'nonavbar' => True,
'currentapp' => 'home',
'noapi' => True
$safe_er = error_reporting();
include ('./inc/');
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['stage']['header'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->detection->check_header();
if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['stage']['header'] == '10')
// Check header and authentication
if (!$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->auth('Config') && !$GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->auth('Header'))
Header('Location: index.php');
$passed_icon = ' ';
$error_icon = '
$warning_icon = '
$passed_icon = '>>> Passed ';
$error_icon = '*** Error: ';
$warning_icon = '!!! Warning: ';
function lang($msg,$arg1=NULL,$arg2=NULL,$arg3=NULL,$arg4=NULL)
return is_null($arg1) ? $msg : str_replace(array('%1','%2','%3','%4'),array($arg1,$arg2,$arg3,$arg4),$msg);
$checks = array(
'safe_mode' => array(
'func' => 'php_ini_check',
'value' => 0,
'verbose_value' => 'Off',
'warning' => lang('safe_mode is turned on, which is generaly a good thing as it makes your install more secure.')."\n".
lang('If safe_mode is turned on, eGW is not able to change certain settings on runtime, nor can we load any not yet loaded module.')."\n".
lang('*** You have to do the changes manualy in your php.ini (usualy in /etc on linux) in order to get eGW fully working !!!')."\n".
lang('*** Do NOT update your database via setup, as the update might be interrupted by the max_execution_time, which leaves your DB in an unrecoverable state (your data is lost) !!!')
/* not longer needed, as it gets set now on runtime (works even with safe_mode)
'error_reporting' => array(
'func' => 'php_ini_check',
'value' => E_NOTICE,
'verbose_value' => 'E_NOTICE',
'check' => 'not set',
'safe_mode' => 'error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE'
'magic_quotes_runtime' => array(
'func' => 'php_ini_check',
'value' => 0,
'verbose_value' => 'Off',
'safe_mode' => 'magic_qoutes_runtime = Off'
'register_globals' => array(
'func' => 'php_ini_check',
'value' => 0,
'verbose_value' => 'Off',
'warning' => lang("register_globals is turned On, eGroupWare does NOT require it and it's generaly more secure to have it turned Off")
'memory_limit' => array(
'func' => 'php_ini_check',
'value' => '16M',
'check' => '>=',
'error' => lang('memory_limit is set to less than 16M: some applications of eGroupWare need more than the recommend 8M, expect occasional failures'),
'change' => 'memory_limit = 16M'
'max_execution_time' => array(
'func' => 'php_ini_check',
'value' => 30,
'check' => '>=',
'error' => lang('max_execution_time is set to less than 30 (seconds): eGroupWare sometimes needs a higher execution_time, expect occasional failures'),
'safe_mode' => 'max_execution_time = 30'
'include_path' => array(
'func' => 'php_ini_check',
'value' => '.',
'check' => 'contain',
'error' => lang('include_path need to contain "." - the current directory'),
'save_mode' => 'max_execution_time = 30'
'mysql' => array(
'func' => 'extension_check',
'warning' => lang('The %1 extension is needed, if you plan to use a %2 database.','mysql','MySQL')
'pgsql' => array(
'func' => 'extension_check',
'warning' => lang('The %1 extension is needed, if you plan to use a %2 database.','pgsql','pgSQL')
'mssql' => array(
'func' => 'extension_check',
'warning' => lang('The %1 extension is needed, if you plan to use a %2 database.','mssql','MsSQL'),
'win_only' => True
'mbstring' => array(
'func' => 'extension_check',
'warning' => lang('The mbstring extension is needed to fully support unicode (utf-8) or other multibyte-charsets.')
'imap' => array(
'func' => 'extension_check',
'warning' => lang('The imap extension is needed by the two email apps (even if you use email with pop3 as protocoll).')
'.' => array(
'func' => 'permission_check',
'is_world_writable' => False,
'recursiv' => True
'' => array(
'func' => 'permission_check',
'is_world_readable' => False,
'only_if_exists' => @$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['stage']['header'] != 10
'phpgwapi/images' => array(
'func' => 'permission_check',
'is_writable' => True
'fudforum' => array(
'func' => 'permission_check',
'is_writable' => True,
'only_if_exists' => True
// some constanst for pre php4.3
if (!defined('PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX'))
define('PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX',$is_windows ? 'dll' : 'so');
if (!defined('PHP_SHLIB_PREFIX'))
define('PHP_SHLIB_PREFIX',PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX == 'dll' ? 'php_' : '');
function extension_check($name,$args)
global $passed_icon, $error_icon, $warning_icon, $is_windows;
if (isset($args['win_only']) && $args['win_only'] && !$is_windows)
return True; // check only under windows
$availible = extension_loaded($name) || @dl(PHP_SHLIB_PREFIX.$name.'.'.PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX);
echo ($availible ? $passed_icon : $warning_icon).' '.lang('Checking extension %1 is loaded or loadable',$name).': '.($availible ? lang('True') : lang('False'))."\n";
if (!$availible)
echo $args['warning'];
echo "\n";
return $availible;
function verbosePerms( $in_Perms )
if($in_Perms & 0x1000) // FIFO pipe
$sP = 'p';
elseif($in_Perms & 0x2000) // Character special
$sP = 'c';
elseif($in_Perms & 0x4000) // Directory
$sP = 'd';
elseif($in_Perms & 0x6000) // Block special
$sP = 'b';
elseif($in_Perms & 0x8000) // Regular
$sP = '-';
elseif($in_Perms & 0xA000) // Symbolic Link
$sP = 'l';
elseif($in_Perms & 0xC000) // Socket
$sP = 's';
else // UNKNOWN
$sP = 'u';
// owner
$sP .= (($in_Perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-') .
(($in_Perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-') .
(($in_Perms & 0x0040) ? (($in_Perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) :
(($in_Perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-'));
// group
$sP .= (($in_Perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-') .
(($in_Perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-') .
(($in_Perms & 0x0008) ? (($in_Perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) :
(($in_Perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-'));
// world
$sP .= (($in_Perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-') .
(($in_Perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-') .
(($in_Perms & 0x0001) ? (($in_Perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) :
(($in_Perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-'));
return $sP;
function permission_check($name,$args,$verbose=True)
global $passed_icon, $error_icon, $warning_icon,$is_windows;
//echo "
\n"; if (substr($name,0,3) != '../') { $name = '../'.$name; } $rel_name = substr($name,3); if (!file_exists($name) && isset($args['only_if_exists']) && $args['only_if_exists']) { return True; } $perms = $checks = ''; if ($verbose) { if (file_exists($name)) { $owner = function_exists('posix_getpwuid') ? posix_getpwuid(@fileowner($name)) : array('name' => 'nn'); $group = function_exists('posix_getgrgid') ? posix_getgrgid(@filegroup($name)) : array('name' => 'nn'); $checks = array(); if (isset($args['is_writable'])) $checks[] = (!$args['is_writable']?'not ':'').lang('writable by webserver'); if (isset($args['is_world_readable'])) $checks[] = (!$args['is_world_readable']?lang('not').' ':'').lang('world readable'); if (isset($args['is_world_writable'])) $checks[] = (!$args['is_world_writable']?lang('not').' ':'').lang('world writable'); $checks = implode(', ',$checks); $perms = "$owner[name]/$group[name] ".verbosePerms(@fileperms($name)); } } $icon = $passed_icon; $msg = lang('Checking file-permissions of %1 for %2: %3',$rel_name,$checks,$perms)."\n"; if (!file_exists($name)) { echo $error_icon.' '.$msg.lang('%1 does not exist !!!',$rel_name)."\n"; return False; } $warning = False; if (!$GLOBALS['run_by_webserver'] && (@$args['is_readable'] || @$args['is_writable'])) { echo $warning_icon.' '.$msg.'Check can only be performed, if called via a webserver, as the user-id/-name of the webserver is not known.'."\n"; unset($args['is_readable']); unset($args['is_writable']); $warning = True; } $Ok = True; if (isset($args['is_writable']) && is_writable($name) != $args['is_writable']) { echo "$error_icon $msg\n".lang('%1 is %2%3 !!!',$rel_name,$args['is_writable']?lang('not').' ':'',lang('writeable by the webserver'))."\n"; $Ok = False; } if (isset($args['is_readable']) && is_readable($name) != $args['is_readable']) { echo "$error_icon $msg\n".lang('%1 is %2%3 !!!',$rel_name,$args['is_readable']?lang('not').' ':'',lang('readable by the webserver'))."\n"; $Ok = False; } if (!$is_windows && isset($args['is_world_readable']) && !(fileperms($name) & 04) == $args['is_world_readable']) { echo "$error_icon $msg\n".lang('%1 is %2%3 !!!',$rel_name,$args['is_world_readable']?lang('not').' ':'','world-readable')."\n"; $Ok = False; } if (!$is_windows && isset($args['is_world_writable']) && !(fileperms($name) & 02) == $args['is_world_writable']) { echo "$error_icon $msg\n".lang('%1 is %2%3 !!!',$rel_name,$args['is_world_writable']?lang('not').' ':'','world-writable')."\n"; $Ok = False; } if ($Ok && !$warning && $verbose) { echo "$passed_icon $msg\n"; } if ($Ok && @$args['recursiv'] && is_dir($name)) { @set_time_limit(0); $handle = @opendir($name); while($handle && ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $Ok = $Ok && permission_check(($name!='.'?$name.'/':'').$file,$args,False); } } if ($handle) closedir($handle); } return $Ok; } function php_ini_check($name,$args) { global $passed_icon, $error_icon, $warning_icon, $is_windows; $safe_mode = ini_get('safe_mode'); $ini_value = ini_get($name); $check = isset($args['check']) ? $args['check'] : '='; $verbose_value = isset($args['verbose_value']) ? $args['verbose_value'] : $args['value']; $ini_value_verbose = ''; if ($verbose_value == 'On' || $verbose_value == 'Off') { $ini_value_verbose = ' = '.($ini_value ? 'On' : 'Off'); } switch ($check) { case 'not set': $check = lang('not set'); $result = !($ini_value & $args['value']); break; case 'set': $check = lang('set'); $result = !!($ini_value & $args['value']); break; case '>=': $result = !$ini_value || // value not used, eg. no memory limit intval($ini_value) >= intval($args['value']) && ($args['value'] == intval($args['value']) || substr($args['value'],-1) == substr($ini_value,-1)); break; case 'contain': $check = lang('contain'); $sep = $is_windows ? '[; ]+' : '[: ]+'; $result = in_array($args['value'],split($sep,$ini_value)); break; case '=': default: $result = $ini_value == $args['value']; break; } $msg = ' '.lang('Checking php.ini').": $name $check $verbose_value: ini_get('$name')='$ini_value'$ini_value_verbose\n"; if ($result) { echo $passed_icon.$msg; } if (!$result) { if (isset($args['warning'])) { echo $warning_icon.$msg.$args['warning']."\n"; } if (isset($args['error'])) { echo $error_icon.$msg.$args['error']."\n"; } if (isset($args['safe_mode']) && $safe_mode || @$args['change']) { if (!isset($args['warning']) && !isset($args['error'])) { echo $error_icon.$msg; } echo '*** '.lang('Please make the following change in your php.ini').': '.($args['safe_mode']?$args['safe_mode']:$args['change'])."\n"; } } echo "\n"; return $result; } if ($run_by_webserver) { //echo "\n\n";; } else { echo "Checking the eGroupWare Installation\n"; echo "====================================\n\n"; } $Ok = True; foreach ($checks as $name => $args) { $check_ok = $args['func']($name,$args); $Ok = $Ok && $check_ok; } if ($run_by_webserver) { echo "\n";; if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['setup']['stage']['header'] != 10) { if (!$Ok) { echo '