, Christian Binder */ /** * Ajax methods for notifications */ class notifications_ajax { /** * Appname */ const _appname = 'notifications'; /** * Mailappname */ const _mailappname = 'felamimail'; /** * Notification table in SQL database */ const _notification_table = 'egw_notificationpopup'; /** * holds account object for user to notify * * @var object */ private $recipient; /** * holds config object (sitewide application config) * * @var object */ private $config; /** * holds preferences array of user to notify * * @var array */ private $preferences; /** * reference to global db object * * @var egw_db */ private $db; /** * holds the users session data * * @var array */ var $session_data; /** * holds the users session data defaults * * @var array */ var $session_data_defaults = array( 'notified_mail_uids' => array(), ); /** * the xml response object * * @var xajaxResponse */ private $response; /** * constructor * */ public function __construct() { $this->response = new xajaxResponse(); $this->recipient = (object)$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->read(); $this->config = (object)config::read(self::_appname); $prefs = new preferences($this->recipient->account_id); $preferences = $prefs->read(); $this->preferences = $prefs->read(); $this->db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db; } /** * destructor * */ public function __destruct() {} /** * public AJAX trigger function to be called by the JavaScript client * * this function calls all other recurring AJAX notifications methods * to have ONE single recurring AJAX call per user * * @return xajax response */ public function get_notifications() { if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['felamimail']) $this->check_mailbox(); // update currentusers if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'] && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['show_currentusers']) { $this->response->assign('currentusers', 'innerText', $GLOBALS['egw']->session->session_count()); } $this->get_egwpopup(); return $this->response->getXML(); } /** * Let the user confirm that they have seen the message. * After they've seen it, remove it from the database * * @param int|array $notify_id one or more notify_id's */ public function confirm_message($notify_id) { if ($notify_id) { $this->db->delete(self::_notification_table,array( 'notify_id' => $notify_id, ),__LINE__,__FILE__,self::_appname); } } /** * checks users mailbox and sends a notification if new mails have arrived * * @return boolean true or false */ private function check_mailbox() { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($this->preferences[self::_mailappname]['notify_folders'])); if(!isset($this->preferences[self::_mailappname]['notify_folders'])||$this->preferences[self::_mailappname]['notify_folders']=='none') { return true; //no pref set for notifying - exit } $notify_folders = explode(',', $this->preferences[self::_mailappname]['notify_folders']); if(count($notify_folders) == 0) { return true; //no folders configured for notifying - exit } $bofelamimail = felamimail_bo::getInstance(); // buffer felamimail sessiondata, as they are needed for information exchange by the app itself $bufferFMailSession = $bofelamimail->sessionData; if(!$bofelamimail->openConnection()) { // TODO: This is ugly. Log a bit nicer! error_log(self::_appname.' (user: '.$this->recipient->account_lid.'): cannot connect to mailbox. Please check your prefs!'); return false; // cannot connect to mailbox } $this->restore_session_data(); $recent_messages = array(); $folder_status = array(); foreach($notify_folders as $id=>$notify_folder) { if(!is_array($this->session_data['notified_mail_uids'][$notify_folder])) { $this->session_data['notified_mail_uids'][$notify_folder] = array(); } $folder_status[$notify_folder] = $bofelamimail->getFolderStatus($notify_folder); $headers = $bofelamimail->getHeaders($notify_folder, 1, false, 0, true, array('status'=>'UNSEEN')); if(is_array($headers['header']) && count($headers['header']) > 0) { foreach($headers['header'] as $id=>$header) { // check if unseen mail has already been notified if(!in_array($header['uid'], $this->session_data['notified_mail_uids'][$notify_folder])) { // got a REAL recent message $header['folder'] = $notify_folder; $header['folder_display_name'] = $folder_status[$notify_folder]['displayName']; $header['folder_base64'] = base64_encode($notify_folder); $recent_messages[] = $header; } } } } // restore the felamimail session data, as they are needed by the app itself $bofelamimail->sessionData = $bufferFMailSession; $bofelamimail->saveSessionData(); if(count($recent_messages) > 0) { // create notify message $notification_subject = lang("You've got new mail"); $values = array(); $values[] = array(); // content array starts at index 1 foreach($recent_messages as $id=>$recent_message) { $values[] = array( 'mail_uid' => $recent_message['uid'], 'mail_folder' => $recent_message['folder_display_name'], 'mail_folder_base64' => $recent_message['folder_base64'], 'mail_subject' => $recent_message['subject'], 'mail_from' => !empty($recent_message['sender_name']) ? $recent_message['sender_name'] : $recent_message['sender_address'], 'mail_received' => $recent_message['date'], ); // save notification status $this->session_data['notified_mail_uids'][$recent_message['folder']][] = $recent_message['uid']; } // create etemplate $tpl = new etemplate(); $tpl->read('notifications.checkmailbox'); $notification_message = $tpl->exec(false, $values, false, false, false, 1); // send notification $notification = new notifications(); $notification->set_receivers(array($this->recipient->account_id)); $notification->set_message($notification_message); $notification->set_sender($this->recipient->account_id); $notification->set_subject($notification_subject); $notification->set_skip_backends(array('email')); $notification->send(); } $this->save_session_data(); return true; } /** * gets all egwpopup notifications for calling user * * @return boolean true or false */ private function get_egwpopup() { $message = ''; $rs = $this->db->select(self::_notification_table, '*', array( 'account_id' => $this->recipient->account_id, ), __LINE__,__FILE__,false,'',self::_appname); if ($rs->NumRows() > 0) { foreach ($rs as $notification) { $this->response->addScriptCall('append_notification_message',$notification['notify_id'],$notification['notify_message']); } switch($this->preferences[self::_appname]['egwpopup_verbosity']) { case 'low': $this->response->addScript('notificationbell_switch("active");'); break; case 'high': $this->response->addAlert(lang('eGroupWare has notifications for you')); $this->response->addScript('egwpopup_display();'); break; case 'medium': default: $this->response->addScript('egwpopup_display();'); break; } } return true; } /** * restores the users session data for notifications * * @return boolean true */ private function restore_session_data() { $session_data = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('session_data',self::_appname); if(is_array($session_data)) { $this->session_data = $session_data; } else { $this->session_data = $this->session_data_defaults; } return true; } /** * saves the users session data for notifications * * @return boolean true */ private function save_session_data() { $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('session_data',self::_appname,$this->session_data); return true; } }