/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Grid object * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Andreas Stöckel * @copyright Stylite 2011 * @version $Id$ */ /*egw:uses /vendor/bower-asset/jquery/dist/jquery.js; et2_core_DOMWidget; et2_core_xml; */ import './et2_core_common'; import './et2_core_interfaces'; import {et2_register_widget, et2_widget, WidgetConfig} from "./et2_core_widget"; import {ClassWithAttributes} from "./et2_core_inheritance"; import {et2_action_object_impl, et2_DOMWidget} from "./et2_core_DOMWidget"; import '../egw_action/egw_action.js'; /** * Class which implements the "grid" XET-Tag * * This also includes repeating the last row in the grid and filling * it with content data * * @augments et2_DOMWidget */ export class et2_grid extends et2_DOMWidget implements et2_IDetachedDOM, et2_IAligned, et2_IResizeable { static readonly _attributes : any = { // Better to use CSS, no need to warn about it "border": { "ignore": true }, "align": { "name": "Align", "type": "string", "default": "left", "description": "Position of this element in the parent hbox" }, "spacing": { "ignore": true }, "padding": { "ignore": true }, "sortable": { "name": "Sortable callback", "type": "string", "default": et2_no_init, "description": "PHP function called when user sorts the grid. Setting this enables sorting the grid rows. The callback will be passed the ID of the grid and the new order of the rows." }, sortable_containment: { name: "Sortable bounding area", type: "string", default: "", description: "Defines bounding area for sortable items" }, sortable_connectWith: { name: "Sortable connectWith element", type: "string", default: "", description: "Defines other sortable areas that should be connected to sort list" }, sortable_placeholder: { name: "Sortable placeholder", type: "string", default: "", description: "Defines sortable placeholder" }, sortable_cancel: { name: "Sortable cancel class", type: "string", default: "", description: "Defines sortable cancel which prevents sorting the matching element" }, sortable_recieveCallback: { name: "Sortable receive callback", type: "js", default: et2_no_init, description: "Defines sortable receive callback function" }, sortable_startCallback: { name: "Sortable start callback", type: "js", default: et2_no_init, description: "Defines sortable start callback function" } }; private table: JQuery; private thead: JQuery; private tfoot: JQuery; private tbody: JQuery; // Counters for rows and columns private rowCount: number = 0; private columnCount: number = 0; // 2D-Array which holds references to the DOM td tags private cells = []; private rowData = []; private colData = []; private managementArray = []; // Keep the template node for later regeneration private template_node = null; // Wrapper div for height & overflow, if needed private wrapper = null; private lastRowNode: null; /** * Constructor * * @memberOf et2_grid */ constructor(_parent, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object) { // Call the parent constructor super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_grid._attributes, _child || {})); // Create the table body and the table this.table = jQuery(document.createElement("table")) .addClass("et2_grid"); this.thead = jQuery(document.createElement("thead")) .appendTo(this.table); this.tfoot = jQuery(document.createElement("tfoot")) .appendTo(this.table); this.tbody = jQuery(document.createElement("tbody")) .appendTo(this.table); } _initCells(_colData : ColumnEntry[], _rowData : RowEntry[]) { // Copy the width and height const w = _colData.length; const h = _rowData.length; // Create the 2D-Cells array const cells = new Array(h); for (let y = 0; y < h; y++) { cells[y] = new Array(w); // Initialize the cell description objects for (let x = 0; x < w; x++) { // Some columns (nm) we do not parse into a boolean const col_disabled = _colData[x].disabled; cells[y][x] = { "td": null, "widget": null, "colData": _colData[x], "rowData": _rowData[y], "disabled": col_disabled || _rowData[y].disabled, "class": _colData[x]["class"], "colSpan": 1, "autoColSpan": false, "rowSpan": 1, "autoRowSpan": false, "width": _colData[x].width, "x": x, "y": y }; } } return cells; } _getColDataEntry() : ColumnEntry { return { width: "auto", class: "", align: "", span: "1", disabled: false }; } _getRowDataEntry() : RowEntry { return { height: "auto", class: "", valign: "top", span: "1", disabled: false }; } _getCell(_cells, _x, _y) { if ((0 <= _y) && (_y < _cells.length)) { const row = _cells[_y]; if ((0 <= _x) && (_x < row.length)) { return row[_x]; } } throw("Error while accessing grid cells, invalid element count or span value!"); } _forceNumber(_val) { if (isNaN(_val)) { throw(_val + " is not a number!"); } return parseInt(_val); } _fetchRowColData(columns, rows, colData : ColumnEntry[], rowData : RowEntry[]) { // Some things cannot be done inside a nextmatch - nm will do the expansion later var nm = false; let widget: et2_widget = this; while(!nm && widget != this.getRoot()) { nm = (widget.getType() == 'nextmatch'); widget = widget.getParent(); } // Parse the columns tag et2_filteredNodeIterator(columns, function(node, nodeName) { const colDataEntry = this._getColDataEntry(); // This cannot be done inside a nm, it will expand it later colDataEntry["disabled"] = nm ? et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "disabled", "") : this.getArrayMgr("content") .parseBoolExpression(et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "disabled", "")); if (nodeName == "column") { colDataEntry["width"] = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "width", "auto"); colDataEntry["class"] = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "class", ""); colDataEntry["align"] = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "align", ""); colDataEntry["span"] = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "span", "1"); // Keep any others attributes set, there's no 'column' widget for(let i in node.attributes) { const attr = node.attributes[i]; if(attr.nodeType == 2 && typeof colDataEntry[attr.nodeName] == 'undefined') { colDataEntry[attr.nodeName] = attr.value; } } } else { colDataEntry["span"] = "all"; } colData.push(colDataEntry); }, this); // Parse the rows tag et2_filteredNodeIterator(rows, function(node, nodeName) { const rowDataEntry = this._getRowDataEntry(); rowDataEntry["disabled"] = this.getArrayMgr("content") .parseBoolExpression(et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "disabled", "")); if (nodeName == "row") { // Remember this row for auto-repeat - it'll eventually be the last one this.lastRowNode = node; rowDataEntry["height"] = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "height", "auto"); rowDataEntry["class"] = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "class", ""); rowDataEntry["valign"] = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "valign", ""); rowDataEntry["span"] = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "span", "1"); rowDataEntry["part"] = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "part", "body"); const id = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, "id", ""); if(id) { rowDataEntry["id"] = id; } } else { rowDataEntry["span"] = "all"; } rowData.push(rowDataEntry); }, this); // Add in repeated rows // TODO: It would be nice if we could skip header (thead) & footer (tfoot) or treat them separately let rowIndex = Infinity; if(this.getArrayMgr("content")) { const content = this.getArrayMgr("content"); var rowDataEntry = rowData[rowData.length-1]; rowIndex = rowData.length-1; // Find out if we have any content rows, and how many let cont = true; while(cont) { if(content.data[rowIndex]) { rowData[rowIndex] = jQuery.extend({}, rowDataEntry); rowIndex++; } else if (this.lastRowNode != null) { // Have to look through actual widgets to support const[$row] // style names - should be avoided so we can remove this extra check // Old etemplate checked first two widgets, or first two box children // This cannot be done inside a nextmatch - nm will do the expansion later var nm = false; if(nm) { // No further checks for repeated rows break; } // Not in a nextmatch, so we can expand with abandon const currentPerspective = jQuery.extend({}, content.perspectiveData); const check = function (node, nodeName) { if (nodeName == 'box' || nodeName == 'hbox' || nodeName == 'vbox') { return et2_filteredNodeIterator(node, check, this); } content.perspectiveData.row = rowIndex; for (let attr in node.attributes) { const value = et2_readAttrWithDefault(node, node.attributes[attr].name, ""); // Don't include first char, those should be handled by normal means // and it would break nextmatch if (value.indexOf('@') > 0 || value.indexOf('$') > 0) { // Ok, we found something. How many? Check for values. let ident = content.expandName(value); // expandName() handles index into content (@), but we have to look up // regular values if (value[0] != '@') { // Returns null if there isn't an actual value ident = content.getEntry(ident, false, true); } while (ident != null && rowIndex < 1000) { rowData[rowIndex] = jQuery.extend({}, rowDataEntry); content.perspectiveData.row = ++rowIndex; ident = content.expandName(value); if (value[0] != '@') { // Returns null if there isn't an actual value ident = content.getEntry(ident, false, true); } } if (rowIndex >= 1000) { egw.debug("error", "Problem in autorepeat fallback: too many rows for '%s'. Use a nextmatch, or start debugging.", value); } return; } } }; et2_filteredNodeIterator(this.lastRowNode, check,this); cont = false; content.perspectiveData = currentPerspective; } else { // No more rows, stop break; } } } if(rowIndex <= rowData.length - 1) { // No auto-repeat this.lastRowNode = null; } } _fillCells(cells, columns : object[], rows : object[]) { const h = cells.length; const w = (h > 0) ? cells[0].length : 0; const currentPerspective = jQuery.extend({}, this.getArrayMgr("content").perspectiveData); // Read the elements inside the columns let x = 0; et2_filteredNodeIterator(columns, function(node, nodeName) { function _readColNode(node, nodeName) { if (y >= h) { this.egw().debug("warn", "Skipped grid cell in column, '" + nodeName + "'"); return; } const cell = this._getCell(cells, x, y); // Read the span value of the element if (node.getAttribute("span")) { cell.rowSpan = node.getAttribute("span"); } else { cell.rowSpan = cell.colData["span"]; cell.autoRowSpan = true; } if (cell.rowSpan == "all") { cell.rowSpan = cells.length; } const span = cell.rowSpan = this._forceNumber(cell.rowSpan); // Create the widget const widget = this.createElementFromNode(node, nodeName); // Fill all cells the widget is spanning for (let i = 0; i < span && y < cells.length; i++, y++) { this._getCell(cells, x, y).widget = widget; } } // If the node is a column, create the widgets which belong into // the column var y = 0; if (nodeName == "column") { et2_filteredNodeIterator(node, _readColNode, this); } else { _readColNode.call(this, node, nodeName); } x++; }, this); // Read the elements inside the rows var y = 0; x = 0; let readRowNode; let nm = false; var widget : et2_widget = this; while(!nm && widget != this.getRoot()) { nm = (widget.getType() == 'nextmatch'); widget = widget.getParent(); } et2_filteredNodeIterator(rows, function(node, nodeName) { readRowNode = function _readRowNode(node, nodeName) { if (x >= w) { if(nodeName != "description") { // Only notify it skipping other than description, // description used to pad this.egw().debug("warn", "Skipped grid cell in row, '" + nodeName + "'"); } return; } let cell = this._getCell(cells, x, y); // Read the span value of the element if (node.getAttribute("span")) { cell.colSpan = node.getAttribute("span"); } else { cell.colSpan = cell.rowData["span"]; cell.autoColSpan = true; } if (cell.colSpan == "all") { cell.colSpan = cells[y].length; } const span = cell.colSpan = this._forceNumber(cell.colSpan); // Read the align value of the element if (node.getAttribute("align")) { cell.align = node.getAttribute("align"); } // store id of nextmatch-*headers, so it is available for disabled widgets, which get not instanciated if (nodeName.substr(0, 10) == 'nextmatch-') { cell.nm_id = node.getAttribute('id'); } // Apply widget's class to td, for backward compatability if(node.getAttribute("class")) { cell.class += (cell.class ? " " : "") + node.getAttribute("class"); } // Create the element if(!cell.disabled || cell.disabled && typeof cell.disabled === 'string') { //Skip if it is a nextmatch while the nextmatch handles row adjustment by itself if(!nm) { // Adjust for the row const mgrs = this.getArrayMgrs(); for(let name in mgrs) { this.getArrayMgr(name).perspectiveData.row = y; } if(this._getCell(cells, x, y).rowData.id) { this._getCell(cells, x, y).rowData.id = this.getArrayMgr("content").expandName(this._getCell(cells, x, y).rowData.id); } if(this._getCell(cells, x, y).rowData.class) { this._getCell(cells, x, y).rowData.class = this.getArrayMgr("content").expandName(this._getCell(cells, x, y).rowData.class); } } if(!nm && typeof cell.disabled === 'string') { cell.disabled = this.getArrayMgr("content").parseBoolExpression(cell.disabled); } if(nm || !cell.disabled) { var widget = this.createElementFromNode(node, nodeName); } } // Fill all cells the widget is spanning for (let i = 0; i < span && x < cells[y].length; i++, x++) { cell = this._getCell(cells, x, y); if (cell.widget == null) { cell.widget = widget; } else { throw("Grid cell collision, two elements " + "defined for cell (" + x + "," + y + ")!"); } } }; // If the node is a row, create the widgets which belong into // the row x = 0; if(this.lastRowNode && node == this.lastRowNode) { return; } if (nodeName == "row") { // Adjust for the row for(var name in this.getArrayMgrs()) { //this.getArrayMgr(name).perspectiveData.row = y; } let cell = this._getCell(cells, x,y); if(cell.rowData.id) { this.getArrayMgr("content").expandName(cell.rowData.id); } // If row disabled, just skip it let disabled = false; if(node.getAttribute("disabled") == "1") { disabled = true; } if(!disabled) { et2_filteredNodeIterator(node, readRowNode, this); } } else { readRowNode.call(this, node, nodeName); } y++; }, this); // Extra content rows for(y; y < h; y++) { x = 0; et2_filteredNodeIterator(this.lastRowNode, readRowNode, this); } // Reset for(var name in this.getArrayMgrs()) { this.getArrayMgr(name).perspectiveData = currentPerspective; } } _expandLastCells(_cells) { const h = _cells.length; const w = (h > 0) ? _cells[0].length : 0; // Determine the last cell in each row and expand its span value if // the span has not been explicitly set. for (var y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (var x = w - 1; x >= 0; x--) { var cell = _cells[y][x]; if (cell.widget != null) { if (cell.autoColSpan) { cell.colSpan = w - x; } break; } } } // Determine the last cell in each column and expand its span value if // the span has not been explicitly set. for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) { for (var y = h - 1; y >= 0; y--) { var cell = _cells[y][x]; if (cell.widget != null) { if (cell.autoRowSpan) { cell.rowSpan = h - y; } break; } } } } _createNamespace() : boolean { return true; } /** * As the does not fit very well into the default widget structure, we're * overwriting the loadFromXML function and doing a two-pass reading - * in the first step the * * @param {object} _node xml node to process */ loadFromXML(_node ) { // Keep the node for later changing / reloading this.template_node = _node; // Get the columns and rows tag const rowsElems = et2_directChildrenByTagName(_node, "rows"); const columnsElems = et2_directChildrenByTagName(_node, "columns"); if (rowsElems.length == 1 && columnsElems.length == 1) { const columns = columnsElems[0]; const rows = rowsElems[0]; const colData: ColumnEntry[] = []; const rowData: RowEntry[] = []; // Fetch the column and row data this._fetchRowColData(columns, rows, colData, rowData); // Initialize the cells const cells = this._initCells(colData, rowData); // Create the widgets inside the cells and read the span values this._fillCells(cells, columns, rows); // Expand the span values of the last cells this._expandLastCells(cells); // Create the table rows this.createTableFromCells(cells, colData, rowData); } else { throw("Error while parsing grid, none or multiple rows or columns tags!"); } } createTableFromCells(_cells, _colData: any[], _rowData: any[]) { this.managementArray = []; this.cells = _cells; this.colData = _colData; this.rowData = _rowData; // Set the rowCount and columnCount variables const h = this.rowCount = _cells.length; const w = this.columnCount = (h > 0) ? _cells[0].length : 0; // Create the table rows. for (let y = 0; y < h; y++) { let parent = this.tbody; switch(this.rowData[y]["part"]) { case 'header': if (!this.tbody.children().length && !this.tfoot.children().length) { parent = this.thead; } break; case 'footer': if (!this.tbody.children().length) { parent = this.tfoot; } break; } const tr = jQuery(document.createElement("tr")).appendTo(parent) .addClass(this.rowData[y]["class"]); if (this.rowData[y].disabled) { tr.hide(); } if (this.rowData[y].height != "auto") { tr.height(this.rowData[y].height); } if (this.rowData[y].valign) { tr.attr("valign", this.rowData[y].valign); } if(this.rowData[y].id) { tr.attr("id", this.rowData[y].id); } // Create the cells. x is incremented by the colSpan value of the // cell. for (let x = 0; x < w;) { // Fetch a cell from the cells const cell = this._getCell(_cells, x, y); if (cell.td == null && cell.widget != null) { // Create the cell const td = jQuery(document.createElement("td")).appendTo(tr) .addClass(cell["class"]); if (cell.disabled) { td.hide(); cell.widget.options.disabled = cell.disabled; } if (cell.width != "auto") { td.width(cell.width); } if (cell.align) { td.attr("align",cell.align); } // Add the entry for the widget to the management array this.managementArray.push({ "cell": td[0], "widget": cell.widget, "disabled": cell.disabled }); // Set the span values of the cell const cs = (x == w - 1) ? w - x : Math.min(w - x, cell.colSpan); const rs = (y == h - 1) ? h - y : Math.min(h - y, cell.rowSpan); // Set the col and row span values if (cs > 1) { td.attr("colspan", cs); } if (rs > 1) { td.attr("rowspan", rs); } // Assign the td to the cell for (let sx = x; sx < x + cs; sx++) { for (let sy = y; sy < y + rs; sy++) { this._getCell(_cells, sx, sy).td = td; } } x += cell.colSpan; } else { x++; } } } } getDOMNode(_sender?) : HTMLElement | null { // If the parent class functions are asking for the DOM-Node, return the // outer table. if (_sender == this || typeof _sender == 'undefined') { return this.wrapper != null ? this.wrapper[0] : this.table[0]; } // Check whether the _sender object exists inside the management array for (let i = 0; i < this.managementArray.length; i++) { if (this.managementArray[i].widget == _sender) { return this.managementArray[i].cell; } } return null; } isInTree(_sender?:et2_widget) : boolean { let vis = true; if (typeof _sender != "undefined" && _sender != this) { vis = false; // Check whether the _sender object exists inside the management array for (let i = 0; i < this.managementArray.length; i++) { if (this.managementArray[i].widget == _sender) { vis = !(typeof this.managementArray[i].disabled === 'boolean' ? this.managementArray[i].disabled : this.getArrayMgr("content").parseBoolExpression(this.managementArray[i].disabled) ); break; } } } return super.isInTree(this, vis); } /** * Set the overflow attribute * * Grid needs special handling because HTML tables don't do overflow. We * create a wrapper DIV to handle it. * No value or default visible needs no wrapper, as table is always overflow visible. * * @param {string} _value Overflow value, must be a valid CSS overflow value, default 'visible' */ set_overflow(_value: string) { let wrapper = this.wrapper || this.table.parent('[id$="_grid_wrapper"]'); this.overflow = _value; if(wrapper.length == 0 && _value && _value !== 'visible') { this.wrapper = wrapper = this.table.wrap('
').parent(); if(this.height) { wrapper.css('height', this.height); } } wrapper.css('overflow', _value); if(wrapper.length && (!_value || _value === 'visible')) { this.table.unwrap(); } } /** * Change the content for the grid, and re-generate its contents. * * Changing the content does not allow changing the structure of the grid, * as that is loaded from the template file. The rows and widgets inside * will be re-created (including auto-repeat). * * @param {Object} _value New data for the grid * @param {Object} [_value.content] New content * @param {Object} [_value.sel_options] New select options * @param {Object} [_value.readonlys] New read-only values */ set_value(_value : {content? : object, sel_options? : object, readonlys? : object}) { // Destroy children, empty grid for(let i = 0; i < this.managementArray.length; i++) { const cell = this.managementArray[i]; if(cell.widget) { cell.widget.destroy(); } } this.managementArray = []; this.thead.empty(); this.tfoot.empty(); this.tbody.empty(); // Update array managers for(let key in _value) { this.getArrayMgr(key).data = _value[key]; } // Rebuild grid this.loadFromXML(this.template_node); // New widgets need to finish let promises = []; this.loadingFinished(promises); } /** * Sortable allows you to reorder grid rows using the mouse. * The new order is returned as part of the value of the * grid, in 'sort_order'. * * @param {boolean|function} sortable Callback or false to disable */ set_sortable(sortable: boolean | Function) { if(!sortable) { this.tbody.sortable("destroy"); return; } // Make sure rows have IDs, so sortable has something to return jQuery('tr', this.tbody).each(function(index) { const $this = jQuery(this); // Header does not participate in sorting if($this.hasClass('th')) return; // If row doesn't have an ID, assign the index as ID if(!$this.attr("id")) $this.attr("id", index); }); const self = this; // Set up sortable this.tbody.sortable({ // Header does not participate in sorting items: "tr:not(.th)", distance: 15, cancel: this.options.sortable_cancel, placeholder: this.options.sortable_placeholder, containment: this.options.sortable_containment, connectWith: this.options.sortable_connectWith, update: function(event, ui) { self.egw().json(sortable,[self.tbody.sortable("toArray"), self.id], null, self, true ).sendRequest(); }, receive: function (event, ui) { if (typeof self.options.sortable_recieveCallback == 'function') { self.options.sortable_recieveCallback.call(self, event,ui); } }, start: function (event, ui) { if (typeof self.options.sortable_startCallback == 'function') { self.options.sortable_startCallback.call(self, event,ui); } } }); } /** * Override parent to apply actions on each row * * @param {array} actions [ {ID: attributes..}+] as for set_actions */ _link_actions(actions : object[]) { // Get the top level element for the tree // @ts-ignore let objectManager = window.egw_getAppObjectManager(true); objectManager = objectManager.getObjectById(this.getInstanceManager().uniqueId,2) || objectManager; let widget_object = objectManager.getObjectById(this.id); if (widget_object == null) { // Add a new container to the object manager which will hold the widget // objects widget_object = objectManager.insertObject(false, new egwActionObject( this.id, objectManager, new et2_action_object_impl(this).getAOI(), this._actionManager || objectManager.manager.getActionById(this.id) || objectManager.manager )); } // Delete all old objects widget_object.clear(); // Go over the widget & add links - this is where we decide which actions are // 'allowed' for this widget at this time const action_links = this._get_action_links(actions); // Deal with each row in tbody, ignore action-wise rows in thead or tfooter for now let i = 0, r = 0; for(; i < this.rowData.length; i++) { if (this.rowData[i].part != 'body') continue; const content = this.getArrayMgr('content').getEntry(i); if(content) { // Add a new action object to the object manager const row = jQuery('tr', this.tbody)[r]; const aoi = new et2_action_object_impl(this, row).getAOI(); const obj = widget_object.addObject(content.id || "row_" + r, aoi); // Set the data to the content so it's available for the action obj.data = content; obj.updateActionLinks(action_links); } r++; } } /** * Code for implementing et2_IDetachedDOM * This doesn't need to be implemented. * Individual widgets are detected and handled by the grid, but the interface is needed for this to happen * * @param {array} _attrs array to add further attributes to */ getDetachedAttributes(_attrs) { } getDetachedNodes() { return [this.getDOMNode()]; } setDetachedAttributes(_nodes, _values) { } /** * Generates nextmatch column name for headers in a grid * * Implemented here as default implementation in et2_externsion_nextmatch * only considers children, but grid does NOT instanciate disabled rows as children. * * @return {string} */ _getColumnName() { const ids = []; for(let r=0; r < this.cells.length; ++r) { const cols = this.cells[r]; for(let c=0; c < cols.length; ++c) { if (cols[c].nm_id) ids.push(cols[c].nm_id); } } return ids.join('_'); } resize (_height) { if (typeof this.options != 'undefined' && _height && typeof this.options.resize_ratio != 'undefined' && this.options.resize_ratio) { // apply the ratio _height = (this.options.resize_ratio != '')? _height * this.options.resize_ratio: _height; if (_height != 0) { if (this.wrapper) { this.wrapper.height(this.wrapper.height() + _height); } else { this.table.height(this.table.height() + _height ); } } } } /** * Get a dummy row object containing all widget of a row * * This is only a temp. solution until rows are implemented as eT2 containers and * _sender.getParent() will return a real row container. * * @deprecated Not used? Remove this if you find something using it * * @param {et2_widget} _sender * @returns {Array|undefined} */ getRow(_sender : et2_widget) : et2_widget { if (!_sender || !this.cells) return; for(let r=0; r < this.cells.length; ++r) { const row = this.cells[r]; for(var c=0; c < row.length; ++c) { if (!row[c].widget) continue; let found = row[c].widget === _sender; if (!found) row[c].widget.iterateOver(function(_widget) {if (_widget === _sender) found = true;}); if (found) { // return a fake row object allowing to iterate over it's children const row_obj: et2_widget = new et2_widget(this, {}); for(var c=0; c < row.length; ++c) { if (row[c].widget) row_obj.addChild(row[c].widget); } row_obj.isInTree = jQuery.proxy(this.isInTree, this); // we must not free the children! row_obj.destroy = function(){ // @ts-ignore delete row_obj._children; }; return row_obj; } } } } /** * Needed for the align interface, but we're not doing anything with it... */ get_align(): string { return ""; } } et2_register_widget(et2_grid, ["grid"]); interface ColumnEntry { id? : string, width: string | number, // 'auto' class: string, // "", align: string, // "", span: string | number // "1", disabled: boolean // false } interface RowEntry { id? : string height: string | number, // "auto", class: string, // "", valign: string, // "top", span: string | number, // "1", disabled: boolean // false }