"FullName","FirstName" => "+, "); // // Also start with a '#' symbol and a comma separated list will be // turned into a number of the same entries. class export_conv { var $currentrecord = array(); //used for buffering to allow uid lines to go first var $id; //list of all id's var $ids = array(); var $type = 'ldif'; var $export = array( "id" => "uidnumber", "lid" => "uid", "tid" => "phpgwcontacttype", "owner" => "phpgwowner", "access" => "phpgwaccess", "fn" => "cn", // 'prefix given middle family suffix' "n_given" => "givenname", // firstname "n_family" => "sn", // lastname "n_middle" => "middlename", "n_prefix" => "prefix", "n_suffix" => "suffix", "sound" => "audio", "bday" => "birthday", "note" => "description", "tz" => "tz", "geo" => "geo", "url" => "url", "pubkey" => "publickey", "org_name" => "o", // company "org_unit" => "ou", // division "title" => "title", "adr_one_street" => "streetaddress", "adr_one_locality" => "locality", "adr_one_region" => "st", "adr_one_postalcode" => "postalcode", "adr_one_countryname" => "countryname", "adr_one_type" => "phpgwadronetype", // address is domestic/intl/postal/parcel/work/home "label" => "phpgwaddresslabel", // address label "adr_two_street" => "phpgwadrtwostreet", "adr_two_locality" => "phpgwadrtwolocality", "adr_two_region" => "phpgwadrtworegion", "adr_two_postalcode" => "phpgwadrtwopostalcode", "adr_two_countryname" => "phpgwadrtwocountryname", "adr_two_type" => "phpgwadrtwotype", // address is domestic/intl/postal/parcel/work/home "tel_work" => "telephonenumber", "tel_home" => "homephone", "tel_voice" => "voicetelephonenumber", "tel_fax" => "facsimiletelephonenumber", "tel_msg" => "msgtelephonenumber", "tel_cell" => "cellphone", "tel_pager" => "pagertelephonenumber", "tel_bbs" => "bbstelephonenumber", "tel_modem" => "modemtelephonenumber", "tel_car" => "mobiletelephonenumber", "tel_isdn" => "isdnphonenumber", "tel_video" => "videophonenumber", "tel_prefer" => "preferphone", // home, work, voice, etc "email" => "mail", "email_type" => "mailtype", //'INTERNET','CompuServe',etc... "email_home" => "mailhome", "email_home_type" => "mailhometype" //'INTERNET','CompuServe',etc... ); // This will store the contacts object var $contacts = ''; // Read full list of user's contacts only to get id's for each function export_start_file($buffer,$ncat_id='') { $this->id=-1; if ($ncat_id) { $filter = "tid=n,cat_id=".$ncat_id; } else { $filter = "tid=n"; } $this->contacts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.contacts'); $tmp = $this->contacts->read('','',array('id'=>'id'),'',$filter); for ($i=0;$iids[$i] = $tmp[$i]['id']; } // $ids is now an array of all id's for this user, e.g. $ids[0] = 21, etc... // $buffer is still empty return $buffer; } // Read each entry function export_start_record($buffer) { $this->id++; $top = $this->contacts->read_single_entry($this->ids[$this->id],$this->qfields); $this->currentrecord = $top[0]; return $buffer; } // Read each attribute, populate buffer // name/value are the fields from the export array above function export_new_attrib($buffer,$name,$value) { if ($this->export[$name] && ($value != "") ) { $buffer[$this->id][$this->export[$name]] = $value; //echo '
'.$this->id.' - '.$this->export[$name].': '.$buffer[$this->id][$this->export[$name]]; } return $buffer; } // Tack on some extra values function export_end_record($buffer) { global $phpgw_info; if ($phpgw_info['server']['ldap_contact_context']) { $context = $phpgw_info['server']['ldap_contact_context']; } $time = gettimeofday(); $cn = ereg_replace(',','',$buffer[$this->id]["cn"]); $buffer[$this->id]["dn"] = 'uid='.time().$time["usec"].":".$cn.','.$context; $buffer[$this->id]["uid"] = time().$time["usec"]; if ($buffer[$this->id]['cn']) { $buffer[$this->id]["uid"] .= ":".$buffer[$this->id]['cn']; } $buffer[$this->id]["description"] = ereg_replace("\r\n",';',$buffer[$this->id]["description"]); //echo '
'.$this->id.' - '.$buffer[$this->id]['dn']; return $buffer; } function export_end_file($buffer) { reset($this->ids); for ($i=0;$iids);$i++) { $entries .= 'dn: '.$buffer[$i]['dn'] . "\n"; reset($this->export); while (list($name,$value)=each($this->export)) { if (($value != 'dn') && !empty($buffer[$i][$value])) { $tmp = ereg_replace(',','',$buffer[$i][$value]); $entries .= $value . ": " . $tmp . "\n"; } } $entries .= "objectClass: person\n"; $entries .= "objectClass: organizationalPerson\n"; $entries .= "objectClass: inetOrgPerson\n"; $entries .= "objectClass: phpgwContact\n"; $entries .= "\n"; } $buffer = $entries; return $buffer; } } ?>