* @author Bettina Gille * @author Ralf Becker * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Joseph Engo, Bettina Gille * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Bettina Gille * Reworked 11/2005 by RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de * Reworked 12/2008 by RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de to operate only on a catergory cache, no longer the db direct * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License * @package api * @subpackage categories * @access public * @version $Id$ */ /** * class to manage categories in eGroupWare * * Categories are read now once from the database into a static cache variable (by the static init_cache method). * The egw object fills that cache ones per session, stores it in a private var, from which it restores it for each * request of that session. * * $cat['data'] array: * ------------------ * $cat['data'] array is stored serialized in the database to allow applications to simply add all * sorts of values there (without the hassel of a DB schema change). * Static methods categories::read($cat_id) and categories::id2name now returns data already unserialized * and add() or edit() methods automatically serialize $cat['data'], if it's not yet serialized. * return*() methods still return $cat['data'] serialized by default, but have a parameter to return * it as array(). That default might change in future too, so better check if it's * not already an array, before unserialize! * * @ToDo The cache now contains a backlink from the parent to it's children. Use that link to simplyfy return_all_children * and other functions needing to know if a cat has children. Be aware a user might not see all children, as they can * belong to other users. */ class categories { /** * Account id this class is instanciated for (self::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT for global cats) * * @var int */ public $account_id; /** * Application this class is instancated for (self::GLOBAL_APPNAME for application global cats) * * @var string */ public $app_name; /** * @var egw_db */ private $db; /** * Total number of records of return_(sorted_)array (returning only a limited number of rows) * * @var int */ public $total_records; /** * Grants from other users for account_id and app_name (init by return array) * * @var array */ public $grants; /** * Name of the categories table */ const TABLE = 'egw_categories'; /** * @deprecated use categories::TABLE * @var string */ public $table = self::TABLE; /** * Cache holding all categories, set via init_cache() method * * @var array cat_id => array of data */ private static $cache; /** * Appname for global categories */ const GLOBAL_APPNAME = 'phpgw'; /** * account_id for global categories */ const GLOBAL_ACCOUNT = 0; /** * Owners for global accounts * * Usually the users group memberships and self::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT * * @var array */ private $global_owners = array(self::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT); /** * constructor for categories class * * @param int|string $accountid='' account id or lid, default to current user * @param string $app_name='' app name defaults to current app */ function __construct($accountid='',$app_name = '') { if (!$app_name) $app_name = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp']; if ($accountid === self::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT || $accountid < 0 && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->exists($accountid) == 2) { $this->account_id = (int) $accountid; } else { $this->account_id = (int) get_account_id($accountid); $this->global_owners = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($this->account_id,true); $this->global_owners[] = self::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT; } $this->app_name = $app_name; $this->db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db; if (is_null(self::$cache)) // sould not be necessary, as cache is load and restored by egw object { self::init_cache(); } } /** * php4 constructor * * @deprecated */ function categories($accountid='',$app_name='') { self::__construct($accountid,$app_name); } /** * returns array with id's of all children from $cat_id and $cat_id itself! * * @param int|array $cat_id (array of) integer cat-id to search for * @return array of cat-id's */ function return_all_children($cat_id) { $all_children = (array) $cat_id; $children = $this->return_array('subs',0,False,'','','',True,$cat_id,-1,'id'); if (is_array($children) && count($children)) { $all_children = array_merge($all_children,$this->return_all_children($children)); } //echo "


\n"; return $all_children; } /** * return an array populated with categories * * @param string $type='all' 'subs','mains','appandmains','appandsubs','noglobal','noglobalapp', defaults to 'all' * @param int $start=0 see $limit * @param boolean|int $limit if true limited query to maxmatches rows (starting with $start) * @param string $query='' query-pattern * @param string $sort='ASC' sort order, defaults to 'ASC' * @param string $order='' order by, default cat_main, cat_level, cat_name ASC * @param boolean|string $globals includes the global egroupware categories or not, * 'all_no_acl' to return global and all non-private user categories independent of ACL * @param array|int $parent_id=null return only subcats of $parent_id(s) * @param int $lastmod = -1 if > 0 return only cats modified since then * @param string $column='' if column-name given only that column is returned, not the full array with all cat-data * @param array $filter=null array with column-name (without cat_-prefix) => value pairs (! negates the value) * @param boolean $unserialize_data=false return $cat['data'] as array (not serialized array) * @return array of cat-arrays or $column values */ function return_array($type='all', $start=0, $limit=true, $query='', $sort='ASC',$order='',$globals=false, $parent_id=null, $lastmod=-1, $column='', $filter=null,$unserialize_data=false) { //error_log(__METHOD__."($type,$start,$limit,$query,$sort,$order,globals=$globals,parent=".array2string($parent_id).",$lastmod,$column,filter=".array2string($filter).",$unserialize_data) account_id=$this->account_id, appname=$this->app_name: ".function_backtrace()); $cats = array(); foreach(self::$cache as $cat_id => $cat) { if ($filter) foreach($filter as $col => $val) { if (!is_array($val) && $val[0] === '!') { // also match against trimmed database entry on name and description fields if (($col == 'name' || $col == 'description') && is_string($cat[$col])) { if ($cat[$col] == substr($val,1) || trim($cat[$col]) == substr($val,1)) continue 2; } else { if ($cat[$col] == substr($val,1)) continue 2; } } elseif (is_array($val)) { // also match against trimmed database entry on name and description fields if (($col == 'name' || $col == 'description') && is_string($cat[$col])) { if (!in_array($cat[$col],$val) && !in_array(trim($cat[$col]),$val)) continue 2; } else { if (!in_array($cat[$col],$val)) continue 2; } } else { // also match against trimmed database entry on name and description fields if (($col == 'name' || $col == 'description') && is_string($cat[$col])) { if ($cat[$col] != $val && trim($cat[$col]) != $val) continue 2; } else { if ($cat[$col] != $val) continue 2; } } } // check if certain parent required if ($parent_id && !in_array($cat['parent'],(array)$parent_id)) continue; // return global categories just if $globals is set if (!$globals && $cat['appname'] == self::GLOBAL_APPNAME) { continue; } // check for read permission if(!$this->check_perms(EGW_ACL_READ, $cat, $globals === 'all_no_acl')) { continue; } // check if we have the correct type switch ($type) { case 'subs': if (!$cat['parent']) continue 2; // 2 for switch AND foreach! break; case 'mains': if ($cat['parent']) continue 2; break; case 'appandmains': if ($cat['appname'] != $this->app_name || $cat['parent']) continue 2; break; case 'appandsubs': if ($cat['appname'] != $this->app_name || !$cat['parent']) continue 2; break; case 'noglobal': if ($cat['appname'] == $this->app_name) continue 2; break; case 'noglobalapp': if ($cat['appname'] != $this->app_name || $cat['owner'] == (int)$this->account_id) continue 2; break; } // check name and description for $query if ($query && stristr($cat['name'],$query) === false && stristr($cat['description'],$query) === false) continue; // check if last modified since if ($lastmod > 0 && $cat['last_mod'] <= $lastmod) continue; if ($unserialize_data) $cat['data'] = $cat['data'] ? unserialize($cat['data']) : array(); $cats[] = $cat; } if (!($this->total_records = count($cats))) { //error_log(__METHOD__."($type,$start,$limit,$query,$sort,$order,$globals,parent=$parent_id,$lastmod,$column) account_id=$this->account_id, appname=$this->app_name = FALSE"); return false; } if (!$sort) $sort = 'ASC'; // order the entries if necessary (cache is already ordered in or default order: cat_main, cat_level, cat_name ASC) if ($this->total_records > 1 && !empty($order) && preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_(), ]+$/',$order) && preg_match('/^(ASC|DESC|asc|desc)$/',$sort)) { if (strstr($order,'cat_data') !== false) $order = 'cat_data'; // sitemgr orders by round(cat_data)! if (substr($order,0,4) == 'cat_') $order = substr($order,4); $sign = strtoupper($sort) == 'DESC' ? '-' : ''; usort($cats,create_function('$a,$b',$func=(in_array($order,array('name','description','appname','app_name')) ? "return ${sign}strcasecmp(\$a['$order'],\$b['$order']);" : "return $sign(int)\$a['$order'] - $sign(int)\$b['$order'];"))); } // limit the number of returned rows if ($limit) { if (!is_int($limit)) $limit = (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs']; $cats = array_slice($cats,(int)$start,$limit); } // return only a certain column (why not return is as value?) if ($column) { foreach($cats as $k => $cat) { $cats[$k] = $cat[$column]; } } //error_log(__METHOD__."($type,$start,$limit,$query,$sort,$order,$globals,parent=".array2string($parent_id).",$lastmod,$column,filter=".array2string($filter).",$unserialize_data) account_id=$this->account_id, appname=$this->app_name = ".array2string($cats)); reset($cats); // some old code (eg. sitemgr) relies on the array-pointer! return $cats; } /** * return a sorted array populated with categories (main sorting criteria is hierachy!) * * @param int $start=0 see $limit * @param boolean|int $limit if true limited query to maxmatches rows (starting with $start) * @param string $query='' query-pattern * @param string $sort='ASC' sort order, either defaults to 'ASC' * @param string $order='cat_name' order by * @param boolean|string $globals includes the global egroupware categories or not, * 'all_no_acl' to return global and all non-private user categories independent of ACL * @param array|int $parent_id=0 return only subcats of $parent_id(s) * @param boolean $unserialize_data=false return $cat['data'] as array (not serialized array) * @return array with cats */ function return_sorted_array($start=0,$limit=True,$query='',$sort='ASC',$order='cat_name',$globals=False, $parent_id=0,$unserialize_data=false,$filter=null) { if (!$sort) $sort = 'ASC'; if (!$order) $order = 'cat_name'; //error_log(__METHOD__."($start,$limit,$query,$sort,$order,globals=$globals,parent=$parent_id,$unserialize_data) account_id=$this->account_id, appname=$this->app_name: ".function_backtrace()); $parents = $cats = array(); if (!($cats = $this->return_array('all',0,false,$query,$sort,$order,$globals,(array)$parent_id,-1,'',$filter,$unserialize_data))) { $cats = array(); } foreach($cats as $cat) { $parents[] = $cat['id']; } while (count($parents)) { if (!($subs = $this->return_array('all',0,false,$query,$sort,$order,$globals,$parents,-1,'',$filter,$unserialize_data))) { break; } $parents = $children = array(); foreach($subs as $cat) { $parents[] = $cat['id']; $children[$cat['parent']][] = $cat; } // sort the cats into the mains if (count($children)) { $cats2 = $cats; $cats = array(); foreach($cats2 as $cat) { $cats[] = $cat; if (isset($children[$cat['id']])) { foreach($children[$cat['id']] as $child) { $cats[] = $child; } } } } } $this->total_records = count($cats); // limit the number of returned rows if ($limit) { if (!is_int($limit)) $limit = (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs']; $cats = array_slice($cats,(int)$start,$limit); } reset($cats); // some old code (eg. sitemgr) relies on the array-pointer! return $cats; } /** * Read a category * * We use a shared cache together with id2name * * Data array get automatically unserialized, if it was serialized! * * @param int $id id of category * @return array|boolean array with cat-data or false if cat not found */ static function read($id) { if (!isset(self::$cache[$id])) return false; $cat = self::$cache[$id]; $cat['data'] = $cat['data'] ? ((($arr=unserialize($cat['data'])) !== false || $cat['data'] === 'b:0;') ? $arr : $cat['data']) : array(); return $cat; } /** * Add a category * * Owner and appname are set from the values used to instanciate the class! * * @param array $value cat-data * @return int new cat-id */ function add($values) { if ((int)$values['parent'] > 0) { $values['level'] = $this->id2name($values['parent'],'level')+1; $values['main'] = $this->id2name($values['parent'],'main'); } else { $values['level'] = 0; } $this->db->insert(self::TABLE,array( 'cat_parent' => $values['parent'], 'cat_owner' => isset($values['owner']) ? $values['owner'] : $this->account_id, 'cat_access' => isset($values['access']) ? $values['access'] : 'public', 'cat_appname' => $this->app_name, 'cat_name' => $values['name'], 'cat_description' => isset($values['description']) ? $values['description'] : $values['descr'], // support old name different from returned one 'cat_data' => is_array($values['data']) ? serialize($values['data']) : $values['data'], 'cat_main' => $values['main'], 'cat_level' => $values['level'], 'last_mod' => time(), ),(int)$values['id'] > 0 ? array('cat_id' => $values['id']) : array(),__LINE__,__FILE__); $id = (int)$values['id'] > 0 ? (int)$values['id'] : $this->db->get_last_insert_id(self::TABLE,'cat_id'); if (!(int)$values['parent'] && $id != $values['main']) { $this->db->update(self::TABLE,array('cat_main' => $id),array('cat_id' => $id),__LINE__,__FILE__); } // update cache accordingly self::invalidate_cache($id); return $id; } /** * Checks category permissions for a given list of commaseparated category ids * and truncates it by the ones the user does not have the requested permission on * * @param int $needed necessary ACL right: EGW_ACL_{READ|EDIT|DELETE} * @param string $cat_list commaseparated list of category ids * @return string truncated commaseparated list of category ids */ function check_list($needed, $cat_list) { if (empty($cat_list)) return $cat_list; $cat_arr = explode(',',$cat_list); if (!empty($cat_arr) && is_array($cat_arr) && count($cat_arr) > 0) { foreach($cat_arr as $id=>$cat_id) { if (!$this->check_perms($needed, $cat_id)) { unset($cat_arr[$id]); } } $cat_list = implode(',',$cat_arr); } return $cat_list; } /** * Checks if the current user has the necessary ACL rights * * If the access of a category is set to private, one needs a private grant for the application * * @param int $needed necessary ACL right: EGW_ACL_{READ|EDIT|DELETE} * @param mixed $category category as array or the category_id * @param boolean $no_acl_check=false if true, grants are NOT checked, gives access to all non-private categories of all users * @return boolean true permission granted, false for permission denied, null for category does not exist */ public function check_perms($needed, $category, $no_acl_check=false) { if (!is_array($category) && !($category = self::read($category))) { return null; } // The user for the global cats has id self::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT, this one has full access to all global cats if ($this->account_id == self::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT && ($category['appname'] == self::GLOBAL_APPNAME || $category['appname'] == $this->app_name && self::is_global($category))) { //echo "

".__METHOD__."($needed,$category[name]) access because class instanciated for GLOBAL ACCOUNT

\n"; return true; } // Read access to global categories if ($needed == EGW_ACL_READ && array_intersect(explode(',',$category['owner']),$this->global_owners) && ($category['appname'] == self::GLOBAL_APPNAME || $category['appname'] == $this->app_name)) { //echo "

".__METHOD__."($needed,$category[name]) access because global via memberships

\n"; return true; } // Full access to own categories if ($category['appname'] == $this->app_name && $category['owner'] == $this->account_id) { return true; } // if $no_acl_check is set, allow access to all public (non-private) categories if ($no_acl_check && $category['access'] == 'public' && $this->account_id != self::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT && $category['appname'] == $this->app_name) { return true; } // Load the application grants if ($category['appname'] == $this->app_name && is_null($this->grants)) { $this->grants = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_grants($this->app_name,true); } // Check for ACL granted access, the self::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT user must not get access by ACL to keep old behaviour $acl_grant = $this->account_id != self::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT && $category['appname'] == $this->app_name; $owner_grant = false; foreach(explode(',',$category['owner']) as $owner) { $owner_grant = $owner_grant || (($this->grants[$owner] & $needed) && ($category['access'] == 'public' || ($this->grants[$owner] & EGW_ACL_PRIVATE))); } return $acl_grant && $owner_grant; } /** * delete a category * * @param int $cat_id category id * @param boolean $drop_subs=false if true delete sub-cats too * @param boolean $modify_subs=false if true make the subs owned by the parent of $cat_id */ function delete($cat_id, $drop_subs = False, $modify_subs = False) { if ($modify_subs) { $new_parent = $this->id2name($cat_id,'parent'); foreach ((array) $this->return_sorted_array('',False,'','','',False, $cat_id) as $cat) { if ($cat['level'] == 1) { $this->db->update(self::TABLE,array( 'cat_level' => 0, 'cat_parent' => 0, 'cat_main' => $cat['id'], ),array( 'cat_id' => $cat['id'], 'cat_appname' => $this->app_name, ),__LINE__,__FILE__); $new_main = $cat['id']; } else { $update = array('cat_level' => $cat['level']-1); if ($new_main) $update['cat_main'] = $new_main; if ($cat['parent'] == $cat_id) $update['cat_parent'] = $new_parent; $this->db->update(self::TABLE,$update,array( 'cat_id' => $cat['id'], 'cat_appname' => $this->app_name, ),__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } if ($drop_subs) { $all_cats = $this->return_all_children($cat_id); $where = array("cat_id='".implode("' OR cat_id='", $all_cats)."'"); } else { $where['cat_id'] = $cat_id; } $where['cat_appname'] = $this->app_name; $GLOBALS['hook_values'] = array( 'cat_id' => $cat_id, 'cat_name' => self::id2name($cat_id), 'drop_subs' => $drop_subs, 'modify_subs' => $modify_subs, 'location' => 'delete_category' ); if($this->is_global($cat_id, true)) // true = application global (otherwise eg. global addressbook categories call all apps) { $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process($GLOBALS['hook_values'],False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones) } else { $GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->single($GLOBALS['hook_values'], self::id2name($cat_id,'appname')); } $this->db->delete(self::TABLE,$where,__LINE__,__FILE__); // update cache accordingly self::invalidate_cache($cat_id); } /** * adapt_level_in_subtree of a category * * Owner and appname are set from the values used to instanciate the class! * * @param array $values array with cat-data (it need to be complete, as everything get's written) * @return void */ function adapt_level_in_subtree($values) { foreach ((array) $this->return_sorted_array('',False,'','','',False, $values['id']) as $cat) { if ($cat['parent'] == $values['id']) { $this->db->update(self::TABLE,array( 'cat_level' => $values['level']+1, 'last_mod' => time(), ),array( 'cat_id' => $cat['id'], 'cat_appname' => $this->app_name, ),__LINE__,__FILE__); $cat['level'] = $values['level'] + 1; self::invalidate_cache($cat['id']); $this->adapt_level_in_subtree($cat); } else { continue; } } } /** * check_consistency4update - for edit * * @param array $values array with cat-data (it need to be complete, as everything get's written) * @return mixed string/boolean errorstring if consitency check failed / true if the consistency check did not fail */ function check_consistency4update($values) { // check if we try to move an element down its own subtree, which will fail foreach ($this->return_sorted_array('',False,'','','',False, $values['id']) as $cat) if ($cat['id'] == $values['parent']) return lang('Cannot set a category as parent, which is part of this categorys subtree!'); // check if we try to be our own parent if ($values['parent']==$values['id']) return lang('Cannot set this cat as its own parent!'); // deny to be our own parent // check if parent still exists if ((int)$values['parent']>0 && !$this->read($values['parent'])) return lang('Chosen parent category no longer exists'); return true; } /** * edit / update a category * * Owner and appname are set from the values used to instanciate the class! * * @param array $values array with cat-data (it need to be complete, as everything get's written) * @return int cat-id or false if it failed */ function edit($values) { if (isset($values['old_parent']) && (int)$values['old_parent'] != (int)$values['parent']) { $ret = $this->check_consistency4update($values); if ($ret !== true) throw new egw_exception_wrong_userinput($ret); // everything seems in order -> proceed $values['level'] = ($values['parent'] ? $this->id2name($values['parent'],'level')+1:0); $this->adapt_level_in_subtree($values); return $this->add($values); } else { //echo "old parent not set
"; if ($values['parent'] > 0) { $ret = $this->check_consistency4update($values); if ($ret !== true) throw new egw_exception_wrong_userinput($ret); // everything seems in order -> proceed $values['main'] = $this->id2name($values['parent'],'main'); $values['level'] = $this->id2name($values['parent'],'level') + 1; } else { //echo "new parent not set
"; $values['main'] = $values['id']; $values['level'] = 0; } // adapt the level info in each child $this->adapt_level_in_subtree($values); } $this->db->update(self::TABLE,array( 'cat_name' => $values['name'], 'cat_description' => isset($values['description']) ? $values['description'] : $values['descr'], // support old name different from the one read 'cat_data' => is_array($values['data']) ? serialize($values['data']) : $values['data'], 'cat_parent' => $values['parent'], 'cat_access' => $values['access'], 'cat_owner' => isset($values['owner']) ? $values['owner'] : $this->account_id, 'cat_main' => $values['main'], 'cat_level' => $values['level'], 'last_mod' => time(), ),array( 'cat_id' => $values['id'], 'cat_appname' => $this->app_name, ),__LINE__,__FILE__); // update cache accordingly self::invalidate_cache($values['id']); return (int)$values['id']; } /** * return category id for a given name * * Cat's with the given name are returned in this order: * - personal cats first * - then application global categories * - global categories * - cat's of other user * * @param string $cat_name cat-name * @param boolean|string $strip=false if true, strips 'X-' ($strip) from category names added by some SyncML clients * @return int cat-id or 0 if not found */ function name2id($cat_name, $strip=false) { static $cache = array(); // a litle bit of caching if (isset($cache[$cat_name])) return $cache[$cat_name]; if ($strip === true) { $strip = 'X-'; } $cats = array($cat_name); if ($strip && strncmp($strip, $cat_name, strlen($strip)) == 0) { $stripped_cat_name = substr($cat_name, strlen($strip)); if (isset($cache[$stripped_cat_name])) { $cache[$cat_name] = $cache[$stripped_cat_name]; return $cache[$stripped_cat_name]; } $cats[] = $stripped_cat_name; } if (!($cats = $this->return_array('all',0,false,'','','',true,null,-1,'',array( 'name' => $cats, 'appname' => array($this->app_name, self::GLOBAL_APPNAME), )))) { return 0; // cat not found, dont cache it, as it might be created in this request } if (count($cats) > 1) { // if more the one cat matches we weight them by: exact name match; own, global, other users cat; appplication cats foreach($cats as $k => $cat) { $cats[$k]['weight'] = 100 * ($cat['name'] == $cat_name) + 10 * ($cat['owner'] == $this->account_id ? 3 : ($cat['owner'] <= self::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT ? 2 : 1)) + ($cat['appname'] != self::GLOBAL_APPNAME); } // sort heighest weight to the top usort($cats,create_function('$a,$b',"return \$b['weight'] - \$a['weight'];")); } return $cache[$cat['cat_name']] = (int) $cats[0]['id']; } /** * Check if category is global (owner <= 0 || appname == 'phpgw') * * @param int|array $cat * @param boolean $application_global=false true check for application global categories only (appname == 'phpgw') * @return boolean */ static function is_global($cat,$application_global=false) { if (!is_array($cat) && !($cat = self::read($cat))) return null; // cat not found $global_owner = false; foreach(explode(',',$cat['owner']) as $owner) { $global_owner = $global_owner || $owner <= self::GLOBAL_ACCOUNT; } return $global_owner && !$application_global || $cat['appname'] == self::GLOBAL_APPNAME; } /** * return category information for a given id * * We use a shared cache together with read * $item == 'data' is returned as array (not serialized array)! * * @param int $cat_id=0 cat-id * @param string $item='name' requested information, 'path' = / delimited path of category names (incl. parents) * @return string information or '--' if not found or !$cat_id */ static function id2name($cat_id=0, $item='name') { if(!$cat_id) return '--'; if (!$item) $item = 'parent'; if (is_null(self::$cache)) self::init_cache(); $cat = self::$cache[$cat_id]; if ($item == 'path') { if ($cat['parent']) { return self::id2name($cat['parent'],'path').' / '.$cat['name']; } $item = 'name'; } if ($item == 'data') { return $cat['data'] ? unserialize($cat['data']) : array(); } elseif ($cat[$item]) { return $cat[$item]; } elseif ($item == 'name') { return '--'; } return null; } /** * check if a category id and/or name exists, if id AND name are given the check is for a category with same name and different id (!) * * @param string $type subs or mains * @param string $cat_name='' category name * @param int $cat_id=0 category id * @param int $parent=0 category id of parent * @return int/boolean cat_id or false if cat not exists */ function exists($type,$cat_name = '',$cat_id = 0,$parent = 0) { if ($cat_name) { $filter['name'] = $cat_name; if ($cat_id) $filter['id'] = '!'.(int)$cat_id; } elseif ($cat_id) { $filter['id'] = $cat_id; } if (!($cats = $this->return_array($type,0,false,'','','',true,$parent,-1,'id',$filter))) { $ret = false; } else { $ret = $cats[0]; } //error_log(__METHOD__."($type,$cat_name,$cat_id,$parent) = ".$ret); return $ret; } /** * Change the owner of all cats owned by $owner to $to OR deletes them if !$to * * @param int $owner owner or the cats to delete or change * @param int $to=0 new owner or 0 to delete the cats * @param string $app='' if given only cats matching $app are modifed/deleted */ function change_owner($owner,$to=0,$app='') { $where = array('cat_owner' => $owner); if ($app) $where['cat_appname'] = $app; if ((int)$to) { $this->db->update(self::TABLE,array('cat_owner' => $to),$where,__LINE__,__FILE__); } else { $this->db->delete(self::TABLE,$where,__LINE__,__FILE__); } // update cache accordingly self::invalidate_cache(); } /** * Initialise or restore the categories cache * * We use the default ordering of return_array to avoid doing it again there * * @param array &$cache=null cache content to restore it (from the egw-object) */ public static function &init_cache(&$cache=null) { if (!is_null($cache)) { //error_log(__METHOD__."() ".count($cache)." cats restored: ".function_backtrace()); return self::$cache =& $cache; } // check if we are already updated to global owner == 0, if not do it now if (!$GLOBALS['egw']->db->select(self::TABLE,'COUNT(*)',array('cat_owner'=>'0'),__LINE__,__FILE__)->fetchColumn()) { $GLOBALS['egw']->db->update(self::TABLE,array('cat_owner'=>'0'),"(cat_owner='-1' OR cat_appname='phpgw')",__LINE__,__FILE__); $GLOBALS['egw']->db->insert(self::TABLE,array( 'cat_main' => 0, 'cat_parent' => 0, 'cat_level' => 0, 'cat_owner' => 0, 'cat_appname' => '*update*', 'cat_name' => 'global=0', 'cat_description' => 'global=0', ),false,__LINE__,__FILE__); } self::$cache = array(); // read all cats (cant use $this->db!) foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->db->select(self::TABLE,'*',false,__LINE__,__FILE__, false,'ORDER BY cat_main, cat_level, cat_name ASC') as $cat) { $cat = egw_db::strip_array_keys($cat,'cat_'); if ($cat['appname'] == '*update*') continue; // --> ignore update marker $cat['app_name'] = $cat['appname']; // backlink children to their parent if ($cat['parent']) { self::$cache[$cat['parent']]['children'][] = $cat['id']; } if (isset(self::$cache[$cat['id']])) { $cat['children'] = self::$cache[$cat['id']]['children']; unset(self::$cache[$cat['id']]); // otherwise the order gets messed up! } self::$cache[$cat['id']] = $cat; } //error_log(__METHOD__."() cache initialised: ".function_backtrace()); return self::$cache; } /** * Invalidate the cache * * Currently we dont care for $cat_id, as changing cats happens very infrequently and * also changes child categories (!) * * @param int $cat_id concerned id or null for all cats */ public static function invalidate_cache($cat_id=null) { self::init_cache(); // we need to invalidate the whole session cache, as it stores our cache egw::invalidate_session_cache(); } /** ******************************** old / deprecated functions *********************************** */ /** * read a single category * * We use a shared cache together with id2name * * @deprecated use read($id) returning just the category array not an array with one element * @param int $id id of category * @return array|boolean array with one array of cat-data or false if cat not found */ static function return_single($id) { return isset(self::$cache[$id]) ? array(self::$cache[$id]) : false; } /** * return into a select box, list or other formats * * @param string/array $format string 'select' or 'list', or array with all params * @param string $type='' subs or mains * @param int/array $selected - cat_id or array with cat_id values * @param boolean $globals True or False, includes the global egroupware categories or not * @deprecated use html class to create selectboxes * @return string populated with categories */ function formatted_list($format,$type='',$selected = '',$globals = False,$site_link = 'site') { if(is_array($format)) { $type = ($format['type']?$format['type']:'all'); $selected = (isset($format['selected'])?$format['selected']:''); $self = (isset($format['self'])?$format['self']:''); $globals = (isset($format['globals'])?$format['globals']:True); $site_link = (isset($format['site_link'])?$format['site_link']:'site'); $format = $format['format'] ? $format['format'] : 'select'; } if (!is_array($selected)) { $selected = explode(',',$selected); } if ($type != 'all') { $cats = $this->return_array($type,0,False,'','','',$globals); } else { $cats = $this->return_sorted_array(0,False,'','','',$globals); } if (!$cats) return ''; if($self) { foreach($cats as $key => $cat) { if ($cat['id'] == $self) { unset($cats[$key]); } } } switch ($format) { case 'select': foreach($cats as $cat) { $s .= '' . "\n"; } break; case 'list': $space = '  '; $s = '' . "\n"; foreach($cats as $cat) { $image_set = ' '; if (in_array($cat['id'],$selected)) { $image_set = ''; } if (($cat['level'] == 0) && !in_array($cat['id'],$selected)) { $image_set = ''; } $space_set = str_repeat($space,$cat['level']); $s .= '' . "\n"; $s .= '' . "\n"; $s .= '' . "\n" . '' . "\n"; } $s .= '
' . $image_set . '' . $space_set . '' . $GLOBALS['egw']->strip_html($cat['name']) . '
' . "\n"; break; } return $s; } /** * return category name for a given id * * @deprecated This is only a temp wrapper, use id2name() to keep things matching across the board. (jengo) * @param int $cat_id * @return string cat_name category name */ function return_name($cat_id) { return $this->id2name($cat_id); } }