/** * EGroupware - Calendar - Javascript UI * * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @package calendar * @author Hadi Nategh * @copyright (c) 2008-13 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ /*egw:uses /etemplate/js/etemplate2.js */ /** * UI for calendar * * @augments AppJS */ app.classes.calendar = AppJS.extend( { /** * application name */ appname: 'calendar', /** * Constructor * * @memberOf app.calendar */ init: function() { // make calendar object available, even if not running in top window, as sidebox does if (window.top !== window && !egw(window).is_popup()) { // we have to explicitly delete old object or IE11 complains about accessing an already freed script delete window.top.app.calendar; window.top.app.calendar = this; } // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); //Drag_n_Drop (need to wait for DOM ready to init dnd) jQuery(jQuery.proxy(this.drag_n_drop,this)); }, /** * Destructor */ destroy: function() { // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); // remove top window reference if (window.top !== window && window.top.app.calendar === this) { delete window.top.app.calendar; } }, /** * This function is called when the etemplate2 object is loaded * and ready. If you must store a reference to the et2 object, * make sure to clean it up in destroy(). * * @param {etemplate2} _et2 newly ready et2 object * @param {string} _name name of template */ et2_ready: function(_et2, _name) { // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); // Re-init sidebox, since it was probably initialized too soon var sidebox = jQuery('#favorite_sidebox_'+this.appname); if(sidebox.length == 0 && egw_getFramework() != null) { var egw_fw = egw_getFramework(); sidebox= $j('#favorite_sidebox_'+this.appname,egw_fw.sidemenuDiv); } this._init_sidebox(sidebox); var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content'); switch (_name) { case 'calendar.list': this.filter_change(); break; case 'calendar.edit': if (typeof content.data['conflicts'] == 'undefined') { $j(document.getElementById('calendar-edit_calendar-delete_series')).hide(); //Check if it's fallback from conflict window or it's from edit window if (content.data['button_was'] != 'freetime') { this.set_enddate_visibility(); this.check_recur_type(); this.et2.getWidgetById('recur_exception').set_disabled(!content.data.recur_exception || typeof content.data.recur_exception[0] == 'undefined'); } else { this.freetime_search(); } //send Syncronus ajax request to the server to unlock the on close entry //set onbeforeunload with json request to send request when the window gets close by X button window.onbeforeunload = function () { this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_unlock' , [content.data['id'],content.data['lock_token']],null,true,null,null).sendRequest(true); }; } this.alarm_custom_date(); break; case 'calendar.freetimesearch': this.set_enddate_visibility(); break; } }, /** * Observer method receives update notifications from all applications * * App is responsible for only reacting to "messages" it is interested in! * * @param {string} _msg message (already translated) to show, eg. 'Entry deleted' * @param {string} _app application name * @param {(string|number)} _id id of entry to refresh or null * @param {string} _type either 'update', 'edit', 'delete', 'add' or null * - update: request just modified data from given rows. Sorting is not considered, * so if the sort field is changed, the row will not be moved. * - edit: rows changed, but sorting may be affected. Requires full reload. * - delete: just delete the given rows clientside (no server interaction neccessary) * - add: requires full reload for proper sorting * @param {string} _msg_type 'error', 'warning' or 'success' (default) * @param {object|null} _links app => array of ids of linked entries * or null, if not triggered on server-side, which adds that info * @return {false|*} false to stop regular refresh, thought all observers are run */ observer: function(_msg, _app, _id, _type, _msg_type, _links) { var do_refresh = false; switch(_app) { case 'infolog': { jQuery('.calendar_calDayTodos') .find('a') .each(function(i,a){ var match = a.href.split(/&info_id=/); if (match && typeof match[1] !="undefined") { if (match[1]== _id) do_refresh = true; } }); if (jQuery('div [id^="infolog'+_id+'"],div [id^="drag_infolog'+_id+'"]').length > 0) do_refresh = true; switch (_type) { case 'add': do_refresh = true; break; } if (do_refresh) { if (typeof this.et2 != 'undefined' && this.et2 !=null) { this.egw.refresh(_msg, 'calendar'); } else { var iframe = parent.jQuery(parent.document).find('.egw_fw_content_browser_iframe'); var calTab = iframe.parentsUntil(jQuery('.egw_fw_ui_tab_content'),'.egw_fw_ui_tab_content'); if (!calTab.is(':visible')) { // F.F can not handle to style correctly an iframe which is hidden (display:none), therefore we need to // bind a handler to refresh the calendar views after it shows up iframe.one('show',function(){egw_refresh('','calendar');}); } else { //window.location.reload(); window.egw_refresh('refreshing calendar','calendar'); } } } } break; } }, /** * Link hander for jDots template to just reload our iframe, instead of reloading whole admin app * * @param {String} _url * @return {boolean|string} true, if linkHandler took care of link, false for default processing or url to navigate to */ linkHandler: function(_url) { if (_url.match('menuaction=calendar.calendar_uiviews.index')) { var state = this.getState(); if (state.view == 'listview') { return _url.replace(/menuaction=[^&]+/, 'menuaction=calendar.calendar_uilist.listview&ajax=true'); } } // can not load our own index page, has to be done by framework return false; }, /** * Drag and Drop * * */ drag_n_drop: function() { var that = this; //Draggable & Resizable selector var $drag = jQuery("div[id^='drag_']") //draggable event handler .draggable ({ stack: jQuery("div[id^='drag_']"), revert: "invalid", delay: 50, cursorAt:{top:0,left:0}, containment: ".egw_fw_content_browser_iframe", scroll: true, opacity: .6, cursor: "move", /** * Triggered when the dragging of calEvent stoped. * * @param {event} event * @param {Object} ui */ stop: function(event, ui) { ui.helper.width(oldWidth); ui.helper[0].innerHTML = oldInnerHTML; }, /** * Triggered while dragging a calEvent. * * @param {event} event * @param {Object} ui * */ drag:function(event, ui) { //that.dragEvent(); }, /** * Triggered when the dragging of calEvent started. * * @param {event} event * @param {Object} ui * */ start: function(event, ui) { oldInnerHTML = ui.helper[0].innerHTML; oldWidth = ui.helper.width(); ui.helper.width(jQuery("#calColumn").width()); } }) //Resizable event handler .resizable ({ distance: 10, /** * Triggered when the resizable is created. * * @param {event} event * @param {Object} ui */ create:function(event, ui) { var resizeHelper = event.target.getAttribute('data-resize').split("|")[3]; if (resizeHelper == 'WD' || resizeHelper == 'WDS') { jQuery(this).resizable('destroy'); } }, /** * Triggered at start of resizing a calEvent * * @param {event} event * @param {Object} ui */ start:function(event, ui) { var resizeHelper = event.target.getAttribute('data-resize'); var dataResize = resizeHelper.split("|"); var time = dataResize[1].split(":"); this.dropStart = that.resizeHelper(ui.element[0].getBoundingClientRect().left,ui.element[0].getBoundingClientRect().top); this.dropDate = dataResize[0]+"T"+time[0]+time[1]; //$j(this).resizable("option","containment",".calendar_calDayCol"); }, /** * Triggered at the end of resizing the calEvent. * * @param {event} event * @param {Object} ui */ stop:function(event, ui) { var eventFlag = event.target.getAttribute('data-resize').split("|")[3]; var dropdate = that.cal_dnd_tZone_converter(this.dropDate); var sT = parseInt((dropdate.split("T")[1].substr(0,2)* 60)) + parseInt(dropdate.split("T")[1].substr(2,2)); if (this.dropEnd != 'undefined' && this.dropEnd) { var eT = parseInt(this.dropEnd.getAttribute('data-date').split("|")[1] * 60) + parseInt(this.dropEnd.getAttribute('data-date').split("|")[2]); var newDuration = ((eT - sT)/60) * 3600; that.dropEvent(this.getAttribute('id'),dropdate,newDuration,eventFlag); } }, /** * Triggered during the resize, on the drag of the resize handler * * @param {event} event * @param {Object} ui */ resize:function(event, ui) { this.dropEnd = that.resizeHelper(ui.element[0].getBoundingClientRect().left, ui.element[0].getBoundingClientRect().top+ui.size.height); if (typeof this.dropEnd != 'undefined' && this.dropEnd) { if (this.dropEnd.getAttribute('id').match(/drop_/g)) { var dH = this.dropEnd.getAttribute('data-date').split("|")[1]; var dM = this.dropEnd.getAttribute('data-date').split("|")[2]; } var dataResize = event.target.getAttribute('data-resize').split("|"); this.innerHTML = '
'; } else { this.innerHTML = '
'; } } }); //Droppable selector var $drop = jQuery("div[id^='drop_']") //Droppable event handler .droppable ({ /** * Make all draggable calEvents acceptable * */ accept:function() { return true; }, tolerance:'pointer', /** * Triggered when the calEvent dropped. * * @param {event} event * @param {Object} ui */ drop:function(event, ui) { var dgId = ui.draggable[0].getAttribute('id'); var dgOwner = dgId.substring(dgId.lastIndexOf("_C")+2,dgId.lastIndexOf("")); var dpOwner = event.target.getAttribute('data-owner'); var eventFlag = ui.draggable[0].getAttribute('data-resize').split("|")[3]; if (dpOwner == null) dpOwner = dgOwner; if (dpOwner == dgOwner ) { that.dropEvent(ui.draggable[0].id, event.target.getAttribute('id').substring(event.target.getAttribute('id').lastIndexOf("drop_")+5, event.target.getAttribute('id').lastIndexOf("_O")),null,eventFlag); } else { jQuery(ui.draggable).draggable("option","revert",true); } }, /** * Triggered when draggable calEvent is over a droppable calCell. * * @param {event} event * @param {Object} ui */ over:function(event, ui) { var timeDemo = event.target.id.substring(event.target.id.lastIndexOf("T")+1,event.target.id.lastIndexOf("_O")); var dgId = ui.draggable[0].getAttribute('id'); var dgOwner = dgId.substring(dgId.lastIndexOf("_C")+2,dgId.lastIndexOf("")); var dpOwner = event.target.getAttribute('data-owner'); if (dpOwner == null) dpOwner = dgOwner; if (dpOwner === dgOwner ) { ui.helper[0].innerHTML = '
'; } else { ui.helper[0].innerHTML = '
'; } } }); //jQuery Calendar Event selector var $iframeBody = jQuery("body") //mouseover event handler for calendar tooltip .on("mouseover", "div[data-tooltip]",function(){ var $ttp = jQuery(this); //Check if the tooltip is already initialized if (!$ttp.data('uiTooltip')) { $ttp.tooltip({ items: "[data-tooltip]", show: false, content: function() { var elem = $ttp; if (elem.is("[data-tooltip]")) return this.getAttribute('data-tooltip') ; }, track:true, open: function(event,ui){ ui.tooltip.removeClass("ui-tooltip"); ui.tooltip.addClass("calendar_uitooltip"); if (this.scrollHeight > this.clientHeight) { // bind on tooltip close event $ttp.on("tooltipclose", function (event, ui){ // bind hover handler on tooltip helper in order to be able to freeze the tooltip and scrolling ui.tooltip.hover( function () { var $ttp_helper = jQuery(this); if (this.scrollHeight > this.clientHeight) $ttp_helper.stop(true).fadeTo(100, 1); }, function () { var $ttp_helper = jQuery(this); $ttp_helper.fadeOut("100", function(){$ttp_helper.remove();}); } ); }); } } }); } else { $ttp.tooltip('enable'); } }) // mousedown event handler for calendar tooltip to remove disable tooltip .on("mousedown", "div[data-tooltip]", function(){ var $ttp = jQuery(this); // Make sure the tooltip initialized before calling it if ($ttp.data('uiTooltip')) { $ttp.tooltip("disable"); } }) //onClick event handler for calendar Events .on("click", "div.calendar_calEvent", function(ev){ var Id = ev.currentTarget.id.replace(/drag_/g,'').split("_")[0]; var eventId = Id.match(/-?\d+\.?\d*/g)[0]; var appName = Id.replace(/-?\d+\.?\d*/g,''); var startDate = ev.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-resize').split("|")[0]; var eventFlag = ev.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-resize').split("|")[3]; if (eventFlag != 'S' && eventFlag != 'WDS') { that.egw.open(eventId,appName !=""?appName:'calendar','edit'); } else { that.edit_series(eventId,startDate); } }) //Click event handler for integrated apps .on("click","div.calendar_plannerEvent",function(ev){ var eventId = ev.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-date').split("|")[1]; var startDate = ev.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-date').split("|")[0]; var recurrFlag = ev.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-date').split("|")[2]; if (recurrFlag == "n") { egw.open(eventId,'calendar','edit'); } else { that.edit_series(eventId,startDate); } }) //Click event handler for calendar cells .on("click","div.calendar_calAddEvent, div.calendar_calTimeRowTime",function(ev){ var timestamp = ev.target.getAttribute('data-date').split("|"); if (typeof ev.target.getAttribute('id') != 'undefined' && ev.target.getAttribute('id')) { var owner = ev.target.getAttribute('id').split("_"); var ownerId = owner[2].match( /Ogroup/g)?owner[2].replace( /Ogroup/g, '-'):owner[2].replace( /^\D+/g, ''); if (owner[2].match( /Or/g)) { ownerId = 'r' + ownerId; } } var eventInfo = { date: timestamp[0], hour: timestamp[1], minute: timestamp[2] }; if (typeof ownerId !='undefined' && ownerId != 0) { jQuery(eventInfo).extend(eventInfo,{owner: ownerId}); } that.egw.open(null, 'calendar', 'add', eventInfo , '_blank'); }) //Click event handler for calendar todos .on("click", "a[data-todo]",function(ev){ var windowSize = ev.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-todo').split("|")[1]; var link = ev.currentTarget.getAttribute('href'); that.egw.open_link(link,'_blank',windowSize); return false; }); //******************************** Calendar Sortable ************************ // Calender current state var state = this.getState(); if (state && state.view === "day" && typeof state.owner != 'undefined' && typeof state.owner == 'string' && state.owner.split(',').length > 1) { $iframeBody.find('#calendar_calDayCols') .addClass('cal_is_sortable') .css({"white-space":"nowrap"}) .children().each(function(){ // Change day view columns position in order to get sortable placeholder working jQuery(this).css({position:"relative",display:"inline-block", left:"none"}); }); } $iframeBody.find('.cal_is_sortable').sortable ({ cancel: "#divAppboxHeader, .calendar_calWeekNavHeader, .calendar_plannerHeader", placeholder: "srotable_cal_wk_ph", axis:"y", revert: true, helper:"clone", create: function () { var $sortItem = jQuery(this); var options = {}; switch (state.view) { case "day": options = { placeholder:"srotable_cal_day_ph", axis:"x" }; $sortItem.sortable('option', options); break; case "week": options = { placeholder:"srotable_cal_wk_ph", axis:"y" }; $sortItem.sortable('option', options); break; default: $sortItem.sortable('destroy'); } }, start: function () { $drag.draggable('disable'); $drop.droppable('disable'); }, stop: function () { $drag.draggable('enable'); $drop.droppable('enable'); }, update: function () { if (state && typeof state.owner !== 'undefined') { var sortedArr = jQuery(this).sortable('toArray', {attribute:"data-sortable-id"}); state.owner = sortedArr.join(','); that.setState({state:state}); } } }); }, /** * Function to help calendar resizable event, to fetch the right droppable cell * * @param {int} _X position left of draggable element * @param {int} _Y position top of draggable element * * @return {jquery object|boolean} return selected jquery if not return false */ resizeHelper: function(_X,_Y) { var $drops = jQuery("div[id^='drop_']"); var top = Math.round(_Y); var left = Math.round(_X); for (var i=0;i < $drops.length;i++) { if (top >= Math.round($drops[i].getBoundingClientRect().top) && top <= Math.round($drops[i].getBoundingClientRect().bottom) && left >= Math.round($drops[i].getBoundingClientRect().left) && left <= Math.round($drops[i].getBoundingClientRect().right)) return $drops[i]; } return false; }, /** * Convert AM/PM dateTime format to 24h * * @param {string} _date dnd date format: dateTtime{am|pm}, eg. 121214T1205 am * * @return {string} 24h format date */ cal_dnd_tZone_converter : function (_date) { var date = _date; if (_date !='undefined') { var tZone = _date.split('T')[1]; if (tZone.search('am') > 0) { tZone = tZone.replace(' am',''); var tAm = tZone.substr(0,2); if (tAm == '12') { tZone = tZone.replace('12','00'); } date = _date.split('T')[0] + 'T' + tZone; } if (tZone.search('pm') > 0) { var pmTime = tZone.replace(' pm',''); var H = parseInt(pmTime.substring(0,2)) + 12; pmTime = H.toString() + pmTime.substr(2,2); date = _date.split('T')[0] + 'T' + pmTime; } } return date; }, /** * This function tries to recognise the type of dropped event, and sends relative request to server accordingly * -ATM we have three different requests: * -1. Event part of series * -2. Single Event (Normall Cal Event) * -3. Integrated Infolog Event * * @param {string} _id dragged event id * @param {array} _date array of date,hour, and minute of dropped cell * @param {string} _duration description * @param {string} _eventFlag Flag to distinguish whether the event is Whole Day, Series, or Single * - S represents Series * - WD represents Whole Day * - WDS represents Whole Day Series (recurrent whole day event) * - '' represents Single */ dropEvent : function(_id, _date, _duration, _eventFlag) { var eventId = _id.substring(_id.lastIndexOf("drag_")+5,_id.lastIndexOf("_O")); var calOwner = _id.substring(_id.lastIndexOf("_O")+2,_id.lastIndexOf("_C")); var eventOwner = _id.substring(_id.lastIndexOf("_C")+2,_id.lastIndexOf("")); var date = this.cal_dnd_tZone_converter(_date); if (_eventFlag == 'S') { et2_dialog.show_dialog(function(_button_id) { if (_button_id == et2_dialog.OK_BUTTON) { egw().json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_moveEvent', [eventId, calOwner, date, eventOwner, _duration]).sendRequest(); } },this.egw.lang("Do you really want to change the start of this series? If you do, the original series will be terminated as of today and a new series for the future reflecting your changes will be created."), this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, et2_dialog.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL , et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE); } else { //Get infologID if in case if it's an integrated infolog event var infolog_id = eventId.split('infolog')[1]; if (infolog_id) { // If it is an integrated infolog event we need to edit infolog entry egw().json('stylite_infolog_calendar_integration::ajax_moveInfologEvent', [infolog_id, date,_duration]).sendRequest(); } else { //Edit calendar event egw().json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_moveEvent',[eventId, calOwner, date, eventOwner, _duration]).sendRequest(); } } }, /** * open the freetime search popup * * @param {string} _link */ freetime_search_popup: function(_link) { this.egw.open_link(_link,'ft_search','700x500') ; }, /** * send an ajax request to server to set the freetimesearch window content * */ freetime_search: function() { var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; content['start'] = this.et2.getWidgetById('start').get_value(); content['end'] = this.et2.getWidgetById('end').get_value(); content['duration'] = this.et2.getWidgetById('duration').get_value(); var request = this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_freetimesearch', [content],null,null,null,null); request.sendRequest(); }, /** * Function for disabling the recur_data multiselect box * */ check_recur_type: function() { var recurType = this.et2.getWidgetById('recur_type'); var recurData = this.et2.getWidgetById('recur_data'); if(recurType && recurData) { recurData.set_disabled(recurType.get_value() != 2); } }, /** * Show/Hide end date, for both edit and freetimesearch popups, * based on if "use end date" selected or not. * */ set_enddate_visibility: function() { var duration = this.et2.getWidgetById('duration'); var start = this.et2.getWidgetById('start'); var end = this.et2.getWidgetById('end'); var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; if (typeof duration != 'undefined' && typeof end != 'undefined') { end.set_disabled(duration.get_value()!==''); if (!end.disabled ) { end.set_value(start.get_value()); if (typeof content.duration != 'undefined') end.set_value("+"+content.duration); } } }, /** * handles actions selectbox in calendar edit popup * * @param {mixed} _event * @param {et2_base_widget} widget "actions selectBox" in edit popup window */ actions_change: function(_event, widget) { var event = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; if (widget) { var id = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data['id']; switch (widget.get_value()) { case 'print': this.egw.open_link('calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit&cal_id='+id+'&print=1','_blank','700x700'); this.et2._inst.submit(); break; case 'mail': this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_custom_mail', [event, !event['id'], false],null,null,null,null).sendRequest(); this.et2._inst.submit(); break; case 'sendrequest': this.egw.json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_custom_mail', [event, !event['id'], true],null,null,null,null).sendRequest(); this.et2._inst.submit(); break; case 'infolog': this.egw.open_link('infolog.infolog_ui.edit&action=calendar&action_id='+($j.isPlainObject(event)?event['id']:event),'_blank','700x600','infolog'); this.et2._inst.submit(); break; case 'ical': this.et2._inst.postSubmit(); break; default: this.et2._inst.submit(); } } }, /** * open mail compose popup window * * @param {Array} vars * @todo need to provide right mail compose from server to custom_mail function */ custom_mail: function (vars) { this.egw.open_link(this.egw.link("/index.php",vars),'_blank','700x700'); }, /** * control delete_series popup visibility * * @param {et2_widget} widget * @param {Array} exceptions an array contains number of exception entries * */ delete_btn: function(widget,exceptions) { var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; if (exceptions) { var buttons = [ { button_id: 'keep', statustext:'All exceptions are converted into single events.', text: 'Keep exceptions', id: 'button[delete_keep_exceptions]', image: 'keep', "default":true }, { button_id: 'delete', statustext:'The exceptions are deleted together with the series.', text: 'Delete exceptions', id: 'button[delete_exceptions]', image: 'delete' }, { button_id: 'cancel', text: 'Cancel', id: 'dialog[cancel]', image: 'cancel' } ]; var self = this; et2_dialog.show_dialog ( function(_button_id) { if (_button_id != 'dialog[cancel]') { self.et2._inst.submit(_button_id); return true; } else { return false; } }, this.egw.lang("Do you want to keep the series exceptions in your calendar?"), this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, buttons , et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE ); } else if (content['recur_type'] !== 0) { et2_dialog.confirm(widget,'Delete this series of recuring events','Delete Series'); } else { et2_dialog.confirm(widget,'Delete this event','Delete'); } }, /** * print_participants_status(egw,widget) * Handle to apply changes from status in print popup * * @param {mixed} _event * @param {et2_base_widget} widget widget "status" in print popup window * */ print_participants_status: function(_event, widget) { if (widget && window.opener) { //Parent popup window var editPopWindow = window.opener; if (editPopWindow) { //Update paretn popup window editPopWindow.etemplate2.getByApplication('calendar')[0].widgetContainer.getWidgetById(widget.id).set_value(widget.get_value()); } this.et2._inst.submit(); editPopWindow.opener.egw_refresh('status changed','calendar'); } else if (widget) { window.egw_refresh(this.egw.lang('The original popup edit window is closed! You need to close the print window and reopen the entry again.'),'calendar'); } }, /** * Handles to select freetime, and replace the selected one on Start, * and End date&time in edit calendar entry popup. * * @param {mixed} _event * @param {et2_base_widget} _widget widget "select button" in freetime search popup window * */ freetime_select: function(_event, _widget) { if (_widget) { var content = this.et2._inst.widgetContainer.getArrayMgr('content').data; // Make the Id from selected button by checking the index var selectedId = _widget.id.match(/^select\[([0-9])\]$/i)[1]; var sTime = this.et2.getWidgetById(selectedId+'start'); //check the parent window is still open before to try to access it if (window.opener && sTime) { var editWindowObj = window.opener.etemplate2.getByApplication('calendar')[0]; if (typeof editWindowObj != "undefined") { var startTime = editWindowObj.widgetContainer.getWidgetById('start'); var endTime = editWindowObj.widgetContainer.getWidgetById('end'); if (startTime && endTime) { startTime.set_value(sTime.get_value()); endTime.set_value(sTime.get_value()); endTime.set_value('+'+content['duration']); } } } else { alert(this.egw.lang('The original calendar edit popup is closed!')); } } egw(window).close(); }, /** * show/hide the filter of nm list in calendar listview * */ filter_change: function() { var filter = this.et2 ? this.et2.getWidgetById('filter') : null; var dates = this.et2 ? this.et2.getWidgetById('calendar.list.dates') : null; if (filter && dates) { dates.set_disabled(filter.value !== "custom"); } }, /** * this function try to fix ids which are from integrated apps * * @param {egw_action} _action * @param {Array} _senders */ cal_fix_app_id: function(_action, _senders) { var app = 'calendar'; var id = _senders[0].id; var matches = id.match(/^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+)(:([0-9]+))?$/); if (matches) { id = matches[1]; } else { matches = id.match(/^([a-z_-]+)([0-9]+)/i); if (matches) { app = matches[1]; id = matches[2]; } } var backup_url = _action.data.url; _action.data.url = _action.data.url.replace(/(\$|%24)id/,id); _action.data.url = _action.data.url.replace(/(\$|%24)app/,app); nm_action(_action, _senders); _action.data.url = backup_url; // restore url }, /** * Open calendar entry, taking into accout the calendar integration of other apps * * calendar_uilist::get_rows sets var js_calendar_integration object * * @param _action * @param _senders * */ cal_open: function(_action, _senders) { var js_integration_data = _action.parent.data.nextmatch.options.settings.js_integration_data || this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data.nm.js_integration_data; var id = _senders[0].id; var matches = id.match(/^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/); var backup = _action.data; if (matches) { this.edit_series(matches[1],matches[2]); return; } matches = id.match(/^([a-z_-]+)([0-9]+)/i); if (matches) { var app = matches[1]; _action.data.url = window.egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?'; var get_params = js_integration_data[app].edit; get_params[js_integration_data[app].edit_id] = matches[2]; for(var name in get_params) _action.data.url += name+"="+encodeURIComponent(get_params[name])+"&"; if (js_integration_data[app].edit_popup) { matches = js_integration_data[app].edit_popup.match(/^(.*)x(.*)$/); if (matches) { _action.data.width = matches[1]; _action.data.height = matches[2]; } else { _action.data.nm_action = 'location'; } } } egw.open(id.replace(/^calendar::/g,''),'calendar','edit'); _action.data = backup; // restore url, width, height, nm_action }, /** * Delete calendar entry, asking if you want to delete series or exception * * * @param _action * @param _senders */ cal_delete: function(_action, _senders) { var backup = _action.data; var matches = false; // Loop so we ask if any of the selected entries is part of a series for(var i = 0; i < _senders.length; i++) { var id = _senders[i].id; if(!matches) { matches = id.match(/^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/); } } if (matches) { var popup = jQuery('#calendar-list_delete_popup').get(0); if (typeof popup != 'undefined') { // nm action - show popup nm_open_popup(_action,_senders); } return; } nm_action(_action, _senders); }, /** * Confirmation dialog for moving a series entry * * @param {object} _DOM * @param {et2_widget} _button button Save | Apply */ move_edit_series: function(_DOM,_button) { var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; var start_date = this.et2.getWidgetById('start').get_value(); var whole_day = this.et2.getWidgetById('whole_day'); var is_whole_day = whole_day && whole_day.get_value() == whole_day.options.selected_value; var button = _button; var that = this; if (typeof content != 'undefined' && content.id != null && typeof content.recur_type != 'undefined' && content.recur_type != null && content.recur_type != 0 ) { if (content.start != start_date || content.whole_day != is_whole_day) { et2_dialog.show_dialog(function(_button_id) { if (_button_id == et2_dialog.OK_BUTTON) { that.et2._inst.submit(button); } else { return false; } }, this.egw.lang("Do you really want to change the start of this series? If you do, the original series will be terminated as of today and a new series for the future reflecting your changes will be created."), this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, et2_dialog.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL , et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE); } else { return true; } } else { return true; } }, /** * Create edit exception dialog for recurrence entries * * @param {object} event * @param {string} id cal_id * @param {integer} date timestamp */ edit_series: function(event,id,date) { // Coming from list, there is no event if(arguments.length == 2) { date = id; id = event; event = null; } var edit_id = id; var edit_date = date; var that = this; var buttons = [ {text: this.egw.lang("Edit exception"), id: "exception", class: "ui-priority-primary", "default": true}, {text: this.egw.lang("Edit series"), id:"series"}, {text: this.egw.lang("Cancel"), id:"cancel"} ]; et2_dialog.show_dialog(function(_button_id) { switch(_button_id) { case 'exception': that.egw.open(edit_id, 'calendar', 'edit', '&date='+edit_date+'&exception=1'); break; case 'series': that.egw.open(edit_id, 'calendar', 'edit', '&date='+edit_date); break; case 'cancel': default: break; } },this.egw.lang("Do you want to edit this event as an exception or the whole series?"), this.egw.lang("This event is part of a series"), {}, buttons, et2_dialog.WARNING_MESSAGE); }, /** * Current state, get updated via set_state method * * @type object */ state: undefined, /** * Method to set state for JSON requests (jdots ajax_exec or et2 submits can NOT use egw.js script tag) * * @param {object} _state */ set_state: function(_state) { if (typeof _state == 'object') { this.state = _state; } }, /** * Return state object defining current view * * Called by favorites to query current state. * * @return {object} description */ getState: function() { var state = this.state; if (!state) { var egw_script_tag = document.getElementById('egw_script_id'); state = egw_script_tag.getAttribute('data-calendar-state'); state = state ? JSON.parse(state) : {}; } // we are currently in list-view if (this.et2 && this.et2.getWidgetById('nm')) { jQuery.extend(state, this._super.apply(this, arguments)); // call default implementation } return state; }, /** * Set a state previously returned by getState * * Called by favorites to set a state saved as favorite. * * @param {object} state containing "name" attribute to be used as "favorite" GET parameter to a nextmatch */ setState: function(state) { // State should be an object, not a string, but we'll parse if(typeof state == "string") { if(state.indexOf('{') != -1 || state =='null') { state = JSON.parse(state); } } // old calendar state handling on server-side (incl. switching to and from listview) var menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index'; if (typeof state.state != 'undefined' && (typeof state.state.view == 'undefined' || state.state.view == 'listview')) { if (state.name) { // 'blank' is the special name for no filters, send that instead of the nice translated name state.state.favorite = jQuery.isEmptyObject(state) || jQuery.isEmptyObject(state.state||state.filter) ? 'blank' : state.name.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/g, '_'); // set date for "No Filter" (blank) favorite to todays date if (state.state.favorite == 'blank') state.state.date = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('yymmdd', new Date); } menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uilist.listview'; state.state.ajax = 'true'; // check if we already use et2 / are in listview if (this.et2 || etemplate2 && etemplate2.getByApplication('calendar')) { // current calendar-code can set regular calendar states only via a server-request :( // --> check if we only need to set something which can be handeled by nm internally // or we need a redirect // ToDo: pass them via nm's get_rows call to server (eg. by passing state), so we dont need a redirect var current_state = this.getState(); var need_redirect = false; for(var attr in current_state) { switch(attr) { case 'cat_id': case 'owner': case 'filter': if (state.state[attr] != current_state[attr]) { need_redirect = true; // reset of attributes managed on server-side if (state.state.favorite === 'blank') { switch(attr) { case 'cat_id': state.state.cat_id = 0; break; case 'owner': state.state.owner = egw.user('account_id'); break; case 'filter': state.state.filter = 'default'; break; } } break; } break; case 'view': // "No filter" (blank) favorite: if not in listview --> stay in that view if (state.state.favorite === 'blank' && current_state.view != 'listview') { menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index'; delete state.state.ajax; need_redirect = true; } } } if (!need_redirect) { return this._super.apply(this, [state]); } } } // setting internal state now, that linkHandler does not intercept switching from listview to any old view this.state = state; var query = jQuery.extend({menuaction: menuaction},state.state||{}); // prepend an owner 0, to reset all owners and not just set given resource type if(typeof query.owner != 'undefined') { query.owner = '0,'+ query.owner; } this.egw.open_link(this.egw.link('/index.php',query), 'calendar'); // Stop the normal bubbling if this is called on click return false; }, /** * Enable/Disable custom Date-time for set Alarm * * @param {egw object} _egw * @param {widget object} _widget new_alarm[options] selectbox */ alarm_custom_date: function (_egw,_widget) { var alarm_date = this.et2.getWidgetById('new_alarm[date]'); var alarm_options = _widget || this.et2.getWidgetById('new_alarm[options]'); var start = this.et2.getWidgetById('start'); if (alarm_date && alarm_options && start) { if (alarm_options.get_value() != '0') { alarm_date.set_class('calendar_alarm_date_display'); } else { alarm_date.set_class(''); } var startDate = typeof start.get_value != 'undefined'?start.get_value():start.value; if (startDate) { var date = new Date(startDate); date.setTime(date.getTime() - 1000 * parseInt(alarm_options.get_value())); alarm_date.set_value(date); } } }, /** * Set alarm options based on WD/Regular event user preferences * Gets fired by wholeday checkbox * * @param {egw object} _egw * @param {widget object} _widget whole_day checkbox */ set_alarmOptions_WD: function (_egw,_widget) { var alarm = this.et2.getWidgetById('alarm'); if (!alarm) return; // no default alarm var content = this.et2.getArrayMgr('content').data; var start = this.et2.getWidgetById('start'); var self= this; var time = alarm.cells[1][0].widget; var event = alarm.cells[1][1].widget; // Convert a seconds of time to a translated label var _secs_to_label = function (_secs) { var label=''; if (_secs <= 3600) { label = self.egw.lang('%1 minutes', _secs/60); } else if(_secs <= 86400) { label = self.egw.lang('%1 hours', _secs/3600); } return label; }; if (typeof content['alarm'][1]['default'] == 'undefined') { // user deleted alarm --> nothing to do } else { var def_alarm = this.egw.preference(_widget.get_value() === "true" ? 'default-alarm-wholeday' : 'default-alarm', 'calendar'); if (!def_alarm && def_alarm !== 0) // no alarm { jQuery('#calendar-edit_alarm > tbody :nth-child(1)').hide(); } else { jQuery('#calendar-edit_alarm > tbody :nth-child(1)').show(); start.set_hours(0); start.set_minutes(0); time.set_value(start.get_value()); time.set_value('-'+(60 * def_alarm)); event.set_value(_secs_to_label(60 * def_alarm)); } } } });