setActiveTab(this._selectedIndex); } /** * Activate the tab containing the given widget * * @param {et2_widget} widget * @return {bool} widget was found in a tab */ activateTab(widget) { let tab = widget; while(tab._parent && tab._parent.nodeName !== 'ET2-TABBOX') { tab = tab._parent; } if (tab.nodeName === 'ET2-TAB-PANEL') { this.show(tab.name); return true; } return false; } /** * Reimplement to allow our existing function signatures too * * @deprecated use this.show(name : string) * @param tab number or name of tab (Sl uses that internally with a SlTab!) * @param options */ setActiveTab(tab: SlTab|String|Number, options?: { emitEvents?: boolean; scrollBehavior?: 'auto' | 'smooth'; }) { if (typeof tab === 'number') { tab = this.getAllTabs()[tab]; return this.show(tab.panel); } if (typeof tab === 'string') { return this.show(tab); } return super.setActiveTab(<SlTab>tab, options); } resize(_height) { if(_height) { this.tabHeight = parseInt(this.tabHeight) + parseInt(_height); } } } customElements.define("et2-tabbox", Et2Tabs);