// $Id$ // License is granted to use or modify this software ("XML-RPC for PHP") // for commercial or non-commercial use provided the copyright of the author // is preserved in any distributed or derivative work. // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR // IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF // THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // XML RPC Server class // requires: xmlrpc.inc /* BEGIN server class */ class xmlrpc_server { var $dmap = array(); function xmlrpc_server($dispMap='', $serviceNow=0) { global $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA; // dispMap is a despatch array of methods // mapped to function names and signatures // if a method // doesn't appear in the map then an unknown // method error is generated if($dispMap) { $this->dmap = $dispMap; if ($serviceNow) { $this->service(); } } } function serializeDebug() { // global $_xmlrpc_debuginfo; if ($GLOBALS['_xmlrpc_debuginfo'] != '') { return "\n"; } else { return ''; } } function service() { global $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA; $r = $this->parseRequest(); $payload = "\n" . $this->serializeDebug() . $r->serialize(); Header("Content-type: text/xml\r\nContent-length: " . strlen($payload)); print $payload; } /* add a method to the dispatch map */ function add_to_map($methodname,$function,$sig,$doc) { $this->dmap[$methodname] = array( 'function' => $function, 'signature' => $sig, 'docstring' => $doc ); } function verifySignature($in, $sig) { for($i=0; $igetNumParams()+1) { $itsOK = 1; for($n=0; $n<$in->getNumParams(); $n++) { $p = $in->getParam($n); // print "\n"; if ($p->kindOf() == 'scalar') { $pt = $p->scalartyp(); } else { $pt = $p->kindOf(); } // $n+1 as first type of sig is return type if ($pt != $cursig[$n+1]) { $itsOK = 0; $pno = $n+1; $wanted = $cursig[$n+1]; $got = $pt; break; } } if ($itsOK) { return array(1); } } } return array(0, "Wanted ${wanted}, got ${got} at param ${pno})"); } function parseRequest($data='') { global $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA; // global $_xh, $xmlrpcerr, $xmlrpcstr, $xmlrpcerrxml, $xmlrpc_defencoding, $_xmlrpcs_dmap; if ($data == '') { $data = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA; } $parser = xml_parser_create($GLOBALS['xmlrpc_defencoding']); $GLOBALS['_xh'][$parser] = array(); $GLOBALS['_xh'][$parser]['st'] = ''; $GLOBALS['_xh'][$parser]['cm'] = 0; $GLOBALS['_xh'][$parser]['isf'] = 0; $GLOBALS['_xh'][$parser]['params'] = array(); $GLOBALS['_xh'][$parser]['method'] = ''; // decompose incoming XML into request structure xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true); xml_set_element_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_se', 'xmlrpc_ee'); xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_cd'); xml_set_default_handler($parser, 'xmlrpc_dh'); if (!xml_parse($parser, $data, 1)) { // return XML error as a faultCode $r = CreateObject('phpgwapi.xmlrpcresp',0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerrxml'] + xml_get_error_code($parser), sprintf('XML error: %s at line %d', xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($parser)) ); xml_parser_free($parser); } else { xml_parser_free($parser); $m = CreateObject('phpgwapi.xmlrpcmsg',$GLOBALS['_xh'][$parser]['method']); // now add parameters in for($i=0; $i\n"; $plist .= "$i - " . $GLOBALS['_xh'][$parser]['params'][$i]. " \n"; $code = '$m->addParam(' . $GLOBALS['_xh'][$parser]['params'][$i] . ');'; $code = ereg_replace(',,',",'',",$code); eval($code); } // uncomment this to really see what the server's getting! // xmlrpc_debugmsg($plist); // now to deal with the method $methName = $GLOBALS['_xh'][$parser]['method']; if (ereg("^system\.", $methName)) { $dmap = $GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_dmap']; $sysCall=1; } else { $dmap = $this->dmap; $sysCall=0; } if(!isset($dmap[$methName]['function'])) { /* these params are xmlrcpvals, need extract */ $params = $GLOBALS['_xh'][$parser]['params']; $code = "\$obj = ExecMethod('" . $methName . "',\$params);"; /* echo $code; */ /* _debug_array($params); */ eval($code); if(is_object($obj)) { /* This works */ $dmap = $obj->xml_functions; } } if (isset($dmap[$methName]['function'])) { // dispatch if exists if (isset($dmap[$methName]['signature'])) { $sr = $this->verifySignature($m, $dmap[$methName]['signature'] ); } if ( (!isset($dmap[$methName]['signature'])) || $sr[0]) { // if no signature or correct signature if ($sysCall) { $code = '$r=' . $dmap[$methName]['function'] . '($this, $m);'; $code = ereg_replace(',,',",'',",$code); eval($code); } else { if(function_exists($dmap[$methName]['function'])) { $code = '$r =' . $dmap[$methName]['function'] . '($m);'; $code = ereg_replace(',,',",'',",$code); } else { $params = $GLOBALS['_xh'][$parser]['params']; $code = '$r =' . "ExecMethod('" . $dmap[$methName]['function'] . "'" . ',$params);'; } eval($code); } } else { $r= CreateObject('phpgwapi.xmlrpcresp',CreateObject('phpgwapi.xmlrpcval'),$GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['incorrect_params'],$GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['incorrect_params'].': ' . $sr[1] ); } } else { // else prepare error response $r= CreateObject('phpgwapi.xmlrpcresp',CreateObject('phpgwapi.xmlrpcval'),$GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['unknown_method'],$GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['unknown_method']); } } return $r; } function echoInput() { global $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA; // a debugging routine: just echos back the input // packet as a string value $r = CreateObject('phpgwapi.xmlrpcresp',CreateObject('phpgwapi.xmlrpcval',"'Aha said I: '" . $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA,'string')); echo $r->serialize(); } } ?>