access	et_notes	en	Access
access for the note	et_notes	en	access for the note
add note	et_notes	en	Add note
add, edit or delete categories	et_notes	en	add, edit or delete categories
add, edit, delete categories	et_notes	en	add, edit, delete categories
back to the list	et_notes	en	back to the list
back to the notes list	et_notes	en	back to the notes list
back to the notes list without saveing	et_notes	en	back to the notes list without saveing
categories	et_notes	en	Categories
category	et_notes	en	Category
clears the form	et_notes	en	clears the form
content	et_notes	en	Content
delete this note	et_notes	en	delete this note
delete this note?	et_notes	en	Delete this note?
deletes the note	et_notes	en	deletes the note
edit the note	et_notes	en	edit the note
edit this note	et_notes	en	edit this note
et_notes	common	en	eTemplate Notes
note	et_notes	en	Note
notes - delete note	et_notes	en	Notes - Delete note
notes - edit note	et_notes	en	Notes - Edit Note
notes - list notes for	et_notes	en	Notes - List notes for
notes - view note	et_notes	en	Notes - View Note
privat	et_notes	en	Privat
private	et_notes	en	Private
saves the note	et_notes	en	saves the note
select the category	et_notes	en	select the category
the content of the note	et_notes	en	the content of the note
to add a new note	et_notes	en	to add a new note
view this note	et_notes	en	view this note