//v.2.6 build 100722 /* Copyright DHTMLX LTD. http://www.dhtmlx.com You allowed to use this component or parts of it under GPL terms To use it on other terms or get Professional edition of the component please contact us at sales@dhtmlx.com */ /** * @desc: constructor, data processor object * @param: serverProcessorURL - url used for update * @type: public */ function dataProcessor(serverProcessorURL){ this.serverProcessor = serverProcessorURL; this.action_param="!nativeeditor_status"; this.object = null; this.updatedRows = []; //ids of updated rows this.autoUpdate = true; this.updateMode = "cell"; this._tMode="GET"; this.post_delim = "_"; this._waitMode=0; this._in_progress={};//? this._invalid={}; this.mandatoryFields=[]; this.messages=[]; this.styles={ updated:"font-weight:bold;", inserted:"font-weight:bold;", deleted:"text-decoration : line-through;", invalid:"background-color:FFE0E0;", invalid_cell:"border-bottom:2px solid red;", error:"color:red;", clear:"font-weight:normal;text-decoration:none;" }; this.enableUTFencoding(true); dhtmlxEventable(this); return this; } dataProcessor.prototype={ /** * @desc: select GET or POST transaction model * @param: mode - GET/POST * @param: total - true/false - send records row by row or all at once (for grid only) * @type: public */ setTransactionMode:function(mode,total){ this._tMode=mode; this._tSend=total; }, escape:function(data){ if (this._utf) return encodeURIComponent(data); else return escape(data); }, /** * @desc: allows to set escaping mode * @param: true - utf based escaping, simple - use current page encoding * @type: public */ enableUTFencoding:function(mode){ this._utf=convertStringToBoolean(mode); }, /** * @desc: allows to define, which column may trigger update * @param: val - array or list of true/false values * @type: public */ setDataColumns:function(val){ this._columns=(typeof val == "string")?val.split(","):val; }, /** * @desc: get state of updating * @returns: true - all in sync with server, false - some items not updated yet. * @type: public */ getSyncState:function(){ return !this.updatedRows.length; }, /** * @desc: enable/disable named field for data syncing, will use column ids for grid * @param: mode - true/false * @type: public */ enableDataNames:function(mode){ this._endnm=convertStringToBoolean(mode); }, /** * @desc: enable/disable mode , when only changed fields and row id send to the server side, instead of all fields in default mode * @param: mode - true/false * @type: public */ enablePartialDataSend:function(mode){ this._changed=convertStringToBoolean(mode); }, /** * @desc: set if rows should be send to server automaticaly * @param: mode - "row" - based on row selection changed, "cell" - based on cell editing finished, "off" - manual data sending * @type: public */ setUpdateMode:function(mode,dnd){ this.autoUpdate = (mode=="cell"); this.updateMode = mode; this.dnd=dnd; }, ignore:function(code,master){ this._silent_mode=true; code.call(master||window); this._silent_mode=false; }, /** * @desc: mark row as updated/normal. check mandatory fields,initiate autoupdate (if turned on) * @param: rowId - id of row to set update-status for * @param: state - true for "updated", false for "not updated" * @param: mode - update mode name * @type: public */ setUpdated:function(rowId,state,mode){ if (this._silent_mode) return; var ind=this.findRow(rowId); mode=mode||"updated"; var existing = this.obj.getUserData(rowId,this.action_param); if (existing && mode == "updated") mode=existing; if (state){ this.set_invalid(rowId,false); //clear previous error flag this.updatedRows[ind]=rowId; this.obj.setUserData(rowId,this.action_param,mode); if (this._in_progress[rowId]) this._in_progress[rowId]="wait"; } else{ if (!this.is_invalid(rowId)){ this.updatedRows.splice(ind,1); this.obj.setUserData(rowId,this.action_param,""); } } //clear changed flag if (!state) this._clearUpdateFlag(rowId); this.markRow(rowId,state,mode); if (state && this.autoUpdate) this.sendData(rowId); }, _clearUpdateFlag:function(id){}, markRow:function(id,state,mode){ var str=""; var invalid=this.is_invalid(id); if (invalid){ str=this.styles[invalid]; state=true; } if (this.callEvent("onRowMark",[id,state,mode,invalid])){ //default logic str=this.styles[state?mode:"clear"]+str; this.obj[this._methods[0]](id,str); if (invalid && invalid.details){ str+=this.styles[invalid+"_cell"]; for (var i=0; i < invalid.details.length; i++) if (invalid.details[i]) this.obj[this._methods[1]](id,i,str); } } }, getState:function(id){ return this.obj.getUserData(id,this.action_param); }, is_invalid:function(id){ return this._invalid[id]; }, set_invalid:function(id,mode,details){ if (details) mode={value:mode, details:details, toString:function(){ return this.value.toString(); }}; this._invalid[id]=mode; }, /** * @desc: check mandatory fields and varify values of cells, initiate update (if specified) * @param: rowId - id of row to set update-status for * @type: public */ checkBeforeUpdate:function(rowId){ return true; }, /** * @desc: send row(s) values to server * @param: rowId - id of row which data to send. If not specified, then all "updated" rows will be send * @type: public */ sendData:function(rowId){ if (this._waitMode && (this.obj.mytype=="tree" || this.obj._h2)) return; if (this.obj.editStop) this.obj.editStop(); if(typeof rowId == "undefined" || this._tSend) return this.sendAllData(); if (this._in_progress[rowId]) return false; this.messages=[]; if (!this.checkBeforeUpdate(rowId) && this.callEvent("onValidatationError",[rowId,this.messages])) return false; this._beforeSendData(this._getRowData(rowId),rowId); }, _beforeSendData:function(data,rowId){ if (!this.callEvent("onBeforeUpdate",[rowId,this.getState(rowId),data])) return false; this._sendData(data,rowId); }, serialize:function(data, id){ if (typeof id != "undefined") return this.serialize_one(data,""); else{ var stack = []; var keys = []; for (var key in data) if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)){ stack.push(this.serialize_one(data[key],key+this.post_delim)); keys.push(key); } stack.push("ids="+this.escape(keys.join(","))); return stack.join("&"); } }, serialize_one:function(data, pref){ if (typeof data == "string") return data; var stack = []; for (var key in data) if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) stack.push(this.escape((pref||"")+key)+"="+this.escape(data[key])); return stack.join("&"); }, _sendData:function(a1,rowId){ if (!a1) return; //nothing to send if (!this.callEvent("onBeforeDataSending",rowId?[rowId,this.getState(rowId),a1]:[null, null, a1])) return false; if (rowId) this._in_progress[rowId]=(new Date()).valueOf(); var a2=new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(this.afterUpdate,this,true); var a3 = this.serverProcessor+(this._user?(getUrlSymbol(this.serverProcessor)+["dhx_user="+this._user,"dhx_version="+this.obj.getUserData(0,"version")].join("&")):""); if (this._tMode!="POST") a2.loadXML(a3+((a3.indexOf("?")!=-1)?"&":"?")+this.serialize(a1,rowId)); else a2.loadXML(a3,true,this.serialize(a1)); this._waitMode++; }, sendAllData:function(){ if (!this.updatedRows.length) return; this.messages=[]; var valid=true; for (var i=0; i