dhtmlx components dhtmlxGrid core Excells - ed,edn,edtxt,ro,ron,rotxt]]> Base functionality hidden cellsallow to hide columns|rows by API colspansallow to use colspans in data locked rowsability to lock rows custom sortingability to use custom sorting functions serializationserialization to XML parsingability to use distributed parsing formatsability to use date and number formatting config in xmlability to load grid configuration from XML headersability to create multiline headers or footers cell typesability to change cell types on the fly hovering hovering and light mouse navigation alter css alter css moving rows moving rows up and down sorting sorting column_resize column resize update from xml update from xml xml data ability to load from XML non xml data ability to load from jsarray, json, csv tooltips tooltips context menu context menu Extensions filteringAbility to filter data in grid, by using predefined UI or API calls groupingAbility to group data in grid drag-and-dropAbility to drag and drop rows in grid extra XML typesSupport of xmlA and xmlB datasource types form integrationintegration with HTML form header menuAbility to use context menu for header mathAbility to use math formulas in grid column moveAbility to move column, or dynamically add|delete them csvSupport of CSV serialization clipboardAbility to operate with clipboard block selectionAbility to use block selection in grid pagingAbility to use paging in grid pivotAbility to create pivot table from dhtmlxgrid rowspanAbility to use rowspans in grid frozen columnsAbility to split grid in two separate areas smart renderingAbility to operate with big datasets state savingAbility to save current state of grid in cookies init from HTMLAbility to filter data in grid, by using predefined UI or API calls undo|redoAbility to use undo|redo functionality against edit operation sub row|gridAbility to use expandable rows with static content or sub grids validation data validation in the grid Excells excell methodsadditional methods of excell - getFont, setFont, getTextColor, getTextColor, getHorAlign, getWidth, setTextColor, setTextColor, setHorAlign onCellChangedonCellChanged event support (-5% of loading performance) ch excellsupport of ch excell ra excellsupport of ra excell price excellsupport of price excell calendar excellsupport of calendar excell dyn excellsupport of dyn excell cp excellsupport of cp excell txt excellsupport of txt excell co excellsupport of co|coro excell img excellsupport of img excell counterauto increment cell linkHTML link clistlist of checkboxes dhtmlxTree corejust a dhtmlxtree advancedsome advanced features calckability to use child counters in tree distributedability to use distributed parsing in tree smart parsingability to use smart parsing in tree contextability to use context menu in tree multiselectability to select multiple items in same time findability to find item by text d-n-dmoving item as child and sibling in tree ( d-n-d ) Extensions attributescustom attributes in tree drag inhelpers to create custom drag in tree editor allows in tree edit jsonsupport of JSON as datasource in tree Navigationkeyboard navigation in tree loading flagloading flag for dynamical loading modes lockinglocked items in tree routesmarked routes in tree RTLaupport of RTL in tree sortingallows sorting in tree SRND smart rendering in tree HTML init tree from HTML serializationserialization to XML cookiesadditional dynamic loading features dhtmlxTreeGrid corejust a dhtmlxtreegrid Extensions lineslines in treegrid filterfiltration in treegrid dhtmlxLayout corejust a dhtmlxlayout dhtmlxMenu corejust a dhtmlxmenu extra functionalitydifferent aligns, extra methods extensions scrollsinner scrollers in menu checkboxescheckboxes in menu radiosradio buttons in menu hotkeyshotkeys in menu ( useless ) usedatauserdata in menu ( useless ) context menumenu as context element skins aquadarkaquadark skin for dhtmlxmenu aquaorangeaquaorange skin for dhtmlxmenu aquaskyaquasky skin for dhtmlxmenu clearblueclearblue skin for dhtmlxmenu cleargreencleargreen skin for dhtmlxmenu clearsilverclearsilver skin for dhtmlxmenu modernblackmodernblack skin for dhtmlxmenu modernbluemodernblue skin for dhtmlxmenu modernredmodernred skin for dhtmlxmenu dhtmlxToolbar corejust a dhtmlxtoolbar ( include text, and image buttons support ) extensions selectselect like button inputinput button 2-statetwo state button sliderslider button skins aquadarkaquadark skin for dhtmlxtoolbar aquaorangeaquaorange skin for dhtmlxtoolbar aquaskyaquasky skin for dhtmlxtoolbar clearblueclearblue skin for dhtmlxtoolbar cleargreencleargreen skin for dhtmlxtoolbar clearsilverclearsilver skin for dhtmlxtoolbar modernblackmodernblack skin for dhtmlxtoolbar modernbluemodernblue skin for dhtmlxtoolbar modernredmodernred skin for dhtmlxtoolbar dhtmlxWindows corejust a dhtmlxwindows advancedsome advanced features rarerare used functionality ( findByText, forEachWindow, getBottommostWindow ) buttonsbuttons in dhtmlxwindow integrationability to create tree|grid|folders|layout|accordeon in dhtmlxwindow moveability to move dhtmlxwindow parkability to park dhtmlxwindow Extensions statusstatus bar in window menumenu in window toolbartoolbar in window common d-n-dability to use drag and drop XSLT supportability to use XSLT on client side XML for Safari 2.xability to use XML parsing routines in Safari 2.x Container of layout dhtmlxDataProcessor coreAbility to sync changes in tree or grid with remote DB dhtmlxCalendar corejust a dhtmlxcalendar dhtmlxColorPicker corejust a dhtmlxcolorpicker dhtmlxCombo corejust a dhtmlxcombo option typesability to use checkboxes and images inside dhtmlxcombo auto-sizeauto-width and auot-height of dhtmlxcombo groupinggrouping dhtmlxcombo dhtmlxFolders corejust a dhtmlxfolders d-n-dd-n-d in dhtmlxfolders dhtmlxTabbar corejust a dhtmlxtabbar all sidesability to have tabs on rigth,left,bottom sides sizesability to adjust size to inner or outer content scrollsability to use scrollers in tabbar linesability ot have multiple lines of tabs ajax|iframeability to work in ajax and frame based modes HTMLallows to init dhtmlxtabbar from HTML markup dhtmlxAccordion corejust a dhtmlxAccordion dhtmlxSlider corejust a dhtmlxSlider dhtmlxEditor corejust a dhtmlxEditor extended initability to use toolbar in editor header with all possible buttons dhtmlXForm coreAll functionality of dhtmlxForm dhtmlXChart coreall functionality of dhtmlXChart dhtmlXDataView coreall functionality of dhtmlXForm