* * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ if ($submit || $AddVcard) { $phpgw_info['flags'] = array( 'noheader' => True, 'nonavbar' => True ); } $phpgw_info['flags']['currentapp'] = 'addressbook'; $phpgw_info['flags']['enable_contacts_class'] = True; $phpgw_info['flags']['enable_config_class'] = True; $phpgw_info['flags']['enable_country_class'] = True; include('../header.inc.php'); $t = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',PHPGW_APP_TPL); $t->set_file(array('add' => 'add.tpl')); $this = CreateObject('phpgwapi.contacts'); // Read in user custom fields, if any $phpgw->preferences->read_repository(); $customfields = array(); while (list($col,$descr) = @each($phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['addressbook'])) { if ( substr($col,0,6) == 'extra_' ) { $field = ereg_replace('extra_','',$col); $field = ereg_replace(' ','_',$field); $customfields[$field] = ucfirst($field); } } if ($AddVcard) { Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/addressbook/vcardin.php')); } else if ($add_email) { $named = explode(' ', $name); for ($i=count($named);$i>=0;$i--) { $names[$i] = $named[$i]; } if ($names[2]) { $fields['n_given'] = $names[0]; $fields['n_middle'] = $names[1]; $fields['n_family'] = $names[2]; } else { $fields['n_given'] = $names[0]; $fields['n_family'] = $names[1]; } $fields['email'] = $add_email; addressbook_form('','add.php','Add',$fields,'',$cat_id); } else if (!$submit && !$add_email) { // Default addressbook_form("","add.php","Add","",$customfields,$cat_id); } elseif ($submit && $fields) { // This came from the view form, Copy entry $extrafields = array( 'ophone' => 'ophone', 'address2' => 'address2', 'address3' => 'address3' ); $qfields = $this->stock_contact_fields + $extrafields + $customfields; $addnew = unserialize(rawurldecode($fields)); $addnew['note'] .= "\nCopied from ".$phpgw->accounts->id2name($addnew['owner']).", record #".$addnew['id']."."; $addnew['owner'] = $phpgw_info['user']['account_id']; $addnew['id'] = ''; if ($addnew['tid']) { addressbook_add_entry($addnew['owner'],$addnew,'','',$addnew['tid']); } else { addressbook_add_entry($addnew['owner'],$addnew); } $fields = addressbook_read_last_entry($qfields); $newid = $fields[0]['id']; Header("Location: " . $phpgw->link('/addressbook/edit.php',"ab_id=$newid&order=$order&sort=$sort&filter=$filter&start=$start&query=$query&cat_id=$cat_id")); } else { if (!$bday_month && !$bday_day && !$bday_year) { $bday = ''; } else { if (strlen ($bday_day) == 1) { $bday_day = '0' . $bday_day; } $bday = "$bday_month/$bday_day/$bday_year"; } if ($url == "http://") { $url = ""; } $fields['org_name'] = $company; $fields['org_unit'] = $department; $fields['n_given'] = $firstname; $fields['n_family'] = $lastname; $fields['n_middle'] = $middle; $fields['n_prefix'] = $prefix; $fields['n_suffix'] = $suffix; if ($prefix) { $pspc = ' '; } if ($middle) { $mspc = ' '; } else { $nspc = ' '; } if ($suffix) { $sspc = ' '; } $fields['fn'] = $prefix.$pspc.$firstname.$nspc.$mspc.$middle.$mspc.$lastname.$sspc.$suffix; $fields['email'] = $email; $fields['email_type'] = $email_type; $fields['email_home'] = $hemail; $fields['email_home_type'] = $hemail_type; $fields['title'] = $title; $fields['tel_work'] = $wphone; $fields['tel_home'] = $hphone; $fields['tel_fax'] = $fax; $fields['tel_pager'] = $pager; $fields['tel_cell'] = $mphone; $fields['tel_msg'] = $msgphone; $fields['tel_car'] = $carphone; $fields['tel_video'] = $vidphone; $fields['tel_isdn'] = $isdnphone; $fields['adr_one_street'] = $bstreet; $fields['adr_one_locality'] = $bcity; $fields['adr_one_region'] = $bstate; $fields['adr_one_postalcode'] = $bzip; $fields['adr_one_countryname'] = $bcountry; reset($this->adr_types); $typed = ''; while (list($type,$val) = each($this->adr_types)) { $ftype = 'one_'.$type; eval("if (\$\$ftype=='on'\) { \$typed \.= \$type\.';'; }"); } $fields['adr_one_type'] = substr($typed,0,-1); $fields['address2'] = $address2; $fields['address3'] = $address3; $fields['adr_two_street'] = $hstreet; $fields['adr_two_locality'] = $hcity; $fields['adr_two_region'] = $hstate; $fields['adr_two_postalcode'] = $hzip; $fields['adr_two_countryname'] = $hcountry; reset($this->adr_types); $typed = ''; while (list($type,$val) = each($this->adr_types)) { $ftype = 'two_'.$type; eval("if \(\$\$ftype=='on'\) { \$typed \.= \$type\.';'; }"); } $fields['adr_two_type'] = substr($typed,0,-1); reset($customfields); while (list($name,$val) = each($customfields)) { $cust = ''; eval("if (\$name\) { \$cust \.= \$\$name; }"); if ($cust) { $fields[$name] = $cust; } } $fields['ophone'] = $ophone; $fields['tz'] = $timezone; $fields['bday'] = $bday; $fields['url'] = $url; $fields['pubkey'] = $pubkey; $fields['note'] = $notes; $fields['label'] = $label; if ($access == True) { $fields['access'] = 'private'; } else { $fields['access'] = 'public'; } $fields["cat_id"] = $cat_id; addressbook_add_entry($phpgw_info['user']['account_id'],$fields,$fields['access'],$fields['cat_id']); $ab_id = addressbook_get_lastid(); $referer = urlencode($referer); Header("Location: " . $phpgw->link("/addressbook/view.php","ab_id=$ab_id&order=$order&sort=$sort&filter=$filter&start=$start&cat_id=$cat_id&referer=$referer")); $phpgw->common->phpgw_exit(); } $t->set_var('ab_id',$ab_id); $t->set_var('sort',$sort); $t->set_var('order',$order); $t->set_var('filter',$filter); $t->set_var('query',$query); $t->set_var('start',$start); $t->set_var('cat_id',$cat_id); $t->set_var('lang_ok',lang('ok')); $t->set_var('lang_clear',lang('clear')); $t->set_var('lang_cancel',lang('cancel')); $t->set_var('cancel_url',$phpgw->link('/addressbook/index.php')); $t->parse('out','add'); $t->pparse('out','add'); $phpgw->common->phpgw_footer(); ?>