*/ /* changelog: 2001-07-04 - abstract type system to support either 1999 or 2001 schema (arg, typing still needs much solidification.) - implemented proxy support, based on sample code from miles lott - much general cleanup of code & cleaned out what was left of original xml-rpc/gigaideas code - implemented a transport argument into send() that allows you to specify different transports (assuming you have implemented the function, and added it to the conditional statement in send() - abstracted the determination of charset in Content-type header 2001-07-5 - fixed more weird type/namespace issues */ // $path can be a complete endpoint url, with the other parameters left blank: // $soap_client = new soap_client("http://path/to/soap/server"); /* $Id$ */ // soap message class class soapmsg { // params is an array of soapval objects function soapmsg($method,$params,$method_namespace='http://testuri.org',$new_namespaces=False) { // globalize method namespace $GLOBALS['methodNamespace'] = $method_namespace; $namespaces = $GLOBALS['namespaces']; // make method struct $this->value = CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapval',$method,"struct",$params,$method_namespace); if(is_array($new_namespaces)) { $i = count($namespaces); @reset($new_namespaces); while(list($null,$v) = @each($new_namespaces)) /* foreach($new_namespaces as $v) */ { $namespaces[$v] = 'ns' . $i++; } $this->namespaces = $namespaces; } $this->payload = ''; $this->debug_flag = True; $this->debug_str = "entering soapmsg() with soapval ".$this->value->name."\n"; } function make_envelope($payload) { $namespaces = $GLOBALS['namespaces']; @reset($namespaces); while(list($k,$v) = @each($namespaces)) /* foreach($namespaces as $k => $v) */ { $ns_string .= " xmlns:$v=\"$k\""; } return "\n" . $payload . "\n"; } function make_body($payload) { return "\n" . $payload . "\n"; } function createPayload() { $value = $this->value; $payload = $this->make_envelope($this->make_body($value->serialize())); $this->debug($value->debug_str); $payload = "\n".$payload; if($this->debug_flag) { $payload .= $this->serializeDebug(); } $this->payload = str_replace("\n","\r\n", $payload); } function serialize() { if($this->payload == '') { $this->createPayload(); return $this->payload; } else { return $this->payload; } } // returns a soapval object function parseResponse($data) { $this->debug("Entering parseResponse()"); //$this->debug(" w/ data $data"); // strip headers here //$clean_data = ereg_replace("\r\n","\n", $data); if(ereg("^.*\r\n\r\n<",$data)) { $this->debug("found proper seperation of headers and document"); $this->debug("getting rid of headers, stringlen: ".strlen($data)); $clean_data = ereg_replace("^.*\r\n\r\n<","<", $data); $this->debug("cleaned data, stringlen: ".strlen($clean_data)); } else { // return fault return CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapval', 'fault', 'SOAPStruct', Array( CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapval','faultcode','string','SOAP-MSG'), CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapval','faultstring','string','HTTP Error'), CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapval','faultdetail','string','HTTP headers were not immediately followed by \'\r\n\r\n\'') ) ); } /* // if response is a proper http response, and is not a 200 if(ereg("^HTTP",$clean_data) && !ereg("200$", $clean_data)) { // get error data $errstr = substr($clean_data, 0, strpos($clean_data, "\n")-1); // return fault return CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapval', "fault", "SOAPStruct", array( CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapval',"faultcode","string","SOAP-MSG"), CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapval',"faultstring","string","HTTP error") ) ); } */ $this->debug("about to create parser instance w/ data: $clean_data"); // parse response $response = CreateObject('phpgwapi.soap_parser',$clean_data); // return array of parameters $ret = $response->get_response(); $this->debug($response->debug_str); return $ret; } // dbg function debug($string) { if($this->debug_flag) { $this->debug_str .= "$string\n"; } } // preps debug data for encoding into soapmsg function serializeDebug() { if($this->debug_flag) { return "\n"; } else { return ''; } } } ?>