* * http://www.phpgroupware.org * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ class uiconfig { var $public_functions = array('index' => True); function index() { $referer = urldecode($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['referer']); if($referer) { $_redir = $referer; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data','admin_config',$referer); } else { $referer = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data','admin_config'); if($referer == '-1') { $referer = ''; } $_redir = $referer ? $referer : $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/admin/index.php'); } $appname = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['appname']; switch($appname) { case 'admin': //case 'preferences': //$appname = 'preferences'; case 'addressbook': case 'calendar': case 'email': case 'nntp': /* Other special apps can go here for now, e.g.: case 'bogusappname': */ $config_appname = 'phpgwapi'; break; case 'phpgwapi': case '': /* This keeps the admin from getting into what is a setup-only config */ Header('Location: ' . $_redir); break; default: $config_appname = $appname; break; } $t = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->get_tpl_dir($appname)); $t->set_unknowns('keep'); $t->set_file(array('config' => 'config.tpl')); $t->set_block('config','header','header'); $t->set_block('config','body','body'); $t->set_block('config','footer','footer'); $c = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config',$config_appname); $c->read_repository(); if ($c->config_data) { $current_config = $c->config_data; } if ($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['cancel']) { Header('Location: ' . $_redir); } if ($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['submit']) { /* Load hook file with functions to validate each config (one/none/all) */ $GLOBALS['phpgw']->hooks->single('config_validate',$appname); while (list($key,$config) = each($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['newsettings'])) { if ($config) { if($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['found_validation_hook'] && function_exists($key)) { call_user_func($key,$config); if($GLOBALS['config_error']) { $errors .= lang($GLOBALS['config_error']) . ' '; $GLOBALS['config_error'] = False; } else { $c->config_data[$key] = $config; } } else { $c->config_data[$key] = $config; } } else { /* don't erase passwords, since we also don't print them */ if(!ereg('passwd',$key) && !ereg('password',$key) && !ereg('root_pw',$key)) { unset($c->config_data[$key]); } } } if($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['found_validation_hook'] && function_exists('final_validation')) { final_validation($newsettings); if($GLOBALS['config_error']) { $errors .= lang($GLOBALS['config_error']) . ' '; $GLOBALS['config_error'] = False; } unset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['found_validation_hook']); } $c->save_repository(True); if(!$errors) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data','admin_config',-1); Header('Location: ' . $_redir); $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['nodisplay'] = True; exit; } } if($errors) { $t->set_var('error',lang('Error') . ': ' . $errors); $t->set_var('th_err','#FF8888'); unset($errors); unset($GLOBALS['config_error']); } else { $t->set_var('error',''); } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header(); $t->set_var('title',lang('Site Configuration')); $t->set_var('action_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uiconfig.index&appname=' . $appname)); $t->pparse('out','header'); $vars = $t->get_undefined('body'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->hooks->single('config',$appname); while (list($null,$value) = each($vars)) { $valarray = explode('_',$value); $type = $valarray[0]; $new = $newval = ''; while($chunk = next($valarray)) { $new[] = $chunk; } $newval = implode(' ',$new); switch($type) { case 'lang': $t->set_var($value,lang($newval)); break; case 'value': $newval = ereg_replace(' ','_',$newval); /* Don't show passwords in the form */ if(ereg('passwd',$value) || ereg('password',$value) || ereg('root_pw',$value)) { $t->set_var($value,''); } else { $t->set_var($value,$current_config[$newval]); } break; case 'checked': /* '+' is used as a delimiter for the check value */ list($newvalue,$check) = split('\+',$newval); $newval = ereg_replace(' ','_',$newvalue); if($current_config[$newval] == $check) { $t->set_var($value, ' checked'); } else { $t->set_var($value, ''); } break; case 'selected': $configs = array(); $config = ''; $newvals = explode(' ',$newval); $setting = end($newvals); for ($i=0;$i<(count($newvals) - 1); $i++) { $configs[] = $newvals[$i]; } $config = implode('_',$configs); /* echo $config . '=' . $current_config[$config]; */ if ($current_config[$config] == $setting) { $t->set_var($value,' selected'); } else { $t->set_var($value,''); } break; case 'hook': $newval = ereg_replace(' ','_',$newval); if(function_exists($newval)) { $t->set_var($value,$newval($current_config)); } else { $t->set_var($value,''); } break; default: $t->set_var($value,''); break; } } $t->pfp('out','body'); $t->set_var('lang_submit', lang('submit')); $t->set_var('lang_cancel', lang('cancel')); $t->pfp('out','footer'); } } ?>