#!/usr/bin/php -qC checkout-build-archives.php must NOT be called as web-page --> exiting !!!'); } date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin'); // to get ride of 5.3 warnings $verbose = 0; $config = array( 'packagename' => 'eGroupware', 'version' => 'trunk', // '1.6' 'packaging' => date('Ymd'), // '001' 'egwdir' => 'egroupware', 'svndir' => '/tmp/build_root/egw_buildroot-svn', 'egw_buildroot' => '/tmp/build_root/egw_buildroot', 'sourcedir' => '~/rpm/SOURCES', 'svnbase' => 'http://svn.egroupware.org/egroupware', 'svnbranch' => 'trunk', // 'branches/1.6' or 'tags/1.6.001' 'svnalias' => 'aliases/default', // default alias 'aliasdir' => 'egroupware', // directory created by the alias 'extra' => array('egw-pear','gallery','mydms','icalsrv'), 'types' => array('tar.bz2','tar.gz','zip'), 'svn' => '/usr/bin/svn', 'clamscan' => '/usr/bin/clamscan', 'freshclam' => '/usr/bin/freshclam', 'gpg' => '/usr/bin/gpg', 'packager' => 'packager@egroupware.org', 'obs' => false, 'changelog' => false, // eg. '* 1. Zeile\n* 2. Zeile' for debian.changes 'changelog_packager' => 'Ralf Becker ', 'editsvnchangelog' => '* ', 'editor' => '/usr/bin/vi', 'svntag' => false, // eg. '$version.$packaging' 'skip' => array(), 'run' => array('checkout','copy','virusscan','create','sign'), 'patchCmd' => '# run cmd after copy eg. "cd $egw_buildroot; patch -p1 /path/to/patch"', ); // process config from command line $argv = $_SERVER['argv']; $prog = array_shift($argv); while(($arg = array_shift($argv))) { if ($arg == '-v' || $arg == '--verbose') { ++$verbose; } elseif($arg == '-h' || $arg == '--help') { usage(); } elseif(substr($arg,0,2) == '--' && isset($config[$name=substr($arg,2)])) { $value = array_shift($argv); switch($name) { case 'extra': // stored as array and allow to add/delete items with +/- prefix case 'types': case 'skip': case 'run': if ($value[0] == '+') { $config[$name] = array_unique(array_merge($config[$name],preg_split('/[ ,]+/',$value))); } elseif ($value[0] == '-') { $config[$name] = array_diff($config[$name],preg_split('/[ ,]+/',$value)); } else { $config[$name] = array_unique(preg_split('/[ ,]+/',$value)); } break; case 'svntag': $config[$name] = $value; array_unshift($config['run'],'svntag'); break; case 'editsvnchangelog': $config[$name] = $value ? $value : true; if (!in_array('editsvnchangelog',$config['run'])) { array_unshift($config['run'],'editsvnchangelog'); } break; case 'obs': if (!is_dir($value)) { usage("Path '$value' not found!"); } if (!in_array('obs',$config['run'])) $config['run'][] = 'obs'; // fall through default: $config[$name] = $value; break; } } else { usage("Unknown argument '$arg'!"); } } if ($verbose > 1) { echo "Using following config:\n"; print_r($config); } $svn = $config['svn']; foreach(array_diff($config['run'],$config['skip']) as $func) { call_user_func('do_'.$func); } /** * Query changelog from svn and let user edit it */ function do_editsvnchangelog() { global $config,$svn,$verbose; echo "Querying changelog from SVN\n"; if (!isset($config['modules'])) { get_modules_per_repro(); } // query changelog per repo $changelog = ''; foreach($config['modules'] as $repo => $modules) { $branch_url = ''; $revision = null; foreach($modules as $path => $url) { $module = basename($path); $burl = substr($url,0,-strlen($module)-1); if (empty($branch_url) || $burl != $branch_url) { if (empty($branch_url)) $url = $branch_url = $burl; //if (count($config['modules']) > 1) $changelog .= $url."\n"; $changelog .= get_changelog_from_svn($url,$config['editsvnchangelog'],$revision); } } } $logfile = tempnam('/tmp','checkout-build-archives'); file_put_contents($logfile,$changelog); $cmd = $config['editor'].' '.escapeshellarg($logfile); passthru($cmd); $config['changlog'] = file_get_contents($logfile); // remove trailing newlines while (substr($config['changelog'],-1) == "\n") { $config['changelog'] = substr($config['changelog'],0,-1); } // allow user to abort, by deleting the changelog if (strlen($config['changlog']) <= 2) { die("\nChangelog must not be empty --> aborting\n\n"); } } /** * Read changelog for given branch from (last) tag or given revision from svn * * @param string $branch_url='svn+ssh://svn@svn.stylite.de/egroupware/branches/Stylite-EPL-10.1' * @param string $log_pattern=null a preg regular expression or start of line a log message must match, to be returned * if regular perl regular expression given only first expression in brackets \\1 is used, * for a start of line match, only the first line is used, otherwise whole message is used * @param string $revision=null from which to HEAD the log should be retrieved, default search revision of latest tag in ^/tags * @param string $prefix='* ' prefix, which if not presend should be added to all log messages */ function get_changelog_from_svn($branch_url,$log_pattern=null,&$revision,$prefix='* ') { //echo __FUNCTION__."('$branch_url','$log_pattern','$revision','$prefix')\n"; global $config,$verbose,$svn; if (is_null($revision)) { list($tags_url,$branch) = explode('/branches/',$branch_url); $tags_url .= '/tags'; $pattern=str_replace('Stylite-EPL-10\.1',preg_quote($branch),'/tags\/(Stylite-EPL-10\.1\.\d{8})/'); $revision = get_last_svn_tag($tags_url,$pattern,$matches); $tag = $matches[1]; } elseif(!is_numeric($revision)) { $revision = get_last_svn_tag($tags_url,$tag=$revision); } $cmd = $svn.' log --xml -r '.escapeshellarg($revision.':HEAD').' '.escapeshellarg($branch_url); if (($v = $verbose)) { echo "Querying SVN for log from r$revision".($tag ? " ($tag)" : '').":\n$cmd\n"; $verbose = false; // otherwise no $output! } $output = array(); run_cmd($cmd,$output); $verbose = $v; array_shift($output); // remove the command $xml = simplexml_load_string($output=implode("\n",$output)); $message = ''; $pattern_len = strlen($log_pattern); $prefix_len = strlen($prefix); foreach($xml as $log) { $msg = $log->msg; if ($log_pattern[0] == '/' && preg_match($log_pattern,$msg,$matches)) { $msg = $matches[1]; } elseif($log_pattern && $log_pattern[0] != '/' && substr($msg,0,$pattern_len) == $log_pattern) { list($msg) = explode("\n",$msg); } elseif($log_pattern) { continue; // no match --> ignore } if ($prefix_len && substr($msg,0,$prefix_len) != $prefix) $msg = $prefix.$msg; $message .= $msg."\n"; } if ($verbose) echo $message; return $message; } /** * Get revision of last svn tag matching a given pattern in the log message * * @param string $tags_url * @param string $pattern which has to be contained in the log message (NOT the tag itself) * or (perl) regular expression against which log message is matched * @param array &$matches=null on return matches of preg_match * @return int revision of last svn tag matching pattern */ function get_last_svn_tag($tags_url,$pattern,&$matches=null) { global $config,$verbose,$svn; $cmd = $svn.' log --xml --limit 10 '.escapeshellarg($tags_url); if (($v = $verbose)) { echo "Querying SVN for last tags\n$cmd\n"; $verbose = false; // otherwise no $output! } $output = array(); run_cmd($cmd,$output); $verbose = $v; array_shift($output); // remove the command $xml = simplexml_load_string($output=implode("\n",$output)); foreach($xml as $log) { //print_r($log); if ($pattern[0] != '/' && strpos($log->msg,$pattern) !== false || $pattern[0] == '/' && preg_match($pattern,$log->msg,$matches)) { if ($verbose) echo "Revision {$log['revision']} matches".($matches?': '.$matches[1] : '')."\n"; return (int)$log['revision']; } } return null; } /** * Copy archive files to obs checkout and commit them * */ function do_obs() { global $config,$verbose; if (!is_dir($config['obs'])) { usage("Path '$config[obs]' not found!"); } if ($verbose) echo "Updating OBS checkout\n"; run_cmd('osc up '.$config['obs']); $n = 0; foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($config['obs'])) as $path) { if (basename(dirname($path)) == '.osc') continue; if (!preg_match('/\/'.preg_quote($config['packagename']).'[a-z-]*-'.preg_quote($config['version']).'/',$path)) continue; if (preg_match('/\/('.preg_quote($config['packagename']).'[a-z-]*)-'.preg_quote($config['version']).'\.[0-9]+(\.tar\.(gz|bz2))$/',$path,$matches) && file_exists($new_name=$config['sourcedir'].'/'.$matches[1].'-'.$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging'].$matches[2])) { if (basename($path) != basename($new_name)) { unlink($path); if ($verbose) echo "rm $path\n"; } copy($new_name,dirname($path).'/'.basename($new_name)); if ($verbose) echo "cp $new_name ".dirname($path)."/\n"; ++$n; } // updating dsc, spec and changelog files if (substr($path,-4) == '.dsc' || substr($path,-5) == '.spec' || !empty($config['changelog']) && basename($path) == 'debian.changes') { $content = $content_was = file_get_contents($path); if (substr($path,-4) == '.dsc' || substr($path,-5) == '.spec') { $content = preg_replace('/^Version: '.preg_quote($config['version']).'\.[0-9]+/m','Version: '.$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging'],$content); } if (substr($path,-4) == '.dsc') { $content = preg_replace('/^(Debtransform-Tar: '.preg_quote($config['packagename']).'[a-z-]*)-'. preg_quote($config['version']).'\.[0-9]+(\.tar\.(gz|bz2))$/m', '\\1-'.$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging'].'\\2',$content); } if (basename($path) == 'debian.changes' && strpos($content,$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging']) === false) { list($new_header) = explode("\n",$content); $new_header = preg_replace('/\('.preg_quote($config['version']).'.[0-9]+(.*)\)/','('.$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging'].'\\1)',$new_header); if (substr($config['changelog'],0,2) != ' ') $config['changelog'] = ' '.implode("\n ",explode("\n",$config['changelog'])); $content = $new_header."\n\n".$config['changelog']. "\n\n -- ".$config['changelog_packager'].' '.date('r')."\n\n".$content; } if (!empty($config['changelog']) && substr($path,-5) == '.spec' && ($pos_changelog = strpos($content,'%changelog')) !== false) { $pos_changelog += strlen("%changelog\n"); $content = substr($content,0,$pos_changelog).' *'.date('D M d Y').' '.$config['changelog_packager']."\n". $config['changelog']."\n".substr($content,$pos_changelog); } if ($content != $content_was) { file_put_contents($path,$content); if ($verbose) echo "Updated $path\n"; ++$n; } } } if ($n) { echo "$n files updated in OBS checkout ($config[obs]), commiting them now...\n"; //run_cmd('osc status '.$config['obs']); run_cmd('osc addremove '.$config['obs'].'/*'); run_cmd('osc commit -m '.escapeshellarg('Version: '.$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging'].":\n".$config['changelog']).' '.$config['obs']); } } /** * Sign sha1sum file */ function do_sign() { global $config,$verbose; if (substr($config['sourcedir'],0,2) == '~/') // sha1_file cant deal with '~/rpm' { $config['sourcedir'] = getenv('HOME').substr($config['sourcedir'],1); } $sumsfile = $config['sourcedir'].'/sha1sum-'.$config['packagename'].'-'.$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging'].'.txt'; if (!file_exists($sumsfile)) { echo "sha1sum file '$sumsfile' not found!\n"; return; } // signing it if (empty($config['gpg']) || !file_exists($config['gpg'])) { if (!empty($config['gpg'])) echo "{$config['gpg']} not found --> skipping signing sha1sum file!\n"; return; } echo "Signing sha1sum file:\n"; if (file_exists($sumsfile.'.asc')) unlink($sumsfile.'.asc'); $cmd = $config['gpg'].' --local-user '.$config['packager'].' --clearsign '.$sumsfile; run_cmd($cmd); unlink($sumsfile); // delete the unsigned file } /** * Create archives */ function do_create() { global $config,$verbose; if (!file_exists($config['sourcedir'])) mkdir($config['sourcedir'],0755,true); if (substr($config['sourcedir'],0,2) == '~/') // sha1_file cant deal with '~/rpm' { $config['sourcedir'] = getenv('HOME').substr($config['sourcedir'],1); } $sumsfile = $config['sourcedir'].'/sha1sum-'.$config['packagename'].'-'.$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging'].'.txt'; $sums = ''; chdir($config['egw_buildroot']); if($config['extra']) { foreach($config['extra'] as $key => $module) { if (strpos($module,'/') !== false) $config['extra'][$key] = basename($module); } $exclude_extra = ' --exclude=egroupware/'.implode(' --exclude=egroupware/',$config['extra']); } foreach($config['types'] as $type) { echo "Creating $type archives\n"; $tar_type = $type == 'tar.bz2' ? 'j' : 'z'; $file = $config['sourcedir'].'/'.$config['packagename'].'-'.$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging'].'.'.$type; switch($type) { case 'tar.bz2': case 'tar.gz': $cmd = '/bin/tar --owner=root --group=root -c'.$tar_type.'f '.$file.' '.$exclude_extra.' egroupware'; break; case 'zip': $cmd = '/bin/mv egroupware/'.implode(' egroupware/',$config['extra']).' . ;'; $cmd .= '/usr/bin/zip -q -r -9 '.$file.' egroupware ;'; $cmd .= '/bin/mv '.implode(' ',$config['extra']).' egroupware'; break; } run_cmd($cmd); $sums .= sha1_file($file)."\t".basename($file)."\n"; foreach($config['extra'] as $module) { $file = $config['sourcedir'].'/'.$config['packagename'].'-'.$module.'-'.$config['version'].'.'.$config['packaging'].'.'.$type; switch($type) { case 'tar.bz2': case 'tar.gz': $cmd = '/bin/tar --owner=root --group=root -c'.$tar_type.'f '.$file.' egroupware/'.$module; break; case 'zip': $cmd = '/usr/bin/zip -q -r -9 '.$file.' egroupware/'.$module; break; } run_cmd($cmd); $sums .= sha1_file($file)."\t".basename($file)."\n"; } } // writing sha1sum file file_put_contents($sumsfile,$sums); } /** * Scan checkout for viruses, if clamscan is installed (not fatal if not!) */ function do_virusscan() { global $config,$verbose; if (!file_exists($config['clamscan']) || !is_executable($config['clamscan'])) { echo "Virusscanner '$config[clamscan]' not found --> skipping virus scan!\n"; return; } // try updating virus database if (file_exists($config['freshclam'])) { echo "Updating virus signatures\n"; $cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo '.$config['freshclam']; if (!$verbose && function_exists('posix_getuid') && posix_getuid()) echo $cmd."\n"; run_cmd($cmd,$output,1); // 1 = ignore already up to date database } echo "Starting virusscan\n"; $cmd = $config['clamscan'].' --quiet -r '.$config['egw_buildroot']; run_cmd($cmd); echo "Virusscan successful (no viruses found).\n"; } /** * Copy non .svn parts to egw_buildroot and fix permissions and ownership */ function do_copy() { global $config; // copy everything, but .svn dirs from svndir to egw_buildroot echo "Copying non-svn dirs to buildroot\n"; $cmd = '/usr/bin/rsync -r --delete --exclude .svn '.$config['svndir'].'/'.$config['aliasdir'].' '.$config['egw_buildroot']; run_cmd($cmd); if (($cmd = $config['patchCmd']) && $cmd[0] != '#') { if (strpos($cmd,'$') !== false) // allow to use config vars like $svnbranch in module { $translate = array(); foreach($config as $name => $value) $translate['$'.$name] = $value; $cmd = strtr($cmd,$translate); } echo "Running $cmd\n"; run_cmd($cmd); } // fix permissions echo "Fixing permissions\n"; chdir($config['egw_buildroot'].'/'.$config['aliasdir']); $cmd = '/bin/chmod -R a-x,u=rwX,g=rX,o=rX .'; run_cmd($cmd); $cmd = '/bin/chmod +x */*cli.php phpgwapi/cron/*.php svn-helper.php doc/rpm-build/*.php'; run_cmd($cmd); } /** * Checkout or update EGroupware * * Ensures an existing checkout is from the correct branch! Otherwise it get's deleted */ function do_checkout() { global $config,$svn,$verbose; echo "Starting svn checkout/update\n"; if (!file_exists($config['svndir'])) { mkdir($config['svndir'],0755,true); } elseif (!is_dir($config['svndir']) || !is_writable($config['svndir'])) { throw new Exception("svn checkout directory '{$config['svndir']} exists and is NO directory or NOT writable!"); } chdir($config['svndir']); // do we use a just created tag --> list of taged modules if ($config['svntag'] && isset($config['modules'])) { if (file_exists($config['aliasdir'])) { system('/bin/rm -rf .svn '.$config['aliasdir']); // --> remove the whole checkout, as we dont implement switching tags clearstatcache(); } foreach($config['modules'] as $repo => $modules) { $cmd = $svn.' co '; foreach($modules as $path => $url) { if ($path == $config['aliasdir']) { $cmd = $svn.' co '.$repo.'/'.$config['svntag'].'/'.$path; run_cmd($cmd); chdir($path); $cmd = $svn.' co '; continue; } if(file_exists($config['aliasdir'])) { die("'egroupware' applications must be first one in externals!\n"); } $cmd .= ' '.$repo.'/'.$config['svntag'].'/'.basename($path); } run_cmd($cmd); } return; } // regular branch update, without tag $svnbranch = $config['svnbase'].'/'.$config['svnbranch']; if (file_exists($config['aliasdir'])) { // check if correct branch $cmd = 'LANG=C '.$svn.' info'; exec($cmd,$output,$ret); foreach($output as $line) { if ($ret || substr($line,0,5) == 'URL: ') { $url = substr($line,5); if ($ret || substr($url,0,strlen($svnbranch)) != $svnbranch) // wrong branch (or no svn dir) { echo "Checkout is of wrong branch --> deleting it\n"; system('/bin/rm -rf .svn '.$config['aliasdir']); // --> remove the whole checkout clearstatcache(); } break; } } } $url = $svnbranch.'/'.$config['svnalias']; $cmd = $svn.' co '.$url.' .'; run_cmd($cmd); chdir($config['aliasdir']); foreach($config['extra'] as $module) { if (strpos($module,'$') !== false) // allow to use config vars like $svnbranch in module { $translate = array(); foreach($config as $name => $value) $translate['$'.$name] = $value; $module = strtr($module,$translate); } $url = strpos($module,'://') === false ? $svnbranch.'/' : ''; $url .= $module; $cmd = $svn.' co '.$url; run_cmd($cmd); } } /** * Get module name per svn repro * * @return array with $repro_url => array(module1, ..., moduleN) pairs */ function get_modules_per_repro() { global $config,$svn,$verbose; $translate = array(); foreach($config as $name => $value) $translate['$'.$name] = $value; // process alias/externals $svnbranch = $config['svnbase'].'/'.$config['svnbranch']; $url = $svnbranch.'/'.$config['svnalias']; $cmd = $svn.' propget svn:externals --strict '.$url; if ($verbose) echo $cmd."\n"; exec($cmd,$output,$ret); $config['modules'] = array(); foreach($output as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (empty($line) || $line[0] == '#') continue; list($path,$url) = preg_split('/[ \t\r\n]+/',$line); if (!preg_match('/([a-z+]+:\/\/[a-z@.]+\/[a-z]+)\/(branches|tags|trunk)/',$url,$matches)) die("Invalid SVN URL: $url\n"); $repo = $matches[1]; if ($repo == 'http://svn.egroupware.org/egroupware') $repo = 'svn+ssh://svn@dev.egroupware.org/egroupware'; $config['modules'][$repo][$path] = $url; } // process extra modules foreach($config['extra'] as $module) { if (strpos($module,'$') !== false) // allow to use config vars like $svnbranch in module { $module = strtr($module,$translate); } $url = strpos($module,'://') === false ? $svnbranch.'/' : ''; $url .= $module; if (strpos($module,'://') !== false) $module = basename($module); if (!preg_match('/([a-z+]+:\/\/[a-z@.]+\/[a-z]+)\/(branches|tags|trunk)/',$url,$matches)) die("Invalid SVN URL: $url\n"); $repo = $matches[1]; if ($repo == 'http://svn.egroupware.org/egroupware') $repo = 'svn+ssh://svn@dev.egroupware.org/egroupware'; $config['modules'][$repo][$config['aliasdir'].'/'.$module] = $url; } return $config['modules']; } /** * Create svn tag or branch */ function do_svntag() { global $config,$svn,$verbose; $translate = array(); foreach($config as $name => $value) $translate['$'.$name] = $value; if (strpos($config['svntag'],'$') !== false) // allow to use config vars like $version in tag { $config['svntag'] = strtr($config['svntag'],$translate); } echo "Creating SVN tag $config[svntag]\n"; if (!isset($config['modules'])) { get_modules_per_repro(); } // create tags (per repo) foreach($config['modules'] as $repo => $modules) { $cmd = $svn.' cp --parents -m '.escapeshellarg('Creating '.$config['svntag']).' '.implode(' ',$modules).' '.$repo.'/'.$config['svntag'].'/'; run_cmd($cmd); } } /** * Runs given shell command, exists with error-code after echoing the output of the failed command (if not already running verbose) * * @param string $cmd * @param array &$output=null $output of command, only if !$verbose !!! * @param int|array $no_bailout=null exit code(s) to NOT bail out * @return int exit code of $cmd */ function run_cmd($cmd,array &$output=null,$no_bailout=null) { global $verbose; if ($verbose) { echo $cmd."\n"; system($cmd,$ret); } else { $output[] = $cmd; exec($cmd,$output,$ret); } if ($ret && !in_array($ret,(array)$no_bailout)) { if (!$verbose) echo implode("\n",$output)."\n"; throw new Exception("Error during '$cmd' --> aborting",$ret); } return $ret; } /** * Give usage information and an optional error-message, before stoping program execution with exit-code 90 or 0 * * @param string $error=null optional error-message */ function usage($error=null) { global $prog,$config; echo "Usage: $prog [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [options, ...]\n\n"; echo "options and their defaults:\n"; foreach($config as $name => $default) { if (is_array($default)) $default = implode(' ',$default); echo '--'.str_pad($name,20).$default."\n"; } if ($error) { echo "$error\n\n"; exit(90); } exit(0); }