* | Started around 2001-07, saved phpxml from near death and renamed to Php.XPath * | Restructured XPath code to stay in line with XPath spec. * | Sam Blum * | Started around 2001-09 1st major restruct (V2.0) and testbench initiator. * | 2nd (V3.0) major rewrite in 2002-02 * | Daniel Allen * | Started around 2001-10 working to make Php.XPath adhere to specs * | Main Former Author: Michael P. Mehl * | Inital creator of V 1.0. Stoped activities around 2001-03 * +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Code Structure: * | --------------_ * | The class is split into 3 main objects. To keep usability easy all 3 * | objects are in this file (but may be split in 3 file in future). * | +-------------+ * | | XPathBase | XPathBase holds general and debugging functions. * | +------+------+ * | v * | +-------------+ XPathEngine is the implementation of the W3C XPath spec. It contains the * | | XPathEngine | XML-import (parser), -export and can handle xPathQueries. It's a fully * | +------+------+ functional class but has no functions to modify the XML-document (see following). * | v * | +-------------+ * | | XPath | XPath extends the functionality with actions to modify the XML-document. * | +-------------+ We tryed to implement a DOM - like interface. * +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Usage: * | ------ * | Scroll to the end of this php file and you will find a short sample code to get you started * +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Glossary: * | --------- * | To understand how to use the functions and to pass the right parameters, read following: * | * | Document: (full node tree, XML-tree) * | After a XML-source has been imported and parsed, it's stored as a tree of nodes sometimes * | refered to as 'document'. * | * | AbsoluteXPath: (xPath, xPathSet) * | A absolute XPath is a string. It 'points' to *one* node in the XML-document. We use the * | term 'absolute' to emphasise that it is not an xPath-query (see xPathQuery). A valid xPath * | has the form like '/AAA[1]/BBB[2]/CCC[1]'. Usually functions that require a node (see Node) * | will also accept an abs. XPath. * | * | Node: (node, nodeSet, node-tree) * | Some funtions require or return a node (or a whole node-tree). Nodes are only used with the * | XPath-interface and have an internal structure. Every node in a XML document has a unique * | corresponding abs. xPath. That's why public functions that accept a node, will usually also * | accept a abs. xPath (a string) 'pointing' to an existing node (see absolutXPath). * | * | XPathQuery: (xquery, query) * | A xPath-query is a string that is matched against the XML-document. The result of the match * | is a xPathSet (vector of xPath's). It's always possible to pass a single absoluteXPath * | instead of a xPath-query. A valid xPathQuery could look like this: * | '//XXX/*[contains(., "foo")]/..' (See the link in 'What Is XPath' to learn more). * | * | * +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Internals: * | ---------- * | - The Node Tree * | ------------- * | A central role of the package is how the XML-data is stored. The whole data is in a node-tree. * | A node can be seen as the equvalent to a tag in the XML soure with some extra info. * | For instance the following XML * | ****** * | Would produce folowing node-tree: * | 'super-root' <-- $nodeRoot (Very handy) * | | * | 'depth' 0 AAA[1] <-- top node. The 'textParts' of this node would be * | / | \ 'textParts' => array('***','','**','*') * | 'depth' 1 BBB[1] CCC[1] BBB[2] (NOTE: Is always size of child nodes+1) * | - The Node * | -------- * | The node itself is an structure desiged mainly to be used in connection with the interface of PHP.XPath. * | That means it's possible for functions to return a sub-node-tree that can be used as input of an other * | PHP.XPath function. * | * | The main structure of a node is: * | $node = array( * | 'name' => '', # The tag name. E.g. In it would be 'FOO' * | 'attributes' => array(), # The attributes of the tag E.g. In it would be array('bar'=>'aaa') * | 'textParts' => array(), # Array of text parts surrounding the children E.g. aabbccdd -> array('aa','bb','cc','dd') * | 'childNodes' => array(), # Array of refences (pointers) to child nodes. * | * | For optimisation reasions some additional data is stored in the node too: * | 'parentNode' => NULL # Reference (pointer) to the parent node (or NULL if it's 'super root') * | 'depth' => 0, # The tag depth (or tree level) starting with the root tag at 0. * | 'pos' => 0, # Is the zero-based position this node has in the parent's 'childNodes'-list. * | 'contextPos' => 1, # Is the one-based position this node has by counting the siblings tags (tags with same name) * | 'xpath' => '' # Is the abs. XPath to this node. * | * | - The NodeIndex * | ------------- * | Every node in the tree has an absolute XPath. E.g '/AAA[1]/BBB[2]' the $nodeIndex is a hash array * | to all the nodes in the node-tree. The key used is the absolute XPath (a string). * | * +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | License: * | -------- * | The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); * | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * | License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * | * | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY * | OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * | rights and limitations under the License. * | * | The Original Code is . * | * | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michael P. Mehl. Portions created by Michael * | P. Mehl are Copyright (C) 2001 Michael P. Mehl. All Rights Reserved. * | * | Contributor(s): N.Swinson / S.Blum / D.Allen * | * | Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either of the GNU * | General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser General Public * | License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL or the * | LGPL License are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version * | of this file only under the terms of the GPL or the LGPL License and not to allow others to * | use your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the * | provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the * | GPL or the LGPL License. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use * | your version of this file under either the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL License. * | * +======================================================================================================+ * * @author S.Blum / N.Swinson / D.Allen / (P.Mehl) * @link http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpxpath/ * @version 3.2 * @CVS $Id$ */ /************************************************************************************************ * =============================================================================================== * X P a t h B a s e - Class * =============================================================================================== ************************************************************************************************/ class XPathBase { var $_lastError; // As debugging of the xml parse is spread across several functions, we need to make this a member. var $bDebugXmlParse = FALSE; // Used to help navigate through the begin/end debug calls var $iDebugNextLinkNumber = 1; var $aDebugOpenLinks = array(); /** * Constructor */ function XPathBase() { # $this->bDebugXmlParse = TRUE; $this->properties['verboseLevel'] = 1; // 0=silent, 1 and above produce verbose output (an echo to screen). if (!isSet($_ENV)) { // Note: $_ENV introduced in 4.1.0. In earlier versions, use $HTTP_ENV_VARS. $_ENV = $GLOBALS['HTTP_ENV_VARS']; } // Windows 95/98 do not support file locking. Detecting OS (Operation System) and setting the // properties['OS_supports_flock'] to FALSE if win 95/98 is detected. // This will surpress the file locking error reported from win 98 users when exportToFile() is called. // May have to add more OS's to the list in future (Macs?). $_ENV['OS'] = isSet($_ENV['OS']) ? $_ENV['OS'] : 'Unknown OS'; switch ($_ENV['OS']) { case 'Windows_95': case 'Windows_98': case 'Unknown OS': $this->properties['OS_supports_flock'] = FALSE; break; default: $this->properties['OS_supports_flock'] = TRUE; } } /** * Resets the object so it's able to take a new xml sting/file * * Constructing objects is slow. If you can, reuse ones that you have used already * by using this reset() function. */ function reset() { $this->_lastError = ''; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathBase ------ Helpers ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This method checks the right amount and match of brackets * * @param $term (string) String in which is checked. * @return (bool) TRUE: OK / FALSE: KO */ function _bracketsCheck($term) { $leng = strlen($term); $brackets = 0; $bracketMisscount = $bracketMissmatsh = FALSE; $stack = array(); for ($i=0; $i<$leng; $i++) { switch ($term[$i]) { case '(' : case '[' : $stack[$brackets] = $term[$i]; $brackets++; break; case ')': $brackets--; if ($brackets<0) { $bracketMisscount = TRUE; break 2; } if ($stack[$brackets] != '(') { $bracketMissmatsh = TRUE; break 2; } break; case ']' : $brackets--; if ($brackets<0) { $bracketMisscount = TRUE; break 2; } if ($stack[$brackets] != '[') { $bracketMissmatsh = TRUE; break 2; } break; } } // Check whether we had a valid number of brackets. if ($brackets != 0) $bracketMisscount = TRUE; if ($bracketMisscount || $bracketMissmatsh) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Looks for a string within another string -- BUT the search-string must be located *outside* of any brackets. * * This method looks for a string within another string. Brackets in the * string the method is looking through will be respected, which means that * only if the string the method is looking for is located outside of * brackets, the search will be successful. * * @param $term (string) String in which the search shall take place. * @param $expression (string) String that should be searched. * @return (int) This method returns -1 if no string was found, * otherwise the offset at which the string was found. */ function _searchString($term, $expression) { $bracketCounter = 0; // Record where we are in the brackets. $leng = strlen($term); $exprLeng = strlen($expression); for ($i=0; $i<$leng; $i++) { $char = $term[$i]; if ($char=='(' || $char=='[') { $bracketCounter++; continue; } elseif ($char==')' || $char==']') { $bracketCounter--; } if ($bracketCounter == 0) { // Check whether we can find the expression at this index. if (substr($term, $i, $exprLeng) == $expression) return $i; } } // Nothing was found. return (-1); } /** * Split a string by a searator-string -- BUT the separator-string must be located *outside* of any brackets. * * Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of string formed * by splitting it on boundaries formed by the string separator. * * @param $separator (string) String that should be searched. * @param $term (string) String in which the search shall take place. * @return (array) see above */ function _bracketExplode($separator, $term) { // Note that it doesn't make sense for $separator to itself contain (,),[ or ], // but as this is a private function we should be ok. $resultArr = array(); $bracketCounter = 0; // Record where we are in the brackets. do { // BEGIN try block // Check if any separator is in the term $sepLeng = strlen($separator); if (strpos($term, $separator)===FALSE) { // no separator found so end now $resultArr[] = $term; break; // try-block } // Make a substitute separator out of 'unused chars'. $substituteSep = str_repeat(chr(2), $sepLeng); // Now determine the first bracket '(' or '['. $tmp1 = strpos($term, '('); $tmp2 = strpos($term, '['); if ($tmp1===FALSE) { $startAt = (int)$tmp2; } elseif ($tmp2===FALSE) { $startAt = (int)$tmp1; } else { $startAt = min($tmp1, $tmp2); } // Get prefix string part before the first bracket. $preStr = substr($term, 0, $startAt); // Substitute separator in prefix string. $preStr = str_replace($separator, $substituteSep, $preStr); // Now get the rest-string (postfix string) $postStr = substr($term, $startAt); // Go all the way through the rest-string. $strLeng = strlen($postStr); for ($i=0; $i < $strLeng; $i++) { $char = $postStr[$i]; // Spot (,),[,] and modify our bracket counter. Note there is an // assumption here that you don't have a string(with[mis)matched]brackets. // This should be ok as the dodgy string will be detected elsewhere. if ($char=='(' || $char=='[') { $bracketCounter++; continue; } elseif ($char==')' || $char==']') { $bracketCounter--; } // If no brackets surround us check for separator if ($bracketCounter == 0) { // Check whether we can find the expression starting at this index. if ((substr($postStr, $i, $sepLeng) == $separator)) { // Substitute the found separator for ($j=0; $j<$sepLeng; $j++) { $postStr[$i+$j] = $substituteSep[$j]; } } } } // Now explod using the substitute separator as key. $resultArr = explode($substituteSep, $preStr . $postStr); } while (FALSE); // End try block // Return the results that we found. May be a array with 1 entry. return $resultArr; } /** * Retrieves a substring before a delimiter. * * This method retrieves everything from a string before a given delimiter, * not including the delimiter. * * @param $string (string) String, from which the substring should be extracted. * @param $delimiter (string) String containing the delimiter to use. * @return (string) Substring from the original string before the delimiter. * @see _afterstr() */ function _prestr(&$string, $delimiter, $offset=0) { // Return the substring. $offset = ($offset<0) ? 0 : $offset; $pos = strpos($string, $delimiter, $offset); if ($pos===FALSE) return $string; else return substr($string, 0, $pos); } /** * Retrieves a substring after a delimiter. * * This method retrieves everything from a string after a given delimiter, * not including the delimiter. * * @param $string (string) String, from which the substring should be extracted. * @param $delimiter (string) String containing the delimiter to use. * @return (string) Substring from the original string after the delimiter. * @see _prestr() */ function _afterstr($string, $delimiter, $offset=0) { $offset = ($offset<0) ? 0 : $offset; // Return the substring. return substr($string, strpos($string, $delimiter, $offset) + strlen($delimiter)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathBase ------ Debug Stuff ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Alter the verbose (error) level reporting. * * Pass an int. >0 to turn on, 0 to turn off. The higher the number, the * higher the level of verbosity. By default, the class has a verbose level * of 1. * * @param $levelOfVerbosity (int) default is 1 = on */ function setVerbose($levelOfVerbosity = 1) { $level = -1; if ($levelOfVerbosity === TRUE) { $level = 1; } elseif ($levelOfVerbosity === FALSE) { $level = 0; } elseif (is_numeric($levelOfVerbosity)) { $level = $levelOfVerbosity; } if ($level >= 0) $this->properties['verboseLevel'] = $levelOfVerbosity; } /** * Returns the last occured error message. * * @access public * @return string (may be empty if there was no error at all) * @see _setLastError(), _lastError */ function getLastError() { return $this->_lastError; } /** * Creates a textual error message and sets it. * * example: 'XPath error in THIS_FILE_NAME:LINE. Message: YOUR_MESSAGE'; * * I don't think the message should include any markup because not everyone wants to debug * into the browser window. * * You should call _displayError() rather than _setLastError() if you would like the message, * dependant on their verbose settings, echoed to the screen. * * @param $message (string) a textual error message default is '' * @param $line (int) the line number where the error occured, use __LINE__ * @see getLastError() */ function _setLastError($message='', $line='-', $file='-') { $this->_lastError = 'XPath error in ' . basename($file) . ':' . $line . '. Message: ' . $message; } /** * Displays an error message. * * This method displays an error messages depending on the users verbose settings * and sets the last error message. * * If also possibly stops the execution of the script. * ### Terminate should not be allowed --fab. Should it?? N.S. * * @param $message (string) Error message to be displayed. * @param $lineNumber (int) line number given by __LINE__ * @param $terminate (bool) (default TURE) End the execution of this script. */ function _displayError($message, $lineNumber='-', $file='-', $terminate=TRUE) { // Display the error message. $err = 'XPath error in '.basename($file).':'.$lineNumber.' '.$message."
\n"; $this->_setLastError($message, $lineNumber, $file); if (($this->properties['verboseLevel'] > 0) OR ($terminate)) echo $err; // End the execution of this script. if ($terminate) exit; } /** * Displays a diagnostic message * * This method displays an error messages * * @param $message (string) Error message to be displayed. * @param $lineNumber (int) line number given by __LINE__ */ function _displayMessage($message, $lineNumber='-', $file='-') { // Display the error message. $err = 'XPath message from '.basename($file).':'.$lineNumber.' '.$message."
\n"; if ($this->properties['verboseLevel'] > 0) echo $err; } /** * Called to begin the debug run of a function. * * This method starts a
 tag so that the entry to this function
   * is clear to the debugging user.  Call _closeDebugFunction() at the
   * end of the function to create a clean box round the function call.
   * @author    Nigel Swinson 
   * @author    Sam   Blum    
   * @param     $functionName (string) the name of the function we are beginning to debug
   * @return                  (array)  the output from the microtime() function.
   * @see       _closeDebugFunction()
  function _beginDebugFunction($functionName) {
    $fileName = basename(__FILE__);
    static $color = array('green','blue','red','lime','fuchsia', 'aqua');
    static $colIndex = -1;
    $pre = '
    $out = '
' . $pre . "{$fileName} : {$functionName}"; echo $out; echo 'Function Close '.$this->iDebugNextLinkNumber.''; echo '
'; array_push($this->aDebugOpenLinks, $this->iDebugNextLinkNumber); $this->iDebugNextLinkNumber++; return microtime(); } /** * Called to end the debug run of a function. * * This method ends a
 block and reports the time since $aStartTime
   * is clear to the debugging user.
   * @author    Nigel Swinson 
   * @param     $aStartTime   (array) the time that the function call was started.
   * @param     $return_value (mixed) the return value from the function call that 
   *                                  we are debugging
  function _closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, $returnValue = "") {
    echo "
"; if (isSet($returnValue)) { if (is_array($returnValue)) echo "Return Value: ".print_r($returnValue)."\n"; else if (is_numeric($returnValue)) echo "Return Value: '".(string)$returnValue."'\n"; else if (is_bool($returnValue)) echo "Return Value: ".($returnValue ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")."\n"; else echo "Return Value: \"".htmlspecialchars($returnValue)."\"\n"; } $this->_profileFunction($aStartTime, "Function took"); $iOpenLinkNumber = array_pop($this->aDebugOpenLinks); echo 'Function Open '.$iOpenLinkNumber.''; echo '
'; echo " \n
"; } /** * Call to return time since start of function for Profiling * * @param $aStartTime (array) the time that the function call was started. * @param $alertString (string) the string to describe what has just finished happening */ function _profileFunction($aStartTime, $alertString) { // Print the time it took to call this function. $now = explode(' ', microtime()); $last = explode(' ', $aStartTime); $delta = (round( (($now[1] - $last[1]) + ($now[0] - $last[0]))*1000 )); echo "\n{$alertString} {$delta} ms"; } /** * Echo an XPath context for diagnostic purposes * * @param $context (array) An XPath context */ function _printContext($context) { echo "{$context['nodePath']}({$context['pos']}/{$context['size']})"; } /** * This is a debug helper function. It dumps the node-tree as HTML * * *QUICK AND DIRTY*. Needs some polishing. * * @param $node (array) A node * @param $indent (string) (optional, default=''). For internal recursive calls. */ function _treeDump($node, $indent = '') { $out = ''; // Get rid of recursion $parentName = empty($node['parentNode']) ? "SUPER ROOT" : $node['parentNode']['name']; unset($node['parentNode']); $node['parentNode'] = $parentName ; $out .= "NODE[{$node['name']}]\n"; foreach($node as $key => $val) { if ($key === 'childNodes') continue; if (is_Array($val)) { $out .= $indent . " [{$key}]\n" . arrayToStr($val, $indent . ' '); } else { $out .= $indent . " [{$key}] => '{$val}' \n"; } } if (!empty($node['childNodes'])) { $out .= $indent . " ['childNodes'] (Size = ".sizeOf($node['childNodes']).")\n"; foreach($node['childNodes'] as $key => $childNode) { $out .= $indent . " [$key] => " . $this->_treeDump($childNode, $indent . ' ') . "\n"; } } if (empty($indent)) { return "
" . htmlspecialchars($out) . "
"; } return $out; } } // END OF CLASS XPathBase /************************************************************************************************ * =============================================================================================== * X P a t h E n g i n e - Class * =============================================================================================== ************************************************************************************************/ class XPathEngine extends XPathBase { // List of supported XPath axes. // What a stupid idea from W3C to take axes name containing a '-' (dash) // NOTE: We replace the '-' with '_' to avoid the conflict with the minus operator. // We will then do the same on the users Xpath querys // -sibling => _sibling // -or- => _or_ // // This array contains a list of all valid axes that can be evaluated in an // XPath query. var $axes = array ( 'ancestor', 'ancestor_or_self', 'attribute', 'child', 'descendant', 'descendant_or_self', 'following', 'following_sibling', 'namespace', 'parent', 'preceding', 'preceding_sibling', 'self' ); // List of supported XPath functions. // What a stupid idea from W3C to take function name containing a '-' (dash) // NOTE: We replace the '-' with '_' to avoid the conflict with the minus operator. // We will then do the same on the users Xpath querys // starts-with => starts_with // substring-before => substring_before // substring-after => substring_after // string-length => string_length // // This array contains a list of all valid functions that can be evaluated // in an XPath query. var $functions = array ( 'last', 'position', 'count', 'id', 'name', 'string', 'concat', 'starts_with', 'contains', 'substring_before', 'substring_after', 'substring', 'string_length', 'normalize_space', 'translate', 'boolean', 'not', 'true', 'false', 'lang', 'number', 'sum', 'floor', 'ceiling', 'round' ); // List of supported XPath operators. // // This array contains a list of all valid operators that can be evaluated // in a predicate of an XPath query. The list is ordered by the // precedence of the operators (lowest precedence first). var $operators = array( ' or ', ' and ', '=', '!=', '<=', '<', '>=', '>', '+', '-', '*', ' div ', ' mod ', ' | '); // List of literals from the xPath string. var $axPathLiterals = array(); // The index and tree that is created during the analysis of an XML source. var $nodeIndex = array(); var $nodeRoot = array(); var $emptyNode = array( 'name' => '', // The tag name. E.g. In it would be 'FOO' 'attributes' => array(), // The attributes of the tag E.g. In it would be array('bar'=>'aaa') 'childNodes' => array(), // Array of pointers to child nodes. 'textParts' => array(), // Array of text parts between the cilderen E.g. aabbccdd -> array('aa','bb','cc','dd') 'parentNode' => NULL, // Pointer to parent node or NULL if this node is the 'super root' //-- *!* Following vars are set by the indexer and is for optimisation only *!* 'depth' => 0, // The tag depth (or tree level) starting with the root tag at 0. 'pos' => 0, // Is the zero-based position this node has in the parents 'childNodes'-list. 'contextPos' => 1, // Is the one-based position this node has by counting the siblings tags (tags with same name) 'xpath' => '' // Is the abs. XPath to this node. ); // These variable used during the parse XML source var $nodeStack = array(); // The elements that we have still to close. var $parseStackIndex = 0; // The current element of the nodeStack[] that we are adding to while // parsing an XML source. Corresponds to the depth of the xml node. // in our input data. var $parseOptions = array(); // Used to set the PHP's XML parser options (see xml_parser_set_option) var $parsedTextLocation = ''; // A reference to where we have to put char data collected during XML parsing var $parsInCData = 0 ; // Is >0 when we are inside a CDATA section. var $parseSkipWhiteCache = 0; // A cache of the skip whitespace parse option to speed up the parse. // This is the array of error strings, to keep consistency. var $errorStrings = array( 'AbsoluteXPathRequired' => "The supplied xPath '%s' does not *uniquely* describe a node in the xml document.", 'NoNodeMatch' => "The supplied xPath-query '%s' does not match *any* node in the xml document." ); /** * Constructor * * Optionally you may call this constructor with the XML-filename to parse and the * XML option vector. Each of the entries in the option vector will be passed to * xml_parser_set_option(). * * A option vector sample: * $xmlOpt = array(XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING => FALSE, * XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE => TRUE); * * @param $userXmlOptions (array) (optional) Vector of (=>, * =>, ...). See PHP's * xml_parser_set_option() docu for a list of possible * options. * @see importFromFile(), importFromString(), setXmlOptions() */ function XPathEngine($userXmlOptions=array()) { parent::XPathBase(); // Default to not folding case $this->parseOptions[XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING] = FALSE; // And not skipping whitespace $this->parseOptions[XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE] = FALSE; // Now merge in the overrides. // Don't use PHP's array_merge! if (is_array($userXmlOptions)) { foreach($userXmlOptions as $key => $val) $this->parseOptions[$key] = $val; } } /** * Resets the object so it's able to take a new xml sting/file * * Constructing objects is slow. If you can, reuse ones that you have used already * by using this reset() function. */ function reset() { parent::reset(); $this->properties['xmlFile'] = ''; $this->parseStackIndex = 0; $this->parsedTextLocation = ''; $this->parsInCData = 0; $this->nodeIndex = array(); $this->nodeRoot = array(); $this->nodeStack = array(); $this->aLiterals = array(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathEngine ------ Get / Set Stuff ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns the property/ies you want. * * if $param is not given, all properties will be returned in a hash. * * @param $param (string) the property you want the value of, or NULL for all the properties * @return (mixed) string OR hash of all params, or NULL on an unknown parameter. */ function getProperties($param=NULL) { $this->properties['hasContent'] = !empty($this->nodeRoot); $this->properties['caseFolding'] = $this->parseOptions[XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING]; $this->properties['skipWhiteSpaces'] = $this->parseOptions[XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE]; if (empty($param)) return $this->properties; if (isSet($this->properties[$param])) { return $this->properties[$param]; } else { return NULL; } } /** * Set an xml_parser_set_option() * * @param $optionID (int) The option ID (e.g. XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE) * @param $value (int) The option value. * @see XML parser functions in PHP doc */ function setXmlOption($optionID, $value) { if (!is_numeric($optionID)) return; $this->parseOptions[$optionID] = $value; } /** * Sets a number of xml_parser_set_option()s * * @param $userXmlOptions (array) An array of parser options. * @see setXmlOption */ function setXmlOptions($userXmlOptions=array()) { if (!is_array($userXmlOptions)) return; foreach($userXmlOptions as $key => $val) { $this->setXmlOption($key, $val); } } /** * Alternative way to control whether case-folding is enabled for this XML parser. * * Short cut to setXmlOptions(XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, TRUE/FALSE) * * When it comes to XML, case-folding simply means uppercasing all tag- * and attribute-names (NOT the content) if set to TRUE. Note if you * have this option set, then your XPath queries will also be case folded * for you. * * @param $onOff (bool) (default TRUE) * @see XML parser functions in PHP doc */ function setCaseFolding($onOff=TRUE) { $this->parseOptions[XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING] = $onOff; } /** * Alternative way to control whether skip-white-spaces is enabled for this XML parser. * * Short cut to setXmlOptions(XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, TRUE/FALSE) * * When it comes to XML, skip-white-spaces will trim the tag content. * An XML file with no whitespace will be faster to process, but will make * your data less human readable when you come to write it out. * * Running with this option on will slow the class down, so if you want to * speed up your XML, then run it through once skipping white-spaces, then * write out the new version of your XML without whitespace, then use the * new XML file with skip whitespaces turned off. * * @param $onOff (bool) (default TRUE) * @see XML parser functions in PHP doc */ function setSkipWhiteSpaces($onOff=TRUE) { $this->parseOptions[XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE] = $onOff; } /** * Get the node defined by the $absoluteXPath. * * @param $absoluteXPath (string) (optional, default is 'super-root') xpath to the node. * @return (array) The node, or FALSE if the node wasn't found. */ function &getNode($absoluteXPath='') { if ($absoluteXPath==='/') $absoluteXPath = ''; if (!isSet($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath])) return FALSE; return $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]; } /** * Get a the content of a node text part or node attribute. * * If the absolute Xpath references an attribute (Xpath ends with @ or attribute::), * then the text value of that node-attribute is returned. * Otherwise the Xpath is referencing a text part of the node. This can be either a * direct reference to a text part (Xpath ends with text()[]) or indirect reference * (a simple abs. Xpath to a node). * 1) Direct Reference (xpath ends with text()[]): * If the 'part-number' is omitted, the first text-part is assumed; starting by 1. * Negative numbers are allowed, where -1 is the last text-part a.s.o. * 2) Indirect Reference (a simple abs. Xpath to a node): * Default is to return the *whole text*; that is the concated text-parts of the matching * node. (NOTE that only in this case you'll only get a copy and changes to the returned * value wounld have no effect). Optionally you may pass a parameter * $textPartNr to define the text-part you want; starting by 1. * Negative numbers are allowed, where -1 is the last text-part a.s.o. * * NOTE I : The returned value can be fetched by reference * E.g. $text =& wholeText(). If you wish to modify the text. * NOTE II: text-part numbers out of range will return FALSE * SIDENOTE:The function name is a suggestion from W3C in the XPath specification level 3. * * @param $absoluteXPath (string) xpath to the node (See above). * @param $textPartNr (int) If referring to a node, specifies which text part * to query. * @return (&string) A *reference* to the text if the node that the other * parameters describe or FALSE if the node is not found. */ function &wholeText($absoluteXPath, $textPartNr=NULL) { $status = FALSE; $text = NULL; do { // try-block if (preg_match(";(.*)/(attribute::|@)([^/]*)$;U", $absoluteXPath, $matches)) { $absoluteXPath = $matches[1]; $attribute = $matches[3]; if (!isSet($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'][$attribute])) { $this->_displayError("The $absoluteXPath/attribute::$attribute value isn't a node in this document.", __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); break; // try-block } $text =& $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'][$attribute]; $status = TRUE; break; // try-block } // Xpath contains a 'text()'-function, thus goes right to a text node. If so interpete the Xpath. if (preg_match(":(.*)/text\(\)(\[(.*)\])?$:U", $absoluteXPath, $matches)) { $absoluteXPath = $matches[1]; if (!isSet($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath])) { $this->_displayError("The $absoluteXPath value isn't a node in this document.", __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); break; // try-block } // Get the amount of the text parts in the node. $textPartSize = sizeOf($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['textParts']); // default to the first text node if a text node was not specified $textPartNr = isSet($matches[2]) ? substr($matches[2],1,-1) : 1; // Support negative indexes like -1 === last a.s.o. if ($textPartNr < 0) $textPartNr = $textPartSize + $textPartNr +1; if (($textPartNr <= 0) OR ($textPartNr > $textPartSize)) { $this->_displayError("The $absoluteXPath/text()[$textPartNr] value isn't a NODE in this document.", __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); break; // try-block } $text =& $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['textParts'][$textPartNr - 1]; $status = TRUE; break; // try-block } // At this point we have been given an xpath with neither a 'text()' nor 'attribute::' axis at the end // So we assume a get to text is wanted and use the optioanl fallback parameters $textPartNr if (!isSet($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath])) { $this->_displayError("The $absoluteXPath value isn't a node in this document.", __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); break; // try-block } // Get the amount of the text parts in the node. $textPartSize = sizeOf($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['textParts']); // If $textPartNr == NULL we return a *copy* of the whole concated text-parts if (is_null($textPartNr)) { unset($text); $text = implode('', $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['textParts']); $status = TRUE; break; // try-block } // Support negative indexes like -1 === last a.s.o. if ($textPartNr < 0) $textPartNr = $textPartSize + $textPartNr +1; if (($textPartNr <= 0) OR ($textPartNr > $textPartSize)) { $this->_displayError("The $absoluteXPath has no text part at pos [$textPartNr] (Note: text parts start with 1).", __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); break; // try-block } $text =& $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['textParts'][$textPartNr -1]; $status = TRUE; } while (FALSE); // END try-block if (!$status) return FALSE; return $text; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathEngine ------ Export the XML Document ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns the containing XML as marked up HTML with specified nodes hi-lighted * * @param $absoluteXPath (string) The address of the node you would like to export. * If empty the whole document will be exported. * @param $hilighXpathList (array) A list of nodes that you would like to highlight * @return (mixed) The Xml document marked up as HTML so that it can * be viewed in a browser, including any XML headers. * FALSE on error. * @see _export() */ function exportAsHtml($absoluteXPath='', $hilightXpathList=array()) { $htmlString = $this->_export($absoluteXPath, $xmlHeader=NULL, $hilightXpathList); if (!$htmlString) return FALSE; return "
\n" . $htmlString . "\n
"; } /** * Given a context this function returns the containing XML * * @param $absoluteXPath (string) The address of the node you would like to export. * If empty the whole document will be exported. * @param $xmlHeader (array) The string that you would like to appear before * the XML content. ie before the . If you * do not specify this argument, the xmlHeader that was * found in the parsed xml file will be used instead. * @return (mixed) The Xml fragment/document, suitable for writing * out to an .xml file or as part of a larger xml file, or * FALSE on error. * @see _export() */ function exportAsXml($absoluteXPath='', $xmlHeader=NULL) { $this->hilightXpathList = NULL; return $this->_export($absoluteXPath, $xmlHeader); } /** * Generates a XML string with the content of the current document and writes it to a file. * * Per default includes a tag at the start of the data too. * * @param $fileName (string) * @param $absoluteXPath (string) The path to the parent node you want(see text above) * @param $xmlHeader (array) The string that you would like to appear before * the XML content. ie before the . If you * do not specify this argument, the xmlHeader that was * found in the parsed xml file will be used instead. * @return (string) The returned string contains well-formed XML data * or FALSE on error. * @see exportAsXml(), exportAsHtml() */ function exportToFile($fileName, $absoluteXPath='', $xmlHeader=NULL) { $status = FALSE; do { // try-block if (!($hFile = fopen($fileName, "wb"))) { // Did we open the file ok? $errStr = "Failed to open the $fileName xml file."; break; // try-block } if ($this->properties['OS_supports_flock']) { if (!flock($hFile, LOCK_EX)) { // Lock the file $errStr = "Couldn't get an exclusive lock on the $fileName file."; break; // try-block } } if (!($xmlOut = $this->_export($absoluteXPath, $xmlHeader))) { $errStr = "Export failed"; break; // try-block } if (!fwrite($hFile, $xmlOut)) { $errStr = "Write error when writing back the $fileName file."; break; // try-block } // Flush and unlock the file @fflush($hFile); $status = TRUE; } while(FALSE); @flock($hFile, LOCK_UN); @fclose($hFile); if (!$status) $this->_displayError($errStr, __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); return $status; } /** * Generates a XML string with the content of the current document. * * This is the start for extracting the XML-data from the node-tree. We do some preperations * and then call _InternalExport() to fetch the main XML-data. You optionally may pass * xpath to any node that will then be used as top node, to extract XML-parts of the * document. Default is '', meaning to extract the whole document. * * You also may pass a 'xmlHeader' (usually something like that will * overwrite any other 'xmlHeader', if there was one in the original source. If there * wasn't one in the original source, and you still don't specify one, then it will * use a default of * Finaly, when exproting to HTML, you may pass a vector xPaths you want to hi-light. * The hi-lighted tags and attributes will receive a nice color. * * NOTE I : The output can have 2 formats: * a) If "skip white spaces" is/was set. (Not Recommended - slower) * The output is formatted by adding indenting and carriage returns. * b) If "skip white spaces" is/was *NOT* set. * 'as is'. No formatting is done. The output should the same as the * the original parsed XML source. * * @param $absoluteXPath (string) (optional, default is root) The node we choose as top-node * @param $xmlHeader (string) (optional) content before (see text above) * @param $hilightXpath (array) (optional) a vector of xPaths to nodes we wat to * hi-light (see text above) * @return (mixed) The xml string, or FALSE on error. */ function _export($absoluteXPath='', $xmlHeader=NULL, $hilightXpathList='') { // Check whether a root node is given. if (empty($absoluteXpath)) $absoluteXpath = ''; if ($absoluteXpath == '/') $absoluteXpath = ''; if (!isSet($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXpath])) { // If the $absoluteXpath was '' and it didn't exist, then the document is empty // and we can safely return ''. if ($absoluteXpath == '') return ''; $this->_displayError("The given xpath '{$absoluteXpath}' isn't a node in this document.", __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); return FALSE; } $this->hilightXpathList = $hilightXpathList; $this->indentStep = ' '; $hilightIsActive = is_array($hilightXpathList); if ($hilightIsActive) { $this->indentStep = '    '; } // Cache this now $this->parseSkipWhiteCache = isSet($this->parseOptions[XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE]) ? $this->parseOptions[XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE] : FALSE; /////////////////////////////////////// // Get the starting node and begin with the header // Get the start node. The super root is a special case. $startNode = NULL; if (empty($absoluteXPath)) { $superRoot = $this->nodeIndex['']; // If they didn't specify an xml header, use the one in the object if (is_null($xmlHeader)) { $xmlHeader = $this->parseSkipWhiteCache ? trim($superRoot['textParts'][0]) : $superRoot['textParts'][0]; } // If we still don't have an XML header, then use a suitable default if (empty($xmlHeader)) { $xmlHeader = ''; } if (isSet($superRoot['childNodes'][0])) $startNode = $superRoot['childNodes'][0]; } else { $startNode = $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]; } if (!empty($xmlHeader)) { $xmlOut = $this->parseSkipWhiteCache ? $xmlHeader."\n" : $xmlHeader; } else { $xmlOut = ''; } /////////////////////////////////////// // Output the document. if (($xmlOut .= $this->_InternalExport($startNode)) === FALSE) { return FALSE; } /////////////////////////////////////// // Convert our markers to hi-lights. if ($hilightIsActive) { $from = array('<', '>', chr(2), chr(3)); $to = array('<', '>', '', ''); $xmlOut = str_replace($from, $to, $xmlOut); } return $xmlOut; } /** * Export the xml document starting at the named node. * * @param $node (node) The node we have to start exporting from * @return (string) The string representation of the node. */ function _InternalExport($node) { $bDebugThisFunction = FALSE; if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $aStartTime = $this->_beginDebugFunction("_InternalExport"); echo "Exporting node: ".$node['xpath']."
\n"; } //////////////////////////////// // Quick out. if (empty($node)) return ''; // The output starts as empty. $xmlOut = ''; // This loop will output the text before the current child of a parent then the // current child. Where the child is a short tag we output the child, then move // onto the next child. Where the child is not a short tag, we output the open tag, // then queue up on currentParentStack[] the child. // // When we run out of children, we then output the last text part, and close the // 'parent' tag before popping the stack and carrying on. // // To illustrate, the numbers in this xml file indicate what is output on each // pass of the while loop: // // 1 // <1>2 // <2>3 // <3/>4 // 5 // <5/>6 // // Although this is neater done using recursion, there's a 33% performance saving // to be gained by using this stack mechanism. // Only add CR's if "skip white spaces" was set. Otherwise leave as is. $CR = ($this->parseSkipWhiteCache) ? "\n" : ''; $currentIndent = ''; $hilightIsActive = is_array($this->hilightXpathList); // To keep track of where we are in the document we use a node stack. The node // stack has the following parallel entries: // 'Parent' => (array) A copy of the parent node that who's children we are // exporting // 'ChildIndex' => (array) The child index of the corresponding parent that we // are currently exporting. // 'Highlighted'=> (bool) If we are highlighting this node. Only relevant if // the hilight is active. // Setup our node stack. The loop is designed to output children of a parent, // not the parent itself, so we must put the parent on as the starting point. $nodeStack['Parent'] = array($node['parentNode']); // And add the childpos of our node in it's parent to our "child index stack". $nodeStack['ChildIndex'] = array($node['pos']); // We start at 0. $nodeStackIndex = 0; // We have not to output text before/after our node, so blank it. We will recover it // later $OldPreceedingStringValue = $nodeStack['Parent'][0]['textParts'][$node['pos']]; $OldPreceedingStringRef =& $nodeStack['Parent'][0]['textParts'][$node['pos']]; $OldPreceedingStringRef = ""; $currentXpath = ""; // While we still have data on our stack while ($nodeStackIndex >= 0) { // Count the children and get a copy of the current child. $iChildCount = count($nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex]['childNodes']); $currentChild = $nodeStack['ChildIndex'][$nodeStackIndex]; // Only do the auto indenting if the $parseSkipWhiteCache flag was set. if ($this->parseSkipWhiteCache) $currentIndent = str_repeat($this->indentStep, $nodeStackIndex); if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "Exporting child ".($currentChild+1)." of node {$nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex]['xpath']}\n"; /////////////////////////////////////////// // Add the text before our child. // Add the text part before the current child $tmpTxt =& $nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex]['textParts'][$currentChild]; if (isSet($tmpTxt) AND ($tmpTxt!="")) { // Only add CR indent if there were children if ($iChildCount) $xmlOut .= $CR.$currentIndent; // Hilight if necessary. $highlightStart = $highlightEnd = ''; if ($hilightIsActive) { $currentXpath = $nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex]['xpath'].'/text()['.($currentChild+1).']'; if (in_array($currentXpath, $this->hilightXpathList)) { // Yes we hilight $highlightStart = chr(2); $highlightEnd = chr(3); } } $xmlOut .= $highlightStart.$nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex]['textParts'][$currentChild].$highlightEnd; } if ($iChildCount && $nodeStackIndex) $xmlOut .= $CR; /////////////////////////////////////////// // Are there any more children? if ($iChildCount <= $currentChild) { // Nope, so output the last text before the closing tag $tmpTxt =& $nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex]['textParts'][$currentChild+1]; if (isSet($tmpTxt) AND ($tmpTxt!="")) { // Hilight if necessary. $highlightStart = $highlightEnd = ''; if ($hilightIsActive) { $currentXpath = $nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex]['xpath'].'/text()['.($currentChild+2).']'; if (in_array($currentXpath, $this->hilightXpathList)) { // Yes we hilight $highlightStart = chr(2); $highlightEnd = chr(3); } } $xmlOut .= $highlightStart .$currentIndent.$nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex]['textParts'][$currentChild+1].$CR .$highlightEnd; } // Now close this tag, as we are finished with this child. // Potentially output an (slightly smaller indent). if ($this->parseSkipWhiteCache && count($nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex]['childNodes'])) { $xmlOut .= str_repeat($this->indentStep, $nodeStackIndex - 1); } // Check whether the xml-tag is to be hilighted. $highlightStart = $highlightEnd = ''; if ($hilightIsActive) { $currentXpath = $nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex]['xpath']; if (in_array($currentXpath, $this->hilightXpathList)) { // Yes we hilight $highlightStart = chr(2); $highlightEnd = chr(3); } } $xmlOut .= $highlightStart .'' .$highlightEnd; // Decrement the $nodeStackIndex to go back to the next unfinished parent. $nodeStackIndex--; // If the index is 0 we are finished exporting the last node, as we may have been // exporting an internal node. if ($nodeStackIndex == 0) break; // Indicate to the parent that we are finished with this child. $nodeStack['ChildIndex'][$nodeStackIndex]++; continue; } /////////////////////////////////////////// // Ok, there are children still to process. // Queue up the next child (I can copy because I won't modify and copying is faster.) $nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex + 1] = $nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex]['childNodes'][$currentChild]; // Work out if it is a short child tag. $iGrandChildCount = count($nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex + 1]['childNodes']); $shortGrandChild = (($iGrandChildCount == 0) AND (implode('',$nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex + 1]['textParts'])=='')); /////////////////////////////////////////// // Assemble the attribute string first. $attrStr = ''; foreach($nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex + 1]['attributes'] as $key=>$val) { // Should we hilight the attribute? if ($hilightIsActive AND in_array($currentXpath.'/attribute::'.$key, $this->hilightXpathList)) { $hiAttrStart = chr(2); $hiAttrEnd = chr(3); } else { $hiAttrStart = $hiAttrEnd = ''; } $attrStr .= ' '.$hiAttrStart.$key.'="'.$val.'"'.$hiAttrEnd; } /////////////////////////////////////////// // Work out what goes before and after the tag content $beforeTagContent = $currentIndent; if ($shortGrandChild) $afterTagContent = '/>'; else $afterTagContent = '>'; // Check whether the xml-tag is to be hilighted. if ($hilightIsActive) { $currentXpath = $nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex + 1]['xpath']; if (in_array($currentXpath, $this->hilightXpathList)) { // Yes we hilight $beforeTagContent .= chr(2); $afterTagContent .= chr(3); } } $beforeTagContent .= '<'; // if ($shortGrandChild) $afterTagContent .= $CR; /////////////////////////////////////////// // Output the tag $xmlOut .= $beforeTagContent .$nodeStack['Parent'][$nodeStackIndex + 1]['name'].$attrStr .$afterTagContent; /////////////////////////////////////////// // Carry on. // If it is a short tag, then we've already done this child, we just move to the next if ($shortGrandChild) { // Move to the next child, we need not go deeper in the tree. $nodeStack['ChildIndex'][$nodeStackIndex]++; // But if we are just exporting the one node we'd go no further. if ($nodeStackIndex == 0) break; } else { // Else queue up the child going one deeper in the stack $nodeStackIndex++; // Start with it's first child $nodeStack['ChildIndex'][$nodeStackIndex] = 0; } } $result = $xmlOut; // Repair what we "undid" $OldPreceedingStringRef = $OldPreceedingStringValue; //////////////////////////////////////////// if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, $result); } return $result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathEngine ------ Import the XML Source ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Reads a file or URL and parses the XML data. * * Parse the XML source and (upon success) store the information into an internal structure. * * @param $fileName (string) Path and name (or URL) of the file to be read and parsed. * @return (bool) TRUE on success, FALSE on failure (check getLastError()) * @see importFromString(), getLastError(), */ function importFromFile($fileName) { $status = FALSE; $errStr = ''; do { // try-block // Remember file name. Used in error output to know in which file it happend $this->properties['xmlFile'] = $fileName; // If we already have content, then complain. if (!empty($this->nodeRoot)) { $errStr = 'Called when this object already contains xml data. Use reset().'; break; // try-block } // The the source is an url try to fetch it. if (preg_match(';^http(s)?://;', $fileName)) { // Read the content of the url...this is really prone to errors, and we don't really // check for too many here...for now, suppressing both possible warnings...we need // to check if we get a none xml page or something of that nature in the future $xmlString = @implode('', @file($fileName)); if (!empty($xmlString)) { $status = TRUE; } else { $errStr = "The url '{$fileName}' could not be found or read."; } break; // try-block } // Reaching this point we're dealing with a real file (not an url). Check if the file exists and is readable. if (!is_readable($fileName)) { // Read the content from the file $errStr = "File '{$fileName}' could not be found or read."; break; // try-block } if (is_dir($fileName)) { $errStr = "'{$fileName}' is a directory."; break; // try-block } // Read the file if (!($fp = @fopen($fileName, 'rb'))) { $errStr = "Failed to open '{$fileName}' for read."; break; // try-block } $xmlString = fread ($fp, filesize($fileName)); @fclose($fp); $status = TRUE; } while (FALSE); if (!$status) { $this->_displayError('In importFromFile(): '. $errStr, __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); return FALSE; } return $this->importFromString($xmlString); } /** * Reads a string and parses the XML data. * * Parse the XML source and (upon success) store the information into an internal structure. * If a parent xpath is given this means that XML data is to be *appended* to that parent. * * ### If a function uses setLastError(), then say in the function header that getLastError() is useful. * * @param $xmlString (string) Name of the string to be read and parsed. * @param $absoluteParentPath (string) Node to append data too (see above) * @return (bool) TRUE on success, FALSE on failure * (check getLastError()) */ function importFromString($xmlString, $absoluteParentPath = '') { $bDebugThisFunction = FALSE; if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $aStartTime = $this->_beginDebugFunction("importFromString"); echo "Importing from string of length ".strlen($xmlString)." to node '$absoluteParentPath'\n
"; echo "Parser options:\n
"; print_r($this->parseOptions); } $status = FALSE; $errStr = ''; do { // try-block // If we already have content, then complain. if (!empty($this->nodeRoot) AND empty($absoluteParentPath)) { $errStr = 'Called when this object already contains xml data. Use reset() or pass the parent Xpath as 2ed param to where tie data will append.'; break; // try-block } // Check whether content has been read. if (empty($xmlString)) { // Nothing to do!! $status = TRUE; // If we were importing to root, build a blank root. if (empty($absoluteParentPath)) { $this->nodeRoot = array(); } $this->reindexNodeTree(); // $errStr = 'This xml document (string) was empty'; break; // try-block } else { $xmlString = $this->_translateAmpersand($xmlString); } // Restart our node index with a root entry. $nodeStack = array(); $this->parseStackIndex = 0; // If a parent xpath is given this means that XML data is to be *appended* to that parent. if (!empty($absoluteParentPath)) { // Check if parent exists if (!isSet($nodeIndex[$absoluteParentPath])) { $errStr = "You tried to append XML data to a parent '$absoluteParentPath' that does not exist."; break; // try-block } // Add it as the starting point in our array. $this->nodeStack[0] =& $nodeIndex[$absoluteParentPath]; } else { // Build a 'super-root' $this->nodeRoot = $this->emptyNode; $this->nodeRoot['name'] = ''; $this->nodeRoot['parentNode'] = NULL; // Put it in as the start of our node stack. $this->nodeStack[0] =& $this->nodeRoot; } // Point our text buffer reference at the next text part of the root $this->parsedTextLocation =& $this->nodeStack[0]['textParts'][]; $this->parsInCData = 0; // We cache this now. $this->parseSkipWhiteCache = isSet($this->parseOptions[XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE]) ? $this->parseOptions[XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE] : FALSE; // Create an XML parser. $parser = xml_parser_create(); // Set default XML parser options. if (is_array($this->parseOptions)) { foreach($this->parseOptions as $key => $val) { xml_parser_set_option($parser, $key, $val); } } // Set the object and the element handlers for the XML parser. xml_set_object($parser, &$this); xml_set_element_handler($parser, '_handleStartElement', '_handleEndElement'); xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, '_handleCharacterData'); xml_set_default_handler($parser, '_handleDefaultData'); xml_set_processing_instruction_handler($parser, '_handlePI'); if ($bDebugThisFunction) $this->_profileFunction($aStartTime, "Setup for parse"); // Parse the XML source and on error generate an error message. if (!xml_parse($parser, $xmlString, TRUE)) { $source = empty($this->properties['xmlFile']) ? 'string' : 'file ' . basename($this->properties['xmlFile']) . "'"; $errStr = "XML error in given {$source} on line ". xml_get_current_line_number($parser). ' column '. xml_get_current_column_number($parser) . '. Reason:'. xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)); break; // try-block } // Free the parser. @xml_parser_free($parser); // And we don't need this any more. $this->nodeStack = array(); if ($bDebugThisFunction) $this->_profileFunction($aStartTime, "Parse Object"); $this->reindexNodeTree(); if ($bDebugThisFunction) { print_r(array_keys($this->nodeIndex)); } if ($bDebugThisFunction) $this->_profileFunction($aStartTime, "Reindex Object"); $status = TRUE; } while (FALSE); if (!$status) { $this->_displayError('In importFromString(): '. $errStr, __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); $bResult = FALSE; } else { $bResult = TRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////// if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, $bResult); } return $bResult; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathEngine ------ XML Handlers ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Handles opening XML tags while parsing. * * While parsing a XML document for each opening tag this method is * called. It'll add the tag found to the tree of document nodes. * * @param $parser (int) Handler for accessing the current XML parser. * @param $name (string) Name of the opening tag found in the document. * @param $attributes (array) Associative array containing a list of * all attributes of the tag found in the document. * @see _handleEndElement(), _handleCharacterData() */ function _handleStartElement($parser, $nodeName, $attributes) { if (empty($nodeName)) { $this->_displayError('XML error in file at line'. xml_get_current_line_number($parser) .'. Empty name.', __LINE__, __FILE__); return; } // Trim accumulated text if necessary. if ($this->parseSkipWhiteCache) { $iCount = count($this->nodeStack[$this->parseStackIndex]['textParts']); $this->nodeStack[$this->parseStackIndex]['textParts'][$iCount-1] = rtrim($this->parsedTextLocation); } if ($this->bDebugXmlParse) { echo "
" . htmlspecialchars("Start node: <".$nodeName . ">")."
"; echo "Appended to stack entry: $this->parseStackIndex
\n"; echo "Text part before element is: ".htmlspecialchars($this->parsedTextLocation); /* echo "
      $dataPartsCount = count($this->nodeStack[$this->parseStackIndex]['textParts']);
      for ($i = 0; $i < $dataPartsCount; $i++) {
        echo "$i:". htmlspecialchars($this->nodeStack[$this->parseStackIndex]['textParts'][$i])."\n";
      echo "
"; */ } // Add a node and set path to current. if (!$this->_internalAppendChild($this->parseStackIndex, $nodeName)) { $this->_displayError('Internal error during parse of XML file at line'. xml_get_current_line_number($parser) .'. Empty name.', __LINE__, __FILE__); return; } // We will have gone one deeper then in the stack. $this->parseStackIndex++; // Point our parseTxtBuffer reference at the new node. $this->parsedTextLocation =& $this->nodeStack[$this->parseStackIndex]['textParts'][0]; // Set the attributes. if (!empty($attributes)) { if ($this->bDebugXmlParse) { echo 'Attributes:
'; print_r($attributes); echo '
'; } $this->nodeStack[$this->parseStackIndex]['attributes'] = $attributes; } } /** * Handles closing XML tags while parsing. * * While parsing a XML document for each closing tag this method is called. * * @param $parser (int) Handler for accessing the current XML parser. * @param $name (string) Name of the closing tag found in the document. * @see _handleStartElement(), _handleCharacterData() */ function _handleEndElement($parser, $name) { if (($this->parsedTextLocation=='') && empty($this->nodeStack[$this->parseStackIndex]['textParts'])) { // We reach this point when parsing a tag of format . The 'textParts'-array // should stay empty and not have an empty string in it. } else { // Trim accumulated text if necessary. if ($this->parseSkipWhiteCache) { $iCount = count($this->nodeStack[$this->parseStackIndex]['textParts']); $this->nodeStack[$this->parseStackIndex]['textParts'][$iCount-1] = rtrim($this->parsedTextLocation); } } if ($this->bDebugXmlParse) { echo "Text part after element is: ".htmlspecialchars($this->parsedTextLocation)."
\n"; echo htmlspecialchars("Parent:<{$this->parseStackIndex}>, End-node: '".$this->parsedTextLocation) . "'
Text nodes:
      $dataPartsCount = count($this->nodeStack[$this->parseStackIndex]['textParts']);
      for ($i = 0; $i < $dataPartsCount; $i++) {
        echo "$i:". htmlspecialchars($this->nodeStack[$this->parseStackIndex]['textParts'][$i])."\n";
      echo "
\n"; } // Jump back to the parent element. $this->parseStackIndex--; // Set our reference for where we put any more whitespace $this->parsedTextLocation =& $this->nodeStack[$this->parseStackIndex]['textParts'][]; // Note we leave the entry in the stack, as it will get blanked over by the next element // at this level. The safe thing to do would be to remove it too, but in the interests // of performance, we will not bother, as were it to be a problem, then it would be an // internal bug anyway. if ($this->parseStackIndex < 0) { $this->_displayError('Internal error during parse of XML file at line'. xml_get_current_line_number($parser) .'. Empty name.', __LINE__, __FILE__); return; } } /** * Handles character data while parsing. * * While parsing a XML document for each character data this method * is called. It'll add the character data to the document tree. * * @param $parser (int) Handler for accessing the current XML parser. * @param $text (string) Character data found in the document. * @see _handleStartElement(), _handleEndElement() */ function _handleCharacterData($parser, $text) { if ($this->parsInCData >0) $text = $this->_translateAmpersand($text, $reverse=TRUE); if ($this->bDebugXmlParse) echo "Handling character data: '".htmlspecialchars($text)."'
"; if ($this->parseSkipWhiteCache AND !empty($text) AND !$this->parsInCData) { // Special case CR. CR always comes in a separate data. Trans. it to '' or ' '. // If txtBuffer is already ending with a space use '' otherwise ' '. $bufferHasEndingSpace = (empty($this->parsedTextLocation) OR substr($this->parsedTextLocation, -1) === ' ') ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($text=="\n") { $text = $bufferHasEndingSpace ? '' : ' '; } else { if ($bufferHasEndingSpace) { $text = ltrim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $text)); } else { $text = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $text); } } if ($this->bDebugXmlParse) echo "'Skip white space' is ON. reduced to : '" .htmlspecialchars($text) . "'
"; } $this->parsedTextLocation .= $text; } /** * Default handler for the XML parser. * * While parsing a XML document for string not caught by one of the other * handler functions, we end up here. * * @param $parser (int) Handler for accessing the current XML parser. * @param $text (string) Character data found in the document. * @see _handleStartElement(), _handleEndElement() */ function _handleDefaultData($parser, $text) { do { // try-block if (!strcmp($text, 'parsInCData++; } elseif (!strcmp($text, ']]>')) { $this->parsInCData--; if ($this->parsInCData < 0) $this->parsInCData = 0; } $this->parsedTextLocation .= $this->_translateAmpersand($text, $reverse=TRUE); if ($this->bDebugXmlParse) echo "Default handler data: ".htmlspecialchars($text)."
"; break; // try-block } while (FALSE); // END try-block } /** * Handles processing instruction (PI) * * A processing instruction has the following format: * e.g. * * Currently I have no bether idea as to left it 'as is' and treat the PI data as normal * text (and adding the surrounding PI-tags ). * * @param $parser (int) Handler for accessing the current XML parser. * @param $target (string) Name of the PI target. E.g. XML, PHP, DTD, ... * @param $data (string) Associative array containing a list of * @see PHP's manual "xml_set_processing_instruction_handler" */ function _handlePI($parser, $target, $data) { //echo("pi data=".$data."end"); exit; $data = $this->_translateAmpersand($data, $reverse=TRUE); $this->parsedTextLocation .= ""; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathEngine ------ Node Tree Stuff ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Adds a new node to the XML document tree during xml parsing. * * This method adds a new node to the tree of nodes of the XML document * being handled by this class. The new node is created according to the * parameters passed to this method. This method is a much watered down * version of appendChild(), used in parsing an xml file only. * * It is assumed that adding starts with root and progresses through the * document in parse order. New nodes must have a corresponding parent. And * once we have read the tag for the element we will never need to add * any more data to that node. Otherwise the add will be ignored or fail. * * The function is faciliated by a nodeStack, which is an array of nodes that * we have yet to close. * * @param $stackParentIndex (int) The index into the nodeStack[] of the parent * node to which the new node should be added as * a child. *READONLY* * @param $nodeName (string) Name of the new node. *READONLY* * @return (bool) TRUE if we successfully added a new child to * the node stack at index $stackParentIndex + 1, * FALSE on error. */ function _internalAppendChild($stackParentIndex, $nodeName) { // This call is likely to be executed thousands of times, so every 0.01ms counts. // If you want to debug this function, you'll have to comment the stuff back in //$bDebugThisFunction = FALSE; /* if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $aStartTime = $this->_beginDebugFunction("_internalAppendChild"); echo "Current Node (parent-index) and the child to append : '{$stackParentIndex}' + '{$nodeName}' \n
"; } */ ////////////////////////////////////// if (!isSet($this->nodeStack[$stackParentIndex])) { $errStr = "Invalid parent. You tried to append the tag '{$nodeName}' to an non-existing parent in our node stack '{$stackParentIndex}'."; $this->_displayError('In _internalAppendChild(): '. $errStr, __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); /* if ($bDebugThisFunction) $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, FALSE); */ return FALSE; } // Retrieve the parent node from the node stack. This is the last node at that // depth that we have yet to close. This is where we should add the text/node. $parentNode =& $this->nodeStack[$stackParentIndex]; // Brand new node please $newChildNode = $this->emptyNode; // Save the vital information about the node. $newChildNode['name'] = $nodeName; $parentNode['childNodes'][] =& $newChildNode; // Add to our node stack $this->nodeStack[$stackParentIndex + 1] =& $newChildNode; /* if ($bDebugThisFunction) { echo "The new node received index: '".($stackParentIndex + 1)."'\n"; foreach($this->nodeStack as $key => $val) echo "$key => ".$val['name']."\n"; $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, TRUE); } */ return TRUE; } /** * Update nodeIndex and every node of the node-tree. * * Call after you have finished any tree modifications other wise a match with * an xPathQuery will produce wrong results. The $this->nodeIndex[] is recreated * and every nodes optimization data is updated. The optimization data is all the * data that is duplicate information, would just take longer to find. Child nodes * with value NULL are removed from the tree. * * By default the modification functions in this component will automatically re-index * the nodes in the tree. Sometimes this is not the behaver you want. To surpress the * reindex, set the functions $autoReindex to FALSE and call reindexNodeTree() at the * end of your changes. This sometimes leads to better code (and less CPU overhead). * * Sample: * ======= * Given the xml is .. | Goal is .. (Delete B[1] and B[3]) * $xPathSet = $xPath->match('//B'); # Will result in array('/AAA[1]/B[1]', '/AAA[1]/B[2]', '/AAA[1]/B[3]'); * Three ways to do it. * 1) Top-Down (with auto reindexing) - Safe, Slow and you get easily mix up with the the changing node index * removeChild('/AAA[1]/B[1]'); // B[1] removed, thus all B[n] become B[n-1] !! * removeChild('/AAA[1]/B[2]'); // Now remove B[2] (That originaly was B[3]) * 2) Bottom-Up (with auto reindexing) - Safe, Slow and the changing node index (caused by auto-reindex) can be ignored. * for ($i=sizeOf($xPathSet)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { * if ($i==1) continue; * removeChild($xPathSet[$i]); * } * 3) // Top-down (with *NO* auto reindexing) - Fast, Safe as long as you call reindexNodeTree() * foreach($xPathSet as $xPath) { * // Specify no reindexing * if ($xPath == $xPathSet[1]) continue; * removeChild($xPath, $autoReindex=FALSE); * // The object is now in a slightly inconsistent state. * } * // Finally do the reindex and the object is consistent again * reindexNodeTree(); * * @return (bool) TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. * @see _recursiveReindexNodeTree() */ function reindexNodeTree() { //return; $this->nodeIndex = array(); $this->nodeIndex[''] =& $this->nodeRoot; // Quick out for when the tree has no data. if (empty($this->nodeRoot)) return TRUE; return $this->_recursiveReindexNodeTree(''); } /** * Here's where the work is done for reindexing (see reindexNodeTree) * * @param $absoluteParentPath (string) the xPath to the parent node * @return (bool) TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. * @see reindexNodeTree() */ function _recursiveReindexNodeTree($absoluteParentPath) { $parentNode =& $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteParentPath]; // Check for any 'dead' child nodes first and concate the text parts if found. for ($iChildIndex=sizeOf($parentNode['childNodes'])-1; $iChildIndex>=0; $iChildIndex--) { // Check if the child node still exits (it may have been removed). if (!empty($parentNode['childNodes'][$iChildIndex])) continue; // Child node was removed. We got to merge the text parts then. $parentNode['textParts'][$iChildIndex] .= $parentNode['textParts'][$iChildIndex+1]; array_splice($parentNode['textParts'], $iChildIndex+1, 1); array_splice($parentNode['childNodes'], $iChildIndex, 1); } // Now start a reindex. $contextHash = array(); $childSize = sizeOf($parentNode['childNodes']); // If there are no children, we have to treat this specially: if ($childSize == 0) { // Add a dummy text node. $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteParentPath.'/text()[1]'] =& $parentNode; } else { for ($iChildIndex=0; $iChildIndex<$childSize; $iChildIndex++) { $childNode =& $parentNode['childNodes'][$iChildIndex]; // Make sure that there is a text-part in front of every node. (May be empty) if (!isSet($parentNode['textParts'][$iChildIndex])) $parentNode['textParts'][$iChildIndex] = ''; // Count the nodes with same name (to determine their context position) $childName = $childNode['name']; if (empty($contextHash[$childName])) { $contextPos = $contextHash[$childName] = 1; } else { $contextPos = ++$contextHash[$childName]; } // Make the node-index hash $newPath = $absoluteParentPath . '/' . $childName . '['.$contextPos.']'; // ### Note ultimately we will end up supporting text nodes as actual nodes. // Preceed with a dummy entry for the text node. $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteParentPath.'/text()['.($childNode['pos']+1).']'] =& $childNode; // Then the node itself $this->nodeIndex[$newPath] =& $childNode; // Now some dummy nodes for each of the attribute nodes. $iAttributeCount = sizeOf($childNode['attributes']); if ($iAttributeCount > 0) { $aAttributesNames = array_keys($childNode['attributes']); for ($iAttributeIndex = 0; $iAttributeIndex < $iAttributeCount; $iAttributeIndex++) { $attribute = $aAttributesNames[$iAttributeIndex]; $this->nodeIndex["$newPath/attribute::$attribute"] =& $childNode; } } // Update the node info (optimisation) $childNode['parentNode'] =& $parentNode; $childNode['depth'] = $parentNode['depth'] +1; $childNode['pos'] = $iChildIndex; $childNode['contextPos'] = $contextHash[$childName]; $childNode['xpath'] = $newPath; $this->_recursiveReindexNodeTree($newPath); // Follow with a dummy entry for the text node. $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteParentPath.'/text()['.($childNode['pos']+2).']'] =& $childNode; } // Make sure that their is a text-part after the last node. if (!isSet($parentNode['textParts'][$iChildIndex])) $parentNode['textParts'][$iChildIndex] = ''; } return TRUE; } /** * Clone a node and it's child nodes. * * NOTE: If the node has children you *MUST* use the reference operator! * E.g. $clonedNode =& cloneNode($node); * Otherwise the children will not point back to the parent, they will point * back to your temporary variable instead. * * @param $node (mixed) Either a node (hash array) or an abs. Xpath to a node in * the current doc * @return (&array) A node and it's child nodes. */ function &cloneNode($node, $recursive=FALSE) { if (is_string($node) AND isSet($this->nodeIndex[$node])) { $node = $this->nodeIndex[$node]; } // Copy the text-parts () $textParts = $node['textParts']; $node['textParts'] = array(); foreach ($textParts as $key => $val) { $node['textParts'][] = $val; } $childSize = sizeOf($node['childNodes']); for ($i=0; $i<$childSize; $i++) { $childNode =& $this->cloneNode($node['childNodes'][$i], TRUE); // copy child $node['childNodes'][$i] =& $childNode; // reference the copy $childNode['parentNode'] =& $node; // child references the parent. } if (!$recursive) { //$node['childNodes'][0]['parentNode'] = null; //print "
    return $node;
/** Nice to have but __sleep() has a bug. 
    (2002-2 PHP V4.1. See bug #15350)
   * PHP cals this function when you call PHP's serialize. 
   * It prevents cyclic referencing, which is why print_r() of an XPath object doesn't work.
  function __sleep() {
    // Destroy recursive pointers
    $keys = array_keys($this->nodeIndex);
    $size = sizeOf($keys);
    for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {
   * PHP cals this function when you call PHP's unserialize. 
   * It reindexes the node-tree
  function __wakeup() {
  // XPath            ------  XPath Query / Evaluation Handlers  ------                      
   * Matches (evaluates) an XPath query
   * This method tries to evaluate an XPath query by parsing it. A XML source must 
   * have been imported before this method is able to work.
   * @param     $xPathQuery  (string) XPath query to be evaluated.
   * @param     $baseXPath   (string) (default is super-root) Full path of a document node, 
   *                                  from which the XPath query should  start evaluating.
   * @return                 (mixed)  The result of the XPath expression.  Either:
   *                                    node-set (an ordered collection of nodes without duplicates) 
   *                                    boolean (true or false) 
   *                                    number (a floating-point number) 
   *                                    string (a sequence of UCS characters) 
  function match($xPathQuery, $baseXPath='') {
    // Replace a double slashes, because they'll cause problems otherwise.
    static $slashes2descendant = array(
        '//@' => '/descendant_or_self::*/attribute::', 
        '//'  => '/descendant_or_self::node()/', 
        '/@'  => '/attribute::');
    // Stupid idea from W3C to take axes name containing a '-' (dash) !!!
    // We replace the '-' with '_' to avoid the conflict with the minus operator.
    static $dash2underscoreHash = array( 
        '-sibling'    => '_sibling', 
        '-or-'        => '_or_',
        'starts-with' => 'starts_with', 
        'substring-before' => 'substring_before',
        'substring-after'  => 'substring_after', 
        'string-length'    => 'string_length',
        'normalize-space'  => 'normalize_space');
    if (empty($xPathQuery)) return array();

    // Special case for when document is empty.
    if (empty($this->nodeRoot)) return array();

    if (!isSet($this->nodeIndex[$baseXPath])) {
      $this->_displayError(sprintf($this->errorStrings['AbsoluteXPathRequired'],$xPathQuery), __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE);
      return FALSE;
    // Replace a double slashes, and '-' (dash) in axes names.
    $xPathQuery = strtr($xPathQuery, $slashes2descendant);
    $xPathQuery = strtr($xPathQuery, $dash2underscoreHash);
    // We should possibly do a proper syntactical parse, but instead we will cheat and just
    // remove any literals that could make things very difficult for us, and replace them with
    // special tags.  Then we can treat the xPathQuery much more easily.  Provided there are no
    // literals in the string, then we can guarentee that most of the operators and syntactical
    // elements are indeed elements and not just part of a literal string.
    $processedxPathQuery = $this->_removeLiterals($xPathQuery);

    // Build the context
    $context = array('nodePath' => $baseXPath, 'pos' => 1, 'size' => 1);

    // The primary syntactic construct in XPath is the expression.
    $result = $this->_evaluateExpr($processedxPathQuery, $context);

    // We might have been returned a string.. If so convert back to a literal
    $literalString = $this->_asLiteral($result);
    if ($literalString != FALSE) return $literalString;
    else return $result;

   * Alias for the match function
   * @see match()
  function evaluate($xPathQuery, $baseXPath='') {
    return $this->match($xPathQuery, $baseXPath);

   * Parse out the literals of an XPath expression.
   * Instead of doing a full lexical parse, we parse out the literal strings, and then
   * Treat the sections of the string either as parts of XPath or literal strings.  So
   * this function replaces each literal it finds with a literal reference, and then inserts
   * the reference into an array of strings that we can access.  The literals can be accessed
   * later from the literals associative array.
   * Example:
   *  XPathExpr = /AAA[@CCC = "hello"]/BBB[DDD = 'world'] 
   *  =>  literals: array("hello", "world")
   *      return value: /AAA[@CCC = $1]/BBB[DDD = $2] 
   * Note: This does not interfere with the VariableReference syntactical element, as these 
   * elements must not start with a number.
   * @param  $xPathQuery  (string) XPath expression to be processed
   * @return              (string) The XPath expression without the literals.
  function _removeLiterals($xPathQuery) {
    // What comes first?  A " or a '?
    if (!preg_match(":^([^\"']*)([\"'].*)$:", $xPathQuery, $aMatches)) {
      // No " or ' means no more literals.
      return $xPathQuery;
    $result = $aMatches[1];
    $remainder = $aMatches[2];
    // What kind of literal?
    if (preg_match(':^"([^"]*)"(.*)$:', $remainder, $aMatches)) {
      // A "" literal.
      $literal = $aMatches[1];
      $remainder = $aMatches[2];
    } else if (preg_match(":^'([^']*)'(.*)$:", $remainder, $aMatches)) {
      // A '' literal.
      $literal = $aMatches[1];
      $remainder = $aMatches[2];
    } else {
      $this->_displayError("The '$xPathQuery' argument began a literal, but did not close it.", __LINE__, __FILE__);

    // Store the literal
    $literalNumber = count($this->axPathLiterals);
    $this->axPathLiterals[$literalNumber] = $literal;
    $result .= '$'.$literalNumber;
    return $result.$this->_removeLiterals($remainder);

   * Returns the given string as a literal reference.
   * @param $string (string) The string that we are processing
   * @return        (mixed)  The literal string.  FALSE if the string isn't a literal reference.
  function _asLiteral($string) {
    if (empty($string[0])) return FALSE;
    if ($string[0] == '$') {
      $remainder = substr($string, 1);
      if (is_numeric($remainder)) {
        // We have a string reference then.
        $stringNumber = (int)$remainder;
        if ($stringNumber >= count($this->axPathLiterals)) {
            $this->_displayError("Internal error.  Found a string reference that we didn't set in xPathQuery: '$xPathQuery'.", __LINE__, __FILE__);
            return FALSE;
        return $this->axPathLiterals[$stringNumber];

    // It's not a reference then.
    return FALSE;
   * Adds a literal to our array of literals
   * In order to make sure we don't interpret literal strings as XPath expressions, we have to
   * encode literal strings so that we know that they are not XPaths.
   * @param $string (string) The literal string that we need to store for future access
   * @return        (mixed)  A reference string to this literal.
  function _addLiteral($string) {
    // Store the literal
    $literalNumber = count($this->axPathLiterals);
    $this->axPathLiterals[$literalNumber] = $string;
    $result = '$'.$literalNumber;
    return $result;

   * Internal recursive evaluate an-XPath-expression function.
   * $this->evaluate() is the entry point and does some inits, while this 
   * function is called recursive internaly for every sub-xPath expresion we find.
   * @param  $xPathQuery  (string)   XPath query to be evaluated.
   * @param  $context     (array)    An associative array the describes the context from which
   *                                 to evaluate the XPath Expr.  Contains three members:
   *                                  'nodePath' => The absolute XPath expression to the context node
   *                                  'size' => The context size
   *                                  'pos' => The context position
   * @return              (mixed)    The result of the XPath expression.  Either:
   *                                 node-set (an ordered collection of nodes without duplicates) 
   *                                 boolean (true or false) 
   *                                 number (a floating-point number) 
   *                                 string (a sequence of UCS characters) 
   * @see    evaluate()
  function _evaluateExpr($xPathQuery, $context) {
    // If you are having difficulty using this function.  Then set this to TRUE and 
    // you'll get diagnostic info displayed to the output.
    $bDebugThisFunction = FALSE;
    if ($bDebugThisFunction) {
      $aStartTime = $this->_beginDebugFunction("_evaluateExpr");
      echo "Path: $xPathQuery\n";
      echo "Context:";
      echo "\n";
    // Numpty check
    if (!isset($xPathQuery) || ($xPathQuery == '')) {
      $this->_displayError("The \$xPathQuery argument must have a value.", __LINE__, __FILE__);
      return FALSE;

    // At the top level we deal with booleans.  Only if the Expr is just an AdditiveExpr will 
    // the result not be a boolean.
    // [14]    Expr               ::= OrExpr 
    // [21]    OrExpr             ::= AndExpr  
    //                                | OrExpr 'or' AndExpr  
    // [22]    AndExpr            ::= EqualityExpr  
    //                                | AndExpr 'and' EqualityExpr  
    // [23]    EqualityExpr       ::= RelationalExpr  
    //                                | EqualityExpr '=' RelationalExpr  
    //                                | EqualityExpr '!=' RelationalExpr  
    // [24]    RelationalExpr     ::= AdditiveExpr  
    //                                | RelationalExpr '<' AdditiveExpr  
    //                                | RelationalExpr '>' AdditiveExpr  
    //                                | RelationalExpr '<=' AdditiveExpr  
    //                                | RelationalExpr '>=' AdditiveExpr  
    // [25]    AdditiveExpr       ::= MultiplicativeExpr  
    //                                | AdditiveExpr '+' MultiplicativeExpr  
    //                                | AdditiveExpr '-' MultiplicativeExpr  
    // [26]    MultiplicativeExpr ::= UnaryExpr  
    //                                | MultiplicativeExpr MultiplyOperator UnaryExpr  
    //                                | MultiplicativeExpr 'div' UnaryExpr  
    //                                | MultiplicativeExpr 'mod' UnaryExpr  
    // [27]    UnaryExpr          ::= UnionExpr  
    //                                | '-' UnaryExpr 
    // [18]    UnionExpr          ::= PathExpr  
    //                                | UnionExpr '|' PathExpr 
    // NOTE: The effect of the above grammar is that the order of precedence is 
    // (lowest precedence first): 
    // 1) or 
    // 2) and 
    // 3) =, != 
    // 4) <=, <, >=, > 
    // 5) +, -
    // 6) *, div, mod
    // 7) - (negate)
    // 8) |
    // Between these syntactical elements we get PathExprs.

    // Do while false loop
    do {
      // An expression can be one of these, and we should catch these "first".
      // [15]    PrimaryExpr    ::= VariableReference  
      //                            | '(' Expr ')'  
      //                            | Literal  
      //                            | Number  
      //                            | FunctionCall 

      // If it is surrounded by () then trim the brackets
      while (preg_match(":^\((.*)\):", $xPathQuery, $aMatches)) {
        $xPathQuery = $aMatches[1];

      // Easy outs

      // Is it a number?
      if (is_numeric($xPathQuery)) {
        $result = $xPathQuery;

      // If it starts with $, and the remainder is a number, then it's a string.
      $literal = $this->_asLiteral($xPathQuery);
      if ($literal !== FALSE) {
          $result = $xPathQuery;

      // Is it a function?
        // Check whether it's all wrapped in a function.  will be like count(.*) where .* is anything
        // text() will try to be matched here, so just explicitly ignore it
        $regex = ":^([^\(\)\[\]/]*)\s*\((.*)\)$:U";
        if (preg_match($regex, $xPathQuery, $aMatch) && $xPathQuery != "text()") {
          $function = $aMatch[1];
          $data     = $aMatch[2];
          // It is possible that we will get "a() or b()" which will match as function "a" with
          // arguments ") or b(" which is clearly wrong... _bracketsCheck() should catch this.
          if ($this->_bracketsCheck($data)) {
            if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "XPathExpr: $xPathQuery is a $function() function call:\n";
            if (in_array($function, $this->functions)) {
              $result = $this->_evaluateFunction($function, $data, $context);

      // Check for operators.
      // Set the default position and the type of the operator.
      $position = 0;
      $operator = '';
      // Run through all operators and try to find one.
      $opSize = sizeOf($this->operators);
      for ($i=0; $i<$opSize; $i++) {
        // Have we found an operator yet?
        if ($position >0) break;
        $operator = $this->operators[$i];
        // Quickcheck. If not present don't wast time searching 'the hard way'
        if (strpos($xPathQuery, $operator)===FALSE) continue;
        // Special check
        $position = $this->_searchString($xPathQuery, $operator);
        // Check whether a operator was found.
        if ($position <= 0 ) continue;
        // Check whether it's the equal operator.
        if ($operator == '=') {
          // Also look for other operators containing the equal sign.
          switch ($xPathQuery[$position-1]) {
            case '<' : 
              $operator = '<=';
            case '>' : 
              $operator = '>=';
            case '!' : 
              $operator = '!=';
              // It's a pure = operator then.
        if ($operator == '*') {
          // http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#exprlex:
          // "If there is a preceding token and the preceding token is not one of @, ::, (, [, 
          // or an Operator, then a * must be recognized as a MultiplyOperator and an NCName must 
          // be recognized as an OperatorName."

          // Get some substrings.
          $character = substr($xPathQuery, $position - 1, 1);
          // Check whether it's a multiply operator or a name test.
          if (strchr('/@:([', $character) != FALSE) {
            // Don't use the operator.
            $operator = '';
            $position = -1;

        // Extremely annoyingly, we could have a node name like "for-each" and we should not
        // parse this as a "-" operator.  So if the first char of the right operator is alphabetic,
        // then this is NOT an interger operator.
        if (strchr('-+*', $operator) != FALSE) {
          $rightOperand = trim(substr($xPathQuery, $position + strlen($operator)));
          if (strlen($rightOperand) > 1) {
            if (preg_match(':^\D$:', $rightOperand[0])) {
              // Don't use the operator.
              $operator = '';
              $position = -1;

      } // end while each($this->operators)
      // Check whether an operator was found.
      if ($position <= 0) {
        // No operator.  Means we have a PathExpr then.  Go to the next level.
        $result = $this->_evaluatePathExpr($xPathQuery, $context);

      // Recursively process the operator

      // Check the kind of operator.
      switch ($operator) {
        case ' or ': 
        case ' and ':
        case '!=':
          $operatorType = 'Boolean';
        case '<=':
        case '<': 
        case '>=':
        case '>':
        case '+': 
        case '-': 
        case '*':
        case ' div ':
        case ' mod ':
          $operatorType = 'Integer';
        case ' | ':
          $operatorType = 'NodeSet';
        case '=': 
          $operatorType = 'Multi';
            $this->_displayError("Internal error.  Default case of switch statement reached.", __LINE__, __FILE__);

      if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "\nOperator is a [$operator]($operatorType operator) at pos '$position'";

      // Get the operands

      // Get the left and the right part of the expression.
      $leftOperand  = trim(substr($xPathQuery, 0, $position));
      $rightOperand = trim(substr($xPathQuery, $position + strlen($operator)));
      if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "\nLEFT:[$leftOperand]  oper:[$operator]  RIGHT:[$rightOperand]";
      // Remove whitespaces.
      $leftOperand  = trim($leftOperand);
      $rightOperand = trim($rightOperand);

      // Evaluate the operands

      // Evaluate the left and the right part.
      if (!empty($leftOperand)) {
        if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "\nEvaluating LEFT:[$leftOperand]\n";
        $left = $this->_evaluateExpr($leftOperand, $context);
        if ($bDebugThisFunction) {echo "$leftOperand evals as:\n"; print_r($left); }
      // If it is a boolean operator, it's possible we don't need to evaluate the right part.

      // Only evaluate the right part if we need to.
      $bEvaluateRightPart = TRUE;
      $right = '';
      if ($operatorType == 'Boolean') {
        $right = FALSE;
        // Is the left part false?
        $left = $this->_handleFunction_boolean($left, $context);
        if (!$left and ($operator == ' and ')) {
          $bEvaluateRightPart = FALSE;
          $right = FALSE;
        } else if ($left and ($operator == ' or ')) {
          $bEvaluateRightPart = FALSE;
          $right = TRUE;
      // And do we need to?
      if ($bEvaluateRightPart) {
        if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "\nEvaluating RIGHT:[$rightOperand]\n";
        $right = $this->_evaluateExpr($rightOperand, $context);
        if ($bDebugThisFunction) {echo "$rightOperand evals as:\n"; print_r($right); }
      } else {
        if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "\nNo point in evaluating the right predicate: [$rightOperand]";

      // Combine the operands

      // Work out how to treat the multi operator
      if ($operatorType == 'Multi') {
        if (is_bool($left) || is_bool($right)) {
          $operatorType = 'Boolean';
        } elseif (is_int($left) || is_int($right)) {
          $operatorType = 'Integer';
        } elseif (!is_array($left) || !is_array($right)) {
          $operatorType = 'String';
        } elseif (is_array($left) || is_array($right)) {
          $operatorType = 'Integer';
        } else {
          $operatorType = 'String';
        if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "Equals operator is a $operatorType operator\n";

      // Handle the operator depending on the operator type.
      switch ($operatorType) {
        case 'Boolean':
            // Boolify the arguments.  (The left arg is already a bool)
            $right = $this->_handleFunction_boolean($right, $context);
            switch ($operator) {
              case '=': // Compare the two results.
                $result = (bool)($left == $right); 
              case ' or ': // Return the two results connected by an 'or'.
                $result = (bool)( $left or $right );
              case ' and ': // Return the two results connected by an 'and'.
                $result = (bool)( $left and $right );
              case '!=': // Check whether the two results are not equal.
                $result = (bool)( $left != $right );
                $this->_displayError("Internal error.  Default case of switch statement reached.", __LINE__, __FILE__);
        case 'Integer':
            // Convert both left and right operands into numbers.
            if (empty($left) && ($operator == '-')) {
              // There may be no left operator if the op is '-'
              $left = 0;
            } else {
              $left = $this->_handleFunction_number($left, $context);
            $right = $this->_handleFunction_number($right, $context);
            if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "\nLeft is $left, Right is $right\n";
            switch ($operator) {
              case '=': // Compare the two results.
                $result = (bool)($left == $right); 
              case '+': // Return the result by adding one result to the other.
                $result = $left + $right;
              case '-': // Return the result by decrease one result by the other.
                $result = $left - $right;
              case '*': // Return a multiplication of the two results.
                $result =  $left * $right;
              case ' div ': // Return a division of the two results.
                $result = $left / $right;
              case ' mod ': // Return a modulo division of the two results.
                $result = $left % $right;
              case '<=': // Compare the two results.
                $result = (bool)( $left <= $right );
              case '<': // Compare the two results.
                $result = (bool)( $left < $right );
              case '>=': // Compare the two results.
                $result = (bool)( $left >= $right );
              case '>': // Compare the two results.
                $result = (bool)( $left > $right );
                $this->_displayError("Internal error.  Default case of switch statement reached.", __LINE__, __FILE__);
        case 'NodeSet':
          // Add the nodes to the result set
          $result = array_merge($left, $right);
          // Remove duplicated nodes.
          $result = array_unique($result);

          // Preserve doc order if there was more than one query.
          if (count($result) > 1) {
            $result = $this->_sortByDocOrder($result);
        case 'String':
            $left = $this->_handleFunction_string($left, $context);
            $right = $this->_handleFunction_string($right, $context);
            if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "\nLeft is $left, Right is $right\n";
            switch ($operator) {
              case '=': // Compare the two results.
                $result = (bool)($left == $right); 
                $this->_displayError("Internal error.  Default case of switch statement reached.", __LINE__, __FILE__);
          $this->_displayError("Internal error.  Default case of switch statement reached.", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    } while (FALSE);


    if ($bDebugThisFunction) {
      $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, $result);
    // Return the result.
    return $result;
   * Internal recursive evaluate an Path expression.
   * @param  $PathExpr   (string) PathExpr syntactical element
   * @param  $context    (array)  The context from which to evaluate
   * @return             (mixed)  The result of the XPath expression.  Either:
   *                               node-set (an ordered collection of nodes without duplicates) 
   *                               boolean (true or false) 
   *                               number (a floating-point number) 
   *                               string (a sequence of UCS characters) 
   * @see    evaluate()
  function _evaluatePathExpr($PathExpr, $context) {
    // If you are having difficulty using this function.  Then set this to TRUE and 
    // you'll get diagnostic info displayed to the output.
    $bDebugThisFunction = FALSE;
    if ($bDebugThisFunction) {
      $aStartTime = $this->_beginDebugFunction("_evaluatePathExpr");
      echo "PathExpr: $PathExpr\n";
      echo "Context:";
      echo "\n";
    // Numpty check
    if (empty($PathExpr)) {
      $this->_displayError("The \$PathExpr argument must have a value.", __LINE__, __FILE__);
      return FALSE;

    // mini syntax check
    if (!$this->_bracketsCheck($PathExpr)) {
      $this->_displayError('While parsing an XPath query, in the PathExpr "' .
      '", there was an invalid number of brackets or a bracket mismatch.', __LINE__, __FILE__);
    // Save the current path.
    $this->currentXpathQuery = $PathExpr;
    // Split the path at every slash *outside* a bracket.
    $steps = $this->_bracketExplode('/', $PathExpr);
    if ($bDebugThisFunction) { echo "
Split the path '$PathExpr' at every slash *outside* a bracket.\n "; print_r($steps); } // Check whether the first element is empty. if (empty($steps[0])) { // Remove the first and empty element. It's a starting '//'. array_shift($steps); } // Start to evaluate the steps. $result = $this->_evaluateStep($steps, $context); // Preserve doc order if there was more than one result if (count($result) > 1) { $result = $this->_sortByDocOrder($result); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, $result); } // Return the result. return $result; } /** * Sort an xPathSet by doc order. * * @param $xPathSet (array) Array of full paths to nodes that need to be sorted * @return (array) Array containing the same contents as $xPathSet, but * with the contents in doc order */ function _sortByDocOrder($xPathSet) { // If you are having difficulty using this function. Then set this to TRUE and // you'll get diagnostic info displayed to the output. $bDebugThisFunction = FALSE; if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $aStartTime = $this->_beginDebugFunction(__LINE__.":_sortByDocOrder(xPathSet:[".count($xPathSet)."])"); echo "xPathSet:\n"; print_r($xPathSet); echo "
\n"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////// $aResult = array(); // Spot some common shortcuts. if (count($xPathSet) < 1) { $aResult = $xPathSet; } else { // Build an array of doc-pos indexes. $aDocPos = array(); $nodeCount = count($this->nodeIndex); $aPaths = array_keys($this->nodeIndex); if ($bDebugThisFunction) { echo "searching for path indices in array_keys(this->nodeIndex)...\n"; //print_r($aPaths); } // The last index we found. In general the elements will be in groups // that are themselves in order. $iLastIndex = 0; foreach ($xPathSet as $path) { // Cycle round the nodes, starting at the last index, looking for the path. $foundNode = FALSE; for ($iIndex = $iLastIndex; $iIndex < $nodeCount + $iLastIndex; $iIndex++) { $iThisIndex = $iIndex % $nodeCount; if (!strcmp($aPaths[$iThisIndex],$path)) { // we have found the doc-position index of the path $aDocPos[] = $iThisIndex; $iLastIndex = $iThisIndex; $foundNode = TRUE; break; } } if ($bDebugThisFunction) { if (!$foundNode) echo "Error: $path not found in \$this->nodeIndex\n"; else echo "Found node after ".($iIndex - $iLastIndex)." iterations\n"; } } // Now count the number of doc pos we have and the number of results and // confirm that we have the same number of each. $iDocPosCount = count($aDocPos); $iResultCount = count($xPathSet); if ($iDocPosCount != $iResultCount) { if ($bDebugThisFunction) { echo "count(\$aDocPos)=$iDocPosCount; count(\$result)=$iResultCount\n"; print_r(array_keys($this->nodeIndex)); } $this->_displayError('Results from _InternalEvaluate() are corrupt. '. 'Do you need to call reindexNodeTree()?', __LINE__, __FILE__); } // Now sort the indexes. sort($aDocPos); // And now convert back to paths. $iPathCount = count($aDocPos); for ($iIndex = 0; $iIndex < $iPathCount; $iIndex++) { $aResult[] = $aPaths[$aDocPos[$iIndex]]; } } // Our result from the function is this array. $result = $aResult; ////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, $result); } // Return the result. return $result; } /** * Evaluate a step from a XPathQuery expression at a specific contextPath. * * Steps are the arguments of a XPathQuery when divided by a '/'. A contextPath is a * absolute XPath (or vector of XPaths) to a starting node(s) from which the step should * be evaluated. * * @param $steps (array) Vector containing the remaining steps of the current * XPathQuery expression. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate * @return (array) Vector of absolute XPath's as a result of the step * evaluation. The results will not necessarily be in doc order * @see evaluate() */ function _evaluateStep($steps, $context) { // If you are having difficulty using this function. Then set this to TRUE and // you'll get diagnostic info displayed to the output. $bDebugThisFunction = FALSE; if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $aStartTime = $this->_beginDebugFunction(__LINE__.":_evaluateStep"); echo "Context:"; $this->_printContext($context); echo "\n"; echo "Steps: "; print_r($steps); echo "
\n"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////// $result = array(); // Create an empty array for saving the abs. XPath's found. $contextPaths = array(); // Create an array to save the new contexts. $step = trim(array_shift($steps)); // Get this step. if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo __LINE__.":Evaluating step $step\n"; $axis = $this->_getAxis($step, $context); // Get the axis of the current step. if ($bDebugThisFunction) { echo __LINE__.":Axis of step is:\n"; print_r($axis); echo "\n";} // Check whether it's a function. if ($axis['axis'] == 'function') { // Check whether an array was return by the function. if (is_array($axis['node-test'])) { $contextPaths = array_merge($contextPaths, $axis['node-test']); // Add the results to the list of contexts. } else { $contextPaths[] = $axis['node-test']; // Add the result to the list of contexts. } } else { $method = '_handleAxis_' . $axis['axis']; // Create the name of the method. // Check whether the axis handler is defined. If not display an error message. if (!method_exists(&$this, $method)) { $this->_displayError('While parsing an XPath query, the axis ' . $axis['axis'] . ' could not be handled, because this version does not support this axis.', __LINE__, __FILE__); } if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo __LINE__.":Calling user method $method\n"; // Perform an axis action. $contextPaths = $this->$method($axis, $context['nodePath']); if ($bDebugThisFunction) { echo __LINE__.":We found these contexts from this step:\n"; print_r( $contextPaths ); echo "\n";} // Check whether there are predicates. if (count($contextPaths) > 0 && count($axis['predicate']) > 0) { if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo __LINE__.":Filtering contexts by predicate...\n"; // Check whether each node fits the predicates. $contextPaths = $this->_checkPredicates($contextPaths, $axis['predicate']); } } // Check whether there are more steps left. if (count($steps) > 0) { if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo __LINE__.":Evaluating next step given the context of the first step...\n"; // Continue the evaluation of the next steps. // Run through the array. $size = sizeOf($contextPaths); for ($pos=0; $pos<$size; $pos++) { // Build new context $newContext = array('nodePath' => $contextPaths[$pos], 'size' => $size, 'pos' => $pos + 1); if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo __LINE__.":Evaluating step for the {$contextPaths[$pos]} context...\n"; // Call this method for this single path. $xPathSetNew = $this->_evaluateStep($steps, $newContext); if ($bDebugThisFunction) {echo "New results for this context:\n"; print_r($xPathSetNew);} $result = array_merge($result, $xPathSetNew); } // Remove duplicated nodes. $result = array_unique($result); } else { $result = $contextPaths; // Save the found contexts. } ////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($bDebugThisFunction) $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, $result); // Return the result. return $result; } /** * Checks whether a node matches predicates. * * This method checks whether a list of nodes passed to this method match * a given list of predicates. * * @param $xPathSet (array) Array of full paths of all nodes to be tested. * @param $predicates (array) Array of predicates to use. * @return (array) Vector of absolute XPath's that match the given predicates. * @see _evaluateStep() */ function _checkPredicates($xPathSet, $predicates) { // If you are having difficulty using this function. Then set this to TRUE and // you'll get diagnostic info displayed to the output. $bDebugThisFunction = FALSE; if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $aStartTime = $this->_beginDebugFunction("_checkPredicates(Nodes:[$xPathSet], Predicates:[$predicates])"); echo "XPathSet:"; print_r($xPathSet); echo "Predicates:"; print_r($predicates); echo "
"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create an empty set of nodes. $result = array(); // Run through all predicates. $pSize = sizeOf($predicates); for ($j=0; $j<$pSize; $j++) { $predicate = $predicates[$j]; if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "Evaluating predicate \"$predicate\"\n"; // This will contain all the nodes that match this predicate $aNewSet = array(); // Run through all nodes. $contextSize = count($xPathSet); for ($contextPos=0; $contextPos<$contextSize; $contextPos++) { $xPath = $xPathSet[$contextPos]; // Build the context for this predicate $context = array('nodePath' => $xPath, 'size' => $contextSize, 'pos' => $contextPos + 1); // Check whether the predicate is just an number. if (preg_match('/^\d+$/', $predicate)) { if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "Taking short cut and calling _handleFunction_position() directly.\n"; // Take a short cut. If it is just a position, then call // _handleFunction_position() directly. 70% of the // time this will be the case. ## N.S // $check = (bool) ($predicate == $context['pos']); $check = (bool) ($predicate == $this->_handleFunction_position('', $context)); } else { // Else do the predicate check the long and thorough way. $check = $this->_evaluateExpr($predicate, $context); } if ($bDebugThisFunction) { echo "Evaluating the predicate returned "; var_dump($check); echo "\n"; } if (is_int($check)) { // Check whether it's an integer. // Check whether it's the current position. $check = (bool) ($check == $this->_handleFunction_position('', $context)); } else { $check = (bool) ($this->_handleFunction_boolean($check, $context)); if ($bDebugThisFunction) {echo $this->_handleFunction_string($check, $context);} } if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "Node $xPath matches predicate $predicate: " . (($check) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") ."\n"; // Do we add it? if ($check) $aNewSet[] = $xPath; } // Use the newly filtered list. $xPathSet = $aNewSet; if ($bDebugThisFunction) {echo "Node set now contains : "; print_r($xPathSet); } } $result = $xPathSet; ////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, $result); } // Return the array of nodes. return $result; } /** * Evaluates an XPath function * * This method evaluates a given XPath function with its arguments on a * specific node of the document. * * @param $function (string) Name of the function to be evaluated. * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments being * passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate * @return (mixed) This method returns the result of the evaluation of * the function. Depending on the function the type of the * return value can be different. * @see evaluate() */ function _evaluateFunction($function, $arguments, $context) { // If you are having difficulty using this function. Then set this to TRUE and // you'll get diagnostic info displayed to the output. $bDebugThisFunction = FALSE; if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $aStartTime = $this->_beginDebugFunction("_evaluateFunction"); if (is_array($arguments)) { echo "Arguments:\n"; print_r($arguments); } else { echo "Arguments: $arguments\n"; } echo "Context:"; $this->_printContext($context); echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } ///////////////////////////////////// // Remove whitespaces. $function = trim($function); $arguments = trim($arguments); // Create the name of the function handling function. $method = '_handleFunction_'. $function; // Check whether the function handling function is available. if (!method_exists(&$this, $method)) { // Display an error message. $this->_displayError("While parsing an XPath query, ". "the function \"$function\" could not be handled, because this ". "version does not support this function.", __LINE__, __FILE__); } if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "Calling function $method($arguments)\n"; // Return the result of the function. $result = $this->$method($arguments, $context); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Return the nodes found. if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, $result); } // Return the result. return $result; } /** * Checks whether a node matches a node-test. * * This method checks whether a node in the document matches a given node-test. * A node test is something like text(), node(), or an element name. * * @param $contextPath (string) Full xpath of the node, which should be tested for * matching the node-test. * @param $nodeTest (string) String containing the node-test for the node. * @return (boolean) This method returns TRUE if the node matches the * node-test, otherwise FALSE. * @see evaluate() */ function _checkNodeTest($contextPath, $nodeTest) { if ($nodeTest == '*') { // * matches all element nodes. return (!preg_match(':/[^/]+\(\)\[\d+\]$:U', $contextPath)); } elseif (preg_match('/^[\w-]+$/', $nodeTest)) { // It's just a node name test. It should end with "/$nodeTest[x]" return (preg_match(':/'.$nodeTest.'\[\d+\]$:', $contextPath)); } elseif (preg_match('/\(/U', $nodeTest)) { // Check whether it's a function. // Get the type of function to use. $function = $this->_prestr($nodeTest, '('); // Check whether the node fits the method. switch ($function) { case 'node': // Add this node to the list of nodes. return TRUE; case 'text': // Check whether the node has some text. $tmp = implode('', $this->nodeIndex[$contextPath]['textParts']); if (!empty($tmp)) { return TRUE; // Add this node to the list of nodes. } break; /******** NOT supported (yet?) case 'comment': // Check whether the node has some comment. if (!empty($this->nodeIndex[$contextPath]['comment'])) { return TRUE; // Add this node to the list of nodes. } break; case 'processing-instruction': $literal = $this->_afterstr($axis['node-test'], '('); // Get the literal argument. $literal = substr($literal, 0, strlen($literal) - 1); // Cut the literal. // Check whether a literal was given. if (!empty($literal)) { // Check whether the node's processing instructions are matching the literals given. if ($this->nodeIndex[$context]['processing-instructions'] == $literal) { return TRUE; // Add this node to the node-set. } } else { // Check whether the node has processing instructions. if (!empty($this->nodeIndex[$contextPath]['processing-instructions'])) { return TRUE; // Add this node to the node-set. } } break; ***********/ default: // Display an error message. $this->_displayError('While parsing an XPath query there was an undefined function called "' . str_replace($function, ''.$function.'', $this->currentXpathQuery) .'"', __LINE__, __FILE__); } } else { // Display an error message. $this->_displayError("While parsing the XPath query \"{$this->currentXpathQuery}\" ". "an empty and therefore invalid node-test has been found.", __LINE__, __FILE__); } return FALSE; // Don't add this context. } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPath ------ XPath AXIS Handlers ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Retrieves axis information from an XPath query step. * * This method tries to extract the name of the axis and its node-test * from a given step of an XPath query at a given node. * * @param $step (string) String containing a step of an XPath query. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate * @return (array) Contains information about the axis found in the step. * @see _evaluateStep() */ function _getAxis($step, $context) { // Create an array to save the axis information. $axis = array( 'axis' => '', 'node-test' => '', 'predicate' => array() ); do { // parse block $parseBlock = 1; /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Spot the steps that won't come with an axis // Check whether the step is empty or only self. if (empty($step) OR ($step == '.') OR ($step == 'current()')) { // Set it to the default value. $step = '.'; $axis['axis'] = 'self'; $axis['node-test'] = '*'; break $parseBlock; } if ($step == '..') { // Select the parent axis. $axis['axis'] = 'parent'; $axis['node-test'] = '*'; break $parseBlock; } // Check whether is an abbreviated syntax. if ($step == '*') { // Use the child axis and select all children. $axis['axis'] = 'child'; $axis['node-test'] = '*'; break $parseBlock; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pull off the axis // Check for abbreviated syntax if ($step[0] == '@') { // Use the attribute axis and select the attribute. $axis['axis'] = 'attribute'; $step = substr($step, 1); } else { // Check whether the axis is given in plain text. if (preg_match("/^([^:]*)::(.*)$/", $step, $match)) { // Split the step to extract axis and node-test. $axis['axis'] = $match[1]; $step = $match[2]; } else { // The default axis is child $axis['axis'] = 'child'; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pull off the predicates // Check whether there are predicates and add the predicate to the list // of predicates without []. Get contents of every [] found. $regex = '/\[([^\]]*)\]/'; preg_match_all($regex, $step, $regs); if (!empty($regs[1])) { $axis['predicate'] = $regs[1]; // Reduce the step. $step = preg_replace($regex,"",$step); //$this->_prestr($step, '['); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process the rest which will either be a function or a node name if ($step == "text()") { // Handle the text node $axis["node-test"] = "cdata"; break $parseBlock; } // Check whether it's all wrapped in a function. will be like count(.*) where .* is anything // text() will try to be matched here, so just explicitly ignore it $regex = ":^(.*)\s*\((.*)\)$:U"; if (preg_match($regex, $step, $match) && $step != "text()") { $function = $match[1]; $data = $match[2]; if (in_array($function, $this->functions)) { // Save the evaluated function. $axis['axis'] = 'function'; $axis['node-test'] = $this->_evaluateFunction($function, $data, $context); } else { $axis['node-test'] = $step; } break $parseBlock; } // We have removed the axis and the predicates, all that is left is the node test. $axis['node-test'] = $step; if (!empty($this->parseOptions[XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING])) { // Case in-sensitive $axis['node-test'] = strtoupper($axis['node-test']); } } while(FALSE); // end parse block // Check whether it's a valid axis. if (!in_array($axis['axis'], array_merge($this->axes, array('function')))) { // Display an error message. $this->_displayError('While parsing an XPath query, in the step ' . str_replace($step, ''.$step.'', $this->currentXpathQuery) . ' the invalid axis ' . $axis['axis'] . ' was found.', __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); } // Return the axis information. return $axis; } /** * Handles the XPath child axis. * * This method handles the XPath child axis. It essentially filters out the * children to match the name specified after the '/'. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should * be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during * the evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_child($axis, $contextPath) { $xPathSet = array(); // Create an empty node-set to hold the results of the child matches if ($axis["node-test"] == "cdata") { if (!isSet($this->nodeIndex[$contextPath]['textParts']) ) return ''; $tSize = sizeOf($this->nodeIndex[$contextPath]['textParts']); for ($i=1; $i<=$tSize; $i++) { $xPathSet[] = $contextPath . '/text()['.$i.']'; } } else { // Get a list of all children. $allChildren = $this->nodeIndex[$contextPath]['childNodes']; // Run through all children in the order they where set. $cSize = sizeOf($allChildren); for ($i=0; $i<$cSize; $i++) { $childPath = $contextPath .'/'. $allChildren[$i]['name'] .'['. $allChildren[$i]['contextPos'] .']'; $textChildPath = $contextPath.'/text()['.($i + 1).']'; // Check the text node if ($this->_checkNodeTest($textChildPath, $axis['node-test'])) { // node test check $xPathSet[] = $textChildPath; // Add the child to the node-set. } // Check the actual node if ($this->_checkNodeTest($childPath, $axis['node-test'])) { // node test check $xPathSet[] = $childPath; // Add the child to the node-set. } } // Finally there will be one more text node to try $textChildPath = $contextPath.'/text()['.($cSize + 1).']'; // Check the text node if ($this->_checkNodeTest($textChildPath, $axis['node-test'])) { // node test check $xPathSet[] = $textChildPath; // Add the child to the node-set. } } return $xPathSet; // Return the nodeset. } /** * Handles the XPath parent axis. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during the * evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_parent($axis, $contextPath) { $xPathSet = array(); // Create an empty node-set. // Check whether the parent matches the node-test. $parentPath = $this->getParentXPath($contextPath); if ($this->_checkNodeTest($parentPath, $axis['node-test'])) { $xPathSet[] = $parentPath; // Add this node to the list of nodes. } return $xPathSet; // Return the nodeset. } /** * Handles the XPath attribute axis. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during the evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_attribute($axis, $contextPath) { $xPathSet = array(); // Create an empty node-set. // Check whether all nodes should be selected. $nodeAttr = $this->nodeIndex[$contextPath]['attributes']; if ($axis['node-test'] == '*') { foreach($nodeAttr as $key=>$dummy) { // Run through the attributes. $xPathSet[] = $contextPath.'/attribute::'.$key; // Add this node to the node-set. } } elseif (isset($nodeAttr[$axis['node-test']])) { $xPathSet[] = $contextPath . '/attribute::'. $axis['node-test']; // Add this node to the node-set. } return $xPathSet; // Return the nodeset. } /** * Handles the XPath self axis. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during the evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_self($axis, $contextPath) { $xPathSet = array(); // Create an empty node-set. // Check whether the context match the node-test. if ($this->_checkNodeTest($contextPath, $axis['node-test'])) { $xPathSet[] = $contextPath; // Add this node to the node-set. } return $xPathSet; // Return the nodeset. } /** * Handles the XPath descendant axis. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during the evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_descendant($axis, $contextPath) { $xPathSet = array(); // Create an empty node-set. // Get a list of all children. $allChildren = $this->nodeIndex[$contextPath]['childNodes']; // Run through all children in the order they where set. $cSize = sizeOf($allChildren); for ($i=0; $i<$cSize; $i++) { $childPath = $allChildren[$i]['xpath']; // Check whether the child matches the node-test. if ($this->_checkNodeTest($childPath, $axis['node-test'])) { $xPathSet[] = $childPath; // Add the child to the list of nodes. } // Recurse to the next level. $xPathSet = array_merge($xPathSet, $this->_handleAxis_descendant($axis, $childPath)); } return $xPathSet; // Return the nodeset. } /** * Handles the XPath ancestor axis. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during the evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_ancestor($axis, $contextPath) { $xPathSet = array(); // Create an empty node-set. $parentPath = $this->getParentXPath($contextPath); // Get the parent of the current node. // Check whether the parent isn't super-root. if (!empty($parentPath)) { // Check whether the parent matches the node-test. if ($this->_checkNodeTest($parentPath, $axis['node-test'])) { $xPathSet[] = $parentPath; // Add the parent to the list of nodes. } // Handle all other ancestors. $xPathSet = array_merge($this->_handleAxis_ancestor($axis, $parentPath), $xPathSet); } return $xPathSet; // Return the nodeset. } /** * Handles the XPath namespace axis. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during the evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_namespace($axis, $contextPath) { $this->_displayError("The axis 'namespace is not suported'", __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); } /** * Handles the XPath following axis. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during the evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_following($axis, $contextPath) { $xPathSet = array(); // Create an empty node-set. do { // try-block $node = $this->nodeIndex[$contextPath]; // Get the current node $position = $node['pos']; // Get the current tree position. $parent = $node['parentNode']; // Check if there is a following sibling at all; if not end. if ($position >= sizeOf($parent['childNodes'])) break; // try-block // Build the starting abs. XPath $startXPath = $parent['childNodes'][$position+1]['xpath']; // Run through all nodes of the document. $nodeKeys = array_keys($this->nodeIndex); $nodeSize = sizeOf($nodeKeys); for ($k=0; $k<$nodeSize; $k++) { if ($nodeKeys[$k] == $startXPath) break; // Check whether this is the starting abs. XPath } for (; $k<$nodeSize; $k++) { // Check whether the node fits the node-test. if ($this->_checkNodeTest($nodeKeys[$k], $axis['node-test'])) { $xPathSet[] = $nodeKeys[$k]; // Add the node to the list of nodes. } } } while(FALSE); return $xPathSet; // Return the nodeset. } /** * Handles the XPath preceding axis. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during the evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_preceding($axis, $contextPath) { $xPathSet = array(); // Create an empty node-set. // Run through all nodes of the document. foreach ($this->nodeIndex as $xPath=>$dummy) { if (empty($xPath)) continue; // skip super-Root // Check whether this is the context node. if ($xPath == $contextPath) { break; // After this we won't look for more nodes. } if (!strncmp($xPath, $contextPath, strLen($xPath))) { continue; } // Check whether the node fits the node-test. if ($this->_checkNodeTest($xPath, $axis['node-test'])) { $xPathSet[] = $xPath; // Add the node to the list of nodes. } } return $xPathSet; // Return the nodeset. } /** * Handles the XPath following-sibling axis. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during the evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_following_sibling($axis, $contextPath) { $xPathSet = array(); // Create an empty node-set. // Get all children from the parent. $siblings = $this->_handleAxis_child($axis, $this->getParentXPath($contextPath)); // Create a flag whether the context node was already found. $found = FALSE; // Run through all siblings. $size = sizeOf($siblings); for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) { $sibling = $siblings[$i]; // Check whether the context node was already found. if ($found) { // Check whether the sibling matches the node-test. if ($this->_checkNodeTest($sibling, $axis['node-test'])) { $xPathSet[] = $sibling; // Add the sibling to the list of nodes. } } // Check if we reached *this* context node. if ($sibling == $contextPath) { $found = TRUE; // Continue looking for other siblings. } } return $xPathSet; // Return the nodeset. } /** * Handles the XPath preceding-sibling axis. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during the evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_preceding_sibling($axis, $contextPath) { $xPathSet = array(); // Create an empty node-set. // Get all children from the parent. $siblings = $this->_handleAxis_child($axis, $this->getParentXPath($contextPath)); // Run through all siblings. $size = sizeOf($siblings); for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) { $sibling = $siblings[$i]; // Check whether this is the context node. if ($sibling == $contextPath) { break; // Don't continue looking for other siblings. } // Check whether the sibling matches the node-test. if ($this->_checkNodeTest($sibling, $axis['node-test'])) { $xPathSet[] = $sibling; // Add the sibling to the list of nodes. } } return $xPathSet; // Return the nodeset. } /** * Handles the XPath descendant-or-self axis. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during the evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_descendant_or_self($axis, $contextPath) { $xPathSet = array(); // Create an empty node-set. // Read the nodes. $xPathSet = array_merge( $this->_handleAxis_self($axis, $contextPath), $this->_handleAxis_descendant($axis, $contextPath) ); return $xPathSet; // Return the nodeset. } /** * Handles the XPath ancestor-or-self axis. * * This method handles the XPath ancestor-or-self axis. * * @param $axis (array) Array containing information about the axis. * @param $contextPath (string) xpath to starting node from which the axis should be processed. * @return (array) A vector containing all nodes that were found, during the evaluation of the axis. * @see evaluate() */ function _handleAxis_ancestor_or_self ( $axis, $contextPath) { $xPathSet = array(); // Create an empty node-set. // Read the nodes. $xPathSet = array_merge( $this->_handleAxis_ancestor($axis, $contextPath), $this->_handleAxis_self($axis, $contextPath) ); return $xPathSet; // Return the nodeset. } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPath ------ XPath FUNCTION Handlers ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Handles the XPath function last. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_last($arguments, $context) { return $context['size']; } /** * Handles the XPath function position. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_position($arguments, $context) { return $context['pos']; } /** * Handles the XPath function count. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_count($arguments, $context) { // Evaluate the argument of the method as an XPath and return the number of results. return count($this->_evaluateExpr($arguments, $context)); } /** * Handles the XPath function id. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_id($arguments, $context) { $arguments = trim($arguments); // Trim the arguments. $arguments = explode(' ', $arguments); // Now split the arguments into an array. // Create a list of nodes. $resultXPaths = array(); // Run through all nodes of the document. $keys = array_keys($this->nodeIndex); $kSize = $sizeOf($keys); for ($i=0; $i<$kSize; $i++) { if (empty($keys[$i])) continue; // skip super-Root if (in_array($this->nodeIndex[$keys[$i]]['attributes']['id'], $arguments)) { $resultXPaths[] = $context['nodePath']; // Add this node to the list of nodes. } } return $resultXPaths; // Return the list of nodes. } /** * Handles the XPath function name. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_name($arguments, $context) { // If the argument it omitted, it defaults to a node-set with the context node as its only member. if (empty($arguments)) { return $this->_addLiteral($this->nodeIndex[$context['nodePath']]['name']); } // Evaluate the argument to get a node set. $nodeSet = $this->_evaluateExpr($arguments, $context); if (!is_array($nodeSet)) return ''; if (count($nodeSet) < 1) return ''; if (!isset($this->nodeIndex[$nodeSet[0]])) return ''; // Return a reference to the name of the node. return $this->_addLiteral($this->nodeIndex[$nodeSet[0]]['name']); } /** * Handles the XPath function string. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_string($arguments, $context) { // Check what type of parameter is given if (is_array($arguments)) { // Get the value of the first result (which means we want to concat all the text...unless // a specific text() node has been given, and it will switch off to substringData if (!count($arguments)) $result = ''; else $result = $this->wholeText($arguments[0]); } // Is it a literal string? elseif (preg_match('/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/', $arguments) OR preg_match('/^\.[0-9]+$/', $arguments)) { $number = doubleval($arguments); // Convert the digits to a number. $result = strval($number); // Return the number. } elseif (is_bool($arguments)) { // Check whether it's TRUE or FALSE and return as string. if ($arguments === TRUE) $result = 'TRUE'; else $result = 'FALSE'; } // a string is true if and only if its length is non-zero elseif (($literal = $this->_asLiteral($arguments)) !== FALSE) { return $literal; } elseif (!empty($arguments)) { // Use the argument as an XPath. $result = $this->_evaluateExpr($arguments, $context); $result = $this->_handleFunction_string($result, $context); } else { $result = ''; // Return an empty string. } return $result; } /** * Handles the XPath function concat. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_concat($arguments, $context) { // Split the arguments. $arguments = explode(',', $arguments); // Run through each argument and evaluate it. $size = sizeof($arguments); for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) { $arguments[$i] = trim($arguments[$i]); // Trim each argument. // Evaluate it. $arguments[$i] = $this->_handleFunction_string($arguments[$i], $context); } $arguments = implode('', $arguments); // Put the string together and return it. return $this->_addLiteral($arguments); } /** * Handles the XPath function starts-with. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_starts_with($arguments, $context) { // Get the arguments. $first = trim($this->_prestr($arguments, ',')); $second = trim($this->_afterstr($arguments, ',')); // Evaluate each argument. $first = $this->_handleFunction_string($first, $context); $second = $this->_handleFunction_string($second, $context); // Check whether the first string starts with the second one. return (bool) ereg('^'.$second, $first); } /** * Handles the XPath function contains. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_contains($arguments, $context) { // Get the arguments. $first = trim($this->_prestr($arguments, ',')); $second = trim($this->_afterstr($arguments, ',')); //echo "Predicate: $arguments First: ".$first." Second: ".$second."\n"; // Evaluate each argument. $first = $this->_handleFunction_string($first, $context); $second = $this->_handleFunction_string($second, $context); //echo $second.": ".$first."\n"; // If the search string is null, then the provided there is a value it will contain it as // it is considered that all strings contain the empty string. ## N.S. if ($second==='') return TRUE; // Check whether the first string starts with the second one. if (strpos($first, $second) === FALSE) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } /** * Handles the XPath function substring-before. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_substring_before($arguments, $context) { // Get the arguments. $first = trim($this->_prestr($arguments, ',')); $second = trim($this->_afterstr($arguments, ',')); // Evaluate each argument. $first = $this->_handleFunction_string($first, $context); $second = $this->_handleFunction_string($second, $context); // Return the substring. return $this->_addLiteral($this->_prestr(strval($first), strval($second))); } /** * Handles the XPath function substring-after. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_substring_after($arguments, $context) { // Get the arguments. $first = trim($this->_prestr($arguments, ',')); $second = trim($this->_afterstr($arguments, ',')); // Evaluate each argument. $first = $this->_handleFunction_string($first, $context); $second = $this->_handleFunction_string($second, $context); // Return the substring. return $this->_addLiteral($this->_afterstr(strval($first), strval($second))); } /** * Handles the XPath function substring. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_substring($arguments, $context) { // Split the arguments. $arguments = explode(",", $arguments); $size = sizeOf($arguments); for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) { // Run through all arguments. $arguments[$i] = trim($arguments[$i]); // Trim the string. // Evaluate each argument. $arguments[$i] = $this->_handleFunction_string($arguments[$i], $context); } // Check whether a third argument was given and return the substring.. if (!empty($arguments[2])) { return $this->_addLiteral(substr(strval($arguments[0]), $arguments[1] - 1, $arguments[2])); } else { return $this->_addLiteral(substr(strval($arguments[0]), $arguments[1] - 1)); } } /** * Handles the XPath function string-length. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_string_length($arguments, $context) { $arguments = trim($arguments); // Trim the argument. // Evaluate the argument. $arguments = $this->_handleFunction_string($arguments, $context); return strlen(strval($arguments)); // Return the length of the string. } /** * Handles the XPath function normalize-space. * * The normalize-space function returns the argument string with whitespace * normalized by stripping leading and trailing whitespace and replacing sequences * of whitespace characters by a single space. * If the argument is omitted, it defaults to the context node converted to a string, * in other words the string-value of the context node * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (stri)g trimed string * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_normalize_space($arguments, $context) { if (empty($arguments)) { $arguments = $this->getParentXPath($context['nodePath']).'/'.$this->nodeIndex[$context['nodePath']]['name'].'['.$this->nodeIndex[$context['nodePath']]['contextPos'].']'; } else { $arguments = $this->_handleFunction_string($arguments, $context); } $arguments = trim(preg_replace (";[[:space:]]+;s",' ',$arguments)); return $this->_addLiteral($arguments); } /** * Handles the XPath function translate. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_translate($arguments, $context) { $arguments = explode(',', $arguments); // Split the arguments. $size = sizeOf($arguments); for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) { // Run through all arguments. $arguments[$i] = trim($arguments[$i]); // Trim the argument. // Evaluate the argument. $arguments[$i] = $this->_handleFunction_string($arguments[$i], $context); } // Return the translated string. return $this->_addLiteral(strtr($arguments[0], $arguments[1], $arguments[2])); } /** * Handles the XPath function boolean. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_boolean($arguments, $context) { if (empty($arguments)) { return FALSE; // Sorry, there were no arguments. } // a bool is dead obvious elseif (is_bool($arguments)) { return $arguments; } // a node-set is true if and only if it is non-empty elseif (is_array($arguments)) { return (count($arguments) > 0); } // a number is true if and only if it is neither positive or negative zero nor NaN // (Straight out of the XPath spec.. makes no sense?????) elseif (preg_match('/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/', $arguments) || preg_match('/^\.[0-9]+$/', $arguments)) { $number = doubleval($arguments); // Convert the digits to a number. // If number zero return FALSE else TRUE. if ($number == 0) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } // a string is true if and only if its length is non-zero elseif (($literal = $this->_asLiteral($arguments)) !== FALSE) { return (strlen($literal) != 0); } // an object of a type other than the four basic types is converted to a boolean in a // way that is dependent on that type else { // Try to evaluate the argument as an XPath. $result = $this->_evaluateExpr($arguments, $context); if (is_string($result) && is_string($arguments) && (!strcmp($result, $arguments))) { $this->_displayError("Loop detected in XPath expression. Probably an internal error :o/. _handleFunction_boolean($result)", __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); return FALSE; } else { return $this->_handleFunction_boolean($result, $context); } } } /** * Handles the XPath function not. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_not($arguments, $context) { // Return the negative value of the content of the brackets. $bArgResult = $this->_handleFunction_boolean($arguments, $context); //echo "Before inversion: ".($bArgResult?"TRUE":"FALSE")."\n"; return !$bArgResult; } /** * Handles the XPath function TRUE. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_true($arguments, $context) { return TRUE; // Return TRUE. } /** * Handles the XPath function FALSE. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_false($arguments, $context) { return FALSE; // Return FALSE. } /** * Handles the XPath function lang. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_lang($arguments, $context) { $arguments = trim($arguments); // Trim the arguments. $currentNode = $this->nodeIndex[$context['nodePath']]; while (!empty($currentNode['name'])) { // Run through the ancestors. // Check whether the node has an language attribute. if (isSet($currentNode['attributes']['xml:lang'])) { // Check whether it's the language, the user asks for; if so return TRUE else FALSE return eregi('^'.$arguments, $currentNode['attributes']['xml:lang']); } $currentNode = $currentNode['parentNode']; // Move up to parent } // End while return FALSE; } /** * Handles the XPath function number. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_number($arguments, $context) { // Check the type of argument. // A string that is a number if (is_numeric($arguments)) { return doubleval($arguments); // Return the argument as a number. } // A bool elseif (is_bool($arguments)) { // Return TRUE/FALSE as a number. if ($arguments === TRUE) return 1; else return 0; } // A node set elseif (is_array($arguments)) { // Is converted to a string then handled like a string $string = $this->_handleFunction_string($arguments, $context); if (is_numeric($string)) return doubleval($string); } else { // Try to evaluate the argument as an XPath. $result = $this->_evaluateExpr($arguments, $context); return $this->_handleFunction_number($result, $context); } } /** * Handles the XPath function sum. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_sum($arguments, $context) { $arguments = trim($arguments); // Trim the arguments. // Evaluate the arguments as an XPath query. $result = $this->_handleFunction_number($arguments, $context); $sum = 0; // Create a variable to save the sum. // Run through all results. $size = sizeOf($result); for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) { $value = $this->substringData($result[$i]); // Get the value of the node. $sum += doubleval($value); // Add it to the sum. } return $sum; // Return the sum. } /** * Handles the XPath function floor. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_floor($arguments, $context) { if (!is_numeric($arguments)) { $arguments = $this->_handleFunction_number($arguments, $context); } $arguments = doubleval($arguments); // Convert the arguments to a number. return floor($arguments); // Return the result } /** * Handles the XPath function ceiling. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_ceiling($arguments, $context) { if (!is_numeric($arguments)) { $arguments = $this->_handleFunction_number($arguments, $context); } $arguments = doubleval($arguments); // Convert the arguments to a number. return ceil($arguments); // Return the result } /** * Handles the XPath function round. * * @param $arguments (string) String containing the arguments that were passed to the function. * @param $context (array) The context from which to evaluate the function * @return (mixed) Depending on the type of function being processed * @see evaluate() */ function _handleFunction_round($arguments, $context) { if (!is_numeric($arguments)) { $arguments = $this->_handleFunction_number($arguments, $context); } $arguments = doubleval($arguments); // Convert the arguments to a number. return round($arguments); // Return the result } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPathEngine ------ Help Stuff ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Compare two nodes to see if they are equal (point to the same node in the doc) * * 2 nodes are considered equal if the absolute XPath is equal. * * @param $node1 (mixed) Either an absolute XPath to an node OR a real tree-node (hash-array) * @param $node2 (mixed) Either an absolute XPath to an node OR a real tree-node (hash-array) * @return (bool) TRUE if equal (see text above), FALSE if not (and on error). */ function equalNodes($node1, $node2) { $xPath_1 = is_string($node1) ? $node1 : $this->getNodePath($node1); $xPath_2 = is_string($node2) ? $node2 : $this->getNodePath($node2); return (strncasecmp ($xPath_1, $xPath_2, strLen($xPath_1)) == 0); } /** * Get the absolute XPath of a node that is in a document tree. * * @param $node (array) A real tree-node (hash-array) * @return (string) The string path to the node or FALSE on error. */ function getNodePath($node) { if (!empty($node['xpath'])) return $node['xpath']; $pathInfo = array(); do { if (empty($node['name']) OR empty($node['parentNode'])) break; // End criteria $pathInfo[] = array('name' => $node['name'], 'contextPos' => $node['contextPos']); $node = $node['parentNode']; } while (TRUE); $xPath = ''; for ($i=sizeOf($pathInfo)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { $xPath .= '/' . $pathInfo[$i]['name'] . '[' . $pathInfo[$i]['contextPos'] . ']'; } if (empty($xPath)) return FALSE; return $xPath; } /** * Retrieves the absolute parent XPath query. * * The parents stored in the tree are only relative parents...but all the parent * information is stored in the XPath query itself...so instead we use a function * to extract the parent from the absolute Xpath query * * @param $childPath (string) String containing an absolute XPath query * @return (string) returns the absolute XPath of the parent */ function getParentXPath($absoluteXPath) { $lastSlashPos = strrpos($absoluteXPath, '/'); if ($lastSlashPos == 0) { // it's already the root path return ''; // 'super-root' } else { return (substr($absoluteXPath, 0, $lastSlashPos)); } } /** * Returns TRUE if the given node has child nodes below it * * @param $absoluteXPath (string) full path of the potential parent node * @return (bool) TRUE if this node exists and has a child, FALSE otherwise */ function hasChildNodes($absoluteXPath) { return (bool) (isSet($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]) AND sizeOf($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['childNodes'])); } /** * Translate all ampersands to it's literal entities '&' and back. * * I wasn't aware of this problem at first but it's important to understand why we do this. * At first you must know: * a) PHP's XML parser *translates* all entities to the equivalent char E.g. < is returned as '<' * b) PHP's XML parser (in V 4.1.0) has problems with most *literal* entities! The only one's that are * recognized are &, < > and ". *ALL* others (like   © a.s.o.) cause an * XML_ERROR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY error. I reported this as bug at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=15092 * (It turned out not to be a 'real' bug, but one of those nice W3C-spec things). * * Forget position b) now. It's just for info. Because the way we will solve a) will also solve b) too. * * THE PROBLEM * To understand the problem, here a sample: * Given is the following XML: " <   > " * Try to parse it and PHP's XML parser will fail with a XML_ERROR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY becaus of * the unknown litteral-entity ' '. (The numeric equivalent ' ' would work though). * Next try is to use the numeric equivalent 160 for ' ', thus " <   > " * The data we receive in the tag is " < > ". So we get the *translated entities* and * NOT the 3 entities <   >. Thus, we will not even notice that there were entities at all! * In *most* cases we're not able to tell if the data was given as entity or as 'normal' char. * E.g. When receiving a quote or a single space were not able to tell if it was given as 'normal' char * or as   or ". Thus we loose the entity-information of the XML-data! * * THE SOLUTION * The better solution is to keep the data 'as is' by replacing the '&' before parsing begins. * E.g. Taking the original input from above, this would result in " &lt; &nbsp; &gt; " * The data we receive now for the tag is " <   > ". and that's what we want. * * The bad thing is, that a global replace will also replace data in section that are NOT translated by the * PHP XML-parser. That is comments (), IP-sections (stuff between ) and CDATA-block too. * So all data comming from those sections must be reversed. This is done during the XML parse phase. * So: * a) Replacement of all '&' in the XML-source. * b) All data that is not char-data or in CDATA-block have to be reversed during the XML-parse phase. * * @param $xmlSource (string) The XML string * @return (string) The XML string with translated ampersands. */ function _translateAmpersand($xmlSource, $reverse=FALSE) { return ($reverse ? str_replace('&', '&', $xmlSource) : str_replace('&', '&', $xmlSource)); } } // END OF CLASS XPathEngine /************************************************************************************************ * =============================================================================================== * X P a t h - Class * =============================================================================================== ************************************************************************************************/ define('XPATH_QUERYHIT_ALL' , 1); define('XPATH_QUERYHIT_FIRST' , 2); define('XPATH_QUERYHIT_UNIQUE', 3); class XPath extends XPathEngine { /** * Constructor of the class * * Optionally you may call this constructor with the XML-filename to parse and the * XML option vector. A option vector sample: * $xmlOpt = array(XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING => FALSE, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE => TRUE); * * @param $userXmlOptions (array) (optional) Vector of (=>, =>, ...) * @param $fileName (string) (optional) Filename of XML file to load from. * It is recommended that you call importFromFile() * instead as you will get an error code. If the * import fails, the object will be set to FALSE. * @see parent::XPathEngine() */ function XPath($fileName='', $userXmlOptions=array()) { parent::XPathEngine($userXmlOptions); $this->properties['modMatch'] = XPATH_QUERYHIT_ALL; if ($fileName) { if (!$this->importFromFile($fileName)) { $this = FALSE; } } } /** * Resets the object so it's able to take a new xml sting/file * * Constructing objects is slow. If you can, reuse ones that you have used already * by using this reset() function. */ function reset() { parent::reset(); $this->properties['modMatch'] = XPATH_QUERYHIT_ALL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPath ------ Get / Set Stuff ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Resolves and xPathQuery array depending on the property['modMatch'] * * Most of the modification functions of XPath will also accept a xPathQuery (instead * of an absolute Xpath). The only problem is that the query could match more the one * node. The question is, if the none, the fist or all nodes are to be modified. * The behaver can be set with setModMatch() * * @param $modMatch (int) One of the following: * - XPATH_QUERYHIT_ALL (default) * - XPATH_QUERYHIT_FIRST * - XPATH_QUERYHIT_UNIQUE // If the query matches more then one node. * @see _resolveXPathQuery() */ function setModMatch($modMatch = XPATH_QUERYHIT_ALL) { switch($modMatch) { case XPATH_QUERYHIT_UNIQUE : $this->properties['modMatch'] = XPATH_QUERYHIT_UNIQUE; break; case XPATH_QUERYHIT_FIRST: $this->properties['modMatch'] = XPATH_QUERYHIT_FIRST; break; default: $this->properties['modMatch'] = XPATH_QUERYHIT_ALL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPath ------ DOM Like Modification ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPath ------ Child (Node) Set/Get ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Retrieves the name(s) of a node or a group of document nodes. * * This method retrieves the names of a group of document nodes * specified in the argument. So if the argument was '/A[1]/B[2]' then it * would return 'B' if the node did exist in the tree. * * @param $xPathQuery (mixed) Array or single full document path(s) of the node(s), * from which the names should be retrieved. * @return (mixed) Array or single string of the names of the specified * nodes, or just the individual name. If the node did * not exist, then returns FALSE. */ function nodeName($xPathQuery) { if (is_array($xPathQuery)) { $xPathSet = $xPathQuery; } else { // Check for a valid xPathQuery $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery($xPathQuery,'nodeName'); } if (count($xPathSet) == 0) return FALSE; // For each node, get it's name $result = array(); foreach($xPathSet as $xPath) { $node = &$this->getNode($xPath); if (!$node) { // ### Fatal internal error?? continue; } $result[] = $node['name']; } // If just a single string, return string if (count($xPathSet) == 1) $result = $result[0]; // Return result. return $result; } /** * Removes a node from the XML document. * * This method removes a node from the tree of nodes of the XML document. If the node * is a document node, all children of the node and its character data will be removed. * If the node is an attribute node, only this attribute will be removed, the node to which * the attribute belongs as well as its children will remain unmodified. * * NOTE: When passing a xpath-query instead of an abs. Xpath. * Depending on setModMatch() one, none or multiple nodes are affected. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) xpath to the node (See note above). * @param $autoReindex (bool) (optional, default=TRUE) Reindex the document to reflect * the changes. A performance helper. See reindexNodeTree() * @return (bool) TRUE on success, FALSE on error; * @see setModMatch(), reindexNodeTree() */ function removeChild($xPathQuery, $autoReindex=TRUE) { $NULL = NULL; $bDebugThisFunction = FALSE; // Get diagnostic output for this function if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $aStartTime = $this->_beginDebugFunction('removeChild'); echo "Node: $xPathQuery\n"; echo '
'; } $status = FALSE; do { // try-block // Check for a valid xPathQuery $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery($xPathQuery,'removeChild'); if (sizeOf($xPathSet) === 0) { $this->_displayError(sprintf($this->errorStrings['NoNodeMatch'], $xPathQuery), __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); break; // try-block } $mustReindex = FALSE; // Make chages from 'bottom-up'. In this manner the modifications will not affect itself. for ($i=sizeOf($xPathSet)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { $absoluteXPath = $xPathSet[$i]; if (preg_match(';/attribute::;', $absoluteXPath)) { // Handle the case of an attribute node $xPath = $this->_prestr($absoluteXPath, '/attribute::'); // Get the path to the attribute node's parent. $attribute = $this->_afterstr($absoluteXPath, '/attribute::'); // Get the name of the attribute. unSet($this->nodeIndex[$xPath]['attributes'][$attribute]); // Unset the attribute if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "We removed the attribute '$attribute' of node '$xPath'.\n"; continue; } // Otherwise remove the node by setting it to NULL. It will be removed on the next reindexNodeTree() call. $mustReindex = $autoReindex; $theNode = $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]; $theNode['parentNode']['childNodes'][$theNode['pos']] =& $NULL; if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "We removed the node '$absoluteXPath'.\n"; } // Reindex the node tree again if ($mustReindex) $this->reindexNodeTree(); $status = TRUE; } while(FALSE); if ($bDebugThisFunction) $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, $status); return $status; } /** * Replace a node with any data string. The $data is taken 1:1. * * This function will delete the node you define by $absoluteXPath (plus it's sub-nodes) and * substitute it by the string $text. Often used to push in not well formed HTML. * WARNING: * The $data is taken 1:1. * You are in charge that the data you enter is valid XML if you intend * to export and import the content again. * * NOTE: When passing a xpath-query instead of an abs. Xpath. * Depending on setModMatch() one, none or multiple nodes are affected. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) xpath to the node (See note above). * @param $data (string) String containing the content to be set. *READONLY* * @param $autoReindex (bool) (optional, default=TRUE) Reindex the document to reflect * the changes. A performance helper. See reindexNodeTree() * @return (bool) TRUE on success, FALSE on error; * @see setModMatch(), replaceChild(), reindexNodeTree() */ function replaceChildByData($xPathQuery, $data, $autoReindex=TRUE) { $NULL = NULL; $bDebugThisFunction = FALSE; // Get diagnostic output for this function if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $aStartTime = $this->_beginDebugFunction('replaceChildByData'); echo "Node: $xPathQuery\n"; } $status = FALSE; do { // try-block // Check for a valid xPathQuery $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery($xPathQuery,'replaceChildByData'); if (sizeOf($xPathSet) === 0) { $this->_displayError(sprintf($this->errorStrings['NoNodeMatch'], $xPathQuery), __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); break; // try-block } $mustReindex = FALSE; // Make chages from 'bottom-up'. In this manner the modifications will not affect itself. for ($i=sizeOf($xPathSet)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { $absoluteXPath = $xPathSet[$i]; $mustReindex = $autoReindex; $theNode = $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]; $pos = $theNode['pos']; $theNode['parentNode']['textParts'][$pos] .= $data; $theNode['parentNode']['childNodes'][$pos] =& $NULL; if ($bDebugThisFunction) echo "We replaced the node '$absoluteXPath' with data.\n"; } // Reindex the node tree again if ($mustReindex) $this->reindexNodeTree(); $status = TRUE; } while(FALSE); if ($bDebugThisFunction) $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, ($status) ? 'Success' : '!!! FAILD !!!'); return $status; } /** * Replace the node(s) that matches the xQuery with the passed node (or passed node-tree) * * If the passed node is a string it's assumed to be XML and replaceChildByXml() * will be called. * NOTE: When passing a xpath-query instead of an abs. Xpath. * Depending on setModMatch() one, none or multiple nodes are affected. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) Xpath to the node being replaced. * @param $node (mixed) String or Array (Usually a String) * If string: Vaild XML. E.g. "" or " foo bar " * If array: A Node (can be a whole sub-tree) (See comment in header) * @param $autoReindex (bool) (optional, default=TRUE) Reindex the document to reflect * the changes. A performance helper. See reindexNodeTree() * @return (array) The last replaced $node (can be a whole sub-tree) * @see reindexNodeTree() */ function &replaceChild($xPathQuery, $node, $autoReindex=TRUE) { $NULL = NULL; if (is_string($node)) { if (!($node = $this->_xml2Document($node))) return FALSE; } // Special case if it's 'super root'. We then have to take the child node == top node if (empty($node['name'])) $node = $node['childNodes'][0]; $status = FALSE; do { // try-block // Check for a valid xPathQuery $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery($xPathQuery,'replaceChild'); if (sizeOf($xPathSet) === 0) { $this->_displayError(sprintf($this->errorStrings['NoNodeMatch'], $xPathQuery), __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); break; // try-block } $mustReindex = FALSE; // Make chages from 'bottom-up'. In this manner the modifications will not affect itself. for ($i=sizeOf($xPathSet)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { $absoluteXPath = $xPathSet[$i]; $mustReindex = $autoReindex; $childNode =& $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]; $parentNode =& $childNode['parentNode']; $childNode['parentNode'] =& $NULL; $childPos = $childNode['pos']; $parentNode['childNodes'][$childPos] =& $this->cloneNode($node); } if ($mustReindex) $this->reindexNodeTree(); $status = TRUE; } while(FALSE); if (!$status) return FALSE; return $childNode; } /** * Insert passed node (or passed node-tree) at the node(s) that matches the xQuery. * * With parameters you can define if the 'hit'-node is shifted to the right or left * and if it's placed before of after the text-part. * Per derfault the 'hit'-node is shifted to the right and the node takes the place * the of the 'hit'-node. * NOTE: When passing a xpath-query instead of an abs. Xpath. * Depending on setModMatch() one, none or multiple nodes are affected. * * E.g. Following is given: AAA[1] * / \ * ..BBB[1]..BBB[2] .. * * a) insertChild('/AAA[1]/BBB[2]', ) * b) insertChild('/AAA[1]/BBB[2]', , $shiftRight=FALSE) * c) insertChild('/AAA[1]/BBB[2]', , $shiftRight=FALSE, $afterText=FALSE) * * a) b) c) * AAA[1] AAA[1] AAA[1] * / | \ / | \ / | \ * ..BBB[1]..CCC[1]BBB[2].. ..BBB[1]..BBB[2]..CCC[1] ..BBB[1]..BBB[2]CCC[1].. * * #### Do a complete review of the "(optional)" tag after several arguments. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) Xpath to the node to append. * @param $node (mixed) String or Array (Usually a String) * If string: Vaild XML. E.g. "" or " foo bar " * If array: A Node (can be a whole sub-tree) (See comment in header) * @param $shiftRight (bool) (optional, default=TRUE) Shift the target node to the right. * @param $afterText (bool) (optional, default=TRUE) Insert after the text. * @param $autoReindex (bool) (optional, default=TRUE) Reindex the document to reflect * the changes. A performance helper. See reindexNodeTree() * @return (mixed) FALSE on error (or no match). On success we return the path(s) to the newly * appended nodes. That is: Array of paths if more then 1 node was added or * a single path string if only one node was added. * NOTE: If autoReindex is FALSE, then we can't return the *complete* path * as the exact doc-pos isn't available without reindexing. In that case we leave * out the last [docpos] in the path(s). ie we'd return /A[3]/B instead of /A[3]/B[2] * @see appendChildByXml(), reindexNodeTree() */ function insertChild($xPathQuery, $node, $shiftRight=TRUE, $afterText=TRUE, $autoReindex=TRUE) { if (is_string($node)) { if (!($node = $this->_xml2Document($node))) return FALSE; } // Special case if it's 'super root'. We then have to take the child node == top node if (empty($node['name'])) $node = $node['childNodes'][0]; // Check for a valid xPathQuery $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery($xPathQuery,'appendChild'); if (sizeOf($xPathSet) === 0) { $this->_displayError(sprintf($this->errorStrings['NoNodeMatch'], $xPathQuery), __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); return FALSE; } $mustReindex = FALSE; $newNodes = array(); $result = array(); // Make chages from 'bottom-up'. In this manner the modifications will not affect itself. for ($i=sizeOf($xPathSet)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { $absoluteXPath = $xPathSet[$i]; $mustReindex = $autoReindex; $childNode =& $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]; $parentNode =& $childNode['parentNode']; //Special case: It not possible to add siblings to the top node. if (empty($parentNode['name'])) continue; $newNode =& $this->cloneNode($node); $pos = $shiftRight ? $childNode['pos'] : $childNode['pos']+1; $parentNode['childNodes'] = array_merge( array_slice($parentNode['childNodes'], 0, $pos), array($newNode), array_slice($parentNode['childNodes'], $pos) ); $pos += $afterText ? 1 : 0; $parentNode['textParts'] = array_merge( array_slice($parentNode['textParts'], 0, $pos), '', array_slice($parentNode['textParts'], $pos) ); // We are going from bottom to top, but the user will want results from top to bottom. if ($mustReindex) { // We'll have to wait till after the reindex to get the full path to this new node. $newNodes[] = &$newNode; } else { // If we are reindexing the tree later, then we can't return the user any // useful results, so we just return them the count. array_unshift($result, "$absoluteXPath/{$newNode['name']}"); } } if ($mustReindex) { $this->reindexNodeTree(); // Now we must fill in the result array. Because until now we did not // know what contextpos our newly added entries had, just their pos within // the siblings. foreach ($newNodes as $newNode) { array_unshift($result, $newNode['xpath']); } } if (count($result) == 1) $result = $result[0]; return $result; } /** * Appends a child to anothers children. * * If you intend to do a lot of appending, you should leave autoIndex as FALSE * and then call reindexNodeTree() when you are finished all the appending. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) Xpath to the node to append to. * @param $node (mixed) String or Array (Usually a String) * If string: Vaild XML. E.g. "" or " foo bar " * If array: A Node (can be a whole sub-tree) (See comment in header) * @param $afterText (bool) (optional, default=FALSE) Insert after the text. * @param $autoReindex (bool) (optional, default=TRUE) Reindex the document to reflect * the changes. A performance helper. See reindexNodeTree() * @return (mixed) FALSE on error (or no match). On success we return the path(s) to the newly * appended nodes. That is: Array of paths if more then 1 node was added or * a single path string if only one node was added. * NOTE: If autoReindex is FALSE, then we can't return the *complete* path * as the exact doc-pos isn't available without reindexing. In that case we leave * out the last [docpos] in the path(s). ie we'd return /A[3]/B instead of /A[3]/B[2] * @see insertChild(), reindexNodeTree() */ function appendChild($xPathQuery, $node, $afterText=FALSE, $autoReindex=TRUE) { if (is_string($node)) { if (!($node = $this->_xml2Document($node))) return FALSE; } // Special case if it's 'super root'. We then have to take the child node == top node if (empty($node['name'])) $node = $node['childNodes'][0]; // Check for a valid xPathQuery $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery($xPathQuery,'appendChild'); if (sizeOf($xPathSet) === 0) { $this->_displayError(sprintf($this->errorStrings['NoNodeMatch'], $xPathQuery), __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); return FALSE; } $mustReindex = FALSE; $newNodes = array(); $result = array(); // Make chages from 'bottom-up'. In this manner the modifications will not affect itself. for ($i=sizeOf($xPathSet)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { $absoluteXPath = $xPathSet[$i]; $mustReindex = $autoReindex; $parentNode =& $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]; $newNode =& $this->cloneNode($node); $parentNode['childNodes'][] =& $newNode; $pos = count($parentNode['textParts']); $pos -= $afterText ? 0 : 1; $parentNode['textParts'] = array_merge( array_slice($parentNode['textParts'], 0, $pos), '', array_slice($parentNode['textParts'], $pos) ); // We are going from bottom to top, but the user will want results from top to bottom. if ($mustReindex) { // We'll have to wait till after the reindex to get the full path to this new node. $newNodes[] = &$newNode; } else { // If we are reindexing the tree later, then we can't return the user any // useful results, so we just return them the count. array_unshift($result, "$absoluteXPath/{$newNode['name']}"); } } if ($mustReindex) { $this->reindexNodeTree(); // Now we must fill in the result array. Because until now we did not // know what contextpos our newly added entries had, just their pos within // the siblings. foreach ($newNodes as $newNode) { array_unshift($result, $newNode['xpath']); } } if (count($result) == 1) $result = $result[0]; return $result; } /** * Inserts a node before the reference node with the same parent. * * If you intend to do a lot of appending, you should leave autoIndex as FALSE * and then call reindexNodeTree() when you are finished all the appending. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) Xpath to the node to insert new node before * @param $node (mixed) String or Array (Usually a String) * If string: Vaild XML. E.g. "" or " foo bar " * If array: A Node (can be a whole sub-tree) (See comment in header) * @param $afterText (bool) (optional, default=FLASE) Insert after the text. * @param $autoReindex (bool) (optional, default=TRUE) Reindex the document to reflect * the changes. A performance helper. See reindexNodeTree() * @return (mixed) FALSE on error (or no match). On success we return the path(s) to the newly * appended nodes. That is: Array of paths if more then 1 node was added or * a single path string if only one node was added. * NOTE: If autoReindex is FALSE, then we can't return the *complete* path * as the exact doc-pos isn't available without reindexing. In that case we leave * out the last [docpos] in the path(s). ie we'd return /A[3]/B instead of /A[3]/B[2] * @see reindexNodeTree() */ function insertBefore($xPathQuery, $node, $afterText=TRUE, $autoReindex=TRUE) { return $this->insertChild($xPathQuery, $node, $shiftRight=TRUE, $afterText, $autoReindex); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPath ------ Attribute Set/Get ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Retrieves a dedecated attribute value or a hash-array of all attributes of a node. * * The first param $absoluteXPath must be a valid xpath OR a xpath-query that results * to *one* xpath. If the second param $attrName is not set, a hash-array of all attributes * of that node is returned. * * Optionally you may pass an attrubute name in $attrName and the function will return the * string value of that attribute. * * @param $absoluteXPath (string) Full xpath OR a xpath-query that results to *one* xpath. * @param $attrName (string) (Optional) The name of the attribute. See above. * @return (mixed) hash-array or a string of attributes depending if the * parameter $attrName was set (see above). FALSE if the * node or attribute couldn't be found. * @see setAttribute(), removeAttribute() */ function getAttributes($absoluteXPath, $attrName=NULL) { // Numpty check if (!isSet($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath])) { $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery($absoluteXPath,'getAttributes'); if (empty($xPathSet)) return FALSE; // only use the first entry $absoluteXPath = $xPathSet[0]; } // Return the complete list or just the desired element if (is_null($attrName)) { return $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['attributes']; } elseif (isSet($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'][$attrName])) { return $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'][$attrName]; } return FALSE; } /** * Set attributes of a node(s). * * This method sets a number single attributes. An existing attribute is overwritten (default) * with the new value, but setting the last param to FALSE will prevent overwritten. * NOTE: When passing a xpath-query instead of an abs. Xpath. * Depending on setModMatch() one, none or multiple nodes are affected. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) xpath to the node (See note above). * @param $name (string) Attribute name. * @param $value (string) Attribute value. * @param $overwrite (bool) If the attribute is already set we overwrite it (see text above) * @return (bool) TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. * @see getAttribute(), removeAttribute() */ function setAttribute($xPathQuery, $name, $value, $overwrite=TRUE) { return $this->setAttributes($xPathQuery, array($name => $value), $overwrite); } /** * Version of setAttribute() that sets multiple attributes to node(s). * * This method sets a number of attributes. Existing attributes are overwritten (default) * with the new values, but setting the last param to FALSE will prevent overwritten. * NOTE: When passing a xpath-query instead of an abs. Xpath. * Depending on setModMatch() one, none or multiple nodes are affected. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) xpath to the node (See note above). * @param $attributes (array) associative array of attributes to set. * @param $overwrite (bool) If the attributes are already set we overwrite them (see text above) * @return (bool) TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise * @see setAttribute(), getAttribute(), removeAttribute() */ function setAttributes($xPathQuery, $attributes, $overwrite=TRUE) { $status = FALSE; do { // try-block // The attributes parameter should be an associative array. if (!is_array($attributes)) break; // try-block // Check for a valid xPathQuery $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery($xPathQuery,'setAttributes'); foreach($xPathSet as $absoluteXPath) { // Add the attributes to the node. $theNode =& $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]; if (empty($theNode['attributes'])) { $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'] = $attributes; } else { $theNode['attributes'] = $overwrite ? array_merge($theNode['attributes'],$attributes) : array_merge($attributes, $theNode['attributes']); } } $status = TRUE; } while(FALSE); // END try-block return $status; } /** * Removes an attribute of a node(s). * * This method removes *ALL* attributres per default unless the second parameter $attrList is set. * $attrList can be either a single attr-name as string OR a vector of attr-names as array. * E.g. * removeAttribute(); # will remove *ALL* attributes. * removeAttribute(, 'A'); # will only remove attributes called 'A'. * removeAttribute(, array('A_1','A_2')); # will remove attribute 'A_1' and 'A_2'. * NOTE: When passing a xpath-query instead of an abs. Xpath. * Depending on setModMatch() one, none or multiple nodes are affected. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) xpath to the node (See note above). * @param $attrList (mixed) (optional) if not set will delete *all* (see text above) * @return (bool) TRUE on success, FALSE if the node couldn't be found * @see getAttribute(), setAttribute() */ function removeAttribute($xPathQuery, $attrList=NULL) { // Check for a valid xPathQuery $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery($xPathQuery, 'removeAttribute'); if (!empty($attrList) AND is_string($attrList)) $attrList = array($attrList); if (!is_array($attrList)) return FALSE; foreach($xPathSet as $absoluteXPath) { // If the attribute parameter wasn't set then remove all the attributes if ($attrList[0] === NULL) { $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'] = array(); continue; } // Remove all the elements in the array then. foreach($attrList as $name) { unset($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'][$name]); } } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPath ------ Text Set/Get ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Retrieve all the text from a node as a single string. * * Sample * Given is: This is sometext * Return of getData('/AA[1]') would be: " This is sometext " * The first param $xPathQuery must be a valid xpath OR a xpath-query that * results to *one* xpath. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) xpath to the node - resolves to *one* xpath. * @return (mixed) The returned string (see above), FALSE if the node * couldn't be found or is not unique. * @see getDataParts() */ function getData($xPathQuery) { $aDataParts = $this->getDataParts($xPathQuery); if ($aDataParts === FALSE) return FALSE; return implode('', $aDataParts); } /** * Retrieve all the text from a node as a vector of strings * * Where each element of the array was interrupted by a non-text child element. * * Sample * Given is: This is sometext * Return of getDataParts('/AA[1]') would be: array([0]=>' This ', [1]=>'is ', [2]=>' some', [3]=>'text '); * The first param $absoluteXPath must be a valid xpath OR a xpath-query that results * to *one* xpath. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) xpath to the node - resolves to *one* xpath. * @return (mixed) The returned array (see above), or FALSE if node is not * found or is not unique. * @see getData() */ function getDataParts($xPathQuery) { // Resolve xPath argument $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery($xPathQuery, 'getDataParts'); if (count($xPathSet) != 1) { $this->_displayError(sprintf($this->errorStrings['AbsoluteXPathRequired'], $absoluteXPath), __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); return FALSE; } $absoluteXPath = $xPathSet[0]; // Is it an attribute node? if (preg_match(";(.*)/attribute::([^/]*)$;U", $xPathSet[0], $matches)) { $absoluteXPath = $matches[1]; $attribute = $matches[2]; if (!isSet($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'][$attribute])) { $this->_displayError("The $absoluteXPath/attribute::$attribute value isn't a node in this document.", __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); continue; } return array($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'][$attribute]); } else if (preg_match(":(.*)/text\(\)(\[(.*)\])?$:U", $xPathQuery, $matches)) { $absoluteXPath = $matches[1]; $textPartNr = $matches[2]; return array($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['textParts'][$textPartNr]); } else { return $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['textParts']; } } /** * Retrieves a sub string of a text-part OR attribute-value. * * This method retrieves the sub string of a specific text-part OR (if the * $absoluteXPath references an attribute) the the sub string of the attribute value. * If no 'direct referencing' is used (Xpath ends with text()[]), then * the first text-part of the node ist returned (if exsiting). * * @param $absoluteXPath (string) Xpath to the node (See note above). * @param $offset (int) (optional, default is 0) Starting offset. (Just like PHP's substr()) * @param $count (number) (optional, default is ALL) Character count (Just like PHP's substr()) * @return (mixed) The sub string, FALSE if not found or on error * @see XPathEngine::wholeText(), PHP's substr() */ function substringData($absoluteXPath, $offset = 0, $count = NULL) { if (!($text = $this->wholeText($absoluteXPath))) return FALSE; if (is_null($count)) { return substr($text, $offset); } else { return substr($text, $offset, $count); } } /** * Replace a sub string of a text-part OR attribute-value. * * NOTE: When passing a xpath-query instead of an abs. Xpath. * Depending on setModMatch() one, none or multiple nodes are affected. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) xpath to the node (See note above). * @param $replacement (string) The string to replace with. * @param $offset (int) (optional, default is 0) Starting offset. (Just like PHP's substr_replace ()) * @param $count (number) (optional, default is 0=ALL) Character count (Just like PHP's substr_replace()) * @param $textPartNr (int) (optional) (see _getTextSet() ) * @return (bool) The new string value on success, FALSE if not found or on error * @see substringData() */ function replaceData($xPathQuery, $replacement, $offset = 0, $count = 0, $textPartNr=1) { if (!($textSet = $this->_getTextSet($xPathQuery, $textPartNr))) return FALSE; $tSize=sizeOf($textSet); for ($i=0; $i<$tSize; $i++) { if ($count) { $textSet[$i] = substr_replace($textSet[$i], $replacement, $offset, $count); } else { $textSet[$i] = substr_replace($textSet[$i], $replacement, $offset); } } return TRUE; } /** * Insert a sub string in a text-part OR attribute-value. * * NOTE: When passing a xpath-query instead of an abs. Xpath. * Depending on setModMatch() one, none or multiple nodes are affected. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) xpath to the node (See note above). * @param $data (string) The string to replace with. * @param $offset (int) (optional, default is 0) Offset at which to insert the data. * @return (bool) The new string on success, FALSE if not found or on error * @see replaceData() */ function insertData($xPathQuery, $data, $offset=0) { return $this->replaceData($xPathQuery, $data, $offset, 0); } /** * Append text data to the end of the text for an attribute OR node text-part. * * This method adds content to a node. If it's an attribute node, then * the value of the attribute will be set, otherwise the passed data will append to * character data of the node text-part. Per default the first text-part is taken. * * NOTE: When passing a xpath-query instead of an abs. Xpath. * Depending on setModMatch() one, none or multiple nodes are affected. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) to the node(s) (See note above). * @param $data (string) String containing the content to be added. * @param $textPartNr (int) (optional, default is 1) (see _getTextSet()) * @return (bool) TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE * @see _getTextSet() */ function appendData($xPathQuery, $data, $textPartNr=1) { if (!($textSet = $this->_getTextSet($xPathQuery, $textPartNr))) return FALSE; $tSize=sizeOf($textSet); for ($i=0; $i<$tSize; $i++) { $textSet[$i] .= $data; } return TRUE; } /** * Delete the data of a node. * * This method deletes content of a node. If it's an attribute node, then * the value of the attribute will be removed, otherwise the node text-part. * will be deleted. Per default the first text-part is deleted. * * NOTE: When passing a xpath-query instead of an abs. Xpath. * Depending on setModMatch() one, none or multiple nodes are affected. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) to the node(s) (See note above). * @param $offset (int) (optional, default is 0) Starting offset. (Just like PHP's substr_replace()) * @param $count (number) (optional, default is 0=ALL) Character count. (Just like PHP's substr_replace()) * @param $textPartNr (int) (optional, default is 0) the text part to delete (see _getTextSet()) * @return (bool) TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE * @see _getTextSet() */ function deleteData($xPathQuery, $offset=0, $count=0, $textPartNr=1) { if (!($textSet = $this->_getTextSet($xPathQuery, $textPartNr))) return FALSE; $tSize=sizeOf($textSet); for ($i=0; $i<$tSize; $i++) { if (!$count) $textSet[$i] = ""; else $textSet[$i] = substr_replace($textSet[$i],'', $offset, $count); } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XPath ------ Help Stuff ------ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Decodes the character set entities in the given string. * * This function is given for convenience, as all text strings or attributes * are going to come back to you with their entities still encoded. You can * use this function to remove these entites. * * It makes use of the get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES) php library * call, so is limited in the same ways. At the time of writing this seemed * be restricted to iso-8859-1 * * ### Provide an option that will do this by default. * * @param $encodedData (mixed) The string or array that has entities you would like to remove * @param $reverse (bool) If TRUE entities will be encoded rather than decoded, ie * < to < rather than < to <. * @return (mixed) The string or array returned with entities decoded. */ function decodeEntities($encodedData, $reverse=FALSE) { static $aEncodeTbl; static $aDecodeTbl; // Get the translation entities, but we'll cache the result to enhance performance. if (empty($aDecodeTbl)) { // Get the translation entities. $aEncodeTbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $aDecodeTbl = array_flip($aEncodeTbl); } // If it's just a single string. if (!is_array($encodedData)) { if ($reverse) { return strtr($encodedData, $aEncodeTbl); } else { return strtr($encodedData, $aDecodeTbl); } } $result = array(); foreach($encodedData as $string) { if ($reverse) { $result[] = strtr($string, $aEncodeTbl); } else { $result[] = strtr($string, $aDecodeTbl); } } return $result; } /** * Parse the XML to a node-tree. A so called 'document' * * @param $xmlString (string) The string to turn into a document node. * @return (&array) a node-tree */ function &_xml2Document($xmlString) { $xmlOptions = array( XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING => $this->getProperties('caseFolding'), XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE => $this->getProperties('skipWhiteSpaces') ); $xmlParser =& new XPathEngine($xmlOptions); $xmlParser->setVerbose($this->properties['verboseLevel']); // Parse the XML string if (!$xmlParser->importFromString($xmlString)) { $this->_displayError($xmlParser->getLastError(), __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); return FALSE; } return $xmlParser->getNode('/'); } /** * Get a reference-list to node text part(s) or node attribute(s). * * If the Xquery references an attribute(s) (Xquery ends with attribute::), * then the text value of the node-attribute(s) is/are returned. * Otherwise the Xquery is referencing to text part(s) of node(s). This can be either a * direct reference to text part(s) (Xquery ends with text()[]) or indirect reference * (a simple Xquery to node(s)). * 1) Direct Reference (Xquery ends with text()[]): * If the 'part-number' is omitted, the first text-part is assumed; starting by 1. * Negative numbers are allowed, where -1 is the last text-part a.s.o. * 2) Indirect Reference (a simple Xquery to node(s)): * Default is to return the first text part(s). Optionally you may pass a parameter * $textPartNr to define the text-part you want; starting by 1. * Negative numbers are allowed, where -1 is the last text-part a.s.o. * * NOTE I : The returned vector is a set of references to the text parts / attributes. * This is handy, if you wish to modify the contents. * NOTE II: text-part numbers out of range will not be in the list * NOTE III:Instead of an absolute xpath you may also pass a xpath-query. * Depending on setModMatch() one, none or multiple nodes are affected. * * @param $xPathQuery (string) xpath to the node (See note above). * @param $textPartNr (int) String containing the content to be set. * @return (mixed) A vector of *references* to the text that match, or * FALSE on error * @see XPathEngine::wholeText() */ function _getTextSet($xPathQuery, $textPartNr=1) { $status = FALSE; $bDebugThisFunction = FALSE; // Get diagnostic output for this function if ($bDebugThisFunction) { $aStartTime = $this->_beginDebugFunction('_getTextSet'); echo "Node: $xPathQuery\n"; echo "Text Part Number: $textPartNr\n"; echo "
"; } $funcName = '_getTextSet'; $textSet = array(); do { // try-block // Check if it's a Xpath reference to an attribut(s). Xpath ends with attribute::) if (preg_match(";(.*)/(attribute::|@)([^/]*)$;U", $xPathQuery, $matches)) { $xPathQuery = $matches[1]; $attribute = $matches[3]; // Quick out if (isSet($this->nodeIndex[$xPathQuery])) { $xPathSet[] = $xPathQuery; } else { // Try to evaluate the absoluteXPath (since it seems to be an Xquery and not an abs. Xpath) $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery("$xPathQuery/attribute::$attribute", $funcName); } foreach($xPathSet as $absoluteXPath) { preg_match(";(.*)/attribute::([^/]*)$;U", $xPathSet[0], $matches); $absoluteXPath = $matches[1]; $attribute = $matches[2]; if (!isSet($this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'][$attribute])) { $this->_displayError("The $absoluteXPath/attribute::$attribute value isn't a node in this document.", __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); continue; } $textSet[] =& $this->nodes[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'][$attribute]; } $status = TRUE; break; // try-block } // Check if it's a Xpath reference direct to a text-part(s). (xpath ends with text()[]) if (preg_match(":(.*)/text\(\)(\[(.*)\])?$:U", $xPathQuery, $matches)) { $xPathQuery = $matches[1]; // default to the first text node if a text node was not specified $textPartNr = isSet($matches[2]) ? substr($matches[2],1,-1) : 1; // Quick check if (isSet($this->nodeIndex[$xPathQuery])) { $xPathSet[] = $xPathQuery; } else { // Try to evaluate the absoluteXPath (since it seams to be an Xquery and not an abs. Xpath) $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery("$xPathQuery/text()[$textPartNr]", $funcName); } } else { // At this point we have been given an xpath with neither a 'text()' or 'attribute::' axis at the end // So this means to get the text-part of the node. If parameter $textPartNr was not set, use the last // text-part. if (isSet($this->nodeIndex[$xPathQuery])) { $xPathSet[] = $xPathQuery; } else { // Try to evaluate the absoluteXPath (since it seams to be an Xquery and not an abs. Xpath) $xPathSet = $this->_resolveXPathQuery($xPathQuery, $funcName); } } if ($bDebugThisFunction) { echo "Looking up paths for:\n"; print_r($xPathSet); } // Now fetch all text-parts that match. (May be 0,1 or many) foreach($xPathSet as $absoluteXPath) { unset($text); if ($text =& $this->wholeText($absoluteXPath, $textPartNr)) { $textSet[] =& $text; } else { // The node does not yet have any text, so we have to add a '' string so that // if we insert or replace to it, then we'll actually have something to op on. $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['textParts'][$textPartNr-1] = ''; $textSet[] =& $this->nodeIndex[$absoluteXPath]['textParts'][$textPartNr-1]; } } $status = TRUE; } while (FALSE); // END try-block if (!$status) $result = FALSE; else $result = $textSet; if ($bDebugThisFunction) $this->_closeDebugFunction($aStartTime, $result); return $result; } /** * Resolves an xPathQuery vector depending on the property['modMatch'] * * To: * - all matches, * - the first * - none (If the query matches more then one node.) * see setModMatch() for details * * @param $xPathQuery (string) An xpath query targeting a single node * @param $function (string) The function in which this check was called * @return (array) Vector of $absoluteXPath's (May be empty) * @see setModMatch() */ function _resolveXPathQuery($xPathQuery, $function) { $xPathSet = array(); do { // try-block if (isSet($this->nodeIndex[$xPathQuery])) { $xPathSet[] = $xPathQuery; break; // try-block } if (empty($xPathQuery)) break; // try-block if (substr($xPathQuery, -1) === '/') break; // If the xPathQuery ends with '/' then it cannot be a good query. // If this xPathQuery is not absolute then attempt to evaluate it $xPathSet = $this->match($xPathQuery); $resultSize = sizeOf($xPathSet); switch($this->properties['modMatch']) { case XPATH_QUERYHIT_UNIQUE : if ($resultSize >1) { $xPathSet = array(); if ($this->properties['verboseLevel']) $this->_displayError("Canceled function '{$function}'. The query '{$xPathQuery}' mached {$resultSize} nodes and 'modMatch' is set to XPATH_QUERYHIT_UNIQUE.", __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); } break; case XPATH_QUERYHIT_FIRST : if ($resultSize >1) { $xPathSet = array($xPathSet[0]); if ($this->properties['verboseLevel']) $this->_displayError("Only modified first node in function '{$function}' because the query '{$xPathQuery}' mached {$resultSize} nodes and 'modMatch' is set to XPATH_QUERYHIT_FIRST.", __LINE__, __FILE__, FALSE); } break; default: ; // DO NOTHING } } while (FALSE); if ($this->properties['verboseLevel'] >= 2) $this->_displayMessage("'{$xPathQuery}' parameter from '{$function}' returned the following nodes: ".(count($xPathSet)?implode('
', $xPathSet):'[none]'), __LINE__, __FILE__); return $xPathSet; } } // END OF CLASS XPath // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /************************************************************************************************** // Usage Sample: // ------------- // Following code will give you an idea how to work with PHP.XPath. It's a working sample // to help you get started. :o) // Take the comment tags away and run this file. **************************************************************************************************/ /** * Produces a short title line. */ /* function _title($title) { echo "

" . htmlspecialchars($title) . "
\n"; } $self = isSet($_SERVER) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $PHP_SELF; if (basename($self) == 'class.xpath.inc.php') { // The sampe source: $q = '?'; $xmlSource = <<< EOD <{$q}Process_Instruction test="© All right reserved" {$q}> ,,1,, ..1.. ..2.. ..3.. ..4.. EOD; // The sample code: $xmlOptions = array(XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING => TRUE, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE => TRUE); $xPath =& new XPath(FALSE, $xmlOptions); //$xPath->bDebugXmlParse = TRUE; if (!$xPath->importFromString($xmlSource)) { echo $xPath->getLastError(); exit; } _title("Following was imported:"); echo $xPath->exportAsHtml(); _title("Get some content"); echo "Last text part in <AAA>: '" . $xPath->wholeText('/AAA[1]', -1) ."'
\n"; echo "All the text in <AAA>: '" . $xPath->wholeText('/AAA[1]') ."'
\n"; echo "The attibute value in <BBB> using getAttributes('/AAA[1]/BBB[1]', 'FOO'): '" . $xPath->getAttributes('/AAA[1]', 'FOO') ."'
\n"; echo "The attibute value in <BBB> using getData('/AAA[1]/@FOO'): '" . $xPath->getData('/AAA[1]/@FOO') ."'
\n"; _title("Append some additional XML below /AAA/BBB:"); $xPath->appendChild('/AAA[1]/BBB[1]', ' Step 1. Append new node ', $afterText=FALSE); $xPath->appendChild('/AAA[1]/BBB[1]', ' Step 2. Append new node ', $afterText=TRUE); $xPath->appendChild('/AAA[1]/BBB[1]', ' Step 3. Append new node ', $afterText=TRUE); echo $xPath->exportAsHtml(); _title("Insert some additional XML below :"); $xPath->reindexNodeTree(); $xPath->insertChild('/AAA[1]/BBB[1]', ' Step 1. Insert new node ', $shiftRight=TRUE, $afterText=TRUE); $xPath->insertChild('/AAA[1]/BBB[1]', ' Step 2. Insert new node ', $shiftRight=FALSE, $afterText=TRUE); $xPath->insertChild('/AAA[1]/BBB[1]', ' Step 3. Insert new node ', $shiftRight=FALSE, $afterText=FALSE); echo $xPath->exportAsHtml(); _title("Replace the last node with new XML data '<DDD> Replaced last BB </DDD>':"); $xPath->reindexNodeTree(); $xPath->replaceChild('/AAA[1]/BB[last()]', ' Replaced last BB ', $afterText=FALSE); echo $xPath->exportAsHtml(); _title("Replace second node with normal text"); $xPath->reindexNodeTree(); $xPath->replaceChildByData('/AAA[1]/BB[2]', '"Some new text"'); echo $xPath->exportAsHtml(); } */ ?>