<?php /** * Mail - admin, preferences and sidebox-menus and other hooks * * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @package mail * @author EGroupware GmbH [info@egroupware.org] * @copyright (c) 2013-16 by EGroupware GmbH <info-AT-egroupware.org> * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ use EGroupware\Api; use EGroupware\Api\Egw; use EGroupware\Api\Mail; /** * Class containing admin, preferences and sidebox-menus and other hooks */ class mail_hooks { /** * Hook to add context menu entries to user list * * @param array $data values for keys account_id and acc_id */ static function emailadmin_edit($data) { $actions = array(); $account = Mail\Account::read($data['acc_id'], $data['account_id']); if (Mail\Account::is_multiple($account) && $account['acc_imap_admin_username'] || $account['acc_imap_type'] == 'managementserver_imap') { Api\Translation::add_app('mail'); if (true /* ToDo check ACL available */ || $account['acc_imap_type'] == 'managementserver_imap') { $actions[] = array ( 'id' => 'mail_acl', 'caption' => 'Folder ACL', 'icon' => 'lock', 'popup' => '750x420', 'url' => Egw::link('/index.php', array( 'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_acl.edit', 'acc_id' => $data['acc_id'], 'account_id' => $data['account_id'], )), 'toolbarDefault' => true, ); } if ($account['acc_sieve_enabled'] || $account['acc_imap_type'] == 'managementserver_imap') { $actions[] = array ( 'id' => 'mail_vacation', 'caption' => 'Vacation notice', 'icon' => 'mail/navbar', 'popup' => '750x420', 'url' => Egw::link('/index.php', array( 'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_sieve.editVacation', 'acc_id' => $data['acc_id'], 'account_id' => $data['account_id'], )), 'toolbarDefault' => true, ); } } return $actions; } /** * Hook called by link-class to include mail in the appregistry of the linkage * * @param array|string $location location and other parameters (not used) * @return array with method-names */ static function search_link($location) { unset($location); // not used, but required by function signature return array( 'view' => array( 'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_ui.displayMessage', ), 'view_id' => 'id', 'view_popup' => '870xavailHeight', 'view_list' => 'mail.mail_ui.index', 'add' => array( 'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_compose.compose', ), 'add_popup' => '870xavailHeight', 'edit' => array( 'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_compose.compose', ), 'edit_id' => 'id', 'edit_popup' => '870xavailHeight', // register mail as handler for .eml files 'mime' => array( 'message/rfc822' => array( 'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_ui.importMessageFromVFS2DraftAndDisplay', 'mime_url' => 'formData[file]', 'mime_data' => 'formData[data]', 'formData[type]' => 'message/rfc822', 'mime_popup' => '870xavailHeight', 'mime_target' => '_blank' ), ), 'entry' => 'Mail', 'entries' => 'Mails', ); } /** * Settings hook * * @param array|string $hook_data */ static function settings($hook_data) { unset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['auto_hide_sidebox']); if (!$hook_data['setup']) // does not work on setup time { $folderList = array(); $profileID = 0; if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID'])) $profileID = (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID']; } $no_yes = array( '0' => lang('no'), '1' => lang('yes') ); $no_yes_copy = array_merge($no_yes,array('2'=>lang('yes, offer copy option'))); $forwardOptions = array( 'asmail' => lang('forward as attachment'), 'inline' => lang('forward inline'), ); $trustServersUnseenOptions = array_merge( $no_yes, array('2' => lang('yes') . ' - ' . lang('but check shared folders')) ); $deleteOptions = array( 'move_to_trash' => lang('move to trash'), 'mark_as_deleted' => lang('mark as deleted'), 'remove_immediately' => lang('remove immediately') ); $sendOptions = array( 'move_to_sent' => lang('send message and move to send folder (if configured)'), 'send_only' => lang('only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder') ); $composeOptions = array( 'html' => lang('html'), 'text' => lang('text/plain'), ); $replyOptions = array( 'none' => lang('use source as displayed, if applicable'), 'html' => lang('force html'), 'text' => lang('force plain text'), ); $saveAsOptions = array( 'text_only' => lang('convert only Mail to item (ignore possible attachments)'), 'text' => lang('convert Mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard)'), 'add_raw' => lang('convert Mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment'), ); $htmlOptions = array( 'never_display' => lang('never display html emails'), 'only_if_no_text' => lang('display only when no plain text is available'), 'always_display' => lang('always show html emails'), ); // otherwise we get warnings during setup if (!is_array($folderList)) $folderList = array(); // modify folderlist, add a none entry, to be able to force the regarding settings, if no folders apply $folderList['none'] = lang('no folders'); // Build toogled on actions sel options $allActions = mail_compose::getToolbarActions(array( 'priority' => true, 'mailaccount' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID'] )); $toggledOnActions = array ( 'cc_expander' => array ( 'id' => 'cc_expander', 'label' => lang('Cc'), ), 'bcc_expander' => array ( 'id' => 'bcc_expander', 'label' => lang('Bcc') ), 'folder_expander' => array( 'id' => 'folder_expander', 'label' => lang('Folder') ), 'replyto_expander' => array( 'id' => 'replyto_expander', 'label' => lang('Reply to') ) ); foreach($allActions as $name => $action) { if ($action['checkbox']) { $toggledOnActions[$name] = array( 'id' => $name, 'label' => lang($action['caption']), 'title' => lang($action['hint']), 'icon' => $action['icon'], 'app' => 'mail' ); } } /* Settings array for this app */ $settingsArray = array( array( 'type' => 'section', 'title' => lang('Mail settings'), 'no_lang'=> true, 'xmlrpc' => False, 'admin' => False ), 'htmlOptions' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'display of html emails', 'help' => 'What do do with html email', 'name' => 'htmlOptions', 'values' => $htmlOptions, 'xmlrpc' => True, 'admin' => False, 'forced' => 'always_display', ), 'message_forwarding' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'how to forward messages', 'help' => 'Which method to use when forwarding a message', 'name' => 'message_forwarding', 'values' => $forwardOptions, 'xmlrpc' => True, 'admin' => False, 'default'=> 'asmail', ), 'composeOptions' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'New message type', 'help' => 'start new messages with mime type plain/text or html?', 'name' => 'composeOptions', 'values' => $composeOptions, 'xmlrpc' => True, 'admin' => False, 'default'=> 'html', ), 'replyOptions' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Reply message type', 'help' => 'start reply messages with mime type plain/text or html or try to use the displayed format (default)?', 'name' => 'replyOptions', 'values' => $replyOptions, 'xmlrpc' => True, 'admin' => False, 'default'=> 'none', ), 'disableRulerForSignatureSeparation' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature', 'help' => 'Turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to RFC).<br>If you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message.', 'name' => 'disableRulerForSignatureSeparation', 'values' => $no_yes, 'xmlrpc' => True, 'default'=> 0, 'admin' => False, ), 'insertSignatureAtTopOfMessage' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Signature position and visibility', 'help' => 'Should signature be inserted after (standard) or before a reply or inline forward, and should signature be visible and changeable during compose.', 'name' => 'insertSignatureAtTopOfMessage', 'values' => array( '0' => lang('after reply, visible during compose'), '1' => lang('before reply, visible during compose'), 'no_belowaftersend' => lang('appended after reply before sending'), ), 'xmlrpc' => True, 'default'=> '0', 'admin' => False, ), 'attachVCardAtCompose' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Attach vCard', 'help' => 'attach users VCard at compose to every new mail', 'name' => 'attachVCardAtCompose', 'values' => $no_yes, 'xmlrpc' => True, 'default'=> 0, 'admin' => False, ), 'allowExternalIMGs' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Allow external images', 'help' => 'allow images from external sources in html emails', 'name' => 'allowExternalIMGs', 'values' => array( 0 => lang('Never'), 1 => lang('Always'), 2 => lang('Ask for permission') ), 'xmlrpc' => True, 'admin' => True, 'default' => 2, 'forced' => 1, ), 'allowExternalDomains' => array( 'type' => 'taglist', 'label' => 'Allow external images from listed domains', 'help' => 'allow images from listed domains in html emails', 'name' => 'allowExternalDomains', 'values' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['allowExternalDomains'], 'no_sel_options' => true ), array( 'type' => 'section', 'title' => lang('Configuration settings'), 'no_lang'=> true, 'xmlrpc' => False, 'admin' => False ), 'deleteOptions' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'when deleting messages', 'help' => 'what to do when you delete a message', 'name' => 'deleteOptions', 'values' => $deleteOptions, 'xmlrpc' => True, 'admin' => False, 'default'=> 'move_to_trash', ), 'sendOptions' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'when sending messages', 'help' => 'what to do when you send a message', 'name' => 'sendOptions', 'values' => $sendOptions, 'xmlrpc' => True, 'admin' => False, 'default'=> 'move_to_sent', ), 'trustServersUnseenInfo' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'trust servers SEEN / UNSEEN info', 'help' => 'Trust the server when retrieving the folder status. if you select no, we will search for the UNSEEN messages and count them ourselves', 'name' => 'trustServersUnseenInfo', 'values' => $trustServersUnseenOptions, 'xmlrpc' => True, 'default'=> 2, 'admin' => False, ), 'showAllFoldersInFolderPane' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'show all Folders', 'help' => 'show all folders, (subscribed AND unsubscribed) in Main Screen Folder Pane', 'name' => 'showAllFoldersInFolderPane', 'values' => $no_yes, 'xmlrpc' => True, 'default'=> 0, 'admin' => False, ), 'prefaskformove' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Confirm move to folder', 'help' => 'Do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder?', 'name' => 'prefaskformove', 'values' => $no_yes_copy, 'xmlrpc' => True, 'default'=> 2, 'admin' => False, 'forced' => '1', ), 'saveAsOptions' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Save as', 'help' => 'when saving messages as item of a different app', 'name' => 'saveAsOptions', 'values' => $saveAsOptions, 'xmlrpc' => True, 'admin' => False, 'default'=> 'text', ), 'previewPane' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => 'Preview pane', 'help' => 'Show/Hide preview pane in mail list view', 'name' => 'previewPane', 'values' => array( 'vertical' => lang('show vertical'), 'fixed' => lang('show horizontal'), 'expand' => lang('show horizontal, hide if none selected'), 'hide' => lang('never show'), ), 'default' => 'vertical' ), 'toggledOnActions' => array( 'type' => 'taglist', 'label' => 'Toggled on actions', 'help' => 'List of actions to be switched/activated on by default (eg. Mail compose save as infolog action)', 'name' => 'toggledOnActions', 'values' => '', 'attributes' => array( 'allowFreeEntries' => false, //'multiple' => 'toggle', 'editModeEnabled' => false, 'autocomplete_url' => ' ', 'select_options' => $toggledOnActions ) ) ); if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['stylite']) unset($settingsArray['attachVCardAtCompose']); return $settingsArray; } /** * Admin hook * * @param array|string $hook_data */ static function admin($hook_data) { unset($hook_data); // not used, but required by function signature unset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['auto_hide_sidebox']); // Only Modify the $file and $title variables..... $title = $appname = 'mail'; $profileID = 0; if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID'])) $profileID = (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID']; $file = Array( 'Site Configuration' => Egw::link('/index.php',array('menuaction'=>'admin.uiconfig.index','appname'=>'mail')), ); display_section($appname,$title,$file); } /** * Sidebox menu hook * * @param array|string $hook_data */ static function sidebox_menu($hook_data) { unset($hook_data); // not used, but required by function signature //error_log(__METHOD__); // always show the side bar unset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['auto_hide_sidebox']); $appname = 'mail'; $menu_title = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$appname]['title']; $file=array(); // Destination div for folder tree $file[] = array( 'no_lang' => true, 'text'=>'<span id="mail-index_buttonmailcreate" class="button" />', 'link'=>false, 'icon' => false ); $file[] = array( 'no_lang' => true, 'text'=>'<span id="mail-tree_target" class="dtree" />', 'link'=>false, 'icon' => false ); // display Mail Tree display_sidebox($appname,$menu_title,$file); $linkData = array( 'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_ui.importMessage', ); $file = array( 'import message' => "javascript:egw_openWindowCentered2('".Egw::link('/index.php', $linkData,false)."','importMessageDialog',600,100,'no','$appname');", ); // create account wizard if (self::access('createaccount')) { $file += array( 'create new account' => "javascript:egw_openWindowCentered2('" . Egw::link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'mail.mail_wizard.add'), ''). "','_blank',640,480,'yes')", ); } // display Mail Menu display_sidebox($appname,$GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$appname]['title'].' '.lang('Menu'),$file); if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'] && !Api\Header\UserAgent::mobile()) { $file = Array( 'Site Configuration' => Egw::link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uiconfig.index&appname=' . $appname), ); display_sidebox($appname,lang('Admin'),$file); } // add pgp encryption menu at the end Api\Hooks::pgp_encryption_menu('mail'); } /** * checks users mailbox and sends a notification if new mails have arrived * * @return boolean true or false */ static function notification_check_mailbox() { // should not run more often then every 3 minutes; $lastRun = Api\Cache::getCache(Api\Cache::INSTANCE,'email','mailNotifyLastRun'.trim($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']),null,array(),$expiration=60*60*24*2); $currentTime = time(); if (!empty($lastRun) && $lastRun>$currentTime-3*60) { return true; } $accountsToSearchObj = Mail\Account::search(true, true); foreach($accountsToSearchObj as $acc_id => $identity_name) { $folders2notify[$acc_id] = Mail\Notifications::read($acc_id);// read all, even those set for acc_id 0 (folders for all acounts?) $accountsToSearchArray[$acc_id] = str_replace(array('<','>'),array('[',']'),$identity_name); } $notified_mail_uidsCache = Api\Cache::getCache(Api\Cache::INSTANCE,'email','notified_mail_uids'.trim($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']),null,array(),$expiration=60*60*24*2); if (!is_array($folders2notify)) return true; foreach ($folders2notify as $nFKey =>$notifyfolders) { try { $currentRecipient = (object)$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->read(($notifyfolders['notify_account_id']?$notifyfolders['notify_account_id']:$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'])); $notify_folders = $notifyfolders['notify_folders']; if(count($notify_folders) == 0) { continue; //no folders configured for notifying } $activeProfile = $nFKey; try { $bomail = Mail::getInstance(false, $activeProfile,false); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' (user: '.$currentRecipient->account_lid.') notification for Profile:'.$activeProfile.' failed.'.$e->getMessage()); continue; //fail silently } $icServerParams=$bomail->icServer->params; if (empty($icServerParams['acc_imap_host'])) { error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' (user: '.$currentRecipient->account_lid.') notification for Profile:'.$activeProfile.' failed: NO IMAP HOST configured!'); continue; //fail silently } try { $bomail->openConnection($activeProfile); } catch (Exception $e) { // TODO: This is ugly. Log a bit nicer! $error = $e->getMessage(); error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' # '.' (user: '.$currentRecipient->account_lid.'): cannot connect to mailbox with Profile:'.$activeProfile.'. Please check your prefs!'); if (!empty($error)) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' # '.$error); error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' # Instance='.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['domain'].', User='.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid']); return false; // cannot connect to mailbox } //$notified_mail_uidsCache = array(); $recent_messages = array(); $folder_status = array(); foreach($notify_folders as $id=>$notify_folder) { // Allow folder notification on INBOX for popup_only chain if (empty($notify_folder) || ($notify_folder == 'INBOX' && $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['notifications']['notification_chain'] != 'popup_only')) continue; if(!is_array($notified_mail_uidsCache[$activeProfile][$notify_folder])) { $notified_mail_uidsCache[$activeProfile][$notify_folder] = array(); } $folder_status[$notify_folder] = $bomail->getFolderStatus($notify_folder); $cutoffdate = time() - (60*60*24*14); // last 14 days $_filter = array('status'=>array('UNSEEN','UNDELETED'),'type'=>"SINCE",'string'=> date("d-M-Y", $cutoffdate)); // $_folderName, $_startMessage, $_numberOfMessages, $_sort, $_reverse, $_filter, $_thisUIDOnly=null, $_cacheResult=true $headers = $bomail->getHeaders($notify_folder, 1, 999, 0, true, $_filter,null,false); if(is_array($headers['header']) && count($headers['header']) > 0) { foreach($headers['header'] as $id=>$header) { // check if unseen mail has already been notified $headerrowid = mail_ui::generateRowID($activeProfile, $notify_folder, $header['uid'], $_prependApp=false); if(!in_array($headerrowid, $notified_mail_uidsCache[$activeProfile][$notify_folder])) { // got a REAL recent message $header['folder'] = $notify_folder; $header['folder_display_name'] = $folder_status[$notify_folder]['displayName']; $header['folder_base64'] = base64_encode($notify_folder); $recent_messages[] = $header; } } } } if(count($recent_messages) > 0) { // create notify message $notification_subject = lang("You've got new mail").':'.$accountsToSearchArray[$activeProfile]; $values = array(); $values[] = array(); // content array starts at index 1 foreach($recent_messages as $id=>$recent_message) { $values[] = array( 'mail_uid' => $recent_message['uid'], 'mail_folder' => $recent_message['folder_display_name'], 'mail_folder_base64' => $recent_message['folder_base64'], 'mail_subject' => Mail::adaptSubjectForImport($recent_message['subject']), 'mail_from' => !empty($recent_message['sender_name']) ? $recent_message['sender_name'] : $recent_message['sender_address'], 'mail_received' => $recent_message['date'], 'mail_to' => $recent_message['to_address'], ); // save notification status $notified_mail_uidsCache[$activeProfile][$recent_message['folder']][] = mail_ui::generateRowID($activeProfile, $recent_message['folder'], $recent_message['uid'], $_prependApp=false); } foreach ($values as &$mail) { if ($mail['mail_from']) { $notification_message .= "<br/><strong>".lang("From").':</strong>'. $mail["mail_from"]. "<br/><strong>".lang("To").':</strong>'. $mail["mail_to"]. "<br/><strong>".lang ("subject"). ':</strong>' . $mail["mail_subject"]. "<br/><br/> -------------------------------------------------------- </br>"; } } // send notification $notification = new notifications(); $notification->set_receivers(array($currentRecipient->account_id)); $notification->set_message($notification_message); $notification->set_sender($currentRecipient->account_id); $notification->set_subject($notification_subject); $notification->set_skip_backends(array('email')); $notification->send(); } Api\Cache::setCache(Api\Cache::INSTANCE,'email','notified_mail_uids'.trim($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']),$notified_mail_uidsCache, $expiration=60*60*24*2); } catch (Exception $e) { // fail silently per server, if possible error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Notification on new messages for Profile '.$activeProfile.' ('.$accountsToSearchArray[$activeProfile].') failed:'.$e->getMessage()); } } Api\Cache::setCache(Api\Cache::INSTANCE,'email','mailNotifyLastRun'.trim($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']),time(), $expiration=60*60*24*2); return true; } /** * Check if current user has access to a specific feature * * Example: if (!mail_hooks::access("managerfolders")) return; * * @param string $feature "createaccounts", "managefolders", "notifications", "filters", * "notificationformailviaemail", "editfilterrules", "absentnotice", "aclmanagement" * @return boolean true if user has access, false if not */ public static function access($feature) { static $config=null; if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin']) { return true; // allways give admins or emailadmins all rights, even if they are in a denied group } if (!isset($config)) $config = (array)Api\Config::read('mail'); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' '.$feature.':'.array2string($config['deny_'.$feature])); if (!empty($config['deny_'.$feature])) { //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' feature:'.$feature.':'.array2string($config['deny_'.$feature])); $denied_groups = (is_array($config['deny_'.$feature])?$config['deny_'.$feature]:explode(',', $config['deny_'.$feature])); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'], true))); //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string(array_intersect($denied_groups, $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'], true)))); // since access asks positively, the stored deny_$feature must return false if we find the denied group in the users membership-list return (array_intersect($denied_groups, $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'], true))?false:true); } return true; } }