vfs_dav: WebDAV support for phpGroupWare

WARNING::This is still alpha-quality code, and may delete all your files,
corrupt all your data, and run away with your daughter.  Dont use it unless
you know what your doing.

This package contains classes and patches implementing a virtual filesystem
for phpGroupWare (0.9.14) that uses a WebDAV file repository as a
storage area.  This allows you to store your files online in phpgroupware,
in a way that cooperates well with other web applications (for instance,
in Windows you can then access your files as a "web folder", and similarly
KDE, Gnome, MacOSX, and a multitude of applications all include some way of
browsing files on a WebDAV share)

-	(should be) fully compatible with the WebDAV standard, as specified in
	RFC2518	http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2518.txt (NB : this doesn't imply that it
	is :) only that I consider it a bug if it isn't )
-	Maps vfs properties (eg creator_id etc) to the Dublin Core metadata 
	specification (http://dublincore.org/) (eg "author") where possible, and
	stores them as DAV properties
-	Limited Access control support - when you create a dir in groupware, it
	puts a .htaccess file in it with "limit user <username>" in it.  Combined
	with an Apache module authenticating against your phpgroupware account 
	database, this provides reasonable user-security (proper ACL support is
	trickier to implement though :(

-	DELTA-V versioning extensions, using the subversion DELTA-V server
-	Journalling -> Versioning.  Journalling is currently unimplemented
-	Locking (phpGroupWare doesn't really have any locking mechanism yet)
-	ACL support for users accessing through an external webdav client.

To install:

1/	Setup a WebDAV server - currently this code has only been well tested using
	Apache's mod_dav (http://www.webdav.org/mod_dav/).  To setup mod_dav ensure 
	that you have the module installed correctly ( RTFM :) and create a virtual
	host (eg files.yourdomain.com) something like this:
		<VirtualHost files.yourdomain.com:80>
			AccessFileName .htaccess
			ServerAdmin webmaster@yourdomain.com
			DocumentRoot /var/files
			<Location />
				AllowOverride All
				Options +Indexes
				DAV on
				DirectoryIndex /
				RemoveHandler .php .php4 .php3 .phtml
			<Files ~ "^\.ht">
				#This ensures phpgroupware can modify .htaccess files
				order deny,allow
				deny from all
				#make sure your phpgroupware server is included here.
				allow from localhost .localdomain 192.168. 
			ServerName files.yourdomain.com
			ErrorLog logs/dav_err
			CustomLog logs/dav_acc combined
2/	On the setup page (phpgroupware/setup/config.php) specify
	the WebDAV server URL (eg http://files.yourdomain.com ) in the: "Full path 
	for users and groups files" text area, and select DAV in:
	"Select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information"
	combo.  If your file repository supports SSL you might want to enter 
	'https://files.yourdomain.com' instead - note that phpGroupWare itself wont
	use SSL to access the repository, but when it redirects the users browser to 
	the repository it will use the secure https url.
3/	Make sure your WebDAV repository contains a "home" directory (important!)
	So if your WebDAV directory is /var/files, you would need:

4/	To enable authentication you must use a third-party Apache authentication
	module.  Which you use depends on how you have setup authentication in
	phpGroupWare - for instance if you use an SQL DB (the default) then set up
	mod_auth_pgsql (http://www.giuseppetanzilli.it/mod_auth_pgsql/) or
	mod_auth_mysql (http://modauthmysql.sourceforge.net/)
	An example .htaccess file is included for postgresql - mysql would be 
	similar. Your file repository also needs to be configured to allow 
	phpGroupWare to write .htaccess files (the setup in (3) will allow this)

	Note that using an Apache module for authentication is not strictly
	required in order to use WebDAV within phpGroupWare.

Jonathon Sim <sim@zeald.com> for Zeald Ltd (http://zeald.com), Paolo Andreetto 
<paolo@prosa.it>.  Also contains code from the Net_HTTP_Client PHP class 
(http://lwest.free.fr/doc/php/lib/net_http_client-en.html) by Leo West 

By using this software you agree to the terms of the GNU LGPL: this is the same
license that the phpGroupWare API is distributed under:

Copyright (C) 2002 Zeald Ltd.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
or any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA