/***************************************************************************\ * eGroupWare - JavaScript API * * http://www.egroupware.org * * Written by: * * - Raphael Derosso Pereira * * - Jonas Goes * * - Vinicus Cubas Brand * * sponsored by Thyamad - http://www.thyamad.com * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * * your option) any later version. * \***************************************************************************/ /***********************************************\ * INITIALIZATION * \***********************************************/ if (document.all) { navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie 5') != -1 ? is_ie5 = true : is_ie5 = false; is_ie = true; is_moz1_6 = false; is_mozilla = false; is_ns4 = false; } else if (document.getElementById) { navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match('mozilla.*rv[:]1\.6.*gecko') ? is_moz1_6 = true : is_moz1_6 = false; is_ie = false; is_ie5 = false; is_mozilla = true; is_ns4 = false; } else if (document.layers) { is_ie = false; is_ie5 = false is_moz1_6 = false; is_mozilla = false; is_ns4 = true; } // DO NOT CHANGE THIS!!! Enable DEBUG inside Application! var DEBUG = false; /***********************************************\ * DATA FUNCTIONS * \***********************************************/ function serialize(data) { var f = function(data) { var str_data; if (data == null || (typeof(data) == 'string' && data == '')) { str_data = 'N;'; } else switch(typeof(data)) { case 'object': var arrayCount = 0; str_data = ''; for (i in data) { if (i == 'length') { continue; } arrayCount++; switch (typeof(i)) { case 'number': str_data += 'i:' + i + ';' + serialize(data[i]); break; case 'string': str_data += 's:' + i.length + ':"' + i + '";' + serialize(data[i]); break; default: showMessage(Element('cc_msg_err_serialize_data_unknown').value); break; } } if (!arrayCount) { str_data = 'N;'; } else { str_data = 'a:' + arrayCount + ':{' + str_data + '}'; } break; case 'string': str_data = 's:' + data.length + ':"' + data + '";'; break; case 'number': str_data = 'i:' + data + ';'; break; case 'boolean': str_data = 'b:' + (data ? '1' : '0') + ';'; break; default: showMessage(Element('cc_msg_err_serialize_data_unknown').value); return null; } return str_data; } var sdata = f(data); return sdata; } function unserialize(str) { var f = function (str) { switch (str.charAt(0)) { case 'a': var data = new Array(); var n = parseInt( str.substring( str.indexOf(':')+1, str.indexOf(':',2) ) ); var arrayContent = str.substring(str.indexOf('{')+1, str.lastIndexOf('}')); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var pos = 0; /* Process Index */ var indexStr = arrayContent.substr(pos, arrayContent.indexOf(';')+1); var index = unserialize(indexStr); pos = arrayContent.indexOf(';', pos)+1; /* Process Content */ var part = null; switch (arrayContent.charAt(pos)) { case 'a': var pos_ = matchBracket(arrayContent, arrayContent.indexOf('{', pos))+1; part = arrayContent.substring(pos, pos_); pos = pos_; data[index] = unserialize(part); break; case 's': var pval = arrayContent.indexOf(':', pos+2); var val = parseInt(arrayContent.substring(pos+2, pval)); pos = pval + val + 4; data[index] = arrayContent.substr(pval+2, val); break; default: part = arrayContent.substring(pos, arrayContent.indexOf(';', pos)+1); pos = arrayContent.indexOf(';', pos)+1; data[index] = unserialize(part); break; } arrayContent = arrayContent.substr(pos); } break; case 's': var pos = str.indexOf(':', 2); var val = parseInt(str.substring(2,pos)); var data = str.substr(pos+2, val); str = str.substr(pos + 4 + val); break; case 'i': case 'd': var pos = str.indexOf(';'); var data = parseInt(str.substring(2,pos)); str = str.substr(pos + 1); break; case 'N': var data = null; str = str.substr(str.indexOf(';') + 1); break; case 'b': var data = str.charAt(2) == '1' ? true : false; break; } return data; } return f(str); } function matchBracket(strG, iniPosG) { var f = function (str, iniPos) { var nOpen, nClose = iniPos; do { nOpen = str.indexOf('{', nClose+1); nClose = str.indexOf('}', nClose+1); if (nOpen == -1) { return nClose; } if (nOpen < nClose ) { nClose = matchBracket(str, nOpen); } } while (nOpen < nClose); return nClose; } return f(strG, iniPosG); } /***********************************************\ * DATE FUNCTIONS * \***********************************************/ /** * Converts a date string into an object second to a php date() date format. * * The result object have three indexes: day, month and year; (now currently * only accepts d , m , and Y in any position and with any separator in the * (input) date description string). * * @author Vinicius Cubas Brand * * @param string dateString The date string in a format described in * phpDateFormat, like for instance '2005/02/09' * @param string phpDateFormat The date descriptor in a php date() format, * like for instance 'Y/m/d' * * @todo Other types handling */ function strtodate(dateString,phpDateFormat) { var _this = this; var elements = new Object; this.tmpelm = elements; elements['d'] = { leng: 2, pos:-1}; elements['m'] = { leng: 2, pos:-1}; elements['Y'] = { leng: 4, pos:-1}; //array to populate - sort order var indexes = new Array(); for (var i in elements) { elements[i]['pos'] = phpDateFormat.indexOf(i); indexes.push(i); } function sortingFunction(a,b) { return _this.tmpelm[a]['pos'] - _this.tmpelm[b]['pos']; }; indexes.sort(sortingFunction); var offset = 0; for (var i in indexes) { var curr_index = indexes[i]; elements[curr_index]['start_pos'] = elements[curr_index]['pos'] + offset; offset += elements[curr_index]['leng'] - 1; } for (var i in elements) { switch (i) { case 'd': var day = parseInt(dateString.slice(elements[i]['start_pos'],elements[i]['start_pos']+elements[i]['leng'])); break; case 'm': var month = parseInt(dateString.slice(elements[i]['start_pos'],elements[i]['start_pos']+elements[i]['leng'])); break; case 'Y': var year = parseInt(dateString.slice(elements[i]['start_pos'],elements[i]['start_pos']+elements[i]['leng'])); break; } } var ret = new Object(); ret['year'] = year; ret['month'] = month - 1; ret['day'] = day; return ret; } /***********************************************\ * AUXILIAR FUNCTIONS * \***********************************************/ /* function js2xmlrpc @param methodName the name of the method, for instance appointmentcenter.uixmlresponder.test @param args all args in sequence, passed to the xml-rpc method @return xml-rpc string corresponding to js objects passed in args */ function js2xmlrpc(methodName) { var msg = new XMLRPCMessage(methodName); for (var i = 1; i< arguments.length; i++) { if (i==1 && GLOBALS['extra_get_vars'] && typeof(arguments[i]) == 'object' && typeof(GLOBALS['extra_get_vars']) == 'object') { arguments[i]['extra_get_vars'] = GLOBALS['extra_get_vars']; } msg.addParameter(arguments[i]); } return msg.xml(); } /* function xmlrpc2js @param responseText The xml-rpc text of return of a xml-rpc function call @return Javascript object corresponding to the given xmlrpc */ var xmlrpcHandler = null; function xmlrpc2js(responseText) { if (!xmlrpcHandler || typeof(xmlrpcHandler) != 'object') { xmlrpcHandler = importModule("xmlrpc"); } return xmlrpcHandler.unmarshall(responseText); } function resizeIcon(id, action) { var element = Element(id); if (action == 0) { CC_old_icon_w = element.style.width; CC_old_icon_h = element.style.height; element.style.zIndex = parseInt(element.style.zIndex) + 1; element.style.width = '36px'; element.style.height = '36px'; element.style.top = (parseInt(element.style.top) - parseInt(element.style.height)/2) + 'px'; element.style.left = (parseInt(element.style.left) - parseInt(element.style.width)/2) + 'px'; } else if (action == 1) { element.style.zIndex = parseInt(element.style.zIndex) - 1; element.style.top = (parseInt(element.style.top) + parseInt(element.style.height)/2) + 'px'; element.style.left = (parseInt(element.style.left) + parseInt(element.style.width)/2) + 'px'; element.style.width = CC_old_icon_w; element.style.height = CC_old_icon_h; } } function Element (element) { /* IE OBJECTS */ if (document.all) { return document.all[element]; } /* MOZILLA OBJECTS */ else if (document.getElementById) { return document.getElementById(element); } /* NS4 OBJECTS */ else if (document.layers) { return document.layers[element]; } } function removeHTMLCode(id) { Element(id).parentNode.removeChild(Element(id)); } function addHTMLCode(parent_id,child_id,child_code,surround_block_tag) { var obj = document.createElement(surround_block_tag); Element(parent_id).appendChild(obj); obj.id = child_id; obj.innerHTML = child_code; return obj; } function adjustString (str, max_chars) { if (str.length > max_chars) { return str.substr(0,max_chars) + '...'; } else { return str; } } function addSlashes(code) { for (var i = 0; i < code.length; i++) { switch(code.charAt(i)) { case "'": case '"': case "\\": code = code.substr(0, i) + "\\" + code.charAt(i) + code.substr(i+1); i++; break; } } return code; } function htmlSpecialChars(str) { // TODO: Not implemented!!! var pos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { } } function replaceComAnd(str, replacer) { var oldPos = 0; var pos = 0; while ((pos = str.indexOf('&', pos)) != -1) { str = str.substring(oldPos, pos) + replacer + str.substring(pos+1); } return str; } function Timeout(control, code, maxCalls, actualCall, singleTimeout) { if (control()) { if (typeof(code) == 'function') { code(); } else { eval(code); } return true; } if (!actualCall) { actualCall = 1; } if (!maxCalls) { maxCalls = 100; } if (actualCall == maxCalls) { showMessage(Element('cc_msg_err_timeout').value); return false; } if (!singleTimeout) { singleTimeout = 100; } setTimeout(function(){Timeout(control,code,maxCalls,actualCall+1,singleTimeout);}, singleTimeout); } function showMessage(msg, type) { // TODO: Replace alert with 'loading' style div with Ok button switch(type) { case 'confirm': return confirm(msg); default: alert(msg); return; } } // works only correctly in Mozilla/FF and Konqueror function egw_openWindowCentered2(_url, _windowName, _width, _height, _status) { windowWidth = egw_getWindowOuterWidth(); windowHeight = egw_getWindowOuterHeight(); positionLeft = (windowWidth/2)-(_width/2)+egw_getWindowLeft(); positionTop = (windowHeight/2)-(_height/2)+egw_getWindowTop(); windowID = window.open(_url, _windowName, "width=" + _width + ",height=" + _height + ",screenX=" + positionLeft + ",left=" + positionLeft + ",screenY=" + positionTop + ",top=" + positionTop + ",location=no,menubar=no,directories=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status="+_status); return windowID; } function egw_openWindowCentered(_url, _windowName, _width, _height) { return egw_openWindowCentered2(_url, _windowName, _width, _height, 'no'); } // return the left position of the window function egw_getWindowLeft() { if(is_mozilla) { return window.screenX; } else { return window.screenLeft; } } // return the left position of the window function egw_getWindowTop() { if(is_mozilla) { return window.screenY; } else { //alert(window.screenTop); return window.screenTop-90; } } // get the outerWidth of the browser window. For IE we simply return the innerWidth function egw_getWindowInnerWidth() { if (is_mozilla) { return window.innerWidth; } else { // works only after the body has parsed //return document.body.offsetWidth; return document.body.clientWidth; //return document.documentElement.clientWidth; } } // get the outerHeight of the browser window. For IE we simply return the innerHeight function egw_getWindowInnerHeight() { if (is_mozilla) { return window.innerHeight; } else { // works only after the body has parsed //return document.body.offsetHeight; //return document.body.clientHeight; return document.documentElement.clientHeight; } } // get the outerWidth of the browser window. For IE we simply return the innerWidth function egw_getWindowOuterWidth() { if (is_mozilla) { return window.outerWidth; } else { return egw_getWindowInnerWidth(); } } // get the outerHeight of the browser window. For IE we simply return the innerHeight function egw_getWindowOuterHeight() { if (is_mozilla) { return window.outerHeight; } else { return egw_getWindowInnerHeight(); } } /***********************************************\ * HTML ELEMENTS AUXILIAR FUNCTIONS * \***********************************************/ //-------------------SELECT------------------------- /* Copy the selected values from one select box to another */ function copyFromSelects(origSelectObj,destSelectObj) { var selectBox1 = origSelectObj; var selectBox2 = destSelectObj; var exists; if (selectBox1 == null || selectBox2 == null) { return false; } var max1 = selectBox1.options.length; var max2 = selectBox2.options.length; for (var i=0 ; i < max1 ; i++) { if (selectBox1.options[i].selected) { exists = false; for (var j=0 ; j < max2 ; j++) { if (selectBox1.options[i].value == selectBox2.options[j].value) { exists = true; } } if (exists == false) { selectBox2.options[selectBox2.length] = new Option(selectBox1.options[i].text,selectBox1.options[i].value); selectBox1.options[i].selected = false; } } } } function removeSelectedOptions(selectId) { var selectBox1 = Element(selectId); if (selectBox1 == null) { return false; } for (var i=0; i < selectBox1.options.length; ) { if (selectBox1.options[i].selected) { selectBox1.removeChild(selectBox1.options[i]); } else { i++; } } } function clearSelectBox(obj, startIndex) { var nOptions = obj.options.length; for (var i = nOptions - 1; i >= startIndex; i--) { obj.removeChild(obj.options[i]); } } function fillSelectBox(obj,data) { if (typeof(data) != 'object') { return false; } var i; //include new options for (i in data) { if (typeof(data[i]) == 'function') { continue; } obj.options[obj.length] = new Option(data[i],i); } } //use for select-multiple. The values of opts will be selected. function selectOptions (obj,opts) { if (obj == false || obj.options == false) { throw('selectOptions: invalid object given as param'); return false; } if (opts == undefined || opts == null) //clean everything { var objtam = obj.options.length; for (var i=0; i < objtam; i++) { obj.options[i].selected = false; } } else { if (typeof(opts) != 'object') { //throw('selectOptions: opts must be an element of type Array or Object'); return false; } var objtam = obj.options.length; var optstam = opts.length; for (var i=0; i < objtam; i++) { obj.options[i].selected = false; for (var j in opts) { if (obj.options[i].value == opts[j]) { obj.options[i].selected = true; } } } } } //return selected options of a select in an array function getSelectedOptions(obj) { if (obj == null) { throw('getSelectedOptions: invalid object'); return new Array(); } var max = obj.options.length; var response = new Array(); for (var i=0; i< max; i++) { if (obj.options[i].selected) { response.push(obj.options[i].value); } } return response; } //return selected values of a select in an array function getSelectedValues(obj) { if (obj == null || typeof(obj) != 'object') { return new Object(); } var max = obj.options.length; var response = new Object(); for (var i=0; i< max; i++) { if (obj.options[i].selected) { response[obj.options[i].value] = obj.options[i].text; } } return response; } //return all options of a select in an array function getAllOptions(id) { var obj = Element(id); if (obj == null) { throw('getSelectedOptions: invalid object'); return new Array(); } var max = obj.options.length; var response = new Array(); for (var i=0; i< max; i++) { response.push(obj.options[i].value); } return response; } //-------------------RADIO------------------------- function selectRadio (id, index) { var obj = Element(id); var max = obj.options.length; for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { i == index ? obj.options[i].checked = true : obj.options[i].checked = false; } } function getSelectedRadio(obj) { if (obj.type == 'radio') { if (obj.checked) { return obj.value; } } else if (obj.length) { var max = obj.length; for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (obj[i].checked) { return obj[i].value; } } } return null; } /***********************************************\ * JSLIB OBJECT * \***********************************************/ function cJsLib () { this._functions = new Array(); this._arguments = new Array(); this._original_body_onload = null; this.loaded = false; } //postpone function to be executed after body had loaded cJsLib.prototype.postponeFunction = function(obj_function) { if (typeof(obj_function) != 'function') { throw ('JsLib.postponeFunction: parameter must be a function'); } this._functions.push(obj_function); // 'arguments' are all args passed to this function var args = new Array(); for (var i = 1; i< arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } if (args.length) { this._arguments.push(args); } this.init(); } //exec postponed functions cJsLib.prototype.execPostponed = function(e) { if (this._original_body_onload != null) { this._original_body_onload(); } var code = ''; var _this = this; for (var i in this._functions) { if (typeof(this._functions[i]) != 'function') { continue; } if (typeof(this._arguments[i]) == 'object') { code += 'this._functions['+i+']('; for (var j in _this._arguments[i]) { code += this._arguments[i][j]+','; } code = code.substr(code, code.length-1); code += ');'; continue; } code += 'this._functions['+i+']();'; } eval(code); for (var i in this._functions) { if (typeof(this._arguments[i]) == 'object') { delete this._arguments[i]; this._arguments[i] = null; } delete this._functions[i]; this._functions[i] = null; } } //put function on body onload cJsLib.prototype.init = function() { /* if (this.initialized) { return; } */ this.initialized = true; var _this = this; var init = function() { _this.execPostponed(); }; Timeout(function() { if (document.body) return true; else return false;}, init); } var JsLib = new cJsLib(); // Insert Debug Holder function _createDebugDOM() { var dbg_holder = document.createElement('xmp'); dbg_holder.id = 'jsapiDebug'; dbg_holder.style.position = 'absolute'; dbg_holder.style.left = '1500px'; dbg_holder.style.top = '0px'; dbg_holder.style.fontFamily = 'monospace'; var func = function() { document.body.appendChild(dbg_holder); } JsLib.postponeFunction(func); } /***********************************************\ * CONSTANTS * \***********************************************/ /***********************************************\ * GLOBALS VARIABLES * \***********************************************/ /***********************************************\ * OTHER FUNCTIONS * \***********************************************/ //JsLib.postponeFunction(function () //{ // dynapi.setPath(GLOBALS['serverRoot']+'/phpgwapi/js/dynapi'); //});