bo = new resources_bo(); // For adding ACLs $this->acl_bo = new resources_acl_bo(True); // For checking categories $this->start_time = time(); } /** * Import a single record * * You don't need to worry about mappings or translations, they've been done already. * You do need to handle the conditions and the actions taken. * * Updates the count of actions taken * * @return boolean success */ protected function import_record(importexport_iface_egw_record &$record, &$import_csv) { // Check for an un-matched accessory of, try again on just name if(!is_numeric($record->accessory_of)) { $accessory_of = $record->accessory_of; // Look for exact match in just name $results = $this->bo->so->search(array('name' => $record->accessory_of),array('res_id','name')); if(count($results) >= 1) { // More than 1 result? Bad names. Pick one. foreach($results as $result) { if($result['name'] == $record->accessory_of) { $record->accessory_of = $result['res_id']; break; } } if(is_numeric($record->accessory_of)) { // Import/Export conversion gave a warning, so cancel it $pattern = lang('Unable to link to %1 "%2"',lang('resources'),$accessory_of) . ' - ('.lang('too many matches') . '|'.lang('no matches') . ')'; $this->warnings[$import_csv->get_current_position()] = preg_replace($pattern, '', $this->warnings[$import_csv->get_current_position()], 1); // If that was the only warning, clear it for this row if(trim($this->warnings[$import_csv->get_current_position()]) == '') { unset($this->warnings[$import_csv->get_current_position()]); } } } } // Check for a new category, it needs permissions set $category = $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->read($record->cat_id); if($category['last_mod'] >= $this->start_time) { // New category. Give read & write permissions to the current user's default group $this->acl_bo->set_rights($record['cat_id'], array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_primary_group']), array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_primary_group']), array(), array(), array() ); // Refresh ACL //$GLOBALS['egw']->acl->read_repository(); } if(!$record->accessory_of) $record->accessory_of = -1; //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($_definition->plugin_options['conditions'])); if ($this->definition->plugin_options['conditions']) { foreach ( $this->definition->plugin_options['conditions'] as $condition ) { $results = array(); switch ( $condition['type'] ) { // exists case 'exists' : if($record->$condition['string']) { $results = $this->bo->so->search( array( $condition['string'] => $record->$condition['string']), False ); } if ( is_array( $results ) && count( array_keys( $results )) >= 1) { // apply action to all contacts matching this exists condition $action = $condition['true']; foreach ( (array)$results as $resource ) { $record->res_id = $resource['res_id']; if ( $_definition->plugin_options['update_cats'] == 'add' ) { if ( !is_array( $resource['cat_id'] ) ) $resource['cat_id'] = explode( ',', $resource['cat_id'] ); if ( !is_array( $record->cat_id ) ) $record->cat_id = explode( ',', $record->cat_id ); $record->cat_id = implode( ',', array_unique( array_merge( $record->cat_id, $resource['cat_id'] ) ) ); } $success = $this->action( $action['action'], $record, $import_csv->get_current_position() ); } } else { $action = $condition['false']; $success = ($this->action( $action['action'], $record, $import_csv->get_current_position() )); } break; // not supported action default : die('condition / action not supported!!!'); break; } if ($action['last']) break; } } else { // unconditional insert $success = $this->action( 'insert', $record, $import_csv->get_current_position() ); } return $success; } /** * perform the required action * * @param int $_action one of $this->actions * @param importexport_iface_egw_record $record Entry record * @return bool success or not */ protected function action ( $_action, importexport_iface_egw_record &$record, $record_num = 0 ) { $_data = $record->get_record_array(); switch ($_action) { case 'none' : return true; case 'update' : // Only update if there are changes $old = $this->bo->read($_data['res_id']); // Merge to deal with fields not in import record $_data = array_merge($old, $_data); // Fall through case 'insert' : if($_action == 'insert') { // Backend doesn't like inserting with ID specified, it can overwrite unset($_data['res_id']); } if ( $this->dry_run ) { //print_r($_data); $this->results[$_action]++; return true; } else { $result = $this->bo->save( $_data ); if($result && !is_numeric($result)) { $this->errors[$record_num] = $result; return false; } else { $this->results[$_action]++; return true; } } default: throw new Api\Exception('Unsupported action'); } } /** * returns translated name of plugin * * @return string name */ public static function get_name() { return lang('Resources CSV import'); } /** * returns translated (user) description of plugin * * @return string descriprion */ public static function get_description() { return lang("Imports a list of resources from a CSV file."); } /** * retruns file suffix(s) plugin can handle (e.g. csv) * * @return string suffix (comma seperated) */ public static function get_filesuffix() { return 'csv'; } /** * return etemplate components for options. * @abstract We can't deal with etemplate objects here, as an uietemplate * objects itself are scipt orientated and not "dialog objects" * * @return array ( * name => string, * content => array, * sel_options => array, * preserv => array, * ) */ public function get_options_etpl() { // lets do it! } /** * returns etemplate name for slectors of this plugin * * @return string etemplate name */ public function get_selectors_etpl() { // lets do it! } /** * Returns warnings that were encountered during importing * Maximum of one warning message per record, but you can append if you need to * * @return Array ( * record_# => warning message * ) */ public function get_warnings() { return $this->warnings; } } ?>